Kustodiev boris mikhailovich lilac. Speech development presentation "Composition - description of painting B

Kustodiev boris mikhailovich lilac.  Speech development presentation
Kustodiev boris mikhailovich lilac. Speech development presentation "Composition - description of painting B

Topic. Development of speech No. 9. Composition-description of B. Kustodiev's painting "Lilac".

Goals: develop the skills of oral and written speech, improve the skills of describing works of painting; develop the imagination of students, enrich the active vocabulary of students with descriptive vocabulary, improve spelling skills, educate positively directed moral qualities of the individual - perseverance, hard work, identity with Russian culture.

Methodological techniques, main activities : search, analysis, transformation of information extracted from various sources, conversation on issues, work with text, oral description of a picture, analysis of linguistic material, essay on a picture.

Ahead job: prepare information and presentation about B. Kustodiev.

Planned result : ability to select and organize material on a specific topic; present and transmit material, taking into account the given conditions of communication.

Control type : text of the composition-description of the painting.

Equipment : Portrait of B. Kustodiev, reproductions of paintings, Song of Eremka "Wide Shrovetide" performed by Chaliapin, handouts: reproduction of the painting "Lilac", texts for work, presentation, projector.

During the classes

    Organizational moment: intrigue (1 slide)

We put letters into words, words into sentences, we create texts from sentences. How many will guess what we swami will do in the lesson? (Development of speech)

1. Reception "Expectation".

Teacher: Continue my thought"TODAY'S LESSON WILL TEACH ME ..."

(argue, express your own judgments on the topic of the lesson; talk about the content of the picture ...)

2. Writing in notebooks: December tenth. Classwork. Speech development lesson(2 slide)

- I invite you to enter the hall, climb the sparkling stairs and visit the art gallery(3 slide)

(Reproductions - on the board: "The merchant's wife", "The merchant's wife at tea", "Maslenitsa" (1919), "Winter. Epiphany water blessing", "Maslenitsa" (1916), "F. Shalyapin" "school in Moscow Russia", general acquaintance with them)

II. Preparing for an essay on a painting

Teacher's word. Before us is the world of Custodian Rus.

Kustodiev's painting has much in common with folk art - with the painting of Gorodets patterns, which the province was so rich in. Just as in folk art, the artist's works merrily and resonantly combine green, yellow, red tones; in a conventionally flat manner, faces and figures, trees, domes of churches and bell towers are depicted. But the main thing that makes Kustodiev's style in common with Russian folk art is an upbeat, festive mood, that gaiety that inevitably accompanies every festivities, every holiday.

Well-fed merchants, tea drinking with a samovar, Maslenitsa festivities, the usual, frozen forms of provincial life - this world was becoming a thing of the past, collapsing, and Kustodiev could not help but see and understand this. It was not the forms of this life that were dear to him, but what stood behind them - the element of the people, the wild, wild, the breadth of the soul of the Russian man, his feeling of the full-bloodedness of life. That is why they said about his paintings that there is in them "the great truth about Russia."

In 1019 Kustodiev wrote "Maslenitsa" (kept in the museum-apartment of II Brodsky in Leningrad). This plot is one of his favorites. The artist wrote the first "Maslenitsa" in 1916, then repeatedly created versions. Why was this story so attractive to him? Was it because he liked the Russian winter or the holiday of farewell to it itself made it possible to bring together and show all the characters of his beloved fantastic country, to show this city, in which each of the spectators recognized his homeland? The son of Boris Mikhailovich spoke about this. People came to the workshop and, looking at the canvas, guessed: some - Kostroma, some - Moscow, some - Yaroslavl. Even the streets were sometimes called and argued. And the artist only smiled, he liked these disputes. He also strove for everyone to recognize their own, dear.

