Obsession or mental illness. What is kakodemonomania? Obsession - real cases of people being possessed by demons.

Obsession or mental illness.  What is kakodemonomania?  Obsession - real cases of people being possessed by demons.
Obsession or mental illness. What is kakodemonomania? Obsession - real cases of people being possessed by demons.


Vatican University (Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum) organized courses exorcism In 2008, at the direction of Pope Benedict XVI, detachments of exorcists were created, in dioceses it is planned to introduce parishes specializing in the fight against obsession.

There are repeated cases of lethal outcomes during the "casting out of demons" from the "possessed".

The topic of demonic possession is very popular in popular culture, serves as a source of plots for books and films (see below).

Signs of demonic possession

According to Christian beliefs, these are:

Ideas in Islam about the signs of demonic possession (obsession shaitans , genies) differ significantly. Opinions have been expressed that the symptoms of demonic possession are: inappropriate behavior, hallucinations, mental pathology, the possessed may suffer from loss of consciousness, nightmares, loss of pain sensitivity or causeless pain. If you do not take action (do not expel the genie), the possessed will either go mad or die. ... According to other views, the person in whom the genies have possessed demonstrates immoral behavior, uses alcohol, says blasphemy and declares itself a prophet.

V Arabic word majnun("Crazy", "insane") can be interpreted as "possessed by genies." Persian word divona("Crazy") also means possessed dev.

Demonia in Bible

Suddenly one of the people exclaimed: Teacher! I implore You to look at my son, he is alone with me: his spirit seizes him, and he suddenly cries out, and torments him, so that he emits foam; and forcibly retreats from him, tormenting him. I asked Thy disciples to drive him out, and they could not. Jesus And answering, he said: O unfaithful and perverse generation! How long will I be with you and endure you? bring your son here. While he was still walking, the demon overthrew him and began to beat him; but Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him to his father. And everyone marveled at the greatness of God.
Even some of the wandering Jewish spellcasters began to use the name of the Lord over those who had evil spirits. Jesus, saying: We conjure you by Jesus, Whom Paul preaches. This was done by some seven sons of the Jewish high priest Sceva. But evil spirit He answered: I know Jesus, and Paul is known to me, and who are you? And the man rushed at them, in which he was evil spirit And, having overcome them, he took such force over them that they, naked and beaten, ran out of that house. This became known to all Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus, and fear fell on all of them, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.
Then came Jesus to the other side of the sea, to the country of Gadarin. And when He got out of the boat, a man who had come out of the graves immediately met Him, possessed by an unclean spirit, he had a dwelling in coffins, and no one could tie him even with chains, because he was repeatedly shackled with chains and chains, but he broke the chains and broke the chains. and no one was able to tame him; always, night and day, in the mountains and in graves, he shouted and beat against the stones; Seeing Jesus from afar, he ran and bowed to Him, and, crying out in a loud voice, said: What do you care about me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I conjure you by God, do not torment me! For Jesus said to him: Get out, you unclean spirit, out of this man. And he asked him: what is your name? And he answered and said, My name is legion, for we are many.

Examples of demoniac possession in the Middle Ages

16-year-old nun in Vienne ( France) in 1583 claimed that she was possessed by 12606 demons, which were previously in a glass jug in the form of a lump of flies.

V 17th century Nun Elizabeth Allier, 27, from Grenoble (France) claimed to be possessed by demons. We saw how she communicated with them (they were invisible to other people). When the Dominican brother François expelled them from her, they informed through her that they were leaving.

The first big epidemic of "obsession" happened in 1610 in Provence, in Axe, in the Ursuline monastery. Two nuns began to have seizures, which inspired everyone to believe that these nuns were possessed by the devil. They tried to drive out the devil, but to no avail. One of the nuns said that the sorcerer who sent devils on her was Father Louis Gofridi, who was at that time a parish priest in Marseilles. Another nun Magdalene de la Palu, distraught with fear, confessed that Gofridi had corrupted her with his spell and sent a whole legion of demons on her, namely 6,666 devils. Inquisitor Michaelis, to whom both nuns were transferred for spells, reported the sorcerer Gofridi to the Provencal parliament. Despite the protection that Goffridi had in the person of the Marseille bishop and all the clergy, he was arrested and put on trial. The accusation was based on the testimony of the two nuns and Michaelis, who observed during the spell how the devil treated his victims.

