What an allegory. Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

What an allegory. Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms
What an allegory. Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

Allegory and metaphor. The other day I wrote a verse and thought about them not for a joke. What is an allegory in the literature? And metaphor? I understood, suddenly, that with difficulty I can remember the differences. Therefore today - repetition. Who is with me? 🙂 During the parsing process, it was also discovered. important concept Like trails. For them, too, catch the examples of the paths in the literature.

The information was received by me from Wikipedia, the poetic dictionary of the Khatkovsky and Encyclopedia of the poet of the poetic. Then outlined here in his own words in very and very reduced. For teapots 🙂

Trails. Not unknown tracks, and - others

Allegory and metaphor ... it turns out, they are relatives! Because all of them are trails.

Yes Yes! Exactly. And not only they. There are still many other paths. And about them a little later.

And for a start it is worth understanding their essence. Let's proceed.

The trail is a word or expression used, let's say, not for the purpose to enhance the image.

For example. You say "Light breakfast." And here it is! Here already, this very trail appears. For you did not mean that you raise breakfast without difficulty. You meant another! That's the trail.

But the allegory and metaphor, as well as the pun, comparison, epithet and much more, are all the types of these paths. Let's try to figure out, at least with some of them. And start, perhaps, with the allegory.

Allegory. What is an allegory in the literature?

So. Allegory ... This is the endowment of any abstract concept, well, for example, the souls, a certain way. Actually, it turns out that allegory is more visual. The image of death in the form of a skeleton or justice in the form of a woman with weights is she - an allegory in its visual execution.

But this moment does not prevent the allegory and in the literature at all. After all, the image can also be written in the way that it will not arise with the visualization of the issues.

The brightest I. visual exampleIn my opinion, allegory in literature is Krylov's Basini.

Each animal means there for him human quality. Donkey is an allegorical image of stubbornness, fox, as usual - tricks, lamb - meekness and so on.

And now, I have a slightly understanding, with the concept of allegory, I can say that allegic images are presented as the main characters. And now, having the concept of allegory and examples of its definition, can, as a workout, find allegorical images in this poem 🙂.

An example of allegory in prose ... for example. Allegoric image of time ...

Now let's get to the metaphor.


The metaphor is what is found from us at every step. Even on this very steps 🙂.

This is a portable use of the name, properties or actions, simply because it is the name, property, or action, is very similar to what I would like to express. For example, it rains "," iron will", "iron Horse".

But metaphors from the poem: "foam fog", "break the bone", "through laughter", "lacquer with vodka", etc.

The metaphor is also different speciesBut we will not, perhaps, to deepen. I note only that if the metaphorical expression is revealed on a large segment or in all verse, it will be an explosion of the metaphor. For example, the verse according to this statement has a depreciation of the autumn recipes metaphor for full verse, if we consider the "autumn recipes" as a metaphorical expression.

Well, since it went, we will try to briefly consider other types of trail in the examples.


This is a replacement of one concept in the expression to others - similar for some signs. For example, "glasses are a penalty" instead of "champagne foam" or "I read Pushkin" instead of "I read Pushkin poems". In "Love" and "Autumn Recipes" - did not find. Who will find - report.


A variety of metonymy. Use private instead of a whole or - on the contrary. "I need a roof" Instead, "I need housing."


Fashion definition, description of something. That is, when you describe the property of this very, to describe you use figurative meaning.


It turns out - also a trail. Kalambur is when you use in the same phrase different values The same word. Calambourba is possible, for example, when using homonyms. We have poems with homonyms, for example, ("I already have the right to know that the right is right")


- Empty, mitigation - "Life is only a moment". And here -


On the contrary, - intentional exaggeration - "He eats like an elephant."


Everything is simple here, - the rude designation of a non-bubble concept. For example, instead of "face" - "muzzle" ... further - 🙂 🙂.


- On the contrary. Replacing something neutral something coarse. For example, the use, "pancake", "Christmas trees", etc. Instead of marrying words.


This is when they compare something with something in order to enhance the image of the comparison object. For example, "And he suddenly dismissed indifferent, as in the heat from the boning flies."


