Interesting facts about Japan. Modern Japan

Interesting facts about Japan. Modern Japan
Interesting facts about Japan. Modern Japan
  1. Japan includes more than 6,800 islands. The largest of them are Hokkaido, Honsu, Sikoku and Kyusu.
  2. In Japan, more than 50 thousand people live, who have already noted the 100th anniversary. The country has the highest life expectancy in the world - 83.7 years.
  3. Japan has one of the most punctual trains in the world. Their deviation from the schedule usually does not exceed 18 seconds. At the same time, the train on the magnetic cushion (Maglev) is able to develop speed up to 603 km / h. This is an absolute record.

Express info in the country

Japan - Island state in East Asia.

Capital - Tokyo

Largest cities: Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo, Kobe, Fukuoka, Kyoto,

Kawasaki, site.

Form of government- A constitutional monarchy

Territory - 377 944 km2 (61st in the world)

Population - 126.82 million people. (10th in the world)

Official language - Japanese

Religion - Sintoism, Buddhism

ICR- 0,891 (20th in the world)

GDP - $ 4.60 trillion (3rd in the world)

Currency - Japanese yen

4. Every year about 1.5 thousand earthquakes happen in Japan. One of the most devastating in the entire history of the country occurred in March 2011. It caused a tsunami, which challenged 15,869 people.

5. In Japan, more domestic animals than children. The number of fluffy pets reached 19.8 million individuals, while children, according to demographers calculate, about 15.9 million in the country.

6. 90% of mobile phones in Japan are waterproof. Because youth use them even in the soul.

7. Square watermelons are grown in Japan. This form greatly simplifies the process of packaging and transporting berries.

8. The Japanese often sleep in public places and even at work. This practice is called Inemuri. Surprisingly, the bosses do not have anything against their subordinates to fit at the computer, as they believe that they worry about hard work.

9. Japan and Russia have not yet resolved the dispute regarding the belonging of the Kuril Islands. This discussion lasts more than 70 years, since the end of World War II.

10. There is a building in Osaka through which the roadway passes. The 16-storey business center is called Gate Tower Building. When it was decided to build, the road already existed. And then, so as not to lose income from the Earth, it was decided to start the highway through the building.

11. About 1 million Japanese are Hikicomori, that is, people who voluntarily refusedsocial life. They consciously choose privacy, guided by different personal and social reasons.

12. The most numerous Diaspora of the Japanese lives in Brazil - about 1.5 million people. Their mass immigration began at the endXIX century due to the overpopulation of Japan.

13. Most streets in Japan have no name. Addresses used quarters.

14. Okunosima - Japanese island, who brought ... Rabbits. They are here more than 700 individuals. Despite the fact that these animals are wild, they are freely walking through the streets and in contact with people. Thanks to this feature, the ochanasim began to call the island of rabbits.

15. Japan is one of the four modern countries, except Korea, Thailand and Liberia, who have never been European colonies.

Japan is a small country, but there is a lot of the largest and most interesting. Here is the most expensive amusement park in the world of Disney Sea, four of the ten highest American slides. In Tokyo, the most developed metro system in the world is located the largest railway hub and the largest mixed pedestrian crossroads.

80 interesting little-known facts about Japan

1. In Japan, Valentine's Day show sympathy and give girls gifts. I will not tell you about this tradition, but today it performs an important social function: allows girls to say "yes" without waiting for a Japanese man to get courage to her.

2. In Japan, cheap fish and meat, but very expensive fruits. One apple costs two dollars, a bunch of bananas five. The most expensive melon fruit, the type of our torpedo variety will cost Tokyo in two hundred dollars.

3. In Japan, pornography is selling absolutely everywhere. In each combini (grocery store), on the stand with the press, there is a separate shelf with a hentham. In small bookstores, hentai is one third of the entire range, 2-3 floors are given in large books under pornography.

4. Hentai is allowed to freely sell minors.

5. The two most popular Podzhans Hentai are violence and sex with minors.

6. Wrapped in the cover, Hentai is quietly reading in the subway.

7. In the Japanese Metro and Jr there are cars only for women. They are joined in the morning so that in the rush hour no one commemorates girls. Japanese voyeurists, and feeling girls in naked trains - something like national sports.

