The Japanese Yakuza mafia is split. Yakuza becomes a memory of the past

The Japanese Yakuza mafia is split.  Yakuza becomes a memory of the past
The Japanese Yakuza mafia is split. Yakuza becomes a memory of the past

Surely each of you has heard the word "yakuza" at least once in your life. According to many, this large criminal group existed at some time in the past, but members of the yakuza not only exist today, but also terrify people around the world. Be prepared for anything, because in our list today we will tell you about the little-known facts about the yakuza.

This huge network of organized crime syndicates originated in Japan, and most of its members are still active in this eastern country... The Yakuza is perhaps the most famous and largest mafia in the world, but in fact, few people know what exactly it is, when it was formed, how it is divided into syndicates and what activities it is involved in.

Since this underworld of Japan is also surrounded by numerous myths and legends, we decided to find out a little more about them by compiling this list of 25 little-known facts about the yakuza.

And although most people associate the word "yakuza" only with crime, deadly struggle between cliques, violent vendettas and other violent acts, did you know that the yakuza also take part in charity, providing material assistance to people affected by devastating natural disasters ? Or do you know what the yakuza and sumo wrestlers have in common? Have you heard of their eerie rituals like cutting off your fingers? You will learn about this and much more in the next few minutes.

25. The exact origin of the yakuza is still unclear, but it is believed that the laws, traditions and structure of the yakuza originated in the Edo period (1603-1868), and the ancestors were two groups that appeared in the 17th century: "tekiya" ( engaged mainly in petty crime, fraud, theft and trade in low-quality goods) and "bakuto" (engaged in the organization of gambling).

24. There are currently over 58,000 active Yakuza members in Japan and over 102,000 worldwide, making it the largest organized crime group (OCG) in the world.

23. The Yakuza consists of three powerful syndicates, the largest of which is the Yamaguchi-gumi, with over 55,000 members and 850 factions.

The Yamaguchi-gumi Syndicate operates around the world and is even subject to sanctions by the US government, which adopted this measure as a forceful influence in the fight against organized crime.

22. Japanese police, as well as the media, at the request of law enforcement, refer to the yakuza as "boryokudan", which means "power groups", while the members of the yakuza refer to themselves as "ninkyo dantai" ), which means "knightly organization".

21. Yakuza is almost exclusively male - in activity Japanese mafia very few women are involved, who in the clans are called "onesan", which means "older sister".

20. Sumo and yakuza have long been associated with each other. Sumo wrestlers who have not had success in the field of this type of martial arts often become enforcers of the yakuza (members of a criminal group who force the victim to carry out the will of the leader of the gang or carry out sentences - in our opinion, "sixes", "thugs"), and some even become group bosses.

20. Yakuza members are known for their full body tattoos. Known as irezumi in Japan, these tattoos are still often hand-filled, meaning that ink is not injected under the skin with electrical tools rather using steel or bamboo needles. This is a very expensive and painful procedure, and it may take more than one year to complete the entire drawing.

18. The Yakuza operates in the United States. Members of the Japanese mafia are known to operate in Los Angeles, Chicago, Las Vegas, Seattle, New York, Virginia and Arizona, but their activities are mainly concentrated in Hawaii, which serves as a ferry station between Japan and mainland America and used to smuggle drugs and weapons.

17. The Yakuza has always been involved in Japanese politics. A considerable number of high-ranking politicians, including ministers and even prime ministers, have been convicted of links with the Japanese mafia.

16. In the yakuza, there are several unusual rituals... For example, "yubitsume" (yubitsume) - cutting off the phalanx of the little finger of the left hand as atonement for an offense. The origin of this ritual is associated with the traditional way hold a Japanese sword. A firm grip is provided by the three lower fingers (middle, ring and pinky), so removing the phalanges of these fingers weakens the person's hand, making him unable to fight, and more - to defend. That is, this ritual makes him more dependent on the group, relying on its protection, thereby reducing his individual activities.

15. After World War II, the number of yakuza members increased to 184,000 (the largest number ever recorded). For the American troops who occupied Japan after the war, the yakuza was the biggest threat.

14. According to the US Federal Treasury, the Yamaguchi-gumi is worth an estimated $ 80 billion, making the Japanese mafia one of the richest organized crime groups in the world.

