Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich Military Service. "On the data of his five talents, the other five more talents brought

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich Military Service.
Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich Military Service. "On the data of his five talents, the other five more talents brought

    Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich Famous Russian writer, journalist and historian. Born on December 1, 1766 in the Symbirian province; Rose in the village of Father, the Symbir landlord. The first spiritual food of 8 9 year old boy was vintage novels, ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich. Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 1826) Russian historian, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich. Biography as a fruit fruit and life is only sweet before starting wilting. For ... ... Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich - .… … Dictionary of the Russian language of the XVIII century

    Russian writer, publicist and historian. Son of the landowner of the Symbirian province. Education received at home, then in Moscow - in private boarding house (before ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (1766 1826), Rus. Writer, critic, historian. In the early work of L. noticeably some of the influence of sentimentalists, incl. And K. The most interesting material for comparison with the contract. L. contain "secular" Tale K. ("Julia", "sensitive and ... ... Lermontov encyclopedia

    - (1766 1826) Russian historian, writer, honorary member of the St. Petersburg An (1818). Creator of the history of the Russian state (t. 1 12, 1816 29), one of the significant works in Russian historiography. The founder of Russian sentimentalism (... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Request "Karamzin" is redirected here. Cm. Also other values. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin Date of birth: 1 (12) December 1766 Place of birth: Mikhailovka, Russian Empire Date of death: May 22 (June 3) 1826 ... Wikipedia

    Historographer, genus. December 1, 1766, mind. On May 22, 1826, he belonged to the nobility, leading his origin from Tatar Murza, named Kara Murza. The father of his symbirsky landowner, Mikhail Egorovich, served in Orenburg with I. I. Neptyvyev and ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (1766 1826), historian, writer, critic; Honorary member of the St. Petersburg An (1818). The creator of the "Story of the Russian State" (Tom 1 12, 1816 1829), one of the significant works in Russian historiography. The founder of Russian sentimentalism ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich - N.M. Karamzin. Portrait of the work of A.G. Venetianova. Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 1826), Russian Writer, historian. The founder of Russian sentimentalism (letters of the Russian traveler, 1791 95; poor Lisa, 1792, etc.). Editor ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

About the great Russian writer and historian, the author of the famous "history of the Russian state" - Nicolae Mikhailovic Karamzin - we are talking to the doctor of philological sciences, the associate professor of the philological faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Vladimir Leonidovich Korovin.

- Karamzin is a very good writer, classic of our literature, the first Russian classic writer in the field of artistic prose.

Karamzin - the first Russian classic writer in the field of artistic prose

He is the author of the "History of the Russian State", the first in the domestic historiography of generalizing labor, to some extent built on the scientific principles of criticism of sources. During his work, Karamzin introduced a number of old-Russian literary and historical monuments into circulation.

On the other hand, he is called our "last chronicle", and this also makes sense. After all, Karamzin did not claim to know the laws of the historical process and did not bother to give moral assessments to historical figures. That is, on the one hand, the "history" of Karamzin is at the origins of the scientific historiographic tradition of the XIX century, and on the other, this is a bright and not deprived of artistic work, designed to produce on the reader and aesthetic, and moral impact.

His "History" consists of two parts. The first is a coherent story written by the exquisite Karamzinsky language, where bright and memorable images of Russian rulers are given. Their characters in finished form could borrow (and borrowed) later Russian poets, playwrights and prose. And the second part is the notes of Karamzin to the main text where the discussion of controversial issues was issued, the arguments about the sources, etc. From these notes to some extent and Russian historical science grows.

- And when Nikolai Mikhailovich became a conservative?

- He, probably, was always so, to one degree or another. However, the conservative thinker in the full sense of the word Karamzin began at the beginning of the XIX century, at that time, when I published the Journal of Europe and began work on his "history". Conservatism was that he believed that it should be stored that good, which is tested by time, avoiding novelty, always unreliable.

- Any novelty?

- It's when how. In the "note on ancient and new Russia", turning to Alexander I, he writes that time demands from the sovereign wisdom more protective than creative. This is 1811, the eve of the Patriotic War of 1812. Then he thought so, being dissatisfied with the reforms of Alexander I. This is a situational statement, clothed in the form of a general judgment.

