What Natasha Oleg Miami devoted to the clip. Oleg Miami spun a new novel with the famous leading

What Natasha Oleg Miami devoted to the clip. Oleg Miami spun a new novel with the famous leading
What Natasha Oleg Miami devoted to the clip. Oleg Miami spun a new novel with the famous leading

Real name - Oleg Krivikov. According to Oleg himself, he chose the "Miami's pseudonym" because of the special love for Miami and the dream of all his life - to live and work there.

Born on November 21, 1990 in the beautiful city of Yekaterinburg. From an early age, the boy was distinguished by a bold character, young Oleg did not hesitate to demonstrate his extravagance. At the same time, he was a very diligent student, and was considered one of the best in his class. In addition, the boy from childhood was fond of singing and dancing, which influenced his further life.

After graduating from an excellent certificate, Oleg enters the medical faculty and mastering the specialty of the dentist. It was his parents's dream. However, this is not at all what attracted a talented young man - a white robe he would change with great pleasure to the stage microphone. As a result, Oleg throws the institute and immersed in the nightlife of the city. Parties, business meetings with mastitis people from show business lead to the fact that the guy starts the necessary dating and begins to actively starve in commercials and telecasts. In addition, Oleg Miami began to actively speak with his songs on all sorts of corporate events.

Personal life of Oleg Miami

Oleg - the guy is quite young, and has not yet acquired a legitimate wife and children. He is actively looking for his second half.

Oleg's personal life has become public attention in the spring of 2011, when the guy got on the youth teleposition "House 2" on the TNT channel. For the heart of the young handsome, many girls fought, and he became one of the most enviable grooms of Russia.

His chosen was Oksana Rasky. The girl conquered a young man, but after a short time, young people broke up because of too different characters.

After parting from Oxana Royas, Oleg found it to replace the other Oksana, Strunkina. A wrought-down girl soon tired of a guy with his regular hysterics and clarifications of relations, and the couple also diverged.

Young Lovelace quickly switched attention to Valery Masterko, while simultaneously flirting with one of the charming teleprint twins - Katya Kolisnichenko. It was with her Oleg who went to the wedding of Sisters Kati - Yulia. In addition to the honorable guest, Oleg at the wedding became a coordinating event, and also performed several of his songs for guests of newlyweds.

In the fall of 2012, Oleg's heart conquered the beauty of Varvara Tretyakov, who became a new participant of the TV project "House 2". For her attention, many guys "House of Love" fought, but she preferred Oleg Miami. The attitude of the young couple lasted long enough, Oleg and Varbar became one of the brightest pairs of the telegraph. However, this relationship was destined to end.

Interesting facts from Oleg Miami's public life

His story on the TV project "House 2", Oleg graduated quite scandalous. In February 2013, Dasha Frolova became a new participant of "House 2". The girl initially had a bad relationship with Oleg - regular clashes, quarrels and scandals against the background of mutual dislike to each other. Ultimately, it led to the scuffle. Oleg once again did not restrain the emotions and splashed in the face of the girl a chemical solution. The consequences of this act were serious - Darius had to call an ambulance. The girl was taken to the hospital and for a long time they led her states to normal. Daria decided not to leave Oleg's wrongdoing unpunished, and put it before the choice - either he leaves the TV project, or she taught him to court. TNT TV channel made a decision for Oleg, the guy was removed from the ether and sent home.

Separately, it is worth noting that his girl Varvara Tretyakov, who has already been enough for a long time in warm relationships with Oleg, refused to leave for him. Such an ugly outcome ended one of the most beautiful love stories on the TV project "House 2".

For many fans, there will be a very interesting news that at the moment Oleg meets in the new star "House 2" - co-host Olga Basova and Ksenia Borodina, the beauty of Katya Juge.

Also, many fans of Oleg sympathizes the warm friendship of the guy with Olga Seryabkina, the soloist of the Silver group. The guys met a few years ago, working at one recording studio, and since then Oleg and Olga close friends, to the joy of numerous fans.

