Orientation on a sheet of paper synopsis. Abstract of a lesson in spatial orientation in the senior group

Orientation on a sheet of paper synopsis. Abstract of a lesson in spatial orientation in the senior group

Private preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 71 JSC "Russian Railways"


GCD for cognitive development(FEMP)

in the preparatory group

"School bag"

Prepared by:

Educator of the highest category

Chernikova Yu.V.

Tula 2016

Educational area:"Cognition"

Kind of activity:direct educational, play

Type of: integrated

Integration educational areas : social and communicative development, speech development, physical development.

Forms of organization: cooperative activity adult and children.

Children age: 6-7 years old

Educational tasks:

  • learn to compose arithmetic addition problems, to highlight a condition, question, answer in the problem.
  • to consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, to determine the sides and corners of the sheet, the position of geometric shapes.
  • consolidate knowledge of the days of the week.
  • to consolidate the ability to correctly use cardinal and ordinal numbers;
  • consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;
  • consolidate knowledge of the numbers from 0 to 9
  • exercise in the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage.

Educational tasks:

  • To foster independence, the ability to understand the educational task and perform it independently.
  • Cultivate interest in math studies.
  • To cultivate perseverance, the ability to listen.

Developmental tasks:

  • develop logical thinking, ingenuity, attention, memory, ingenuity, imagination, to promote the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements;
  • develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and substantiate their judgments;
  • develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking, orientation in space;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hand;

Enrichment of the vocabulary:textbook, diary, arithmetic problem, condition, solution, mathematical signs.

Dictionary activation:school, briefcase, school supplies, pencil case, geometric figures, notebook.


  • Verbal: conversation, clarifications, reminders, questions, riddles
  • Visual: examining school supplies, comparing with a sample, using demonstration and handouts, using multimedia visualization;
  • Game: creating a game situation;
  • Practical: graphic dictation; physical minute, constant change of activity.

Preliminary work:

  • reviewing the album and conversations on the topic "School life".
  • making riddles about numbers, mathematical signs, school supplies.
  • preparation of handouts and demonstration materials.
  • Working in a squared notebook, writing graphic patterns;
  • Individual and frontal work on FEMP, according to the plan educational and educational work.

Demo material:

  • a briefcase with school supplies (on the one hand with a sad expression on his face, and on the other with a cheerful one);
  • geometric figures;
  • three hoops of different colors;
  • audio recording of physical education;
  • riddles about school supplies;
  • numbers from 0 to 9;
  • nesting dolls, cubes, for counting;
  • picture with the condition of the problem.


  • math sets for each child;
  • a notebook in a large cage, a simple pencil;
  • square sheet of paper.

Course of the lesson:

Organizational game

Children stand in a circle next to the teacher.

"Educator: Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"

"Good morning!" - the sun and the birds.

"Good morning!" - smiling faces.

Let's hold tightly by the hands

And we will smile at each other

Surprising moment.

Educator: Guys, very little time will pass, and you will become schoolchildren. When will this happen? (In September 2017).

Now, in kindergarten, we talk a lot about school. And at school you will probably remember kindergarten.

Tell me how kindergarten differs from school:

Children sleep in kindergarten, but at school?

In kindergarten, the nanny brings lunch to the group, but at school?

Grades are not given in kindergarten, but at school?

Well done guys, I'm glad you know so much about the school.

Today, when I was going to kindergarten, on the doorstep of our group, I found a certain school subject... Which you can't do without at school. What do you think it is? (Answers of children). If they cannot find out, I make a riddle.

For a girl, for a boy,

It contains notebooks, books,

Pen, brush, album,

There is only no place for dolls in it! (School bag)

Of course, this is a schoolbag!

(showing the children a school bag with a sad face painted on it)

Here it is! What do you think our guest is in? (Sad, sad)

Dear portfolio, why are you so sad?

(the briefcase "whispers" not the teacher's ear)

Everything is clear, trouble happened with the portfolio. He cannot find his master. Guys, what do you think, is it possible in such difficult situation leave him alone? How can we find your master? (question to the hero The briefcase “whispers in his ear.” Everything is clear! We need to open it and find the diary. And there is all the information about the student. Let's open our guest and help him. (I open the briefcase, take out an envelope with numbers).

Guys? Is this a diary? No. What is this? (Numbers).

