Stories about Ninja Turtles read. Ninja Turtles - World Collision

Stories about Ninja Turtles read. Ninja Turtles - World Collision
Stories about Ninja Turtles read. Ninja Turtles - World Collision

Turtles ninja. New Adventures

Part 1. Unusual Space Travel

Chapter 1.

There was a height of summer. The smell of preheated asphalt reached even to the twentieth floor of a high-rise house, on the attic of which new tenants recently settled. However, this housing could be called very conditionally. The tenants put a lot of strength on its arrangement. Yes, and the tenants themselves were unusual. These were the famous ninja turtles: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Rafael and Donatello. Their green bodies are still tied with multi-colored cloth bandages in their eyes, elbows and knees. At Rafael, they are red, Leonardo - Blue, Michelangelo - Yellow, Dontello - Violet. Strong shells are pulled by wide belts with glittering buckles, on which the lefts of the letters L, M, D, R.

The attic served both the gym, and housing, and the scientific laboratory. Friends completely plunged into science, and so got involved that they forgot about everything. It all started with a small one - with the most ordinary children's encyclopedia, who accidentally fell into the hands of Lee Leonardo, or Michelangelo, and maybe Donatello. Whatever it was, and the old volume of the encyclopedia was on the table, and four curious heads leaned over him. And the more ninja in the encyclopedia pages, the more questions arose, the answers to which I wanted to know certainly and immediately. Gradually grew on the table a stack of books of different thickness with fiber tabs. When such a pile was clouded with the whole table, I had to think about the bookcase. When and there it became closely, and the shelves rushed under the severity of folirants, next to another cabinet rose. Thus, a interesting library was gathered from books in physics and astronomy. In full silence, Rafael's thoughtful question was sometimes distributed: "Will you tell me, dear, from which the change of seasons?" Someone from the brothers with the help of fingers, pencil and paper began to explain about the radius of the orbit and the slope of the earth's axis. Rafael only smiled slyly. He knew all this well and himself. I just wanted to earn once again.

Well done, five! Go far, if the police do not stop in time, "Rafael cheated.

And so you laugh! - threw off from my seat offended. - Now I'll get to you on nuts ...

So it started having a half-way sweat, and the ninja was shattered, as young undue horses, arranged "bunch of small" and after such a discharge again sat down for textbooks and puffers over them and an hour and the other.

Gradually got to solid doctoral dissertations, in which there were no hint on the schemes and drawings.

Whatever it was, and the course of astronomy was absorbed hard, cosmic medicine - reliably, the theory of flights - thoroughly, the device of aircraft of all times and peoples is also perfect. There is nothing about physical preparation. At the home-made centrifuge of the invention, Donatello Ninja spinned at the speed of the propeller of the most modern helicopter. To fly into space and not to train the vestibular apparatus - what may be thoughtlestly! So the preparation program was fully fulfilled. The case remained for small - to make a piloted flight. And the fact that it is possible in the very near future, none of our heroes doubted for a minute.

But the days were walking over the days, others flew into space, and the turtles still remained not to work. In the center of space flights, brave ninja layout lay on the lower shelf. There was no strength more. As the old teacher used to say: "Dagger, all the time sleeping in the sheath," rusted, jigit, all the time sleeping at home, "lies." The second turtles did not threaten under any circumstances, but still it was a little offensive: how are others better?

To somehow take yourself and be useful - otherwise what are they ninja-turtles? Friends set the supervisory item. Just in case. A fire may occur, and indeed you never know what can happen in a big city!

And the heat held no one day. The sun mercilessly paled. Sketches with plastic bottles have stretched to automaks with Coca-Cola. People tried to hide in homes as quickly as possible and turn on conditioners. Many rested on water. The urban beach seemed neatly laid parquet - so many people voluntarily protected under the rays of the hot sun.

Ninja in turn was observed in binoculars for the life of the city. From here, from the center itself, as a neat green squares of urban parks and squares were visible on the palm. Wide streets and brochures cut the city to squares. On the streets, like multicolored bugs, cars ran. Life was measured. The incidents happened extremely rarely. Once, however, the turtles are alarmed not for a joke. In the specter, a thick black smoke was seen at the city. Leonardo (on that day the service) gave the team to prepare an aircarr to departure.

About transport of turtles must be said separately. At the entrance of the high-rise house, where they lived, there was a lightweight and fast armored personnel carrier of protective color, refurbished from the military. It was adapted to extinguish fires and chase for criminals. The armored personnel carrier could swim along the water and easily moved on the fuel swamps. By this means of movement of Ninja used in exceptional cases not to bring panic on civilians. With a greater hunt, friends used a light aerial, which was right there, on the roof of the building, and did not attract special attention. Aeriality resembled an enlarged copy of satellite communications antenna covered with a thick glass cap. Such aidarians were not new to the residents of the city, over the suburban areas in the calf day they were spinning a great set.

Ninja Aerial, like an armored personnel carrier, was extremely improved. He easily planned over the city, but if necessary, you could use retractable wings and develop the speed close to the reactive. The speed also depended on the angle of inclination of the wings to the plane of the airborne itself. It is necessary to say that the aerial emergency room was equipped with a modern catapult and a powerful video camera. The light laser gun was the last improvement, which appeared after the ninja in his knowledge of nuclear physics reached the structure of the atomic nucleus.

So, the aircarr was ready for departure, powerful foam fire extinguishers are loaded in minutes. And after a few seconds, Ninja sat on the specter outside the city. However, the alarm was false. Boys from the outskirts of Zhughs car tires. It is not known why it needed it. Such people are these boys. They do not feed them with bread, but let me set up, break, twist, try to taste ... The arsonists themselves were smoked from the legs to the head. At least now send them to Africa. Ninja only spread his hands. However, the effect of an improved foam fire extinguisher at the request of children, they still demonstrated. Mountain tires were covered with thick white foam. It caused in young arsonies delight no less than a pillars of smoke and fire.

Ninja returned home and continued to observe. The following alarm followed immediately. Donatello, carrying a watch, suddenly felt a sharp smell of Gary.

Light! - he exclaimed exclaimed, tensely peering into the distance. - Surely burns!

However, there was no fire anywhere, meanwhile, as any minor, it is known for certain that the smoke without fire does not happen.

The sharp smell of Gary became more and more tangible. He made his way from under the kitchen door. Donatello postponed binoculars:

So there is, again, Michelangelo!

The whole kitchen was filled with poisonous smoke. The cook himself was in full confusion and only waved the kitchen towel. Donatello turned off the stove, open the window and pressed the air cleaner button. Only in a few minutes it became possible to see the gas stove and a frying pan on it. True, what happened on it could not be called titles. The "culinary product" resembled a charred sole.

You forgot to put the oil again! - Dontello got angry.

