Leonardo da Vinci: Where was born than famous, interesting facts. Watch the series Demons da Vinci online

Leonardo da Vinci: Where was born than famous, interesting facts. Watch the series Demons da Vinci online
Leonardo da Vinci: Where was born than famous, interesting facts. Watch the series Demons da Vinci online

Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most talented and mysterious persons of the Renaissance. The Creator left behind a mass of inventions, paintings and secrets, many of which remain not disclosed to this day. Yes Vinci is called a polymat, or a "universal person." After all, he reached heights in almost all spheres of science and art. In this article, you will find out the most interesting thing from the life of this person.

Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the settlement of Ankiano of the Troikan city of Vinci. The parents of the future genius were the lawyer Piero 25 years and the sirota-peasant Katerina 15 years old. However, Leonardo, like his father, was not the last name: Da Vinci means "from Vinci".

Up to 3 years, the boy lived with his mother. Father married a noble time on a notable, but barren lady. As a result of the 3-year-old Leonardo, they took up the new family, brightening with the mother forever.

Pierre da Vinci gave his son a comprehensive formation and tried more than once to introduce him to a notarial cause, but the boy did not show any interest to the profession. It is worth noting that in the era of the revival illegally born children were considered equal to legal. Therefore, even after the death of Father, Leonardo helped many noble people of Florence and the town of Vinci himself.

Workshop Verrocko

At 14, Leonardo became an apprentice in the painter's workshop Andrea Del Verrocko. There, the teenager was painted, Lepil, fastened the basics of humanitarian and technical sciences. 6 years later, Leonardo received the qualification of the master and was adopted in the Holy Luke Guild, where he continued to study the foundations of drawing and other significant disciplines.

The story entered the case of the victory of Leonardo over the teacher. Working on the baptism of the Baptism of Christ, Verrocko asked Leonardo to draw angel. The student has created an image that was at times more beautiful than the whole picture. As a result, the affected veroko for the whole life left painting.


1472–1513 years are considered the most fruitful in the life of the artist. After all, it was then that Polymat created his most famous creations.

In 1476-1481 Leonardo da Vinci had a personal workshop in Florence. In 1480, the artist became famous and began to receive a fabulously expensive orders.

1482–1499 Yeah Vinci spent in Milan. Genius arrived in the city as a messenger of the world. The head of Milan - Duke Moro, often ordered yes Vinci a variety of inventions for wars and for fun. In addition, in Milan Leonardo da Vinci began to lead a diary. Thanks to personal records, the world learned about many discoveries and inventions of the Creator, about his passion to music.

Due to the invasion of the French in Milan, in 1499. The artist returned to Florence. In the city, the scientist served the duke of Cesad Bordjia. On his instructions, da Vinci often visited Roman, Tuscany and Umbria. There mastered the intelligence and prepared the fields for battles. After all, Cesare Bordjia wanted to capture the papal region. The whole Christian world considered the Duke of Hell, and Da Vinci respected him for perseverance and giftedness.

In 1506. Leonardo da Vinci returned to Milan, where he was engaged in anatomy and studying the structure of bodies with the support of the Medici family. In 1512, the scientist moved to Rome, where he worked under the protection of Pope Lion X until the death of the latter.

In 1516. Leonardo da Vinci became the court advisor to the king of France Francis I. The ruler allocated the artist CLO-LUCE and gave full freedom of action. In addition to the annual fee of 1000 Ecu, the scientist received an estate with vineyards. Da Vinci noted that the French years gave him a comfortable old age and were the most calm and happy in life.

Death and Mogila

Life Leonardo da Vinci broke out on May 2, 1519, presumably from stroke. However, signs of illness manifested themselves long before. The artist could not move the right hand due to partial paralysis already from 1517, and shortly before the death and lost the ability to walk. All his property made the maestro visited students.

