Design drawing on the topic of the new year. What to draw for the new year

Design drawing on the topic of the new year. What to draw for the new year
Design drawing on the topic of the new year. What to draw for the new year

Figures for the new year, usually make all the children with great pleasure - it helps them pass the time waiting for the holiday. Very often prepared drawings for the new year in kindergarten,

but in the walls of the house, you can draw a lot of beautiful pictures using a variety of techniques for this.

Drawing with a sponge "Snowman"

It is convenient to make prints with a template that is easy to make from a dish or cosmetic sponge. Cut out a simple form - for example, a circle - and stamp is ready.

When this stamp is done, their surface is obtained more natural, uneven.

On top of the frying paint glue her nose and eyes.

We glue a scarf ribbon and cap.

Dorify the snow with fingers or tassel.

Snowman ready!

Figure "Fir-tree" with a cardboard roll

You can use as a stamp - with its help you will get a curly Christmas tree.

Applying glue on the Christmas tree, you can decorate with her New Year's balls-beads

or draw balls and garlands paint.

Drawing Gouache "Fir Tree"

New Year's Christmas tree can be painted gouache.

Cove the paper sheet of blue paint. We are waiting for the paint dry.

Draw a pencil sketch of the Christmas tree. We draw the largest details of the drawing - trunk and branches.

We highlight the branches of light green paint.

Covered with large strokes all drawing.

Using a thin brush and a dark shade of green paint draw the bottom of the fir branches. Figure applied small strokes.

The top of the Christmas tree and the top of the branches are covered with green strokes. This shade of green should be a bit lighter than the shade that was used to draw the bottom of the branches.

Color the strokes all the Christmas tree.

We take a cotton wand and dip it in yellow paint.

Tychka draw on Christmas tree New Year's garland.

With cotton chopsticks draw multicolored Christmas balls.

Using a rigid brush cover a picture of white paint splashes. The effect turns out very interesting, but it is worth it very carefully, so as not to blur the entire table. The same rigid brush is drawing drifts.

Drawing Gouache "New Year's Eve ready!

Figure watercolor and pencil "Fir-tree"

Figures for the new year can be performed in different techniques and different materials. Very spectacular drawing "Christmas tree" can be made in combination with a pencil and watercolor pattern.

We will need to spread the sheet of paper. We carry out a pencil vertical line in the center of the sheet and divide it into four parts. So we will designate the basis, the top and the two central parts of the picture.

Draw a pencil three segments of the Christmas tree.

Draw a star, balls and gifts.

Welcome a sheet of paper with water and add light blue watercolor divorces. We remove the excess moisture and paint with a napkin and wait until the drawing is driving.

Color the Christmas tree with green pencils.

Color the balls with a red pencil. To give the volume, the central parts are left not painted.

Rubbing balls with your finger. Light glare on the balls become a bit muted and look more natural.

Color with pencils star and gifts.

We will supply the star, gifts and parts of golden paint balls. Our wonderful drawing "New Year's Eve" is ready!

Figure Santa Claus with pencil and paints

Bright and spectacular Figure "Santa Claus", made by pencil and paints. Start drawing from Santa Claus's head.

Gradually, step by step. Draw my santry frost bathrobe, hands, legs, bag with gifts and a festive staff.

Draw a yellow watercolor glow of a star on the staff.

Dark blue watercolor draw background. While the paint did not dry sprinkle her salt. After drying, the salt can be shaken. It turns out an interesting grainy background.

Now bright yellow paint coloring the star.

Color paint paint Tulup and Santa Claus cap.

Draw a face, mittens and bag. We are waiting for the paint dry.

With a thin black marker, draw small details of the pattern.

Figures for the new year - ideas from the Internet

Look at the video - how to draw Santa Claus with a pencil:

Figure Santa Claus - ready!

Everyone knows that the best gift is a gift made by your own hands. Having spent quite a bit of time, you can create a beautiful exclusive picture or postcard of New Year's subjects, having drawn the ideas of our article.

It will be about how:

Landscape, perhaps the easiest option, if you decide to draw a beautiful winter drawing. Where to begin? Of course, from the choice of technology:

  1. Pencil or chalk. The most ideal option for the first attempt, because it will not require serious financial investments. In addition, the pencil can create New Year's drawings or postcards by 2018 simply on the landscape sheet.
  2. Graphics. At first glance, everything is simple. We need only a simple pencil. But, in practice, this technique may be much more complicated, since each touch is important.
  3. Watercolor. In every house where there are children there are inexpensive watercolor paints, which can be drawn great drawings of the winter theme for the new 2018 year.
  4. Acrylic. This is a serious option. Such paints can be drawn on canvas. They will dry quickly. But be careful, because acrylic can cause allergic reactions.
  5. Butter - Selection of professionals. Such a picture drawn on canvas will delight the eyes for many years.

