Types and directions of magic. Types of magic and witchcraft - magical traditions and the difference between black and white magic

Types and directions of magic. Types of magic and witchcraft - magical traditions and the difference between black and white magic
Types and directions of magic. Types of magic and witchcraft - magical traditions and the difference between black and white magic

In order to learn how to see Magic and witchcraft, it is necessary to understand what magic is and what it happens should be to know that she herself is in itself the same profession as, for example, a doctor, artist, programmer, teacher and a lot others.

In magic, to succeed, you need to learn exactly as well, to attach a lot of strength, patience and excerpts, as well as any other specialty, only with the difference that the future magician learns to control, incomprehensible for ordinary person, various energies and elements , influence the weather conditions and all kinds of items, to force a person or even a group of people to do what the magician himself wants to communicate with spirits and see the phantoms of dead people and the like.

Magic is divided into different subsections, for ease of understanding, we give an example from medicine. Doctors are different: therapists, oncologists, oculists, dentists, gynecologists, andrologists and many more others.

Types of magic and witchcraft, their classification

  1. Sympathetic.
  2. Teurgy and Goeytius.

Briefly consider their semantic meaning.

  • Sympathetic is the type of witchcraft in which the relationship between all sorts of objects is taken, which surrounds us and behavioral forms. It is divided as the subgroups:
  • Contact magic.
  • Initial.
  • Symil or imitative.
  • Contantagious or partial.

The subspecies "Contact Magic" carries the transfer of strength or feeding the energy imaginary force to a certain person by direct contact. For example, those are when wearing or eating: talismans, runes, charms, various drugs prepared by special for that way and from certain magic components.

The next subspecies is "initial magic." Her principle of action is to be in force, desire and faith of the magician in success, but with the help of spells and magical instruments. "For example, to get, let's say, the enemy at a distance, the magician directs the magic dagger or the knife towards the imaginary enemy and pronounces a certain spell. As a result, the enemy will be destroyed and does not matter how much it is, that is, there may be a disease, can knock down the car or just falls on the head brick. Much depends on the strength of the magician and mental protection of the enemy.

The subspecies of the "simile" or "imitative magic" concludes the transfer of harm from a non-living object by alive. For example, to destroy the enemy, it is done using certain rites of the doll, and the magician skeins it with the knife with a knife reading.

Also for, for example, successful childbirth, shamans are used Similar practice. It lies in the fact that the shaman depicts a certain man in labor, binds not much to his waist stone, which under heavy weight smoothly lowers down. Consequently, both the births of the guide they represent will have to go as smoothly and without problems or complications.

The last subspecies of witchcraft is "contagious" or "partial magic". Its meaning is that any thing, having been in humans, remembers it and maintains energy communication with him, even at a high distance. Especially - blood, hair, nails, teeth. In this regard, they are so often used in various magical rites and rituals.

All these subspecies of magic are difficult to distinguish between themselves, since in certain rituals they interact or interrelated. For example, if you take the magic of Voodoo, then in the manufacture of dolls for damage to a particular person, just above the subspecies are used, since the doll gives the name of the victim, soaked in blood, if there is a way available, attached the same from the victim of hair or nails (no matter), A piece from any clothes and pierced a doll with a sharp needle or pin.

Type of witchcraft - "Teurgy" and "Goey"

From the ancient Greek "Teurgy" - a rite, a deity, Berothery and "Goeyti" - witchcraft.

This type of magic is based on faith in various demons, planetary spirits, deities, and the like. It is that the magician should be able to not only get closer, to enslave or cause, but also subordinate to his will, for example, spirits or demons. This is pretty a complex kind of magic that can be called "theurgy", as it is associated with the practitioners of spiritual advancement upwards, but can be called "GoeyTi", since it is Goeyti to be built on rapprochement with various demons and spirits.

View of magic - "Psychurgy"

This type of witchcraft is based on interaction with a soul of a certain person. Psychurgy also belongs to:

  • Magnetism.
  • Hypnotism.
  • Telepathy.
  • Mediummism.
  • Clairvoyance.
  • Clawshanye.
  • Clear.
  • Psychometry.
  • Astral projection.

