Iron man - will be the Supreme Mag. Parallel reality in Marvel

Iron man - will be the Supreme Mag. Parallel reality in Marvel
Iron man - will be the Supreme Mag. Parallel reality in Marvel

After the insane titan erased half of life in the universe with just with one click of the fingers in the "Avengers: the war of infinity," the fans began to put forward the most sophisticated theories, and one of the main points that in the fourth "avengers" heroes will go to the past in order not to give Tanos to do what he has conceived. But I recently appeared information that refutes this theory, arguing that this idea was specially invented by Rousseau Brothers and other members of the team working on the fourth part, only with the goal to introduce misleading fans, and not to give them to the truth. Frame from the film "Avengers: War of Infinity"

Most recently on the Internet appeared new information On the likely development of the plot, the film "Avengers 4", and, it is worth noting, the fans paid her a lot of attention. So, One of the fans of the franchise shared his considerations about the fact that no time to wait for time to wait for that a lot of reasons.

He also criticized most of the fan theories based on the quantum world and the stone of the time that will allow turning the time to reverse, namely, before the Tanos clickets his fingers. He believes that the photo from the filming of the fourth part, on which you can see the scene from the first Avengers, unfolding in New York, specially "leaked" to the network to test fans on the false trail, and then surprise.

Well, let's start at least with the fact that the creators are unlikely to risk sending turmoil in already existing films, After all, the time travel will certainly lead to this, and will also create a lot of holes in the plot, which is not allowed to not be released, given the scale of the film.

The fan draws attention to the fact that Marvel carefully monitors the plots of their filmmakers do not flick ahead of time. They will do everything so that this does not happen, they will even go to the creation of fake scenarios, in addition, even the actors shooting in the film often do not know the premiere than the story will end.

Frame from the filming of the film "Avengers 4"

Based on this, you can make a simple and not devoid of logic conclusion: the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling in time, so is clearly noticeable in the pictures from filming - Fake. But the creation of the creators of the picture of fake photos is quite possible.

The version that an ant person will play an important role in the Sicvel of the Infinity War, the fan also refutes, arguing this character's unpopularity, which did not even appear in the last film.

The second popular theory says that Tony Stark will take advantage of the time a stone in the fourth part of the "Avengers", because, allegedly, Dr. Strandzh helped him for this. And this is not what is unlikely, but difficult to determine. Recall at least the fact that the iron man is in Titan and he does not have the opportunity to return to the ground in a short time. Also the avengers are unknown to the location of Tanos, and they do not know how to get a stone time. Another important point - both of these theories do not docile in any way, but on the photo leaked to the network are captured together the ant and Tony Stark.

Well, do not forget about the existence of Captain Marvel, about which fans in their theories remember extremely rarely. Considering that Nick Fury at the end of the film contacted her, it is possible to expect that it will play an important role in the future. However, it is difficult to imagine what kind of.

And some confirmations, we most likely, we get in the solo film "Captain Marvel", the premiere of which will be held in March next year. And the fact that the film comes out with the fourth "avengers" with a difference in time in two months, says that in it we will find out more.

Becoming final stage The battles of Avengers with Tanos, the captured artifact of Infinity Glove. The junction is close as never. Now the fate of the whole universe depends on the outcome of the battle between the superhero team and Titan.

The premiere of the film "Avengers 4" is scheduled for May 2, 2019. This date is very far from today, but the premiere is worth waiting now. After all, according to the President of the Studio Marvel Kevin Fayf, the painting will have a discouraging final. Ribbon will divide the film populated into two parts. In the first will be what was before the film under consideration, and in the second what will happen after. "The audience is truly surprised, because it has never been in the cinema," Kevin noticed.

Who will die in the avengers 4

Failed to "squeeze" all the information, but most likely, President Marvel meant that someone, and maybe some of the main characters of the film will die. These rumors are in the media for a long time. Several photographic heroes can be distinguished, the death of which is likely to with an accuracy of 80%:

Interesting! Vizhen is still a big chance, so as not to die, because by comics, this character awaits interesting fate. And on the death of a superhero, you can make a good plot. Fans still remember how Alaty witch created an alternative reality, distraught from loss of the beloved.