- What did Karamzin consider the main guardian principles of Russia?

- During the spelling of the "history of the Russian state" for Karamzin, this beginning was the first to be autocracy. "Russia has been created by the victories of one-chisty, died from the misstate and escaped autocracy." I quote in this case a note about ancient and new Russia, but in the "History", Karamzin shows it on specific examples. "The skill from the spots" is, for example, about the troubled time at the beginning of the XVII century.

The second security start is Orthodoxy, a single faith that Karamzin assesses as a state-creative beginning in Russia. And the third is respect for folk customs, folk pride. From Karamzinskaya "History" will grow later, after his death, the famous chased formula Sergey Semenovich Uvarov: "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality."

- Uvarov read Karamzin?

- Of course, read. All read Karamzin. Uvarov in the young years was a writer-Karamzinist.

- Does Karamzine have this triune formula somewhere in such or similar formulated?

- The point is not that the formula of Uvarov directly grows from the texts of Karamzin. Rather, it can be said that the official ideology of the Nikolaev reign is largely based on the "history" of Karamzin. The expression "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality", taken by itself, sounds like a slogan, but Karamzin has its constituents are filled with meaning - and in his "stories", and in his journalism.

- Why did the creative path of Karamzin begin?

- From Moscow University and from the circle of Moscow Masons of the 1780s. Or earlier - when Karamzin is still a very young man makes a decision to leave military service, which was listed since childhood. From now on, he never served anywhere else.

- Where did he serve before that?

- three years formally stayed in the Guards Transfiguration Regiment, and in fact of the three years of service he was just one year was on vacation, another year - on vacation on the death of his father, and then on vacation - for illness, and after that came out resignation.

Karamzin chooses the path of the writer. He deliberately avoids work, to devote himself to literature. In the "Bulletin of Europe" in 1802, he will print the article "Why are there few copyright talent in Russia?" Here he will regret that we have in Russia the ranks and titles are more attractive for young people than literary glory. And that we are not enough to be a talented writer in order to "be eligible for a smile of courtesy," you need to have another other: rank, rank, condition. Karamzin is sometimes called the first professional writer, since he was engaged exclusively with literary activities before "history".

So, in the 1780s. It turns out to be in the circle of Moscow Masons, Martinists. The fully owner attends lectures at Moscow University. Karamzin lives at the Menshikova Tower in a curve-colored alley, purchased by Masons for students of a friendly scientist at Moscow University, but it develops, in general, quite independently. Young Karamzin begins as a translator, and chooses the texts for translations. His interests were not addressed not to France and not to French literature, but to the literature of German, mostly Swiss (German-speaking). His first published literary experiments - the translation of the idylly of Geesner "Wooden Leg" and the didactic poem of Galler "On the origin of evil". Together with his friend, Alexander Petrov Karamzin became the publisher of the first children's journal "Children's reading for the heart and mind." The founder of this journal was Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov, and Karamzin and Petrov were editors hired by Novikov.

- When did this magazine come out?

- From 1785 to 1788th, Karamzin and Petrov were edited since 1786. Karamzin published his translations and some original writings.

The mature creativity of Karamzin begins with his European travel in 1789-1790.

Mature Creativity Karamzin begins with his European travel in 1789-1790

Everything, probably, know His "Letters of the Russian Traveler". Karamzin's European journey lasted 18 months. He travels at his own expense by selling his own brother half of his half of his father's estate. Why did he go to Europe - the question is interesting and important. I will not retell all versions, but I think the chief motive to go on the journey was the intention to write a book about this journey. It was a literary journey, it was so conceived initially. There were probably other goals, but they were side.

Karamzine travels in a very difficult period of the history of Europe: this is the beginning of the French revolution. On the road, he learns about the taking of Bastille. For 18 months, he drives through Germany, Switzerland, France, then comes to England, and from there by the sea returns to St. Petersburg. For a person who seeks to see new places, the chronicle of his journey looks strange. From 18 months he is almost 8 months old sits in Geneva. Some researchers did this for the idea that the route of his journey known to us by Karamzin is somewhat falsified. But there is another, more believable, in my opinion, an explanation. Driving through Germany and Switzerland, Karamzin led the detailed diaries and then in Geneva on the basis of these diaries began writing his book. That is, in Geneva, he was doing precisely that for what he went on a journey. When he returned to Russia and began to publish the Moscow Journal in 1791, he was already ready for the first half of the "Letters of the Russian Traveler", covering the route in Germany and Switzerland. Sections of the book, which describes the journey in France and England, will be written later, and fully the book will be published only in 1801.