Indirect mention of something. That is, it seems to be mentioned, but they did not speak directly.

For example: "And with him - neither sleep nor Murzika, nor guest. "Neither Murzika" means "no pet" here. Or "night shine." Is it clear here?


it is when inanimate subjects Separate properties and signs of animated. " Well, we will manage, whistling started
From the north of Klikni sister-girlfriend ...


It's clear. This is when they say one thing, it seems to be praised, but imply and do not hide it, - just the opposite, for example, "Well, you are well done!".


higher degree irony. This is already when with anger and hatred.

Well, it seems to be the main types and an example of the trails in the literature - considered.

I hope - someone has become clear what an allegory in the literature is and what the allegory and metaphor differ. I got it! Therefore - cheers, comrades (must be assumed, it was another kind of path - Paphos 🙂)!

Thank you for reading!

the conditional form of statements, with a frown, a visual image means something "other" than he himself, his content remains external for him, and it is definitely fixed behind him. cultural tradition. The concept of A. Close to the concept of a symbol, the border between them in specific cases may be controversial. The difference is that the symbol is more consistent and organic, while the meaning of A. exists in the form of some kind of rational formula, k-room can be "inserted" into the image and then in the act of decryption, extract from the image. The same is due to the fact that the symbol is more common in relation to simple image and the motive, and about A. - in relation to the chain of the images combined into the plot: for example, if the journey is a symbol of the spiritual "path", then the journey of the Hero of Roman J. Benyana "Path Pilgrim" ("The Pilgrims Progress", Pt. 1 -2, 1678-84; in Rus. Per. "Pilgrim's journey", 1878), which goes through the Fair Fair, "The Hill of Difficulties" in the "Dolin of humiliation" to the "Heavenly Hall" - Corresponding A.

The role of A. in the history of philosophy is related to the numerous. Attempts, starting with the era of Hellenism, to interpret the ancient revered texts as the sequence of the allegory (at the Stoikov - Homer, at Philon of Alexandria and Nekhi Christ. Theologians - Bible); on Wednesday. The century is allegorically interpreted and the world of nature as an arranged by God for a person as a morality. visual manual, materialized bass with morality.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


allegory), the conditional form of statements, in which a visual image means something "other" than he himself, his content remains external for him, being unequivocally enshrined by a cultural tradition or author's will. The concept of A. Close to the concept of a symbol, however, in contrast to A. The symbol is characterized by greater meaningful and more organic uniformity of the image and content, while the meaning of A. exists in the form of some independent of the image of the rational formula, which can be "invested" into the image And then in the act of decryption, remove from it. Eg, bandage in the eyes female figure and scales in her hands essence in european tradition A. Fair; It is important that the values \u200b\u200bof meaning ("justice does not look at the faces and takes the attributes of the figure, and not its own one-piece appearance, which would be characteristic of the symbol. Therefore, A. is more often talking in relation to the chain of images, combined into the plot or other "collapsible", amenable to membership of unity; For example, if the trip is a frequent symbol of the spiritual "path", then the journey of the hero of the religious Roman J. Benyana "Path pilgrim", 167884, to Rus. Per. "Pilgrim Travel", 1878), which goes through " Fair of the bustle "," Hill of difficulties "and" the valley of humiliation "to" Heavenly Hall "- undisputed A.

A. In the forms of personification, parables and fables are characteristic of archaic verbal art as an expression of the backylosophical "wisdom" in its everyday, priest, oraculsk-staff and poetic versions. Although the myth is different from A., on the periphery he systematically goes into it. Greek philosophy It is born in a sharp repulsion from the wisdom of the myth and wisdom of poets (cf. attacks against Homer, Gesiod and mythology as such from xenophane and heraklite to Plato); Since, however, the mythological fabul and the poems of Homer occupied a too important place in all Greek life, and the prestige could only be shaken, but was not destroyed, the only way out was an allegorical interpretation, so H. Allegoreza, which introduced into the myth and in poetry such a meaning, which was needed by a philosophical oriented interpreter. Already for Faegen Regia at the end of the VI century. before and. e. Homer victim of a regrettable misunderstanding: the quarrels described by him and the battles of the gods of frivolny, if you understand them literally, but everything becomes in place if de