Cast composition

The film directed by Anthony brothers and Joe Rousseau, who also removed the first part of the "war of infinity" and the second and third part about the first avenger.

Christopher Markus and Stephen McFley are responsible for the plot of the film. These two people since 2004 together write scripts to films. They put her hand to all parts of the chronicles of Narnia, "Blood and then", "Tor 2: The Kingdom of Darkness", and the second and third part of the first avenger.

The main roles will play a long-known viewer Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Elizabeth Olsen, Benedict Cumberbatch. Evangeline Lilly will join the film crew, familiar with the viewer along the title role in the series "Stay alive." She will play the character "OSA" with which the ant man works.

Tip! You can not watch the trailer, as the film is still in the middle of the shooting process.

  1. The main villain of Tanos will be Josh Brolin, who is not recognized due to the frightening and perfectly made made makeup.
  2. The shooting of the painting began at the end of the summer of 2017, and end in the Pine Wood Studio in July 2018.
  3. The working title of the film that helps protect against journalists' raids was "Mary Lou 2".
  4. Alan Silvestree was appointed by the composer, which made his hand to the first "Avengers".
  5. At first they wanted to shoot both parts of the final "Avengers" at the same time. It would be cheaper, it would not be necessary to spend a lot of money on the flights to the same places, etc. (This method used "Hobbit"). Anthony Russo offered to shoot the first part in one day, and in the other - the second. But from this idea decided to refuse, since the studio would not be able to conduct both films at the same time, and the fans did not want to bring.
  6. The first film premiere will be held in the UK on April 26, 2019, May 2 - the date of the release of fourth avengers in America, and then will go throughout the world.

If you are waiting for the film to the "Avengers 4", then go to the hall after the titles. Or read our spoilers.

The destruction of expectations is a favorite technique of directors in the last couple of years. Fans are building detailed theories of " Star Wars"And Marvel, and the creators eventually choose the easiest way.

The third season "Twin Pizesa" is generally one big trolling from Lynch and a revolution in a serial narrative. Any large-scale sequel or reboot today frankly mocks the fan base. "Ant and Osa Man, as new series Film Marvel, did not exception.

Many fans after the final of the "war of infinity" caught fire by an unhealthy interest in a fairly passing, at first glance, the Sikwell of the Ants Man. Tanos clutched his fingers, the apocalypse happened, now it is necessary to fix everything and return to the place. But how? Tips in the coming year was worth it to wait from two films - "Ant and Osa Man and Osa" and "Captain Marvel". From the latter - to a lesser extent, since the new character must first be presented. But the ant we know, and it is associated with a quantum dimension - it is a rather obvious way to salvation.

But do not wait for any tips to the credits. "Agrus and Osa" is a typical Marvel Sequel. Just a pleasant movie, excellent entertainment - no more. On the one hand, it is right. Marvel focused on the hero, recalling that the series was serial, but Solniki is more important. Yes, and it is not very clever to spoil the "war of infinity" to the digital release.

Sikvel is much better than the original - he continues the topics of the first film and develops them. And yes, we learned about quantum dimension much more, but still not enough. Although the main objective Marvel Solnikov is now fulfilled in this case - we have shown another new worldAs it was already in Tore, "Doctor Strendge" and "Galaxy Guards".

Otherwise, everything is extremely landed. "Agrus and Osa Man" is romantic comedy in fiction scenery. In this regard, the film works perfectly: chic actor play, worked out characters, excellent dialogues and even a few ridiculous jokes.

Finally in Marvel good The villain, who is not the villain, actually. All causal relationships with previous films are complied. Top special effects and operator work. Clear and simple plot, which will continue in the future. An excellent version of family leisure for the weekend. Of course, if your family is aware of who Scott Lang and why he is under house arrest.

But the film is more than just entertainment. Marvelian directors increasingly lay out the cinema for several cultural reservoirs: completely simple elements, Gikic density and allusion to " high art" Directors, of course, are stuck in the Candans of Corporate Rules, but they are from last forces Propying references to your favorite music, movies and books. From the latter, it was made Scott Derrickson in "Dr. Strendge" and Taika Weiti in Tore 3.