In detail, psychurgy and her subspecies we will consider in others Notes. In addition to the above, there are more types of magic as:

  1. Black.
  2. White.
  3. Gray.
  4. Ceremonial.
  5. Sexy.
  6. Love.
  7. Combat

But it is about them - we will tell you in the next article. As for the raised topic in this article, it is intended for people to know and understood how difficult everything is difficult, dangerous and not easy.

In contact with

Magic combines a large number of subspecies that differ in each other. Each sphere is based on rules, rituals and philosophy. All types of magic have their own followers who have reached certain heights in the development of abilities.

What types of magic exist?

There are several classifications, among which you can highlight the main group:

  1. Black magic. Enjoy the help of evil spirits. Rituals are mainly carried out after sunset. This type of magic is based on the destruction, for example, on curses, infections, damage, etc. There are several types of black magic: ritual, satanism and combat magic.
  2. White Magic. Based on addressing light spirits. It is the main opposing force of black magic. Various rituals helps to get rid of diseases and other negative. Main types of white magic: healing and creative magic.
  3. Green magic. It consists of various medicinal and magical infusions prepared on the basis of plants and herbs.
  4. Magic Voodoo.. Another kind of magic and witchcraft. Connects the traditions of Africa and Christianity. For rituals, Volt doll is most often used.
  5. Mental magic. Requires incredible concentration and spiritual development. Rituals do not require any additional items.
  6. Magic money. Thanks to various rituals and conspiracies, you can significantly improve your financial condition.
  7. Christian magic. It includes many church rituals that help to cope with many problems.

Types of lined in magic

Similar stuffed things are used in black magic in order to harm another person. You can highlight this classification:

Types of damage in magic

This negative impact is the basis. In general, it is possible to highlight such a classification:

  1. "Black disease" - The disease associated with the genital bodies is saturated. Most often, it enjoys abandoned women.
  2. "Sorrow" - A person gets spiritual flour and experiences.
  3. "Lesson" - strong and constant headaches are satisfied.
  4. "OPOLOCH" - Psychological problems arise, for example, schizophrenia.

There are various classifications of magical rites and ceremonies. One of the most complete typologies of the cruise rites is the classification developed by a large Soviet ethnographer and religious S. A. Tokarev in its well-known work "The Essence and Origin of Magic". He suggested distinguishing magical rituals

    according to the degree of complexity

    in the direction of the magical act

    according to the technique of action

    on the scope of application

    for the purposes that this ritual pursues.

Depending on the general orientation of the magical act S. A. Tokarev distinguishes two groups of magic:

    aggressive, or protected

    protective, defensive, or preventive.

If the first to be intended to be transferred in one way or another method of magical force to the object, then the second have an inverse goal: to remove, deny the harmful magical influences, protect against their action.

As part of these two major magic directions, the scientist highlights the types of magic, which differ from each other on the technique of transmission of magical power or protection from it.

Putter magic. Here the simplest way to transmit the magical force will be direct contact, contacting the source, the carrier of this supernatural force with the object to which the witchcraft is directed. In this case, the magical power carrier is different: this is an inanimate object (amulet, talisman), and a person (for example, the sorcerer himself), etc. The nature of the contact may also be different: carrying an amulet, the adoption of a witchcraft drug in or wiping the body, Touching the hand of the wizard, etc. This type of flowing magic is called contact magic.

A more difficult from a psychological point of view is the so-called initial (progress, transmission, inlection) magic. The essence of the CE remains, as in the previous type, the same: the magic action is directed to the object of witchcraft itself. However, in view of the inaccessibility of this object, for example, due to distance range, it is only the beginning of the desired action, and its very end and the appearance of the expected result is imposed on magical power. So, Australian sorcerers had a special magic projectile, through which they practiced this type of witchcraft. It was a bone wand with a pointed end. The lace was tied to her, the end of which was injected into the ground. The same pointed bone was directed towards the enemy with the simultaneous pronunciation of the spell, believing that the sacrifice of the bone would squint the blood of the victim of blood and she would go to the ground through the lace.

