Women's portraits and their authors. The ideal of female beauty in the pictures of famous artists

Women's portraits and their authors. The ideal of female beauty in the pictures of famous artists
Women's portraits and their authors. The ideal of female beauty in the pictures of famous artists

Portrait in painting is a genre visual artsin which artists do not achieve so much external similarityhow long try to reflect internal nature of a person depicted. The portrait can be individual and collective, the master artist creates an image typical of a certain era.

History of genre

As for the time antique art. On the island of Crete during excavations, many frescoes with images of women were found. Other monuments of art belong to Egypt, there were wooden boards with portraits depicted on them in Encoustics technique (these are such as wax-based paints). At the time of the Middle Ages, the portrait in painting existed only for the image of the donors and was part of the total art composition on religious topics.

Painting flourishing fell on the Renaissance. Artists of Renaissance preached humanistic ideas And they took the basis of the world of a separate person, landscapes and interior were given a modest role of the background. The masterpiece of that time was "Joconda", and her author Leonardo da Vinci became famous for the century.

Titian made a huge contribution to the development of the genre, he created a whole gallery of portraits of his contemporaries. Self-portraries of such artists like Yang Van Eyk and Albrecht Durer are examples for many portrait artists.

Female portrait in painting

The eternal theme of the art is the image of a woman's image. Each era draws his ideal of women, and her character attracted special attention of many artists. Looking at the portrait of those times, we can see how to appease and inner world influence certain events public Life, art, literature, fashion.

The art of Russia in general, and the portrait in painting in particular, show how the ideal changed for centuries female beauty. This is due to the change of worldview, habits, customs, with the change of government systems, generations.

Images of women

By the end of the 18th century, a Russian portrait in painting reaches the highest heyday. And one of the most important and most popular topics is the image of a female charm. Women's flirty and seductive women appear on the canvas. And on portraits of foreigners' artists, Russian ladies and young lady look like dolls, they are heuma and smiling playfully, and this one looks like another.

Russian artists I.P. Argunov, D.G.levitsky, V.L. Borovikovsky see a woman in a different way. They make psychological recovery, character specificity in a female portrait. In painting, try to breathe live and purchase picture Morals, tastes and mods of the era of the female Vsevladia. We see the whole spectrum female characters: Invalid cold beauty and gentle soft dreaminess, coquetry and modesty, soulful charm and severe secrecy with closedness. But to rule in the hearts of men is the main thing.

New ideals

The era of romanticism of the 19th century is designed to show special sensitivity in the woman and thin movements of the soul. Creativity Karamzin, Zhukovsky a huge impact on artists of the beginning of the century, for example, o.A. Cyprosen. Their canvases reflected all the features of romanticism in the genre of the portrait. In painting and music, as well as the poetry of this time, the motives of personal lyrical experiences, the mysterious color of their native antiquity (used especially popularity romantic opera A.N. Thevstovsky "Askoldova Tomb" is 1835).

But by the middle of the century, the hill and the dreaminess of female images disappears without a trace. In the pictures of this period, fashionable trends can be studied. Carefully discharged feathers on hats, jewels, lace, fond of details, artists often forget about the character itself. In the images of secular beauties reigns in charge, and there is no longer that heartiness and simplicity.

But some artists of the beginning of the century, in particular, Venetsian and Tropinin, in the search for "living" images appeal to simple people. The movement of the "common" female portrait has emerged, an idealized image of woman workers is created.

Pictures K.S. Petrova-Vodkina

The new century is characterized by finding new forms in the genre portrait. In painting (6th grade of schools in the lessons in detail examines the theme "Women's Images") artists turn to the past and the future in search of a female ideal. The theme of maternity and femininity occupies a large place in the work of V. Petrov-Vodkina. In the work of "Mother", the artist achieved a complete disclosure of the topic. His picture is a hymn family happiness and holiness of love. In the image of the mother, we feel moral strength, cleanliness and elevation, pressing the child to yourself, she resembles Madonna.

Picture "Our Lady. Uming evil hearts"It was written in the years of the First World War, she is the spiritual response of the artist on the bloody events of those times. He created a sublime and thrift image, which in the depth of exposure is one of the strongest in his work.