Creative path of Oleg Miami

After nationwide love, a former member of the "House 2" decided to continue to delight the fans of his talent. He managed to get under the guardianship of Max Fadeev himself, which since the 90s is one of the mastitious people in the world of music show business. By signing the contract, Fadeev began for the promotion of Oleg Miami. However, the expectations were not justified, and the hero of the maiden dreams was not demanded on the stage. In 2014, Fadeev ruined the contract with young giving.

It did not stop the guy, and he continued to break into the scene. He produces solo songs, as well as several joint projects (for example, with glucose and Julia Savicheva). Oleg also decided to try to try in a singular competition "Voice", and it falls first to the team to Gregory Leps, and then Rapper Basta takes him to him. By paying attention to Oleg's desire to fame, Max Fadeev in 2015 signs a new contract with Miami.

For this Oleg, in addition to musical activity, takes an active part in the humorous "Hacha Diary". "Hacha's Diary" is a blog on the YouTube channel, which has global popularity among virtual network lovers. In addition, Oleg Miami is a popular DJ in Moscow nightclubs.

Despite all the difficulties and peripetics of life, Oleg Miami moves only forward!

Oleg Miami, a former member of the recent meeting, is increasingly spending time with the famous leading program "Eagle and Rushki" Nastya Ivlev. For the past two years, she met with the artist Arseny Borodin, and fans expected that they would already go to the registry office, but instead, on the pages of Nastya herself and Miami began to appear joint photos and videos.

The popular executor and the ex-participant of the reality show Oleg Miami became more and more time to spend together with Nastya Ivelava. Surrounded by couples, it is said that Ivelev initiated a gap with the arsion of Borodin, with whom she met for two years and could even go under the crown.

However, the girl decided to take the risk of established and stable relations for the sake of Oleg, famous for the project, as one of the most important loving of the show. By the way, quite recently, the guy did not advertise an intrigue from the leading cata site of Juju, but she did everything herself, and the paparazzi caught up for a kiss.

The guy spent on the project for almost a year and during this time managed to be surrounded in turns of all the well-known participants of the time. He actively started the novels, and then no less effectively interrupted relations for various reasons from Katya Kolisnichenko, Vary Tretyakova, Leroy Masterko
and Oxana Rock.

Oleg Miami // Photo: Instagram

"Subbal this Miami is still on the project. I did not expect that Ivereva such a fool, "" Nastya always considered a smart girl, watched her transfer with interest, read her posts in Instagram, and always admired. I do not understand how she could throw Borodin for the sake of the guy, "having embarrassing" every second on the project and beyond ", - users are surprised.

Indeed, the feats of Miami project did not end. After leaving him after a fight with a new member, Miami fell into the field of view of Max Fadeev, with whom she began quite fruitful cooperation. In addition to the successful solo career, he managed to seek the attention of the personalities known in the show-book, like Olga Seriabkina and Natalia Rudova.

Oleg Miami (26) became famous after the show "Voice" two years ago. Then three of the four mentors turned to him - only Gradsky retained. Now he continues to engage in music (Oleg is signed on Malfa Maximal Music Label), and also participates in the "Diary Khacha" project. And he is still alone! About how to conquer his heart, he told Peopletalk.

I was born in the Magadan region, in the village of Tent. For about six years I lived there and, honestly, I remember little. The only memories that I have left is the road from home to kindergarten and the fact that we had a dog that was once bitten. And when I was seven, the parents bought a house in Yekaterinburg, and we moved there.

Sweetshot, Forever 21; T-shirt, Topman; jeans, guess; Sneakers Eleventy

I have always been active, loved to participate in events, was leading, sang in contests for my school, and also participated in sports competitions. It seems to me that the main thing is to participate, emotions and experience, and far from victory. Your whole victory is inside you. And first of all, it is necessary to prove something.

Years at eight I began to make music on my own - vocals and solfeggio, not a music school. But I always understood that I want to become an artist.

I have always had a tense relationship at school - both with guys and girls. I was the ballobs and ramp. I offended someone constantly, fought often. In general, there was little pleasant at school. ( Smiles.) I remember some "disassembly." So now I am careful, especially in relations with people. I still have few friends: I don't let me up.