“During the spell,” Michaelis showed, “Beelzebub continued to torment the Magdalene, then with force throwing her on her stomach, then overturning her on her back; up to three or four times he would choke her by the throat. At dinner, the demons continued to torture her constantly, bending her head to the ground, and at supper they tortured her for a whole hour, twisting her arms and legs with such force that her bones cracked and all her insides turned over; after finishing the torture, they plunged her into such a deep sleep that she seemed dead. "

The nuns testified that Gofridi, although he pretended not to eat meat, actually gorged on the meat of small children whom he choked or dug out of their graves. Magdalena also testified that the priest seduced her.
Gofridi swore in the name of God and the saints that all these accusations were false, but they did not believe him, since the connection between his sorcery and the devils with which the nuns were possessed was completely "established" by the testimony of the nuns.
Gofridi is tortured to obtain a confession, and he confesses to all the crimes he is accused of. He confessed that the devil visited him often, that he usually waited for Satan at the door of the church and infected up to a thousand women with the poisonous breath that Lucifer had given him. “I also confess,” he said, “that when I wanted to go to the Sabbath, I stood at the open window through which Lucifer appeared to me, and instantly transferred to the gathering, where I stayed for two, three, and sometimes four hours ". On the body of Gofridi, they found the "seal of the devil" in three places, that is, a needle was stuck in three places of the body and he did not feel any pain and blood did not flow. After that, his guilt was beyond doubt, and on April 30, 1611, he was burned at Aix.

This is the official "church" version of what happened, nevertheless the Gofridi case is very confusing and extremely contradictory. There are several points of view on this first "demonic" epidemic. One of the versions was stated above. Another is connected with the very existence of women's monasteries in Europe at that time. Historians who have many documentary evidence of Gofridi's contemporaries have convincingly proved that convents in Europe often turned into seraglio priests and abbots.

In monasteries, girls were often brought up from both noble and ordinary families... As a rule, in the monastery, some of them died of boredom and despair. They were struck by the cruel monastic disease, which scientists wrote about in the 5th century - dull boredom, despondency in the afternoon, quiet sadness, turning into terrible weakness or frenzied fury. Last state and was decisive during demonic epidemics in women's monasteries.

The Catholic Church at this time was struck by debauchery. For example, in 1491 in the French monastery of Kenois, the confessor - the only man, who attended the monastery, was able to become the lover of all the nuns. Gofridi was no exception. According to historians, it was in the role of the "universal" lover that he appeared in the Ursuline monastery. In addition, it is absolutely certain that the nun Magdalene was indeed his mistress. Gofridi seduced her when she was still his pupil.

Gofridi entered the monastery as the confessor of Magdalene, but took up another matter. The Ursulines felt his power, and the behavior of a girl madly in love with him made them conclude that it was the power of the devil. All of them were seized by fear, and many by love. Imagination played out with might and main, as a result, five or six in hysterics declared that they were possessed by the devil, which predetermined the fate of the priest. In addition, historians have expressed a version that the whole process was rigged by Gofridi's political rivals.

The case of the Lunden witches became known. This epidemic broke out in 1631 at the Ursuline monastery in Loudun. The trial against the priest Grandier is almost a "twin" of the inquisitorial trial of Gofridi. The same drama, based on the testimony of hysterical nuns accusing the priest of having bewitched them. The same procedure is used to cast out and spell demons and to judge the confessor of the possessed.
According to one of the versions put forward by historians, the young priest Grandier, who arrived from Bordeaux in provincial Louden, was enlightened, amiable, had the gift of writing well and speaking even better. V a short time he quarreled the whole town, and the women were for him, almost all the men were against. He becomes arrogant, obnoxious, tries to amaze everyone with his magnificence; lets go of ridicule at the Carmelites, speaks from the pulpit of insolence against monks in general. Such a crowd gathered at his sermon that one could suffocate. The Queen's Counsel's wife was unusually affectionate towards him, and the daughter of the King's Attorney had a child with him.

In Loudun there was a very small monastery of the Ursulines of noble and poor girls. The monastery itself was poor; when it was founded, it was given only premises - an old Huguenot school. The abbess, a lady from a very noble and well-born family, was eager to expand and enrich the monastery, to make it famous. It is quite possible that she would have invited Grandier to her, but in the monastery there was already a priest as a leader, who had strong connections in the region, a close relative of the two main officials of the city - Canon Mignon. And so both of them, from the confessions of the confessing nuns (the abbess also confesses her nuns), conclude that the young nuns only dream of Grandier, they only talk about him.

The "conspirators" - Canon Mignon and the abbess, as well as two more eminent and offended Grandier townspeople among the poor people they patronize, find two people who agree to loudly declare that they can no longer tolerate such a depraved priest, sorcerer, devil, freethinker who “ in the church he only kneels on one knee, ”that he scoffs at all the decrees and gives permission to the detriment of the rights of the bishop.
By the ecclesiastical court in Poitiers, Grandier was sentenced to repentance and exile from Louden, that is, he was dishonored as a priest. But the secular court, after reviewing the case, found Grandier innocent.