Against the background of folk festivities on Shrovetide, Kustodiev painted one of his best portraits - a portrait of F. Chaliapin. I wrote it in such a way that you understand the deep foundations of the mastery of a great artist, as if you hear his voice. Recalling the sessions in Kustodiev's studio, Chaliapin wrote: “I knew a lot of interesting, talented and good people in my life. But if I have ever seen a really high spirit in a person, it is in Kustodiev ... "And also:" Only an incredible love for Russia could endow the artist with such a cheerful accuracy of drawing and such an appetizing richness of paint. "

(It is possible to listen to Eremka's song “Wide Shrovetide performed by Chaliapin).

A student's story about the artist. Artist Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev, originally from Astrakhan, was born in 1878 on February 23. His childhood was spent on the banks of the great Volga, where he spent his childhood and adolescence. The father died of consumption when the boy was just taking his first steps. At the age of 25, his mother became a widow with four children.

The boy first begins to paint at the age of five and then experiences the first shock after listening to the opera "Ivan Susanin". At the age of 9, Borya is already full of dreams of becoming a real artist. He studies at a parish school, and then enters a gymnasium.(6 slide)

Carried away by drawing, the teenager begins to study the art of painting in his hometown with the only professional artist Pavel Alekseevich Vlasov. Having mastered the initial lessons of skill, Kustodiev at the age of 18 left Astrakhan for St. Petersburg, where he entered the Academy of Arts to study. The first course takes place with V. Savinsky, from the second year he studies with I. Repin. The zeal and talent of the young man was noticed, and Ilya Repin took him as his assistant, in order to fulfill a large and very responsible order, to write a large canvas "Meeting of the State Council".(7 slide)

He works a lot and hard, selflessly, 12 hours or more a day, he stands by the picture for 5 hours and is infinitely happy. The painting for him was a living being, from under his brush comes out canvas after canvas. He is in a hurry, as if he will not have time to write everything that he has planned. He is very happy because he loves and is loved. Yulia Proshinskaya, a pupil in a poor landowner's family, occupies a special place in his life. Like Kustodiev, he worships the theater, draws, loves painting. Two artists are painting her portrait ... "Posing is rather exhausting, but I am patient ..." she recalls. She likes the drawing of Kustodiev more - it means that the artist guessed Yulia, understood her. And she, feeling that she was dear to him, began to look closely at the young man ... "My Yulik", Dear Yulik "- so tenderly he addresses her. And then he paints a portrait of a young wife: an elongated noble face, faithful eyes, trusting, gentle. In the garden of his friends Polenov Kustodiev painted another picture "Lilac". Let's take a look at it.

Students' statements

Conversation on the painting. Detailing perception

Work on language tools. Filling the table. Work with text

Give your arguments.

He loves his wife and daughter. The paints are bright, light, emitting sunlight

Against the background of a tall bush of lushly blooming fragrant lilac

What does lilac represent?

Describe her

Lilac is a symbol of the birth of life. She is amazing, marvelous, magnificent, luxurious.

On the right is a yellow-painted log house with light windows

What does it represent?

Wealth, comfort, paradise where the family lives happily.

Joy, delight, admiration, nagging tenderness

The young mother is beautiful, loved, happy

Admire, admire.


Physical education.

Composing an oral story using a plan and supporting words. (2 - 3 students of the 1st level of training).

Work plan for the essay

1. Introduction. What is the picture in front of me? Who is author? Why did the author turn to this topic?

2. The main part. Description of the painting itself. What is the composition (construction) of the picture. What is shown in the foreground, what is in the background. On what and how the author focuses the viewer's attention, why these details attract his attention. What colors prevail.

3. Conclusion. What the author wanted to say with his work (what he called for, what he admired ...). Your impression of the painting.

Depicted are Yulia Evstafievna Kustodieva, the artist's wife, with her daughter Irina (1905-1981). The painting was written in 1906. Oil on canvas. Dimensions: 183 x 136 cm. Storage location - State Russian Museum. Spring painting by a happy artist. He depicted his wife in a white dress against the background of blooming white lilacs, creating balance and correspondence between women and flowers in the picture. In the arms of his wife is a little daughter in a long dress hiding the legs with a lilac strip. The picture is sunny, warm, filled with peace of mind and joy. In the background - a log house painted with yellow paint, dark green leaves of a shrub growing by the fence, light green leaves of lilac - make the picture even more soulful.

