As Hollywood screening radically changed the "Inferno" Dan Brown. Inferno

As Hollywood screening radically changed the
As Hollywood screening radically changed the "Inferno" Dan Brown. Inferno

"Inferno" is the new Roman Dan Brown, the author of super-letters about the exciting adventures of Professor Robert Langdon. His books "Angels and Demons", "Da Vinci Code" and "Lost Symbol" blew up the book market. ... Once at the most mysterious city of Italy - Florence, Professor Langdon, specialist in codes, symbols and art history, suddenly falls into the whirlpool of events, which are able to lead to death all mankind ... and only a mystery mystery can prevent this, once encrypted Dante in the lines of an immortal epic poem ... "Book, full of mysteries ... a sophisticated game in which Brown virtuoso involves the reader in the first pages to not let go The final of the final ".the New York Times" The most "cinematic" blockbuster, which one can imagine. Not only Langdon, but also "Actors of the second plan" above all silence ".usa Today

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"Inferno" - plot

Professor of the History of Art Harvard University Robert Langdon comes into consciousness in the hospital ward with the wounded head and the loss of memory of the events of the last few days. His latest memories concern Harvard, but the hospital is located in Florence, in Italy. Siena Brooks, a local doctor, says that he got a concussion of the brain as a result of bullet injury and found himself in the emergency department. Robert begins to chase a woman named Waynt, dressed as punk. Approaching the chamber of the professor, she kills one of the doctors. Siena and Robert manage to escape and hide at her apartment.

In his jacket, Robert finds a biological cylinder. He decides to contact the American Embassy. At the embassy, \u200b\u200bthey argue that they were looking for him for a very long time and asked to inform his whereabouts. Not wanting to inlets into our affairs Siena, Robert calls an address near her apartment. Later he discovers that the Wynt with a gun appears on that place. Being confident that the US government wants to destroy him, Robert Langdon comes to the conclusion that the only chance to survive for him is to reveal the secret of the cylinder. It turns out that with the help of the contents of the cylinder, you can integrate the modified version of the CDA card Sandro Botticelli. To the end, allow the riddle to be bothering dressed in black armed people, from which Siena and Robert decide to escape together.


Reviews of the book "Inferno"

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Alexander Logs

There is an opinion that Dan Brown, a crazy and disgusting writer, becomes more crazy and disgusting with every book.

"Inferno" is the fourth novel in the series of books about the adventures of Professor Harvard University Robert Langdon. Translated from Italian, "Inferno" - "hell". The world is well known the great work of the Great Italian, the first part of which is just so called. It is the raidness of the characters that were lost between the Lines of the "Divine Comedy", they play not the last role in this book.

The book is inherent in all the features of the series about Professor Harvard University (and part-time - "James Bond for the poor") - a tweed jacket, a beautiful woman, riddles and symbols, chase, attempts (and shootouts) with elements of Wikipedia. Sometimes you start to regret that, waking up in Florence, Robert Our Langdon acquired only partial amnesia and retained his deepest historical and cultural knowledge. As a result, we have the following: running away from the pursuers who are about to overtake him, Professor Taka finds the time to admire the next architectural monument. He runs, I must say, for most of the book. And his companion has an excellent acting talent and unthinkable, simply by excavating intelligence, and if the first it shows several times, but I didn't find the use of the second in the work. And it is impossible to do without the fact that she did not resist our Langdon to Robert and fell in love.

And if you read the review, thought that I didn't like the book, I, like Dan Brown, managed to deceive you.

The work is extremely ambiguous, but he has undoubted advantages. First, the likelihood that you want to visit Venice, Florence and Istanbul and read (or re-read) "Divine Comedy" of the Great Dante seeks a unit. Secondly, although they say that genius and evils are two things inconsistent, the main badist convinces us in the opposite. Thirdly, the peripetics of the plot is unpredictable even for the most demanding book with well-developed intuition. Surrounding friends will become enemies, enemies - friends. Is there anyone who truly can be trusted?

And perhaps you decide that Bertrand Zobrist is right.

Everything is very ambiguous in this book, as in the whole world. So read, enjoy, think, love, hate, agree and deny.

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4 / 0

Andriy V.

Starting reading "Inferno", I realized that with the same plot I was already docked on the pages of books. Ba, so this is "Da Vinci Code" of the same Dan Brown! On the Manez, all the same (and more precisely - all the same): Robert Langdon has a new charming and unlouded companion; Professor again runs away from the chase throughout the book; again solve the riddles on the chain; Again the plot opens with the reader gradually and unpredictable. But already with the middle of the books you understand that the author may surprise - "still a smoking room".

The plot refers to the most incredible way. And even the most sophisticated reader will not be able to admire steep turns. Big plus - description of architecture masterpieces. I, although not an amateur read on paper about all sorts of curls on buildings on the buildings (I would like to look at, touch, so to speak to the beautiful), I am pleased to noted that Dan Brown was incredibly able to reach me to reach me. I wanted to visit all the places described and make sure to make sure of their unearthly beauty.

In general, the book is interesting and instructive. Fans of adventure detectives unconditionally recommend.

Useful review?


In 2016, Fans of Intellectual Detectives Dan Brown will be able to enjoy another emission. This time the cinema of the third novel from the cycle about Professor Robert Langdon will be released on large screens. The latest screening of Brown was the film "Angels and Demons", the premiere of which took place in 2009. Then the thriller brought his creators half a billion honestly earned dollars.

Roman "Inferno" Brown presented to the court of the literary community in the spring of 2013, and the rights to the decree were redeemed from the author almost immediately. Initially, the Columbia Pictures Studio, which reserved the right to translate a paper from a paper format to a film, planned the premiere for December 2015, but the shooting schedule was changed without explaining the reasons.

The workflow eventually started in April 2015. In the film we will be able to admire the views of Florence, Venetian canals and Istanbul architecture. The main character, as in previous paintings - Professor of the religious symbology Robert Langdon. He reruns the mysterious symbols again, this time seeking them in the "Divine Comedy" of Dante.