I have nothing to do with it, "Michelangelo was justified. - The instruction says that you can do absolutely without fat due to the coating of a special alloy.

Once Michelangelo came home not himself, but with a small turtle. Friends were very surprised, but he quickly explained the situation. It turns out that Michelangelo saw her when she tried to save a little butterfly from a strange monster in the park. Rafaello and Donatello did not like this at all, as apparently, invented a strange tale about the turtle, because she had the appearance of a little frightened child than brave defenders. Leonardo also did not believe in this story, but I saw that Michelangelo really wants to leave her. Therefore, he said that if you try, it may be possible to make a real ninja from it. Guest and Michelangelo were happy, because they had already done to make friends!
"Good, in the morning I will start the classes," Donatello commanded. - But only learning will have a lot.
The little turtle was very pleased, all night she dreamed of how peacefit began to study martial arts. What was her disappointment, when after breakfast she was given a thick book about the secrets of the Ninja skill. She barely forced himself to read, so boring and for a long time it was.

Finally, mastered the book, the turtle again tuned to real practical classes, but Donatello handed it one more. This time she had to read the history of martial arts, which was even more boring. But still a turtle read it. True, she read not quite carefully, skipping some paragraphs, and even entire pages. Therefore, when the ninja turtles staged her an exam on the books read, could not cope with the tasks of the turtle.

Tale of ninja turtles: read about the importance of attentive studies

Donatello, Leonardo and Rafael decided that a small turtle did not deserve more in their company, because he showed himself unable to learn and responsibly refer to the tasks put on it. The turtle was very shameful and bitterly: Through his impatience, she lost the chance to become a ninja. Michelangelo also felt awkward. On the one hand, he understood the solution of friends, and on the other hand he did not want to part with a turtle. He dreamed that she would become a new member of their team. Michelangelo has already represented himself with a mentor, like an older brother, so he was very disappointing.

The turtle has already gathered things and gathered to leave when Leonardo's voice suddenly heard: "Friends, I think we must give our little girlfriend another chance. After all, we also come to these rakes. " At this point, Ninja Turtles remembered how they once frivolously belonged to the advice of the teacher of the Splinter. Once, they were also not failed to participate soon in the real battle, so instead of working out the techniques on the orders of the teacher, they got on the surface to fight for justice. Unprepared to the real struggle, the turtles were defeated. For happiness, they managed to escape from enemies and hide in the nearest sewer.
This situation served as a good turtle lesson. Knowledge have extraordinary value. Therefore, it is so important to pay sufficient attention to study, even if it seems that it is very boring. You need to start with the theory, then go to training. Only after a certain time of regular training can be directly used knowledge in practice.

Little turtle listened to the story very carefully. She realized that in order to become a real ninja, she still follows a lot of things to learn and learn. After that, she read the books very carefully, listened to the advice of older friends and trained a lot. After all, it clearly remembered that if Rafael, Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo continued to be frivolously to study, would have suffered a serious defeat and this fairy tale about Ninja's turtles simply would simply exist.

Mi was equipped with a b_lche 300 loose vehicles on the Dobranich site. Praguene to continue Zvitch's contribution to the right of the Mountains of the Ritual, the resignations of turbo so heat.PAZAєTE PІDTRIMI Our project? We will be inhapping, it is a new force to print for you Dali!

He lived was a vengeful ninja. Ninsea he became the generic dynasty. His great-grandfather was another Ninji, his grandfather was still Ninji, his father was not at all Ninji, but still qualitatively and regularly beat suspicious people.
In the family where a vengeful ninja grew, it was customary to wear everything tight and wear Czech. And yet, if, say, the hereditary ninja went away somewhere, certainly took a nunechak with him, the kale and a rose. Cabbage, of course, in case of hunger to make cabbage rolls on an ambulance hand ... or leg. This, depending on what will be able to lick the enemy. Well, a rose to conquer the girl. Because the girls love the heroism of various kinds. For example, they love when a brave man sticks to a rose together with spikes in a famous place and climbs along the slope of the cliff. And his rose in his famous place trembles from recruited winds. …Not! Not from the fact that the one who crashes! Remember: real nindse ass should be strong and not shaking, like a drunkard there.

And now, one day, at the dining table, when Praded finally decided to make Harakiri himself, our vengeful ninja realized that it was time to go on the road. Moreover, the appetite disappeared anyway because of the uncompatority of the great-grandfather, who, cutting on his belly the letter "Z", was now lying around in the middle of the dining table and indecently boulevard. Mother of the Avengeon Ninji is a different housewife, dressed him, as it should, in everything weighed. I did not even regretted your black belt and black stockings, and black crashes. Yes, and her the most needfulness in these accessories disappeared at the complete inability of her husband competently to break stockings on it, bullying groups in all directions. .. There was no eggs in the house, but there were eggs. And the mother fell off the son of a whole tenth. With roses, too, there was a stress ... Since the father locked in the bathroom with a whole bundle of magnificent prickly roses and flatly refused to open. Apparently, in the bathroom, he rehearsed in front of a mirror with roses, proving his own man's consistency itself. Then the mother gave their family rarity to the avenue Nindze - the Mexican cactus of impressive sizes. Then made her son kiss the icon. So called their maid. And when I was convinced that the son owns a kiss technique, with a calm heart he swept him out of the door with the foot between the blades. This is a special rite for good luck, which must be observed all Ninji.

And here, a vengeful ninja, rolling, riding the stairs, the jaw, fell out of the house, after the war, right on the track of the war. That is how the Ninzi perceived an independent life path - the "war path". It was necessary to start fighting immediately, but on the street, as it was called the holiday. And everyone walked drunk, peaceful and kind. Avenue Nindze became boring. It seemed that life was failed. It was necessary to immediately become noticeable. After all, to glorify, you need to be in sight. And the vengeful ninja began to keep closer to the crowd, shout out inappropriate replicas (inappropriate replicas are especially valued, creating the impression that a person has its own opinion). But at that ill-fated day, absolutely everyone shouted something inappropriate, as they were drunk. A vengeful ninja was obliged to wipe the bitter snot and start justifying his image - "Velikaya". After all, he invented him for several years, until she came to the word "vengeful." Why it was "vengeful", Ninja did not know. But such a prefix to the word ninja, gave the right to personality, for individuality and sounded, as a call. ... the challenge, he began to throw everything in a row, hurts the face of passersby with his hands and Czech. Persons flipped, bleeding. But people continued to sing inspired by festive songs, and sprinkling their teeth, went on and on.
He threatened to tear up all the eggs, but immediately understood how ridiculous looks, standing in the middle of the festive square with the trees of eggs and threatened to tear something to something. Fulling up completely in luck, the vengeful ninja lay in the middle of the square, reedded his eyes to the sky and thought about the eternal. On eternal bad luck. The old woman was fusing around him - Morododroke, who found him for the corpse, and taking advantage of the deep thoughtful "corpse", hurriedly pulled out a gum from his panties (at that time, a large deficit). The vengeful ninja reluctantly turned with a side on the side for the ease of the old woman - Morodoroki. ... swords sailed.