The acquitted Grandier, instead of leaving Loudun, decided to take advantage of the victory and remains in the city. In addition, he threatens his enemies and demands satisfaction. Finding no other means, they use the help of the ursulines.
The story of Ludden began when the abbess and some obedient nun began to convulse and mumble in diabolical dialect... Other nuns began to imitate them. They began to spell the spirits, but during the spell, the spasms and hallucinations of the possessed intensified even more: they lay on the floor, crawled on their stomachs, stuck out their tongue, which turned completely black, emitted screams, meowed, barked and raved. In her delirium, each talked about her devil, what he looks like, what he does to her, while they uttered blasphemous speeches. Some of them fell into a cataleptic state and did

Subtle Bodies and Subtle Existence

First, you need to accept the idea that a person is not only a physical body. There are several shells that are united around the core of consciousness - the spirit, and these shells can penetrate each other. This is easy to understand if you imagine a solid jug filled with pebbles. You can pour sand between the stones, pour water into the sand, and let air bubbles into the water.

So, a jug is a person, and everything that fills it is different shells. Only when it comes O subtle bodies, you need to remember that they penetrate through each other. For example, X-rays penetrate through soft tissues, and gravitational and magnetic waves can pass through hard objects. It might be better to give an example of the same jug filled with water in which salts can be dissolved. different elements, then let currents with varying voltages through this water and simultaneously illuminate with multi-colored lamps. In this case, water will create an invisible magnetic field, and all levels will be present simultaneously, which, in principle, resembles the structure of the human body.

Around each person there is an energy field - an aura, a kind of protective network, made up of the radiation of all the shells of a person. This is a kind of cocoon that feeds on the energies of a person, and one of its functions is to repel all foreign elements. The aura can be at different distances from the body. For most people, it only slightly protrudes outside the body, but for people with developed thinking and strong energy, it expands significantly. On icons, halos are often painted around the heads of saints - this is a manifestation of an aura that has grown so strong that its radiation has become almost physically visible. The basis for the aura is the heart, the focus and source of all the best in a person. In religions, the heart is called the throne of God, because it is the heart that plays the leading role in contacts with all the Highest.

The protective net is formed from the subtlest energies. All centers take part in the formation of this powerful shield. For a full circle, it is necessary that all spiritual centers intensify their energies. From the centers of the spirit it is necessary to especially intensify the heart, for in its power it can transmute thinking. Correct thinking will give stability, which is the first condition. Resilience will banish ambivalence, fear, and doubt. A protective net can protect a person, making him invulnerable. But his shield can only be affirmed when all subtle energies are harmonized. The experience of Agni Yoga gives, precisely, this shield, but the most respect to the centers. The protective net must constantly be saturated with energies from within, like a fiery, ever-ascending spiral. Spiritual centers must feed this power. The protective net passes with the spirit into the Subtle World. Woven from the subtlest energies, it can assimilate with the Fiery World; only the highest aspirations can be reflected in it. People living in lower centers do not have the phenomenon of a protective net. The possessed do not have this shield. Therefore, on the Fiery Path one must take care of the interweaving of the subtlest energies. (Fiery World Part 3, 112)

Such a protective net is able to protect a person from negative impacts and passes with him into the Subtle World. The development of the centers does not exempt from attacks - the owner of a developed consciousness will feel even stronger different influences but they will not affect his will. He may experience fatigue, drowsiness, dissatisfaction with the roughness of the surrounding vibrations, but he does not fall into depressive apathy. Therefore, it is so important to take care of your morality and the quality of psychic energy in order to preserve the integrity of the aura and strengthen it. high aspirations spirit.

The defenselessness that results from the defeat of the aura is terrible. One can imagine how one refraction of the aura leads to the distortion of its entire structure. The drowsiness seen when the aura is affected is due to the uniformly intensified activity of fiery energy directed towards external radiations. While such a restoration is underway, the body and, especially, the cardiac activity are suppressed, therefore I am so concerned about being careful, both in my actions and in return blows; Why burden the hearts of friends during the battle! It is possible to make a great many experiments, how the disturbance of the radiation was reflected, precisely, on the heart. People find it difficult to take advice about observing their radiations, but even before photographing them, science is aware of the existence of such radiations from every object. It is necessary to be imbued with respect for the human constitution and understand that each collision, first of all, harms the astral body. In this case, of course, organisms that have worked together through long-term communication will hurt each other the more; but not only to each other, but also to reflect on other loved ones. All the more serious is the need to eradicate all collisions. One can imagine what kind of dark army rushes to each break in the aura. It is very terrible to feed such insects with the inner layers of radiation. Only a protective net prevents the attack of the dark forces. Each break in the aura threatens with obsession. All the more we will be careful. (The Fiery World Part 1, 520).