In contrast to these two types of magic in which the magic force acts directly to the object of witchcraft (at least at a distance), the following two types of flowing magic are characterized by the fact that the operation of the supernatural force is not directly directly on the object, but on its deputy And only through it - the object of magic itself. As a substituent, there may be any part of the witchcraft object (sliced \u200b\u200bhair, cropping of nails, feces, saliva, etc.) or just an object that visited him in contact (residues of food, part of clothes, footprint, etc. .). This type of magic is called partial (contagious) magic based on faith, which part replaces the whole. In another case, as a substituent, through which the supernatural force will act on the object, the likeness or image of this object acts. In many nations, the sorcerers made small wooden, clay, wax, etc. Figures, depicted enemies, and pierced them in the heart, believing the head of the arrow, that the enemies themselves will comprehend the same. Frequently, the figure replaced the image of the enemy on the sand, the Earth, over which the same operation was done - the arrows stuck in it hoping to hit the enemy. These rites relate to imitative (homeopathic, sympathetic, simir) magic based on faith that such generates similar. This includes magical actions, consisting in imitating the action that needs to be called: for example, military and hunting dances, a number of rites of rain causing, etc.

In the defensive (preventive) magic S. A. Tokarev allocates two types.

Magnifying (apotrepal) magic. Its essence comes down to the desire to drive away, scare away hostile forces and influences. For this wearing amulets, talismans, charms; Apply various gestures, sounds (ringing of metal, shooting, fire, smoke, magic circles and lines, spitches, blowing), etc. This includes actions that have its goal to avoid contact with hostile forces, hide from them (ritual closing Heads, faces, avoiding unclean places, etc.).

Another type of prophylactic magic is rites and rituals of purification from imaginary evil influences that penetrated into the human body, his home, cattle, etc. Cleansing is achieved by different techniques and methods: by means of ritual intimation, fusion, post, drug use, bloodletting, etc. D. This magic is called Qataritic.

Regardless of the classification of the technique of actions of magical rites (according to which six main types of magic), the latter may also differ in the positive or negative nature of their recipes. Here the magic positive, which prescribes what needs to be done to get the desired result, and the Magic is negative (taboo), which indicates what can not be done, in order not to receive unwanted consequences and results

An example of the latter, in particular, is the prohibition of Eskimos to play games with a rope from fear of the fact that when they become adult hunters, their hands can get confused in the harpoon rope.

As for the verbal (verbal) magic - spells, conspiracies, etc., then, according to S. A. Tokarev, it does not essentially represent an independent type of magic, but is only verbal accompaniment of the rite committed. However, often, especially in the late stages of the development of magic, the conspiracy begins to act as an independent magical strength, and in this regard it is a separate type of magic.

In accordance with the application of the use of magic and the goals that it pursues, allocate a number of its species.

The main object of attention of primitive people has always been providing livelihoods. Naturally, a significant part of the witchcraft rites and ceremonies were connected with this sphere of human activity. Moreover, it can be assumed that economic, field magic is both historically primary witchcraft species, for magic arises as an illusory means to overcome the practical weakness of primitive man. We have already described some of the witchcraft rituals that existed in the people of the Stone Age, who had a goal to ensure a successful outcome of hunting. Similar rites of ethnographers found in many nations, in the 19th century leading a primitive lifestyle. One of these rituals in ITELEN (Kamchadalov) described the Russian traveler S. P. Krasheninnikov. This rite was part of the autumn fishing holiday of the organizes and was that the figure of China was made from edible grass and fish, which was confused by the sounds and drums and is eaten by all participants in the ceremony. Then the same thing was done and with a shadow of a wolf's shaky grass, which one of the hunters was shot from the bow, while others were confused and eaten.

You can also recall the "Dance of Bizonon" from North American Mandans: its participants who are frightened into the gloves of bison and with weapons in their hands, playing the role of hunters and game, believed that the dance will attract the herd of bison under the blows of their copies and arrows. Dance continued many hours, often a day.

