Secrets Fengshui: how to make a house full bowl. When you can make repairs

Secrets Fengshui: how to make a house full bowl. When you can make repairs

Feng Shui helps to improve the atmosphere in the house, as well as the welfare of the owners of the apartment. It is not necessary to make a major overhaul to attract energy to the house.


The corridor is the first room, the space where a person falls, crossing the threshold. Energy also goes. If there is a desire to attract it to your house, then it is necessary to remove the entire trash, which clings to the passage in the corridor. Making, repairing a hair dryer, it is advisable to replace the entrance door. If the old door was narrow, it is better to buy and install a new wide door. The installation must be correct that the door would not publish creaky sounds, and did not rub.

Wallpaper is better to use light tones to add light to the room. After the repairs are completed, you need to use bright lighting, the half-man should be.


Hall, this is an important place in the apartment. It is advisable to make it the most spacious as possible. Of course, making repairs, to transfer the walls will not be required, but when buying new furniture, it is desirable to purchase its minimum quantity. It is better to abandon standard furniture walls that occupy half the room.


By doing the repair of the apartment on Feng Shui, it is better to choose a room for a bedroom, which is located in the depths of the apartment. Do not make a mirror surface opposite the bedroom. And starting to repair the ceiling it is desirable to avoid any decorative elements that go across the entire width of the ceiling. It is better to make a smooth and perfectly smooth ceiling.


Maybe someone is surprised, but the bathroom takes a very important place in the teaching of the Feng Shui, as water is used. The design of the apartment on Feng Shui must be identical with the design of the bath. This means that if a good repair is made in all rooms, the bathroom concerns. This is not the place where you should save on good building materials.

The entrance door to the bathroom should be "deaf", without glasses, is just as good if the mirror is located on the back side of the door.


Making repairs in the kitchen, it is necessary to properly place the stove, sink and countertop. Ideally, if there is a tabletop, made of wood between the washing and stove, it can correctly send energy.


The Eastern practice of a rational organization of space exists more than four thousand years, but he began his triumphal march in the world of Fengshui only in the 20th century.

Universal approach

In the East, Chinese science is used for any occasion - with the help of Fengshui techniques break the parks, design office centers, choose locations for the future at home and "think" in detail the location and decor of each room. As a result, everything in the house (office) is harmonious, which means success, prosperity and happiness will always be nearby. Mustache? So there were peculiar symbols in Russia and the funny term Fengshui himself - they are in the go for more than ten years. True, still few people really know how to properly apply these characters and juggle the threads of the beneficial energy of qi (its correct direction is capable, by the way, to solve any life problem!). Without going into Fengshui's details (the concept of teachings requires a detailed study, which can be done by reading good books of relevant themes), you can take all the best and efficient techniques from ancient teaching. It really works!

Game according to the rules

Good fansui begins with general cleaning at home. Find time for her, wipe all the dust in the farthest corners, get rid of the deposits of old and unnecessary items, clothes. Broken things also require immediate elimination. The apartment should shine cleanly every corner, including a balcony, storage room and all cabinets.

Get rid also (give, sell or throw away) from all things presented by people unpleasant to you. Especially this Council concerns women who survived parting with loved ones. You need to "clean" a place for new happy relationships!

Wash the windows more often - this is "eyes" at home, the same applies to the mirrors - they should be in perfect cleanliness.

If you have broken locks, creaking loops or current cranes, replace or replace, everything in the house should work well.

Happy balance

Balanced by energy: if the Men's Dominant House threatens to pull in tyranny, "soften" its coarse energy by Jan Items, personifying the gentle female Yin Energy (sea shells, wreaths, round, oval form or in the form of a month, in the color range are preferable yellow, pink Lee peach). If a woman is dominated in relationships, an equilibrium (favorable for both partners) can be achieved by adding more to the decor more Yang - massive frames, metal objects and utensils, vintage watches and hunting trophies, weapons imitation will be quite by the way.

Gate house

In the hallway there must be an exemplary order: make sure the outerwear is only on the hangers so that the shoes do not remain dirty, and the rug at the entrance door was regularly cleaned or replaced with a new one.

Timely remove seasonal storage things in a wardrobe, which will hide them from a prying look. There should be an order in the closet, do not forget to cover the door tightly.

Pictures and photos on the walls will significantly revive the corridor.

Gloss in the kitchen

Take out garbage on time and wash the dishes, clean the fridge and storage room from spoiled products.

Alternately use all the burners of the kitchen plate and all household appliances - there should be no stagnation! At the light, also do not save.

Hang over the dining table is a big picture (fruits, flowers or colorful "paradise" landscape) and a figurine of fish - and the other will attract wellness.

Center for attraction

All chairs and living room chairs should be used, as well as elements of household appliances.

The living room should be as much natural as possible, and in the evenings, turn on and extra light (big chandelier, floor lamps, bro)

Sofas, chairs and chairs in the living room set the back to the walls, and not to the windows. If they still had to put on the window, the plant or a table will soften the situation. Plants in the living room can be a lot - this is a plus.