The image of a woman changed from the epoch of the era, but retained the main newver features: beauty, tenderness, motherhood.

Rembrandt Wang Rhine Saskovia in the form of flora. Woman in sight vegetable world (flowers). Here, as this picture is decrypted. Flowers in the hands of Saska, as if rod. The headband on the head seems to be a crown. Woman herself, as if the queen of wildlife.

Rafael Santi Madonna Raphael. The picture is old, but beautiful. Artists highlight in their works only the most beautiful, and this is a mother with children. Rafael Santi decided not to differ from the rest of the artists and wrote a picture of Madonna. I believe that this picture is worthy of honor and high rating.

Rafael Santi lady with a unicorn. The artist's fantasy was elegant. Write a lady with a unicorn, the creature that the creation of Magic itself could not be the subject of the honorable art of Rafael Santi himself. To talk about the beauty of the lady I think it does not make any sense. This woman is excellent.

Rafael Santi. Small Madonna Caucawaer. Italian painter I.
architect one of the most
great artists in the whole
world history, master
Madonn, depicted another Madonna with blond hair and a child in his arms. Simplicity of her face and look, is striking me.

Sandro Botticelli Madonna with baby and angels. It is clear to the picture that even angels admire unearthly beauty This incomparably beautiful woman. Their handles stretch to her, as kids handles stretch to the mother. Angels - ambassadors of God.

Sandro Botticelli. Venus and Mars. The picture was written in 1483. It is written, perhaps
on the order of the merchant family
Vespucci. One historian suggested that Mars is depicted with closed
eyes because
under influence
foaming substances. And so it or not, no one knows.

Zinaida Serebryakov Kormilitsa with a child. How beautiful and magnificent Russian women are beautiful. And to be a mother - this is a feat. Being a mother of children and always look good - this is not only great art, but also hard work.

Ivan Petrovich Argunov Portrait of Empress Catherine Second. 1762 I. P. Argunov
Received a responsible order
- Creation of portrait
Empress Catherine II. Seeing my portrait,
Written by Ivan
Petrovich "Mount", Catherine was
pleasantly surprised.

Ivan Petrovich Argunov Pictures of Argunov. Portrait of Lobanova-Rostovskaya. You just see what she has thin waist. The women of that time tried as best to follow their figure. Beautiful lush outfitsdecorated precious stones Even looking even on the most ugly women.

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Ivan Petrovich Argunov Portrait of an unknown in a peasant costume. One of the famous
works of russian
artist. Portrait
Unknown reflects interest
to peasant themes,
appeared at that time
Russian society. The interest is caused by the origin of the author himself.

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Pictures famous artists Store the secrets of people depicted on them. We suggest you stroll through virtual picture gallery And explore the stories of women from paintings. These stories can be romantic, mystical or just funny.

This work of art is one of the most famous paintings, for the first time, it was submitted to the court of viewers in Italy, where she favored critics. Karl Brylov was the first artist of Russia that became famous in the Saforn Europe. For a long time it was assumed that this picture is a portrait of a young Countess Yulia Samoilova, which the artist loved very much and often portrayed on his canvases. For example, in the picture "Last Day Pompeii", three characters at once have the features of the face of Julia Samoilova. However, when comparing the "Horseman" picture with portraits of the Countess, which Brullov wrote later, it becomes clear that the picture is not Yulia Samoilova. But who? In one of his paintings, Karl Brullov depicted a countess Samoilov with his pupil Giovannina, in another picture he painted the same countess with the adopted daughter Amacylia. Bryullov's creativity researchers came to the conclusion that these girls were depicted in the picture, which raised the Countess. But the pictures of famous artists usually carry some kind of riddle. To solve a riddle of this picture, you need to look at the dog in the collar, which the artist portrayed near a little girl. The surname of its owners is written on the collar - Samoilov.