Each person is surrounded by the influences of the Subtle World. Whether he realizes it or not, there are various beings around him, consisting of refined matter, which we can call an energetic state. According to the quality of vibrations, the Subtle World is divided into its spheres, in accordance with the thinking of its inhabitants. The coarsest and densest of these spheres are close to the earthly level, and the purest and most sublime ones almost pass into the Fiery World - the region from which the soul descends for the next incarnation on Earth. After death, each person is attracted to the layers of the Subtle World that are most consonant with his consciousness. Here he must cleanse himself of negative earthly accumulations and transfer all the experience to that to the inner man, which passes from life to life, i.e. his individuality... And he can also be attracted to the earthly plane, striving to further satisfy his passions and carnal desires. Such disembodied personalities usually become possessed.

There are other inhabitants in the Subtle World - those who are just about to incarnate on earth, incl. spirits whose evolution has not yet reached the human stage of development. Another category of inhabitants of the Subtle World is astral essences and thought forms.

Astral entities are unconscious beings whose existence is aimed at performing an action. Any vice (drunkenness, gluttony, smoking, etc.) can be imagined as an astral larva that feeds on our energy and emotions every time we indulge in vice.

Thought forms are more subtle creatures. Each thought seeks to be embodied, and its existence continues until it will find a way realize yourself. Our thoughts circle around us, strengthening or weakening us. They can also be directed towards other people or all of humanity, for example, during prayer for the health of loved ones or peace on the planet, as well as when unconscious negative emotions. So an accidental thought of envy or jealousy can become damage or an evil eye, affecting the subtle body of another person, even if the originator of this thought is not aware of it.

As it was said, due to the affinity of vibrations, beings of the Subtle World are attracted to their own kind or to where they will have the opportunity to realize themselves. The coarsest and lowest of them surround the earth level, creating a dense and burdensome shell around the earth. Especially dangerous are the shells of immoral people who lived only for personal pleasure. Getting into the Subtle World, they remain in the sphere of attraction of the Earth and strive to places of various vices in order to be saturated with their emanations. If possible, they try to penetrate the body of a person with a weakened defense or a medium who lets them in at spiritualistic seances in order to get some information.

How invisible is the Subtle World?

At the physical level, we do not see all these subtle bodies, but we are able to feel them. Near some people we feel tired, near others we are pleased and happy - this is a combination of subtle radiations. What is called positive energy or magnetism is a healthy subtle and mental body, whose radiation has a beneficial effect on everything around. The subtle (astral) body is formed at the level of desires and feelings, the mental - at the level of refined thinking. Therefore, the closeness of "positive" people evokes lofty thoughts and a feeling of calmness, peace, love.

Another example of feeling at a subtle level is a sudden change in mood for no apparent reason. It can be caused by spacewave, overkill, group viewing of a horror movie, and other reasons. Such events generate subtle waves that affect us, although we do not see them.

With the development of spirituality, a person can develop a subtle feeling, then his consciousness will perceive all subtle essences even at the physical level. Such a person easily co-feels with others, sees the causes of phenomena and can influence them.

Definition of obsession

So our protective net is an aura. There are different bodies inside it, which shape it with their radiation. If an alien entity penetrates into this shell (a thin-material shell of another person, a thought form, an astral larva or other force), it begins to feed on our energy, suppress the will and further destroy the protective network. This is an obsession.

By the nature of the possessor, two main types of obsession can be distinguished:

1. Astral larva. This is a subtle being without consciousness. The purpose of its existence is to satisfy any desire. Larvae seem less dangerous than conscious entities, but they are often generated from within and weaken the defense until a more terrible enemy - the possessed elementary - can squeeze into the gap.

2. Elementarium. it former people more precisely, their thin shells. As a rule, these are those who died before their due date (victims of catastrophes and natural disasters, who died in the war, suicides, etc.), as well as those who are too attached to the earth and carnal desires. Lacking a body to satisfy them, the elementaries seek to penetrate a person with a weakened defense and direct his will in the direction they need. All who are called demons in Christianity are disembodied. Therefore, you should not be particularly afraid of them, because these are just former people, moreover, for the most part, people with a very low level of morality and development in general.

It is necessary to understand how many such atrocities are committed to please an invisible villain. People called them demons, but it's easier to call them scum. It cannot be assumed that any powerful demons are required to hold it. Every earthly criminal will certainly strive to become an obsessor and thus nourish his unrelenting hatred.