Peyton Reed in the "Man-Muraury and AxE" also entertained: The music The Smiths sounds in the ringtone at Lang and appears in the history of Louis, and the hero gives his new antoni antonion - reference to the previous nursery Antony, and to the Great Italian Director . Even Stan Lee here comes off and gives the best chameo in his career, self-charonically beating rumors about drug addiction, thanks to which he came up with all the characters.


It was a short view of the film. Now - to the main one. As "antith-ant and OSA" correlated with "Avengers 4" and why, before the end of the first titers, it is impossible to leave the hall (and the second scene just wait meaninglessly - it is comedy and does not carry the semantic load).

Below is the total spoilers to the "war of infinity" and "man-ant and axes", as well as the most complete theory about the plot of "Avengers 4".

"Avengers 4" are likely to come out with the subtitle "EndGame". And the correct translation is not the "end of the game" (even though it sounds epic and like rollers), and "endgame". That is how, for example, one of the best arches in modern comics about Batman was called. Epic, meaningful and, most important, logical. It was about the endspile in the original version that the sage Strøndge spoke before his death shortly before the junction of the "war of infinity".

"Avengers 4" - the same endgame, which magician saw in the only victorious version of the war with Tanos. War - keyword. If individual characters participate in battles, everything is important in war. And his word in it has not yet been told only an ant man, captain Marvel and a falconian eye. The last two will have their own arches, which are still based on completely attracted guesses. But with the ant, everything is about clear.

Return half the universe can be the only way - with time travel. No matter how Marvel's producers and directors denied this, but there is no other way (yes, without self-sacrifice, it certainly will not cost, but only in the case of heroes). Moreover, in the only suspension of personnel with the filming of "Avengers 4" there were photos with decorations, costumes and characters from the first "Avengers". Only besides them on the destroyed New York streets were the aged Tony Stark and ... A Murav Man! Yes, yes, the hero, which appeared much later than the events of the Avengers and in general, never really participating in superhero activities with MARVEL's main characters.

How did he come there? Tip the original Osa Janet Van Dyan in the scene after the titles of the Ants and Osa Titres. It was rescued after many years of imprisonment in a quantum dimension, she together with her husband built a compact portal in this unknown world and sent Scott Lang there for collecting energy. And before the journey, a farewell sounded: "Look not to get into a temporary funnel, otherwise you will not choose," Scott flew into a quantum measurement, and at the same time his friends turned a tanclusa to dust.

The phrase about the temporary funnel wife Hank Pima said not by chance. Scott is an archetypal Ivan Fool, who peaks the feats with the help of simpleness, clumsy and luck. He constantly climbs into the grill. It climbs and this time is straight into a temporary funnel, where he was advised to not surpass. From there he somehow gives itself to know.

And on that wire, most likely, his daughter Cassie will be. We hinted the whole film that she wants to be superheroes and a partner of an ant person. In the "Avengers 4", her dream will come true - the actress has already been announced, which will play a mature Cassie, which has become superheroines height.

Yes, matured. Because the plot of "Avengers 4" will develop in about ten years after the "war of infinity." Tony Stark is here at the head "Sch. and", and all the surviving heroes have new missions and fate. Tony has a sense of guilt and tries to correct errors in any way. And the method one is not by chance of a scientist in the "Infinity War" brought into one team with a magician. All the film Stark spinning at the time of time, repeatedly calling him the most important artifact in the fight against Tanos. During Tony and hooked, trying to be a brilliant engineer, create a time car. Especially the foundation is that the most reproduction technology of memories that we for some reason have shown in the film "First Avenger: confrontation". Moreover, the box with the name of the technology also lit up in the fusion frames with the shooting.

As the ending "Avengers: the war of infinity" will affect the continuation. Caution, the article contains numerous spoilers!

"Avengers: the war of infinity" is now hiking all records in the world and Russian box office, and numerous fans are looking for superheroes even in their surroundings.

Internet users burn with the desire to find out the plot of the new Marvell Studio films, ranging from the "Captain Marvella", the long-awaited continuation of the "man-spider man", which already come out this summer and in February next year, or that more relevant "Avengers: The War of Infinity" - The film, which is still known under the working title "Avengers-4". He must reach the screens in May 2019 and give answers to all the shocking questions of the final moments of the "War of Infinity" - writes.