Fan posters for the film "Inferno"

Camping Group

  • Producer. The director's chair is invited to take Oscarone Ron Howardwhich a long time responded to this sentence with refusal, but in the end agreed to start work. In addition to the director's work on the "Da Vinci code" and "Angels and Demoni", he also managed to work on the "Games of Mind" (Ron received Honored Oscar for them), as well as the films "Apollo-13" and "Nokdown". For its contribution to the development of film industry, Howard not only received prestigious filmmakers, but also boasts the US National Medal in the field of arts.
  • Screenwriter. To adapt the novel to the team called David Keppawhom the viewer will certainly recall the work on scenarios to the "Park of the Jurassic Period", "Man Spider", "War of the Worlds". Among the most famous works of the masted scenario, it is necessary to mention the famous "path of carlito". With Howard KEPP has already managed to work on the set of "Angels and Demons". The works of this master of the pen marked the Grand Prix of the International Festival of Fantastic Films.
  • The author of the original source. The author of the novel entered the scriptwriter - Dan Brown. It is hardly necessary to represent this wizard of modern literature, but we recall that among the most famous works - "Da Vinci Code", which literally a week after the start of sales in the United States firmly took the first place in the list of bestsellers according to New York Times. In addition, the authorship of Brown belongs to "Angels and Demons" and "Digital Fortress".
  • Producers. The team of producers will be headed by the head of MICHAEL DE LUCA PRODUCTIONS Michael de Luka., famous for the films of the film "Texas Massacre Chainsaw-3", "Mask", "American History X" and the sensational "social network". De Luka company will be Brian Grazer and Andrea Giannetti. A grace has a serious experience in the film industry, which has a quarter of a century. As a producer, he was nominated three times on Oscar. In the piggy bank of his works - "reverse traction", "liar, liar", "Frost against Nixon". He has already managed to work with Ron Howard over Apollo-13 and "Mind Games." With Brown and KEPP, they also met on the set, shielding the novel "Angels and Demons."
  • Operator. Operator work was trusted Salvator Tethinowhich is a master of accurate accents in a video. Tethino led the filming in "Everest" and "Nokdaun"; He also occupied the chair of the main operator in the previous screen vessels of Dan Brown's novels.
  • Composer. I will write music to the movie Hans Zimmer, a famous film composer specializing in musical accompaniment to epic films. The viewer can easily recall the musical theme to the "Rain Man", Gladiator, the films "Pearl-Harbor" and "Start." Among the most famous works of the master should not be not mentioned by the soundtracks for the cartoons "King Lion" and "Spirit: Prairie's soul." In the film "Angels and Demons" his music also sounds. For weighty achievements on the musical field, the Zimmer was repeatedly nominated for Oscar, the Golden Globe and Grammy, and also awarded the "World Soundtrack World Academy" and awarded his own star on the Alley of Glory in Hollywood.

Ron Howard and Tom Hanks on the set

As a result, such a worked and famous team simply cannot issue a low-quality product, so we boldly expect an exciting spectacle, unexpected turns of the plot and deep symbolism in the new work on the books of Dan Brown.


  • Tom Hanks, as in previous screen vendors, will embody the image of Professor Robert Langdon. The actor who started his career, filming in family comedies, to the forty years with a triumph climbed to the cinema film, won two Oscars for the main roles in Philadelphia and Forrest Gampe. The viewer does not need to represent Hanks, because among his works - such masterpieces as a "green mile", "ogot" and "terminal". In the film awards, except Oscar, Toma has four golden globes and a premium of the guild of the US film actors. With Ron Howard actor binds a long-time friendship, and Hanks joke complain that Ron constantly demands that it is possible to recover from him, then lose weight when working on movies.
  • Felicity Jones. The English actress received the main female role in the screening and Siena Brooks will play. Despite the young age, this actress has nominations for Oscar, "Bafta" and "Golden Globe" for work in the film "Total Theory".
  • Ifan Khan. The famous actor Bollywood is invited to embody Harry Sims Character, holding the post of the head of the "consortium." Spectators can remember him on the films "Millionaire from the slums" and "Life PI".
  • Sidde Babett Knudsen. Danish actress will play Dr. Elizabeth Sinski. Among its well-known works, films "after the wedding" and "Last Song of Myifune" can be distinguished.
  • Omar si Buder's agent will play the actor whom the viewer remembers well on the roles in the films "1 + 1 / Non-Sesar" (for which he received the prestigious "Cesar"), "X-People: the days of the last future" and the "world of the Jurassic".
  • Ben Foster. The role of the main antagonist of Berran Zelovskaya Robust got an actor known to many on the works in the "punitive", "telephone booth", Alpha Dog films and "hostage". Young talent for his merits in front of a movie sociality was awarded two Gemini Award prizes, three-guilds of actors, as well as the Young Hollywood Award and the Award "Saturn" for acting achievements in the genre of film fantasics, horrors and fantasy.

Tom Hanks and Feliciti Jones - the main actors "Inferno"

Plot of the film

The main storyline unfolds in modern Italian Florence and is associated with the "Divine Comedy" Dante Aligiery. Losing the memory of the last days of his life Langdon comes into consciousness and understands what is in the clinic. From the doctor of Siena Brooks, he learns that he was delivered to a branch with bullet wound.

The doctor saves Robert from unexpected persecution and an attempt on his life, after which the professor hides in his apartment. Trying to understand how he moved from Harvard to Florence, Langdon shakes his clothes pockets and discovers a strange cylinder. Reflections pushed him on a call to the US Embassy in Italy, however, he decides to be reinforced and calls an invalid address for which a hired killer comes.

Robert does not know who can be trusted if even the government of the native country discovered her hunt. The only chance to stay alive is to understand the mystery of the found cylinder, which leads professors to the mystical roads of the Datovsky Ada card. Whether the professor will solve the next riddle of the Middle Ages - we will find out at the premiere October 13, 2016!

Photo with shoots

Shooting in Venice: Director Ron Howard
Spy photo from the site: Stars of the film "Inferno"
Shooting a new movie go full!
Tom Hanks on the set
Work with footage

About the film

For the film actors, Robert Langdon's adventure began with the exciting Code da Vinci in 2006 and continued with the release of the film in 2009. In total, the film franchise gathered more than $ 1.2 billion in global boxes. Inferno will be the third part of the franchise, which was based on Bestsellers Dan Brown. The Book "Inferno" was recognized as a bestseller in 2013, clearly proving that stories about the adventures of Langdon are still interesting and in demand.

The shooting of the film was again brought on the same platform of Ron Howard, who recently finished work on a documentary about the Beatles group called "Eight days in the week: a perennial tour", and Tom Hanks, who returned to the role of an intelligent and resourceful Langdon. Hanks told why, in his opinion, the franchise to this day remains popular: "Dan Brown found his literary niche and diligently masters her. Everyone loves interesting riddles, especially those that are solved one at a time. In Ron films, this is the structure of almost interactive cinema. And so it was from the very first movie Da Vinci. "

The name of the third book Brown borrowed in the first part of the divine creation of Dante "Comedy" - translates as "hell." Dr. Robert Langdon really has a serious test - he lost memory. Forceing severe migraines and an injury caused by an injury, the hero should figure out what happened to him and why.

"Langdon really feels in hell," continues Hanks. "On the one hand, the terrible headaches torment him, on the other hand, he can't remember where they came from."