to encrypt the teachings of Ionian natural philosophy about the struggle of the elements (Gera - A. Air, Hephest - A. Fire, Apollo - A. Sun, etc., see Porph. Quaest. Homer. I, 241). For Methodop Lammzaksky at the end of V c. BC e. Homeric plots Allegorical fixation of several meanings immediately: in the naturophilosophical plane Achilles - Sun, Hector - Moon, Elena - Earth, Paris - Air, Agamemnon - Ether; In terms of "Microcosm" human body Demeter - Liver, Dionysis - Splezenka, Apollo - bile, etc. At the same time, Anaksagores the same techniques have extracted from the poem of Homer an ethical doctrine "On Virtue and Justice" (DIOG. L. II, 11); This line is continued in antisphen, milestones and stoics interpreted the images of myth and epic as a philosophical ideal of victory over passions. An image of Hercules was particularly energetic rethinking, a predica of the chosen hero of Moralistic A. (the "Herakla's Motive" was the topic of choice between enjoyment and virtue). Search by A. As the "true" meaning of the image could serve more or less arbitrary etymology, aimed at finding out the "true" meaning of the name; This procedure (partly paroding movements of the Sofists) is made in the "Cretyl" Plato (for example, 407Av: Since "Athena embodies the mind and the most thought", its name is interpreted as "Bog Holiday" or "elastic"). The taste of A. is distributed everywhere; Although the epicuretes in principle rejected the allegorical interpretation of myths, it did not prevent Lucretia to explain the torment of sinners in Aida as A. psychological states.

The same approach to traditional plots And authoritative texts from the time of Philon Alexandria widely applied to the Bible. Philon followed Christian thinkers - Origen, Exegenesses of the Alexandria School, Grigory Nissky, Amvrosy Mediolsky and many others. Only through A. Vera in revelation and the skills of Platonic speculation could be connected into a single system. A. Played important role In the Christian Exegetics: the doctrine of the old and new covenants as two hierarchically unequnenable stages of revelation suggested t. And. The typology is a look at the Old Testament Events as A. New Testament, their allegorical anticipation ("transformation"). In the medieval West, the doctrine is formed, according to which the biblical text has four meanings: literal, or historical (eg, the outcome from Egypt), typological (indicating to the redemption of people with Christ), moral (voicing to leave the carnal) and anagogic, i.e. MysticoeShatologian (hinting at the parish in bliss of the future life). Renaissance keeps the cult of A., connecting it with attempts to see for the diversity of religions a single meaning, affordable only dedicated to: Humanists, very widely consuming names pagan gov and goddesses like A. Christ and Virgin Mary, these and other traditional christian images They may, in turn, interpret as A., hinting in this sense (Mutianus Rufus, Der Briefwechsel, Kassel, 1885, S. 28). Renaissance philosophers love to refer to antique mysteries (Wed. Wind E., Pagan Mysteries in The Renaissance, L, 1968) and strive, as Ficino says, "everywhere to cover the divine sacraments with the curtain of allegory" (In Parm., Prooem.). Culture Baroque gives A. The specific nature of the emblem (Schonea., Emblematik und Drama Im Zeitalter Des Barock, Miinchen, 1964), an emphasis on Renaissance Mystery A. For enlightenment, didactic clarity and intelligence A., transformed into the genus of a visual manual ( philosophical fairy tales Voltaire, Basni Lessing, etc.) - in principle, as it was in ancient noscow and repeated in the XX century. In the work and aesthetics of Brecht (allegorization of life as its exposure, demisertification, reduction to the simplest processes).

Incomplete definition ↓

    Allegory - It literally means allegory, if you translate this borrowed word with greek in Russian.

    Term allegory In literature they call an artistic trail that writers and poets use in their works to create bright image.

    In his occurrence, it is the transfer of one image to another. The artist of the Word creates its image with the help of a specific phenomenon of reality, the signs of which help him brighter to describe for the reader what we are talking about.