Thus, taking into account the whole famous informationIt will be interesting for us to solve the meaning of what happened in the final of the film "Avengers: War of Infinity", as well as to reflect on what events will occur in the mysterious "Avengers-4" next year.

Obviously, a lot of spoilers must follow this, so if you have not yet seen the movie and do not want to run forward, better stop right here.

"Avengers: War of Infinity": What will happen next?

That very finale ....

First, it is worth paying attention to latest scenes. The film "Avengers: the war of infinity" ends with the fact that Tanos (Josh Broolin) still collects all six stones of infinity, defeats the Avengers team and finally, embodies his grandiose and monstrous plan, destroying half of people in the universe with one click of the finger, so The question of overpopulation solving.

Of course, the hero could probably redistribute the wealth of the galaxy in more fairly or simply create more food, thanks to its divine abilities, but he went along the path of genocide, so some of our favorite characters turned into dust.

Full list of dead:

Tanks, Falcon, Black Panther, Spiderman, Star Lord, Bogomol, Draks-Destroyer, Glow, Dr. Strøndj, Alay Witch, Nick Fury and Maria Hill.

Heroes killed before the fingers of Tansos: Gamora, Highmdall, Vivita and Loki, if he, of course, is considered a hero.

Those who stayed alive at the end of the film:

Iron Man, Captain America, Bruce Banker, Thor, Black Widow, Nebula, Rocket, Monkey Man (M'Baku) and Colonel James Roadsaka Warrior.

On the this moment Nothing is known about the fate of such characters as an ant man and a falconian eye, which was not in the film, as well as about Suri and Wong, who did not turn into dust in front of the audience.

So who is actually dead?

Only one thing should be excluded in this issue - whether the above characters dead. This time, the author of publication believes, the answer to this question Unknown - no. The stories of such characters as Spiderman and Black Panther already have continuing in the form of their solo films (as well as the Guardians of the Galaxy), but even if it were not, it is unlikely that Marvel will take and kill half Teams.

Considering all the above, it is increasingly likely that the characters who were killed before turning half the population of the Universe in dust, such as Vivita, Loki and Gamora, will die forever in the film, because they were not part of the Tanos plan to destroy half of the galaxy at Aid of the glove of infinity, and therefore they are not so easy to return to the plot. In addition, if everyone just returned to life, it would not look like so intriguing, because someone must die to justify such high rates.

So such a development of events relative to Vizhen, Loki and, most likely, Gamora could also be assumed, although the viewer would be surprised if she had not received some kind of mystical farewell scene, at least, given that her death was To a certain extent, infinity is associated, and we have already seen a flashback that sends us to her former conversations with Tanos.

At the moment, the mass "rejection" of the film characters is really a little surprising. Thus, apparently, the directors clear the field for an unnamed continuation next year, which focuses on the main avengers, when they all accidentally survived if there was a plausible and dramatic explanation of why other heroes did not receive such an opportunity, which is very good.

What is known about other survivors?

It is known that several other characters, except the main avengers, also survive. In particular, these are almost all the heroes of parallel plots or so-called spin-offs, as well as the raccoon rocket and nebula from the "Guardians". It can be assumed that the Avengers can attract in their ranks and this pair so that they help them go to space and divided with Tanos. Who can cope with this task better than his daughter and the best fluffy pilot in the galaxy?

In addition, there is also a warrior (Don Chidl), it can also be assumed that a falconian (Jeremy Renner) and an ant person (Paul Radd) will join him. Both of these characters were not in the "war of infinity", they were under house arrest, but the directors of the Rousseau brothers hint at what they could return to the continuation, and considering the ending last filmNow there is a place for them.

But the appearance of nebula and rocket can tell about what is expected from "Avengers 4". For example, the spectacular return of the falcant eye completes the original composition of the avengers, taking the line under the decade of the film festival of superheroes and providing best end Epochs.

Ant Man and Wasp - Official Trailer

But the man-ant meanwhile could make a more specific goal. It is already known, and the last trailer confirmed that he would play an important role in the upcoming film "Agrush and Osa". After it was first told about the first film about a man-angriev, "quantum reality" became an estimated place of the death of Mother Osse (we remember that it decreased in order to destroy the nuclear missile launched by terrorists, and became so small to To take place between molecules, and in the end I could not go back) and the deadly challenge for the person himself, from where he still managed to return to our reality.