It must be admitted that not only the faint-hearted, but all those who give in to doubt easily become the prey of the possessors. With such a disease, a person does not know himself what he is doing, and outsiders are amazed at the imminent change in face. But there will be a time when scientific apparatus will show the duality of such dangerous patients. Many historical events happened under obsession - let us not forget it. (Overground, 550).

In the Middle Ages, there were two terms describing elementaries whose purpose was sexual pleasure:

- succubus (elementary - woman);
- incubus (elementary - man).

From this point of view, one can explain the rampant spread of homosexuality and lesbianism today. If a female succubus penetrates a man, she will strive for contacts with men. Likewise, when a male incubus enters a woman, she will be drawn to her gender.

That's why the expulsion of one possessor or liberation from some vice does not yet guarantee a person's safety.

The danger of obsession is especially great in such turning points the development of mankind, when an evolutionary shift occurs, connecting the worlds (more precisely, raising human consciousness to a new level):

Every cosmic achievement is fraught with danger in case of negligence. If people can master new energies, then the danger of possession will increase for weak spirits. Obsession should be treated scientifically. Two moments of existence are established. The first is the continuity of life in various states, the second is the influence of the will of one creature on another. So beings, being in subtle bodies of different degrees, can direct their thoughts to the earthly embodied ones. Unconscious energy can contribute to the unity of the worlds, but by connecting the higher, it also opens the way for the lower. Besides, you know how much the lower ones strive to get closer to earthly emanations. So you need to warn people about the steadfastness of the will, for obsession is one of the most unacceptable states. And only the intervention of the third will, firm and pure, can break this lawlessness, which affects people beyond age and position. The doctor's business is to look closely at the patient and find signs of someone else's will. If the doctor himself is sufficiently cleansed and is not afraid to transfer the uninvited guest to himself, he can use the influence of the will. But even the release of the obsessor is not enough to heal. For about a thousand days, the danger of recurrence does not expire, the patient must closely follow his thought. Doctors need to be warned.

There are innumerable numbers of people who want to inspire people with the most shameful thoughts, but it is enough to have the strength and find the rhythm of the order to save a person. The duty of the yogi is to banish harmful influences. (Agni Yoga, 227)

Inside the aura, there may be a whole inn for astral larvae and all kinds of disembodied beings. Therefore, the expulsion of one possessor or liberation from some kind of vice does not yet guarantee a person's safety..

How dangerous is obsession

The penetration of the possessor into the aura not only weakens, but also destroys a person, both at the physical level and at the level of the psyche.

Obsession and self-poisoning are close neighbors. Both are equally little recognized by people. With self-poisoning, possession is especially easy, but with possession, poisoning finally occurs; such poisoning is inevitable. Some argue that with obsession, health not only does not deteriorate, but even improves. It is a great delusion - only nervous tension gives apparent health. But the invasion of someone else's psychic energy will certainly open the entrance to various infections. Obsession is not psychism, but a defeat of the whole organism. Let's say definitely - obsession is not only a mental illness, but also a phenomenon of infection of the whole organism. Many epidemics are obsessive. Of course, the dark possessor will not care about the health of the follower. Every disease is already corruption, which is pleasing to the darkness. Two psychic energies cannot live together for a long time. There may be a periodical weakening of the obsession, this method is used by the obsessors if they value the sacrifice. (Aum, 305)

It's like a virus that invades the body and causes a deadly disease. This comparison is quite accurate, since the possessed are spreading the infection around them.

It is instructive to write a book about the harm caused by bad thoughts, both for yourself and for others. These thoughts are the source of many diseases. Previously, only mental illnesses were associated with bad thoughts, but it is time to discern many of the most diverse physical illnesses generated by thoughts. Not only heart disease, but most stomach and cutaneous diseases are the result of destructive thoughts. Likewise, contagious diseases can be transmitted not only by predisposition, but also through thinking. This will not only be self-hypnosis, but you can see cases when the infection was spread by one person to many. One can see how the physical consequences are quite similar to the spiritual phenomena. At the same time, it is noticed how involuntarily some organisms spread a certain infection without succumbing to it themselves. Already in ancient times, such carriers of the infection were known, but afterwards they forgot about scientific knowledge, transferred everything to the so-called evil eye.

This means that even against purely physical diseases, one must look for the cause in the quality of thinking. So gradually direct the thoughts of others towards good. You already have an example of how much curses and curses cause pain, even at long distances. It is necessary to direct the heart to the being in order to draw attention. Especially these possessed can act when, at least a little, the aura touched. So you need to pay close attention to the very first impression of people, when the heart can give its sign. It is easy to imagine what kind of distributors of infection the possessed should be, and therefore they should be avoided in such a way. (Heart, 302-303)

The contagiousness of thinking and its impact on health is not fiction. It is already known that a person's mental state affects physiological processes - causing a rush of blood, sweating, increased breathing and heart rate, secretion of gastric juice, saliva, bile and other secretions, reflex changes in the muscular system, metabolism, as well as the so-called psychogalvanic phenomena. The effect is also known placebo- when a person takes a neutral drug, being sure that this is a drug, and his health really improves, and in a depressed state, recovery from even a minor illness is delayed.