13. In 2013, the Yamaguchi-gumi syndicate began publishing its own magazine, Yamaguchi-gumi Shinpo, which included satirical haiku, fishing articles and to its readers to do their job well. ”The magazine was not available to the general public - it was distributed only to members of the syndicate in an attempt to raise morale amid tightening anti-crime laws and rally members of the organization during this difficult time.

12. One of the activities of the yakuza is a unique Japanese form of extortion known as sokaiya, a specialized form of defense against racketeering.

Instead of bullying small businesses, the yakuza infiltrate the shareholders of large corporations. They simply intimidate ordinary shareholders with their "thugs", gaining the right to attend the meeting after acquiring a small block of shares.

11. Also, the yakuza are involved in helping people affected by natural disasters. They help in the aftermath of major earthquakes and tsunamis like Tohoku in 2011 and Kobe in 1995. Such actions on the part of the yakuza are the result of the fact that they are well aware of what it is like to fight for existence, because they are also considered outcasts and outcasts of society.

10. The main character of the British cartoon "The Builder Bob" in the Japanese version has five fingers instead of four. Local authorities decided to "attach" extra fingers to him so that Japanese children would not think that he was a member of the yakuza.

9. The intricately tattooed skin of yakuza members is sometimes stripped from their corpses and sold on the black market, after which they are displayed in galleries.

8. To become a member of the Yamaguchi-gumi Syndicate, you must pass a written exam that will determine the practical skills and knowledge of the potential member.

7. The word "yakuza" (yakuza) can be divided into three: "I", "ku", "dza", which means three numbers: 8, 9, 3, which are considered the worst combination that can only be caught in the game "Oichyo- kabu "(" Oicho-Kabu "), a traditional Japanese card game similar to" Baccarat ".

6. The traditional Japanese katana sword, which was originally used by samurai, still plays important role in the yakuza world. Many people, including some prominent politicians and businessmen, were killed by the yakuza sword. As happened, for example, in 1994 with the vice president of Fujifilm, Juntaro Suzuki, who was killed by a katana sword after he refused to pay a bribe.

5. Yakuza recruits must obey the more experienced members of the Japanese mafia. The recruit's initiation ritual is a sake ceremony known as sakazukigoto. During the ceremony, the novice exchanges a bowl of sake with his "boss" (oyabun).

4. After Yoshio Kodama united the groups of the Japanese mafia, he became the first godfather of the Yakuza. Kodama was involved in a large number of scandals, including the Lockheed scandal, because of which he became the target of an assassination attempt. Japanese film actor Mitsuyasu Maeno tried to attack his house in a kamikaze-style plane, but the attempt failed.

3. There are significant differences in the activities of the yakuza clans. Many syndicates, notably the Yamaguchi-gumi, officially prohibit their members from drug trafficking, while other syndicates such as Dojin-kai are actively involved in this activity.

2. When the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) was launched in Japan in 1990, the government issued an order to transport them at night to reduce the risk of potential robbery by the yakuza, as they considered them a valuable commodity.

1. The Yakuza are sometimes considered the true heirs of the samurai. Both had a strict hierarchical system based on respect and submission. Both consider violence effective method to achieve the goal. Both have a strong sense of pride and respect for tradition.

The Japanese yakuza are the main criminal group in Japan. Among the Japanese police and the media, it is customary to call them boryokudan, which literally can be translated as "gang." In Asian countries, there are many groups similar to the yakuza, for example, the Chinese analogue of the Japanese yakuza is a triad.

Japanese mafia yakuza, no doubt, are the one social group, which is known not only on the territory of its country, but also abroad. The members of the group have influence in the most significant areas life of Japanese society, and especially in politics and business. Even though they are representatives of the underworld in Japan, the yakuza are treated with a certain respect due to the fact that they keep their centuries-old traditions and adhere to them unswervingly.

The history of the appearance of the yakuza

  • Tekiya is a gang made up mainly of robbers and ronin who have lost their ruler. Such a group, as a rule, was engaged in robberies and resale of stolen things.
  • Bakuto - members of this group were vassals who lost all their property and land under the influence of the shogun. Their main income was in the organization and conduct of gambling.

The connection between the modern yakuza and the criminal gangs of the Edo period can be traced in their rituals, which have many similarities with the rituals of tekiyya and bakuto.