8. At the same time, in Japan, one of the lowest percent of rape in the world. Five times less than in Russia. It seemed important to me to note this, after everything I told the above.

9. Most Japanese hieroglyphs consist of 2-4 syllables, but there are amazing exceptions. For example, the hieroglyph 砉 is read as "Hantecavatogakhanarudo", it is thirteen syllables! Describes the sound published when separating the flesh from the bone.

10. Another interesting fact about Japan: the issue of honor still plays a central role in Japan, even in politics. The last prime minister Yukio Hatoyama resigned after the election promise could not fulfill (SIC!). Two of his predecessors too.

11. Japan is a small country, but there is a lot of all the largest. Here is the most expensive amusement park in the world of Disney Sea, four of the ten highest American slides. In Tokyo, the most developed metro system in the world is located the largest railway hub and the largest mixed pedestrian crossroads.

12. In Japan, snowmen is made to sculpt strictly of two balls, and not three, as in the rest of the world. And then the Japanese distinguished themselves.

13. Colonel Sunders One of the christmas major symbols in Japan, like Coca-Cola in the USA. On Christmas Eve, the Japanese love the whole family to go to KFC and eat a large portion of chicken wings.

14. In Japan, there are still 30% of weddings as a result of organized by the Parents of Watching and Surrine お (Omiiai).

15. In all the northern cities of Japan, where snow falls in the winter, sidewalks and streets are heated. Holly does not happen, and it is not necessary to clean the snow. Very comfortably!

16. At the same time, there are no central heating in Japan. Everyone heats the apartment as can.

17. In Japanese, there is a word 過 労 (Karoshi), meaning "death from rewarding". On average, ten thousand people die each year with this diagnosis. The director of the studio "Gibbles" by Yoshifumi Condo, the author of my beloved The Whisper of the Heart died with this diagnosis.

18. In Japan, one of the most liberal tobacco laws. Smoking can be smoking, except for railway platforms and airports.

19. Japan is the last country in the world, formally retained the title of the Empire.

20. The Japanese imperial dynasty has never been interrupted. The right-time Emperor Akihito - a direct descendant of the first emperor Dzimmu, founded Japan in 711 to our era.

21. This year, Japan turned 2725.

22. The Japanese constantly talk about food, and when they eat, they are discussing how they like treats. Dinner without uttering several times "Oishii" (delicious) is very impolite.

23. In general, the Japanese love repeat. When girls do it, it is considered to be Cavay.

24. In Japanese, three types of letters are simultaneously used: Hiragana (syllable system for recording Japanese words), catakana (syllable system for recording borrowed words) and Kanji (hieroglyphic letter). Crazy drives, yes.

25. An interesting fact about Japan is that there are almost no migrant workers in the country. This is achieved by simple law: the minimum salary on which the foreign worker in Japan is allowed to hire a foreign worker in Japan exceeds the average salary of the Japanese. Thus, for highly paid specialists, the path to the country remains open, and the unqualiated visitors does not dumping the salary of local residents. Solomon solution.

26. More than half of the railways in Japan are private. Non-state carriers are responsible for 68% of the country's total rail.

27. Hirohito has never been removed from power, after the war he headed the reformation and regulated until 1989. Hirohito's birthday National holiday and celebrates every 29 April.

28. Mount Fuji is in private ownership. In the synticist church, Hongu Sengen was preserved domestic from 1609, which the sogun handed the mountain to possession of the temple. In 1974, the authenticity of the Domestic confirmed the Supreme Court of Japan, after which he had no other way out, how to transfer the chrome to the ownership of the property. Because the ownership of Japan is unshakable.

29. The Japanese consists of several levels of courtesy: spoken, respectful, polite and very polite. Women are almost always talking in a respectful form of a language, men in conversational.

30. Seven percent of the male population of Japan - Hickkomori. Seven!!!

31. In Japanese, there are no names for months, instead, they are designated by sequence numbers. For example, September is 九月 (Kugan), which means "ninth month."

32. Before Japan opened the West, the only word for the description of the romantic sympathy was the word 恋 (koi), literally meaning "insurmountable attraction to something unattainable."

33. Japan Mono-ethnic Country, 98.4% of the total population are ethnic Japanese.

35. In Japan, Dolphins eat. Of them make soup, cook Kusia (Japanese kebab), even eating raw. Dolphin has a rather tasty meat, with a bright taste and completely disliked on fish.