Homework: finish an essay

What are they wearing?

How does the artist feel?

Give your arguments.

Against the background of what did the artist depict them?

What does lilac represent?

Describe her

What else is in the background?

What does it represent?

What do we experience when looking at the canvas?

What feelings and thoughts do we have?

What do we want to do when looking at a painting?

In the front garden near the house, against the background of .. bright summer greenery and lush .. lilacs, there is a slender figure of m .. love of an artist with a tiny .. daughter in her arms.
Sunlight becomes ... is the same full-fledged "hero" to ... art, like a landscape and m..bearing a mother with a r..benk in her arms.

Exercise: insert missing letters, find participle, make morphological analysis

What are they wearing?

How does the artist feel?

Give your arguments.

Against the background of what did the artist depict them?

What does lilac represent?

Describe her

What else is in the background?

What does it represent?

What do we experience when looking at the canvas?

What feelings and thoughts do we have?

What do we want to do when looking at a painting?

In the front garden near the house, against the background of .. bright summer greenery and lush .. lilacs, there is a slender figure of m .. love of an artist with a tiny .. daughter in her arms.
Sunlight becomes ... is the same full-fledged "hero" to ... art, like a landscape and m..bearing a mother with a r..benk in her arms.

Exercise: insert missing letters, find participle, make morphological analysis

Work plan for the essay


Work plan for the essay

1. Introduction. Painting time. Why did the author refer to this topic.

2. The main part. The theme of the picture (what it is about). What is the composition (construction) of the picture. What is shown in the foreground, what is in the background. What and how does the author focus the viewer's attention, why exactly these details attract his attention. What colors prevail.

3. Conclusion. What the author wanted to say with his work (what he called for, what he admired ...). And your opinion

Work plan for the essay

1. Introduction. Painting time. Why did the author refer to this topic.

2. The main part. The theme of the picture (what it is about). What is the composition (construction) of the picture. What is shown in the foreground, what is in the background. What and how does the author focus the viewer's attention, why exactly these details attract his attention. What colors prevail.

3. Conclusion. What the author wanted to say with his work (what he called for, what he admired ...). And your opinion

Work plan for the essay

1. Introduction. Painting time. Why did the author refer to this topic.

2. The main part. The theme of the picture (what it is about). What is the composition (construction) of the picture. What is shown in the foreground, what is in the background. What and how does the author focus the viewer's attention, why exactly these details attract his attention. What colors prevail.

3. Conclusion. What the author wanted to say with his work (what he called for, what he admired ...). And your opinion

Work plan for the essay

1. Introduction. Painting time. Why did the author refer to this topic.

2. The main part. The theme of the picture (what it is about). What is the composition (construction) of the picture. What is shown in the foreground, what is in the background. What and how does the author focus the viewer's attention, why exactly these details attract his attention. What colors prevail.

3. Conclusion. What the author wanted to say with his work (what he called for, what he admired ...). And your opinion

Slide 1

Speech development lesson in grade 7
Composition - description of B. Kustodiev's painting "Lilac" Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU "Chervonnovskaya secondary school" Ametova E.R.

Slide 2

Composition - description of the painting by B. Kustodiev "Lilac"
The purpose of the lesson: To teach the verbal description of the picture. Develop coherent speech of students. Teach the ability to express thoughts. To instill a love for Russian art.
LESSON OBJECTIVE: To get acquainted with the painting by B.M. Kustodiev "Lilac" and learn how to describe it. Practice skills in the selection of material. Search for information and analyze it.

Slide 3

Kustodiev Boris Mikhailovich
Outstanding Russian genre painter, landscape painter, portrait painter, theater decorator, graphic artist.