During World War II, the Japanese yakuza clans lost their significance and were destroyed, as all the attention of the Japanese was directed to suppressing hostilities. Most of the gang members were killed. After the end of the war, the remaining Yakuza representatives again began to revive their group.

Yakuza rituals

Yubitsume is a ritual of cutting off the fingers. In accordance with this tradition, if a member of the group commits any offense, as a punishment he must cut off part of the little finger on his left hand and give it to his boss.

The roots of this tradition are reduced to the peculiarities of fencing with the Japanese sword. To keep the sword securely in hand, it is wrapped with three fingers of each hand, but the index and thumbs are not as tense as everyone else. Cutting off the tips of the fingers, starting with the little finger, makes the grip weaker, as a result of which the person cannot inflict fatal blows on the enemy and he can only defend himself.

Looking through photos of the yakuza on the Internet, you can see that they have many tattoos all over their body - irezumi. The difference between this tradition and the usual procedure for piercing a tattoo is that almost all yakuza tattoos are done by hand, that is, with the help of bamboo or ordinary needles, paint is injected under the skin. This procedure is considered very painful and expensive, and the process of applying a tattoo with a needle can take more than one year. Usually, members of the group carefully hide their tattoos, but during a game of cards - oich-kabu, they take off their shirts and tie them at their belts, thereby showing each other the patterns on their bodies.

One of the most famous yakuza traditions is drinking sake together - such a ceremony allows you to strengthen relations not only within the clan, but also enlist the support of other mafia groups.

Yakuza hierarchy

The basis for the modern hierarchy in the Japanese mafia clan is the father-to-son system. The head of the gang is called oyabun or kumite, which translates as "head of the family", and his subordinates are kobun. To prove their loyalty to the clan leader, kobuns renounce blood ties and take an oath of loyalty to the clan leader. In addition to the oath, the sakazuki rite is performed - the recruit and the head of the clan drink sake from one bowl, after which they are considered members of the same family. Also in the clan there are saiko kamon "senior advisor" and so-honbuche, who are assistants to the head of the clan. After them in the hierarchy is wakagashira - the manager small amount gangs in any area, and sataygasira - a person who is assigned to control specific gangs. As a rule, a gang includes from 20 to 200 people, and a clan can consist of up to several tens of thousands of yakuza.

The main part of the group's representatives is occupied by men, women who are members of a criminal group are very rare, and they are treated differently from men, they are called nee-san, which in translation sounds like "older sister."

Despite the fact that it is very rare to meet a woman among gang members, there are cases when the wife of the deceased kumite could become the new boss. Such an incident occurred in the Yamaguchi-gumi crime syndicate, where Fumiko, the wife of the late Kazuo Taoka, headed the clan instead of her husband.

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And them inner life governed by various codes of conduct. There are such groups in almost all Japanese islands, as well as in some places outside Japan. In conversations yakuza use a special jargon and nowadays they usually pretend to be businessmen. Since 1993, the attitude of the authorities towards the yakuza has become significantly more harsh, which was provoked by the highly publicized incident of the attack on the filmmaker Juzo Itami by members of the Goto clan. (Japanese 後 藤 組 goto: -gumi) ... Now even belonging to gumi(gang yakuza) is criminally punishable, which increasingly forces modern yakuza to the transition to an illegal position. As a result, relations have deteriorated. yakuza with the police (this relationship, due to the history of the formation of the phenomenon yakuza were not always bad) and their public authority fell.

The central figure in the hierarchy yakuza is an oyabun (Japanese 親 分, "chief"), which roughly corresponds to the Russian thief in law. Sometimes as a synonym for oyabuna used appeal kumichyo(literally "senior boss").

Yakuza gangs are usually composed of senior foremen shyateiyounger brothers"), Junior foremen wakashu("Youngsters") and simple yakuza.


The term "yakuza" comes from the Japanese card game oich-kabu (Japanese お い ち ょ か ぶ) played with cards hanafuda and kabufuda, and means "worthless". Just like in the game of baccarat, the values ​​of the cards are added together and the last digit of the sum is considered the number of points. The worst combination of cards in the game: eight, nine and three, which gives a total of 20 and 0 points. In the traditional Japanese form of counting, these numbers are called respectively "i", "ku" and "sa", where the word "yakuza" originated. Yakuza took this name for themselves, since the player who has such a bribe in his hands must have the greatest skill and, obviously, the greatest luck in order to win (since a bribe is the worst thing that can be obtained, only a perfect master is able to overcome his bad luck and win). The name was thus used to denote the endurance of a person.