With the transition to agriculture, magical rituals are performed to affect the forces of nature and get a good harvest from the Earth. The melanesians of the Dober Islands, for example, so that the tubers grown by the agricultural crops of Tarot and Yams were big and strong, stones are buried on their groats, resembling these tubers, pre-talking them. In the last century, the Russian peasants at the time of planting the cabbage seedlings tightly tied the head with a handkerchief, so that the cochanists were obtained by tight and elastic. Often, the rituals were intended to transfer the power of the power of human fertility to the land: many nations men and women were exposed during field work, performed erotic dances, joined the field in a sexual connection. Sometimes the main content of agricultural magic was the ritual murder of people. Thus, the Poweny Indian tribe had such a rite: a young nude woman was put on a pedestal, around which were armed with the onions of the warriors. At a certain point, they all together produced their arrows to the girl. After that, her body fell into pieces and buried them on the field, and sowing had blood. One of the tribes of West Africa has existed a similar rite: each year the ritual murder of a man and a woman was committed in front of the field works, after which their bodies were buried on the field. The rite was committed in the hope that men's and female strength will be transferred to the earth and will ensure fertility.

A terrible disaster for farmers were drought, flooding and other natural disasters. That is why numerous magical rites appeared, who had a goal to influence the weather and made a separate type of magic: meteorological, or weather magic. Here the most common rites of rain causing were the most common. This is how "caused" the rain sorcerers of the Central Australian tribe Von Konongur. Two "rain spellcasters" in turn buried the enchanted water into a wooden trough and sprayed it in different directions, producing noise and rustling feather bunches, thus imitating the sound of falling raindrops.

Some rites of meteorological magic are designed to cause sunlight. The sorcerers from the island of Florida, who committed this rite, tied the leaves and rods of a certain tree of the tree to the end of the bamboo pole and held it over the fire, blowing it and pronounce the magic spell, turning on fire, and from it to the leaves. Then the pole was strengthened on the top of the tree, the wind should have blown away from him and carry them away, it was expected that the sun would shine. By virtue of the undevelopability of primitive practice and ideology, the witchcraft rites accompanied literally every production process of people of that time, while magical beliefs are closely intertwined with loyal observations over nature. Hence, however, it does not follow that magical beliefs and rituals were identical to knowledge, carried out the role of a condenser of rational techniques of production, treatment, etc., as some researchers argue. A similar point of view defends, for example, an English historian of culture Lord Raglan in his work "How did civilization arose?", Where it is trying to explain the origin of literally all the needs of the culture by the needs of a religious magic cult. According to him, the invention of the plow was the result of the worship of people to Fallos, and the transition of people to cattle breeding was caused by the fact that people who enjoyed the moon discovered her similarity with the horns of the tour and cows. Similar views of the Raigan and other scientists on the origin of agriculture and cattle breeding, wars and states, money and exchange, art and science from religious cults, in fact, are no different from the myths, according to which Diana taught people hunting, and Poseidon - horse breeding.

The subject of any magical action is the sorcerer - a professional or an amateur. In the earliest steps of the development of the primitive society of professional sorcerers yet. Magical rites and rituals were carried out by any of the members of the tribe, more often by old men who owned the experience of the fulfillment of the necessary ceremonies. Subsequently, people appeared who were considered endowed with special abilities, and, above all, the ability to communicate with the supernatural world and its inhabitants. Different peoples were called in different ways - the sorcerer, the Magician, the caster, shaman, etc. But the social function in the reporting society they had one: a magical practice, its goal to provide the primitive community by the patronage of supernatural forces and protect against the witch-making Parties of unfriendly tribes and evil spirits.

Magic around us

Magic surrounds us from birth to death.

In our life, the miracle or unidentified place is always located in our life and every person is early or late trying to know magic and apply the knowledge of knowledge in his life.

There are various types and directions of magic.

Sympathetic magic - based on the existence of a direct connection between existing inanimate objects of the world and various forms of behavior.