Slide 4

B. Kustodiev's creativity
In the work of Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev, there are absolutely lyrical, subtle works. In his works, the artist embodied himself as an author who feels life, its complex, but at the same time beautiful images.

Slide 5

Your genre
At the very beginning of the twentieth century, Kustodiev began to develop his genre of "portrait-painting", where the main character and the landscape are inextricably linked. This is a generalized image of the model and its individual features, which are revealed through the surrounding space.

Slide 6

Spring painting by a happy artist. He depicted his wife in a white dress against the background of blooming white lilacs, creating balance and correspondence between women and flowers in the picture. In the arms of his wife is a little daughter in a long dress hiding the legs with a lilac strip. The picture is sunny, warm, filled with peace of mind and joy. And the background - a log house painted with yellow paint, dark green leaves of a shrub growing by the fence, light green lilac leaves - make the picture even more soulful.

Slide 7

Composition - description of the painting by B. Kustodiev "Lilac"
Work plan for the essay 1. Introduction. Topic. General impression of the painting. What colors are prevalent? 2. The main part. A) What is shown in the foreground of the painting? B) What's in the background? C) What details does the author focus on the viewer's attention on? For what? D) What attitude to the world did the artist show with his painting? 3. Conclusion. What emotions and desires does it evoke in you?

The central place in this picture is occupied by a luxurious lilac blooming bush, from behind which a wooden house is visible, and a young woman with a child in her arms.

The day captured by the artist is warm and clear. Reflections of sunlight are visible on the lilac inflorescences, especially on the upper ones - they are simply illuminated by it. And, because of this, they look especially beautiful. The bush itself is sprawling and tall. The sun also illuminates the house, peeping through the lilac. A small piece of clear blue sky, depicted in the background, once again speaks of the beautiful weather.

The season depicted in the painting is late spring. The time when summer has almost completely come into its own. And, trees and shrubs are already blooming magnificently, the grass is already saturated with sunlight. Her color in the picture is juicy green. Several pink flowers are also visible, already located behind the fence, with which the lilacs are fenced.

The fence is wooden, carved. Its gate is ajar. Apparently, a woman came out of her, depicted against the background of all this spring splendor. Her figure is graceful and graceful. All this emphasizes her outfit. She is dressed in a beautiful white dress, which, under the impression that the whole picture creates, seems to acquire a delicate sky-white shade. Her hair is gathered in a neat and strict bun. The woman is also illuminated by the sun's rays. They give her dress a unique radiance that only they can decorate.

In her arms, a young woman holds a little girl. An impression is created, slipping through the entire character of the image, of endless tenderness and care with which the mother looks at the girl. The baby is also wearing a fluffy white dress. Only, it is complemented by more blue waves going along its upper part and skirt. The girl's head is covered by a cap. Looks like the weather is hot. And the girl, apparently, is no more than a year old.

In the farthest plan of the picture, from behind a lilac bush and a house, one can see a field gilding from the sun's rays, which merges with the azure sky. Everything is flooded with light. The warmth of this sunny day, so skillfully captured by the artist, breathes in every detail of the picture. There are reflections of the luminary in the lush flowers, which seem to be fragrant, and in the silhouette of a young mother. The whole picture is illuminated by him, this light, and breathes spring warmth and splendor.

Composition based on the painting Lilac Kustodiev

What a beautiful shrub - lilac! Looking at it on a sunny spring day, you can see hundreds, if not thousands of shades of purple! And how these little flowers harmonize beautifully with green foliage! As a child, it used to be, you come up to a lilac bush, and you will look for a five-leafed leaf for an hour, so that you can later eat it and make your most cherished wish! Quite recently I had such a desire when I first looked at Kustodiev's painting "Lilac".