36. In Japanese, there are practically no personal pronouns, and those words that are sometimes used as pronouns have even at least one value. In Russian, for example, the pronoun "I" does not mean anything but "I", and in Japanese 私 (Vatasha, I) means also "private, personal"; 貴方 (Anat, you) - "My Mr.". Use "Anat" politely only at the first acquaintance, then it is customary to contact the interlocutor by name or by position.

37. Tokyo is the safest megalopolis in the world. Tokyo is so safe that six-year children independently enjoy public transport. This fiction is actually.

38. The Japanese External World is considered very dangerous and afraid to travel. So a familiar Japanese once asked me, is not too dangerous to her alone will stop in the area of \u200b\u200bKensington gardens in London. The most dangerous country they consider the United States.

39. The ninth article of the Japanese Constitution prohibits the country to have its own army and participate in wars.

40. In Japan, the academic year begins on April 1 and divided into trimesters. Schoolchildren learn from April to July, then September to December and from January to March.

41. There are no trash can in Japan, since the whole garbage is processed. Waste is divided into four types: glass, burned, processed and non-burning garbage. Each type of waste is taken out on a specific day and you can only throw it out on strictly reserved numbers. For violation of the procedure, a large fine, in my house it is a hundred thousand yen (somewhere thousand dollars).

42. On the streets of Urn, there is also at all, only special bottles for collecting bottles. An indicative example of what is pure where they are not cleaned.

43. In Japan, very low pensions. The maximum social payment of the poor old men is 30,000 yen, this is somewhere three hundred dollars. There is no compulsory pension insurance, it is assumed that each Japanese himself must take care of his old age.

44. Godzila (Japanese Held) is not an accidental name. This is a portmother of the words "Gorilla" and "Kudzira" (KIT). You can only guess how they were so crossed that Reptile turned out.

45. In Japan, very expensive transport, the cheapest ticket to the subway will cost 140 yen (50 rubles).

46. \u200b\u200bIn Japan, men are always the first to serve. In the restaurant, the man first leaves the order, and he is first brought by a drink. In stores always beyond the man.

47. The Japanese lead large cars. City kara cannot be met even in close Tokyo, but a lot of jeeps.

48, for all time in Japan, I have not seen a single toilet without heating a stool and with less than 10 calls of the buttons. And recently discovered that my home the toilet can make the sound of current water to hide, mm, own sounds.

49. In Japan, everyone knows that Hello Kitty comes from England.

50. In Japan, tips are categorically not accepted. It is believed that while the client pays for the service prescribed price, it remains with the seller on equal. If the buyer is trying to leave extra money, he thus depreciates the service providing him / product, lowering an equal exchange before the gift.

51. For the year of life in Japan, I never faced the manifestations of racism against myself. In my opinion, it is very cool.

52. Japan is the best country in the world.

53. In Japanese MTV, the popular TV series is a USAVICH, a cartoon about two hares, Putin and Kiriyenko, trying to survive at the police state.

54. Age of consent in Japan - 13 years.

55. Japan is three times more than England. Japan Square 374 744 km², England 130 410 km km².

56. Japan often leads as an example as a overpopulated country. In fact, the population density of Japan is only 360 people per square kilometer. It is less than in England, where 383 people account for a square kilometer.

57. In the Japanese, the words "wrong" and "distinguished" are denoted by the same word 違う (Chigau).

58. In Japan, things have taken place, which twenty years ago seemed to be a future, and today they leave a strange retrofuturistic impression. Automatic doors in a taxi, automata that sells everything, from fruits, to soups, to nonsense panties. Trains of fantastic shape and funny fashion. All this is very cool.

59. The Japanese word 御来 光 (Goryo) describes the sunrise observed from the mountain Fuji. In Japanese, many capacious words.

60. Hitler admired the integrity of the Japanese nation and called them "Honorary Aryans". In South Africa, the times of apartheid the Japanese were not amazed in rights, as they were considered "honorary white".

61. The Japanese phones have an emergency notification system of the nation. When some kind of cataclysm occurs, there is a loud beep in all phones (even if the sound has been disabled) and the message appears explaining what happened and how to behave.