During the 1790s, partly because of the news about the horrors of the revolutionary terror in France, the political views of Karamzin have changed somewhat. He always experienced sympathy for the Republican device, even when defended autocracy. But he proceeded from the ideas of the French philosopher-enlightener Montesquieu that the monarchy is more reliable than the republic, because the republic is successful only where citizens are virtuous, and the monarchy does not require "extremes" people, that is, virtues, so monarchical states are capable of " To rise on the degree of morality, in which the republic falls. " Karamzine belongs to the phrase recorded by Pushkin: "I heart I am a republican, but the mind of the monarchist." The same thing in his story "Marfa Posadanny", where Novgorod faces, symbolizing the republic, and autocratic Moscow. The action takes place during Ivan III.

Karamzin belongs to the phrase: "I heart I am a Republican, but the mind of the monarchist"

The narrator seemed to be a contemporary event, a person of the XV century, and the publisher, Karamzin, writes about him that he is clearly devoted to the Moscow autocracy, but at the time of the "Blood Novgorod playing in it."

"The monarchical board can rise to the degree of morality, in which the republics fall"

- How did he belong to the political structure of various Western European countries?

- Karamzin and during its European journey, and later was a man, vividly interested in political issues. His "letters of the Russian traveler" are a kind of political overview of Europe at a certain period of its history. This is one of the parties to the content of this wonderful book. Driving through German states, it shows the features of the monarchy. Switzerland, by Karamzin, is a republic based on universal self-restriction for the sake of common good, on a kind of forced collective virtue. England is not formally republic, but Karamzin considers it as a republic, where everything is built on personal freedom. In Switzerland, you can not decorate the facades of houses, you can not ride in caters and wearing fur. Women can not wear jewels and generally expose their wealth at all. In England, the most nagged luxury is adjacent to the ugly poverty. London's streets are full of criminals, the history of England is replete with villains. The British has trade honesty, family connections, but in all this is "subtle egoism". Switzerland also seen from Russia to him by some ideal state, in which simplicity, modesty, equality, collectivism reigns. In the book, he notes that in Zurich "wise ... The legislators knew that luxury was the coffin of liberty and good morals, they tried to burn her entrance to their republic." However, he immediately notes that all this is already in the past, which, in Switzerland, democracy is reborn into the oligarchy.

However, it is interesting that Karamzine sympathizes to a certain extent and English "Egoism".

- What and why?

- He does not like the limitations of Swiss. In the "letters of the Russian traveler" there are, for example, such an episode. A certain Englishman in Geneva entered a love relationship with one city and drove on a date to her on horseback. Heavymen is stopped and they say that it is impossible to ride a horse. "Why?" - Asks Englishman. "We have such laws," they say. "Why do you have such laws?" - Asks Englishman. Genevtsy does not answer the question, but only they say that they have such laws. The Englishman exclaims: "I wanted to do with your laws!" Genevtsians are angry and trying to pull him with a horse, the Englishman comes into rabies and begins with the hooves of his horse to pull out flower flower beds, after which it is still painted from the horse and put in prison, from where his beloved frees herself. The sympathy of Karamzin here, rather, on the side of the Englishman who does not want to put up with the laws, which he does not understand and the meaning of which he does not want to explain or cannot.

- The Englishman behaves like this, because he is a rich tourist, a kind of colonizer?

- No, the Englishman is just a tourist, a traveler, no colonizer in this case. Karamzin faces two approaches to life. On the one hand, a society requiring an individual of self-limiting for the sake of common good, and on the other hand, an individual who does not recognize external restrictions and protecting its rights. About the British He says that they "in moral sense grow as wild oaks, by the will of fate, and although all the kind, but everyone is different; And the Fielding remained not to invent the characters for their novels, but only notice and describe "(Fielding - English novelist of the XVIII century).

The variety and originality of the characters Karamzin appreciates no less, or even more than the society of virtuous, but the same people.