After school, I entered the Medical Institute for the dentist. Mom inspired me that if I go to theatrical, I will work clown on children's holidays. And it was deposited in my head. So I listened to my mother and entered the dentist. I really have a locality and ability to this. But I chose it all the same scene - the microphone was relative to me than Bormina. Then I started living alone in our private rustic house - there is almost no one in the winter there. I treated the stove, walked for water - I had such Spartan conditions. We needed money, and I began to work. And then I moved to Moscow: led the event and sang in restaurants.

Sweetshot, Forever 21; T-shirt, Topman; bomber, reserved; T-shirt, jeans, topman; Sneakers, Eleventy

Then I decided to try my hand at the show "Voice": I understood that for a good start, a large-scale site is needed to a huge audience. As a result, I sang on the blind auditions the song of this love group Maroon 5 and got into the team to Gregory Leps, and then to Baste. But dropped out, without reaching the final.

With Maxim Fadeev, I began to cooperate absolutely by chance. Maxim Aleksandrovich saw my speech and invited him to the office. He talked to me personally, asked a few questions about my work, asked how I came to music, and suggested me to sign a contract. This story is similar to the plot of some film, but it is true. Sometimes, if you want very much, dreams begin to come true.

Now I am not only engaged in music, but also starring in the Khacha Diary project with Amiran Sardarov and T-Killah. With Amiran, I met when I worked at the restaurant art director. He shot a video on his camera when he came to us. No one seriously perceived him, and I, among other things. But then he sent the camera at me, and I said, "Hello everyone, I Oleg, director of this cafe." And from now on, we made friends, began to shared the video blog. "Hacha's diary" is Live, this is my life, we are there such as it really is. Hope our project will last and live as long as possible.

I, of course, have a lot of plans: I want to become world famous, to become famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. Let's see, life is long and unpredictable. While everything is well. The main thing is to work a lot and not stop.

I am looking for a "superdevushka". For me, the ideal is the one with which you are comfortable and which is suitable for you in nature. I like the same as me, - awesome, charismatic, emotional. And I do not like simple girls, and I'm not looking for. I need hot in good sense of the word. It should be sexual - and outwardly, and internally. Well-groomed, beautiful, perhaps a little Asian, dim. Need exotic. ( Smiles.)

I believe that every man should take care of the girl. At least minimal attention signs. For a man, this should be the norm. And in general, men are usually looking for such girls who would like to care for. Because today there are so many girls who are ready to surrender. And this is not interesting. This "predator" is never attracted, but only repels.

Oleg Miami is a charismatic personality, a talented singer, a peculiar lead, a unique artist, a member of the music teleconcurs, "", which has reached the quarterfinal, and the scandalous character of the Reality show "Dom-2".

Oleg, as a merchant and Balagura, manage to turn his life into a solid show and a bright competition. It has a lot of talents, but until the peak of his glory has reached. He tried himself in the model business, on television, participated in the clips, was recorded as a performer of the songs. Fans of curvacres are known under the pseudonym Miami. Such a nickname arose after the young man understood that he was dreaming with rest on the coast of the American resort town. While his dream is far from execution, but he believes that everything will happen as he wants.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Krivikov was born in the Magadan region in the village of Tent. Later, the family moved to the Urals, in Yekaterinburg. His birth date - November 21, 1990. Early childhood and school years Talented boy spent in his hometown. Oleg has never been quietly in character and always distinguished by artistry and extravagant. He was not lost in the crowd, and was an active child who declared himself in dance art and music. Krivikov wished and hoped to become famous, relying on the possibility of his voice.

The guy ends up a school with excellent estimates and, as the most diligent boy who is not able to upset his parents, listens to the instructions of the Father and Mother and enters the Faculty of Dentistry. But such activities did not interest him at all. He got used to bright life, and not to work in a white coat. The young man did not finish the Higher Educational Institution and, throwing everything, went to look for happiness in the capital of Russia.

Moscow had to work well in order not to depend on relatives. Oleg was taken for holding weddings and parties, worked as a singer, starred in commercials.