What do we need numbers for? (Numbers represent numbers. People need numbers to count things.)

How many digits are there in mathematics? (10: 0 to 9) Let's count. (Counting, showing numbers on a magnetic board)

Game exercise "Live week".

Exercise: Now let's play with numbers. You all know the days of the week. How many are there? (7) What are they called? (Children call). Every day goes one after another and cannot get ahead of the previous one in any way. Here are numbers from 1 to 7 according to the number of days. I will shuffle the numbers and lay them face down. You take any number, look, various movements will move to the music. At its end, the builder in a row, forming a week: who has the number 1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday, etc. (children complete the task)

Dear portfolio! Let's check if the children completed the task correctly. Vanya, look and name the days of the week.

Which Wednesday is it? Friday Saturday. What is the first day of the week? Last day of the week? Etc.

Well done, it's all right

And now, shall we sit down at the tables or shall we stand in a circle? (Children choose). Let's sit down at the tables. Let's call it desks, as in school. I will get the second item from my portfolio.

This is a math textbook. This is very important subject for a student? What is a textbook for at school? (Answers of children). At school, he will teach you to decide challenging tasks and examples, measure, calculate. In the meantime, we will learn how to solve simple arithmetic problems. Let's get ready for school. And the portfolio will see how we are doing.

Solving arithmetic problems.

Today, we will study, compose and solve problems.

Vanya, please put 4 nesting dolls on this table on the left.

And you, Anya, bring another nesting doll and put it on the right.

(children complete the task)

Guys, what did Vanya and Masha do?

A story about what Vanya and Masha did is a condition of our task. Condition is what is already known

Listen again to the condition of the problem: Vanya put 4 nesting dolls on the table, Masha put another 1 nesting doll.

Sasha, Vika, repeat the condition of the problem.

What do you think can be asked about this problem? (How many nesting dolls were there?)

That's right, this will be the question of our task. Pasha, repeat the question of the task.

The question always comes after the condition in the problem.

Do you think there are more or less nesting dolls after Masha brought another one. (More)

What math did we do? (addition)

Let's solve the problem. Count as many counting sticks as Vanya put nesting dolls (5). Next, lay out as many sticks as Masha put. Count the sticks together. How much did it turn out? (6) This will be the answer to our task. Show number - answer (6)

Danila, repeat the answer to the problem.

So, we have compiled a problem and answered her question, which means that we have solved the problem!

And you can also compose puzzles from the picture.

How many of you want to make up your problem? Calling some kids. I offer a picture. Children compose and solve a problem.

(-Young fellows, you and I have learned how to compose and solve problems. Look, even the portfolio smiled, he is also happy with your successes. (I turn the portfolio over with the other, smiling side).

Are we still going to draw up tasks, or are we going to move on to another activity?

(The bell is ringing)

The guys in the school call the pupils for a lesson and for a break. And what do the students do during recess? (rest, play)

And we will rest a little with you. Let's do some physical education.

An audio physical training minute "We are starting to walk" is being performed.Children stay with the teacher.

Let's continue our lesson. I take out the next school subject. Maybe now it will be a diary? (I take out geometric shapes)

Name them (showing the figures. Children answer. Name the features of each figure). Want to play with them? (Children's choice)

Logic game "Find a house for geometric shapes"

There are hoops on the floor — red, yellow, and green — that intersect.

Listen carefully to the assignments and complete them.

Place the red square so that it is inside the red hoop, but outside the yellow and green.

Lay the blue oval so that it is inside the green, but outside the red and yellow hoops.

Place the green rectangle so that it is inside the green and yellow hoops, but outside the red.

Place the orange triangle so that it is both inside the red and yellow hoops, but outside the green hoop.

Place the purple circle so that it is inside the yellow hoop, but outside the red and green.

Place the yellow trapezoid so that it is both inside the red and green hoops, but outside the yellow hoop.

Put the pink polygon so that it is inside three hoops at the same time.

Now let's check the result. What figures lie inside only one hoop? (Square and oval and circle).

What figures lie inside the two hoops? (Rectangle, triangle and trapezoid).

What figures lie inside the three hoops? (Polygon).

Dear portfolio, did you like how the children completed such a difficult task? That's what great fellows we are! Now let's sit down at our desks and complete one more task. Want to?

Orientation on a sheet of paper.