The first grave da Vinci was destroyed in the course of Huguot wars. The remains of various people mixed and ran into the garden. Later, the archaeologist Arsen Usse identified the skeleton of the artist on the description and moved it into a restored grave on the territory of the Castle of Amboise.

In 2010, a group of scientists intended to exege the body and carry out DNA expertise. For comparison, it was planned to take the material of the buried relatives of the artist. However, the owners of the Watermelon Castle did not allow the exhumation da Vinci.

Secrets of personal life

Personal life held them in the strictest mystery. All love events artist described in the diary with a special cipher. Scientists put forward 3 opposite versions regarding the personal life of the genius:

Secrets in the life of yes Vinci

In 1950, a list of the great masters of the priogency of the Zion-Jerusalem Order of the monks based in the 11th century was presented. According to the list, Leonardo da Vinci was a member of a secret organization.

A number of researchers believe that the artist was at all her leader. The main task of the group was to restore on the throne of France the Meroving Dynasty - direct descendants of Christ. Another of the missions of the group was to preserve the marriage of Jesus Christ and Maria Magdalins.

Historians challenge the existence of a priorea and consider participation in Leonardo hoax. Scientists emphasize that Zion's priogen was created in 1950 with the participation of Pierre Plantara. In their opinion, the documents were further formed.

However, few preserved facts can only speak about the caution of the monks of the Order and their desire to hide their activities. In favor of the theory, the style of Letters da Vinci also says. The author wrote from left to right, as if imitating the Jewish writing.

The mystery of the priorata was based on Dan Brown's book "Da Vinci Code." Based on the work in 2006, the movie of the same name was removed. The plot refers to supposedly invented da Vinci Crypttex - a device for encryption. In an attempt to hack the device all written soluble by vinegar.

Predictions Leonardo da Vinci

Some historians consider Leonardo da Vinci Providet, others - the traveler in time that fell into the Middle Ages from the future. So, scientists are wondering how the inventor could create a gas mixture for scuba without knowledge of biochemistry. However, questions cause not only inventions da Vinci, but also its predictions. Many of the prophecies have already come true.

So, Leonardo da Vinci described in detail Hitler and Stalin, and also predicted the appearance:

  • missiles;
  • phone;
  • skype;
  • players;
  • electronic money;
  • loans;
  • paid medicine;
  • globalization, etc.

In addition, Da Vinci painted the end of the world, depicting an atomic mushroom. Among the future cataclysms, scientists described the failures of the earth's surface, the activation of volcanoes, flood and the arrival of the antichrist.


Left the world of useful inventions that became prototypes:

  • parachute;
  • airplane, deltoplane and helicopter;
  • bicycle and car;
  • robot;
  • eye glasses;
  • telescope;
  • searchlights;
  • scabeling and square;
  • rescue circle;
  • military devices: tank, catapults, machine gun, mobile bridges and chamber locks.

Among the great inventions, Da Vinci marks it "The perfect city". After a pandemic of the plague, the scientist developed a Milan project with competent layout and sewer. It was assumed to divide the city at the levels for higher classes and trade, ensure constant water access to the house.

In addition, the master rejected the narrow streets, which were a rampant stand of infections, and emphasized the importance of wide areas and roads. However, the Duke of Milan Lodovico Sforza did not accept the bold scheme. A century later, a new city was built on a brilliant project - London.

Leonardo da Vinci left a trail and in anatomy. The scientist first described the heart as a muscle and tried to create a prosthesis of the aorta valve. In addition, Da Vinci accurately described and depicted the spine, the thyroid gland, the structure of the teeth, the structure of the muscles, the location of the internal organs. So, the principles of anatomical drawing were created.

Genius contributed to both the formation of art, developing the technique of blurred pattern and lightness.

Great paintings and their riddles

Left after a lot of paintings, frescoes and drawings. However, 6 works were lost, authorship 5 more contested. In the world, the most famous 7 creations of Leonardo da Vinci:

1. - The first work da Vinci. The drawing is realistic, accurate and performed with light pencil strokes. When looking at the landscape, you look at him coughing.