    For example, torn chains are freedom, a pigeon is the world around the world.

    All Basini Ivan Andreevich Krylova, in which Fox is a cunning, ruting and deception ( crow and fox), Baran is a stupidity and unsurpassed stubbornness, the bear is greed and cruelty (in the Basna Bear and desert ).

    In the poem Martvoy souls N.V. Gogol Allegoric became the names of his characters:

    Plushkin is stony and compassion, Sobesevich-Vost and impassable ignorance, etc.

    Allegoric in its essence, V.V. Mayakovsky bug and Ban.

    Let's honestly, the definition of the allegory is pretty difficult. It is easier to explain on the examples. Especially on Krylov's fables. Donkey-stupidity, wolf greed, fox-cunning. That is, each image corresponds to a certain thought.

    Allegory - this is one species literary trailswidely used in artwork. Word allegory It happened from the Greek language and literally translates as allegory. Term Allegory Indicates an allegorical image of any distracted concept using a specific subject or phenomenon. The direct meaning of expression is not lost, but may acquire a figurative value. For example, allegory of hope is an anchor, the allegory of the world is a white pigeon, an allegory of freedom - torn chains.

    Here is one visual example of allegory from fiction:

    Allegory in my understanding is a thinking ..to that is saying loveQUT;, I imagine the heart .. Jow justice, I present the image of the femis with the weights, the cunning fox, a cunning-snake, etc. And the literature is not always I can distinguish the metaphor from the allegory.

    Greek word Allegory - Allegory.

    Simple language, allegory is a kind of association. Comparison, image.

    Example: Freedom - in verses Pushkin has an image of a free wind or an eagle.

    In Krylov's fables, fox was a cunning. Dullness - Donkey, good nature - Bear and so on.

    Most bright example Allegoria is death with oblique.

    Therefore, we can say that allegory is artistic reception Expressing an abstract concept through a visible, explicit image.

    Allegory It is one of the types of trails. Accordingly, allegory contributes a special meaning and expressiveness in the narration.

    Allegory - This isoaming of any object, character or phenomenon with a certain way (represents a living being) or subject. This word came to us from the Greek language and mean allegory.

    The allegory appeared on the soil of mythology and was spread in the art of the East, ancient Rome.


    If you take specific comparisons:

    1) stubbornness - don;

    2) hardworking - ant;

    3) the trick - fox;

    4) the world is a white pigeon;

    5) Medicine - Snake and Bowl;

    6) Dullness - Baran.

    Also remembered such a peculiar work of the writer J. Orwell as a the livestock dvor.

    Such allegories are well known as: throwing swords on the oral or cleaner Augean stables. They call in a metaphorical form to the end of the war and the world, or talk about the need to figure out some difficult matter.

    This is an allegory (from Greek. Allegoria - allegory) - the designation of some distracted concept in the form of a bright image. There are even such allegorical images that are independent of the tongue understand all people.

    For example, the image of the goddess of justice of themis. A woman with tied eyes and scales in his hand became a generally accepted allegory of justice. Or another allegory, denoting the Snake medicine, who blamed the bowl.

    allegory - The Word of Foreign Origin. Translated from ancient Greek language literally means - allegory. By allegory, the expression of any concept is implied by a certain image. For example, death is made to portray in the form of a skeleton with scythe. This is an allegory.

Allegory is the use of distracted concepts that symbolically transmit characteristics specific image. One word is illustrated with the other. Allegory includes two important components. The semantic element of the allegory is an item that depicts the author, but does not call it.

For example, wisdom, courage, kindness, youth. The second element is the subject object that the title concept must be conveyed. For example, Owl is a creature that means wisdom.

Most often, the allegory is stable images that are moving from the work into the work. Most often used in bass or parables. So, Basney's main characters are allegories. For example, in the famous Basna of Krylov "Crow and Fox" Fox is an allegory of tricks. Almost all animals in Krylov's fables are constant allegories, so reading the name "Pig under the oak", the reader immediately understands that the fable ridicules human ignorance. After all, a pig for Krylova is an allegory of ignorance.

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