In the foreground, first of all, a woman rushes, holding a small child in her arms. Many sources say that this is not just an ordinary woman, but the artist's wife, and she is holding his daughter. Both women are dressed in white robes. The woman is wearing a floor-length dress, which at the same time covers her throat. However, upon closer inspection, you will notice that the garment is unusual: it is made with numerous folds. Sleeves, which are made of a slightly transparent white fabric, also look beautiful. The lady's hair is tied in a bun, which is at the same time secured with some kind of black hairpin with a bow. Her face is gentle and caring, and if you look closely, her skin color is different from that of a child. In a woman, she is yellow, wrinkles are visible on her face, in a child, on the contrary, her face is gentle and smooth, and the color is not yellow, but pale pink.

The girl herself is also in a dress that clearly does not fit her in length. But the decorations on the dress are very beautiful: blue waves. Personally, it reminds me of a marine theme, and it would be much better if a woman was with a child against the background of some embankment, where the sea is visible from behind. Although, here they also look pretty good.

In the background, you can see primarily the fence. I want to note that he is quite ordinary, although, according to the clothes of Kustodiev's wife, one can understand that they live well. Behind the fence is our heroine of the picture - lilac. You can see how many shades the artist used in the crown of the shrub! There is dark green, light green, light green, and many other colors. Despite the fact that the lilac flowers are poorly traced, there are also plenty of shades here: blue, blue, white, purple, pink.

A yellow painted log house can be seen in the corner of the painting. A window is visible, as well as a drain pipe. The window looks pretty nice. I would also like to point out the frames: they are not the most ordinary ones, and they are also made in a wave.

The painting is very beautiful, light and bright. She feels family warmth and love, she is virginly tender and full of bright and positive emotions.

Several interesting compositions

  • Images of peasants in the poem Who Lives Well in Russia composition

    The writer creates a group portrait of seven peasants who travel around Russia and are looking for happy people, among whom, they are sure, there are no peasants, soldiers and other lower classes

    The story "White Nights" was written by FM Dostoevsky in 1848. The work belongs to the early works of the writer. Interestingly, Dostoevsky classified White Nights as a sentimental novel

Artist Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev was very fond of simple sunny days. He tried to depict real life in his canvases. He showed how people work, relax, celebrate. Often among his works there are also moments from his life. The “Lilac” canvas is one of such simple and most beloved works.

We see a beautiful sunny day. The sun's rays illuminate a wooden house in the background. He is very big and beautiful. Light-colored logs give away the recent age of the structure. There is a large lilac bush near the window of the house.

She is very tall and thick. Whole flower buds are located at the very top, closer to the sun. An incredible view of all this beauty opens up from the window, plus a breathtaking smell fills the house.

But more than lilacs, a young woman with a baby in her arms catches the eye. Apparently, this is the artist's wife and daughter. They went through the open gate and are heading somewhere for a walk. The day is very nice, and the whole family is here, why not take a walk among the beauties of nature. The young ladies are dressed in beautiful light dresses. The wife is wearing a long white dress with a closed neck and full sleeves. And the girl is wearing a fluffy dress

With blue stripes. She is still very small, so the dress covers her legs.

For the author, the greatest joy in life was his family. This is evident because with what trepidation and love he portrayed them and everything connected with them. The entire canvas glows with love, care and happiness. An excellent artist and a wonderful painting.

(4 estimates, average: 4.75 out of 5)

Essays on topics:

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The presentation of preparation for the composition contains brief information about the artist, reproductions of paintings by B.M. Kustodiev. In the presentation, students can see questions about the content of the picture, an approximate essay plan, working material for the essay.



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Slide captions:

Lesson in the development of speech in the 7th grade Preparation for essay - description based on the painting by B. M. Kustodiev "Lilac" Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU "Secondary school number 22" Morozova I.Ye.

Purpose: n to acquaint students with the artist B.M. Kustodiev; n prepare for an essay on a painting, using the working material of the textbook.

Spelling warm-up A bouquet of lilacs, play of flowers, a pink-lilac color palette, a flower cloud, the splendor of lilac foam, exude a delicate aroma. - Designate spelling. Do you know these phrases? In what essay did we use them?