2. "Turin Self-portrait". The painter created a masterpiece 7 years before his death. The picture is valuable in that it gives the world an idea of \u200b\u200bhow externally Leonardo da Vinci was. However, some art historians believe that this is only a sketch of Mont Lisa, made from another person.

3. . The drawing was creating an illustration to the book. Yes Vinci captured a naked man in 2 positions imposed on each other. Work is simultaneously considered to achieve art and science. After all, the artist embodied the canonical proportions of the body and the golden cross section. So, the drawing emphasizes the natural ideality and mathematical proportionality of a person.

4. . The picture has a religious plot: it is devoted to the Mother of God (Madonna) and the infant Christ. Despite the small size, the picture amazes with purity, depth and beauty. But "Madonna Litta" is also shrouded in secrets and causes a lot of questions. Why does the babies have a chick? Why did the Mother of God, a rifle dress in the chest area? Why is the picture made in dark colors?

5. . The picture was ordered by monks, but because of the move to Milan, the artist never completed the work. On the canvas drawn Maria with newborn Jesus and Volkhiva. According to one of the versions of men, 29-year-old Leonardo itself is depicted.

6th masterpiece

"The Last Supper" - fresco, captured the last dinner of Christ. The work is no less mysterious and mysterious than "Mona Lisa".
Mysticism is enveloped by the history of the creation of the canvas. The artist rather quickly painted portraits of all the heroes of the picture.

However, it was not possible to find prototypes for Jesus Christ and Judah. Somehow, Da Vinci noticed a light and spiritualized young man in church choir. The young man became the prototype of Christ. The search for the model for the drawing of Judah was dragged on the years.

Later, Da Vinci found himself the vile in his opinion. The prototype of Judah was a drunkard discovered in the waste ditch. After completing the picture, Da Vinci found out that Judas and Christ were drawn to them from the same person.

Among the mysteries "Last Supper" - and Maria Magdalene. Da Vinci depicted her right hand from Christ, as a legitimate wife. About marriage between Jesus and Maria Magdalina also says that the contours of their bodies form the letter M - "Matrimonio" (marriage).

7th masterpiece - "Mona Lisa", or "Jokonda"

"Mona Lisa", or "Jokonda" - the most famous and mysterious picture of Leonardo da Vinci. To this day, art historians argue who is depicted on the canvas. Among the popular versions: Lisa Del Jocondo, Constanta d'Aavalos, Pacifici Brandano, Isabella Aragon, ordinary Italian, and Vinci himself and even his student of Salay in a female dress.

In 2005, it was proved that the picture shows Lisa Gerandini - Francesco's wife Del Jocondo. This was indicated by a friend's notes da Vinci Agrostino Vespucci. So, become explained by both names: Mona - a reduction from Italian Madonna, my mistress and Joconda - by the last name of her husband Lisa Gerandini.

Among the secrets of the painting is the demonic and at the same time the divine smile of "Mona Lisa", which is necessary to attain anyone. When focusing on the lips it seems that they begin to smile more. It is said that people who look at this detail for a long time go crazy.

Computer study showed that the smile of Mona Lisa at the same time expresses happiness, anger, fear and disgust. Some scientists are convinced that the effect is caused by the absence of anterior teeth, eyebrows or a pregnancy of the heroine. Others say that a smile asks for eludes due to the fact that it is in the low-frequency light range.

The Smith-Kettlevel researcher claims that the effect of a smile change is associated with random noises in the human visual system.

The view "Mona Lisa" is also written. For some angles, you did not look at the girl, it seems that she looks at you.

Impressive and technology writing "Jokonda". Portrait, including eyes and smile, are a series of golden sections. The face and hands form an equallyced triangle, and some details fit perfectly into the golden rectangle.