And if we add to this the continuity of matter, albeit subtle? The generation of thoughts of one person creates a completely real object or thought-form from matter of the astral or mental level. By touching this matter, another person can easily catch an infection, just as at the physical level he will get sick when he comes into contact with a virus or bacteria spread by a sick person. Of course, the aura can ward off an invasion by displaying energetic immunity, and in most cases it does.

Your thought is saturated with emanations of nerve centers and specific gravity heavier than many microorganisms. Isn't your thought matter? How exactly should we weigh our thoughts! We are as responsible for them as a person who has abused fumes. It is easier to think from matter, for where is its boundary? Thus, the teaching of the spirit will become next to matter. Thus, those who deny spirit will also deny matter. (Illumination, 3-IV-14)

People try to hide behind masks from poisonous gases, but one more mask needs to be stocked up - it is necessary to realize that thought can protect from poisonous breaths. Let a person not hide from himself that such a poison exists, but at the same time, let him remember that thought can reflect the most harmful trends. Thought alone can create an antidote. These words should not be understood as a symbol.

Thought creates substance and attracts helping forces from space. We talked about resistance to evil, thought, clear, clear, disciplined, will be a powerful helper. Such a thought will create a lot of antidote. Even in a physical sense, thought can create a protective net. The so-called immunity is a consequence of thought. (Overground, 291)

On the positive side, like a virus, an obsession is curable. Moreover, it is quite possible to free yourself from the possessor and on your own... The very realization that such a problem exists mobilizes inner strength and directs them to fight. It is much worse to close your eyes and not admit the problem - it is in such conditions that the possessors are completely untied.

Do you not notice many obsessed around? It is necessary to pay attention to the unheard of obsession. So you can fight him. First of all, you need to understand who you are dealing with, because to realize is to win.(Heart, 266)

The reason for the penetration of the possessor can be not only moral licentiousness, but also an ordinary illness, severe stress or injury. At the same time, much depends on the will and thinking, and where one person becomes a victim of an obsessive, strong personality will experience illness or temporary loss of strength.

Realizing that obsession really exists and that it destroys the physical body and psyche of a person (more about the health consequences will be written in the section describing . ), you need to make every effort to learn how to identify and heal obsession, as well as learn to resist it, preventing even the very possibility of such a harmful state. At the same time, it will be possible to find emotional states and feelings that help to strengthen both the subtle and the physical body and develop a person.

The materials on this site are an attempt to study the varieties of obsession, learn how to determine the presence (or absence) of alien entities in a person, and also find methods to get rid of them.

Anatoly Filozof

The word "obsession" immediately gives rise to associations with unclean forces, fanatical believers and other similar things. But after all, obsession is also quite earthly, far from any mysticism - people, ideas, deeds.

However, in both cases main question one: how to get rid of the obsession, how to overcome the painful addiction, whatever it is connected with?

Medieval performances

What is obsession anyway? This concept is defined as a state of complete subordination of the mind of a person to one idea, one feeling. In the religious sense, obsession arises from the introduction into the human body of a certain alien entity. Before interpreting the word, many sources clarify that this is a medieval and traditional medicine, thereby immediately dotting the "i": in modern psychology, such a disorder does not exist.

Indeed, what the clergy considered (and still do) as signs of possession, in most cases, are symptoms of a certain disease.

  • Epilepsy: convulsions, loss of consciousness, peculiar sounds during seizures, a feeling of contact with the intangible after them, ideas or revelations received during this contact.
  • Tourette's syndrome: disorder nervous system, the main symptom of which is multiple motor tics. In rare cases, this pathology is characterized by such an unusual symptom as coprolalia - an irresistible desire to swear obscenely for no reason.
  • Bipolar affective disorder: Sharp mood swings - from euphoria to deep depression.
  • Split personality: there are several personalities in one body at the same time, but only one of them is active at a particular time. Man acts like different people with different life experiences, character, tastes, ideas, habits.
  • Schizophrenia: hallucinations, delirium, speech impairment.
  • personality disorder: theatricality of behavior, exaggerated demonstrative expression of emotions.