"Without a doubt, at the beginning of the film, Robert Langdon turns out to be in his own hell, in his personal infore, - confirms the assumption of actor Dan Brown. "He comes to himself in the hospital ward, he is trying to kill him, and he has no idea where he got the mysterious artifact. Langdon is forced to look for tips and evidence to understand who and why wants his death. Ultimately, he understands that it is much more than his own life - the threat hung over all of humanity. "

Inferno will become the most spectacular franchise film. The scenes of the mysterious dreams of Langdon will allow the audience to look into his inflamed consciousness and create a unique atmosphere, which none of the previous pictures could boast. It was this time that at one time attracted Ron Howard in a franchise. Of the 23 films that the director removed in three decades, he ventured only two sequel - angels and demons and inference. "There are many characters that I love, and Robert Langdon among them, but I always wanted to try something new. It is much more interesting than repeated. In this, the charm of all films on the books of Dan Brown - each of them does not look like another. Each adventure is radically different from the previous one. Inferno is also stylistically. Starting to work on it, I had to revise the first two pictures and find something new, more unusual and exciting. "

In the plot of Inferno Langdon has to look for tips, studying the epic poems of Dante. Howard explains: "Langdon's brain losing in hallucinations withstands the attack of a person who literally obsessed Dante's creativity. The professor is forced to search for tips and follow the path that was destined long before him. "

"Dante has identified our modern idea of \u200b\u200bHerde," says Producer Brian Grazer. - Watching the fate of sinners, the writer poetically described the divine court and punishment for crimes. This creation becomes the basis of the mysteries that Langdon solve Langdon. Dante described hell; Botticelli depicted hell; But only Robert Langdon, a famous professor on religious symbolism, can prevent the adventure of hell on Earth, which may come if the criminal releases a deadly virus. "

One of the reasons for the incredible popularity of Brown's books is that the author of the virtuoso was able to have real riddles of history in an exciting thriller, an interesting modern audience. Working on the plot "Inferno", Brown Dragged Inspiration in the first part of the "comedy" of Dante - "hell." The great Italian poet of the XIV century described in detail the path of the soul to God, and the first step on this path should be the denial of sin. The main hero of the poem becomes the Dante himself, who passes through all the circles of hell and sees unrepresented sinners: fortune-telling, whose heads are turned back and do not see the true future; Bribery with "sticky" fingers swimming in boiling resins. The most painful punishment of Dante Dantek for the greatest, in his opinion, the villains in history: three-headed Satan is chewed by the souls of Judah Iskariot, who betrayed Jesus, and Cassia and Bruta who killed Julia Caesar.

According to Brown, the painstaking study of the poem, inspired readers and artists for 800 years, was the most difficult for him, and the search for moments that would be key in the investigation of Robert Langdon. As a result of his research, Brown decided to imagine how modern hell on Earth would be. Two main plot aspects were together: on the one hand, the overpopulated world and humanity, who collided with the problem of the lack of elementary livelihoods; On the other hand, a deadly disease that can be in the grave of half of the population of the globe. To achieve this hell on Earth, Brown took advantage of Dante's idea of \u200b\u200bjustice: to punish humanity for overpopulation, exceeding the possibility of the planet, the villain produces a deadly virus that kills billions of people.

"It seemed to me an interesting idea about a cunning criminal, which estimated that the population of the planet increased three years over the past eighty years," explains the writer. - The evil genius found his cardinal way to cope with the problem of overpopulation. I read Dante and at school, and in college, but here I had to reread his "comedy" an infinite set time to come up with how to tie an epic poem and modern thriller. "

The role of Professor Harvard on Symbols once again played Tom Hanks. Howard argues that this role was literally created for him. "Many, knowledgeable volumes in real life, argue that he is Robert Langdon," the director smiles. - They are both incredibly curious, they have a very specific, dry sense of humor. Finding some kind of riddle, they become literally obsessed with her. They still know how to admire the world around the world, and their mind warehouse allows them to notice and analyze what other others seems insignificant. Is it worth adding that tom is one of the greatest actors of our time and it is very pleasant to work with it. "

Hanks gladly agreed to return the time to reverse and again try on Robert Langdon's shoes. The actor admitted that there is nothing more pleasant for him than to try to solve some puzzle. "Dan Brown described the character, which is very difficult to involve in any, even a very dangerous game," describes the character of his character Hanks, "it's enough to tell him about some kind of secret that it would be interesting to learn. Watch Ron's films are not only interesting, but also informative. "

Dan Brown often sent her hero in different countries, and Intafort will not be an exception. On the set Tom Hanks headed a truly international acting. British actress Feliciti Jones played the role of Sienna Brooks; The Frenchman Omar si performed the role of Christof Busushar; An Indian Cinema Star Iphan Khan will appear as Harry Sims; Dane Sidse Babett Knudsen starred as Dr. Elizabeth Sinski. American actor Ben Foster played the role of Berran Britran's Bioinner. "Brown's books challenges in all countries of the world, and this gives us the right to recapt the best actors, regardless of their nationality," explains Brian Grazer. - For us, this is very important and necessary. After all, in order to plausively tell the next story of Langdon, we need to surround it with realistic characters, the type and whose speech corresponds to the country they represent. "

As in the "Da Vinci code" and "Angels and Demonies", in "Inferno" Dan Brown raises very topical questions. Arguing about the books of Brown and removed on their motifs, Hanks notes: "Each work gives a reader or the viewer good soil for reflection." Inferno raises the issue of overpopulation of the Earth. "Isn't a lot of people living on the planet?" - continues the actor. - Is there a way to deal with the overpopulation of the Earth? Will our world of the modern version of the drug described by Dante? "

Like the previous paintings, Intachno will truly around the world's adventure. "Shots in such a film give a substantial bonus to any actor," said Hanks. - Whenever we find yourself in amazingly beautiful places. Removing in Inferno, we rose to the roof of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Venice. Already, only this fact does the shooting truly unforgettable! "

"It is always nice to work when you get access to real locations," says Howard. - Yes, sometimes our builders build incredible scenery, computerists develop the imaginable imagination visual effects, but nothing can compare with the true beauty of a really existing place. The greatness of monumental monuments of architecture inspires everyone who works on the site - both in the frame and beyond. "

Dan Brown described the events so that readers seen what is happening by Langdon. The audience will also be able to feel themselves by the existing participants of the attenuation of each of the secrets of the film. Impressions from viewing the paintings promise to be unforgettable. "Inferno becomes a memorable event for the audience, because combines both the drama and a fighter, and a thriller, and a rich gamut of all sorts of human emotions, is sure the grazer. - In the picture there was a place for all thought of thriller elements. Thanks to the adventures of characters whose roles performed actors from all over the world, you will make an incredible journey around the world. The amazing exotic countries will open your view while tireless Langdon performed by Tom Hanks will try to solve their ingenious puzzles. "

A grazer notes that the picture will become an important part of the franchise, but will also be perfectly perceived as an independent work: "Even if you have not seen the films of the Da Vinci and angels code for some reason, the picture of Inferno will like it anyway. The events of the film are not connected with what happened to Langdon in previous paintings. At the same time, this is a worthy addition of a magnificent franchise. "

Ben Foster refers to the picture, as an integral part of the series: "I really like these films. You will find out something new, the characters are remarkably described and the corresponding actors are selected. During the viewing, you can fly through the entire globe, and the speaker forces you to constantly sit on the edge of the chair. It is very interesting to work on filming such an exciting film. "

About Casting

Shots in different countries have gathered not only an international acting, but also a rapid team. "This is wonderful when the film shooting is so harmonious that they feel comfortable for them literally everything, regardless of nationality, skin color and native language," explains Producer Brian Grazer.