Secrets of Paintings Da Vinci: Hidden Messals and Means

The pictures of Leonardo da Vinci are shrouded in riddles, over which hundreds of scientists are fighting from around the world. In particular, Hugo Conti decided to apply the mirror method. For this idea of \u200b\u200bthe scientist pushed the prose da Vinci. The fact is that the author wrote from left to right, and it is possible to read his manuscripts only with the help of a mirror. The same Conti approach also applied to reading paintings.

It turned out that the characters were craftped with Vinci looks and fingers point to the places to which the mirror should be placed.

Squirt reception opens hidden images and figures:

1. In the picture "Our Lady with a baby, Holy Anna and John the Baptist" Detected a number of demons. According to one version, this is the devil, on the other - the Old Testament God of Yahweh in Papal Tiare. It was believed that this God "protects the soul from body vices."

Click to enlarge

2. In the picture "John the Baptist" - "Tree of Life" with the Indian Divine. A number of researchers believe that this way the artist hid the mysterious picture of Adam and Eve to Paradise. The canvas often mentioned contemporaries da Vinci. For a long time it was believed that "Adam and Eve" are a separate picture.

3. On Monet Lisa and "John the Baptist" - The head of the demon, the devil or God of Yahweh in the helmet, something similar to the hidden image on the Logomater canvas. This, Connya explains the mystery of views in the paintings.

4. At "Madonna in the rocks" ("Madonna in Grote") depicts Virgin Mary, Jesus, John the Baptist and Angel. But if you bring the mirror to the picture, you can see God and a number of biblical characters.

5. In the picture "Last Supper" A hidden vessel is found in the hands of Jesus Christ. Researchers believe that this is a garal bowl. In addition, thanks to the mirror, two apostles become knights.

6. In the picture "Annunciation" Angels are hidden, and in some versions of alien, images.

Hugo Conti thinks that it is possible to find a hidden mystical pattern on each picture. The main thing is to use the mirror for this.

In addition to mirror codes, "Mona Lisa" stores secret messages under the layers of paint. Graphic designers noticed that when turning the canvas on the side, the images of buffalo, lion, monkeys and birds become visible. Yes Vinci, thus told the world about the four entities of a person.

Among the interesting facts about Da Vinci, the following can be noted:

  1. Genius was left-handed. Many scientists explain this special style of writing master. Yes Vinci always wrote a mirror - from left to right, although he knew how to write with his right hand.
  2. The Creator was not constant: he threw one job and led to another, and without returning to the previous one. Moreover, Da Vinci moved to completely unrelated areas. For example, from art on an anatomy, from literature on the engineering case.
  3. Yes Vinci was a talented musician and played perfectly on Lira.
  4. The artist was a zealous vegetarian. He not only did not eat animal food, but also did not wear leather and silk things. Yes Vinci called people who eat meat, "walking cemeteries." But it did not interfere with the scientist to be a manager at court feasts and create a new profession - "Assistant" of the chef.
  5. Passion for drawing at Da Vinci did not know borders. So, the master for hours sketched in detail the bodies hanged.
  6. According to one of the versions, the scientist develops poisons without color and smell, as well as listening to glass devices for Cesare Bordjia.

It is said that geniuses are born only when the world is ready to accept them. However, Leonardo da Vinci was a much ahead of his epoch. The bulk of his discoveries and creations was appreciated only after a century. Yes Vinci's own example proved that the human mind does not know the boundaries.

Books wrote about the titan of Renaissance and filmed films, monuments were erected in his honor. The name of the Great Scientist was called minerals, crater on the moon and asteroids. And in 1994 they found a truly beautiful way to perpetuate the memory of genius.

Breeders brought a new grade of historic rose, called Rose Leonardo da Vinci. The plant blooms continuously, does not fade and does not freeze in the cold, like memory of a "universal person."