62. In Japan, there are no ladders. If you enter in Google "Looting in Japan", you can find only tens of thousands of surprised foreigners who cannot understand why empty houses do not rob in Japan.

63. The Japanese almost do not speak English, but use a fantastic number of British. Alex Case tried to draw up a list, counted more than 5,000 words and he was tired of continuing (parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) at the same time the Japanese pronunciation is so distorted that you can not hope to understand them, or what will you understand if you Try the word with the original accent.

64. Few people know that the words "Wat", "Mintay" and "Ivasi" are borrowed from Japanese. About the "tsunami" and "Typhoon", I think everyone knows.

65. In Japanese, there is also borrowing from Russian. Words イクラ "Ikura; Ikra "and ノルマ" Noruma; norm". There is still a funny expression "ヴ · ナロード" "Wu of the people; The people ", it got from Alexander II.

66. In Japan, there is a death penalty. Last year, eight criminals were executed in Japan. On the last two executions, the Minister of Justice of Japan was present.

67. An interesting fact that in Japan the lowest level of murders and the lowest level of violent crimes per 100 thousand population among all the analyzed countries. Here is the highest average life expectancy in the world.

68. Tokyo is one of the largest gay regions in the world of Shinjuka-Ni-Cee. There is the largest concentration of gay bars in the world.

69. Japanese and Chinese hieroglyphs are the same. There are regional differences: in Chinese hieroglyphs more and in a simplified form they are written differently. But knowing Japanese, you can understand the general meaning of Chinese signs.

70. Instead of signature in Japan, they put a special nominal printing of Hanko. Such a seal has every Japanese and use it many, many times a day. You can also buy it at any store.

71. Japan is the only country in the world, where the criterion of delaying the train is considered a minute frontier.

72. In Japan, it is considered to be impolite to open a gift in the presence of a donor. For it, thank, after which they postpone to open alone.

73. The Japanese believe that a person should be able to hide the suffering of a smile. There is even a saying 顔 で 笑っ て 心 で 泣く (Kao de Varatte Kokorot de Naku; smile while suffering inside).

74. The Japanese nation is very fondant people. If they do something, then seek complete authenticity. So, in all French bakery, Japanese inscriptions is duplicated in French. In Italian motion, ice cream will be signed in Italian, and in the Spanish restaurant there will be a menu in Spanish. In English, at the same time, nothing will be. Sometimes it seems that for them it is just "one more European language."

75. In Japan, the right of ownership is strictly observed, so there are dozens of companies with more than a thousand-year history. For example, Hotel Hoshi Ryoskan is continuously functioning from 718 years. She is managed by the same family for 46 generations (SIC!).

76. Tanuki - wayward Japanese beasts-hoists bringing happiness and well-being. Their eggs are the traditional symbol of good luck. At the canonical happiest tanuki, the egg area should be 8 tatami, it is 12 meters. In the event of trouble, they carry their retribution. The studio has been sitting about them a wonderful cartoon Pom Poko, look.

77. Two thirds of Japan are covered with forests. In Japan, commercial deforestation of its own forest is prohibited, but it consumes 40% of all the wood, which is mined in rainforests.

78. For 10 years, from 1992 to 2002, Japan was the largest donor of international assistance in the world. This is by the Word to everyone who is now gloating over the Japanese misfortune.

79. When the conductor enters the next freight train carriage, it necessarily removes the headdress and stands, and only then starts checking tickets.

80. In Japan, a third path was managed, which we have long been looking for and in no way. Here is a unique organization of society: on the one hand, a completely western legal state, with another original culture, which lives not only by tradition, but constantly evolving. I do not understand why in Russia no one studies Japanese experience.

Others Interesting facts about Japan In this section.

Japan is an amazing country. Many expatures living here for decades still can not understand the Japanese soul, their amazing hardworking and sincere love for Russian Cheburashka. In this article we collected the most interesting facts about Japan.

1. Independent travelers from Russia to Japan get difficult. To get a visa, you need to invite the host or buy a tour.

2. Population of Japan - 126 million people (for comparison in Russia lives 146 million). Most apartments are very close here, and our villas here are considered a real luxury.

3. In restaurants where local residents have dinner, instead of the menu plastic Food Layouts. You choose your favorite dish and after a while you bring the present.