The role of Robert Langdon played again. The actor claims that in the film Inferno his character has opened completely. "Spectators probably have already become accustomed to the fact that Langdon knows everything that you can know about symbols, art, history, architecture, politics and cultural differences, - Hanks reflects. - But at the beginning of the film Inferno, he cannot even answer the simplest questions. He does not know who he is and where is. The plot throws away my character in Venice, Florence and Istanbul. In theory, he should know these cities along and across, but it was not there. Riddles begin with the first minutes of the film - how did he earn amnesia? How was he in the hospital? "

Nominated for the Oscar Prize ® Actress played the role of Dr. Sienna Brooks. The actress says that in her heroine is hidden much more than it seems at first glance: "Sienna is an active wrestler for environmental protection and is adamant in his views on life. It is not difficult to guess that she hides something, but it is immediately difficult to understand what it is. Obviously one thing - she is somehow connected with a ball of riddles, which is to unravel Langdon to stop the spread of a deadly virus on the planet. "

The fact that she was interested in role, Jones says: "This is a very modern story about paranoid mania, fear of government conspiracies and about who we can believe."

Inspiration in the work on the role of the actress Draphal in the original source. "When I learned that I was approved for the role of Sienna, I read the book of Dan Brown," Jones recalls. "I really liked it, I made a lot of strength to break away from reading." Even during the filming, I did not part with the book and constantly re-read the excerpts in which Sienna was described. I went out the smallest details in which her past was described. These moments helped me better understand my heroine and more convincingly play a role. In short, the book helped me very much on the set. "

About the international team who worked on the film, french act Omar S., filmography who acted as Christopher Bushara, says: "An English, Americans, Italians, Hungarians, French, Indians, Danes and Swiss worked on the set. We all did not confuse that we were from different corners of the world. We did one thing, moved to a single goal, gave all our strength to this project. This is a very pleasant feeling, and I am proud of what has become part of this film. "

Picture of Inferno allowed SI to play a dramatic role in the American isjuzhaty thriller. It was especially valuable and because the actor popular in France is almost not familiar to the American viewer. "I have enough comedy role, I almost always laugh," explains Si. - In this film, Ron gave me a chance to play a steep guy, so I was very lucky. I always dreamed of something like that. In fact, it was not difficult - it was enough to erase a smile from the face! "

Played the difficult role of Berran Zofa, the main villain, intricate a terrible terrorist attack. "I play a rather provocative role of a bio-engineer who is too concerned about the issues of the overcrowding of the Earth," the actor says. "He intends to create a deadly virus and spread it all over the planet for the benefit of the earth."

"Our first meeting of Ron began with unusual words," remembers Foster. - He stated that he did not want the audience out of the cinema of the audience a completely definite opinion, a good hero or bad. He was very important that each of the auditorium answered himself to this question. "

The actor declares that the role of the zelief was very interesting. Despite the radical methods, the fiction of the character is quite consistent, and the arguments are convincing if it can be expressed in relation to such a terrible deed, which he conceived. "Our conversation turned out to be very difficult because the Ron and the scenario of David Keppe was very important that all statistics in accuracy would correspond to real," recalls Foster. - We operated on real numbers and facts so that none of the arguments did not look far-fetched or attracted for the ears. We grow cattle, smash the farm, cutting the forests, cultivate the earth - we change the ecosystem to their needs. If you look at humanity at a different angle, the perception of the situation can change cool, and becomes truly scary. "

Star of indian cinema Ifan Khan Played the role of Harry Sims, director of the risk management consortium. "Sims leads the company that initially defends the interests of one of the key clients - the complex," the actor says. - At the same time, the World Health Organization guess that the Zobrist seeks to develop a virus capable of cutting the population of the Earth. WHO representatives expect to interrog it to confirm or refute their concerns. My mission is that the cooked intention of the zelief is not realized. "

Despite the fact that the film was filmed in various colorful places, Khan claims that his character is best revealed on the location built in the pavilion: the office of Sims on the Consortium ship. "I really liked the office, which workers built for my character," he says. - It is furnished at the last word of technology and incredibly cool. He thought out to the smallest detail and fits perfectly with my hero. The director of the consortium performs a secret and dangerous mission, and it becomes apparent at one glance at the situation of his office. "

Danish actress Sidde Babett Knudsen He played the role of Dr. Elizabeth Sinski, head of the World Health Organization, which makes everything to stop the spread of a deadly virus. "She goes along the mark of the virus and understands that she remains not so much time before the infection breaks out and starts to mow in anyone who does not obey people," explains the actress. "In addition, some part of the past connects it with Robert Langdon."

The American film worker Babett Knudsen is familiar with the main role in the Danish television TV series "Government". The actress says that her in this role attracted a certain mystery of her heroine: "I really liked the fact that Sinski for some time appears to a woman-mystery. The viewer does not recognize her motives, but it is obvious that she pursues not one goal, as well as the other characters of the picture. Play such an ambiguous personality is always pleasant and interesting. "

On the set of Inferno Babett Knudsen, for the first time in his entire career, I tried to shoot myself in the tricky scenes. "I myself was filmed in the underwater scene in the tank," she says. - I had to go under the water with my head, find a bag and shove it into the container. It was a rather difficult procedure, because under water I saw nothing. But it was fun - I had no idea that I could delay my breath on such a long time. "

The picture does not give a clear definition, some of the characters are good, and who is bad, leaving this decision to the court of spectators. "This film is different from the two previous things that our heroes are involved in the race for a while, it makes the picture incredibly dynamic," says C. "In addition, it seemed to me a very interesting question about the feasibility of our presence on the planet. I even wonder, the audience will be raised on whose direction. "

About locations

In the background of mystical thriller, the audience will see beautiful historical buildings. More than 70% of the film scenes were filmed on real locations in Venice, Florence, Budapest and Istanbul.


Shooting in the city began from the scene on square of St. Mark. Tips lead Langdon and Brooks in Palace of the Doge.

St. Mark's Square (or Piazza San Marco) is considered the symbolic heart of Venice and is sometimes called the living room of Europe. On the one hand, the area is decorated with the Cathedral of St. Mark, the Campanyl is towering in the center, elegant alcohols with famous coffee houses are built around the perimeter of the square. On the embankment there is a Doge Palace, a building in Venetian Gothic style. As follows from the name, the palace is the residence of the Venetian guild, the Supreme Power of the former Republic of Venice. Since 1923, the building was turned into a valid museum.


