"Cooling in faith is a consequence of unwillingness from something to refuse. What says Bubnn after Luke's departure

"Cooling in faith is a consequence of unwillingness from something to refuse. What says Bubnn after Luke's departure

Lesson 15 "Three Truths" in the play of Gorky "on the bottom"

30.03.2013 79379 0

Lesson 15.
"Three truths" in the play of Gorky "at the bottom"

Objectives: consider understanding the heroes of the play of the Gorky "Truth"; Find out the value of the tragic collision of different points of view: the truth of the fact (Bubnov), the truth of the consolation lies (Luka), the truth of faith in the person (satin); Determine the features of Humanism Gorky.

During the classes

Lord! If the holy truth is

The world does not know how to find the road -

Honor madman who will have

Humanity Sleep Golden!

I. Introductory conversation.

- Restore the event series of plays. What events take place on stage, and what are the "kulisami"? What The role in the development of the dramatic action of the traditional "conflict polygon" is Kostylev, Vasilisa, ash, Natasha?

The relationship of Vasilisa, Kostyleva, ash, Natasha only externally motivate the stage action. Part of the events constituting the plot canvas of the play, occurs outside the scene (Fight Vasilisa and Natasha, the revenge of Vasilisa - overturning the boiling singer to the sister, the murder of Kostyleva are performed around the corner of the night and the viewer is almost not visible).

All other heroes of the plays are not involved in love intrigue. The compositional and plot disconnectness of the acting persons is expressed in the organization of the stage space - the characters are dispersed at different angles scenes and "closed»In unrelated microspace.

Teacher. Thus, two actions are in parallel in parallel. First - we see on stage (alleged and real). Detective story with a conspiracy, escape, murder, suicide. The second is the exposure of "masks" and identifying the true essence of man. This happens as if for the text and requires decryption. For example, here is the dialogue of Baron and Luke.

Baron. Lived better ... yes! I ... it happened ... I wake up in the morning and, lying in bed, drink coffee ... Coffee! - With cream ... yes!

Luke. And all - people! No matter how pretending to do anything, but a man was born, man and alert ...

But to be "just a man" Baron is afraid. And "just a man" he does not recognize.

Baron. You, the old man, who is? .. Where did you come from?

Luke. I mean?

Baron. Wanderer?

Luke. We all on earth wanderers ... They say, I heard, - that and the Earth is our wanderer.

The culmination of the second (implicit) action occurs when the "truth" of Bubnov, Satina and Luke is faced at the "narrow living area".

II. Work on the problem declared in the lesson.

1. Philosophy of Truth in the play of Gorky.

- What is the main leitmotif of the play? Who among the characters first formulates the main question of the drama "at the bottom"?

The argument about the truth is the semantic center of the play. The word "truth" will be performed on the first page of the play, in the replica Kvashny: "Ah! Do not tolerate truth! " True - a lie ("Vresh!" - a sharp cry of a tick, which sounded even earlier than the words "True"), the truth is the faith - these are the most important semantic poles that determine the problems "at the bottom".

- How do you understand the words of Luke: "What do you believe, then there are"? How are heroes "at the bottom" are separated depending on their relationship to the concepts of "faith" and "truth"?

In contrast to the "prose of fact" Luka offers the truth of the ideal - "Poet of Fact." If the Bubnov (the main ideologist literally understand "truth"), satin, the baron is far from illusions and do not need ideally, the actor, Nastya, Anna, Natasha, the ashes respond to the replica of Luke - for them the faith is more important for them.

The uncertain story of Luke on the hospitals for alcoholics sounded like this: "They treat from drunkenness, hear! Free, brothers are treated ... Such a hospital is arranged for drunkards ... Recognized, you see that the drunkard is also a person ... "In the imagination of the actor, the hospital turns into the" Marble Palace ":" Excellent care ... Marble .. . Marble floor! Light ... Clean, Food ... Everything is for nothing! And marble floor. Yes!" The actor is the hero of faith, and not the truth of the fact, and the loss of the ability to believe for him is deadly.

- What is the truth for the heroes of the play? How to relate their views? (Work with text.)

A) How does the "truth" of the Bubnov understand? What is the contradictions of his views and philosophy of Luke?

True, Bubnova consists in the discovery of the origin of being, this is "the truth of the fact." "What do you need, Vaska, do you need? And for what? You know the truth about myself ... Yes, and everyone knows it ... "- He pounds as the ashes in the doomed to be a thief when he tried to sort himself. "Kashing stopped, it means," reacted to the death of Anna.

After listening to the allegorical story of Luke about his life at the cottage in Siberia and shelter (salvation) of a runaway camorzhan, Bubnov admitted: "And here I ... I don't know how to lie! What for? In my opinion, - Vali all the truth as it is! What to be shy? "

Bubnov sees only the negative side of life and destroys the remnants of faith and hopes in people, Luka knows that the ideal word becomes real: "A person can teach a good ... Very simple," -he concluded a story about life in the country, and setting out the "story" about righteous land, brought it to the fact that the destruction of faith kills a man. Luke (thoughtfully, Bubnova): "Here ... You say - really ... she, the truth, - not always by fellow people ... not always the truth soul cure ..."Luka treats the soul.

The position of Luke is humane and effective than the naked truth of Bubnov, because he appeals to the remnants of human in the souls of the nights. A man for Luke, "What is neither - and always costs its price." "I just say that if anyone who did not do well, then I did it." "Man climbnever harmful. "

Such moral Credo harmonizes the relationship between people, cancels the wolf principle, and ideally leads to the acquaintance of internal completeness and self-sufficiency, confidence that, contrary to external circumstances, a person has found the truth that no one has ever takes away.

B) What does the truth of life satin sees?

One of the culminating moments of the play are famous, from the fourth act, monologues of Satina about a person, truth, freedom.

Prepared student reads a monologue Satina by heart.

Interestingly, Satin's arguments have supported Luke's authority, a person in respect of which we are at the beginning of the play. represented satin antipod. Moreover, Links Satin onions in 4 act prove the proximity of both. "Old man? He is a clever! .. He ... worked on me, like an acid on an old and dirty coin ... Let's drink, for his health! " "Man is true! He understood it ... You are not! "

Actually, the "truth" and "lie" satin and bows almost coincide.

Both believe that "respecting a person needs" (focus on the last word) is not his "mask"; But they differ in how to inform people their "truth". After all, she, if you think deadly for those who fall into its area.

If everything "merged" and one "naked" man remained, then "what's next"? This thought leads to suicide.

C) What role does Luca play in the disclosure of the problem of "truth" in the play?

For Luke True in "Comforting Lie".