4. In Japan, it is not customary to change the work. A young specialist chooses a company in which he will work before retirement. Dismissal is considered a big shame. As a rule, before that, it does not reach: you just downgrade.

5. Come to work (how to leave it) is considered a bad tone. At least half an hour before the start of the working day you need to be in place. Therefore, foreign employees cannot work in local companies for a long time.

6. Death from recession - This is not a turn of speech, but a diagnosis with which 15 thousand people die every year.

7. In Japanese, almost no obscene vocabulary. The effect is achieved from the volume and intonation of the spoken word.

8. Levels of courtesy (Caigo) - the peculiarity of the Japanese language. There is a spoken, respectful (wife's dialogue with her husband), polite (Cashier's conversation in a supermarket with the buyer) and very polite (for example, the appeal to the head to the boss). In schools there are special courses on Caigo. Sometimes it comes to the absurd, the service workers believe that the longer the phrase, the more politeness sounds, so the purchase of buns in McDonalds can turn into a fifteen-minute dialogue with the cashier.

9. Japan occupies first place in the number of extra labor. For example, there are people who keep road signs. The workshop must be attached to the working traffic transmission. Four regulators (!) Will help the driver to enter the parking space. And there are special people who look for smokers on the city streets and tell them about the dangers of this habit or employees who follow that the subway passengers do not accidentally entered the escalator repaired.

10. Medical mask The Japanese has become almost an element of a national costume. It is all worn: from mototaxists, sellers in kiosks to office clerks and fashion students. It's not about urban dust, but that the Japanese is very afraid of cold. In Japan, it is not customary to go to the hospital, according to statistics, office workers do not go to work due to the disease only two (!) Day in the year.

11. Tokyo is the safest megalopolis in the world. The cars are rarely locked here, bicycles are not fasted when they leave them for the night, you can forget the handbag in the subway, and then someone will attribute it to the foundation bureau. No one steals here, so the Japanese rarely follow their own things. For the same reason, they fall into unpleasant situations being abroad.

12. In Japan you can not just buy a car. To get a special permission to buy it, you need to prove that you have a place where to store it.

13. There are no garbage tanks in the country. There are only urns along machine guns with food and street cafes. All waste needs to be sorted, for example, there is a paper container, glass, organic waste, for plastic bottles and separate for paper labels with these bottles. There is even a special container for those who are confused in which of them which garbage is throwing.

14. You can not throw out the TV. You need to buy a special sticker, glue it on TV and put in place where the garbers will export rubbish. Without it, TV will stand forever.

15. In no country in the world there is no such massive phenomenon as hikicomori. (they are sometimes called hiking) - These are people who refused social life. They do not work, sit at home in an isolated room, live at the expense of parents or receive unemployment benefits. 7% of men in Japan - Hikicomori.

16. Japanese restroomsturned into a real meme. In what other country can we meet the heated toilet with the stool and color illumination, the color of which can be adjusted in every way?

17. A foreigner is very difficult to figure out local addresses.. The house number is its cadastral number, so it is extremely difficult to find the right place. If the Japanese invites you to visit, he sends you a clear travel scheme or will meet you at the nearest metro station.

18. Japanese street fashion - Theme for a separate post. We can enter a huge amount of clothing and its absoluteness, which the Japanese love to wear. In fact, there is a lot of styles here. Living for some time in Japan you start seeing your aesthetics.

Japan is an amazing country of the rising sun, whose culture amazes. Want to know the most interesting about her? Then read the article.

General information about Japan

Japan is an island state located in the Pacific and relative to East Asia. In terms of population, the country takes one of the first places, and its density is quite large. Japan is a developed country and even a real great economic power with significant and one of the highest GDP levels in the world. Other indicators that make the state leader in world ratings are deserved: level and lifespan, as well as infant mortality.

You will not believe!