And then, he saw her. Girl. She walked slowly, a slightly open mouth, glowing two amazedly invisible eyes ... According to her chin, a transparent saliva was quassed quietly, and dried on the whirl-tied on top of the gymnasther ... she! Ninti in the area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine snapped something. So the first love came to him. Five minutes later, the second, no less enchanting. And the entire subsequent hour came the third, fourth, ... Dzataya ... Fortunately, the girls in the city had a lot. Obviously, the avenue Nindze was time to marry. But, he could not marry, without showing her previous one of his chosen traditional heroism with a rose and rock. First, because the chosen was confused. Secondly, because he was cactus instead of roses. Yes, and the maternal belt with stockings and groups a few confused marshs, depriving them of all incentive to holoze the character.
The vengeful ninja melted, lying in the middle of the square. Now, he even embarrassed. After all, the old woman - Morodotroke was still sculpted with a gum from his panties, and if he had got up, the pants would have fallen immediately.
And then he heard close to himself: "What is he lying it?", "He has a cactus!", "Eggs ... I do not understand!? How many stockings took? ... ". Voices thickened along with twilight. A crowd of zooak closed over the crying ninse. A little away from the crowd began to bile all the girls independently of each other. It turns out that the girls were caught not only on heroism with a rose and rock, and also on the incomprehensibility of human objects of human. Close outbreaks of cameras, and correspondent dictaphones stretched to the avenue Nindze in the face. He, of course, was a sucker. He, of course, disgraced the entire family dynasty. He, of course, crap on the full program. But! ... But! ... The next morning I woke up famous. And then already fell asleep, and woken by the famous always. Even the old woman - Morodoogroke is solaried for the honor of selling a gum from his panties at auction and buy my own island in some ocean.

So a vengeful ninja became famous. And no one nobody admitted thoughts to hold him, saying: "Why do you call yourself awareness?"
"Do not ask stupid questions!" - they said everything. And just kept his secret, not even knowing. And called their children his name. And the name was simple - Prokhor.
What is not clear? If you are destined to glorify, you will be glorifying. And not you, Chado, to calculate the heavenly algorithm of your destiny. ... dynasty ... not a dynasty ... stockings, eggs, cabbage ...


(Ninja Turtles)


In tropical forests, for many miles from human housing, there are so many stars on the night sky as I could not even imagine. Here, far in the south, such shines and constellations, which I have never seen before. For example, there is a group of stars, right above the horizon line. She looks like a rolled cluster snake. Wonderful! Soon for a month, as I look at this heaven ... And I still think that the snake tries to straighten. Can it be? What a pity that I am not strong in astronomy, I would like to learn more about how the universe is arranged ...

Leonardo closed his eyes, made a slow deep breath, then exhale, then also ... The last day meditation was coming. Time to drive away all thoughts, ignore the physical reality, which absorbed it: the sky, the rainforest, the soft rustle of the wings flying past the bats and his hammock, hanging in hundreds of meters above the ground in the thick crown of the brawl, or, simply speaking, cotton tree.

Suddenly the thought came, which he had previously distilled away away: "House". It's time to return home soon. Before you again devastate your memory, taking the next, now an attempt is already explicitly doomed to failure to go on the trail of Samandhi - the universal consciousness that lives out of time and space - Leonardo smiled.

And then he heard rifle shots. They came from the village of the village, which was not far from the place of his stay. Leonardo immediately realized that the time of rest and silence had not yet come.

We highly appreciate your generosity and will continue to defend the village to protect the village, "the clumsy broke, a fat man. - It must be remembered that the jungle can be extremely dangerous. Ba ha ha ha ha ha!

Two others picked up the gogot of her boss. Residents of the village are men, women and children folded the remnants of their miserable Skarba. Jeep Racketry has already been littered with offerings.

Heartless villains called themselves cryministoC.. It was a semi-Russian organization, which ruthlessly robbed the population, using the fact that the government does not protect ordinary people in the deaf corners of the country. Everyone has it cryministoC.there was an automatic.

Their leader, Panther, suddenly pointed out the necklace on the neck of one of the women.

Nice beads. Come them here! - he ordered.

But this ... This is a family relic, - the unfortunate, without touching.

Cortes, Breezuela, - called Panther's guards. - Damage me this necklace with the hostess. Vividly!

Two loud rushed to a woman, but suddenly ... Vzhik! The gathered managed to see how something metallic flashed in the air, and then a heavy iron chain wrapped around her whim both cryministoC.. Cortes and Breezuela were cut into Earth unconscious.

Panther's enthearded and villagers as a team turned to the edge of the forest.

Ghost of the jungle! - whispered some kind of boy. His fear gave way to hope. The God of Jungle always punishes those who offend the weak.

Show yourself! - shouted Panther, continuing to stare on the dark silhouettes of trees and slowly retreating to the jeep. - I am not afraid of ghosts. I do not scare with empty tisses.

At this moment, two eyes flashed in the dark behind him.

Actually, the buddy, I am a turtle, "Leonardo grinned, playing riding.

Panther sharply turned around and threw the machine, going to release the turn, but Leonardo did barely catchy movement, and the weapon flew out of the hands of the bandit.

You ... You are not a ghost, - muttered Panther, trying to get a gun from the holster.

And you, "Leonardo said, knocking his gun from his hands, - not a man!

With these words, he jumped high into the air, at the same time removing the katana into the sheath, and caused a crushing panther in the jaw. Groaving, leader cryministoC.fell on the back and turned off.

Ghost of the jungle! - shouted the boy, rushing to Leonardo.

The crowd swung behind him. It's time to leave the battlefield.

Not a ghost, "Leonardo answered softly, and Ninja.

The robber was carried away from all his legs, all increasing the break between himself and three pursuing his police. He was young, stored and in excellent sports form, and soon became unacceptable for them. Understanding that he was not caught, the guards of the order stopped the pursuit.

"Eh! .. Sosks! - grinned a robber, gradually reducing speed. Now he could easily get lost in the crowd, quite tight at this time of the day in Chelsea - one of the districts of Manhattan. "It's good that this restless city never sleeps!" - he thought.

He stopped to look back on his pursuers, and almost fell from amazement. In the air above the heads of the police, the coal-black racing motorcycle! And what is worse, the hellish car went straight to him!

The robber rushed on the nurse, but it was too late. The motorcycle flew like lightning, and overtaking it in a matter of seconds.

Having tightly holding the end of a heavy metal chain in his hand, a motorcyclist, dressed in everything black, in a black helmet with darkened pick-up, deftly spun his weapon around the neck and the right hand of the robber and raised it into the air.