Luka regrets man and tessifs his dream. He promises Anna the afterlife, listens to Nastya's fairy tales, sends the actor to the hospital. He lies for hope, and it may be better than cynical "truth" Bubnova, "abomination and lies".

In the form of Luke there are hints on the biblical bows, which was one of the seventy students sent by the Lord "in every city and the place where he wanted to go."

Gorky Luke makes the inhabitants of the bottom think about God and man, about the "best person", about the highest calling of people.

"Luka" is also light. Luka comes to illuminate the Kostylevsky basement with the light of new ideas forgotten on the bottom of the senses. He talks about how it should be, and not necessarily look for practical recommendations or instructions for survival in his arguments.

Evangelist Luka was a doctor. In his own way healsion in the play - attitude to life, advice, word, sympathy, love.

Luka treats, but not everyone, but selectively, those who need words. His philosophy is revealed in relation to other characters. He compresses the victims of life: Anna, Natasha, Nastya. Teaches, giving practical advice, ash, actor. Understandingly, multivalial, often without words, is explained with the smart Bubnov. Spelfully leaves unnecessary explanations.

Luke flexible, soft. "Mills, therefore, and soft ..." - he said in the final of 1 act.

Luke with his "lies" is sympathetic satina. "Dubier ... to be silent about the old man! .. The old man is not a charlatan! .. He lied ... But - it's out of pity for you, damn you!" And yet, the "lie" of Luke does not suit him. "Lies - religion of slaves and owners! True - God's free man! "

Thus, rejecting the "truth" of Bubnov, Gorky does not deny the "truth" satin, nor "truth" of Luke. Essentially, he highlights two truths: "truth-truth" and "truth-dream".

2. Features of Humanism Gorky.

Problem Man In the play of Gorky "at the bottom" (individual message).

His truth about man and overcoming the impasse of Bitter invested in the mouth of the actor, Luke and Satin.

At the beginning of the play, indulging in theatrical memories, Actor Selflessly spoke out about the miracle of the talent - the game of reincarnation of man in the hero. Coming to Satin's words about read books, education, he divided education and talent: "Education - nonsense, the main thing - talent"; "I say - talent, that's what a hero need. And talent is faith in yourself, in your power ... "

It is known that Gorky bowed to knowledge, education, book, but even higher appreciated talent. Through the actor, it is a polemone, the maximalist accepted and polarly divorced two faces of the spirit: education as an amount of knowledge and living knowledge is "a system of thought."

In monologues Satina The ideas of Gorky reflections about a person are confirmed.

Man - "He is all. He created even God "; "Man is a compatibility of God's God"; "Faith in the strength of thought ... This is a belief of a person in itself." So in the letters of Gorky. And so - in the play: "A person can believe and not believe ... this is his business! A person is free ... He pays for everything himself ... a person is true! What is a person ... that's you, me, they, old man, Napoleon, Magomet ... In one ... In one - all the starts and ends ... Everything in man, everything for a person! There is only a person, yet the rest is the case of his hands and his brain! "

Actor said first about talent and faith. Satin generally generalized. What role Luki.? It carries expensive for the bitter idea of \u200b\u200bthe transformation and improvement of life with the price of the creative efforts of a person.

"And all, I look, I feel smarter than people, everything is engaged ... And even though they live - worse, but they want - all better ... stubborn!" - reveals the elder in the first act, meaning the general aspirations of all to a better life.

At the same time, in 1902, Gorky shared with Verseev with his observations and sentiments: "Everything grows and growing a vital mood, more and more noticeable vigor and faith in people, and - well lives on Earth - to God!" Some words, alone thoughts, even intonation alone in the play and writing.

In the fourth act Satin I remembered and reproduced Luke's answer to my question "Why do people live?": "And - for better people and live ... in Stu years ... Or maybe more - for the best person live! .. Everything, cute , All as it is, for the best live! That is why it is necessary to respect anyone ... It is unknown after all, we, who he is so, why was born and what could do ... "And already, by continuing to talk about a person, I asked, repeating onions:" We must respect the person! Do not regret ... not to humiliate his pity ... I need to respect! " Satin repeated Luka, speaking of respect, did not agree with him, speaking of pity, but the other is more important - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "best person."

The statements of three characters are similar, and, mutually bye, they work on the problem of man celebrations.

In one of the letters of Gorky, we read: "I am sure that a person is able to endlessly cultivate, and his whole activity - along with him will also develop ... from century to century. I believe in infinity of life ... "Again onions, satin, bitter - about one.

3. What is the value of the 4th Act of the Gorky Play?

In this act - the former furnishings, but the "fermentation" begins before the sleepy thought of Bosyakov.

It started from the scene of the death of Anna.

Luke says over the dying woman: "Jesus Christ is a multi-facing! Spirit of the newly represented slave of your Anna with the world of admission ... "But the last words Anna were words about life: "Well ... a little more ... would like ... a little! If there will be no flour there ... here you can suffer ... you can! "

- How to regard these words Anna - how to win Luke or how his defeat? Bitter does not give an unequivocal answer, it is possible to comment on this phrase in different ways. One thing is clear:

Anna spoke first about life positive Thanks to Luke.

In the last act, there is a strange, to the end of the unconscious convergence of "bitter brethren". In the 4th act of tick, the harmonica of Aleshka, having tried the Lada, the familiar prison song sounded. And this final is perceived in two ways. You can like this: you can not leave from the bottom - "The sun is booming and comes ... And in my jail dark!" You can otherwise: the price of death man broke off the song of tragic hopelessness ...

Suicide Actor interrupted the song.

What prevents the night cars to change your life for the better? Natasha's rock mistake - in disbelief to people, ashes ("I don't believe somehow ... no words"), hoping together to change fate.

"That's why I was that other name no one ever guess to call me ... You call you ... Natasha, well?"

Her answer is convinced, endured: "Nowhere to go ... I know ... I thought ... just here I do not believe anyone."

One word of faith in a person could change the life of both, but it did not sound.

I did not believe in myself and the actor for whom creativity is the meaning of life, calling. The news of the death of the actor came after the famous Satin monologues, contrasting them: so I did not cope, did not play, but I could not believe in myself.

All playing characters are in the area of \u200b\u200baction at first glance, abstract good and evil, but becoming quite specific when it comes to fate, worldviews, relations with the life of each of the actors. And they associate people with good and evil their thoughts, words and affairs. They directly or indirectly affect life. Life is the way to choose your direction between good and evil. In the play, Gorky explored a person and checked his capabilities. The play is deprived of utopian optimism, as elsewhere - disbelief in humans. But one conclusion is indisputable: "Talent, that's what a hero need. And talent is faith in yourself, its strength ... "

III. The aphoricity of the Language of the play of Gorky.

Teacher. One of the characteristic features of Gorky creativity is aphoristic. It is characteristic of both the author's speech and speech of characters, which is always sharply individual. Many aphorisms of the play "At the bottom", like the aphorisms of "songs" about falcon and petrel, became covered. Recall some of them.