In modern Japanese, "eight-nine-three" is pronounced " hachi-kyu-san", Sometimes this is what they call yakuza now.

V Edo period gangs yakuza consisted almost without exception of people of "low origin", mainly from the class of merchants, as well as peasants and artisans. Did the person lose all of their property as a result of loss, natural disaster or looting ronin, whether he fled from riots or criminal prosecution without means of subsistence to an unfamiliar city - he had no choice but to turn to yakuza... They gave him shelter and work. Often, volunteers were also attracted by the desire for shelter in the "family" or the passion for adventure and the hope of recognition and respect among the rural population.

On the contrary, only members of the samurai caste came to the police at that time, who could not find any military occupation due to the so-called "Tokugawa world" and therefore took up the maintenance of public order. Thus, the relationship between the one and the other was often quite tense and bushi mockingly called yakuza"Upstarts in samurai without reverence Bushido". However, this did not always lead to a collision; Besides, gumi(gangs) in different places very different in their radicalism, so sometimes there was some kind of cooperation between the police and yakuza regarding public policy. It is now accepted to consider yakuza heirs of samurai traditions. The members of the bandit formations themselves share this point of view, not least referring to the discipline, the hierarchy of their structure and the specific “code of honor” they observe.

Tekiya and bakuto

More directly, the origins of most modern gangs can be traced. yakuza from two groups that arose in the 18th century: tekiya(peddlers) and bakuto(players). The roots of this lineage can be found in modern initiation ceremonies. yakuza which include rituals like tekiya and bakuto.


Modern yakuza expanded the range of their interests to influence financial markets and political corruption. They also try to influence political elections, with the candidates being supported by money or through "services", with the expectation of post-election blackmail. Along with the yakuza are also engaged in traditional mafia activities - drug trafficking, control of prostitution, human trafficking, illegal gambling, pachinko, “protection” (which, for example, is hidden by many restaurants under the cost of washing napkins). One of the most profitable traditional spheres business activities yakuza real estate transactions and construction are considered. It is also quite popular to blackmail the top management of corporations with compromising commercial information or threats related to disruption of shareholders meetings or manipulation of the stock price. This is what the so-called sokaya, corporate blackmailers, are doing.

Clan Headquarters yakuza, decorated with neon emblems, are located in the prestigious business districts of Japanese cities, the police usually do not interfere in their activities. According to unwritten rules yakuza, an individual member of a gang accused of a crime assumes personal responsibility for what has been committed and thus does not give a legal reason to accuse their leaders of criminal activity. Complex interconnection of the yakuza, government officials and the police allows yakuza to feel yourself confident. Members of the gangs have distinctive, branded emblems on their clothes that they openly display.

Signs and rituals

Yakuza for centuries they have used extensive tattoos as a sign of belonging to a group, as well as to indicate their position in the group. In addition, when joining yakuza peasants and artisans received new, belligerent sounding names, such as Tiger and crane, Nine dragons, Roaring storm and so on, which were then applied in the form of paintings on the back or chest. All this was often supplemented by artistic excesses and often the whole body was covered with patterns up to the head, hands and feet, as well as the genital area (such a tattoo, made "in color," is called irezumi). And to this day, tattoos are associated in Japan with yakuza, moreover, people with tattoos are often prohibited from entering public bathing places. In fact, tattooed yakuza long ago turned into a stamp public conscience, which has little to do with reality, because after the official ban yakuza none of them is trying to attract the attention of others.

In case of committing yakuza the mistake that led to the "loss of face", he is obliged to atone for it, while he cuts off his phalanx of the finger with the help tanto and a hammer. As a rule, they start with the first phalanx of the little finger of the left hand. This ritual dates back to the times when the sword was vital. With each lost phalanx, the possession of the sword became worse, and so on until, finally, it became completely impossible to control the sword. The old yakuza some phalanges of the fingers are often missing, which they hide with the help of prostheses, so as not to betray their belonging to the criminal world.