So, 10 interesting facts about Japan:

  1. In Japan, more cellulose raw materials leave for the manufacture of comics, rather than on the production of toilet paper. And the inhabitants of the country love bright pictures with images of famous heroes, which decorate them and toilet paper.
  2. In this country, it is difficult to find people with overweight. Surely it is associated with culinary traditions and compliance with the rules of healthy nutrition. But there is also the reverse side of this medal: Japan occupies the first place in the world in the number of diseases associated with malnutrition. If you believe the statistics, then approximately each third or fourth Japanese suffers anorexia, and a third of the entire population has a body weight deficit.
  3. Pretty famous personality in Japan - Hosono Masabumi. This is the only Japanese who managed to survive after the tragedy that occurred with passengers of the legendary "Titanic". But his glory is very doubtful: compatriots were not at all delighted with wonderful salvation, but, on the contrary, accused Hosono in cowardice and thought that he had to die with the rest of the unfortunate.
  4. In Japan, they love "Peppi" with pleasure. Moreover, if in other countries is limited to several tastes of this drink, the Japanese went further and developed many taste shades. For example, the most unusual is baobab, salt watermelon, frosty cucumber, milk and strawberries, French chestnut, caribbean fruits, yogurt, mint. In general, the Japanese has very strange taste preferences and food habits.
  5. In Japan, a very complex and incomprehensible address system, what you will see if you start writing a letter to a resident of this country. So, the names have only the largest and most important streets, and at home are numbered in chaotic order. The address consists of several parts, namely the names of the prefecture, settlement, and the district of the municipality. By the way, sometimes even the Japanese themselves can not find the desired address and use modern navigation systems.
  6. Many well-known subcultures, such as Gyar, Decor, Anime, Lolita, Bosodzoku, Gal, Ganguro, Kigurumi, Manba, and many others have developed in Japan. If you walk around the city, you can be surprised by diversity and a full-fifty. On the streets there are a variety of personality: brightly degraded, strangely dressed, as if overwhelmed with the auto market and many others. But the movement of Hikicomori is particularly popular. This concept means privacy and total social self-insulation. In other words, young people deliberately deprive themselves any contacts with society and literally shut down in their own apartments (by the way, almost all of them live at the expense of parents).
  7. Confusion with the words "yes" and "no". Many believe that in Japan there is no word "no", since polite and trouble-free Japanese simply do not speak him. But actually it is not. The denial can be expressed even in several words or phrases, depending on the situation. But the notorious "yes" in our understanding in this country is really no, because the positive answer "Hi" translates approximately as "I understand you."
  8. On the Christmas Christmas Eve in Japan, there are dishes purchased in the "KFC" fast food network. What this is connected, it is incomprehensible, but you can put forward a few assumptions. The first - Japanese just once to prepare festive dishes due to employment at work. Second - Hamburgers, Potatoes, and Cheeseburgers are considered delicacies in the country in which the main products are fish and rice.
  9. Surely, any tourist more than once was kicked in the eyes of the deliberate closer of residents of Japan, especially female representatives. It can be assumed that the main cause of the problem is the wrong and unsuitable shoes: the so-called flip flops are most popular in the country, as well as sandals on a flat sole. Such models are likely to cause flatfoot. But Japanese has its own opinion on this. They do not consider the conjugation of the deviation, but, on the contrary, they are proud of it, believing what the position of the stop is cute and romantic. Girls are confident that, Kosolawy, they look innocently, young and feminine. By the way, this gait even has a name - utimata (also this word means a certain throw in Judo).
  10. In Japan, there is no own army. But this does not mean that the country in the event of an attack will not be able to reflect the attack. As such, the armed forces in the state are available, but they are intended, according to the legislation, exclusively for self-defense, so they are mobilized only in emergency cases.

And some more interesting information about such an unusual and multifaceted Japan:

  • This country remains the only one that preserves the status of the empire. And the authorities are transmitted by inheritance, so the current emperor is a direct descendant of the founder of the state.
  • To date, Japan is the only state against which the most dangerous nuclear weapons were applied. This day entered the story and influenced her move.
  • Pets in Japan becomes more than children. But pairs having sons or daughters are very loved and indulge.
  • The Japanese are real workaholics. In addition, on weekdays, they look more than modest. But at night and on weekends, residents of the country allow themselves to themselves, what the huge number of "sex shops" speaks, and those who are in open access.
  • Service in the Japanese McDonalds is considered the most slow in the world.
  • In Japan, every year massively kill and eat dolphins. But during the investigation, it was found that these marine inhabitants often issue for whale and sell more expensive.
  • In the northern regions of the state, the sidewalks are heated, so it simply can not be ice.
  • On the streets of Japan, you can find baskets with umbrellas, so if it is suddenly raining, then passersby will not get wet.
  • The country has the age of consent - 13 years. This means that voluntary sex contacts from this period are not considered criminal or illegal.
  • In Japan, there is the concept of "Karosi" (or "Karoshi"), meaning death as a result of overwork. And for this reason, many people die every year (remember that the indigenous population is distinguished by pathological labor).
  • In the Japanese metro there are "female" cars in which representatives of beautiful sex will be able to feel as comfortable as possible (many men are often confused by Japanese intentional tactile contacts).