- What characterians are the following aphorisms, gifts, sayings?

a) Noise - death is not a hindrance.

b) such a life that both in the morning got up and for dressing.

c) Wait from the wolf sense.

d) when the work is the duty, life is slavery.

e) No flea is bad: all black, everyone is jumping.

e) old man where heat, there is homeland.

g) all want order, and the mind is shortage.

h) not any - do not listen, but do not bother.

(Bubnov - A, B, F; Luka - D, E; Satin - G, Baron - Z, ash - in.)

- What is the role of aphoristic statements of characters in a speech strict play?

Aphoristic judgments have the greatest importance in the speech of the main "ideologues" of the play - Luke and Bubnov, heroes, whose positions are marked extremely clear. The philosophical dispute, in which each of the heroes of the play occupies its position, is supported by the common folk wisdom expressed in proverbs and sayings.

IV. Creative work.

Write reasoning, expressing its attitude towards the work experience. (Answer to one question about choosing.)

- What is the meaning of the dispute onions and satin?

- Whose side hold the controversy "about the truth"?

- What are the problems raised by M. Gorky in the play "At the bottom", did not leave you indifferent?

When preparing an answer, pay attention to the speech of the characters, on how it helps to reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.


Select an episode for analysis (oral). This will be the topic of your future essay.

1. The story of Luke about "righteous land." (Analysis of the episode from the 3rd act of Plays of Gorky.)

2. Spores of the nightnamons about a person (analysis of the dialogue at the beginning of the 3rd action of the play "At the bottom".)

3. What is the meaning of the final of the play of Gorky "at the bottom"?

4. The appearance of Luke at a bed. (Analysis of the scene from the 1st act of the play.)

] Centrally, early Gorky is proud and strong personality, embodying the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom . Therefore, the sake of Danko sake of people is in one row with a drunkard and thief of the Chelkash, no feats for someone who does not commit. "The strength is virtue," said Nietzsche, and for Gorky, the beauty of a person is strength and a feat even aimless: A strong person has the right to be "on the other side of good and evil", be outside the ethical principles, like a Chelkash, and the feat, from this point of view, is resistance to the overall flow of life.
After a series of romantic works of the 90s, full rebellious ideas, Gorky creates a play, which became the most important link in the entire philosophical and artistic system of the writer - Drama "At the bottom" (1902). Let's see what heroes inhabit the "bottom" and how they live.

II. Conversation on the content of the play "On the bottom"
- How is the place of action in the play?
(The place of action is described in the author's remarks. In the first action it "The basement similar to the cave", "heavy, stone arches, wrapped, with a crumbling stucco". It is important that the writer makes instructions as the scene is illuminated: "From the viewer and top down" The light comes to the bedrooms from the basement window, as if looking for among basement inhabitants - people. Thin partitions are separated by the ashes room.
"Everywhere on the walls - Nara". In addition to Kwashny, Baron and Nastya, who live in the kitchen, there is no one from anyone. Everyone in front of a friend in appearance, a secluded place only on the stove and behind the sieve canopy separating from the other bed of the dying Anna (this is already as if separated from life). Dirt everywhere: "Dirty stente canopy", unpacked and dirty table, benches, stool, wasopted cards, pieces of oil, rags.
Third action It happens in early spring evening on the wasteland, "Torn to different trash and overgrown bungyan courts". Pay attention to the flavor of this place: the dark wall of the barn or stables "Gray, covered with plaster residues" The wall of the night, the red wall of the brick firewall, closing the sky, the reddish light of the setting sun, black bunches without kidneys.
In the fourth setting, significant changes occur: the partitions of the former side of the ashes are broken, the tick anvil disappeared. The action takes place at night, and the light from the outside world is no longer made to the basement - the scene is lit by the lamp, standing in the middle of the table. However, the last "act" of drama is committed still on the wasteland - an actor was gathered there.)

- What kind of people are inhabitants of the night?
(People who dropped to the bottom of life fall into the night. This is the last refinement for Bosia, Marginals, "former people." Here are all social strata of society: a broken nobleman Baron, a dealer of Kostylev, a policeman Medvedev, a locksmith tick, Cartubin Bubnov, Cartswear , Satin Shuler, a prostitute Nastya, the Spot ash. All equalizes the position of the societies of society. It lives very young (Supozhnik Aleshka 20 years old) and the unstable more people (the oldest, Bubnovaya, 45 years old). However, their life is almost over. Dying Anna seems We are old, and it turns out to be 30 years old.
Many at nights even have no names, there were some nicknames, expressively outlining their carriers. It is clear the appearance of quashen dumplings trading, the character of the tick, the gonor of Baron. The actor once wore the surname of crickets-zadunaysky, and now even remembers almost left - "I forgot everything.")

- What is the subject of the image in the play?
(The subject of the image in the drama "On the bottom" is the consciousness of people thrown as a result of deep social processes, on the "bottom" of life).

- What is the conflict of drama?
(Social conflict He has several levels in the play. Clearly marked social poles: on one - the Kostylev's main attendant and supporting his power Police Medvedev, on the other - essentially dysfunctional at night. Thus, obvious conflict between the authorities and deprived of the rights of people. This conflict is almost not evolving, because Kostylev and Medvedev are not so far from the inhabitants of the night.
Each of the bedrooms survived in the past his social conflict As a result of which it turned out to be in a humiliating position.)
A sharp conflict situation playing in front of the audience is an essential draw of the drama as a kind of literature.

- What led to the dwelling of her inhabitants - Satina, Baron, Tick, Bubnova, actor, Nastya, ash? What is the prehistory of these characters?