"House 2"

Oleg Miami's star biography began with a scandalous TV project "Dom-2", which at the same time brought the future musician popularity, and questioned the further career outside the reality show. With the fact that the transfer eventually allowed the name Oleg Miami to stay on his hearing, the show awarded him with bad glory, which unrequisitely follows all the "graduates" of telestroy, since "Dom-2" in itself enjoys the glory of the superficial television.

In March 2011, the young man falls on the House-2 television project, where he lasted only 20 days. From the first time, a pretty blond with an athletic figure (Oleg's growth is 181 cm when weighing 78 kg) could not gain a guarantee and build relationships that would attract TV viewers. With a reality show, it is expelled according to the results of the voting. But this does not stop Oleg, and he comes to a television project for the second time. Returned on June 6, 2012.

In February 2013, Oleg left the TNT television platform. He was asked to go after an unpleasant dispute with a girl.

For 8 months of stay on the project, Oleg Miami "built love" with two girls who left warm memories in his soul.


After the scandalous departure of Oleg Miami from the Dom-2 project began his life outside the show. The former reality hero stayed in Moscow to become a new star show business under the eye. The famous producer has invested a lot of means and strength in the promotion of Oleg, but then it was not possible to achieve a spectator admiration.

Oleg Miami was filmed in the clips, developed his vocal data. The first event in his creative career was the recording of the song "Farewell, my love", then the track "Tie me" was presented. At the next stage of its development, a former participant "House-2" was seen at Big Love Show, where his duet shed.

Also during this period another composition appeared performed by Oleg Miami - "unforgettable".

The artist struggled to take part high under the leadership of Max Fadeev. The young man made an excellent company, playing in her clip "Why" a passionate in love.

Oleg Miami and glitch "Oza - Why

However, no creative projects have led Oleg Miami to the expected glory. Therefore, Max Fadeev had to stop to find the right way to move towards a successful future.

In 2014, Producer Rodorg Contract with the ward. Oleg is a talented singer, but the past "House-2" constantly stretches for him, and even such a master as Maxim Fadeev can do anything with it. Whatever graduates of the realistic show, they cause distrust and negative emotions.

In 2015, the Russian producer of Fadeev restored the contract with Miami, and immediately appeared a new clip of the ex-participant of the "Dom-2" show "Baby".

Oleg Miami - Baby

At the moment, Max sees in Oleg ascending star and makes huge bets on him.


In September 2015, the fourth season of the "Voice" music project began to be published on the first channel. Oleg Miami appeared on the show on the fifth week "blind listening." The singer performed the hit "This love", which is in the original sing, Jesse Carmichael, Michael Madden, James Valentine and Ryan Dusick. Oleg Miami's speech liked the members of the jury, and the musician initially got into the team.

Oleg Miami - "This Love" ("Blind listening")

Like other participants in the transfer, Oleg gave a mini interview about his own hobbies. The singer told that he learns to play the piano and loves to swim, and also sees himself in the future of the TV presenter.

Oleg Miami lost in the "duel". The musician performed the composition "Wrap" together with the opponent. By decision, Grigoria Leps, the singer was supposed to leave the project, but Oleg saved another member of the jury - rapper.

Armen Avjan and Oleg Miami - "Wrap" ("fights")

In the "knockouts", Oleg, who spent already in the team Basta, won. The musician performed the song "Silk Heart" of the authorship of Konstantin Arsenhev, which Paul Titov sings in the original, better known as Pascal. The rival Miami in this round became Gabriella Silva, who made the composition of Jezebel.

Oleg Miami passed to the quarterfinal. The musician performed the song "Living in Kayf", but dropped out after this competition. From serving with Oleg Troika in the semifinals, Maria Eronyan was held with the song "Harlequin".

Oleg Miami - "live in a buzz" ("quarterfinals")

Ultimately, the winner of the fourth season of the music teleconception "Voice" was Hieromona from Grigory Lepsa.