Surely now Japan surprises you even more!

1. In Japan for Valentine's Day Show sympathy and give girls gifts. I will not tell you about this tradition, but today it performs an important social function: allows girls to say "yes" without waiting for a Japanese man to get courage to her.

2. In Japan, cheap fish and meatBut very expensive fruits. One apple costs two dollars, a bunch of bananas five. The most expensive melon fruit, the type of our torpedo variety will cost Tokyo in two hundred dollars.
3. In Japan, pornography is selling absolutely everywhere. In each combini (grocery store), on the stand with the press, there is a separate shelf with a hentham. In small bookstores, hentai is one third of the entire range, 2-3 floors are given in large books under pornography.

4. Hentai is allowed to freely sell minors.

5. Two most popular subsoine hentai This is violence and sex with minors.

6. Wrapped the cover, hentai is quietly reading in the subway.

7. In Japanese Metro and JR there are wagons only cars. They are joined in the morning so that in the rush hour no one commemorates girls. Japanese voyeurists, and feeling girls in naked trains something like national sports.

8. At the same time, in Japan, one of the lowest percent of rape in the world. Five times less than in Russia.

9. Most Japanese hieroglyphs consist of 2-4 syllablesBut there are amazing exceptions. For example, there is a hieroglyph, which is read as "Hankew Cavatoghahanarewo", are thirteen syllables! Describes the sound published when separating the flesh from the bone.

10. Question of honor still plays a central role in JapanEven in politics. The last prime minister Yukio Hatoyama resigned after the election promise could not fulfill (SIC!). Two of his predecessors too.

11. Japan Little CountryBut there is a lot of all the biggest. Here is the most expensive amusement park in the world of Disney Sea, four of the ten highest American slides. In Tokyo, the most developed metro system in the world is located the largest railway hub and the largest mixed pedestrian crossroads.

12. In Japan, snowmen is accepted to sculpt Strictly of two balls, not three, as in the rest of the world. And then the Japanese distinguished themselves.

13. Colonel Sunders One of the main symbols of Christmas in Japan, like Coca-Cola in the USA. On Christmas Eve, the Japanese love the whole family to go to KFC and eat a large portion of chicken wings.

14. In Japan, still 30% weddings It happens as a result of organized by the parents of walling and the view (Omiiai).

15. In all the northern cities of Japanwhere snow falls in winter, sidewalks and streets are heated. Holly does not happen, and it is not necessary to clean the snow. Very comfortably!

16. At the same time in Japan no central heating. Everyone heats the apartment as can.

17. In Japanese, there is a word (Karoshi), meaning "death from recession". On average, ten thousand people die each year with this diagnosis. The director of the studio "Gibbles" by Yoshifumi Condo, the author of my beloved The Whisper of the Heart died with this diagnosis.

18. In Japan, one of the most liberal tobacco laws. Smoking can be smoking, except for railway platforms and airports.

19. Japan is the last country in the world, formally preserved title Empire.

20. Japanese Imperial Dynasty Never interrupted. The right-time Emperor Akihito directly descendant of the First Emperor Dzimmu, founded Japan in 711 to our era.

21. This year, Japan turned 2671.

22. The Japanese are constantly talking about food.And when they eat, they are discussing how they like the treat. Dinner without uttering several times "Oishii" (delicious) is very impolite.

23. At all, the Japanese love repetition. When girls do it, it is considered to be Cavay.

24. In Japanese at the same time three types of letters are used: Hiragana (syllable system for writing Japanese words), Catakana (syllable system for recording borrowed words) and Cange (hieroglyphic letter). Crazy drives, yes.