The room center is better to keep free from furniture, the maximum "download" is a low table, decorated with a vase with alive flowers.

Territory of childhood

The children's interior should differ from the interior of the rest of the premises, first of all, due to the color scheme - bright (in moderation) color and light not cumbersome furniture

Do not take care of broken toys, keep clothes, from which your children have already grown. From the items that the child found on the street or endured from buddies, it should also be easily eliminated. It is not recommended to fill the space under the beds.

The order in the nursery should be maintained in regular mode - take a child and help him. Accuracy of him in life will come in handy.

Where does love live?

In the bedroom, the main thing is a bed that decisively affects the relationship. Therefore, the focus is exactly to her. First, spouses should have a common mattress (and not two laid). Also, try to purchase a model of the bed with the highest angles as possible - so that there are no sharp questions in your relationship. The headboard bed must be at the wall to ensure the stability of your relationship.

To bed should be convenient to fit on both sides - this will provide you with partner equal rights. The stands and bedside lamps should also be the same.

Do not put a heavy, bulky furniture (too large wardrobes, grandmother chests and other antiques) - it will take away the space of your bedroom and, accordingly, your love.

It would be good if live roses or peonies or their images appeared in the bedroom. These flowers symbolize peace, love and eternal values. Photos of your pair are another successful breakfast decor.

Red and dark pink colors in textiles are the best for the decor of an intimate zone. Try, and - Awaken love!

On a note:

Call money to the house!

Money, as you know, does not happen much. And Fengshui promises anyone who wants to organize their uninterrupted stream! Welcome to gain the welfare of special characters, rituals and items. True, they will only work in the right place and from the "right" owner: if you are sad, you wish to other evil and constantly complain about fate - Fengshui you are not an assistant. Set in the heart ease and positive, and then the talismans will work for you in full force!

Three-wave toad with a coin in the mouth (a symbol of good luck and cash abundance) - it is put in the southeast sector of the apartment on a low shelf, and even better - at the entrance, in the hallway, back to the door.

Money trees, on the branches of which "grow" Chinese coins or precious stones attract financial flows into the house and favorable energy, stimulating the growth of your income. Put on the shelf in the eastern and southeast sector of the apartment.

Aquarium or picture with fish, images of current water (except extremes like a stormy sea or steep waterfall), a room fountain - all this also attracts money to the house.

Chinese money (round coins with square hole in the center and hieroglyphs) - another strong talisman. Very effectively link the three coins with a red ribbon on the Yanski side (hieroglyphs) up and place them in those places that are associated with finance (wallet, cash register, computer, safe, etc.). Many succeeding businessmen do not hide that they use Chinese coins to increase monetary good luck, putting them under the mat before the entrance door. A good Feng Shui for the country house under construction will be Chinese coins, buried under the path leading to the house.

Good luck and love in your life can be attracted, just putting the interior items on Feng Shui! This can be read on many sites. Do you believe it? Not? And do it right!

This understanding is too simplified. It has nothing to do with the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui. In the classic hairdryer, Shui takes into account the set of many factors. They are not limited to 9 zones or something else, about what many articles are written, allegedly dedicated to Feng Shui.

First of all, Feng Shui is a consideration of individual influences. What is the point of putting the bed in that sector of the apartment, which is recommended "in general"? Very! It must be placed where it is necessary for a particular person. Only then will work.

The meaning of Feng Shui is to harmonize the place of residence of a person as harmonizing (be it an apartment or private house). Make your home to help you achieve your goals. Thus, we already had 3 unique points: a specific person, a specific apartment, a specific goal. And what do you think about what "common" influences in such a situation may be it? In my opinion, the answer is obvious.

But at the same time it is necessary to understand that there are basic rules, the use of which is necessarily in any case. These rules will seem completely obvious to every sensible person. And they should be applied even when you are not interested in Feng Shui)))

Rule 1: no rubbish. All unnecessary things, especially at great concentration, will make it difficult to move the energy, creating the stools. The trash can be considered all things, including furniture that you do not use. Get rid of the rubble: if something is sorry to just throw out, give or give to the one who needs it.

Rule 2: no stimuli. Everything is very simple: in your home there should be nothing to be annoyed. If you are annoying the picture hanging on the wall - throw it away. If you are tired of the current crane - fix it. No need to wait for this something, just take and make it!

Rule 3: Lack of large empty spaces. In modern apartments, this situation is practically not found. Here, too, everything is obvious: if there is space, it should be something filled: furniture, interior items.

As you can see, these rules are absolutely natural and simple. Apply them will not be difficult. If you are seriously interested in how Feng Shui can help you, start with these uncomplicated rules. But to obtain individual recommendations, you still have to contact the specialists, and not look for them on the Internet. Such self-esteem may not improve, but even worsen Feng Shui your home.

Maria Rank, Feng Shui Consultant

Feng Shui - This is a whole philosophy, and the design of the room is its small part. The main task in the arrangement of the home is to maintain the energy, protect the house from the negative effects of the external environment, attract positive energy. Ancient beliefs in spirits, kind and evil, reflected in the rules of organization of space, in the styles of the premises, color.