Considering the fact that Marvel announced the participation of Michel Pfaifer as Janet Wannes Dyn (Osa-Mother), and the scenes in the trailer demonstrate to us that Dr. Pim (Michael Douglas), as well as an ant man will be returned to the older Oops back, it is possible that In the new "Avengers" it is this access to quantum measurement will have to help the heroes fight with Tanos.

This may seem a bit strange, but by actively spread since last year, we know that the heroes of "Avengers-4" will somehow travel in time, and directed by Joe and Anthony Rousseau even hint that fans may well be Right relative to these assumptions. Maybe access to the quantum universe somehow facilitates this process, or maybe it may concern the aliens-ant? Everything can be. However, there is no doubt that in the scenes after the titles in the film "Agrush and Osa" we will definitely see something that is necessarily associated with Avengers-4.

What is aware of Captain Marvel?

Among the heroes of Avengers-4 will be the captain of Marvel (Bree Larson), whose first solo film will be shown in the cinemas in February next year. The picture, the plot of which is unfolded back in the 1990s, will not elaborate with consisting of some question marks and the ellipsis of the "Avengers: War of Infinity", but it will definitely lead to Avengers 4, given that Captain Marvel was called upon For help in one of the scenes after the titles in the Infinity War.

It is difficult to do any more assumptions, taking into account the fact that the trailer has not yet been released for "Captain Marvel", but it seems that she will have its own role in the "Avengers 4".

What was the plan of Dr. Strange, why did he give the stone of Infinity Tanos in exchange for the life of Tony Stark?

Benedict Cumberbatch told whether "Dr. Strejdj 2" would be removed

If we talk about those who survived the "Avengers: War of Infinity," it is worth paying attention to how the Iron man turned out to be among them, because it can have fatal consequences for "Avengers 4".

After all, although in fact we have no idea what will happen in the Avengers-4, but already know who exactly knows everything - this is, of course, Dr. Strune. In the "War of Infinity", it is he who changes the stone of the time for the life of an iron man before pronounced the mysterious phrase that this one, at first glance, an unequal exchange was the only way to rescue the world.

Earlier in the film, Strøndge looked into the future and saw only one opportunity for heroes to win - for this Tony Stark should be alive. At first glance, it seems paradoxical, but it is possible that the fact that Tanos was able to collect all the stones for his glove, retaining the life of Tony Stark in exchange, and will be the first and main step towards his defeat, and will also give the opportunity to reverse all catastrophic Changes. It is possible that the Dr. Strainzh was alone.

In the end, the "endgame" in chess is when there are not so many figures on the board - right, as at the end of the "war of infinity", so Strange and tried to do everything that could keep Tony for him to him a slave significant role in him Future battle. Therefore, have this in mind and do not be surprised if Tony Stark will be able to find a solution against the terrible actions of Tanosa next year, even if it ultimately will have to donate to this. Such a turn would be very exciting.

So, what will happen in the "Avengers 4"?

All this - so far very approximate forecasts, but it seems that by the end next film The avengers somehow be able to cancel the actions of Tanos and return all the heroes on the stage, where the audience will finally see all the characters together fighting with Tanos - it would be a logical completion of the climax of a powerful cinematic "MARVEL Universe".

Actor Sebastian Stan, who plays tanks, hinted at such an opportunity. Even at the beginning of the year at the Comic-Con Conference, Stan said that there would be a scene in a new film where all heroes will gather together. He also added that he could not tell about it more, but he knows that in order to plan this scene, where they will all gather together, it took three months. "When you look at this scene, you will see everyone - from Samuel l. Jackson Before Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfaiffer, everything will be in it, "Stan shared. So yes, most likely, it will be.

What else can you expect in the final of the Avengers?

Of course, space Travel, return Hulk, some very an important role For Chris Evans (Captain America), as well as his reunification with an iron man. A significant story is extremely prepared for Karen Gillan (Nebula), in. Surely there will be a scene where the initial team of six Avengers takes control of each stone of infinity, thus eliminating the threat emanating from Tanos, once and for all.

What will Marvel do after the "Avengers" finals?