(Satin I got "on the bottom" after he served in prison for the murder: "Killed the scoundrel in passing and irritation ... because of his native sister"; Baron broke; Mite Lost work: "I am a working person ... I have been working with small years." Bubnov left home from sin away so as not to kill his wife and her lover, although he himself admits that he "lazy" and also a winding drunk, "would" dug a workshop "; Actor Spretched, "I dug soul ... died"; fate Ash It was predetermined at his birth: "I - Suszoletry - a thief ... All, always told me: the thief of Vaska, the thieves of the son of Vaska!"
More details of others tells about the stages of their fall Baron (the fourth action): "It seems to me that I just changed my life ... And why? I do not understand! He studied - wore a uniform of the noble institute ... And what did he study? I do not remember ... I got married - dressed frak, then - a bathrobe ... And I took a bad wife and - why? I do not understand ... I lived everything that was, - I wore some gray jacket and red-haired pants ... And how was hesitated? I did not notice ... he served in the execution chamber ... Mundir, a cap with Cocardia ... she was crushed out of stateless money, "the Arrest bathrobe was put on me ... Then he dressed here ... And everything ... as in a dream. .. but? This is funny? Each stage of the life of the thirty-taught baron is as if marked with a specific costume. These dressing symbolize a gradual decline in social status, and there is nothing behind these "dressing", life has passed "as in a dream.")

- How is the social conflict interrelated with drama?
(Social conflict has been submitted for the scene, moved into the past, it does not become the basis of a dramatic conflict. We are only observing the result of extranectural conflicts.)

- What kind of conflicts, except social, stand out in the play?
(There is a play in the play traditional love conflict . It is determined by the relationship between Vaska Susili, Vasilisa, the owner of the owner of the night, Kostyleva and Natasha, Sisters Vasilisa.
Exposition of this conflict - The conversation of the nightnails, from which it is clear that Kostylev is looking for his wife to Vasilis, who changes him with Vasili ash.
Tie of this conflict - The appearance at night Natasha, for which the ashes leaves Vasilis.
In the course development of love conflict It becomes clear that relations with Natasha revive the ashes, he wants to leave her and start a new life.
Culmination of conflict It was summed up for the scene: at the end of the third action, we learn from the words of Kwashni that "boiling water the feet was welded" - Vasilisa overturned the samovar and scalded Natasha legs.
Murder of Kostyleva Vaska ashes turns out tragic junction of love conflict. Natasha stops believing ashes: "She is at the same time! Be you cursed! You both…")

- What is the originality of a love conflict?
(Love conflict becomes grand Social Conflict . He shows that anticheloval conditions are crippled man, and even love does not save a person, but leads to the tragedy: To death, injury, murder, Katorga. As a result, one Vasilisa reaches all of its goals: hesitates the former lover of ashes and his sister-rival Natasha, gets rid of the unloved and improving her husband and becomes a single hostess of the night. Vasilisa does not have anything human, and it shows the monstristence of social conditions who dispelled and the inhabitants of the night, and its owners. The nightnits are not directly involved in this conflict, they are only third-party spectators.)

III. Final word of the teacher
The conflict in which all the characters are involved - another kind. Gorky depicts the consciousness of people "bottom". The plot unfolds not so much in external action - in everyday life, as in the dialogues of heroes. Exactly talks of the nightnamons determine development of dramaturgical conflict . The action is translated into the extraction series. It is typical for the genre philosophical drama .
So, the genre of the play can be defined as a socio-philosophical drama .

Additional material for teacher
To record at the beginning of the lesson, you can offer the following dramatic Work Analysis Plan:
1. Time for creating and publishing the play.
2. Place occupied in the work of the playwright.
3. The theme of the play and the reflection of a certain life material in it.
4. Acting faces and their grouping.
5. Conflict of a dramatic work, its originality, the degree of novelty and acute, its deepening.
6. Development of dramatic action and its phase. Exposure, tie, peripetia, climax, junction.
7. Composition of the play. The role and value of each act.
8. Dramatic characters and their connection with action.
9. Speech characteristic of characters. Character connection and words.
10. The role of dialogues and monologues in the play. Word and action.
11. Detection of the author's position. The role of remarks in drama.
12. The genre and species peculiarity of the play. Compliance with the genre by author's preferences and preferences.
13. Comedy (if it is comedy).
14. Tragic flavor (in case of analyzing the tragedy).
15. Plays ratio with the aesthetic positions of the author and his views on the theater. Pieces' purpose for a specific scene.
16. Theatrical interpretation of the drama at the time of its creation and at the subsequent time. The best acting ensembles, outstanding directorial decisions, memorable incarnations of individual roles.
17. Piece and its dramaturgical traditions.

Remove the role of Luke in the play. To write down his statements about people, about life, about the truth, about faith.

Lesson 2. "What you believe - that's." The role of Luke in the drama "On the bottom"
The purpose of the lesson: Create a problem situation and encourage students to express their own point of view on Luke and his life position.
Methodical techniques: Discussion, analytical conversation.

During the classes
I. Analytical conversation

Let us turn to the contribution of the drama and see how the conflict develops here.

- How do the inhabitants of the surgery perceive their position before the appearance of Luke?
(IN exposition We see people, in essence, missed with their humiliating position. The nightnits are sluggish, they are familiar to, and the actor says Satina: "Once you will be completely killed ... to death ..." "And you are a Bolon," Satin snares. "Why?" - Actor is surprised. "Because it is impossible to kill twice."
These words satin show his attitude towards that existence that they all lead in the night. This is not life, they are all dead. It seems that everything is clear.
But the actor's response replica is interesting: "I do not understand ... Why can't?" Perhaps it is the actor who has been in a scene, who is deeper than others understand the horror of the situation. After all, it is he who will end the life of suicide at the end of the plays.)

- What is the point of use Past time In self-characteristic heroes?
(People feel like "Former":
"Satin. I was educated person"(The paradox is that the past time is impossible in this case).
"Bubnov. I'm hot was ».
Bubnov pronounces philosophical centance: "It turns out - outside how to paint yourself, all erased ... all erased, Yes!")

- Who of the characters opposes himself the rest?
(Only one Tick \u200b\u200bdid not accept more With his fate. He separates himself from the rest of the nights: "What are they people? Ravan, Golden Rota ... People! I am a worker ... I look at them ashamed ... I have been working with small years ... you think I will not take out from here? I will get out ... Sadness leather, and get out ... here, wait if my wife dies ... "
The dream of another life is connected with a tick with liberation that the death of his wife will bring him. He does not feel the monstristence of his statement. Yes, and the dream will be imaginary.)

- Which scene is a stronger conflict?
(The concerned conflict is the appearance of Luke. He immediately declares his views on life: "I - all the same! I and Zhulikov respect, in my opinion, not a single flea - not bad: everything is black, everyone is jumping ... so. " And yet: "old man - where is warm, there is a homeland ..."
Luke turns out in the center of the attention of guests: "What an entertaining old-handed old man has led, Natasha ..." - and all the development of the plot is concentrated on it.)