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Drama, detective, adventure, history
Producer: Peter Choir, Michael J. Bassett, David S. Goyer
Cast: Tom Riley, Gregg Chillin, Eros Vlagos, Laura Headdock, Blake Ritson, Elliot Kaen, Gera Hilmarsdottir, James Falkner, Lara Pullver, David Skofield

About TV series: To control humanity, when he has faith, is always easier to control a group of persons, for which there is nothing saint. One of the characters is trying to reveal to humanity in valuable information representing an old knowledge. But as it turns out, it is not so easy to make access to all.
At the heart of the plot - full of tragic filling the life of one of the greatest artists of the world. A young heretic makes a revolution in society. He is trying to prove with all means and methods to prove religious deception. But the surrounding see only the rebar in it. Along with this, a man is trying to wake a conscience in his father. But he only recognizes an illegitimate child in response to his plea on the restoration of justice.
The heretic makes awakening from numerous passions. The conflict is growing. Now his scale is difficult to assess. It is clear only that the scandalous form must urgently translate in the direction of peace negotiations. Past and real closely intertwined in one club, in which there is also the presence of the future of the future.
Leonardo appears on the event scene. He is trying to restore the validity of the methods known to him. But until the moment of contact with the surrounding hero, the battle was to win with his own demons, attached to the soul. Victory celebration is completely close. But Leonardo is not able to cope with this problem without the help of loved ones. Nevertheless, he was destined to spend this fight himself. Now he is waiting time to gain strength for a decisive impact. He turns the story, changing the course of events, and the audience at Hoping breath continues to watch all what is happening on the screen.
Free coming now becomes accessible to us, as Leonardo managed to open the path of truth, feelings and love, the path of creativity and justice for all mankind. He destroyed the devil, what sits in each of us, proving peace and mankind that only a bright start to adequately fill our hearts.
The film is amazing in keeping a mystery, a kind of mystical rebus, a message to future generations from the past from one of the outstanding people of past centuries. The energous struggle of the evil and good was based on the creation of this film project, so the picture will remain relevant and beloved and in a few hundred years. And the actor game makes the character as bright, memorable and charismatic.

Other scientists believe that the case is in the peculiarities of the artistic manner of the author. Allegedly Leonardo so much put paints that the face of Mona Lisa is constantly changing.

Many insist that the artist portrayed himself in the female attité on the canvas, because it turned out such a strange effect. One scientist even discovered the symptoms of idiocy in Mona Lisa, motivating their disproportionate fingers and the lack of flexibility in the hand. But, according to the British doctor Kenneth Kelen, the pacified state of a pregnant woman was transferred in the portrait.

There is also a version that the artist who allegedly was bisexual drew his student and Assistant Jiana Jacomo Kaprotti, who was next to him for 26 years. In favor of this version, the fact that Leonardo da Vinci left this picture to him inheritance, when he died in 1519.

They say ... ... What exactly are the models of the Joconda great artist owes his death. That the many-hour exhausting sessions were made with her a great master, since the model itself turned out to be biovampir. This is told and today. As soon as the picture was written, the Great Artist did not.

6) Creating a fresco "The Last Supper" Leonardo da Vinci was looking for ideal models for a very long time. Jesus must incarnate good, and Judas, who decided to betray him on this meal, "evil.

Leonardo da Vinci interrupted a job many times, going to search for simulars. Once, listening to the church choir, he saw the perfect image of Christ in one of the young singers and, inviting him to his workshop, made several sketches and etudes from him.

Three years have passed. The "Last Supper" was almost completed, but Leonardo did not find a suitable simulator for Judas. The Cardinal, who was responsible for the painting of the cathedral, hurried the artist, demanding that the fresco was completed as soon as possible.

And after a long search, the artist saw a man-sank in the walled ditch - a young, but prematurely dye, dirty, drunk and dangling. There was no time on the etudes, and Leonardo ordered his assistants to deliver it directly to the cathedral. With great difficulty, he was dragged there and put on his feet. The man really did not understand what was happening, and where he was, and Leonardo da Vinci imprinted the face of a man who was mired in sins on the canvas. When he graduated from work, the beggar, who had already come to himself by this time, went to the canvas and shouted:

- I have already seen this picture before!