Pisching through the streets of Florence leads Langdon and Brooks into extensive gardens Palazzo PittyWhere they choose through a secret door in Boboli gardens. A secret passage leads to Corridor vazari.which leads the heroes in Gallery Uffizi. Heroes fail to grab a fugitive, and they meet with Sinski and Bushhar in the courtyard of Palazzo.

Palazzo Pitty is a huge palace, dating from the XV century of our era. The construction was started by the Florentine Banker Luka Pitti, the main supporter and a close friend of Kozimo Medici. Subsequently, the Palace became the official residence of the Medici family.

Palazzo spread blooming Boboli gardens. Initially, the gardens were laid on the instructions of Eleonora Toleskaya, the spouses of the Grand Duke Kozimo I, and are considered the brightest example of the Garden and Park Art of the XVI century, inspired by many European builders. Gardens are a unique open-air museum with antique statues, the sculptures of the Renaissance era, grotts and large fountains.

The bridge became a memorable Florentine building Ponte Vecchio (the so-called old bridge). It is unique in that there are many shops working in peculiar balancers to its edges. Above the bridge, a corridor Vazari was built, connecting Palazzo Pitti with the Uffizi Gallery, one of the greatest architectural monuments in Europe. The first bridge at this place was built in the days of the Ancient Roman era. He was the only one in the city survived all the bombing during World War II.

Following the hints found, Langdon and Brooks find themselves in the fascinating hall of five hundred in Palazzo Vecchio.

Since 1299, Palazzo Vecchio was a government building in which the priors were meeting, and the new palace was called. Currently, most Palazzo has been turned into a museum, although the facade to this day can be seen a symbolism of local authorities. Since 1872, in this building, the Florence City Hall and a meeting place of the city council was located. The film crew of the film Inferno worked in Palazzo Vecchio for four days, following the investigation of Langdon. In particular, permission was received for shooting in the Hall of five hundred, in the Mappormo Hall, where the old world map is located, and in the courtyard.

After that, Langdon and Brooks follow the path that left the Zobrist, in Florentine BaptisteryAlso known as San Giovanni Baptistery.

Baptistery is located on Piazza del Duomo and is not only one of the oldest buildings in the city (construction began in 1059), but also one of the most significant religious buildings in all Florence. The structure is known for its bronze doors containing 28 panels with bas-reliefs on religious topics. Michelangelo Buonarotov called these doors "gates of paradise." In this baptistery, Dante was baptized and many other significant figures of the Renaissance era, also all Florentine Catholics until the end of the XIX century.

The octagonal building is lined with white and green marble tiles. From the inside the dome is covered with mosaic images of an angel hierarchy, scenes from being and other religious scenes. The center of the mosaic decorates the scene of a terrible court.


The film crew worked in Budapest, there were singing some athighted and pavilion scenes. Given the specific architecture, it is not difficult to find locations in a country that can be issued for almost any European country.

For example, the scene in which Langdon and Brooks detect the disappearance of the Dante's posthumous mask in Palazzo Vecchio, actually starred in Ethnographic Museum In Budapest. There was also a scene in which Langdon and Brooks show a video CCTV.

The Budapest Museum is considered one of the largest and most significant ethnography museums in Europe. The museum collection includes nearly 200 thousand exhibits, including artwork, ancient scrolls, records of national music, photos, clothing, accessories and jewels of different eras. The museum is dedicated to culture not only by the Hungarian people, but also other European and non-European peoples from primitive society to the present day.

Scenes in which Langdon and Brooks are trying to escape from chase in the medieval chapel with the Cathedral of St. Mark in Venice, actually starred in the basements of the famous Museum of Kiskelli In Budapest.

The museum of the scene is located in a picturesque corner of the exercise and is a monastery and a baroque church. For some time, a barracks were placed in the walls of the scene, and then the hospital. In 1910, the castle, in the territory of which the museum is located, was redeemed by the Vienna Collector and Industrialist Max Schmidt, who turned the purchase into a chic mansion. In the will, Schmidt handed over this castle to residents of the exit with one condition - so that it turns into a public museum and park. Despite the brutal bombing during World War II, the building survived and now is the museum and art gallery.

The terrifying scenes who are consecrated from the inflamed consciousness of Langdon were filmed on a colorful street adjacent to Hungarian State Opera House.

The Hungarian state opera was designed and built by Miklosh Ibl, one of the leading Hungarian architects of the XIX century, and for the first time opened its doors to the public in 1884.

The building is built in the style of non-hereniss with some elements of Baroque, ornaments include frescoes and sculptures depicting famous figures of Hungarian art. By its beauty and acoustic properties, the Budapest Opera House is considered one of the best all over the world.

Hungarian National Museum Harvard University was issued in scenes when Langdon tries to restore his memory.

The Hungarian National Museum is the oldest public museum in Hungary. The modern museum building was built in the period from 1837 to 1847 and is the brightest representative of neoclassical architectural style. The museum is dedicated to the history and art of Hungary and is a peculiar symbol of the national pride of the Hungarians.


A small part of the film crew was able to work in full secrets and mysteries to the Turkish city of Istanbul. For one weekend, a scene in which Langdon, Sinski and Sims are found in Saint Sophia Cathedral.

The cathedral was once operating the Patriarch Orthodox Cathedral, then - Mosque, and was subsequently turned into a museum. The first cathedral was built on Market Square Auguston in 324 - 337 years under the Byzantine Emperor Konstantine I, but in 404 burned during a popular uprising. The building was repeatedly restored and again disappeared in fire fiction. In the form of how it can be seen now, the Cathedral was laid by the will of the Roman emperor of Justinian I in the VI century AD This is the only building in the world who served three religions: paganism, Orthodoxy and Islam.

Based on the construction, three giant tanks were laid. According to historians, the tanks were so big that they could accommodate the ship. These tanks were recreated by artists from the Casting Group of Inferno for the culmination scene of the paintings in the pavilion of one of the studios Budapest.

About design

Despite the fact that many Florentine scenes were filmed in the Florence itself, some were filmed in Budapest. Cinematographers are often resorted to such tricks - remove the scenes in a completely different city, sometimes even in another country, camouflaging them under the ones described in the script. This task was entrusted to the shoulders of the artist-director of Peter Venama.

Viennes began its work with a thorough planning of reincarnation of one city in another. There were also obvious moments, such as replacing signs and car numbers with Hungarian on Italian, and some, not so obvious. "We were very important to change street lighting," says the artist-director. - In Florence, the streets are illuminated by lanterns, which are strengthened on the walls of houses on metal holders, and small plaffones prevail. In addition, we secured on the shutters walls that are so common in Florence. Such little things were very important for us. "

Another illusion of Venama was the reincarnation of the Budapest ethnographic museum in the interior of the Palazzo Vecchio, which kept the Dante's posthumous mask. Shooting on real location were impossible. Despite this, Vienne believes that shooting in Budapest went only for the benefit of the film. "In Palazzo Vecchio, a real mask is stored in a wooden case against the background of red silk," says Vienne.