A much more radical form of reckoning is seppuku, ritual suicide by ripping open the abdomen. It was popular among samurai and soldiers as a punishment for misdeeds, sometimes it was also committed yakuza.

Yakuza in culture

Like many other ethnic crime groups, the image of the yakuza is popular in modern popular culture... So in Japan and in the world, a series of films about the yakuza with the famous Japanese actor Takeshi Kitano - Brother of the Yakuza and others is very famous. Also, the question of the yakuza was considered in many famous action films such as: War, Kill Bill, and Triple Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. The yakuza image is also very popular in computer games, mainly Japanese, American. So in the games Tekken (in parts 1, 2 and 6) and Yakuza, the main characters are the yakuza. In such games, the problem is usually played up family relations in clans and the choice between good and evil of the main characters.

The number-symbol of the Japanese Yakuza crime clans is (Japanese "yakusa" from the Chinese "batszyusan").


  • YAKUZA // Japan from A to Z. Popular Illustrated Encyclopedia. (CD-ROM). - M .: Directmedia Publishing, "Japan Today", 2008. - ISBN 978-5-94865-190-3
  • Mafia shares are back in value Article: Japanese gangsters entered the financial markets of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


Yakuza members

Japan for Europeans has always been mysterious country... For a long time, its emperors did not allow foreigners to their land. When did foreigners manage to get to know the country in detail? The rising sun, then they discovered a lot of phenomena traditional for the population, absolutely incomprehensible to the European mentality. Samurai, hara-kiri, geisha, sumo and, of course, yakuza. Yakuza is a purely Japanese form of the existence of a criminal community, which accommodates the traditional spirit of Eastern mystery and European rationalism in its conduct.

Until recently, the existence of the yakuza in Japanese society was quite legal. V large cities there were even offices with a corresponding sign, and by rummaging through the papers one could even find a complete list of employees. The Yakuza mastered here a part of the recreation and entertainment industry, which is in close contact with human vices─ drinking establishments, gambling business and brothels. Previously, the rule of the Japanese bandits in these areas was undivided. The changed world by the westerly winds brought on Japanese islands competitors. Now the yakuza have to compete and share income with Taiwanese and, which rushed a few decades ago to rich Japan. The state is also adopting foreign experience in the fight against organized crime and has passed a number of laws that drove the yakuza deep underground. However, it is too early to argue that the time of the yakuza is irrevocably gone.

Literally translated, the word yakuza means "waste". This is how they treat ordinary people to those who do not want to earn a living by honest work and instead of waking up every morning and going to work, in the evenings and at night they are engaged in very dubious and risky things. The yakuza now includes people who have not found themselves in modern industrial society, or those to whom everyday life gives too little adrenaline.

Each of the three hieroglyphs denoting the name of the yakuza has its own numerical meaning. Together, this is a combination of numbers 893. In the Japanese version of the blackjack card game, such a combination of cards is the most useless, which once again emphasizes the human opinion about the inferiority of the yakuza, as social phenomenon... Yakuza members for successful people have always been second best. True, the man in the street used to be terribly afraid of this second class. As soon as a group of people with characteristic tattoos on their bodies appeared on the beach or in the bathhouse, those around them began to scatter from them in panic. The myth of the omnipotence and ferocity of the yakuza was very powerful. Moreover, it was not customary for ordinary citizens of Japan to stuff drawings on bodies. Today, tattooed strong men are simply not paid attention to. The fear has completely passed, and the fashion for tattoos has been added.

Nevertheless, the image of the yakuza is very popular in popular culture due to the replicated in feature films both colorful and brutal traditions. The most famous of all the rituals is yubitsume. This is when the phalanx of the finger is chopped off. Previously, the lack of fingers on the hands was considered one of the signs of belonging to the Yakuza. Misconceptions suggested that yubitsume represented a form of punishment for wrongdoing. In fact, according to the ideology of Japanese criminals, amputation of a finger should be voluntary. Thus, the guilty gang member apologizes to the boss, after which the incident is considered settled and erased from memory.