It seems to how the picture "Alenushka" was created for a long time known to everyone. It is believed that Vasnetsov in the image of the sad heroine of the Russian epic depicted a girl with whom the fate of him brought in the village of Akhtyrka. Speaking about this canvas, many lead the quotation of Vasnetsov himself, where he admits that the image of Alenushka has long settled in his head, but the final version of the portrait was formed when he met a simple girl in the village of Akhtyrka. But is it? In one of the notes of the artist, you can read the true history of writing the picture. Vasnetsov admits that, even though he has already been a sketch of a picture written from this simple girl, but this is not a natural genres. The artist actually inspired the eyes of the mammoth mammoth. He confessed that the eyes of this particular girl merry him everywhere and settled in his soul. Who is Mamontov's beloved? Of course, her image is a sign of painting lovers, because it is exactly the painting of Serov "Girl with Peaches". Now, knowing the revelation of the artist, in Alyonushka you can easily find the features of the face of the mammoth faces.

Sometimes the pictures of famous artists are surprised by the fact that such a plot came from, sometimes sources of inspiration are unexpected. This can be said about the history of writing the web " Unequal marriage" One aristocrat from Moscow decided to record memoirs, where he told about all his relatives, including his uncle Sergey Varentsov. In 1862, this uncle, being a young man, suddenly fell in love with the nice daughter of the merchant Rybnikov - Sofia. And they fell in love so much that even rolled out, but he was refused. The calculating father of the girl did not want to give her daughter to marry a young and frivolous hang, but she preferred to give her hand to the elderly and not the poor merchant the basketin (it is interesting that the "elderly" bridegroom was 38 years old). For an evil coincidence, the young Varentsov had to play the role of Shafher at this wedding. Artist Vasily Pukirev is so imbued with this story and torment loving heartWhat created this canvas. Thanks to this picture, Vasily Pukirev received the title of professor, as well as good money: the Borisovsky painting collector Borisovsky immediately bought the canvas, and he already twisted him. True, Pukirev's canvas had to remake a little, because Varentsov did not know himself in this picture. The artist so accurately depicted Varentsov in his work that due to the popularity of the painting, his unhappy love began to discuss all Moscow. As a result, Pukirev had to rewrite the face of the Bath and now, looking at the picture, the public sees in the background image of Pukireva himself.

Picture "Portrait of M. I. Lopukhina" work of Vladimir Borovikovsky

This picture was created in 1797 and is a romantic female image. Already more than one century she admires the eyes of the public, and the signs of painting consider it to be one sentimentalism. Pictures of famous artists are often accompanied by mystical disadvantages. Such an unprecedented is connected with this picture. The image of 18-year-old beauty is the first in the history of Russia painting, received by mysticism. The girl depicted in the portrait was the daughter of Count Ivan Tolstoy. In the year of writing a portrait, she marked with Stepan Lopukhin, who served in the administration of Paul I. Immediately after the wedding, the husband ordered the Borovikovsky portrait of his beloved wife. The marriage lasted for a long time, because 3 years after the wedding, the young princess died from the disease - char. A picture with a portrait of a daughter, a luckless father bought at the son-in-law and hung at her home. It must be said that Graph Tolstoy was a magician of the Masonic lodge and was fond of mystics. There were rumors that the graph with the help of magic was able to cause the spirit of his deceased daughter and breathe him into the picture of Borovikovsky. There is no fairness - any girl who looked at the portrait will definitely die. They even brought "very reliable facts" that the portrait ruined at least a dozen young girls. Fortunately for descendants, Tretyakov did not believe in mysticism and later, the century bought a picture that Millions of viewers could now see in the gallery of his name.

Paintings of famous artists distinguishes the fact that they are angry in their works female ideal. Even depicting Madonna, artists of all time without a branch of conscience wrote portraits of their beloved, many of whom were women not the most noble origin. For example, Rafael's creator researchers tell that the artist decided on one of the streets of Rome's daughter of the poor Pecary - fornarin. The artist fell in love with her. Raphael, which was then widely known and held a high step on the social staircase, bought a girl from her father and took off for her luxury home. The artist did consider it an ideal of beauty and lived with her to his very death of 12 years. But they say that the beauty itself did not differ in loyalty to his benefactor and instructed him the horns both with the students of the artist, and with those who ordered pictures. After the death of Raphael because of the reputation of this woman, Pope did not even want to disconnect him, because Brovarina stood nearby. Despite all this, it is the face of foreman we see in the picture " Sistine Madonna" Rafael also endowed her face of many other Madonn written by his hand.