- How does the onion behave with each of the inhabitants of the night?
(Luke quickly finds an approach to the spent room: "I will see for you, brothers, - Your life - Oh! .."
He regrets Aleshka: "Oh, a guy, you confused ...".
He does not respond to rudeness, skillfully bypassing questions unpleasant for him, ready to fit the floor instead of the night.
Luka becomes necessary Anna, regrets her: "Is it possible to throw a person?"
Luka skillfully flattered Medvedev, calling him "Untera", and he immediately caught on this rod.)

- What do we know about Luke?
(About himself onions almost nothing reports, we will only learn: "Mills, therefore, and soft ...")

- How does Luca act on the nights?
(In each of the Outdoor Outdoor, the man sees a man, opens the bright parties, the essence of the personality and it produces coup in life Heroes.
It turns out that a prostitute Nastya dreams of beautiful and bright love;
A spoke actor gets hope for a cure from alcoholism - Luka tells him: "A person - everything can, if only she wanted ...";
The thief of Vaska ash thinks to go to Siberia and start there a new life with Natasha, become a strong owner.
Anne Luka gives consolation: "Nothing, honey! You - Nadya ... So, it means, you will die, and it will be calmly ... I will not have anything else, and you have to be afraid - there is nothing! Silence, calm - lying yourself! "
Luke opens good in every person and instills faith in the best.)

- Leated Luke at night?
(There may be different opinions on this.
Luke disinterestedly trying to help people, donate faith in them in themselves, awaken the best sides of nature.
He sincerely wishes good, shows real ways to achieve a new, better life . After all, caregivers really exist for alcoholics, really Siberia - the "golden side", and not just the place of references and cortics.
About the afterlife, which he manites Anna, the question is more difficult; This is a question of faith and religious beliefs.
What did he lie in? When Luke convinces Nastya that he believes in her feelings, in her love: "If you believe, you had real love ... So she was her! Was! " "He only helps her find strength for life for real, and not fictional love.)

- How do the inhabitants of the surge refer to Luke words?
(Own-harms at first are incredulously belong to the words of Luke: "Why are you doing everything? Luke does not deny this, he answers the question of the question:" And ... what do you really care about ... Think! She, truth, maybe , volat to you ... "
Even on the direct question about God Luke answers evasively: "If you believe - there; You do not believe - no ... What do you believe, then there is ... ")

- What groups can you split the heroes of the play?
(The heroes of the play can be divided into "Believers" and "Unbelievers" .
Anna believes in God, Tatar - in Allah, Nastya - in the "fatal" love, Baron - in his past, possibly invented. The tick is no longer believed in anything, and Bubnov never believed and nothing.)

- What is the sacred meaning of the name "Luka"?
(At the name "Luka" Double meaning: This name reminds evangelist Luka.means "light coloured", and at the same time associated with the word "sly" (Eufemism Words "heck").)

- What is the author's position in relation to Luke?

(The author's position is expressed in the development of the plot.
After leaving Luke everything happens at all exactly how I convinced Luka and how the heroes were counted .
Vaska ash really gets into Siberia, but only on the cautious, for the murder of Kostyleva, and not as a free settler.
The actor who lost faith in herself, in his strength, exactly repeats the fate of the hero of the parable of Luke on righteous land. Luke, told the parable of a person who, who, having blown in the existence of the righteous land, was worn, believes that a person can not be deprived of dreams, hope, even imaginary. Gorky, showing the fate of the actor, assures the reader and the viewer in that it is false hope that can lead a person to suicide .)
Gorky himself wrote about his plan: " The main question I wanted to put, this is what is better, truth or compassion. What you need. Need to bring compassion before using a lie like a bow? This is not a subjective question, but a general philosophical. "

- Gorky opposes not the truth and lies, but the truth and compassion. How justified such opposition?

- What is the meaning of the influence of Luke at the bednings?
(All heroes come out on the fact that Luka instilled in them false hope . But they did not promise them to raise them from the bottom of life, he just showed their own opportunities, showed that there is a way out, and now it all depends on them themselves.)

- How strong is the faith in yourself, awakened by Luka?
(This faith in the minds of the nightnamons did not have time to consolidate, it turned out to be a fragile and unscanned, with the disappearance of Luke Nadezhda goes out)

- What is the reason for the rapid fading of faith?
(Maybe case in the weakness of the heroes themselves , in their inability and reluctance to make at least something for the implementation of new plans. Dissatisfaction with reality, sharply negative attitude towards it are combined with complete negotiation to do anything to change this reality in order to change this reality.)

- How does Luca explain the failures of the life of the nights?
(Luka explains failures of the life of the night trucks by external circumstances , it does not blame the heroes themselves in a failed life. Therefore, she rushed to him so much and so disappointed, having lost the external support with the leaving of Luke.)

II. Final word of the teacher
Gorky does not accept passive consciousness, the ideologist of which he considers Luka.
According to the writer, it it can only reconcile a person with the outside world, but will not make him change this world.
Although the bitter does not accept the position of Luke, this image seems to be out of the author's control.
According to the memories of I. M. Moskvina, in the statement of 1902, Luka appeared as a noble comforter, almost the Savior of many desperate inhabitants of the night. Some critics were seen in Luke "Danko, to whom only real features", "the expressant of the highest truth," found elements of the elements of Luke in the verses of Beranta, who shouted the actor:
Lord! If the holy truth is
The world does not know how to find the road -
Honor madman who will have
Humanity Sleep Golden!
K. S. Stanislavsky, one of the producers of the performance, outlined way "Reduction" Hero. "Luka is cunning", "slyly glanced", "smiling insidiously", "sorely, gently", "it can be seen that it is lying."
Luke - Live image precisely because he is controversial and ambiguous.

Find out how the question is solved about the truth in the play. Find statements of different heroes about the truth.

Lesson 3. The question of the truth in the Drama of Gorky "at the bottom"
The purpose of the lesson:to identify the position of the heroes of the play and the author's position towards the question of the truth.
Methodical techniques: Analytical conversation, discussion.

During the classes
I. Teacher's word

The philosophical question that put the bitter himself: what is better - truth or compassion? The question is, the truth is multifaceted. Each person understands the truth in his own way, having in mind some kind of final, the highest truth. Let's see how true and lies in the Drama "at the bottom".

II. Work with the dictionary
- What do they understand the "truth" heroes of the play?
(Discussion. This is the word multi-valued. We advise you to look into the explanatory dictionary and identify the meanings of the word "truth".