At one time, the performer was popular as a participant in the Khacha Diary Video Block, which earns Millionnaire views on YouTube. Lifted blog was created by the type of series from the life of friends. Three young men became the main participants of the video -, Oleg Miami and Alexander Tarasov, famous for the pseudonym.

During the ether, the artist tried to surprise the public with non-standard actions: he jumped from Tarzanka, participated in parachuts, tried himself in extreme sports. Together with his comrades, football matches attended and traveled around the world.

In 2016, Oleg Miami presented 3 new compositions: "Re-", "Stay" and "Brother, give a bit", which was recorded together with the project "Hacha Diary". Subsequently, all three songs were released in the form of music clips.

In December 2016, Oleg Miami gave a concert in St. Petersburg in the "West Hall".

Oleg Miami - "If you are with me"

On April 22, 2017, a solo concert of the musician was held in Moscow in the "Red" club, the guests of which were other heroes of the popular blog: Tequila (T-Killah) and Amiran Sardarov. In the same year, the singer visited the Muz-TV Prize, after which the "Diary Khacha" released a mini-clip dedicated to the award.

Then the musician recorded the song "Your Dream" together with T-Killah. Also in 2017, the musician presented the song "You Wind, I Water". In July, the premiere of a musical video on this composition took place. After that, the MUZ-TV channel organized a video chat with Oleg Miami as part of the video photochaty project with the stars.

Oleg Miami - you wind i'm water

In the fall, Oleg Miami officially announced the termination of cooperation with Amiran Sardarov. One of the reasons for leaving the project, the artist called the desire to give all the time the solo musical career and start recording the studio album. The fans expressed suspicion that the Black Cat was running between friends and they decided to take a pause in joint work.

Oleg Miami can be found in the club "House Karaoke from Tigran", where the musician works for the DJ console. Also, the singer appears on the scene of other clubs in Moscow, where he performs with concerts.

Personal life

Oleg has not yet created a family with official wife and children. He still remembers the first unsuccessful attempt to coach with an excellent blonde, which ended with a gap due to misunderstanding and scandals.

At "House-2", a young man tried to establish a personal life with several charming participants of the TNT television project. During the first stay in the show, Oleg ties relations with, but everything breaks down after the girl poured him in the face of hot tea. According to the results of the voting, the Men "House-2" closes all doors to the show for Miami. During this period, Oleg breaks her neck and communicates with the world through social networks.

In the summer of 2012, he returns to the project and begins new love relations with Katya Kolesnichenko. Nothing happens. Oleg gives the will his desires and invites you to an intimate date. The next passion of the participant reality becomes. However, the young man gives all the secrets of the girl, which is the reason for her care. In the arms of Oleg visited and Vary Tretyakov, and Katya Zhuzh. Miami loses love, then again it finds in her previous persons.

After a second leaving with a reality show, a young man, according to media report, tried to find mutual understanding with from the group "". However, according to the pair itself, they were associated only friendly relations.

Oleg Miami now

In August 2017, rumors appeared that Oleg Miami came down again with a former girl -. Miami and Zhuzha, both people from "House 2" have already met for 5 years. After Katya and Oleg diverged, everyone began to build a new relationship. The girl began to meet with a widow, and Miami spun a novel with Olga Seriabquina. But fans hoped for the early reunion of lovers.

On August 3, 2017, Oleg Miami published an intriguing photo on the "Instagram" page, where the naked singer hugged a mysterious brunette. Subscribers identified Katya in an unknown girl, and paparazzi was photographed on the same day a hugging and kissing couple at the Moscow airport. Oleg Miami accompanied Katya Juju in Dubai, where the girl flew along with her daughter. At the same time, neither Oleg nor Katya commented on reunion.

In the fall, there was information that the girl of Oleg became another star "Instagram" - a blogger. Together, young people appeared in the video on the song "If you are with me," where Anastasia performed a major role. A couple of months after the appearance on the Miami screen, he recorded public recognition in love for a bright blonde. Roman gained strength.

Already in March 2018, the fans of bloggers learned about their parting. Miami called the occasion of the employment of both artists. The Nastya had to completely devote himself to the new project of the Travel Show "". Oleg did not cope with long separation periods. Soon the singer intrigued the audience a message about a new girl, whose name chose to hide. But judging by the comments on social networks - the artist again occurs with the soloist of the group.