The technology of self-deprivation of the phalanx of the finger is rather complicated. At the beginning, the base of the finger should be tied tight, for example, with an elastic band. The blood should stop flowing to the end of the finger, and he himself should be numb. Having achieved a complete loss of sensitivity, the apologetic yakuza takes a knife in his hand, puts it to his finger and asks the boss to hit him with a hammer. With a strong and sharp blow, the procedure is almost painless and bloodless. The severed tip is presented to the boss as a keepsake. Previously, severed organs could be stored for a long time in alcohol. Now it's easy to go to jail for such a collection. The Japanese have adopted a very harsh law that imposes punishment even for a simple discussion of crimes in a narrow circle. What then to say about deliberate self-harm.

Yakuza Tattoo

Among the yakuza, the boss is called oyabun. His name is sacred and must appear on the body of an aniki ─ this is the name of an ordinary member of the group. Aniki means brother. All members of the yakuza are brothers and form a family, and the oyabun is its head. Unlike Russian criminals, Yakuza tattoos do not carry any meaning. They are completely absent symbolic meanings like crosses, domes, eight-pointed stars, cards, mermaids.

The set of subjects for Yakuza tattoos is rather limited and is a kind of ancient Japanese painting. Tattoos should cover the entire torso of the aniki, but in the center of the chest from the collarbones to the very waist in mandatory a clean strip is left. After the initiation ceremony, the name of the oyabun should be inscribed on it. Previously, all tattoos were applied with special bamboo sticks ─ ─ irezumi. It took years to paint the body. Progress forced tradition to retreat. Yakuza go to tattoo parlors and expose the bodies to a rotary or induction machine.

The initiation ritual is called sakazuki. It requires 2 flat cups, more like Russian tea saucers, and Japanese rice vodka ─ sake. Sake is poured into both cups. Oyabun drinks from one, and the yakuza candidate spills his portion on the ground. Then both cups are handed over to aniki as a keepsake, and he keeps them all his life, like the most expensive thing... In the center of the cup from which the oyabun drank is drawn his name, which should then appear on the chest of a new gang member.

Mafia Yakuza

The most amazing thing about the yakuza lifestyle is that they do not have a commandment of lifelong devotion to family or oyabun. In Latin American gangs, the one who joins it swears in only once and can only go out with a corpse. The Japanese are more similar to the Russians, who have a concept of "departed". This is when a thief, for reasons of deteriorating health, does not give him the opportunity to actively participate in everyday life. criminal life, or for ideological reasons, declares a departure from and resignation from high powers.

Everything is much simpler in Japan. Especially for the yakuza who are at the bottom of the hierarchical ladder. They can just leave the family. Nobody will pursue them for this step. In memory of the time spent in the yakuza, only the body, thickly decorated with ornaments and an inscription from the name of the oyabun, will remain. The yakuza are also allowed to transfer from one family to another. Without any consequences. No one will even be interested in the motives that prompted such a decision. With the yakuza of higher ranks, the situation is more complicated, but quite solvable. When he leaves the family, he must pay her some sort of fine for deceiving trust. Paid and walk free. Leaving the yakuza or transferring from family to family is not uncommon, but rather frequent.

In the early 90s of the last century, the gambling business began to revive in Russia. The Russian bandits immediately remembered their Japanese colleagues, who had accumulated vast experience in its correct organization and methods of control over this area of ​​business. A delegation of Japanese businessmen headed by was invited to St. Petersburg by the head of the Tambovskaya gang.

The businessman was a second generation yakuza. The eastern mysticism surrounding the yakuza did not take root in northern and cold Russia, inhabited by not such refined people as in Japan and who prefer not to clatter their opponents for a long time, but to shoot them in the forehead or blow them up with a mine along with all the giblets. The mores of the new Russian time allowed even the leaders of organized crime groups to be killed because of money and power. The cooperation stopped at the supply of slot machines.

In Japan, the yakuza usually works like this. They are trying to come to an amicable agreement with competitors, and negotiations can take quite a long time. After making sure that the negotiation process has reached an impasse, the yakuza appoint an “arrow” to which they bring all their available staff. The end of the meeting can be a wall-to-wall fight. All Aniki usually attend training halls in a disciplined manner and prepare themselves for battle. There are no hlyupiks and "nerds" among the Yakuza. V last decade under police pressure, many families fell apart. Statistics show a sharp decline in the number of Oyabuns in last years... As a result, the crime rate in Japan is one of the lowest in the world.