Take sheets of paper. What is the shape of the leaf? (Rectangle) What does a rectangle have? (corners, sides). How many? Count it up. Listen carefully to my assignments and do everything in accordance with them.

Take 4 triangles from the math set and place them in the upper right corner.

Place 7 circles in the lower left corner.

Place 5 rectangles in the lower right corner.

Place 8 squares in the upper left corner.

Place 3 ovals in the middle.

Everyone did the job! Well done!

Let's see what's in the portfolio? Or will we finish our help to the hero? (Children's choice)

I take out a pencil case from my portfolio

What is this zipper wallet? Is it for the money?

Well done, of course, this is a pencil case. A pencil case is a very convenient and necessary thing. What would happen if there were no pencil case?

See how the portfolio smiles, he is pleased with your answer.

To complete the next task, we also need a simple pencil and a squared notebook. And my guest and I will see how you can work on your own. And before doing, we knead our fingers, dofinger gymnastics.

"Autumn leaves"

One, two, three, four, five, (Bend their fingers, starting with the big one)

We will collect the leaves, (They clench and unclench their fists.)

Birch leaves, rowan leaves, (Bend the fingers, starting with the little finger).

Poplar leaves

And at the aspen,

We will collect oak leaves,

Let's collect an autumn bouquet for mom. ("Walking" on the table).

Open notebooks, complete the task. (Children perform patterns in cells).

On the part of the teacher, control, help. At the end of the assignment, the children are given a "mark" in the notebook - "an asterisk" for boys, a "heart" for girls.

Summing up the results of the lesson.

Look, our portfolio is sad again. After all, we have not yet found the diary and its owner. Let's see again. What will I get, guess the riddle.

I am not a book, not a notebook,

I need you for the routine

I keep the schedule,

Finally we found the diary. This is very important book for the student. Here is the schedule of lessons, and all the child's grades, and the owner's name and surname and his phone number and home address. Now I'll see who this confused Masha is. (I read the Name, Surname of the child (fictitious).

There is also a telephone. Let's call mom. That's all, our portfolio owner was found. Mom will come for him in the evening. Until then, we'll put our guest on the shelf. Look, our portfolio is smiling, he is glad that he found it. And we are happy that we did a good deed, helped a friend, and at the same time did some mathematics.

What did we do today?

What have you learned?

What do you remember the most?

What's not so good?

What have you dealt with?

What did you fail with?

How would you rate yourself?

Are you satisfied with yourself? And I'm happy with you. The lesson is over.

She speaks silently

but understandable and not boring.

It contains tasks and examples.

We will decide ourselves boldly.

(math textbook)

And my brother, Seryozha,

Mathematician and draftsman -

On Baba Shura's table

Draws all sorts of ... (figures)

I am not a book, not a notebook,

I need you for the routine

I keep the schedule,

I'll show you all the ratings! (diary).

Correctional lesson in grade 2.

Lesson topic: Orientation on a sheet of paper.

Occupation type: The study new topic.

Target: teach to navigate on the plane of the sheet.



    Place objects in a given position on the plane of the sheet: top, bottom, middle, center, left, right, etc.

    Draw lines in a specific direction.

    Verbally indicate the location of objects on the plane of the sheet and the direction of space.

    Show objects with a given relative position relative to each other (above, below, on, above, below, below, above, between).

Correctional and developmental:

    Development oral speech, by requiring complete answers to the teacher's questions.

    Development fine motor skills by doing practical work in notebooks.

    Development of thinking through the inclusion of tasks for the ability to find patterns in the lesson.


Foster interest in Russian culture.

To nurture love and respect to nature.

Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, whiteboard, markers, (blue, red, green, black), worksheet, colored pencils, pencil, eraser.

Lesson structure

1. Organizational moment.

    Emotional attitude to the lesson.

2 . Introduction to the topic.

    Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Introductory conversation.

3. Learning new material.

    Task number 1.

    Working with the Su Juk massager

    Task number 2.

    Task number 3.

    Physical minute.

    Task number 4.

5. Lesson summary.


    Analysis of student activities.

I.Organizing time.

The bell rang for you

All went into the classroom calmly.

All stand at the desks beautifully,

Say hello politely!

Don't be lazy - smile

And sit down quietly! (The children sit down.)

In the lesson you will need: a sheet with assignments, colored pencils, a pencil, an eraser. If someone is missing something, raise your hand. (Checking student readiness for the lesson.)