In Italy, the hands of cinematographers would be associated with quite explained reasons. The Budapest Museum, on the contrary, provided almost complete freedom of action. "The space of the museum itself was as if created for us - wide corridors, confusing transitions from one hall to another," the artist recalls. The only thing that did not fit into the overall concept is the neoclassical architecture of the city. "In Budapest, you can find almost any architectural style with the exception of one - Italian," smiles in the Viennes. To complete the transformation of the Budapest Museum to Italian, the artist-director and his team had to make a peculiar costume for the whole building. "We put on marble shapes, made in advance made of foam, foil and latex, - tells the artist-director. - We secured and painted them, and after the end of the filming, they took off the place of attachment so that the trace was not left. We seemed to have done a completely new removable facade for the building. "

Budapest successfully replaced Venice - during the filming of the scene in the dungeons under the Cathedral of St. Mark. "Given the dynamics of the scene, we had to shoot either in the pavilion, or in places, not so valuable as the Basilica itself," he explains. - We shot the scene on the balcony in Venice. When heroes are inside, the work of the film crew was transferred to Budapest. Especially for this, we built an accurate copy of the location in the pavilion. In addition, in Budapest we found the museum, some premises of which came out perfectly. We needed dust rooms, which literally smelled with antiquity. We have installed new floors, applying exactly the same drawing on them, which was in real dungeons under the Cathedral of St. Mark. Then we set the fences and built the altar, where we placed various religious artifacts. "

The Venama team also created underground tanks near the Sofia Cathedral. In order to be removed, the water on the set was larger than in real tanks. In addition, Vienne appreciated that its scenery was only 1/5 of the real prototype. The platform was covered with a blue chromaker, subsequently, specialists in visual effects completed the missing elements of scenery on computers.

Among other things, Viennes participated in the development of the design of the hellish street. The scene describes Dante's blood pressure as Langdon is present. "We have created a very unusual scenery," recalls the director. - We turn out and not in Europe, and not in America. We wanted the location to be like an ordinary street with ordinary people, and it is possible to notice something strange, only if it looks good. All black machines. Signs are painted under the color of houses. Road workers, smoking in the middle of the street, do not use scrap, and peaks, as on the map of Ada Botticelli. As an intimate moments, we fit into the usual, as it may seem, the landscape, which is becoming more strange as Langdon's consciousness is immersed in hallucination. "

  • The mobility virus called "" was "developed" by the requisitions. It consisted of 40% of water, by 30% of vegetable oil and by 30% of Ketchup.
  • Ron Howard launched the help of the philosopher and futurist Jason Silver to create a realistic video that Zobrist posted on the Youtube portal. In it, the terrorist explains why the problem of overpopulation can lead to the extinction of all mankind.
  • The requisites manufactured a total of 15 Dante's post-mortem masks so as not to be empty hand in an unforeseen case.
  • While working in Florence, the film crew made a donation to the Palazzo Palazzo Vecchio for the restoration of the hall with a dance mask.
  • In one of the scenes, Wien is falling from the ceiling of the Hall of five hundred. To protect the vintage floor, the special effects development team prepared a fake pool with blood made of red silicone.
  • Florence Mayor Dario Nadel played an episodic role of one of the officials.
  • The costumes and shoes for Langdon and Brooks were sewn to the Italian designer Salvator Ferragamo.
  • Being in Florence, Ron Howard was honored to receive the keys from the city from the mayor. In ancient times, this tradition was distributed in European cities and expressed confidence and respect for the travelers who sought to enter the city with the world. Today, the tradition has been preserved, but is purely formal.
  • In one of the scenes behind Lagdon and Brooks, an unmanned drone is observed, soaring above the gardens of Boboli. The film crew had to launch two quadrocopter at once - one was in the frame, and the other shot the scene.
  • Ana Ularu, who played the role of Weents, never left for a motorcycle ... Actress was so much like that she plans to receive rights and acquire their own bike.
  • To shoot the scenes of Langdon's seeing special effects, the development team purchased 9000 liters of fake blood based on sugar.

Campanil - separately standing bell tower

About the new bestseller of the American writer

The name of this novel was a commercial secret and held a long time in secret. It would be more, - the excitement and expectation of the public, "apparent" to the bestsellers Dan Brown, only increased and, finally, with the exit of the novel in the United States and Canada in May of this year, transformed into the figures of the circulation. The publisher promised that the first circulation of the book would be 4 million copies, and a plank in a million copies of the new novel "Inferno" overcame for the first five days of sales.

"Inferno" is the fourth part of the superpopular book series in the world of Americans. First - "Angels and Demons" (2000), then the scandalous, translated into 51, sold by the circulation of 81 million copies of the novel "Da Vinci" (2003) and "Lost Symbol" (2009). These three books are also the first week, as appeared on the market, immediately occupied the main place among the list of bestsellers. In general, the current novelty about a symbol and art historian professor Langdon quickly occupied not only the book space, but also settled in the heads, including our compatriots. I have a book in my hands, published by AST with a circulation of 150 thousand copies. Not enough.

But this is all - a surcharge. The tale will be ahead.

World Player

Readers of Brown are young, and therefore his book can be viewed as a message to them, and therefore - a message to the future. On the network of what message the Americans millions of people in our world catches?

The author "Inferno" knows how to read the depron-rhythms of the perception of the world by modern man; This means that he knows how to draw a plot that holds the attention of the reader from the beginning to the end to the end, subordinating it at the same time more complex semantic tasks; This means that he uses the techniques of an intellectual detective and pulls the reader into a novel, turning it into an active player: together with the main characters, he comes traveling around cities, countries, museums, everywhere by sulking signs and symbols approaching it to the final rays. The reader is exactly the player involved in action. At the same time, in short, flashing as frames in the cinema, 104th chapters, it is worth the real luxury of the Renaissance Epoch. Great Italians. Glamor is tired. The reader loves Real.

Dante's titanic figure, constantly quoted lines of the "Divine Comedy" with the paintings of "Nine Circles of Hell (Inferno)", a detailed description of the old architecture (museums, palazzo, palaces, caves, etc.) submitted in the symbolic and demonology venerer, but also woven by intrigue in Modernity creates the illusion of a serious "philosophical novel". However, to read the novel easily ... Yes, and I could not be - because we are talking about the mass edition and about the reader, which Dante (most often) did not read ... And the page of thanks, which the author expresses a cloud of different professionals, says, really about the big and painstaking work.

Dan Brown has the past actively works for modernity. The story of the past - culture, power, and even horror of history - appears through time, lives in the day today, and it actualizes this spirit of different times through intrigue and reading characters. And it works interesting. Here is this in our Russian culture, alas, practically no. We do not know how. We have amazingly talented writers live like hermites and do not hope for understanding with contemporaries, or, on the contrary, create unthinkable stories, but at the same time not related to reality. And finally, we are not accustomed to read and distribute our "today" - we have no authoritative litagents and lithuagents that we would trust and which would really be interested in broadcasting our own ideas into the world.