And between the two these species of "republics" is France, where the monarchy has just fallen and through which Karamzine is passing. The worst thing in it is invincible. This is just the 1790th year, far away to Terror. The first thing that strikes the traveler at the entrance to France is the fact that in the restaurants among cutlery do not serve knives. It is asked why? Yes, because it is not necessary - every knife is with you, without knives, no one just goes here. Or another episode, quoting Karamzin:

"In one small place we found the great confluence of the people. "What are you doing?" - I asked. - "Your neighbor, Andrei, - a young woman answered me, - a tavern in the sign of the" cross, "said yesterday in drunkenness to the whole light that he spits on a nation. All patriots were excited and wanted to hang him, however, they finally dyed, they gave him to sleep and forced him now in public, in the church, kneeling, to ask for forgiveness from the merciful Lord. " "I'm sorry for me poor Andrew!" - Concloses Karamzin.

Or another episode:

"In one village, near Paris, the peasants stopped the young, well-dressed man and demanded that he shouting with them:" Vive La Nation! " - "Long live a nation!" The young man performed their will, waving his hat and shouted: "Vive La Nation!" "Okay! Okay! - they said. - We are glad. You are a good French; Go where you want. No, wait: I explain to us before, what ... Nation? ""

In general, Karamzin conservatism arises from a pessimistic view of a person and human society

In general, Karamzin monarchism and conservatism arises from a pessimistic view of a person and human society. After all, in his opinion, the monarchy why preferable? I will give his entire statement from a small note "Fall Switzerland", written 10 years after the trip:

"Folk virtues<...>, like people, cut off their century in states; And without a high folk virtue, the republic can not stand. That is why the monarchical board is much happier and more reliable: it does not require citizens of extremes and can rise on the degree of morality on which the republic falls. "

First Russian historian

- How is he becoming the first and chief Russian historian, who asked the paradigm of Russian history?

"Pushkin called him" Columbus of Ancient Russian History. " Interest in history (as well as to politics) was always peculiar to Karamzin, and he was preparing for writing his "history" for a long time. However, it began to take this grand work only in 1803, when he turned 37 years old. By this time, he is already one of the leading Russian writers and succeeding journalist. He has a lot of imitators and followers. And so, being on top of success, founding the Journal of Europe Journal, he suddenly leaves everything, ceases to be a writer and becomes a historian.

At that time he had no vocational education, nor knowledge of the necessary languages, no ability to work with manuscripts. All these skills it will acquire during the work. And from now on, from 1803, the life of Karamzin is a permanent, methodical, many years of work. The first volumes of "History" will be released only in 1818. After parting in 1803, with literary creativity, he almost does not print as much as 16 years. For a writer and a journalist who constantly wrote and spoke in print, practically silenced for 16 years - it is very unusual.

Being on top of success, he suddenly leaves everything and becomes a historian

Pushkin called it a "honest person", he admired Karamzin, who at the age when "for ordinary people, the circle of education and knowledge has long been completed and the troubles in the service replace efforts in enlightenment," suddenly it is taken for a completely new business, it becomes new For yourself, "extensive scholarship". This Pushkin delights, he may, maybe, he himself would follow, but at this age - in 37 years old - killed.

However, Karamzin could not work on the "story" if there were not some favorable external circumstances. In 1803, through the mediation of Mikhail Nikitich Muravyeva, he presented his project to Emperor Alexander I, and he was appointed court historic. Neither before, nor after this post no one had anymore. It was done so that Karamzin could receive salary and work calmly. And until the end of his life will work on his "story".

Karamzin's conservatism - from a skeptical view of a person's life

"But how did he come to this decision?"

- Because Karamzin was interested in human soul. His story was not interested in the point of view of the knowledge of her patterns or curiosity to the bloody incidents, and to be inserted in the path of providence and extract moral lessons from there. When the first volumes of "History" come from print, and in 1819, they will escape the members of the Russian Academy in 1819, he will tell the speech in which he will say:

"For that, it is formed, in order whether the powers are attracted on the globe, so that the only amazing of us is a formidable colossusion force and his sonorous fall; So that one, lowering the other, through a few centuries extensive, the grave served instead of the foot of the new Power, which will fall inevitably in twread? Not! And our life and the life of the empires should promote the disclosure of the great abilities of the human soul; Here everything is for the soul, everything is for the mind and feelings; All immortality in their successes! "

These words - "Here everything for the soul" - then considered as the motto of Karamzin and people, spiritually close to him.