Sympathetic magic is divided into several subspecies:

1. Contact magic - This is a certain force that is transmitted or attached to a person with direct interaction with the carrier of imaginary magical force, it applies to wearing amulets and talismans, the use of cooked magical drugs and info.

2. Initial magic - During magical manipulations, only the beginning of the action is reproduced, the end of it is assigned to the power of magic. An example is the actions of the Australian sorcerer, who, wanting to hit the enemy representing the next tribe, produces the following procedure: it directs the sharpened wand in the direction of the enemy and whispers the curse, it expects that after this action the enemy will be fighting soon, or will die from painful Diseases.

3. Simultative magic - It is based on the principle of philosophy that this produces similar. This type of magic is common among the priests of Voodoo, which in order to cause as greater harm to their opponent, rolling with sharp objects into a person's drawn figure or a mailed doll. According to the principle of philosophical similarity, the harm that is applied to the image or doll should affect the offender.

4. Contantagious magic - It is based on the fact that things that once entered into contact with a person retain a long and inseparable connection at a distance. An example of the use of magic can be the use of witchcraft rites - teeth, blood, nails, hair.

Types of magic distinguish very hard, this is due to the use of various principles simultaneously when conducting rites of witchcraft.

Teurgy - related to animistic beliefs in demons. When carrying out magic rituals, the magician, sorcerer, or shaman seeks to obtain assistance from a deity or even makes attempts to subordinate the spirit that must be executed.

Psychurgy - implies a magical impact on the soul of the person himself. This concept includes various techniques for the adoption of divine imaginary forms: hypnotism, mediumism, magnetism, telepathy, astral projection.

Magic and religion

Official religions Christianity, Judaism, Islam recognize the existence of various types of magic, but at the same time consider the witchcraft forbidden and not admissible for all believers, which is carried out with the help of Satan or his envoys. In Christianity, magical procedures have the name - the sacraments. Magic and supernatural abilities for legends possessed the son of God Jesus Christ.

Other types of magic

White Magic- It serves to protect people. White magic conspirackers and rites help to get rid of a person from harmful vices. Treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, traditional medicine does not always bring a positive result, but when conducting a white magic rite, you can help a person in getting rid of a terrible illness. White magic conspiracies can help in cases where a person inherit or impose damage to a person.

Black magic - The complete opposite of white magic and one of the manifestations is faith in Satan and its subordination. Black magic carries an attack on the soul of a person in order to apply harm and damage. The worst thing in black magic is the return of negative energy to the MAGA, which applied it. Ceremonial magic - refers to black magic. Its impact is based on the appeal to the help of perfume, demons and other unclean power. Shabash witches can also be attributed to the rituals of ceremonial magic.

Love magic - With the help of rites and love spells causes a sense of love.

Variety and types of magic,as art - achieve conceived

There is a certain number of varieties, or types of magic, the main of which should know the novice applicant to subsequently become able to distinguish their hierarchical gradation.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that in real life, many types of magic are often combined with each other, uniting in a one way, in view of which they are often difficult to distinguish them.

The data outlined below is designed to give only a brief description in order to initially familiarize, since a more complete guide to each variety of magic is offered by adepts at the moment when they come close to the development of one type or several of the types of magic at the corresponding dedication steps.

Natural magic -This type of art is referred to as magic of natural (or natural), that is Natural magic.She studies and deals with the lowest forces of nature, which is acquired in the three kingdoms: mineral, vegetable and animal.

The main pre-orders of this class of forces are elemental - imperfect perfume of nature and four elements, better known under the names of the Dwarves, Sylves, Salamandra and Undin.

It is well stated in the "Occult Philosophy" in Agrippa. It includes such branches of occultism like: Botanomantia-prediction on herbs

Phytotherapy Treatment of herbs, biolocation - the determination of waters, mi-neralles, treasures, etc. With the use of a split branch of the vine, Litomantia Presentation on the stones, most of the Druid Magic-Runes, almost all the well-known fortune tells -taro, and many other directions that we will not be listed here now.

Manipulative magic -This species of art is called small, rustic magic, as well as Charger.