Teacher's comment:
You can highlight two levels of "truth".
One is " private truththat hero defends the hero assures everyone, and above all, in the existence of extraordinary, bright love. Baron - in the existence of his prosperous past. The tick is the truth calls its position, which turned out to be hopeless and after the death of his wife: "There is no work ... There is no strength! Here is true! Rinters ... Needs! I need to frown ... Here it is, the truth! " For Vasilisa "True", the fact that she "tired" by Vaska ashes, the fact that she mocks her sister: "I don't brag - I tell the truth." Such "private" is true at the fact of the fact: it was not.
Another level of "truth", "WORLD" - In the replica Luke. True, Luke and his "lies" are expressed by the formula: "What you believe - that is."

III. Conversation
- Is it necessary at all right?

- position of which character the position of Luke is opposed?
(Luke's position, compromise, consolation, confronts the position of Bubnov .
This is the most gloomy figure in the play. Bubnov enters the dispute implicitly as if talking with himself Supporting a multi-beam (polylog) of the play.
The first act, the scene in the bed of dying Anna:
Natasha (Pluster). You would, tea, now I have received a paradise with her .., because I'm not long ...
Mite. I know ...
Natasha. You know ... I know little, you understand. After all, dying is scary ...
Ash. And here I am not afraid ...
Natasha. How! .. courage ...
Bubnov (whistling). And the threads are rotten ...
This phrase is repeated over the play several times as if

Recently, the story of Holland was held in television news that the temples and churches in this country are becoming unclaimed. People cease to visit the church. And the need for them disappears by itself. Instead of temples, people visit discos, bars, nightclubs. Even monasteries are empty. And immediately are deft businessmen who decided to sell church real estate under these very clubs, discos and bars.

Once we were horrified by the fact that I soldered with the temples of the Bolsheviks. They, too, not all of them exploded. Some of them were used under clubs, houses of culture, hostel, warehouses, elevators and even prisons.

There was no revolution in the West, and militant atheists too. Atheism has not become a state religion there, but what is happening now in Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, and even England, is very vividly reminded by the times of bootiers in the USSR, only with bourgeois raid.

What happened? In the temples and monasteries, the alcoholic altars are squeezed on ancient altars, heavy rock rose under ancient arches. On the walls of the bells, the topworn competitions are carried out. In churches are arranged casinos, nightclubs. In the monasteries of the hostel for emigrants. Where did such a decline from the church come from? Why even Pope somehow said that you need to know the true face of God. Why in the United States, even no sermon can do without comparing anything with dollars, with private property? In sermons talk about anything, only not about the highest and spiritual. We asked to comment on the situation of the spirit of Jesus. What did he tell?

Any religion had its sunset in the history of the Earth. There are many external reasons for this. This is the corruption of people. First of all, the employees of the cult, and forgetting any faith to their interests, rewriting the Scriptures in order to make their divisions with the help of writings, justify their sins. So it was practically with all the ancient religions. But this is not the reason for the fuss of faith, but rather, a consequence of some deeper reason and just a sign of a sunset of religion. No religion would have had a sunset if those who decompose her, they would have earned themselves from society, who worships followers of religions. But this does not happen.

In antique times, when it was alive in the physical body Zeus, who believed in him really felt his God, but when he was removed by the forces of darkness, no one punished in the temples of Zeus and Jupiter. There, too, began to create peculiar clubs, arrange feasts, vakhanalia and orgies. Followers of faith decided that everything was allowed in the world. And if the gods allow fornication and lawlessness even in their temples, then this is not gods. Thus, you need to believe in them. Vera and holiness left and only cynicism remains. So the religion is so dying. If religion dies, it means it is not inert. It turns out that no religion is inexpan on Earth. And what I brought, too.

I believed in the Father's God, said his commandments. I thought that he was a real father and the Creator that the world was so conceived, and that it is only worth forgive and regret that they will change, pray for their enemies, and let them themselves in this ignorant consciousness, their souls who did My father, everyone will ever understand and come to God. But I was bitter and terribly wrong. It turns out that they have no shower at all. And the black demons that are sitting in them, in their physical nature will never be angels and light spirits.

I thought that God-Father was all led that he leads every soul his way that he specially gives her the opportunity to suffer to be cleaned. But the overwhelming majority of the souls are angry from suffering and become black. Rather, that even they do not black, they simply disintegrate, depressed and captive by the artificial essence of the mind and the ego and eaten by the black essences of hell. Their place occupy these essences themselves. The mistake of all religions, including the teachings I gave 2000 years ago, is that God is a higher deity, a cosmic mind, as you say now, Absolute is half a black, half-white. With one hand he creates, another destroys. He has no great plan for the creation and education of the shower. Therefore, he himself creates chaos, in which there is a well-known natural selection where the strongest survives.

And translated into your consciousness, the strongest - this does not mean physically strong. It is also the most dwelled, brazen. One who is not ashamed to take away from one who is weaker. He who thinks only about himself. About how to save your skin at the expense of others and stay with the profit. And they all turn out. It turns out to be deceived and robbed. It turns out to build happiness on someone else's misfortune. It turns out to be in the property of other people's souls and at the same time live in prosperity, without meeting the refusal. It turns out that the world is made for them. Where then is the Divine Justice?

Man begins to look for her at least on the world. Christianity speaks about Divine Justice in the afterlife. But no one needs such justice that will be there. For centuries and millennia, people hoped and believed in this justice, but there was no confirmation of their faith. The crisis of faith has come for a long time. Almost even then, at the very beginning of its origin. Then, when the hierarchs of the church allowed themselves to benefit from religion. Allowed themselves to manage people on behalf of God.

All this means that they were the first to stop believing what they were talking about. After all, if they believed, they would not have dreamed of gaining such sin to rely on religion. And if you did not believe, it means that everything is allowed to them. And from religion turned out to be a solid farce and hypocrisy. Your current time simply has just more exposed the problem. Faith lost not only those who serve in the temples, but also all the others.

The ideology came to the world that every faith - bluff, which is a fairy tale, and the reality is completely different. That this reality is very cruel, which you need to survive in this world as you can be able to do not even betented by the Holy Truths. The world rules pragmatism. Everything is sold and bought. And from all extracted benefit. The so-called "teachers" create sects that are essentially to the business for them. Isn't the church doing the same?

So rebells the human consciousness, even hovering into satanism, mocking over the shrines and temples - thus expresses the protest of cynicism from religion. That is, cynicism is in response to cynicism. The man has already burned in everything. After all, justice does not find anywhere.

What can he think? And the fact that God is not. Or that he forgot about everyone and everything. And truly manages the world of Satan. Either this world does not control this world and chaos reigns in it. What could this condition be given? To complete decay and destruction of civilization.

Unfortunately, the world all these centuries kept on the illusions that there is a higher justice. Without this thought, a person cannot survive, he is weak. And therefore, full responsibility and wine for what is happening falls on those who should provide this justice. That is, the highest strength. It is they who do not show a man that there is justice, do not set everything in places. Those who are mocking, no retribution is given. And clean, the bright souls continue to suffer.