The network already has information about what directions Marvel can move after Avengers-4. In the short term, there are already many confirmed films, such as the continuation of the "Spider Man", "Black Panther 2" and the third part of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Captain America and Iron people will leave us after the Avengers-4?

There are also rumors that in "Avengers-4" viewers in last time They will see such heroes as Captain America and the Iron Man, however, many new characters will appear, for example, Captain Marvel and Black Panther, who will return to head the avengers. It is also worth paying attention to rumors that the characters of the "Eternal" (The Eternals), the "fantastic four" and "People-X" will be included in the team.

In addition, in the coming years, we may see deeper scene lines From comics or, finally, wait for the release of the film "Black Widow", which was waiting for eight years. Or maybe we will see how Marvel is becoming more cosmic in the continuations of the "Guardians of the Galaxy", in the "Captain Marvel" or in "Black Panther-2".

How events will develop, it is unknown, and we still have to wait for the exit "Avengers 4".

Slowly smallest dust, in which half of the superhero "War of Infinity" After the fateful click of Tanos. Marvel fans are just now beginning to come to themselves and morally prepare for the next part.

Repeat the success of the "war of infinity" - the task is not the lungs, but "Avengers 4" must cope with it. So far, the details of the new film are kept in strict secret - in particular, neither Marvel Studios, neither the director Anthony themselves and Joe Russo have not yet revealed even the full name.

In the "Avengers 4", the topic of movements in time will most likely be involved, but this idea is based only on guesses, rare pictures from filming and convincing fan theories. Many different assumptions vita in the air, mixing with dust, in which they have turned by many superheroes.

However, some facts about Captain America, Iron Man and Co. It was possible to break through the thickness of unconfirmed rumors.

10. In the plot will again be the battle for New York

Not all fan theories have good evidence, but the supporters of the theory of movements in time they are. It is confirmed by some pictures from the filming of "Avengers 4", leaked to the network - first they appeared on the site Just.Jared. and from there were mounted throughout the Internet.

Judging by them, one of the scenes in the Avengers 4 will repeat the famous battle for New York from the first Avengers. In one of the photos, Captain America flashes in his classic suit, and it would be possible to think that it was Flashbek, but other pictures denied.

Chris Evans and other # Avengers on the set, where there was a place for jokes and fun. New photos!

To take at least the fact that in some photos there is an ant person, which was not exactly in the films of the first phase of the film marvel. On other pictures you can see the torus in its usual closure and quite lively healthy Loki. Apparently, a scene from the Avengers will be repeated in the film, in which Loki under the cone return back to Asgard.

Although these pictures can be interpreted in different ways, one clearly exactly: in the plot of "Avengers 4" somehow, scenes will be used from previous films.

9. Falconary eye again in the team

In the saturated whirlpool of the events of the "war of infinity" there was no place for a falcony eye, but there were convincing reasons. After the events of the film "The first avenger: confrontation" of superheroes with families have some problems, so Clint Barton for a couple with a man-an ant was forced to heal on the bottom.

Well, good news - the clint is no longer needed to sit on the bench, because he must return to the "Avengers 4". Brothers Rousseau and Jeremy Renner himself hint at this, the performer of the role of a falconian eye. Photos from the filming, leaving the network, only pour oil into the fire of these rumors.

The photo is not very clear, but it is clearly a fallen eye on the set of "Avengers 4". Looks like he new suit - Black with golden details.

In pictures you can see new image Sokolina Eye, something resembling his costume of Ronin from comics. In the comic book, Barton took the image of Ronin after his family was killed, so perhaps his wife and children still appealed to the dust in the "Infinity War".

Of course, it is not known exactly about the fate of the Barton family, but at least it is known that the falconian will again hit everyone with its accuracy in the following "Avengers".

8. Captain Marvel will join the battle

Captain Marvel, who will play Brie Larson, must first appear in the filmmaker Marvel in the Solo Film in March 2019. After that, she will join The greatest heroes Earth in "Avengers 4".

The appearance in the following films became clear in the scene after the titles in the "Infinity War". Nick Fury managed to send an intergalactic heroine on a pager message, after which dust scattered together with a half population of the Universe.

If this was not enough, then you should look at last year's interview Scarlett Johansson magazine Vanity.Fair. . She not only confirmed that Bree Larson was filmed in the new "Avengers", but also described one of the joint scenes of Captain Marvel and Hulk.