It consists of all sorts of manipulations, tricks and tricks achieved through the different devices and the arranged situations, which, being properly completed, can lead to changes in accordance with the will of a person.

And the results of such actions will occur naturally; And for their maintenance requires a feedback, which the magician is obliged to do from time to time. The deadlines for the execution of desires, through the use of neutitual magic, are commonly long, regardless of the will of the magician, for the strength that are activated in it belong to the category of astral, and even at all hieroral spirits.

The magician practicing methods of manipulative magic is usually equipped with an inclied number of heterogeneous things and items necessary to him in its activities, which states that its inventory quantitatively exceeds the set of magical devices used in ritual magic. In addition, this type of magic involves the use of special calendars, helping to find out the time and nature of the forces, the most effective on these days of the year. All this and much more seems to be possible to find out, for example, from grimuars, the contents of which should be correct to understand.

Sympathetic magic.From the very first words, this type of art will be especially stating: the fact is that it concludes under its aegid two of the following varieties, which, although entering the magic of sympathetic, but, at the same time, are independent units of a single magic science. Magic types named by us are generally used to elaborate with each other, which is necessary to memorize non-pressed.

This is what George Fraser said: "both varieties of magic - homeopathic and contagious - can be marked with a single term - sympathetic magic, because in both cases it is allowed that due to the secret sympathy, things affect each other at a distance and the impulse is transmitted from one To the other by means of astral light, called another invisible ether ("one" of martinists, "amnicient liquid" of Kabbalists; not mixed with the essential plan of being placed above mental - approx. author). This is not so different from the air, the existence of which is modern Science postulates with a similar goal, namely, to explain how things can interact with each other in the apparent empty space. "N.Belsky, based on the words of Freser, writes:" Sympathetic magic Acts based on the principle of sympathy. According to this principle, the world is considered as a living organism, permeated by thousands of threads that bind things, objects, people and the whole nature among themselves. Such bonds are interpretable and continuous in time, which necessitates the possibility of existence as magic (impact on nature and people) and various ghosts. "

We will only add that at high levels of dedication, the adepts are comprehended by the fairly simplified methods of sympathetic and contagious magic, based on the presence in all people of the sub-element-light body and the universal interconnection of the entire totality of things, creatures of the evaluated probe, the Uroboros-God OA - "the invaluable axis Universe.

Homeopathic magic. Listen to the comments of George Mill: "This kind of magic is best denoted by the term homeopathic, because alternative term Magic imitative- Does not exclude or even implies a consciously imitative agent, which excessively narrows the scope of magic.

Homeopathic, or simulative magic, you can call the techniques based on the law of similarity, the length formulation of which reads: This produces this or effect similar to its cause. From the law of similarity, the magician concludes that it can produce any desired effect by a simple imitation of him, for example, to cause a man of injury to the method of influencing its image - a wax figure, any personal item photo, a portrait ... Homeopathic magic is based on the relationship of ideas in similarity ".

Contantagious magic. Jigjj FERSER cites the following data regarding this type of magic: "Contingent magic may be called transcriptions based on the law of contact, the total wording of which is as follows: Things that have come to contact with each other, continue to interact at a distance after the cessation of direct contact. Whatever neither happened with one of them, the same should happen on the other. Based on this law, the magician concludes that everything that he does with the subject will have an impact and personality that once was with this subject in contact (as part His bodies or otherwise). Contantagious magic is based on the connection of ideas on adjacentness. ". Belsky develops his words: "So, there is a connection between a person and his hair, nails, clothes left by their traces, etc. According to the same principle, magical power from the source to the object of impact (wearing amulets and talismans) are transmitted.. However, note that human energy, like any other energy (for example, static electricity), transferred or imprinted on any object, loses its initial charge and dissipates, which is why experts of manipulative magic are recommended to update the magical ingredients once a year in Famous days and this is why in ritual magic you need not to forget to "recharge" talismans.

Operational magic.Synonyms for this type of art title is: Magic ceremonial or ritual, large or higher, theurgy, anklesto -adlant word "magic", as well as transcendental magic according to Elimas Levi. In the Jews, she corresponds to Kabbalistic magic, or practical Kabbalah.