- When? - surprised Leonardo. - three years ago, even before I lost everything. At that time, when I sang in the choir, my life was full of dreams, some artist wrote Christ from me ...

7) Leonardo possessed the gift of foresight. In 1494, he made a series of records, which draw pictures of the upcoming world, many of them have come true, while others come true now.

"People will talk to each other from the most remote countries and respond to each other" - the speech here, undoubtedly, is about the phone.

"People will walk, and will not move, they will talk with those who do not have, will hear someone who does not say" - television, a record for a tape recorder, playing sound.

"You will see yourself falling from great heights without any harm for you" - obviously jumping with parachute.

8) But there is Leonardo da Vinci and such riddles that are put by researchers in a dead end. Maybe you will be able to solve them?

"People will throw out those supplies from their own homes that were intended to maintain their lives."

"Most of the male genus will not be allowed to multiply, as they will be taken away the seeds."

Want to know even more about yes Vinci and realize his ideas in life?

Message about the Italian scientist and artist, inventor and scientist, musician and writer, as well as a representative of the art of revival, you will find in this article.

Message about Leonardo da Vinci briefly

The Great Genius was born in the village of Ankiato near the town of Vinci on April 15, 1452. His parents were not married, and the first years of his life he lived with his mother. After his father, quite a wealthy notary, took the son to his family. In 1466, the young man enters the workshop to the Florentine Artist Verrocko in the subset. Among his hobbies - drawing, modeling, sculpture, leather, metal and plaster. In 1473, in the holy Luke guild, he receives the qualification of the master.

The beginning of the creative path was marked by the fact that he was devoted to all his free time only writing paintings. In the period 1472 - 1477, such famous paintings by Leonardo da Vinci were created as "Annunciation", "Baptism of Christ", "Madonna with a flower", "Madonna with a vase". And in 1481, he created the first major work - "Madonna with a flower".

Leonardo da Vinci's further activity is connected with Milan, where he moves in 1482. Here he comes to the service for Louis Sofuce - the Duke of Milan. The scientist had his workshop where he was engaged in with his students. In addition to creating paintings, he developed an aircraft based on bird flight. At first, the inventor created the simplest apparatus on the basis of the wings, and after it was developed an airplane mechanism with the described full control. But it was not possible to embody my idea. In addition to the design, he studied the anatomy and architecture, presented the world a new, independent discipline - botany.

At the end of the 15th century, the artist created a picture of the "Lady of Mornost", drawing "Vitruvian man" and the fresco's famous fresco for the whole world.

In April 1500, he returns to Florence, where Bordjia comes to Cesare to the service in the position of engineer and architect. After 6 years, yes Vinci again in Milan. In 1507, Genius met Graph Francesco Meltsi, who will become his student, heir and satellite of life.

The next three years (1513 - 1516) Leonardo da Vinci lives in Rome. Here he created the picture "John the Baptist." 2 years before his death, he began to have health problems: the right hand of numb, it was difficult to move on his own. And recent years, the scientist was forced to spend in bed. The great artist did not become on May 2, 1519.

  • The artist perfectly owned and left and right hand.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was the first one who gave the right answer to the question "Why sky blue sky?". He was confident that the blue sky is because between the planet and black above it is a layer of illuminated air particles. And was right.
  • Since childhood, the inventor suffered from "verbal blindness", that is, a violation of the ability to read. Therefore, he wrote a mirror way.
  • The artist did not sign their paintings. But left the identification signs that were still not studied.
  • Perfectly owned the game on Lira.

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Person Da Vinci - The most mysterious, brilliant and poorly studied in history.

The Biography of the Italian is very scarce, and he kept his personal life under a heavy lock - there are legends about it, but there are no reliable sources.

But the paintings, inventions, theories, the masters diaries are subject to fame and can shed light on some details of his life.

The great scientist and the artist always stand out against the background of others. As a child, he was incredibly curious, asking about everything that saw and heard.