Now Oleg Miami is considered one of the successful ex-participants of "House-2", its concerts are assessed in the amount of at least 500 thousand rubles. In collaboration with the label Maxim Fadeeva Malfa in July, he released a track and a clip to the song "closer".

Oleg Miami - closer (premiere of the clip 2018)

In the summer, Miami visited the city of Reutov, where, together with the singer and the group, spoke at the Festival "Music and Summer Paints", appeared in Voronezh at the opening of the Twenty Restaurant Terrace. Oleg's tour was also hit the city of Nizhny Tagil, Bryansk and Khabarovsk. And in September, the artist became the chadliner of the final concert of the international youth forum "Eurasia".


  • 2013 - "Farewell, my love"
  • 2013 - "Unforgettable"
  • 2013 - "Tie me"
  • 2015 - "Baby"
  • 2016 - "Re-"
  • 2016 - "Brother, Give Bit"
  • 2016 - "Stay"
  • 2017 - "You're wind, I'm water"
  • 2017 - Your Dream "
  • 2017 - "If you are with me"
  • 2018 - "closer"
Oleg Miami (real surname of Crivikov) - the star of the Russian show business, ex-participant of the vocal TV show "Voice-4" and Realvest "Dom-2", PC Maxim Fadeev.

The performer of a number of popular compositions, including "Brother, give Bit", "Baby", "Stay", "Goodbye, my love." In 2017, his song "Your Dream", Sveta Duet with Raper T-Killah, on the very first day of the release ranked second in the ITunes chart.

Childhood and youth

The future musician was born in Yekaterinburg on November 21, 1990. At the age of 5, he had to survive a quarrel and divorce of the parents. But the second marriage of the mother turned out to be fortunately, successful, and his sister Arisha appeared.

According to Mom, Natalia Anatolevna, he was an obedient child, helped to look after the younger than 8 years sister, he studied well at school. From an early age, he showed natural artistry and musical gifts, so I enjoyed dancing, vocals, sang in the choir of the boys "Robertino" and as part of the Furious group.

At the end of the school, the young man did not determine the choice of profession, therefore, on the advice of Mom - a dentist's doctor - he entered the Dental Faculty of the Ural Medical State University. But the anatomy with chemistry and Latin, as you can see, not too inspired, because after a year and a half he threw his studies than a very upset parents.

He impressed a completely different, nightlife of an avid party. With a suitable temperament, appearance and voice, he began working as a DJ in clubs, began to conduct corporate and weddings.

Oleg Miami - re-

Then he moved to the capital, where she still earned the organization of holidays. At the events, he sometimes performed songs of his own essay, then began to act in advertising. At this time, he took a pseudonym Oleg Miami, as it always dreamed of living in this magical city with a bright nightlife.

Oleg Miami in Realvest Show "Dom-2"

In March 2011, the first appearance of a young man was held on television screens in the framework of the Odius project TNT "Dom-2". He tried to build a romantic relationship with Victoria Bernikova. However, their communication was accompanied by scandalous antics and ended not by creating a family, but a unpleasant incident - the beauty splashed into his face of hot tea. After 3 weeks after the appearance, he had to leave the rating show on the results of the voting.

A year later, in the summer of 2012, he returned to the project. This time he was remembered by violent verbal crossings and fights, regular shifts of girls, a word, created an intriguing atmosphere, holding viewers from TV screens.

In the course of reality, he managed to truly fall in love (in Katya Kolesnichenko and Varia Tretyakov), to visit the honorable guest at the wedding celebration of Tigran Salibekova and Yulia Kolesnichenko, who was in the "interesting" position, get a fracture of the spine after unsuccessful jump in the pool and get to the hospital.

Oleg Miami - "Stay"

True, some fans of televostroy argued that the guy sent a fatal bathing to the hospital bed, but a project participant, a champion in kickboxing Alexei Samsonov, who had personal accounts with him.