"Brie Larson will appear in this film. Now she has the shooting of "Avengers", and then she will be busy on the set of a solo film about captain Marvel, so she dressed into this atmosphere with his head. Bree is very cool, but still mastered in this film. In one of the scenes she was next to Hulk, and Joe Russo told her to put his hands in the face of Mark [Ruffalo] to stop him, and she clarified - "right in front of the face?". Then she was explained that "in fact it is at the chest level of Hulk," and she looked at them and exclaimed: "Yes, I'm new! New! ". And I'm so - "Oh, honey, these are still flowers." It is so surprising - to see all these new actors who are first immersed in this world and implemented legendary characters comics. "

There is no doubt that Captain Marvel will be an invaluable addition to this film dealed, but if she can confront Tanos with his stones of infinity - this is another question.

7. Return of OSS

All heroes, who survived the "War of Infinity," should definitely appear in Sikvel along with Falcony eye And a man-ant. It was recently confirmed that this company will join the OSA, which Evangeline Lilly played, and this news can be called unexpected.

If you have waited for the scene after the titles in the "Agriev and Oske", then surely remember that the wasp most likely turned into dust with his parents.

In the death of the wasps there is almost no doubt, but in an interview EntertainmentTonight. Evangeline Lilly confirmed that her character would return in the next film. According to her, it will not be just Kameo - it may even fight shoulder to the shoulder with the captain of Marvel.

"You know, at the time when I worked on the set of" Avengers ", I had enough a good relationship With Bree Larson, and we talked about it a lot. She will soon be a solo film about superheroine, and I think "Captain Marvel" will open the way to many solo films Marvel. For example, the films about the black widow and scarlet witch. Of course, I do not know, the film will remove the film and will take off at all, but it is definitely the beginning of something new. "

The return of the OS is a promising news, because now it can be assumed that many characters disappeared after the Tanos's click can be reborn and play weighty roles in the plot. There is, however, one "but" - its appearance can be associated with movements in time, and then the hope of seeing other "broken" heroes of Mala.

6. New Hulk Image

On the Internet, for a couple of months, promotional images are walking with new images of heroes in Avengers 4. Judging by information on Twitter. which was taken with the Cineeurope 2018 held in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthese images accurately belong to Marvel Studios.

So, since these are official pictures, what can they tell us? Well, the most obvious here seems to be a new image of the Hulk. He looks more tightened, on it tight armor, and he rather like the brand Ruffalo himself rather than on the Hulk himself.

This image echoes one of the fan theories, according to which the "Professor Hulk" will appear in the new "Avengers". This version of the character is a cross between Bruce Benner and Khalkom with the intellect of the first and power of the second. Like two passengers of one vehicle Finally decided to manage it together.

Perhaps such a harmony is quite a logical completion of the Arch of Benner and Hulk. Initially, Bruce was hard to accept the Hulk as part of his personality, and in the "war of infinity", Hulk refused to come to the rescue Benner. Most likely, in "Avengers 4", they both will forget the forces of the soldiers and shared forces will help to fight Tanos.

5. Tony Stark "will never be the same"

Regarding the fate of Tony Stark in the new "Avengers" there are many questions. Does this role be preserved for Robert Downey Jr. after this movie, because his contract comes to an end? Will Stark won in the new part? Why did Dr. Str Struzh be so sure that he would survive in the "Infinity War"?

Replies We will definitely wait previously output Fourth "Avengers", but one thing is clear: Stark will never be the same. In the comments to Blu-ray, the publication of the "War of Infinity" brothers Rousseau explained that "Tony was forever changed" after the Spiderman died in fact in his hands.

What was meant in mind, they did not explain, but most likely, Tony Stark is ready for everything to take revenge on Tanos - or he will completely refuse the superhero and the image of an iron man.

According to photographs from filming, merged into the network, you can make several preliminary conclusions about the role of Stark in a new film. On one of the pictures, he is closed in Uniform Sh.I.T. And his hair was painted in light colorAnd on the other he looks the same as in the first "Avengers".