Perhaps all this happens because we are no longer thinking by world players? But we are now reading the American writer Dan Brown, definitely relating to the caste of world players.

It is not by chance even on the cover of the Russian version after the name "Inferno" says: "The book that the whole world was waiting." America and here is true: confidence in his "mission for the world" is broadcast through culture.

The world was waiting. And waited ...

Do not fruit, do not multiply ...

I will not tell the storytelling: the bottom line is that all the heroes of the novel tightens in a single intrigue assembly one idea belonging to the germinal engineer, the "father of the germinal manipulation" Bertran Zyu, "ingenious and insane." Here is his idea: "... The future rushes on us with the inexorability of Malthus calculations ... Our ability to reproduce is so superior to the ability of the Earth to feed us that premature death in one form or another becomes inevitable for humanity. Human defects are active and powerful factor in population. They serve as harbing the awakening of the huge devastating forces and often themselves to complete the deadly work. If they do not manage to win this war on extermination, the epidemic, mor and plague are taken for business, reaching thousands of thousands and tens of thousands of people. If this turns out to be not enough, the hunger comes with hunger and one mighty blows leads the population in line with the reserves of food .... If humanity is not controlled, it develops like a cancer. Sit downlawly - it means to greet Danate hell, where we all marry in sin, will be hungry and choking on the crampedness ... and I ventured to accept the challenge.

Someone will be in horror, but salvation is never given in vain. Someday the world will appreciate the beauty of my victim. For I am your salvation. I am a shadow.

I open the way to the post-deceive era. "

Zobrist, - Having disappeared from the world with the help of an organization, providing such services for very large money - for the year of loneliness invents such a virus, which is quiet, without pain, without a thousand thousand deaths and suffering (as it was with black death - plague) is introduced into Genetic human code and ... makes man fruitless ...Gradually, without flour, humanity begins to shrink (the reduction limit is laid initially specific to the virus).

And the Zobrist himself is spectacular, almost like an opera performance (the benefit is mainly happening in Italy), will furnish the last days of his life: suicide will occur on the day when the whole world will be infected with its virus.

And on the same day, already in Istanbul, once in Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire, from where the madness determined to spread the virus, will sound the most famous work of the Dante-Symphony sheet, inspired by Datovskiy images of the Descent and return from hell. Zobrist rushes from the Badia Tower in Florence. This is his sacrifice of the post-deceive era. This is the day of reference to the future death of most of humanity. Apotheosis, so to speak.

I dare to insist that it was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe correctness of Maltussky calculations (fertility from excessive childbirth and terrible crowded) is broadcast by all mankind and young men, which is greedy by Brown. This is its main message to the masses, that is, mankind. Moreover, the feeling of terrible cramped in the world (the image of a multi-thousand crowd more than once arises in the novel), its terrible overload is present in the novel in quite artistic images: the darkness of tourists, wandering along Florence, Venice, Istanbul is described with unobtrusive accented skill. Moreover, the author clearly relies on our personal experience of a collision with the overloadability of space, a familiar almost every resident of large cities and at least a little traveling around the world ...

Means and technology

The theory of Malthus (English Mathematics and Demographer, in the XIX century who spoke about the upcoming global overpopulation of the planet) is now imposed on the newest ideology of transgumanism (or postgunism). But what comes after a person?

So, our domestic radical Ilya Kormaltsev (1959-2007), the head of a number of projects "Ultrabultura", in which the world of consumption caused protest, said: « You can only move forward. Following the "death of God", "death of a person" should be taken with the inevitability. " In this case, "postgumanism" is obtained by something else, where there is no place for a traditional person with his warmth, his tragedies and tears, which means that the person himself must be transformed into something - and not even in Nietzschean superhuman, but in posted by:redo yourself . In postgumanism, a new branch was recently distinguished, which is called transgumanism, that is, "Humanism plus" or "more humanism." A common feature of transgumanism and postgunism is the prediction of a new reasonable view, which evolves the person. This is a new kind should be replenished (or even replace) humanity. Transgumanists are directed into the future - in the post-deceive (as well as the hero of Brown). The brown actually very consistently, only with beautiful historical decorations outlined their views: Continuous technical progress Already by 2050, it will create an opportunity to create an exception, which will have exceptional abilities, based on genital engineering, on molecular nanotechnology, to create direct interfaces "Computer-brain". Aging and death will be eliminated, and, on the contrary, the mental and physical possibilities of a person are improved.

Much will disappear: the old dichotomy of "clean and unclean"; From the consideration disappear such as "history", "development" or "evolution", as people will learn to manage genetic processes. Millions of posturday will genetically modify themselves several times a day, swallowing multicolored pills. Daily in the world "will appear and disappear new races, detachments, families and the kingdoms of living beings, just as it is imperceptible to us this happens with the colonies of bacteria ...". A man like bacteria receives an incredible manageable universal simplicity.

Virus Plus

In the novel "Inferno" the author to transhumanism adds significant "details" related to the possibilities of managing human. Berran's technology, - Siena's student tells him, - a genetic viral vector, infecting huge masses of people, is the most powerful weapon that ever was created. It makes the way to such horrors, which we can not imagine, including Address biological weapons.

Imagine the pathogen attacking only those whose genetic code contains certain ethnic markers. It will be a large-scale ethnic cleaning at the genetic level!

Finally, another thesis of transgumanists: they say that modern schoolchildren make them live according to the harsh standards of the XIX century. They are preparing for life in society, which is no longer. This is a hierarchical and strictly regulated society, which is reminiscent of the non-implemented public ideal from the "Machine of Differences". Modern society is informational, but it is not total and not hierarchical; Therefore, education for compliance with the realities of today's life will be forced to abandon any sustainable values \u200b\u200band canons (and we see that it is already done). The world's world will be permeated with networks and technologies.

And the last output of postgunists. So, they say, "we are able to understand our own limitations and abolish themselves, consciously rising to the next step. And for this you need to "get off the tree of humanistic civilization". And the hero of Brown "Tears" - jumped from the tower in Florence (this happened in the homeland of Dante, - its descriptions of hell, biography, and even the posthumous mask skillfully woven into the intrigue of the novel).

Until recently, we believed that the term "technology" is applicable only to technical areas. However, today, in the era of Networks and Google, we see that technologies can be political (social), and humanitarian. In itself, such a thing as a humanitarian technology causes some alertness, which is quite fair, because We understand that this is not about "searching for truth", but about servicing someone's interests, we are talking about "cultural hegemony" (A. Gramshi) of those or other expert groups. The modern humanitarian situation in the field of culture is such that he constantly demonstrates to us the power of cultural and intellectual fashion, - fashionable writers, for example, whose names turned into brands (but even the brightest domestic brand writer, like Pelevin, can not compare with the scope of the influence of Dan Brown ). It is not just about the mass literature, but it is about the literature of a circulation, - the one that claims to dominate, because it believes that it is the best of all represents the situation of modernity.