We offer to see the Winter Landscape Master Class.

Buy canvas today in specialized stores.

What to draw? Most often, the drawings dedicated to the new year are winter nature, rustic houses, snow-covered crowns of trees, and in 2018 the landscape can be added by the image of the dog.

Draw new year characters

What a festive drawing or a postcard without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! Do not worry, even if you do not know how to draw people beautifully. You are not difficult to portray cartoon characters. Here are some quick image schemes of the main characters. The advice of professionals will help create beautiful New Year's drawings in 2018.

We also offer to watch a video in which it is phased out how to draw Santa:

It is convenient that in the analysis, the pattern is depicted on a sheet into a cell. If you are just learning to draw, draw barely noticeably sheet - it will facilitate the task.

The smallest artist is a great pleasure takes painting New Year's pictures with Santa, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other characters of New Year holidays.

You can simply save yourself on your computer, print and paint on your own.

Draw a dog - symbol of 2018

The constant element of the New Year's drawings in 2018 will be the symbol of the year - the dog. Although the east calendar by the patron saint of the year will be a red-dangling dog, for a postcard or pictures, you can choose a representative of any breed, pushing out of individual preferences.

Not so long ago appeared on the television screens of the cartoon about the life of pets added to the army of his favorite children's characters, a couple of pretty facests. Thinking out interesting New Year's drawings for the coming year of the dog, in 2018 you can use new heroes - Max, Mel, Hydge and Buddy.

Also, look at the video detailed analysis, how to draw Max:

We also offer to download any of the dogs you like and use when creating the New Year's Picture Council:

We also suggest to learn the ideas of the original New Year cards with the video, in which they tell in detail how to create a jet gift with your own hands.

Create a digital card on your computer

On the nose 2018, and this means that it is time to master not only pencils and paints. And both graphic editors. In practice, create a beautiful postcard or draw the author's New Year's drawings using a PC much easier than learning how to depict people and animals with a pencil.

To create electronic cards and drawings, in which, by the way, you can add photos or images of your favorite characters, you can use such programs as:

  • Paint - the simplest graphic editor in Windows;
  • Avatan - online version of the graphic environment that allows you to process photos, create collages and a variety of postcards;
  • Online Photoshop is a free online version of one of the most popular raster editors, for the use of which the program will not be installed.

Of course, you can install and complete Adobe Photoshop CS6, having received a lot of opportunities. But, be prepared for the development of the program will require some time.

We offer to start with a simple postcard with a photo, to create a cat which will be required only a few minutes:

Of course, in this program you can create a wide variety of New Year drawings, loading the background of the postcard and adding after various stickers (do not forget that 2018 is a year of dog), inscriptions and effects.

Try, and you will definitely get!

All children love to draw, and the ability to visual arts manifest themselves from most of them from the smallest years. Approximately from the one-year-old age, the crumb takes a pencil into his small handle and begins to withdraw his first strokes. After some time, he will draw everything better and better, and its pictures will acquire a clear outline.

In all kindergartens and schools regularly conduct various contests and exhibitions of children's drawings dedicated to holidays. Not exception and new year. Drawing this or that picture on New Year's topics, both at home and in a children's institution, a child can get acquainted with the history of this holiday, find out the features of the celebration of the New Year in other states and much more.

In addition, the creation of any work on the New Year and Christmas and Christmas can support the magical fabulous mood, which is always in the soul of children and adults on the eve of these magnificent holidays. In this article we will tell you what kind of children's New Year's drawings can be performed by a gouache or pencil, and what themes most often found in such work.

Ideas of children's New Year's drawings for children

Of course, the most important characters of children's drawings on the New Year's theme are Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. It is they who participate in all theatrical ideas on the topic of the New Year and bring such long-awaited gifts that are happy with pleasure from under the Christmas tree.

Draw and can be different. Today, every child has its own vision of these characters, so their image can differ significantly. As a rule, Grandfather Frost is depicted in a bright red fur coat, warm mittens and boots, the Snow Maiden, in turn, "dressed" in a beautiful blue bathrobe.

Constant attributes of Santa Claus in children's drawings is his long white beard, a staff and a big bag with gifts, and his granddaughter in most cases draw with a long oblique. In addition, often these characters are depicted on the sleigh sledding.