What are you? Immediately let me go! - He screamed.

But the motorcyclist did not make him desperate screams. He rushed forward and delivered the criminal directly to the door of the police station, and he looked at the door of the uncomfortable captive in all the garbage boxes standing along the ninth Avenue. Then turned his "iron horse" and sent it through the entire city to the outskirts of East Side - in search of new offenders.

Leaving a desert street, a motorcyclist stopped at a closed journal kiosk. In the wind creaked, swinging, the sign of the bus stop.

Looking at his face to hide darkness, the motorcyclist raised his helmet and looked through the newspaper headlines in the showcase: "The mysterious salvation of a woman from a burning building", "The police wants to ask a few questions to a motorcyclist who received the nickname" Night Wenning "and" Who is hidden under the name " Night driver? ".

Grinning, a motorcyclist shot a helmet and corrected the red bandan.

Excellent, - said Rafael. - Night Watchful Definitely uses the press with success!

Tightening the helmet strap, it pressed on gas, and a motorcycle, having released a cloud of smoke, with a wild roar rushed away.

"That's what Leonardo saw me," Rafael thought, very satisfied with himself.

From the fear of Michelangelo stained his eyes.

They surrounded me! What should I do? What to do? - he whispered in despair.

Relax, Mickey. Remember what you were taught. Everything will be fine, "Donatello rang out in the headphones.

Waving foaming nunchaki, the crowd of kids in the motley caps, which is accepted to wear on birthdays, rushed to him. Michelangelo, closed in a masquerade suit, sighed heavily. We will have to reflect the attack.

Grab it! - Girl shouted with braids sticking on his sides. - Grab Kovagango Charles!

Grab this damn turtle! - Her buddy died, Methodically magic Michelangelo on the back. Two other little workers diligently clung to his legs.

Michelangelo fell on his knees. "ABOUT! Yes, it hurts! "

At the next minute, children just as suddenly, as appeared, ran out of the door with enthusiastic shouts:

Cake! Cake!

Can I leave? - whispered Michelangelo, lying on the floor.

Do not fuss, "Donatello replied. - Soon closed, chevastic. At two.

Girl with funny sticky braids protruded in the kitchen and with a loud cry "Kiya!" Mikkah beg.

This is my best birthday, mommy! She was delighted with her.

A few minutes later, Michelangelo slowly rose, rubbing the nunning sides.

There are other, lighter ways to earn a living, "he murmured.

A young woman came up to him.

Kovagango Karl! - she exclaimed. - You are stunning! Just stunning! You spent wonderful holiday!

He puts him in his palm tightly downed envelope, and Michelangelo immediately felt significantly better.

Having left the luxury apartments, Michelangelo came out of the building and headed for a minibus parked near the entrance. On both sides of the car, huge turtles were depicted - the characters of the popular cartoon. The inscriptions under them read: "Kovagango Karl".

Donatello opened the rear doors and, when Michelangelo climbed inside, helped him remove the huge head of Kovabango Charles. Then he touched the fake zipper glued in the center of the lower brother shell. Tired Michelangelo flopped into the passenger seat of the car.

Well, isn't it fun, Mickey? - asked Donatello, closing the doors. "I mean the role of Charles," he added with a laugh. - In addition, they pay good for him.

Your truth, - agreed Michelangelo.

He took out a chubby envelope and a pack of bills from the belt. While the brother counted day earnings, Donatello started the car and led the car away from the city, in the southern direction. He got to the abandoned storage facilities, pressed the button on the remote control, and the huge gate swung open. Donatello sent a van inside. Making sure that the gate behind them closed tightly, the brothers came out of the car.

They descended into the sewage hatch, disguised in the floor of the warehouse. Michelangelo cheerfully announced: "Lapu-U-Ulya! I am up to Ohma! " - And pinched open a double door leading in the Lorogo Turtle.

Money-money-money, - Dontello purr. - From his share, I will buy a new filter for the air cleaner. Soon we will have a wonderful air conditioner.

And I would really like you to invent a robot for tedious homework, "the brother replied, collapsed on the sofa and stretched over the remote control.

Michelangelo! - came to him.

Michelangelo hastily turned off the TV and jumped on his feet, respectfully bowing his head:

Yes, Sensei.

Splinter, their father and teacher entered the room. The end of his cane was terribly aimed towards Michelangelo.

Sensei? - Miklangelo asked inappralish, then he suddenly sores: "Well, of course!"

Grinning, he rushed to his backpack and pulled out from there wrapped in foil a piece of cake.

Help, master.

Wow, with cream and icing! - broke into a happy smile Splinter, unfolding a sweet treat. - My favorite!

The ship "Saint Philip", who recently arrived from Belize, unloaded Jersey City at the pier. A huge crane slowly lowered the cargo - a heavy wooden box with large inscriptions: "Cargo transportation about" Nile ".

Good! This is not a box with fish! - screamed Eypril about "Neil, coming to the box." The Last, "- she did notice to himself.

The girl got a mobile phone and poked the automatic dialing button. The phone at the other end rang and continued to call ... Call, call and call.

Casey, Well, where are you? - I was impatiently muttered Eypril.

In the town called Red Hook, next door to Brooklyn, Casey Jones slept sweetly on the couch in the apartments that they filmed in half from Eypril. Even wearing the whole coil, the TV could not overlap his loud snoring. So the caller was not the slightest chance of being heard. A two-second pause has helped between commercials.

H ... What? .. - Through the sleep mumbled Casey.

Phone? .. God is mine ... where did I put him down? .. - he said, slowly rising from the couch.

Casey in indecision looked at the immense room of the second floor. Bookcases shared it into several zones. In one of them, open drawers were placed, to the top of the cards and thick guidebooks with curled corners of the pages, to the other - single-caliber dumbbells and rods, the simulator, imitating the row on the kayak, and scattered in the disarray of tutu magazines.

In the kitchen, - I defined Casey and hurried to the sound of the phone, crossing through dirty clothes, pile laying on the carpet.

Finally, Casey got to the kitchen. The Mountain of the pizza is pissedled on the floor of empty boxes from under the pizza resembled a model of the Pisa Tower. Dirty dishes occupied the rest of the visible space.

Where are you! - Speak Casey, coming to the sink. "Speak," he said, removing the phone from there.

Casey slapped his forehead. Eypril! Her tone did not foretell anything good.

And ... so today you returned, baby? He asked, scratching the armpit.

A second of Eypril was silent.

Yes, I returned today. To you. After a month spent in the dense jungle, she finally answered and disappointedly added: - I thought you would meet me in the port.

Sorry, baby, I must be ...

Eypril interrupted it:

Forget. I'll take a taxi, it threw it cold and turned off.

Casey put the phone back into the sink. "A pretty business, a case," he mumbled, angrily kicking a fleece toes with a cardboard Pisa Tower.