As a writer, as the thinker Karamzin tried to avoid extremes, was very tolerated to someone else's opinions and misconceptions, did not like the disputes, generally preferred to be aside from the literary controversy of his time. In his "Moscow Journal" in 1791, he started a permanent department of literary criticism, but after 10 years, in the journal "Journal of Europe", refused him, explaining this by the fact that there is no need to write criticism because we have little writers. If a young author publishes a book, and the critic will praise him, he can throw his occupation. And who will be profit from this?

"We have to revive and nourish - welcome the Slavolombie, not to get it, for it leads to the glory, and the author's glory belongs to Fatherland."

So writes Karamzin and makes a practical conclusion: "Where there is no subject for praise, let's say everything - silence."

Karamzine has a pretty skeptical view of a person, hence in many ways and its conservatism. He has a poem "Message to Dmitriev in response to his poems, in which he complains about the guise of happy youth." We read the following:

But time, the experience is destroyed
Air castle of young years;

Craces, magic disappear ...
Now I see the light, -

And I see it clear that with Plato
Republics do not establish

With Pittak, Fales, Zeno
Hearts cruel not soften.

Oh! evil under the sun endlessly
And people will be - people forever.

Let the thunder the sky shook
Villains weak oppress

Madmen praise your mind!
A friend of mine! We are not marina.

We did not inhibit weak here
And everyone's mind, good desired:

We do not have black hearts!
And so without trepidation and fear

We can expect the end
And lie down in the coffin, the dwelling of the dwelling.

Is it not true, is it not the most optimistic view of human life? With the philosophy of optimism, with a leibinian and his followers, Karamzin specially elevenized in some articles and stated that "the local world remains patience in the school," but we are not forever to be in this world. The human ideal of Karamzin was the sage and the righteous, who "body on earth, but with a heart in heaven" (the poem "Experienced Solomonova wisdom, or thoughts chosen from Ecclesiast").

- How did Karamzin refer to Orthodoxy?

- Of course, he belonged to the Orthodox Church, but did not specifically spoke on theological issues. In his time it was believed that this was not like a secular writer. Masons were engaged in a secular sorry, with which Karamzin was still in his youth and to whose activities were skeptical, calling their classes "theosophical dreams". Christianity, he apparently understood, first of all, as a refined moral teaching and sympathy led the statement of one German author with sympathy: "Everybody is in me in me," I owe everything to Christianity. "

In state life, as he believed, it is impossible to fulfill Christian commandments

By Karamzin, Christianity is the "secret union of the soul with God", the personal matter of every person. In political, in public life, as he believed, it is impossible to fulfill Christian commandments. Chatting with Alexander I and trying to talk him, he said that he could not king, if they attacked his country, substitute the other cheek that the laws of politics with the coming of Christ did not change that the duty of the king was to defend their subjects. In the article "On love for the Fatherland and People's Pride", he says that we are too humble in opinions about our folk merits, and humility in politics is harmful. Karamzin, of course, a Christian, and in his judgments about the inapplicability of Christian principles in politics hears bitter disappointment in political life as such. What does not cancel the need to deal with those who are called over to this, that is, the kings. As a political thinker and historian, he ultimately relies on Divine Providence:

"Consider, my friends, bring ourselves to the power of providence: it, of course, has its own plan; In his hand of the heart of the sovereign - and pretty. "

"Why does his" note about the ancient and new Russia "continue to be a relevant monument of the history of Russian thought?

- "Note about ancient and new Russia" - text that is not intended for caramazine for printing, and written personally for Emperor Alexander I. He handed this note through the great princess Catherine Pavlovna, the sister of the emperor. In it, Karamzin was much more frank than could afford in the printed text. Karamzin was the most terrible financially and said that it was not to be surprised not to be surprised that somewhere there are some disorder, but to surprise that at least somewhere there is at least some order.