According to Crowley, "Magic operative uses two methods for establishing a connection with beings: appealing and calling." There are other, but they are related to more sublime varieties, such as: Divine magic, death magic and point magic. La Wei describes it like this: "Ritual magic consists of the execution of a formal ceremony or a scenario balanced by the magician himself, the implementation of which requires entry into certain states and feelings - approx. Of the author. Its main function is to isolate the adrenaline or other Emotionally caused energy and turn it into dynamically transmitted power. This is a purely emotional, rather than an intellectual act. Any and every intellectual activity should have a ceremony, and not during her ".

It is appropriate to mention that the highest magic is dealing with forces, an order of superior elementaryTherefore, the timing of the execution of the magician desires with her, usually fast and rapidly, although they depend only on his skillful leadership. The natural spirits, however, narrow-profile specialists, experts in their areas, with which it is much easier to contact, rather than with demons, except, except, the lower.

Sexy magic. The same as the magic of love. It uses the love spiritual energy of the magician of the magician - a man at the time of his highest controlled attraction to a woman brought through special techniques to exaltation, and natural sexual desire, directing it with ritual actions. Auric forces also uses that they are awakened in intimate contacts in a pair producing a rite in well-known bodily poses and according to a predetermined scheme. Sexual magic applies majestic black masses, but has nothing to do with orgies, in which the unbridled lower human nature will plunge their riders in a variety of excesses and perversion! Divine magic.

One of the highest things for clotheled in the flesh of the types of magic types, like the arts that we symbolic called Magic perfect or universal.

About her, except for Atlanta, few of whom from the authors is said something, because its techniques of achievements are incredibly simple, although they require a sufficiently strong development of the spiritual instruments of the Adept and carry a lightning, sometimes the result of the one who is able to master them.

Divine Magicintroduces powerful creation in a dream, in the projection due to the manipulation of auraic vortices and light columns, as well as the thought that makes dedicated to prepared, for example, to a mental attack at any time and anywhere. Communication with your true I am installed here through the automatic letter on Crowley - through the "Achievement of Knowledge and Interview with your Holy Guardian Angel", with a secret "I" through the adoption of insights in the mental field.

Magic death.It is quite possible to call the magic of silence and power, whose echoes can be obtained in the Enician language, if you look at his substrate, by the way, the Enician form of speech, based on the relationship of letters, in their correct placement, does not contain words as such; Its so-called "lexical units" incorrectly interpret all interpreters, since each letter of this language displays a certain idea and textually expressed by several sentences, or even a whole paragraph. A similar way is made up and "words" of the androgyan language are disassembered. Magic death makes it using its adept, focused on staying in present, equal to the inhabitants of the threshold, for the desire itself is quite often the instant result. The applicant who has comprehended by these techniques is impossible to catch surprise - it can always be busy with magical activities, since he will soon be necessary; And moreover, he is constantly ready to apply an advance astral blow, warning any enemies attacks, because he mastered the death of death and in contact with the ancient - creatures, the world of the dead, who predict him about any adverse change due to the existing gift of the foresight of the upcoming events. The main difficulty in comprehending this type of magic is that a person is a creature with a huge set of moods and states - should dwell with only one of them in one of them, which will be possible only after overcoming its element and reducing it to obedience by passing through the Pleiad Powerful curses capable of negatively affecting his psyche. The most difficult-made variety of magic.

Point magic.Point magic that can be conventionally called - Symbolic magicIt is entirely borrowed from the adulant magical tradition of methods and ways to influence themselves, people and nature through work with astral maps and mystery signs, based on the universe forces enclosed in the hieroglyphic system. It is directly related to the androgic sephyroth tree, which is why it is appropriate. The principle of its action is such that with a sequential set of a certain combination of previously charged characters, a certain combination of previously charged characters, a contamination vibration arises, directed to achieving the necessary change. This type of magic is also valued due to the dynamicity, which is carried out with any such operation. Its development is impossible without revealed feelings.