II. Introduction to the topic.

1). Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today on correctional class we will learn how to navigate a sheet of paper, place objects in a given position: top, bottom, middle, center, left, right, etc.

2). Introductory part.

Oh guys, quieter, quieter

I hear something strange:

Some kind of guest is in a hurry to visit us

And it seems to be squeaking.

Whoever it is, come in

Look at the guys!

To find out who is in a hurry to visit us, you need to guess riddles.

(Slide show # 2).

Scarlet scallop,

A pockmarked caftan,

Double beard,

Important gait

Who is this? (This is a rooster.) (Slide show number 3).

(Slide show No. 4).

The grain bites

The kids are calling:

"Co-co-co, co-co-co,

Don't go far! "

He coughs, bothers

Convene children

Gathers everyone under the wings!

Who is this? (This is a chicken.) (Slide show number 5).

Right! Well done! Listen next riddle.

(Slide show # 6).

I was born in a yellow fur coat:

"Goodbye, two shells!"

Who is this? (This is a chicken.) (Slide show number 7).

Clever guys! (Slide show number 8).

Roosters, chickens, hens-

Very important figures.

In the morning the rooster sings

Wakes up all honest people.

Hen raises chicks

And he will treat us to an egg. (Slide show number 9).

III... Learning new material.

Guys Do you think the chicken family just came to visit us? (Answers of children).

They have prepared for us tasks that we will carry out.

1) Task number 1.

Guys, you probably know how big religious holiday, will we be celebrating soon? (Easter holiday).

Right! And the main Easter symbol of the resurrection is the egg, since the egg is born new life... During Easter kissing and greeting, believers always gave each other colored eggs. So in the first task you must paint the eggs in the colors you want.

Take a red pencil and color in an egg on the right side.

Pick up green pencil and color the left egg.

Take a blue pencil and use it to color in the egg to the right of the green one.

Take a yellow pencil in your hands and paint with it an egg that is between blue and red.

Well done! Everyone coped with the task. (Show best works).

2) Working with the Su Juk massager.

Now we will have a little rest with you. I will distribute massagers to you and you will repeat all the movements after me. All attention to me.

There was a white house

Wonderful home.

And something knocked on him.

And he crashed, and from there

A living miracle ran out, -

So warm, so -

Fluffy and golden!

I was born in a yellow fur coat:

"Goodbye, two shells!"

(The guys repeat all movements after the teacher. After the massager opens, the guys begin to massage their fingers with a massage ring.)

3) Task number 2.

Guys, find task number 2 on your pieces of paper. Who is pictured here in the middle of the square? (A chicken is drawn in the middle of the square.)

That's right, chicken. Look, he has just hatched from his testicle and really wants to eat, but does not know where to go. Let's give him a hint. Pick up a simple pencil. Prepare to listen carefully. What's in the top left corner? (There is a worm in the upper left corner).

Quite right! This is a worm. Follow the path from the chicken to the upper left corner. (Children complete assignments).

What's in the lower right corner? (There is grass in the lower right corner.)

Well done, the grass is right there. Draw a line from the chicken to the bottom right corner. (Children complete assignments).

What will the chicken find in the upper right corner? (There is a bug ladybug in the upper right corner.)

Well done! Lead the path from the chicken to the upper right corner, to the bug. (Children complete assignments).

And what is in the lower left corner? (There is grain in the lower left corner.)

That's right, grain! Draw a path from the chicken to the bottom left corner. (Children complete assignments).

Well done! You also coped with this task.

4) Task number 3.

Guys, who of you knows where the chickens live? (Chickens live in a chicken coop.)

Right! They live in a chicken coop. Find task number 3 on your pieces of paper. What do you have drawn in the middle of the square? (Answers of children).

That's right guys, this is a chicken coop. Tell me, will the hens like to live here? (Answers of children).

Now we will finish this drawing with you. I say what, and most importantly, where to draw. You draw it quickly. Let's get to work. Draw the sun in the left corner of our drawing. Draw the grass at the bottom of the chicken coop. Draw a flower in the lower right corner. Draw a cloud on top of the chicken coop. Draw a fence to the left of the chicken coop. Draw a tree to the right of the chicken coop. Draw a mushroom in the lower left corner. Draw another cloud in the upper right corner. You should have a drawing like this. (Show drawing - pattern on whiteboard.)