I'm bored! - Michelangelo proclaimed tragic tone, entering the Donatello room.

Brother seemed to not pay any attention to him. He sat, loosen over his desktop. The latest inventions of various degrees were hung on the walls. The insides of the computer were lying on the floor ahead with wires and cables that twisted and silent throughout the room, as if gigantic spaghetti portions.

Don, did you ever occur to you that you were born for something more? Sometimes it seems to me that we are simply styling in the same glass jar where they were sitting. I want to say: no day, all the same thing ...

Donatello turned to his brother. His eyes, repeatedly enlarged with thick lenses of work points, gave him similarity with a giant insect.

Hi, Mickey! - he responded. - Did you say something?

Michelangelo stared at Donatello and tried to take himself in his hands, so as not to tell the brother of all sorts of offensive words, and then turn around and get out of the room. He silently returned to the living room, fell on the couch and closed himself. When a moment later, he revealed his eyes again, he was surprised to find that the spiner was sitting. Michelangelo did not hear his steps. However, here he is, teacher: calmly sips tea, putting his leg to the leg.

Michelangelo, - began a splider. - Boredom is not someone insidious mischinks. This is just a reflection of your inner world. Fill himself with joy from the inside, and the meaning will appear in your life.

Michelangelo pretended to be deeply thoughtful, and again put the maximum effort, so as not to say something that would have to regret.

Yes, Teacher, he said sullenly. The spinner was sorely left the room. Michelangelo turned on the TV. An unfamiliar reporter reported:

"... The police are put in a dead end. A number of unusual crimes are committed, similar to the acts of retribution and aimed against representatives of the criminal world. According to the authorities, they are committed by a kind of mysterious figure, known under the name of the nightly sentient. His acts excited the city all the last year. Despite the fact that the victims of the nightly sentient become mainly robbers and killers, his own actions are regarded as particularly cruel. "

Michelangelo reached for a table near the couch, got a polaroid and photographed a journalist, after which he turned off the TV and began to wait for a snapshot.

The photo of the reporter has fired in the photo. Michelangelo leaned and pulled out the album from under the couch. Inside there was a lot of newspaper clippings dedicated to the nameless urban avenger. Michelangelo placed a photo on the pure page.

I'm talking about this! Patrol the streets, grab with political barrels who consider themselves above the law! - He spoke with the heat. And, imitating voice commentators, continued: - But they cannot be higher than his law.

At that moment, Donatello entered the room, holding his next invention in his hands.

But, Mickey, he himself rags! Anyone who acts outside the rules and framework of the law is a criminal. H must be enclosed.

Very similar to the dispute of four turtles, with whom I have once been familiar. - The room appeared and from the threshold joined the conversation of Rafael. "Don't you like that these garbages of society in the end turn out to be behind bars, and, Donnie?"

I do not mind those who deserve it come to prison. But who will guarantee that the night will one day never crossed the hell? - asked Donatello.

And I believe that he is just the defender who needs our city, "Rafael objected. - Such, what should we be with you.

Gondo taking the chest, Rafael looked at Donatello smug.

There are stupid norms through which even the police can no longer step over, he added. - But someone must do it for them. H Then fear becomes weapon.

You have the consciousness of Neanderthal, - said the brother, retreating a step.

Rafael made a deceived lunge toward Donatello, who the unexpected movement of the brother found the surprise.

I stand on my own, "he said grinned, said.

Raphael! - came the angry voice of the splinter. - If Boasting is the only thing that helps you to defend your point of view, I give up to me, you have no point of view at all. By the way, where were you? Recently, you are increasingly and more often disappear ...

Rafael lowered his head:

Sorry, teacher.

Then, not to mention any word, he came out. He did not return to dinner and did not even join the teacher and brothers during the evening meditation.

On this night, the splinter left the door to his bedroom open. From time to time he stared at the darkness, then suddenly cast a blanket and sank to the floor. Weak moonlight illuminated his cranked figure.

In the doorway, the door came the silhouette in the road raincoat.

Come in, - invited the rat.

The rat lived in the lair along with the turtles. Once he was a man - scientists - and conducted scientific experiences. But an explosion occurred in the laboratory, as a result of which he was subjected to genetic mutation and took the appearance of his beloved home rat. Extensive knowledge that he possessed has not disappeared anywhere. Since then, the rat has spent almost all his time in the den, exercising in martial arts and meditating, only in exceptional cases accompanied his pupils - ninja turtles - to the surface. But still the main mentor Leonardo, Donatello, Rafael and Michelangelo remained the master Splinter ...

Leonardo stepped into the bedroom and stood on his knees - face to his father and teacher, respectfully bowing his head.

I returned from the tropical forests, the master. The trial year approached the end. I am ready for the next step.

The view of the Splinter, facing Leonardo, was blown away.

Here you are at home, my son, "he said with pride. - Now everything you learned during your absence, will find use in everyday life. And it will be the most difficult test.

He extended an old medallion from his sons.

You worked well, son, and deserved it.

I missed you, Leonardo, "said the Splinter, getting on his feet.

Leonardo followed his example.

I also missed you, father.

They embraced.

I scare the changes that happened with your brothers since you left your home. Their mood ... their mental breakdown ... - Splinter sighed. - But now, when you returned, they will have the leader, whom they lacked so much. You need your family. Do you understand?

I ... I understand, Sensei, "Leonardo replied, swallowing the lump in his throat.

Splinter, not yet seeing Rafael, felt his presence.

Rafael, he called. - Your brother returned.

Rafael entered the room, trying to hide embarrassment. Oh, how it is unpleasant that the teacher caught him ...

The brothers felt awkwardly, avoided to meet with views.

Hi, "said Leonardo.

Hello, Rafael responded, trying not to look at the brother's medallion. - Congratulations.

Thank you - Leonardo nodded.

Rafael jumped.

Well, I went to bed, it's too late, "he finally hesitated, it squeezed yawn, and slipped into the hallway.

Maximilian Winters woke up among the nights in the cold sweat. The heart fleece pounded in his chest. As the sharp claws and grinning teeth, horns and fangs, sparkling armor and shiny blades flashed in front of him ... Blood flew by the river, he heard the noise of the battle, saw a distorted faces of warriors who cracked in a deadly fight ...

Finally woke up, the Winters sighed with relief.

Nightmare, "he said. - Just another nightmare.

He rose with a huge, designed specifically for him a bed, called halftown Frau. Winters looked at her room and smiled. Its interior is the best proof of retro style compatibility and modern techno. Sparkling chairs from Reta, Couch from the Swan, sixty lamps from Vico Magistretti ... And all this on the background of the walls, skillfully laid out by the mosaic of the Italian Masters of Moss, combining the motives of modern technopolis and the exquisite relics of the ancient kind of Winters. The skyscraper of Winters-Tower is from darkened glass and tempered steel, the creation of the architect Rem Kulhawa, - personified money, mystery and power. Like his owner, Maximilian Winters.