Another heroine of New Year's drawings is an elegant Christmas tree that is installed in every house shortly before the arrival of the magic night. The smallest kids draw this green beauty schematically, while older guys try to ensure that their Christmas tree did not differ from the real fluffy forest fir.

Also, many boys and girls love to draw big and small snowmen. On the face of this character, you can portray a funny smile, small eyes and a nose in the form of a carrot, and on the head - a bucket or any other object that simulates a headdress.

In some cases, the theme of the children's drawing becomes just a snow pattern, which is easiest to portray with watercolor or guashi. Often, such pictures are drawn on glasses or mirrors.

It is commonly children's drawings on a New Year's theme, made by paints or pencil, are made in the form of greeting cards, which in the future the child can give their friends, relatives or educators. In this case, the drawing itself can be drawn directly on the cardboard sheet or glue the finished image to the template. In addition, to create a full-fledged postcard you have to add text of congratulations that can be printed on a computer or write from hand.

In any drawing, you can depict not only popular New Year characters, but also the plot situation in which they participate. For example, a child can draw other children driving a dance around an elegant Christmas tree, parents who are handing a gift to their son or daughter, and so on.

Thematic drawing for the New Year performs several important functions. For example, a new year drawing with a pencil may be the basis for a greeting card or poster. It will be an excellent option for both an art competition on New Year's Eve in kindergarten or school. Also, New Year's drawings can be used for interior decor. The most popular characters of such creative works are traditional heroes: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, snowman, Christmas tree. In the new 2017, the symbol of the upcoming year will join them - the fiery cock. Several interesting step-by-step master classes of drawings on Christmas topics with photos, as well as a selection of original ideas for artistic creativity, are waiting for you further.

Simple drawing with a pencil for the new year 2017 "Fir-tree", gradually with a photo

We first offer to master a very simple drawing for the new year 2017 "Fir-tree", made by a conventional pencil. This option is perfect for both small children and older children. As it is clear from the title, we will draw a Christmas tree with a simple pencil. But this does not mean that the end result must be left black and white. Brightly colored simple drawing for the new year 2017 Pencil "Christmas tree" looks much more effectary.

Required materials for simple drawing with a pencil for the new year "Fir-tree"

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • black marker
  • colored markers or paints

Instructions, how to draw a simple pencil New Year's drawing "Fir-tree"

Bright drawing "Rooster" for the new year 2017 in kindergarten, master class with photo

Since the symbol of the upcoming new 2017 is a fiery cock, then this bright bird automatically becomes a popular character character in kindergartens and schools. True, many believe that they are very difficult to draw a cockerel of a little kids. Our next master class with step-by-step photos of a bright drawing "Rooster" for the new year 2017 in kindergarten convince you in the opposite. It is so simple master class, which is suitable even for the smallest pupils of kindergartens.

Required materials for bright cocks for the new year 2017 in kindergarten

  • black felt-tip pen
  • the pencils
  • paper

Instruction how to draw a bright cocks in kindergarten

How to draw a rooster for the new year 2017, master class with a photo for school

Of course, the first master class of drawing Cockerel for kindergarten is very simple and not suitable for school. Therefore, we offer you a second option with step-by-step photos, how to draw a rooster for the new year 2017 for school. This option is unlikely from the first time the disciples of primary school, but it is perfect for competitions in middle classes. Read more about how to draw a rooster to school for the new year 2017 Read more.

Required materials for Pethi drawing to school for the new year 2017

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions, how to draw a rooster for the new year 2017 to school

Figure Pencil Santa Claus with her hands for the new year 2017

Santa Claus is a permanent hero of children's drawings with his own hands with a pencil for the new year. His image decorates greeting cards, New Year posters and wall newspapers, decorative elements. Figure Pencil of Santa Claus with his own hands for the New Year 2017, the master class of which will find below, is low in reproduction. Therefore, students of primary school classes will be able to master this technique.

Necessary materials for Figure Santa Claus Pencil with your own hands

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • colour pencils

Instruction how to draw Santa Claus pencil with their own hands

Ideas for the drawings contest for the new year at school and kindergarten, photo

Figure for the New Year with your own hands - a popular topic for thematic children's competitions. We hope that the above-mentioned lessons with a pencil will inspire you to interesting ideas for the drawings contest for the new year in kindergarten or school. In addition to these master classes, we suggest you still look at the selection of stunning works dedicated to Santa Claus and New Year holidays. Perhaps these ideas of drawings for the new year 2017 fiery rooster will suit your contests at school and kindergarten. Also below you will find several video tutorials to create stunning New Year drawings with your own hands. Do not be afraid to create, and let the inspiration always accompany you!