Whatever it was, but in February 2013, the show organizers again asked Oleg for the building of the construction site - this time after the extremely emotional clash of opinions with the Dasha Frolova: Oleg poured her cleaning agent to which, as it turned out, the girl had an allergy. And his girl Varvara Tretyakov refused to go after him.

Creative way

After the Dom-2 project, Oleg continued to sing and lead youth parties. At one of them on his artistry, vocal and external data drew attention to the assistant to the famous Music Producer Max Fadeev. Charismatic Ekaterinburg was invited to the production center for listening and concluded a cooperation agreement with him.

Thanks to this, the young performer gained fame and began to appear on the carpet tracks along with the stellar wards of Fadeeva - with the glitch "Ozoy, Yulia Savicheva, with girls from the group" Silver ", and new works appeared in his piggy bank - the video for the song" Farewell, my love ", Filmed on the villa of their guru on the island of Bali, the composition" Tie me. "

He sang with Yulya "If love lives in the heart" on "Big Love Shou" in the northern capital, lit up in a video clip on the composition "Why" a glitch "Oza as a beloved, with which the heroine spends time at the seaside resort, walking, swimming and rolling on a yacht.

However, the promotion of Vocalist prevented a negative emotional train participation in the scandalous reality show, the songs in his performance did not become hits, and in 2014 the production center suspended the contract.

Without losing hope of achieving the tops of the Music Olympus, Miami took part in the sensational project to search for talented singers "Voice-4". At the stage of "blind listening", he performed the composition "This Love" of the American group Maroon 5, and his candidacy was chosen by three mentors - Basta, Grigory Leps and Polina Gagarin. He chose to enter the lepts team.

However, in the "duel" Oleg lost to a more experienced opponent with the musical education of Armen Avjana with the songs of Constantine Meladze "Wrap". Fortunately, he was saved from the departure and took him a rap artist Basta in his group. The young man was so touched by support that he could not hold back tears. Then was the victory of the singer in the musical duel with the hit of Pavel Titov "Silk Heart" and a loss in the quarterfinals with the composition of Max Korzi "live in a buff".

Career development

In 2015, Fadeev resumed cooperation with the singer, the result of which was the romantic clip "Baby". Then the "Beautiful Soul" composition appeared in his repertoire, "I am loved by all the cat," "memories", the "gentle princess is mine."

In addition, he became a permanent hero of videos placed on the Vlog Channel "Hacha Diary" Amiran Sardarov. Gradually, he managed to gain Internet popularity - every roller with stories about parties, meetings and simply about everyday life stably gained more than 2 million subscribers views. Oleg often positioned in them as a cafe director describing events taking place in his institution.

"Diary Khacha": Oleg Miami teaches to dance

In 2016, the popular executor presented jointly with the participants of the "Hacha Diary" (Amiran Sardarov, Eldar Jarakhov, T-Killah) a humorous video for the song "Brother, Give Bit", released in the form of a single.

The visual work of the young singer was video on the "Newly" composition, written by Maxim Fadeev and Olga Seryabkina. It tells the story of love dedicated to the former beloved performer Natalia, which he very offended and only understood after parting how he loved.

Together with the cloust at his April concert in the Kremlin, the artist performed the song "Last word", included with the rapper into the album "Basta 5. Part 1". In July, at the "Higher Sample" contest, organized by the producer center Gregory Leps, he sang his hits "re-", "Sonya" and "Baby, Dance".

In September, the artist spoke with the composition "Reban" in the concert dedicated to the grand parade of Russian students, in November, he left his sixth single and a clip "Stay", where he told another love story about the sometimes arising difficulties in relationships and that, If you love, they should give a second chance.

Personal life of Oleg Miami

The young artist is not married. He has repeatedly noted in an interview that women consider the best that there is in our transient world. He, like many representatives of show business, prefers not to comment.

It is known that his very first attempt to coach with a certain beautiful blonde ended with a painful gap. Then, during the period of participation in Realvest "Dom-2", he had several novels - with Vika Berdnikova, Oksana Rayan, Leroy Masterko, Sasha Kharitonova, Oksana Struknikova,