After the usual morning charging - a combination of oriental martial arts and American boxing - Winters shaved and dressed. He left the personal apartments, who served almost the entire top floor of the tower, and entered his office - a huge office with a rich library of historical novels and a collection of military trophies and antiques. Of the huge rocker windows, the whole city was visible as a palm. Winters felt his full lord.

It turned away from the window and pressed the button in the wall. The view outside the window began to change, the review was allowed. A huge office slowly rolled along the facade of the tower.

Winters Cabinet was located in the elevator. How much energy was invested in its creation ...

Hey, what about the light? - exclaimed Michelangelo when the light bulbs suddenly went out, and the devices stopped working.

Without panic! I have everything under control! - responded from the laboratory Donatello.

It smells like smoke and burned wires, "Leonardo said.

Under control! Under control! - I managed to scream Donatello before the sudden BOOM! Light bulbs, flashing for a few minutes, desperately flashed and went out again.

Leonardo and Michelangelo shuddered. Pubbed in the sage donatello passed by them.

Do not worry! He cried out on the run. - I just install the air conditioner. Absolutely nothing to worry about.

And he disappeared into the pipe.

Healthy judgment that Donatello, most likely, really keeps everything under control, Leonardo appealed to Michelangelo:

By the way, how are things from Eypril and Casey? I expected that they would be announced after my return.

Michelangelo shrugged:

We are now infrequently visible. Eypril works a lot ... And Casey seems ... Well, I do not know ... Recently, he has changed. Maybe it will not get used to lower the toilet seat - after all, they and Eypril began to live together ...

And how is his hockey mask?

I do not know, brother. Since on the shelves appeared "Nightworthy", I'm all in reading.

Leonardo threw his head.

- "Night Water Room"? Are you hooked on a new comic, mickey?

Here is the key to a randering, "said Rafael, entering the room. He put his hand under the couch and pulled out Album Michelangelo from there, where he passed the clippings about the "night sentient". The legacy of the superhero of urban news, he added, throwing Leonardo album. - The property of the faithful fan of Mickey.

You can cheat as much as you need, RAF, "Michelangelo parried," but if you walked a good muscle and eat right, then one day, maybe become the same steep as a nightly sentient.

I have to hope for it, Mickey. Just hope ... - Rafael answered with a smirk. He frankly enjoyed that he retains his incognito. He especially liked to led by the nast of the brothers.

Leonardo ran the eye clippings. His face expressed discontent.

This guy is being blocked in history and dismissed trouble on all of us, - he said Muro. -

Ricovka and mockery trips cannot replace justice. He is too busy by self. Someone should talk with this thoroughness is frustrating.

Rafael was trying. He did not join the argument with Leonardo and silently retired to the bedroom. "He does not fit it in his head," Rafael said himself. - No one is stacked. I bet that Casey could understand me - once he was avenger. "

Rafael entered the room and covered the door tightly. His look fell into a photo in the framework, on which they were captured with Casey Jones. Rafael looked at her for a long time and imagined what his old friend is busy ...

And at that moment Casey Jones, bent into three deaths, kept the defense in the Alley of the City Park. The height of hockey battery. The garbage cans portrayed the gate rods, and the packages placed around the perimeter from under the milk fencing the platform.

Hey, you are out of the game! - cried Casey.

Nothing like that, Cosmo-Case! - shouted in response one of the teenagers, running by. By the end of his club, he stretched to the tennis ball. Fast movement of the boy's hand sent the ball ahead, right in the trash can. He turned over with a rumble.

Goal! - Deekfully shouted the attacker, victoriously raising his stick over his head.

Wait, "Casey replied," the game has not ended yet.

At this time, on the second floor of a high-rise house, which stood on the opposite side of the street, the window opened.

Bobby! Lunch!

But, moms, we just started winning! - Sung Bobby.

Robert! - Strictly shouting mother.

While, guys, - Ponuro said Bobby, turning around.

Hey, Arrest! - Casey grinned. - I wish you having fun with my mommy!

But his joy was premature. On the sidewalk, Aypril appeared, dressed in a black business suit. She kept snow white shirt and tie in her hands.

Oh, Eypril! - Sung Casey. - We just started ...

Please Miss O "Neil! - She picked up someone from the boys. - Can Casey stay and play even five minutes? Well, poi-aa-aalast!

Not today, young people - Eypril spoke dryly. - Mr. Jones will have to pretend adult for several hours.

Casey knew that it was useless to argue. He approached Eypril, and they stuck together down the street to their home.

The first broke the silence of Eypril.

I need your help, "she said. - You must check the delivery.

Casey mood has improved a little. Eypril needed him! Calling for help all his acting abilities, he answered, imitating Arnold Schwarzenegger:

So, fam We need mine puntistic muscul?

But Eypril did not appreciate the jokes. Not even honored with a look, she ordered:

Wear a shirt and tie.

"Since Eypril returned ... Well ... From there, where it was, I thought Casey," she became such an alarmed ... As if a stretched string. " He put her hand on his shoulder in the hope that this sign attention would not remain unnoticed, but Eypril continued to walk forward, immersed in his own thoughts. Casey removed his hand, guessing what else to do to establish their relationship.

In silence, they crossed the shopping center, passed docks Jersey City and approached the shimmering lights of the skyscraper of Winters-Tower.

Mr. Winters, Miss came about "Neil and her assistant," the secretary of the reception center said to the microphone.

Eypril and Casey were waiting in the luxurious lobby. All floor space to high vaulted ceiling shone marble trim. The floor was laid out with a tiled in the form of a giant aztec calendar.

Casey, dressed in a white shirt and tie, stood a few steps behind Eypril. Near the wooden box, the one that arrived at the "Holy Philippe" was touched.

Assistant? - muttered Casey, nervously tie the tie. He looked around a huge room filled with ancient weapons exhibited in glass windows, and fragile on the sight of vases on marble pedestals.

Skip them to me.

After a short trip on Eypril's elevator headed towards the open doors of Winters office. Casey was bending under the severity of the box, trying to keep up with her.

Miss about "Neil!" With joking hanale, Girl Winters welcomed. "You are dazzling. Thirty days in the dense forests of the Amazons - and charming, as always.

He kissed her in both cheeks, and Casey felt the blood rushed into his face.

Hi, Max, - said Eypril. - This is my ... uh ... friend. Casey Jones.

Hi, Chris, how are you? - Carelessly threw Winters.

Actually, my name ... - began to Casey.

But Winters did not listen to him.

So how was your journey, Eypril? - he asked.

Normally, the girl answered carelessly. - Officials - bribers, conductors - traitors. Everyone is tied. All chasing money.

