Watch scary horror anime. The Scariest Anime Horrors

Watch scary horror anime.  The Scariest Anime Horrors
Watch scary horror anime. The Scariest Anime Horrors

Halloween, the only day of the year when fear and horror can officially be brought to life, is near. You need to prepare for it with feeling, sense and consistency. At first, . Second, decorate your room / cave / science lab.

Third, arrange a horror marathon from those who invented the concept of "" - the Japanese.
High grade mysticism. Utsutsu and Yume had Hard childhood: they didn't have a playstation, their parents didn't like them. Once, when they were walking from school, a strange-looking woman came up to them and told them to beware of red butterflies... But younger sister Yume did not save herself and met with mysterious creatures, after which turned into a monster... A very, very, very hungry monster that feeds on human flesh.

Mayumi was deposited large sum charitable money - and someone safely stole it. In a panic, the girl turned to her classmate Ayu with a request to borrow money. But Ayu evil and insidious, so unhappy actually became her slave... One day, Mayumi found out about a site that sends to hell the soul of anyone whose name will be written on his page at exactly midnight. Naturally, no one began to think about the consequences. Quoting the great grandmothers, " it's all your computer's fault".

Up to madness atmospheric anime that professionally creeps you to the creeps. V high school a third grader dies- an excellent student, an athlete, a Komsomol member, whom everyone loved and adored. Despite the fact that doctors, teachers and parents stated the fact of death, classmates completely refused to believe in death and continued to pretend that the girl was still with them... There are no monsters, severed limbs and other paraphernalia, but all this is fully compensated strange and frightening circumstances.

It all starts as another part of "Scary Movie". Kaori with her friends just now graduated from the university... To celebrate the transition to adult life where it will finally be possible to walk without a hat and not report to your parents about what you ate, went on vacation... In the beach house where they settled, on the girls attacked by a strange walking fish... Thus began a series of events that are difficult to surpass in hellishness.

Deeply philosophical anime thriller with a pleasant touch of drama. The young pop singer decided to move into the TV series industry, but her fans were not happy with this decision. Strange calls, envelopes with explosives and other frightening trash subtly hint to the singer that peace where she lives - sheer lies and provocation, and she is not at all who she sees herself. At some point, it seems to the audience that they go crazy with the heroine, so the fear in this anime is serious.

The guy moves from the city to a quiet village, where almost from the doorway he begins to be friends with charming classmates. In the horror tradition, horror hides behind the cute faces of the girls, fear, brutal murders and disappearances. The local ball is ruled feral forces of evil. Plot anime complicated, suitable only for those who love to wiggle their brains and know how to read between the lines. Highly tense, a lot of blood and destruction.

Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, the initial Tenzin school closed after a series of mysterious and violent incidents. In its place, they did not think to build anything better than the Academy. A group of local students conducts ritual, after which, according to legend, they " stay together forever". But something went wrong: earthquake, classroom floor collapses and each of them ends up alone in a dark dilapidated school... Welcome: this is the same Tenzin school in which the souls of the dead still roam. Uncompromising brutality and liters of blood.

Quite often, elements of fiction, mysticism and action are embedded in the basis of Japanese anime. For those who like to get scared, we offer the horror anime genre. Despite the fact that this is animation, some scenes can scare even a person with strong nerves. Often creators cartoons take inspiration from popular computer games, or bring comic book heroes to life, it also happens that characters appear from classic works of art... There are also known cases when an animated series created on realistic events later became the basis for a game or comic strip. But in any case, today it is difficult to find a person who would not have watched the anime horror at least once.

Scary anime can make the viewer feel fear, anxiety and horror. Of course, watching cartoons, you always expect that in the end good triumphs over evil, but not in this case, so from the beginning to the end of the film there will be a tense atmosphere and a constant expectation of fear. It is not recommended to watch horror anime for children, as well as for people with weak nervous system, this genre is aimed at a more mature and hardy audience.

Watch horror anime online

It is hard to imagine anime horror films without violent fights, scenes of violence or persecution. Of course, in order to arouse fear in the viewer, storyline fills the anime with blood, brutality, and murder. The user has already managed to get acquainted with some of the scary TV series: "Ghost Hunt" and "School of the Dead". Our portal contains horror anime, which are constantly updated with new series. Many are not serious about this genre, naively believing that a cartoon is capable of carrying only good. This is a big misconception, since anime about zombies, vampires, werewolves keeps in suspense throughout the entire viewing, and periodically makes the viewer flinch from what he saw, this effect has its own name - suspense.

How can you not remember the anime mysticism, where there are full of sorcerers and people who communicate with the spirits of the dead. This genre will appeal to users who prefer the paranormal, are interested in the other world and the occult. These TV series categories allow horror fans to enjoy scenes that terrify the human imagination. Such cartoons excite the mind and cause genuine fear and interest.

Horror anime collection

Quite often, mystical creatures and monsters are present in horror films, they are usually much stronger than the main character, so he is doomed to die, but until the last moment he does not lose hope. The struggle for survival, such a sight will not leave anyone indifferent.

You can watch anime horror online on our virtual resource. Only here large selection chilling classic thrillers, zombie anime and more. If you dare to tickle your nerves, feel free to go to the world of horror stories that can cause panic... Indeed, in cinematography, filming is limited to a video camera, and in animation, the artist does not restrain himself and therefore is capable of real madness.

Here you can view a catalog with creepy cartoons, where under each is placed short description plot. In addition, a convenient search engine developed by programmers will help you easily choose your favorite anime series. If you are sad and have nothing to do, watching Japanese animated series is the best pastime. Fans of horror will be able to appreciate the genre of anime mysticism. Want to test your nerves - check japanese anime horror to the end.

Sometimes, in order for a person to drive out fear and apprehension from his soul, it is necessary to thoroughly tickle his nerves. In such cases, come to the rescue horror online, which are able not only to scare well, but also to leave a noticeable fear for the next few days. Task better horror Is to create maximum psychological stress in order to subsequently enjoy relaxation. Some works can keep the viewer in suspense until the credits, while others, on the contrary, frighten from time to time, giving the viewer a chance to take a break from the horror on the screen.

Anime horror try to adhere to the generally accepted rules of scaring people. The main scarecrow is usually a mystical creature or a killer maniac. The main thing for screenwriters is to create a depressing atmosphere and, of course, desperate situation... Very often a similar genre is found in TOP 100 anime... The hero, trapped by an ominous creature, tries to save his life, despite the tricks of the villain. At the moment when the hero is ready to die with dignity, salvation may suddenly come, which can destroy the sinister plans of the killer. Murderers are usually very cold-blooded and inhuman. Before the villain can get to the main character, he will take his life great amount people, the bodies of which the operators will show close-ups.

Unexpected appearance mystical power or a murderer, capable of making the heart rattle unusually loud. Fear, which is a constant companion of the protagonist, dominates the mind of the viewer who dared to watch the horrors. On our portal, visitors can find a huge number of anime fiction , about war , mystical, dramatic, mysterious and at the same time horror stories from the life of real heroes who were in a desperate situation and faced face to face with a powerful killer. Welcome to world of anime fear, death and fearlessness.