Kustodiev Boris Mikhailovich (1878-1927) Outstanding Russian genre painter, landscape painter, portrait painter, theater decorator, graphic artist, impressionist painter.

An impressionist artist is an artist for whom impressions, sensations, and personal are important.

The work of BM Kustodiev In the work of BM Kustodiev there are absolutely lyrical, subtle works. In his works, the artist embodied himself as an author who feels life, its complex, but at the same time beautiful images

Work on exercise 182 For the first time, Kustodiev and his future wife Yulia meet in a quiet "Turgenev" house with a mezzanine, where antique furniture and antique porcelain, an extensive library and darkened paintings on the walls create an atmosphere of a leisurely, affectionate life. Here, enjoying the music, they talk about painting with pleasure. Kustodiev is painting a portrait of a young wife. She sits on a wooden veranda-terrace, leaning her hand on the table. Nice Turgenev woman. An elongated noble face, faithful eyes, trusting, gentle. There is some kind of infinity of constancy in her figure. Probably, ten years later, the woman, still glowing softly, will sit at the table and wait. Each letter from him is a holiday. She all melted into his life.

The history of painting "Lilac" In the garden of his friends, the Polenovs, Kustodiev wrote "Lilac" (Yu. E. Kustodieva with her daughter Irina). A gentle flame of lilac and next to a woman in a lilac dress with a girl in her arms, like a symbol of renewing purity. The logs of the house melt orange in the sun, and their color echoes the color of the woman's hair. An idyllic painting: a beautiful woman among beautiful nature. A woman walks in a beam of light, the light runs in front of the grass. A luminous woman ...

Working with a reproduction based on the painting "Lilac" Who is depicted in the reproduction based on the painting "Lilac" by B. M. Kustodiev? When does the action in the picture take place? What do we see in the foreground of reproduction? What is the background of a painting reproduction? What colors does B. M. Kustodiev use to create a spring mood? How do you feel looking at this picture?

Work on the plan of the composition 1. Introductory part. You can add information to the artist, express the general impression of the painting; to mention which colors prevail? II. Description of the picture. It is necessary to answer the questions: 1. What is shown in the foreground of the painting? 2.What do we see in the background? 3. On what details does the author focus the viewer's attention? For what? 4 What attitude towards the world did the artist show with his painting? III. Conclusion. The mood, feelings of the audience What emotions and desires does the picture evoke in you?

Selection of working material Plan Plan Working material 1. Introductory part 2. Description of the painting 3. Conclusion. Mood, feelings of the audience Before us is a picture of the famous Russian artist BM Kustodiev "Lilac". The title of the picture contains a kind, clear, understandable meaning. Spring painting by a happy artist. Blooming white lilac, white dress of the wife, dress with lilac stripes create balance and correspondence of woman and flowers in the picture. In the foreground is the artist's wife with her little daughter in her arms. In the background is a log house painted with yellow paint, dark green leaves of a shrub growing by the fence. The light green of the lilac leaves makes the picture even more soulful. The picture is sunny, warm, filled with peace of mind and joy. When you look at the canvas, the mood rises, and it seems that it is spring outside the window, the sun is shining brightly and there is a long vacation ahead.

Working on the language of the essay 1. What language constructions have you met? 2. What meaning do they carry? - give dynamics, contain additional information, - decorate speech, allowing a more detailed and accurate description of objects.

Spelling and punctuation workshop In the background - a log house painted with yellow paint, dark green leaves of a shrub growing by the fence. The canvas resembles a bunch of bright saturated color spots, like a dense, lush brush of a lilac flower.

Reflection "Continue the sentence": -I learned ... -Liked most of all ... -I did not succeed ... -There were questions ..

Homework Write a short essay about your impression of the painting, using the necessary materials from the read text, from the lesson material, as well as information about the artist and his works posted on the Internet (http / artru. Info)