In this note, Karamzin gave a compressed essay of all Russian history, up to the modern Russia. In the "Story of the Russian State" story was brought to troubled time. And in the "note" there were his judgments about the XVIII century, and a sharp criticism of the reforms of Alexander I. It is here that Karamzin writes that time requires now from the sovereign "more wisdom of the guard, rather than creative." Here he criticizes Peter the Great, who "limited his transformation by the nobility", as a result of which "the higher degrees separated from the lower, and the Russian farmer, the tradesman, the merchant saw the Germans in Russian nobles, to the harm of the fraternal, public unity of state states."

"Russian clothing, food, beard did not interfere with the institution of schools," Karamzin really notices.

Peter's mistakes, he also considered the transfer of the capital to St. Petersburg, on the outskirts of the state, and church reform, the abolition of the patriarchate, because the subordination of the spiritual power of secular leads to the idea that this spiritual power is not needed at all. By Karamzin,

"The spiritual power must have a special circle of action outside of civil authorities, but to act in close union with her."

However, Karamzin thought not as some later Slavophiles, he was not at all an outward loan of Peter and his transformations, but he tried to extract lessons from the history for the active monarch, for Alexander I. He tried to show how to act and how not. Let me remind you that the dedication to the "Russian State History" Karamzin will complete the famous transaction: "The history of the people belongs to the king."

- What was the attitude of Karamzin to the Decembrists?

- Karamzin was an eyewitness of the French revolution, its initial stage. And, judging by the "letters of the Russian traveler," then he perceived it at all at all enthusiastically. Latest, obtained in Russia, the news of the revolutionary terror in France led Karamzin to complete disappointment in violent public transformations. He then repeatedly repeated: "Each reinforcement is preparing a scaffold" and
"Cashlessly worse than any power."

The uprising on December 14, 1825, of course, caused him an association with the French revolution. In addition, just then he worked on the history of troubled time in Russia at the beginning of the XVII century. The rebellion of him was terrible, because in his mind immediately, terrible historical analogies arose. On the day of the uprising, he was next to the Senate Square and later recognized: "My soul is the alkalis of cannon thunder." That is, he, a kind, tolerant, not at all the militant writer, wished to shoot the races from the guns. But when the uprising was suppressed, Karamzin tried to interfere with these so-called "Decembrists", saying that the "delusions and crimes of these young people are the election and crime of our century."

Karamzin occupied a very high position by the time. It was he who first was entrusted to write a manifesto at the adoption of the throne of Nikolai I. He wrote him, but the text was eventually rewritten by Speransky, and Karamzin retained his text of the manifesto with his comments for the offspring. Soon after that, he died peacefully and quietly. He was 60 years old. Nicholas I said that "Karamzin died as an angel."

Karamzin not only as a writer and the author of the "Story of the Russian State" had a huge impact on his contemporaries. He and as an identity was a kind of moral benchmark - first of all for the Pushkin circle of writers, including such representatives of this circle as Gogol. The last in his "selected places from correspondence with friends" dedicated to Karamzin special chapter. For Gogol, he is a writer "with a landscaped soul", "with the purest desire of good," an independent and truthful, but I could say that everyone, even dismissed with him, listened to him "with love." I think in conclusion it is worth bringing this Gogol characteristic of Karamzin. Here are the words of Gogol about him:

"Karamzin presents, for sure, the phenomenon is extraordinary. That's the com from our writers, we can say that he fulfilled the debt, did not cut anything to the ground and the five talents had truly brought the other five. Karamzine The first showed that the writer can be independent with us and Maison, as well as a named citizen in the state. He first announced the solemnly that the writer could not argue censorship, and if he was fulfilled by the cleanest desire of good to such an extent that the desire was herself, took all his soul, became his flesh and food, then no censorship for him is not strict, and he is everywhere Spaciously, he said that and proved. No one, apart from Karamzin, did not say so boldly and noble, without hiding any of his opinions and thoughts, although they did not fit in all the then government, and hear unwittingly that he had one right. What a lesson to our brother writer!<...> Have such a clean, such a well-maintained soul, which Karamzin had, and then heralding his truth: all of you will listen, starting from the king to the last beggar in the state. And hears with love with such a parliamentary defender of rights, nor the best current preacher who collects the top of fashion society, and with just one wonderful Russia, which is heard, which goes as if he can listen to It does not like the truth at all. "

Nikolay Karamzin - Russian historian, writer, poet and prose. He is the author of the "History of the Russian State" - one of the first summarizing works on the history of Russia written in 12 volumes.

