Description of the painting V. M

Description of the painting V. M
Description of the painting V. M

Tsarevna-Lyakushka, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, 1901-1918, Canvas, Oil, House-Museum V. M. Vasnetsova, Moscow

Picture "Tsarevna-Frog" is written

based on the fairy tale of the same name.

I portrayed the moment when the beautiful princess danced and worked wonders: a lake with white swans.

The composition of the painting is thought out and harmonious. Each detail artist paid a lot of attention.

On the canvas depicts rich royal chambers with painted walls and carpets. The artist drew only a small part of the covered white tablecloth of the table, but it can be seen that the day was lush and noble.

The princess is dressed in an elegant emerald dress, her hair is braided into dense braids, and the head decorates the beautiful tiara.

All heroes are depicted in motion, it seems that time stopped only for a second. It seems that the musicians continue to play, and Tsarevna - to dance gracefully.

On the faces of musicians, the joy and admiration of the beauty of the girl, quite recently the former frog.

Picture of "Tsarevna-Frog" Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov filled with a fairy tale and a holiday. The work in general is very colorful, bright, with many details. The artist greatly thought out and wrote every image. This picture can be called with confidence one of the best illustrations of Russian folk fairy tales.


Description of the painting Viktor Vasnetsova " Princess Frog"

This picture shows a scene from the well-known Russian folk fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog". In the center of the picture is presented a young girl. She is turned back to the viewer with his back, but her head is a little drawn back. It can be seen that this girl is very good. Her body bends, the hands are widely divorced in different directions. The head on which a small crown is banging, trapped back in such a way that it seems as if it seems to be a great long maiden braid a little heavy for its owner. The whole pose testifies that the Tsarevna is in dance.

Beauty dressed in a long dress of malachite color, from under which a white blouse can be seen with wide sleeves. In the hands of a girl with a small handkerchief, which she waves in the dance process. Around the princes on both sides on the shops there are musicians who accompaniate her on Russian folk musical instruments. Judging by the people of musicians, they are simply happy that they got the opportunity to play for such beauty like her. Men are just fascinated by her unearthly beauty and grace. They are unable to tear their eyes. They seemed to be beyond. According to the plot, Vasilis's fairy tales arrived at the ball to the king and in the process of dance, she shows all those present their witchcraft abilities. As she waved her left hand, the beautiful lake will spread out, and when she crashes his right hand, then swans snow swans will swam on this lake. The whole action takes place in royal sorry with a very rich decoration. Outside the windows, this magic lake can be seen, on which graceful swans float, and several swans are circling in the blue sky. On the other side of the lake, a village is located in which Russian girls in multicolored sundresses water dance, and one of the local men sails past on a fishing boat.

Marina Skorobogatova

Purpose: Development of the figurative speech of children of senior preschool age

Tasks: Continue to acquaint children with the work of V. Vasnetsov; develop the emotional side of the speech of preschoolers; educate interest in native culture

Equipment: on one easel - reproduction of paintings by V. Vasnetsov on fabulous topics (no less format A4); On the other Molbert - the reproduction of the painting "Tsarevna-Frog" (format of at least A2); Audio recording of a merry folk dance; Lake Layout and Paper Figures Swans in the number of children)

Preliminary work: reading and analysis of the Russian folk fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"; Consider painting by the artist V. Vasnetsova "Tsarevna-Frog"; Exercises for the development of a figurative speech of children.

Children are suitable for easel, on which the reproductions of paintings by V. Vasnetsov are located on fabulous topics.

Before you, several paintings that wrote a wonderful Russian artist Victor Vasnetsov, many times wrote the heroes of magical fairy tales.

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov loved the oral folk creativity and many heroes and plots for their paintings he screamed from the epic and fairy tales. Vasnetsov tried to show the beauty and identity of the Russian people in their paintings.

Try to guess what fairy tales these pictures are written ("Koschey immortal", "Alenushka", "carpet-plane", "Baba Yaga", etc.).

One of these paintings we have already considered. What is it called?

Children are suitable for Easel, on which the picture "Tsarevna-Frog" is located.

The picture is called "Tsarevna Frog", but in the foreground we see a beautiful girl. Who is she? (Vasilisa Wheel).