We start on Feng Shui Repair: Clean broken things

Repairs- A good reason to part with faulty things, for the fixing of which is not the time and desire. In accordance with Feng Shui philosophy, broken items that cracked glass and porcelain, dischargeable furniture should not be in the house: they "steal" good energy and attract the energy of destruction.

We work with a compass: define the orientation of the room on the sides of the light

To properly do on Feng Shui Repair, you need to determine the direction of North - South, East - West and the location of the premises relative to the parties of the world. When building a new house, the Chinese comply with many rules. The bedroom and living room must be in the southern and eastern side, in the northwestern part of the house there are a bath and a toilet.

What if the family lives in an apartment with the "wrong" location of the premises? A few receptions are offered to correct the position. On the toilet doors you need to hang a mirror, but it should not reflect the entrance door. If the mirror cannot be located on the door, then strengthen the picture with the image of the blooming tree.

The Chinese are strictly followed that the toilet is not opposite the front door. If this rule is not respected, then it is suitable for a light partition, which is a symbolic barrier.

Choose the color of the bedroom

Doing Feng Shui repair, choose a bedroom light and warm colors of finishing materials. Peach, pink, beige - the best colors for this room. If the chandelier is hanging in the bedroom, in which part of the bases remain empty, then it must be replaced. There should be no pointed decorations on the chandelier, only smooth rounded items.

Choosing a place for the bed, do not put it at the window; The mirror should not be located opposite the bed.

Cook in cool colors

Wallpaper or tile for the kitchen, on Feng Shui, must be: light green, blue, white. Hot colors are not recommended: red, orange, yellow. These colors enhance the excitement, aggression and contribute to the quarrels in the family.

Bright living room

According to the rules of Feng Shui, repair in the living room is performed after the bedroom and the kitchen. The room in which communication occurs, receiving guests can be finished with bright materials. It should be eliminated from the living room items with sharp angles directed towards the sofa and chairs. If the door is against the window, then you need to think about which barrier to arrange between them. It can be shirma or room plants.

Arched structures are suitable for the living room: in accordance with Eastern philosophy, they slow down the movement of energy.

Posing mirrors, you need to follow so that they do not "cut" the top of the highest family members.

Bath - Water Elements

Feng Shui pays special attention to the elements of water. Incorrect location and design of the bathroom takes wealth - so consider specialists in Feng Shui.

There are baths of different colors on sale, but the right color, on Feng Shui - white. The tile for the walls should be white, but above the eye level should be bright colored insert, attracting a glance. In the finish, it is desirable to be present red.

According to Chinese philosophy, the bath must be round or oval. This requirement is not easy, but as a compromise you can establish a rounded sink.

Selection of cranes, mixer is important. Brilliant chrome cranes are the best option. You can not put up with the flowing cranes - water leakage, on Feng Shui, leads to a leak of money.

Deciding to make repairs on Feng Shui, consult with a person who knows all the subtleties. The conditions of each housing are unique, and very rarely laying the premises corresponds to the ideal. A specialist can suggest how to correct the disadvantages associated with the location and orientation of the rooms, how to equip housing so that it attracts happiness and wealth.

In order for in your life, success and luck, it is necessary to create a comfortable and optimal setting in the apartment. In this you will help the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. The concept of "Feng Shui" means the art of accommodation.

In this case, we will describe the best order for you - from the point of view of Feng Shui - the location of the items in the apartment. The Chinese are convinced that life harmony inhabiting in him depends on the right separation of zones in the house.

According to this teaching, the whole world permeate the negative energy of Sha and the positive energy of qi.

Apartment, equipped with a hair dryer, will attract Qi and improve your well-being.

First you need to divide the apartment on the Ba-Gua zones - they are depicted in the form of an octagon with the names of all parts of the world with the corresponding sectors responsible for different qualities of life. Connected together, they create harmony:

  • North - Career;
  • Northeast - wisdom, knowledge;
  • Northwest - assistants, travel;
  • South - Glory, reputation;
  • Southeast - wealth;
  • Southwest - love, marriage;
  • Center - Health;
  • East - family;
  • West - children, creativity.

The teachings of Fenzui dictates how to position the zones in the apartment. To do this, first with the help of a compass we will determine the side of the world and then refer to the apartment with the Ba-Gua grid. And then let's start "settled" these zones.

How compatible with the modern renovation and the ancient Chinese Feng Shui doctrine? Learn from the article on our site under the heading

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For example, in the eastern part (family sector), the apartment is relevant regiment, where family-run photos are stored. In the northeast (sector wisdom, knowledge) well put a wardrobe with books. The southeastern zone of the apartment is wealth - requires a cache with money. There are less chances that they will find a thief.

Applying Fenzui in design, you will soon notice positive changes in life.

Tips for the separation of apartment zones on Fenn Shuya

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Spacious apartment on Feng-Shuy 8.
Open door to the room - so it is necessary on a hair dryer 9.

The article regulates in detail the list of materials suitable for the specified task. How much does this list correspond to Feng Shui?

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