This list is far from complete: many, many more symptoms of mental pathologies may look as if a person is really controlled by something from the outside. Considering that most of these symptoms are unknown to non-specialists, and deeply religious people tend to see a manifestation of will in any situation higher powers, it becomes clear why in the 21st century the idea of ​​obsession as a condition caused by a supernatural entity that has penetrated the human body is so widespread.

"I knew only one thought for power, one - but a fiery passion ..."

But what if something has penetrated into the body, but not a demon or a demon, but a thought that engulfs the whole being, an idea that haunts no rest day or night? Or rather, not quite into the body, but rather, even into the soul?

Many are familiar with the expression "fix idea", but few know that this is a real psychological term, introduced into science by the German psychiatrist Karl Wernicke.

A fix idea (or overvalued idea) is a judgment derived from the real experience of a person, which is accompanied by strong emotional stress and dominates all other judgments. There are four criteria that are important for diagnosing an overvalued idea:

  • First, the idea takes the unconditional first place in the human psyche. Can begin, relatively speaking, the Third World War, but for a person, his idea will still be more significant - again, relatively speaking, to bring a new breed of cats.
  • Secondly, the emotional component that accompanies an overvalued idea is clearly expressed: its experience, the successes and failures associated with it always evoke a strong emotional response.
  • The third sign determines the main difference between an overvalued idea and similar mental pathologies: delirium, paranoia, obsessions. The fix idea is always based on a real event, even the smallest, most ordinary, or something that happened in the distant past. It is always a refraction of the specific experience of a particular person. There is no feeling of foreignness of thoughts, of external imposition.
  • Fourth, the patient retains critical thinking (or glimpses of it), and correction through psychotherapy can produce tangible results. This is another difference between the fix idea and delirium: with it, the patient is not able to objectively evaluate his judgments.

Among the most common overvalued ideas are (the tendency to see in the slightest discomfort serious illness), ideas of jealousy, inventions, reformism and others. An interesting syndrome of phantom pregnancy occurs in women with the idea of ​​becoming a mother.

With him, a woman observes in herself all the signs of pregnancy (nausea, a change in taste preferences, an increase in the abdomen), but in reality there is no embryo in the uterus! There is no specific treatment for fix ideas - antidepressants are used and different types psychotherapy.

Some personality types are more susceptible to overvalued ideas than others. If we use the terms of the theory of accentuations, then such personalities include paranoid and schizoid types. - this is an extreme degree of severity of certain character traits, located on the border of norm and pathology, which makes it more likely to predict the appearance of some mental disorders than others.

So, one of the main features of the paranoid type that makes him so vulnerable to overvalued ideas is overestimated self-esteem. And from it, such people have confidence in the unconditional importance of their judgments, the need for their actions - a fertile ground for the emergence of the idea of ​​a fix.

The schizoid type, among other things, is characterized by isolation from reality, concentration on their inner experiences and fascination with them, unusual hobbies and professions - these traits determine the predisposition to overvalued ideas.

The overvalued idea must be separated from the fruitful obsession with the work, which possesses a person who is focused on his work and is completely devoted to it. How many great discoveries the world would have missed if it were not for the scientists obsessed with one idea, who literally devoted their lives to their research. Although, of course, there are back side medals: an obsession with business can both lead to unprecedented success and become a cause of bitter disappointment in case of failure.

The light did NOT come together like a wedge

If the signs of obsession with an overvalued idea in psychiatry stand out clearly, as we have seen, then obsession with a person is a more complex case. Here, most often we are talking about unhappy love, about the impossibility of overcoming a non-reciprocal feeling. However, this can also result in serious psychological problems or manifest itself somatically (bodily).

How to get rid of painful? First, you should try to solve the problem yourself.

The first step can be described famous proverb"Out of sight, out of mind". Lack of physical contact will gradually form psychological distancing. There is no need to seek a meeting or, even worse, to pursue the object of passion. Better, on the contrary, to minimize possible intersection points. This advice applies to virtual reality: you should not constantly check a person's page on social networks or write to him.

Next, you need to try to switch attention. Great way - physical exercises that require concentration (eg rock climbing). Books, music, films will also help, only it is better to choose those works that will not remind you of your history.

Remember that and those who and whom your obsession has pushed far into the background: work, hobbies, family, friends ... It's time to bring forgotten ideas and plans to life, to complete abandoned projects. Use obsession as a stimulus for creativity, turn it into creative energy. We all know that behind almost every great piece of art there is a story of unhappy love.

Wedge wedge! Get to know someone new, but in no case should you compare him with the one who caused you to be in such a deplorable situation. Try to see all that exactly has to offer new person and none else.

It's time to form other habits. In everything. Learning a new skill is a tip that seems to be offered for any psychological problems, but from that it does not lose its relevance at all. Switching to an unfamiliar activity can really help you get rid of exhausting thoughts.