Eypril and Winters laughed. Casey was pulling the gate of the shirt - he obviously felt not in his plate.

But the game cost a candle, Max, - said Eypril and after a small pause announced: - I found it. Fourth General.

Winters smiled. Eypril turned to his satellite:

Let's scrap, Casey.

Eypril quickly and accurate movement opened the front wall of the drawer. With a deaf knob, the wood fell on the floor.

Winters came closer, and Eypril and Casey were constantly missing him.

Glory to the gods, whispered Winters. He did not reduce the eye from what was inside the box. It was a two-meter figure, sharpened from granite and obsidian, - a warrior in the armor, stylized under the Eagle Operation. Winters ran his hand on his slope.

Max, can I ask you one question? - I decided to Eypril.

Yes, of course, - replied Winters, not taking the eyes with stone sculpture.

I am very grateful to you for the opportunity granted, - the beginning of Eypril. - If it were not for you, I would have sold an antiques on the trifles ... But I have to ask ... Where does such attachment come from these works of art? Before our meeting, I never heard the legend of Yaotle.

Winters moved away from the statue. He did not look at Eypril and Casey, his gaze was directed to the armor, raised along the walls.

Well, he said. - Let me tell you one story ...

It happened many years ago, Eypril, - began Winters, who did not pay the slightest attention to Casey. - Somewhere at that time, which is now called a thousand sixth year before the Nativity of Christ. Almost three thousand years ago. What I will tell you, has happened long before the heyday of Maya civilizations, aztecs, and even Olmekov. It was the time of legends. The time of greatness. The man named Yaotle came to that world. It was not quite a person, but rather a certain power of nature. Yaotle mysterious. Yaotl-3Aviller. Yaotle and four of his warriors - generals.

Starting from those places that are called Central Brazil now, and moving north, Yaotle and his generals destroyed and subordinate to themselves everything that came across on the way. From all the peoples and crops that the followers of Yaotli, they took the most valuable: magic and science. As a hurricane, they rushed along the ground, and with each new conquest had ever great knowledge and power.

The legend of Winters was so fascinated by Eypril that she could not express a word. And Winter himself seemed completely absorbed by his story.

After the destruction of the culture of Paxmekov - the peaceful community of the states-states Yaotle and four of his generals aimed at a remote, hidden from human eyes, Ksalika. Xalica gave the world a culture based on secret knowledge, amazing magic and its own technology. The culture of Ksalika was considered the native sister of the legendary culture of Atlanta.

For a predator, like Yaotl, Xalika was like a red rag for a bull. His army consisted almost out of a million warriors. When his troops approached Xalik, Yaotl and his generals used black magic to create gates of shadows.

Checking your hostilities on the stars of the constellation Kikin, they used the gates of the shadows to open the portal to another world. The dark world, the name Kzula.

The whole army of monsters Kzula rushed to the ground: Vasiliski, chimeras, sildids, minotaurs, manticari, hydra, griffins and others, others, other ... Their main target was Xalik. At least this was the plan of Yaotl: control the monsters and direct them against Xaliki.

But Monsters did not recognize any allies. They killed enemies, all enemies ... Including the soldiers of Yaotl. So the bloody slaughter of the world did not know either before, nor after those events.

At the end there were no winners - only a handful of lucky people who managed to survive in this meat grinder. Yaotle destroyed the gate of the shadows before other monsters could penetrate our world, but it was too late ...

On Yaotle and his generals lies wine for the destruction of the greatest culture, which ever existed in our world. Lost Kamaliki's knowledge will never be restored ... Never, - added Winner with a whisper, ending his story.

Awesome legend, Max, - responded to Eypril, pushing in the side of the Casey. While he wiped his eyes, she asked: - And you do not think it may be ...

Winters did not give her to finish:

That you are not at all. As you really rightly noticed, it is just a legend. - Turning again to the statue, he briefly threw: - the secretary will pay all your expenses.

Thanks ... uh ... And goodbye, Max, - said Eypril. Quickly grabbing Casey at hand, she hurried to leave the Winters office.

Below in the Hall, Eypril stopped sharply and turned face to Casey. They stood next to the ancient Peruvian vase, towering on a marble pedestal.

Oh no! - exclaimed Casey. - This look. What did I do wrong again?

The answer, Eypril sounded sharply:

Casey Jones, I gave you a chance. I gave you a chance to become a person, to become better. And what did you do? You fell asleep!

But it was such a tedious legend! - Casey exclaimed, ready to pour out accumulated irritation to Eypril. - And you know if you spent at home more time than four days a month, I could guess that I absolutely not interested in such things!

Eypril glanced at Vaza.

Potache ... - She began, but Casey had already suffered:

Yes, I am, it is quite suitable for carrying weights, dressed as a jester pea! Martyka in the reception called me an assistant, you introduced me as your "uh-uh ... friend." I do not need this! - To emphasize the hardness of your intentions, Casey made an expressive gesture. His right hand pushed the vase, she fell to the floor and shattered into the sex.

The security alarm system did not wait to wait: dried siren, and all the windows and doors of the skyscraper were immediately blocked.

Oh! Said Casey, and his anger was evaporated.

Eypril losses whiskey.

Oh my God! Give me strength! - she murmured. - Give me strength...

Now you can go out, "said Winters, widowed in the statue.

Four figures appeared from the dark corner of the office: a woman in a raincoat with a hooded and a Japanese mask But And three ninja from the clan foot.

Your talents are above all praise, karai, - noted Winters, turning face to them.

Just like yours, - a woman responded, removing the mask. - Most do not notice us, until we ourselves want it.

Well, I just specialize in this, - having twisted the lips in the grin, answered Winters. - But do business. In addition to those tasks that led you to America, do you intend to consider my offer?

The leader of the clans of the foot lowered his eyes.

I have to confess that I still do not know what exactly we should do for you.

Winters went to the window. The city, stretching at the bottom, glowed thousands of multicolored lights.

I need a sharp eye and the skill of true ninjas to keep track of the city for several days, "said Winters. - Watch carefully and mark everything that seems to you more or less strange.

This month, the premiere of the film of the film "Turtle Ninja" took place. The generation, which grew up in the 1990s, knows this four reptile reptile and their SPLENER teacher on the same name of the animated series in the late 80s, as well as three game movies. But many who are fanatel from them in childhood, do not know how their path began and how they were born. Skeptics will say that this is not necessarily known. We will leave them aside and still tell this interesting story in length in 30 years.

This green quartet was invented by two artists-friends, Kevin Eastman and Peter Lerd. And he was born from the usual cartoon. Eastman drew a turtle, put a mask on her and gave nunchi into his hands, Lard followed in the footsteps of a friend. New heroes have become not just ninja turtles, but also teenagers mutants. So, in many ways, a pubertal age justifies the sage of this company.