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what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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About the picture We first know two things: its author and, possibly, the history of the canvas. But about the fate of those who look at us from the canvas, we know not so much.

website I decided to tell about women whose faces are familiar to us well, and their stories are not.

Zhanna Samari
Auguste Renoir, "Portrait of an actress Zhanna Samari", 1877

Actress Zhanna Samari, though he could not become a star of the scene (she played mostly maids), but she was lucky in something else: for some time she lived near the workshop of Renoire, who in 1877-1878 wrote four of her portrait, thereby glorifying much more what could it make it actor career. Zhanna played in performances from 18 years old, at 25 she married and gave birth to three children, then even wrote a children's book. But this charming lady lived, unfortunately, not long: in 33 years I got sick with abdominal typhoid and died.

Churchilia Gallerani
Leonardo da Vinci, "Lady with the mountain",

Hisliily Gallerani was a girl from a noble Italian family, which at the age of 10 (!) Has already been engaged. However, when the girl was 14, the engagement for unknown reasons was terminated, and the churchille was sent to the monastery, where he met (or all this was adjusted) with the Duke of Milan Louis Sforza. The novel, the novel, the duke set the girl in his castle, but the duke set the girl in his castle, but then it was time to join the dynastic marriage with another woman, who, of course, did not like the presence of mistress in their house. Then, after God Galler, the Duke took her son, and she married her impoverished graph.

In this marriage, the churchilius gave birth to four children, he kept a literary salon almost the very first literary salon in Europe, had been at the duke at a party and played with his child with pleasure new mistress. After a time, the spouse was killed, the war was killed, she lost her welfare and found shelter in the home of the sister of the very wife of the duke - here in such wonderful relations she managed to be with people. After the war, Gallerani returned his estate, where he lived until his death aged 63 years.

Zinaida Yusupov
V.A. Serov, "Portrait of Princess Zinaida Yusupova", 1902

The richest Russian heiress, the last of the kind of yusupov, Princess Zinaida was incredibly good for himself, and, despite the fact that her locations were sought among the other August Operations, she wanted to marry love. She realized her desire: marriage was happy and brought two sons. Yusupova has spent a lot of time and forces charitable activitiesAnd after the revolution continued her and in emigration. The favorite eldest son died on a duel when Princess was 47 years old, and she hardly moved this loss. From the beginning of the unrest of Yusupov, Petersburg left and settled in Rome, and after the death of the spouse, the princess moved to his son to Paris, where he spent the rest of his days.

Maria Lopukhina
V.L. Borovikovsky, "Portrait of M.I. Lopukhina ", 1797

Borovikovsky wrote many portraits of Russian nobility, but this one is the most charming. Maria Lopukhina, a representative of the Count of Tolsti, is shown here at a gentle age of 18 years. The portrait was ordered by her spouse Stepan Abrahamovich Lopukhin shortly after the wedding. Ease and a slightly supered look seem to be the usual position for such a portrait of the Epoch of Sentimentalism, whether the signs of the melancholic and poetic lave. The fate of this mysterious girl It turned out to be sad: after only 6 years after writing, Maria's painting died from Chatheka.

Jovaanin and Amacil Pacini
Karl Brullov, "Horseman", 1832

"Horseman" Bryullov - brilliant parade portraitin which everything is luxurious: and the brightness of the paints, and the puff of the drapes, and the beauty of the models. It depicts two girls who were surning the surname: Senior Jovanin is sitting on a horse, the youngest Amacilia looks at her with a porch. The picture of Karl Bhorrylov - his long-term beloved - ordered their adoptive mother, Countess Julia Pavlovna Samoilova, one of beautiful women Russia and the heir of the colossal state. Matured daughters countess guaranteed a large dowry. But it turned out that it was practically broken to old age, and then reception daughters Jovanin and Amacilia through the court were charged with the Council of the promised money and property.