25. There are no guest workers in Japan. This is achieved by simple law: the minimum salary on which the foreign worker in Japan is allowed to hire a foreign worker in Japan exceeds the average salary of the Japanese. Thus, for highly paid specialists, the path to the country remains open, and the unqualiated visitors does not dumping the salary of local residents. Solomon solution.

26. More than half of the railways in Japan private. Non-state carriers are responsible for 68% of the country's total rail.

27. Hirohito Never been removed from power, after the war he headed the reformation and regulated until 1989. Hirohito's birthday National holiday and celebrates every 29 April.

28. Mount Fuji Located in private ownership. In the synticist church, Hongu Sengen was preserved domestic from 1609, which the sogun handed the mountain to possession of the temple. In 1974, the authenticity of the Domestic confirmed the Supreme Court of Japan, after which he had no other way out, how to transfer the chrome to the ownership of the property. Because the ownership of Japan is unshakable.

29. Japanese consists of several levels of courtesy: Spoken, respectful, polite and very polite. Women are almost always talking in a respectful form of a language, men in conversational.

30. Seven percent of the male population of Japan - Hickkomori. Seven!!

31. In Japanese, there are no names in JapaneseInstead, they are designated by sequence numbers. For example, this ?? (Kugatsu), which means "ninth month."

32. Before Japan opened the West, the only word for describing the romantic sympathy was the word (koi), literally meaning the "insurmountable attraction to something unattainable."

33. Japan Mono Ethnic Country98.4% of the total population are ethnic Japanese.

34. In Japan, prisoners do not have the right to vote in the elections.

35. In Japan, Dolphins eat. Of them make soup, cook Kusia (Japanese kebab), even eating raw. Dolphin has a rather tasty meat, with a bright taste and completely disliked on fish.

36. In Japanese, there are practically no personal pronouns, And those words that are sometimes used as pronouns, have even one value. In Russian, for example, the pronoun "I" does not mean anything but "I", but in Japanese Vatasha, I also mean "private, personal"; Anat, you are "My Mr.". Use "Anat" politely only at the first acquaintance, then it is customary to contact the interlocutor by name or by position.

37. Tokyo the safest megalopolis in the world. Tokyo is so safe that six-year children independently enjoy public transport. This fiction is actually.

38. The external world of the Japanese is considered very dangerous and afraid to travel.. So a familiar Japanese once asked me, is not too dangerous to her alone will stop in the area of \u200b\u200bKensington gardens in London. The most dangerous country they consider the United States.

39. Ninth article of the Japanese Constitution Forbids the country to have their own army and participate in wars.

40. In Japan, the school year begins first of April And divided into trimesters. Schoolchildren learn from April to July, then September to December and from January to March.

41. There are no garbage tanks in JapanSince the whole garbage is processed. Waste is divided into four types: glass, burned, processed and non-burning garbage. Each type of waste is taken out on a specific day and you can only throw it out on strictly reserved numbers. For violation of the procedure, a large fine, in my house it is a hundred thousand yen (somewhere thousand dollars).

42. On the streets of the urn as well, only special bottles for collecting bottles. An indicative example of what is pure where they are not cleaned.

43. In Japan, very low pensions. The maximum social payment of the poor old men is 30,000 yen, this is somewhere three hundred dollars. There is no compulsory pension insurance, it is assumed that each Japanese himself must take care of his old age.

44. Godzila (Japanese Held) is not an accidental name. This is a portmother of the words "Gorilla" and "Kudzira" (KIT). You can only guess how they were so crossed that Reptile turned out.

45. In Japan, very expensive transportThe cheapest ticket to the subway will cost 140 yen (50 rubles).

46. \u200b\u200bIn Japan, men are always the first to serve. In the restaurant, the man first leaves the order, and he is first brought by a drink. In stores always beyond the man.

47. The Japanese lead big cars. City kara cannot be met even in close Tokyo, but a lot of jeeps.

48. For all the time in Japan, I have not seen a single toilet without heating chairs And with less than 10 buttons. And recently discovered that my home the toilet can make the sound of current water to hide, mm, own sounds.

49. In Japan, everyone knows that Hello Kitty comes from England.

50. In Japan, tips are categorically not accepted. It is believed that while the client pays for the service prescribed price, it remains with the seller on equal. If the buyer is trying to leave extra money, he thus depreciates the service providing him / product, lowering an equal exchange before the gift.