Heavily surviving the separation from the mother, while he was closed in his child in himself, and, having matured, began to live in the world of creativity, he devoted himself to finding the search for exciting questions.

Birth and childhood

Da Vinci was born on April 15, 1451 in the village of Ankiano, which was near the village of Vinci, Florence. Parents did not marry - it influenced the inner world of the boy and his relationship with dad. Mother Leonardo was Katerina's peasant, father - Young Notary Pierrot.

Initially, the son lived with Katerina, then Dad took him to himself. At that time, Piero was married for the first time, but there were no children from the couple. After 10 years of stepmother, da Vinci died, his father married again and re-widowed. In general, the boy had 4 stepmothers, 12 brothers and sisters.

At the age of 14, he entered the artist's workshop Andrea Verrocko as a subset. The institution is conveniently located in the very center of intellectual Italy. This work and determined the further fate of a unique person.


In parallel with the work, the young da Vinci learned to humanitarian and technical sciences.

For several years he studied:

  • metallurgy;
  • chemistry;
  • drawing;
  • sculpture;
  • painting;
  • modeling.

Together with the gift, the famous masters of Anolo di Polo, Lorenzo Di Loca, were studied in the Verrocko Workshop, Perugino. In 20 years, Leonardo received the qualification of the master in the guild of St. Luke. After 4 years, he was accused of sodomy, but at the court justified.

First artistic masterpieces

The first masterpiece Leonardo was the painting "Baptism of Christ", which the Verrocko ordered.

The master asked the disciple to draw one of the two angels and landscape. Andrea himself wrote the rest of the canvas, including the second angel. The difference between them was colossal - Angel da Vinci turned out better. Verrocko was so amazed that she threw a brush.

The following works of the genius became "Annunciation", "Madonna with a vase", "Madonna Benua".

It is difficult to imagine that these masterpieces appeared from under the brush of a 20-year-old guy.

The first big order Leonardo received in 30 years. Monastery San Donato A Systo asked to write a canvas "worship of Magi", which Da Vinci did not finish it.

At the same age the artist was engaged in another major work - the picture "Saint Jerome".

Personal life

Yes Vinci heard a famous person and in life - his friends and students were always surrounded. But the intimate relationship master did not want to disclose.

For 67 years, he never married. Some historians believe that between the genius and the churching of Galler, with which the portrait of the "Ladies with Mornosta" was written off.

Other historians assure that the Italian preferred men. One of the students named Salaya, who served as a master to the Master of Pictures "John the Baptist" and "Bakch", was allegedly a beloved teacher. There is also the theory that Leonardo was a virgin and did not love anyone, devoting himself to the study of the uncharted.

last years of life

In recent years, the Italian lived in the castle of Clo-Lyus, adopting an invitation to the French king Francis I.

He almost did not paint, but successfully engaged in the organization of holidays at the courtyard, and also planned a new palace in Romrantan, a spiral staircase in the castle Shambor, the canal between Sona and Laoray.

At 65, Leonardo became difficult to move, the right hand. Before death, he was constantly in bed, walked only with loved ones.

The genius of all time died on May 2 in 1519, in the castle of Clo-Lose, among their students and masterpieces.

I buried the brilliant artist in the castle of Amboise and in his honor, on the gravestone, the inscription was knocked out, which states that the ashes of the greatest person who visited the French kingdom is resting in the walls of the monastery.

Creativity Leonardo da Vinci

He left behind a lot of discoveries, works of art, records that give deployed encyclopedic information on various sciences.


Contemporaries know Da Vinci as an artist, although the master himself considered writing paintings only a hobby, and with age he paid him less time. But even in it, the genius succeeded - created his own technique, put the Renaissance painting to a new, higher level.

He wrote not only by Tever, who was used by most of the artists of the era, and and butter that attached figures of the picture.

Yes Vinci playfully played on Lira. When he was tried, in the case it was about a musician, not an artist or inventor. It is believed that he was engaged in sculpture. But only the terracotta head reached this day.