Thus, Tony can be mixed in all of these movements in time, which, however, does not explain the presence of a uniform of Sh. and. He has never been an agent of this organization, and Sch.I.T. It was disbanded during the events of the film "First Avenger: confrontation". Perhaps Stark decided to re-assemble the organization after recent devastating events. Another option - the action can occur in one of the parallel universes.

4. All heroes will appear in one of the scenes

In the film "Avengers: the war of infinity" were simply unmatched scenes, but all of them can eclipse the scene from the upcoming "Avengers", which Sebastian Stan told.

In an interview with online publishing Stan, who played the winter soldier, described the scene in which "absolutely everything was present." He even mentioned some actors: Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfaiffer, which sounds promising, because their characters appealed to dust.

"IN one of scene, by-Mom, gathered absolutely everything. I can not tell you more, but I know that one only planning this scene took three months, because it was necessary to collect everyone on the site ... It was worth just to look back and you could see everyone, even Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfaiffer. There were all. "

Considering that Nick Fury, Hank Pim and Janet Van Dyan disappeared into non-existence, one can offer two possible explanations of the common scene. First: this scene can occur after the events of the "War of Infinity" will reverse and died heroes Sunday. Second: the scene can occur in the soul stone, where, by rumors, there are all the heroes addressed to dust.

3. The name will be known this year.

Usually, blockbusters of this scale at this stage of filming should already be official name And the trailer, but "Avengers 4" do not play according to the rules of Hollywood. This is a simple explanation: after Cliffheger, at the end of the "war of infinity", the fans crowds rushed into cinemas no matter what they see in the trailer.

If you believe the head of Marvel Studios Kevin Fuehiki, then the name was held secretly because it is a spoiler. However, since the last film has passed enough time, and the name of the next mystery is still covered. Not so long ago, the "ant and OSA" did not give fans of any tips.

However, one of the news on the site Collider. Confirms guesses that the name will be known soon. File himself explained it like this:

"Most likely, this name will reveal in the teaser" Captain Marvel ". At the end of the year, when we release it, everything will become clearer. "

Well, apparently, so it will be. It is high like that closer to the end of the year the fans will finally be able to call this film somehow differently than just "Avengers 4".

2. Exactly known for the release date of the film

Require the name from the studio, the trailer and synopsis right now would be too, but at least known the release date. Information about the release of the film was voiced by the studio for quite a long time.

In the UK, the film will be released on April 26, 2019, in the USA - May 3, in Russia he should appear on May 2. The release was planned in such a way that the next film about the avengers will come out exactly one year after the "war of infinity."

"War of Infinity" showed unprecedented cash charges, while seriously undermining the moral fans of the series. After her, Marvel released an "ant and Axa person" to dilute the tragity, which reacted in their film. Before the following "Avengers" there will be another film at warming up: "Captain Marvel". Its action will occur in the 90s, and after its release it becomes clear how exactly the captain will fit into the filmmaker Marvel and what is its role in further events.

It remains only to hope that the Avengers 4 trailer will be released at the end of this year along with the official name.

1. The final of "Avengers 4" will be the beginning of "Man-Spider: away from home"

Although in the last Avengers, the spider was dissolved in non-existence, he should soon return - "Spiderman: away from home" will be released in the summer of 2019, and the role of a friendly neighbor is still fixed behind Tom Holland.

On the plans of Marvel Studio for the fourth phase of film dealers, so far is known, and there is no details about the Sicweple itself yet. However, one detail of the new film was still confirmed: the events of this film will start literally a couple of minutes after the final of the plot of "Avengers 4".

The source of this information can be trusted: this was told by producer "Return home" Amy Pascal in an interview with site Fandom Last year.

"I think, you need to focus on the fact that the adventures of our Spider man began in the" confrontation ", then his solo film was, then the" war of infinity ", and the next film events will begin a few minutes after the history of the" Avengers 4 "completes .

This quotation can be considered an official confirmation that the spider will return to life at the end of the following "Avengers". However, it is not necessary to eliminate the option with a parallel universe or an alternative reality in the "away from home" - in Marvel is the usual thing.

In one, you can be sure exactly - "away from home" will be the first film fourth phase of the film marvel. Marvel Studios themselves have changed more than once new era The films will come soon, but whether "Avengers 4" will be rebooted by the temporary line of the franchise - it is still an open question.