How does such an unusual name come from? (She was very smart)

How did she become a frog? (She ordered to become a frog of her father of Koschey immortal, because she was wiser him; and she obeyed him).

What moment the fairy tale is depicted in the picture? (Vasilisa dances on a feast in the Palace of the king).

How did you guess that Vasilisa dances in the palace? (Vasilisa dances in royal sorry, the room is very beautiful, they testify about it and decorated with ornaments of the walls and the floor, and carved legs of wooden tables, which is broken from the darkest, and the doorway, crushed by painting).

Tsarevna in the picture costs us back, and we do not see her face. What do you think she is beautiful? Surely, it can be guessing about it, looking at the faces of the musicians who play for Vasilisa. ( Houchrs are looking at the girl with admiration and smile, her dance fascinates, and the immediate girl's cheerfulness bribes, and they want to go to the dance themselves, - their legs are dancing, and the heads lean into the tact of music.)

Picture how you could watch the musicians at the princess, if she didn't like it. And now show how they look at her (Mimic etudes)

What instruments play musicians? (Gusli, Balalaika, Horn). What do you think musicians play for princes? (Russian dance). Let's listen to her.

Children listen to music, after the first couplet, everyone is invited to a common cheerful dance (dynamic pause).

Indeed, Vasilisa is very beautiful! Today we will try to tell about her beauty with the help of beautiful words. Let's first remember these words.

Game "pick up the word"

How usually in fairy tales talk about indescribable beauty? ( Neither in a fairy tale, nor the pen describe)

If the fairy tale want to emphasize the slightness of the girl, with which tree it is compared? (with birch)

Sarafan from velvet - what sundress? (VELVET)

Sarafan green, like emerald - what color is sundress? (Emerald)

White shirt like snow - what shirt? (Snow white).

Crown of gold - what crown? (Golden).

The handkerchief is light, like air - what handkerchief? (AIR)

Listen, how I will describe the appearance of the princess. Try to remember what beautiful words and comparisons I use.

"Tsarevna is so beautiful that neither in a fairy tale, no pen describe! She is slight like birch! It is an elegant velvet sarafan of emerald and snow-white shirt. She has a golden crown on her head, and in his hands - lightweight, air handlers. Vasilisa fun dancing. Her hands are like swan wings, and long heavy braids develop in dance. Ay da Tsarevna, ah yes Beauty! "

Let's say the last sentence together, with joy and delight!

And who wants to describe the beauty of the princess? (1-4 baby)

You greatly worked today. And I want the dance of our Vasilisa end with the same magic, as in a fairy tale.

Who remembers, what magic the dance is famous for the princess on the royal feast? (She swung with the right sleeve, and there was a blue lake; waved his left - and flew to the lake. Snow white wonderful swans).

Let's try to repeat this moment. For your beautiful stories about the beautiful princess, I will give each of you on a small magic swan, which can be performed any of your desire. ... In the meantime, the cheerful dance sounds again, again goes to the center of the royal hall. Beautiful princess and - magic begins ...

Under mercury music, all the children behind the educator repeat the magic dance of the princes: cheat with his right hand - and a layout of a blue lake appears on the table; Make the left sleeve - and plant on the lake of the features of white swans.

  1. V.M. Vasnetsov - a fabulous painter.
  2. Foreground:
    • dance of printed frogs;
    • description of clothing printed frogs;
    • musicians;
    • arsky Terem;
  3. Background (nature, russian village).
  4. My attitude to the picture.

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov - a painter who was fascinated by the amazing world of Russian fairy tales, epic and legends. It has been written a huge amount of colorful canvases and sketches for plots borrowed from oral folk art. In his paintings, mighty warriors and fantastic birds of Sirina, mysterious princes and brave tsarevichi, gentle so-old Snow Maiden and labored Tsarevichi ... One of the exciting plots based on all the favorite fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog" artist captured the canvas in the same name.

In the foreground shows high, the statute girl with a proud posture is one of the ride of the king. According to the plot of fairy tales, we know that she is that the most magical frog, the wife of the youngest son, who has already surprised all the guests of the sought of the Pir with his extraordinary wonders. Girl sailing Russian folk dance. What exactly did she prepare for the passion of the father-king for this time? Maybe the "lady", and, maybe incendiary dance-improvisation. The artist caught the moment of dance when the heroine of fairy tales turned to the viewer back. Thin features of her noble person are depicted in profile. Punched by music, the girl covered his eyes, her lips are tightly compressed, the chin is proudly raised.