Changing daily operations also helps a lot: changing the route from home to work (especially if it passes through the same person's house), drinking tea instead of coffee, and so on. You can rearrange the room, change the style of clothing, cut your hair, in the end! All this will mark a new life stage will help to leave unpleasant memories behind.

It is necessary to understand that it is pointless to wait for instant metamorphoses. The process of freeing yourself from the obsession will be long and most likely painful, but it is important not to give yourself the slack and not to look back. Do not be ashamed of the problem, do not hide it, but on the contrary, be aware of it and fight with it.

If you understand that the signs of obsession do not disappear, then you need to consult a specialist. It is important not to delay the visit, otherwise the problem will grow to a serious scale, and then it will be much more difficult to deal with it. And the most important advice

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Obsession in most cases appears to be a condition appearance a person who is often different from his normal state. But also the possessed person may not have particularly noticeable external manifestations, and only his actions can give out the “possessed” in him. The possessed person is accustomed to comparing with a "psycho" or a maniac, with a person who is possessed by something or someone, according to the Christian faith. In any case, such a characteristic of a person carries more negativity and is associated with mental state and soul.

And what does that even mean? If a person is obsessed, this means that an external factor controls his life (stimulus, goal), perceived by a person as a personal motive, and which he considers the only true and useful for everyone. All his actions are aimed at striving for the goal, which is indicated by such a factor. Goal achievement itself is not an obsession. In this disease, the achievement of the goal is permanent, that is, a constant, continuous path. It would be all right if the possessed would take into account the opinions of others, who may have different needs and goals.

A possessed person can be obsessed with things, material or spiritual ideas. For example, it may be a lover of tasty food, or, a person similar to Trotsky, who is classic example spiritual obsession (the idea of ​​a permanent revolution). It is worth noting that it is not necessary to classify people with addiction as obsessed (diabetics, alcoholics, drug addicts), that is, they are sick, and would gladly give up such addiction.

If everything is more or less clear with obsessed material things, then with spiritually obsessed things the situation is much more complicated. It seems that they are the same as everyone else: they smile, communicate normally, joke, lead an unremarkable lifestyle, have families and children, go to work. But they have a morbid attitude towards the opinions of other people, which do not coincide with their personal opinions. However, to what extent it is personal, you still need to figure it out.

Such people like to prove to others their point of view, which for them is the only correct one. But which of normal people doesn't like to do it? Naturally, everyone is pleased to feel like a winner in an argument, strong and incredibly smart. All this has a connection with personal egoism. And how sometimes it is unpleasant, and we realize that we are wrong when the arguments of the interlocutor are more accurate than our own. This is a normal human reaction in the process of learning about the world. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone can fix them. But with the spiritually obsessed, things are different. An idea once fixed in his head and the presence of a feeling of inferiority (which is also associated with irresponsibility for the actions and decisions made: the possessed believes that everyone else should do something) does not allow him to look at himself from the outside, to see his mistakes, and even more so to admit in them. He always shields himself, leads to absurd conclusions, gets personal, hangs labels, avoids direct questions. For an obsessed person (as a biological species, and not as an aggregate of certain mental qualities), a different opinion, different from his, is a sign for calibrating the enemy. Those who are not with us are against us.

Since spiritual obsession is associated with the mental state of a person, the sociological term "mental Trotskyism" arose. Simply put, this is a person who says one thing, but in fact does another. This criterion includes most of public figures and modern politicians. But do not forget that politics is a type of activity in which there are many interests to consider. For example, Obama can be classified as possessed, but Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not, although he is in recent times"Naughty". To others historical figures with the diagnosis "mental Trotskyism" can be attributed to Hitler, Churchill, Trotsky, Bukharin, Sverdlov, Khrushchev, Gorbachev, Tsar Nicholas II. This category can easily include the puppet leaders of various local revolutions and dictators of African countries, Latin America and Southeast Asia. There are quite a few of them in a "civilized" society: they wear expensive suits, make sugary speeches, and give promising forecasts. All objections to their opinions are translated into the category of ignorant. Sometimes one gets the impression that such a person suffers from autism, although often this is not the case. They know exactly what they want and constantly adjust reality to fit their patterns and perception of the world. Anything that does not fit, they discard as malicious. All criticism is perceived as an unambiguous evil, detrimental to the cause. Such a person, given the resources, will never be able to abandon his plans. The obsessive's motto is that the end justifies the means, but in fact the means justify the end. The result of such "determination" can be various troubles: both with the possessed person (the same Trotsky) and with those around him (the Chernobyl disaster, 1986). It is definitely pleasing to notice such people near you, but if there are a lot of them, think about it: did you get there, and what to do with it?