Karamzin is the largest Russian writer of the Epoch of Sentimentalism, nicknamed "Russian Stern".

In addition, he managed to make many important reforms in Russian, as well as introduce dozens of new words to use dozens.

Feeling confidence in your abilities and worsted first success, Nikolai Karamzin begins to actively engage in writing activities. From under his feather, there are many interesting and instructive stories.

Soon Karamzin becomes the head of the Moscow Journal, which publishes works of different writers and poets. Until this time, there was not a single such edition in the Russian Empire.

Works of Karamzin.

It was in the Moscow Journal ", Nikolai Karamzin published the" poor Lisa ", which is considered one of the best works in his biography. After that, from under his pen, the "Aonids", "My Bakery" and "Aglaya" go.

Karamzin was an incredibly workable and talented man. He managed to compose poems, writing reviews and articles, participate in theatrical life, as well as study many historical documents.

Despite the fact that he liked creativity and, he looked at poetry, on the other hand.

Nikolay Karamzin wrote poems in the style of European sentimentalism, thanks to which he became the best Russian poet working in this direction.

In his verses, he first of all paid attention to the spiritual state of a person, and not on his physical shell.

In 1803, a landmark event occurred in Karamzin's biographies: Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, the title of historographer, gave a registered decree of the Emperor; To rank at the same time 2 thousand rubles of annual salary were added.

From that time, Karamzin began to move away from fiction, and began to study historical documents even more diligently, including the most ancient chronicles.

During this period, the biography was constantly offered by various state posts, but except Karamzin did not interest anything.

Then they were written several historical books, which were only a prelude to the main work in his life.

"History of Russian Goverment"

His work was appreciated by all layers of society. Representatives of the elite tried to acquire the "Russian State Status" to get acquainted with a detailed history for the first time in his life.

Meetings with the writer were looking for many prominent people, and the emperor openly admired them. It is worth noting here that as a historian, Nikolai Karamzin was a supporter of an absolute monarchy.

Having received widespread recognition and glory, Karamzin needed silence to continue to work fruitfully. To do this, he was allocated separate accommodation in the royal village, where the historian could engage in its activities in a comfortable environment.

Karamzin's books attracted the reader with clarity and simplicity of presentation of historical events. Describing those or other facts, he did not forget about beauty.

Proceedings of Karamzin

For his biography, Nikolai Karamzin fulfilled many translations, among which was the work of Julius Caesar. However, in this direction he worked for a short time.

It costs to notice that Karamzin managed to radically change the Russian literary language. First of all, the writer sought to get rid of outdated church-Slavic words, as well as modify grammar.

As the basis for its transformations, Karamzin took the syntax and grammar of the French language.

The result of the reforms of Karamzin was the emergence of new words that are still used in everyday life. Here is a brief list of words introduced into the Russian language Karamzin:

Without these and other words, today it is already difficult to submit modern Russian language.

The fact is interesting that it is thanks to the efforts of Nikolai Karamzin, in our alphabet the letter "E" appeared. At the same time, it should be recognized that it's not everyone liked his reforms.

Many criticized him and tried to do everything possible to keep the "old" language.

However, soon Karamzin was elected by a member of the Russian and Imperial Academy of Sciences, thus recognizing his merits to the Fatherland.

Personal life

In the biography of Karamzin there were two women in which he was married. His spouse became Elizabeth Protasov.

She was a very competent and appearance of a girl, but often sick. In 1802, a year after the wedding, Sofia daughter was born.

Ekaterina Andreevna Kolyvanova, the second wife of Karamzin

After childbirth, Elizabeth began to progress the hot, from which she later died. A number of biographers believe that the story "Poor Lisa" was written in honor of Protasovoy.

Interesting the fact that the daughter of Karamzin Sofia was friends with and.

The second wife of Karamzin became Ekaterina Kolyvanov, who was the extramarital daughter of Prince Vyazemsky.

In this marriage they had 9 children, three of whom were died in childhood.

Some of the children have reached certain heights in life.

For example, the son Vladimir was a very witty and promising careerist. Later he became a senator at the Ministry of Justice.

Karamzin's youngest daughter, Elizabeth, was never married, although he had a great mind and was an extremely goody girl.