All of us, Teachers, too, lived in illusions, because the image of a powerful and fair Creator considered absolutely indisputable. Because it was believed that everything in the world was arranged correctly and fairly. And under this basic dogma, won everything that happens in the world is bad. Justified evil, suffering. After all, everything is done in the world correctly. We did not decide to say that it is not. After all, if we told it, then no teaching would have built, people would have fallen into despair, and civilization would immediately turn into followers of darkness. We needed to us and the highest hierarchs before learning people to remove injustice from the world themselves, and not justify her, putting her mask piety on her.

At first it was necessary, of course, to us to understand it. And we ourselves were zombid by darkness. Your world is the same as our, the general world, joined a dangerous edge. And from this point there are only two ways. Either chaos, satanism and death of civilization, or salvation, but salvation is not through illusions. Some people are called a comforter. But now I think that it is pretty comforted. Sweet dreams will not help anyone, there is no justice in the world, and it needs to be created so that he does not die.

All religions and teachings are creating an illusory world of well-being. And they talk about the time of your sufferings. And, in fact, atheists were right, calling them opium for the people. But atheism also will not lead anywhere. The dedication itself will not restore it, but will lead to even greater chaos. Therefore, the world either perish or change. And there is still a chance to change. When justice begins to triumph, there will be no religion in its current understanding, there will be no consolation.

Hierarchs will have to change the foundations of the world so that people see it. And then the world will rule without blind faith in illusion, but knowledge. And no one will dare to crush the soul. New knowledge, a new teaching should not be another fairy tale about the bright future and about the paradise gardens. Otherwise, it will again be absorbed by the crisis. Any faith that is not confirmed in reality ever comes the crisis.

Do not expect my second coming with new fairy tales about the future. Only when the world will be corrected, we will be able to give you a new, true doctrine that will not be another lie. Strive to do good deeds, correct yourself. And the laws of the world will be engaged in hierarchs. New knowledge and teaching will come if the world does not perish ...

Kolosyuk Lyubov Leontievna


The purpose of the lesson: to create a problem situation and encourage students to express their own point of view on Luke and his life position.

Methodical techniques: discussion, analytical conversation.

Equipment lesson: Portrait and photos of A.M. Gorky different years.



During the classes.

  1. Analytical conversation.

Let us turn to the contribution of the drama and see how the conflict develops here.

How do the inhabitants of the night take their position before the appearance of Luke?

(In the exposition, we see people, in essence, who humble with their humiliating position. The nightnits are sluggish, are familiar to themselves, and the actor says Satina: "Once you will be completely killed ... to death ..." "And you are a boy," Satin snaps out. "Why ? "- An actor is surprised." Because - you can not kill twice. "These words satin show his attitude to that existence that they all lead in the night. This is not life, they are all dead. It seems everything is clear. But an interesting replica is. Actor: "I do not understand ... Why is it impossible?". Maybe it was the actor who was not once on stage, deeper than others understand the horror of the situation. After all, he will end the life of suicide at the end of the play.)

- What is the meaning of the use of the past time in heroes self-character?

(People feel "former": "Satin. I was an educated person" (the paradox is that the past time is impossible in this case). "Bubnov. I am a shot." Bubnov pronounces philosophical centance: "Outside Do not paint yourself, everything will erase ... all erased, yes! ").

Who among the characters is opposed to the rest?

(Only one tick did not accept more with his fate. He separates himself from the rest of the nights: "What are they people? Rvan, Golden Rota ... People! I am a working person ... I look at them ashamed ... I have been working with small years ... you think I do not break out of here? I will get out ... Sadman's skin, and get out ... Here, wait ... The wife will die ... "The dream of another life is connected with a tick with liberation that will bring him the death of his wife. He does not feel the monstristence of his statement. Yes, and the dream will be imaginary. )

What scene is the stronger conflict?

(Book conflict is the appearance of Luke. He immediately declares his views on life: "I don't care! I and Zhulikov respect, in my opinion, not a single flea is not bad: all black, everyone is jumping ... so that." And Another: "An old man - where warm, there is a homeland ..." Luke turns out to be in the center of the attention of guests: "What an entertaining old old man has led Natasha ..." - and all the development of the plot is concentrated on it.)

How does the onions act on the bednings?

(Luke quickly finds an approach to the spent room: "I will see for you, brothers, - Your life - oh! ...". He regrets Aleshka: "Oh, the guy, you confused ..." He does not answer rudeness, skillfully Using unpleasant questions, ready to fit the floor instead of the nightnamons. Luke becomes needed by Anna, it regrets her: "Is it possible to throw a person with a person?" Luke skillfully flashes Medvedev, calling him "Untera", and he immediately caught this fishing rod.)

What do we know about Luke?

(About himself onions practically nothing reports, we will only learn: "Mills are a lot, because of soft ...".)

What does Luke say to each of the inhabitants of the night?

(In each of them, Luke sees a man, opens the bright parties, the essence of the person, and it produces a coup in the life of heroes. It turns out that the prostitute Nastya dreams of beautiful and light love; Spoken actor gets hope for a cure from alcoholism; the thief of the ashes wonders In Siberia and start there a new life with Natalia, to become a strong owner. Anna Luka gives consolation: "Nothing will not need anything else, and it is not necessary to be afraid - there is nothing! Silence, peace - lying on myself!" Luka opens a good and instill in every man. faith in the best.)

Does the nightnings of Luke blocked?

(Online may have different opinions. Luke is unselfishly trying to help people, faith in them in themselves, awaken the best sides of life. He sincerely wants good, shows real ways to achieve a new, better life. After all, there really exist for alcoholics, really Siberia - Golden side, not just the place of references and cautious. As for the afterlife, which he manites Anna, the question is more complicated; this is a question of faith and religious beliefs. What is he lied? When Luke convinces Nastya that he believes in her feelings, in Her love: "If you believe, you had real love ... So she was! Was!" - He only helps her to find strength in herself for life, for real, and not fictional love.)

How do the inhabitants of the night treat Luke?

(Own-harms at first are incredulously belong to his words: "Why are you all lying?" Luke does not deny this, he answers the question to the question: "And ... what do you really need it ... Think! She, truth, maybe , Obuch for you ... ". Even on a direct question about God Luke answers evasively:" If you believe - there is; you do not believe - no ... what you believe, then there is ... ".)

What groups can you split the heroes of the play?

"Believers" "unbelievers"

Anna believes in God. The tick is no longer believed.