What are these meanings and technicians who are serving, in the new best-selling Brown?

The most catchy acceptance of the self-affirmation of modern culture can be called aesthetic diversion or aesthetic provocation. In a certain sense and Roman Dan Brown is just such.

He, as before, is provocative in relation to Christianity.

Christianity in the novel is given as beautiful and irrelevant antiquity ... no more. The author passed Christianity to the museum. Yes, in the novel even little irony in the address of Catholics: the meanings and values \u200b\u200bof Christianity are simply not interesting to the author.

But with a big artistic sense, it is told about museums, the palaces of the guy, the architecture of old cities as places of power, fame, money and power. The author talks about Baptistery Mosaics, the temple of Ayia Sophia in Istanbul, Basilica of Florence and Venice; He admires museums created by Christians, picturesque masterpieces, glow and shades of architectural masterpieces ... He sees the Christian world from the standpoint of a tourist (and partly a professional - the main character knows the Christian symbology well, but is at the same time a shabby darwinist in world fame).

Roman Dena Brown is provocative in relation to culture.

The author with great taste describes the sacred and infernal places of antiquity. Accent on DanTow ADE (Inferno), images of shadows, black death (doctor in a plane mask) play an important meta-poetic role in the text and end with the statement of the complex that "that black death was the biggest success of Europe": "Many historians notice favorable The socioeconomic consequences of the mass extinction of Europeans in the fourteenth century. Up to the Great Plague, medieval Europe suffered from overpopulation, hunger and economic difficulties. But here there was a terrible black death - and, effectively, "the flock of man," created an abundance of food and opportunities, which, according to many historians, was the main catalyst for the development of Renaissance. "

Office with surprise and fear this is a very ancient, familiar technology in antiquity technology. Philologist-Classic E. Avdeenko says that the antique tragedy was a people's theological action, and the horror of the tragedy was the beginning of life-affirming. But, in fact, so that it was so, the creator of the tragedy should be able to "stand at the limit", be able to "blast the limit" and see it as the last measure of weighing, as the basis of morality. All this is very difficult, all this requires a great workout for the possession of such a worldview.

The novel "Inferno" also offers training, but in another worldview: the reader has a peculiar "buzz" from the immersion in terrible - terrified from the inevitable death of a millionth crowd; And at the same time some horrified satisfaction from involvement in world problems that the novel gives. After all, they turn directly to the young reader: "It is not surprising that it was immediately thrown ones on all sides," Siena continued. - Politicians, priests, the World Health Organization - all ridicked him as a madman who foreshadows the end of the world just to sow panic. It was especially whisked by his statement that the children of today's youth, if she wishes them to produce, in the literal sense will witness the death of mankind.

Zobrist illustrated his thoughts by the "clocks of the Judgment Day" - they show that if the whole history of mankind on the planet is suggested in a single hour ... then we are now looking for His last seconds.

The novel "Inferno" with a large inspiration shows that Christian values \u200b\u200bon the anti-mercency of magic have already been replaced, and the fact that the main character offers only looks immoral, since no one can understand his brave progress of truth: "Inferno Berran - a long-term decision, decision forever .. . Transgumanistical Solution ... He presented humanity access to the evolution process, provided him with the opportunity to work on his species properties, so to speak, wide strokes. "

We, of course, we understand the difference between the author and the hero, but, nevertheless, we note that if the Spring of Intrigue first squeezed (everyone tried to fight the hero, including the real worldwide health organization - in the face of Sinski heroine), then Initigi's interchange is already - the main fighter with a crazy genetic engineer - recognizes the truth about the overload of the earth by the population, and learning that all humanity is infected with the infertility virus, says that maybe we will not be done ... no one in the novel disputes The main Maltusian idea of \u200b\u200bthe overestimation of the Earth as the reason for the coming death of mankind soon. It is wonderful that in the Fictional Work Brown uses graphs, tables, numbers, that is, documentary techniques (as well as in the context of such an organization as WHO, which in reality is concerned about the problems of contraception and family planning). So technologies work: freely, with a document and schedule in hand, or involuntarily convince what you need to convince ...

Well, there are such "reservations" as the one that defects and sexual perversions (gays, for example) have a way to rescue from overpopulation - such accents on the background of the rest seems already and not so "terrible" (Brown here acts as a clear Agent of globalism). By the way, the evil genius Zobrist had love connections with both men and women student.

The followers of transgumanism, as the novel asserts, is everywhere: both in private closed enterprises that provide secret services to states, governments and very rich citizens; There are among fantastically gifted intellectuals, among professionals of the highest sample. But they are all alone and not understood. All of them are exclusively talented and possess special vision, which is deprived of a crowd man.

And one more observation: in the novel that the picture of the total defeat of all mankind is infertility with the virus, no children, no families.

Comfortably alone, the main character - art historian Langdon, as surrounded by students, but does not have a family of antipode - the inventor of the virus Zobrist; Single and childless student of his Siena Brooks (man supernorable from nature); Single and long-faced (and she knows it and sometimes sadness) The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Elizabeth Sinski; In cold luxury and accurate loneliness of the superdoroch of the yacht, the trader of the lie and deception of the Chef (he does not have a name) ... They are already barren, they are already childless, and therefore they cannot perceive as a tragedy of their infection with the virus, nor what is infected with all humanity ... and very weakly, barely, a modest dotted line, the human heat occurred in the scene of the final parting of Langdon and Siena ...

American culture often directed to the future. The future in the novel is disposed of virus inference. Millions of readers are broadcast by the message about the overpopulation of land, which has only one "salvation" - infertility.

Especially for century

Created according to the novels of the writer Dan Brown. History of Professor Semiotics Harvard University Robert Langdonaapplying your knowledge to disclose the most complex mysteries of modernity.

Film Plot Inferno / Inferno

The main character of the film "Inferno" - Professor Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) studying semiotics. His specialization is studies of the properties of signs and iconic systems. Robertalready repeatedly found the practical application of his knowledge, participating in the search for sacred grail and trying to resist the coup in the Catholic Cerevian.

Robertwakes up in one of the Italian hospitals with a cranial and brain injury and memory loss. Doctor Sienna Brooks.(Feliciti Jones) Explains Langdonuthat the loss of memory is characteristic of such injuries. In an attempt to find out at least something about what happened, Robert Searches the things with which he entered the hospital, and detects a certain cylinder in his pocket. Opening it, he understands that the cylinder is a similar similarity of a laser pointer projecting a picture on the wall with the image of Dante hell. With the help of a doctor Sienna Robert He learns that a certain attacker intends to destroy humanity with a deadly virus. You can stop it, only solving all the riddles associated with Dante's Hell.

Worldwide film "Inferno" Earned $ 220 million at a budget of 75 million dollars.

In general, the picture received negative reviews of critics - unlike the previous parts of the film.

In 2017, director Ron Howard performed as a producer of films