The idea was so liked to friends that they decided to publish a whole comic. A couple of months after this friendly duel of two artists, about the end of February - early March 1984, the first release was ready. Comic got the name "Teens Mutants Turtle-Nijia". He was black and white and looked rather on a gloomy noir than a funny vakhanalia, to which we were accustomed to from childhood. Unfortunately, or, on the contrary, fortunately, the publishers considered the plot too delirious and refused to release it.

Here is his brief synopsis. Four Ninja Turtles are struggling with hooligans on the streets of the metropolis. I trained them the art of Ninja is also a mutant, but no longer a turtle, but rats by the spinner name. He was a pet at Master Ninjutsu in the clan Foot Hamato Yoshi. Hamato was in love with the girl of Ten Shen and once killed her offender. After this incident, Hamato and Shen had to move to New York, but there they found the brother of the killed Schirdder and killed both. The splinter escaped into the sewer and mutated there along with the turtles.

However, friends were determined. They released their first comic for money, taken in debt, and the studio occupied the place of one room. As the idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess was very ghostly, then they called their studio Mirage. I called skeptics from large studios, rejected by the idea of \u200b\u200bcomic about the turtles, the first release went around as hot cakes. It was no joke, and work began to truly. Artists divided duties among themselves. Eastman developed the plot and edited the text, and Lard worked on the drawings.

Gradually developed characters characters. Leonardo became the leader, Raphael Buntarem, ready to constantly fight, Donatello developed various gadgets, and Michelangelo was just a joker and a hut. A little later, a girl, Eypril O'NIl appeared in the comic. By the way, she was not a reporter, but worked as a laboratory assistant from the crazy scientist Baxter Stockman. She had to escape from him and the first convenient place where it was convenient to hide, the sewage was. She met the turtles there. Over time, Casey Jones, another popular avenger joins this interesting company.

For 30 years of existence, where we just did not have time to visit and with whom we just did not have time to fight brave mutants. They reflected the invasion of aliens, participated in intergalactic gladiator tournaments, managed to face shortenings and vampires, even died once.

Of course, from whom the turtles came across, the sidder remained the most evil enemy. It is now difficult to believe that this villain thought only on one single issue of comics. However, he was so loved by readers that he had to resurrect. The name of this villain was also born out of a joke. Eastman put on his hand to the cheese, and said that the villain with such a weapon would be very cool and came up with the name of the Terekter (Gratter), but Lard renamed it to the shredder (sredder). In general, the names are not entirely clear. That is, why exactly the artists of the Renaissance? The creators motivated this by the fact that Japanese names would not be perceived by the American reader. In addition, these names are easily reduced to those who would not cut the hearing to the English-language reader. Judge, Leonardo - Leo, Rafael - Raf and so on. It would be possible to link it with their love for Pizza. But the eaters of this Italian fast food of the turtle became only in the animated series, there were no such thing in comics. And Raf Sometimes and Pivko even drank.

The whole concept of the comic was thought of as an ironic parody of the gloom of the plots began to gain momentum in the comic industry.

The real skuffing boom! Occurred in 1987 with the release of the same name of the animated series. An interesting fact: the introductory song, which many learned by heart, came up with Chuck Laurie - the author of such cult shows as the "Theory of the Big Explosion" and "Two and Human Human". At the time of the cartoon yield, they wanted to limit ourselves to five episodes. Their basic function was purely auxiliary to better sell toys. So the splinter became mutated by Hamato Yoshi, Eypril the reporter in the famous yellow jumpsuit, and Ninja Clan foot robots. Each turtle received its color bandage and a belt with capital letters of their names. The shredder loses his whole throety. And the Eastman and Lard came up with two assistant mutants, roksti and bobop, named after musical directions for him.

All villains lived on the super-modern mobile military base Tehnodrome, which belongs to the alien Conggu. Crang is one of the races in the morning, flashed in comics. The animated series lasted whole ten seasons. At the end, the plots were becoming greasy, topical topics rose in them, and the heroes were increasingly thought about such concepts as good and evil. Schredder and Crang left the scene and gave way to another aliel named Lord Duregg.

Since the phenomenon of the turtles rummaged, the Hollywood producers simply could not stay aside. So in 1990 and a full-length gaming film appeared, where the turtles played people in costumes. The film was closer to comics, but Eypril did not leave the reporter profession. 200 million earned at the box office gave green light continuation. It did not make himself wait and appeared immediately a year after the first part called "Ninja Turtles 2: The Mystery of Emerald Potion." In the continuation of the turtle tried to figure out where they appeared. It would seem that drama and darkness should gain momentum, but it was not there. Due to vigilant parents from the film, griegy evaporated, rude jokes and a lot more. The appearance of Roksti and Bibopa sharply opposed Eastman and Lard, so they had to be replaced by others, much more vague mutants Tokk and Raz. But the third part has become the third part, about the adventures of the turtles in feudal Japan became the most challenged and attracted behind the ears.

For the trilogy followed the game series with the prefix "New Mutation". In the team of guys, a girl-turtle bug appeared, which had some magical abilities. And instead of Schrödder, the new villain became the alien from the parallel universe of the Lord of the Dragons. By the way, this now has already managed to even hang out with mighty Rangers. However, all this vakhanalia ordered a long time to live after the first season.

In 2003, another animated series followed. Domestic localizers gave him the prefix "New Adventures!". He turned out to be very close to the original, Spliter - mutated rat, and Eypril - Laberancy from Stockman, Casey got much more screen time. But still the creators could not do without their vision of the picture of the world of turtles. The shredder became an intergalactic criminal wanted and his present name of Chkell. Hamato Yoshi assigned the role of a friend of the races of the morning for a long time already burnt on earth.

The animated series was designed for a more adulthy audience, multi-level plots appeared in it, the number of dibile jokes decreased, the action was more interesting, and the heroes were increasingly puzzled by the questions of good and evil. The cartoon series in 2009 was completed by the full-length cartoon "Turtles forever", which became one large crossover comic books and animated series of the 80s and 2000s.

Resurrected the fame of the turtles decided in 2012 a cartooner with computer graphics. Everything remained in their places, only Crang from one aliens became a whole race with the same name. So far, the glory of the predecessors, their younger brother did not discharge.

In the large screen vendors, the lull lasted until 2007. The return of the green four on the large screens was the computer cartoon TNMT. The cartoon had a good potential in terms of the right atmosphere and colorful action, but there were some claims to the plot. This time, the turtles collided with a commander, who is more than 3,000 and he wants to get rid of immortality, but for this he needs to revive his associates for the ritual. However, these guys refused to return to the graves. It cost a cartoon 30 million, and brought 90, but did not see the continuation.

So this month we will see the fifth embodiment of ninja turtles on the big screen. We who knew them from childhood will be able to interpret, and the defortion learn and love the turtles, just like a little more older generation loved them.

Evgeny Growe