Tatar - in Allah. Bubnov never believed and nothing.

Nastya - in fatal love.

Baron - in his past, possibly invented.

What is the sacral meaning of the name "Luka"?

(At the name "Luka" a dual meaning: this name reminds Evangelist Luka, means "light", and at the same time is associated with the word "dear" (damn).)

(The author's position is expressed in the development of the plot. After leaving Luke, everything happens at all at all, as the heroes convinced and how the heroes were calculated. Vaska Sidel really gets into Siberia, but only for the cautious, for the murder of Kostyleva, and not as a free settler. Actor who has lost Faith in Himself, in its strength, exactly the fate of the hero of the parable of Luke on righteous land. Luke, told the parable of a person who, who, having disappeared into the existence of a righteous land, she believed, believes that the person can not be deprived of dreams, hope, even imaginary. Gorky The same, showing the fate of the actor, assures the reader and the viewer in the fact that it is false hope that can lead a person to suicide.)

Gorky himself wrote about his plan: "The main question that I wanted to put is - what is better, truth or compassion. What you need. Need to bring compassion before using a lie like a bow? This is not a subjective question, but a general philosophical. "

Gorky opposes not the truth and lies, but the truth and compassion. How justified such opposition?

(This faith in the minds of the nightnamons did not have time to consolidate, it turned out to be a fragile and unscanned, with the disappearance of Luke Hope goes out.)

What is the reason for rapid fading faith?

(Maybe the case in the weakness of the heroes themselves, in their inability and reluctance to make at least something for the implementation of new plans. Dissatisfaction with reality, sharply negative attitude towards it are combined with full unpreparedness to make it necessary to change this reality in order to change this reality.)

How Luke explains the failures of the life of the nights?

(Luka explains the failures of the life of the nightnamores by external circumstances, does not blame the heroes themselves in a failed life. Therefore, they stretched to him and so disappointed, having lost the external support with Luke's departure.)

Luke is a living image, precisely because he is controversial and ambiguous.

  1. Discussion of the issues of D.Z.

The philosophical question, which put the bitter itself: What is better - truth or compassion? The question of the truth is multifaceted. Each person understands the truth in his own way, having in mind some kind of final, the highest truth. Let's see how true and lies in the Drama "at the bottom".

What do you understand the truth heroes of the play?

(This is the word multi-valued. See dictionary.

You can select two levels of "truth".


Prepare for an essay on the work of M. Gorky.

1. The play of Gorky "At the bottom", written in 1902, portrayed truly existing people - inhabitants of Moscow survivors and shelters, but along with the image of a real society, philosophical and moral questions are put on in it. The topic of faith and challenge can be considered the main humanistic problem of the work. Gorky was always a humanist writer, so it is not surprising that the attitude towards people, respect for the human person, is nominated here to the fore.

2. Is it possible to believe people whose words do not seem true whether a person should trust himself - the Heroes of the Gorky Plays are faced with these questions from the very beginning of its action.

Our experts can check your essay on the criteria

Experts of the site Critica24.ru.
Teachers of leading schools and existing experts from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

"The main thing is talent," the actor says, "and the talent is faith in yourself, in your strength." And these words give a lowered man poisoned by alcohol, who understands that everything is over for him that he lost even his name.

"Why does man love to lie so much? - Lovely asks Bubnov, and even Natasha, the sister of the hostess at night, admits: "I am also inventing. So, I think something happens to something unprecedented ... ". And Nastya retells the content of the novel, representing him of his heroine. The nightnails laugh at her, but she argues with anger that she had real love.

So why a person seeks to embellish his life, hoping for something unusual, issuing the desired for the actual? The question remains unanswered, although the heroes of the play express their opinions. Natasha believes that simply "lies more pleasant to the truth." But the Bubnov, the most "unbelieving" of all the nightnails, suggests that people love to lie to "blush to imagine." However, the wanderer of Luka appeared in the night house expresses more original and the correct idea that the inhabitants of the night are out of attention: "Do not interfere with a person. Not in the Word Case, but why the word is said. "

Indeed, what is happening in the soul in people who, despite all the horrors of the surrounding life, see around something else that they do not notice the surrounding? Faith in a different, more worthy existence is the first step towards changing the real life. Luka understands this and welcomes: for whatever "life" nor a man fell, he always has a chance to improve his position. People must first want to change, a certain ideal of a new life should appear in their consciousness, something that can warm their soul, only then a person is capable of real change. All this we see on the example of the inhabitants of the night.

Let Nastya pour into tears over his non-existent novel - while faith and purity remained in her soul, there is at least a small chance that she will meet love in his life. The most diligent student of Luke is the actor - even before his appearance, he more differently suffers from his fall. A wanderer gives him the hope of becoming another, and it was this support that was so lacking the actor. He unconditionally believes Luke, who tells him about the hospital for alcoholics, and he is the first among all the nightnails doing a real step into the future: "I worked today, Meth Streets, and Vodka - did not drink!"

And to other nightnings, there is an onion with a constant accomplishment: "You - believe!". And people believe him. Vaska ash wants to quit theft and leave Natasha in Siberia, in his soul there are a desire for love and to honest life, and to their own self-esteem. Luka says Natasha: "He is a guy nothing, good! You just remind him of it more often, he will believes you. " And Luke himself in each person from a night-air house sees something good, seeks to put him in the soul faith in herself. "What do you believe, then there is," here is the main commandment of a wanderer Luke, he is sure that only the person is strong. Even dying Anna, in order to facilitate her suffering, he says: "You - believe! With the joy of daisy, without alarming. "

Faith and challenge are becoming the theme of the Starikovsky parable about a person who believed in righteous land. It was difficult for him, but he did not lose the spirit while this faith was alive. But the scientist sage came, he said that there was no such country on the map, and the man went and walked. This is the result of challenge.

It seems that people come correctly, exposing lies and speaking truth. In fact, they destroy hope in man, kill faith, deprive the chance of "not losing the spirit." They do not see the ideal for the "fairy tales", the dream, which he builds in his soul when it is so difficult for him that "even lie and press." Here, the nightnits laugh at the actor, over his desire to return to normal life: everything alone was alone, there is no care. And the actor cums suicide, because only this faith supported him, could help revive.

Luke from the night house, but there is no man who would remain indifferent to his words, to his understanding of life, disappears. Even on Satina, he operated as an acid on an old and dirty coin.

3. Yes, lies are different. Faith is still non-existent, but the best life is also called a lie, but only she is sometimes able to help people who fell into trouble. Not to each person turned with her speeches Old Luka. People like land that can be a yield and fruitless. He put faith in the soul of those who are able to change for the better.