5) Physical minutes.

They sat down exactly. Attention to me. Place your head in your palms. We work with eyes. Up - down (2 times), right - left (2 times), in the upper right corner - in the lower left corner (2 times), in the upper left corner - in the lower right (2 times). Close your eyes with your palms and count from 5 to 1. Then open your eyes. Well done!

6) Task number 4.

And the last task that the chickens have prepared for us is shading. Who is drawn in your task number 4? (In task # 4, chickens are drawn.)

Right! You need to shade these chicks in the right direction. Take a simple pencil and shade the first chicken from top to bottom. (Children complete assignments).

Well done! The next chicken you need to shade from left to right. (Children complete assignments).

And the last chicken you need to shade from the upper right corner to the lower left. (Children complete assignments).

Well done! Everyone coped with the task. (Show of the best works.)

IVLesson summary.

They all sat down straight. The chickens really liked how you worked. Well done! Everybody stand up. You can go to recess.

MKOU "Mukhor - Tarkhatinskaya secondary school"

Kindergarten "Ayuchak"

Immediate educational activities

Area "Cognition":

(Formation of elementary mathematical representations)


“Orientation in space. Composing an object from triangles. "

(Senior group)

Educator: Churekenova N.V.

Kosh-Agach district

with. Mukhor-Tarkhata

Tel: 89136964110

Topic: “Orientation in space. Composing an object from triangles. "

Types of children's activities: play, communication, cognitive research, perception fiction, artistic and aesthetic.

Goals: to elicit an understanding of spatial relationships in the group real objects and in the group of objects depicted in the picture, develop an object-play action for the differentiation of spatial relations; learn to make a structure of four differently femoral triangles, navigate on a sheet of paper. To cultivate a friendly attitude to each other during games, the ability to rejoice at the success of other children.

Materials and equipment: Model of the house, sheets of paper, pencils. 2 blue whatman paper. For children: 4 triangles each, made of a 3x3 cm square; 2.5x2.5 cm; 2x2; glue.

    Organizing time. Reading a poem:

The drummer is drumming

Drumming, drumming ...

One and a half hours in a row.

Left, right!

Left, right!

The drum is already full of holes.

invite each child to show their left and right hands.

2. Exercises... "Movement according to a given instruction" (assimilation of parts, left and right sides).

We are marching bravo in the ranks.

We learn sciences.

We know the left, we know the right

And, of course, all around.

Stand on one leg

As if you are a tough soldier.

Now stay on your left

If you are a brave soldier.

"Up-down, top-down." ( House layout analysis )

a) Orientation in space:

- What's up, what's down?

b) Orientation on a sheet of paper:

- Draw a circle at the top of the sheet and a square at the bottom.

3. Game"Where is the left, where is the right?"


a) standing in a line, name the one standing on the right, on the left;

b) according to the instructions, arrange items to the left and right of this one;

c) determine the place of a neighbor in relation to himself;

d) standing in pairs facing each other, determine first at yourself, then at a friend left hand, right hand etc.

4.Reg. Altai component folk game"The Wolf and the Foals".

A wolf, two, three horses are selected from the group of players, and the rest of the children represent foals. Horses enclose a field - a pasture where foals graze. Horses guard them so that they do not go far, because there is a wolf. Horses with outstretched hands drive foals trying to escape from the pasture into the herd. The wolf catches foals running away from the herd behind the line. Foals caught by the wolf leave the game, stand in a certain place where the wolf will lead them.


On separate tables are sheets of Whatman paper. Children sit at tables for two people, in front of the children there are sheets of 4 paper triangles. Offer to guess the riddle:

There are wings but it does not fly.

The eyes are there but do not blink.

Shines in a clean river

The back is silvery. (Fish)

The rule for working with triangles:

One triangle is applied to the other, not superimposed on it. Invite the children to come up with different fish themselves. Then "run" the fish into the "aquarium", that is, stick them on whatman paper.

How many big fish?

Which way do the fish swim?

How do you know which aquarium has more fish?

What is the name of the fish?

Come up with a title for the painting.

6. Reflection.

- What did we do in class? What games did you play?

- What was the name of your work?

If you liked the lesson raise your right hand, if not, then your left. (Tell us what you liked and what you didn’t like).