The whole figure is plastic and dynamic. It is full of grace, magnifier and graziness: the thin mill looked back, the head is a little worn, widely spreading hands are smoothly moving into the tact of perky music. In his right hand, she is a manners, two fingers, holds a small snow-white air handkerchief, coquettishly outperforming the little girl. She is Tsarevna, and every of her movement is full of self-esteem and awareness of its irresistible beauty.

On the girl truly royal outfit. The artist did not accidentally chose the color for her apparel: a deep emerald tone of a long sundress resembles a sad secret of a fabulous heroine. The golden threads of the sundress were embroidered with a vegetable ornament - leaflets, blades and intricate patterns. Sarafan gates decorated with expensive stones, and the cuffs are decorated with golden border. Golden lining says about hidden while for all high origins of royal daughter-in-law.

Sunday sleeves are sewn with large slots, they hang freely while driving. On the printed-frog, a snow-white shirt made of fine matter, which makes the wave of hands, it becomes similar to the wings of a white swan. Long, below the belt, dark brown hair is removed in two heavy thick falling braids. On the head - a low crown with precious stones, bonded on the back of the big clasp. On the legs of the heroine small neat green boots on a low heel. They are also embroidered with a golden pattern.

Six court musicians play for printed frogs. They sit on massive carved wooden shops on both sides of the dancewits. They are bright multicolored cafts, everyone has bright red long boots on their feet. Balalatechiki, Houchras and Gorens - everyone is passionate about the action. And old, and young with a young man, it takes a perky melody for the princes. They accompany her game with singing. Their faces are shining from rapid fun, and from the sparkling game of their legs are ready to go to dance. All of them can not take admiring eyes from a beautiful girl, from her smoothness and magnifier.

The action itself occurs in the painted tsarist terme. The decoration of the room is characterized by solemnity and festivity: the walls are decorated with multicolor paintings with wondrous birds and unusual colors, the floor is posted with wooden rectangles of light and dark tones in a checkerboard. On the floor - a colorful carpet with an image of overseas animals and plants. On him, and sailing his dance Tsarevna-frog.

To emphasize that the action takes place during Pir, V. Vasnetsov presented to our view a small part of the festive feast: on a snow-white lace tablecloth covering a table with carved painted legs, elegant devices and aushans are stuck.

In the center of the Tsarist Choir, a huge three-time opening is arranged, which leads to the terrace of the terme. From here, our gaze opens a picturesque panoramic view of the Russian village, on the wide native expanses and miracles, created by the princess-frog: downstairs, a large lake spread out in front of the terrace, the white swans and ducks were flooded. On the shore of the lake there is a village with neat wooden houses. As in the tsarist terme, there is noisy walk in the village too: girls in bright colorful sundresses water dance. For an ancient - golden field and dark forest tape. And over the whole cheerful panorama, the blue sky was spread over which white fluffy clouds float, white swans fly.

This is a very lively, emotional picture. V.M. Vasnetsov masterfully transfers the atmosphere and mood of the fabulous plot. It seems that if you listen, you can catch the sounds of perky music, and the princess frog will be sprinkled in the dance, waving white sleeves and, like a white swan, squeezes high in heaven and fly away with other white birds.

This picture of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsova was written in 1918. The product is made by oil on canvas. The picture is in the house-museum V. M. Vasnetsova, Moscow.

Tsarevna-Frog - a character of Russian folk fairy tales. According to the usual plot of fairy tales - the princess-frog Ivan-Tsarevich finds accidental. Ivan-Tsarevich fired from Luke, so that the arrow led him to the bride, but instead of the girl finds a frog in a swamp that holds his arrow. At the same time, the arrows of all other brothers (their usually two) fall into the house of a boyars or merchant daughter.

Sometimes the princess frog turns out to be a daughter of any king, sometimes no. Tsarevna-frog is usually in fairy tales smart, friendly, skillful girl who makes work quickly and spore. Often, it works at home at night so that her bridegroom - Ivan-Tsarevich did not see it. In the image of the frog, the Tsarevna Frog should live 3 years old, as she disobeyed her father (an option: I didn't want to marry the blasphemy of the immortal).