Simonetta Vespucci
Sandro Botticelli, "Birth of Venus",

At the famous picture of Botticelli depicted Simonetta Vespucci - the first beauty of the Florentine Renaissance. Simonetta was born in a rich family, at the age of 16 married Marco Vespucci (a relative of Amerigo Vespucci, "Opened" America and who gave the continent of his name). After the wedding, the newlyweds settled in Florence, were adopted at the court of Lorenzo Medici, in those years, famous in lush femors and techniques.

Beautiful, while very modest and friendly Simonetta quickly fell in love with Florentine men. The ruler of Florence Lorenzo tried to care for her, but his brother Juliano was more active. The beauty of Simonetti inspired many artists of the time, among whom was Sandro Botticelli. It is believed that since their meeting, the model of all Madonn and Venus Botticelli's brush was Simonetta. At the age of 23, Simonette died from Chatheka, despite the efforts of the best court doctors. After that, the artist depicted his MUZ only in memory, and in old age he won, so that he was buried next to her, which was fulfilled.

Vera Mamontov
V.A. Serov, "Girl with peaches", 1887

SAMI famous picture Portrait Masters Valentina Serov was written in the manor of the rich industrialist Savva Ivanovich Mamontov. Daily over the course of two months the artist posed his daughter, 12-year-old faith. The girl grew up and turned into charming girl, married the mutual love for Alexander Samarin, belonging to the famous noble surname. After wedding Travel In Italy, the family settled in the city of Bogorodsk, where three children were born one after another. But unexpectedly in December 1907, just 5 years after the wedding, Vera Savvishna died of inflammation of the lungs. She was only 32 years old, and her husband did not marry anymore.

Alexandra Petrovna Strujskaya
F.S. Rockots, "Portrait of the Strust", 1772

This portrait of brush rokotov like air semi-rolls. Alexandra Struj was 18 when she was married to a very rich widow. There is a legend that the husband gave her no less as a new church for a wedding. And all his life wrote her poems. Whether this marriage is happy, it is not known for certain, but everyone who has been in their home paid attention to how the spouses are disappeared. For 24 years, Alexander's marriage gave birth to her husband 18 children, 10 of whom died in infancy. After the death of her husband, she lived another 40 years, firmly managed the estate and left the children a decent state.

Galina Vladimirovna Aerkas
B.M. Kustodiev "Kupchikha for tea", 1918

"Kuchahha for tea" Kustodiev is a real illustration of the bright and second Russian, where the fairs, the carousel and the "crunch of the French beer". The picture was written in the post-revolutionary hungry 1918, when it was possible only to dream about such abundance.

For the tramp. In this portrait, Galina Vladimirovna Aercas - Natural Baronessa from the genus, leading his story already from one Livonian knight of the XVIII century. In Astrakhan Galya Aderkas was a neighbor of Kustodiy houses, from the sixth floor; In the studio, the girl led the wife of the artist, noting the colorful model. During this period Aderkas was very young - a student, a freshman at the medical faculty - both on the outline of her figure looks much thinner. After graduating from the university and worked out for some time a surgeon, she threw a profession and in soviet years sang in the Russian part of the choir, participated in the dubbing of movies, got married and began to act in the circus.

Lisa del Jokondo
Leonardo da Vinci, "Mona Lisa", 1503-1519.

Perhaps one of the most famous and mysterious portraits All times and peoples are the famous Mona Lisa Lisa Lisa Leonardo. Among the many versions about who owns a legendary smile, officially in 2005 was confirmed as follows: Lisa Del Jocondo is depicted on the canvas, a spouse of a silk from Florence Francesco Del Jocondo. The portrait could be ordered by the artist to celebrate the birth of a son and buying a house.

Together with her husband, Lisa raised five children and, most likely, her marriage was based on love. When the husband died from the plague and Lisa also struck by this severe disease, one of the daughters was not afraid to take my mother to himself and went out of her. Mona Lisa cured and lived some time together with her daughters, died at the age of 63.