Scientific inventions "Magic from science"

Leonardo was in downturn in science, he created many things that facilitated the life of mankind. Although half of them are called ascribed to the author, it is still deserved.

List of impressive:

  • submarine;
  • diving suit;
  • parachute
  • armored tank;
  • double-litium telescope;
  • portable bridge;
  • searchlight;
  • self-propelled trolley (car prototype);
  • bearing;
  • robot;
  • wheel castle, which became popular in the life of the creator.

Da Vinci was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bflight and dreamed of designing the aircraft. Among its drawings, they found the scheme of the aircraft of the Ornithopter, which the inventor did not have time to try.

Anatomy and medicine

Leonardo made thousands of medical notes and anatomical sketches. He sought to study the human body in detail. For this, the scientist even conducted an autopsy of the corpses. He managed almost exactly reproduce a person from the inside, only the reproductive female system was inaccurate.

The genius founded dynamic anatomy, invented a glass model to study the heart valves, first determined the proportions of the skeleton and denied many theories about medicine of the time. He was ahead of an anatomical practice for 300 years.

Literature of the Grand Thunder

The literary heritage of the Italian reached the descendants in chaotic form. After the death of the genius, his student and friend Francesco Meltsi composed from passages about the art of "Treatise on painting", which was published in 1651.

In addition to these passages, there are many prosaic works in Leonardo records:

  • basen,
  • fakes (joking stories);
  • aphorisms;
  • allegory;
  • prophecies.

Among the last half has already come true. So, the genius predicted the emergence of telephone communication, two-handed saws, agricultural machinery. Other prophecies that have not yet been accomplished, more similar to biblical - they are talking about demons and cataclysms.

Diaries Leonardo

Great Leonardo led 120 diaries, from which approximately 7000 pages survived today. They can find drawings of various inventions, sketches of human anatomy, notes to young artists, architects, musicians, philosophical sayings, comic work, fables and prophecies.

Everything is written with the left hand and in the mirror image - from left to right. The mirror code da Vinci solved only at the turn of the XX and XXI century.

The invaluable diaries after the author of the author were kept by Francesco Meltsi, and then the manuscripts were disappeared. Only individual fragments were found from friends and native Leonardo. For the first time, part of the diaries published Carlo Amorretti - the keeper of the Ambrosian library.

Pupils - Young painters da Vinci

Becoming a master, Leonardo da Vinci founded his workshop in which he taught the art of others. Among young students, fame found:

  • Bernardino Luini;
  • Ambrogo de Preis;
  • Francesco Meltsi;
  • Andrea Solaryo;
  • Giovanni Bribepho;
  • Cesare yes Sesto;
  • Jamnetrino.

The master transferred practical recommendations to young painters in their diaries. He advised to develop memory and imagination, finding new and amazing in ordinary forms, pay more attention to nature, study the pictures of famous artists, history and the theory of painting, start practicing prepared.

Interesting facts, secrets and fictions of the artist

Personality da Vinci is surrounded by mysteriousness. He was considered a black magician, an aliel or a time traveler. Close friends appreciated and loved him, zealously guarding secrets.

Still, some interesting facts are reliably known to contemporaries:

  1. Genius first understood. In his diaries, he wrote that the light of the illuminated particles of the air, located between the land and the space. It is noteworthy that Leonardo called Cosmos "Heavenly Black".
  2. In the diaries da Vinci addressed themselves to "you", also speaking with possible readers. This testifies to an unstable mental state.
  3. Italian slept for 15 minutes every four hours. Such a dream technique was used in many centuries. It contributes to an increase in productivity, improving well-being, a decrease in time spent on sleep.

Disputes about who was Leonardo da Vinci - a mystical or simply a non-standard person underway so far. In any case, it was a unique multi-faceted person who had the greatest influence on civilization. It can be loved or hated, but it is impossible to admire them at the same time.