I buried Karamzin at the Tikhvin Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Photo of Karamzin

At the end you can see some of the most famous portraits of Karamzin. All are made from paintings, and not from nature.

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N Ikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - the Great Russian writer, the largest writer of the Epoch of Sentimentalism. He wrote art prose, lyrics, plays, articles. Reformer of the Russian literary language. The creator of the "history of the Russian state" is one of the first fundamental work on the history of Russia.

"Loved to be sad, not knowing what ..."

Karamzin was born 1 (12) DECEMBER 1766 in the village of Mikhaylovka Buzuluk County of the Symbirian province. Rose in the village of Father, the hereditary nobleman. Interestingly, Karamzin has Turkic roots and comes from Tatar Kara-Murza (aristocratic estate).

About the childhood writer knows a bit. At the age of 12, he is sent to Moscow to the House of Professor Moscow University of Johann Shaden, where a young man receives the first education, studies German and French. After three years later, he begins to attend the lectures of the famous professor aesthetics, Enlightener Ivan Schwartz at Moscow University.

In 1783, at the insistence of Father, Karamzin enters the service to the Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment, but soon coming to resign and leaves for his native symbirsk. In Symbirsk there is an important event for young Karamzin - it enters the Masonic Loop "Golden Crown". This decision will play a little later when Karamzine returns to Moscow and will come down with an old familiar home - Mason Ivan Turgenev, as well as writers and writers Nikolai Novikov, Alexey Kutuzov, Alexander Petrov. At the same time, the first attempts of Karamzin in literature begins - he participates in the publication of the first Russian magazine for children - "Children's reading for the heart and mind." Four years, held in the society of Moscow Masons, had a serious impact on his creative development. At this time, Karamzin reads a lot popularly Rousseau, Stern, Gerder, Shakespeare, try to translate.

"The formation of Karamzin, not only the author, but also moral" began in the circle of Novikov.

Writer I.I. Dmitriev

Man of feather and thought

In 1789, a break with Masons, and Karamzin goes to travel through Europe. He traveled Germany, Switzerland, France and England, stopping mainly in large cities, European Enlightenment Centers. Karamzin visits Immanuel Kant in Königsberg, becomes a witness to the Great French Revolution in Paris.

It is according to the results of this trip that he writes the famous "letters of the Russian traveler." These essays in the genre of documentary prose quickly gained popularity from the reader and made Karamzin famous and fashionable writers. At the same time, in Moscow, from under the feather of the writer, a story "Poor Lisa" appears - a recognized sample of Russian sentimental literature. Many literary specialists believe that modern Russian literature begins with these first books.

"In the initial period of his literary activity, Karamzin was characterized by a wide and politically fairly uncertain" cultural optimism ", faith in the saving influence of cultural success per person and society. Karamzin relied on the progress of sciences, peaceful improvement of the morals. He believed in the painless exercise of the ideals of the fraternity and humanity, which permeated the literature of the XVIII century as a whole. "

Yu.M. Lotman.

As opposed to classicism with his cult of mind, in the footsteps of French writers, Karamzin argues the cult of feelings, sensitivity, compassion in Russian literature. New "sentimental" characters are important first of all the ability to love, surrender. "Oh! I love those items that touch my heart and make me shed tears of tender grief! " ("Poor Lisa").

"Poor Lisa" is deprived of morality, didactism, asked, the author does not say, but trying to call the reader to empathize with the heroes, which distinguishes the tale from the previous traditions of classicism.

"Poor Lisa" is because he was adopted by the Russian public with such a delight that in this work Karamzin the first one has expressed the "new word", which the Germans said to Goethe in his "vertier".

Philologist, literary critic V.V. Sipovsky

Nikolay Karamzin on the Millennium of Russia monument in Veliky Novgorod. Sculptors Mikhail Mikeshin, Ivan Schroeder. Architect Viktor Gartman. 1862.

Giovanni Battista Damon-Ortolani. Portrait of N.M. Karamzin. 1805. GMII them. A.S. Pushkin

Monument to Nikolay Karamzin in Ulyanovsk. Sculptor Samuel Galberg. 1845.

At the same time, the reform of the literary language begins - Karamzin refuses the eldersmates that inhabited the written language, Lomonosov's high polity, from the use of church Slavic vocabulary and grammar. It made the "poor Lisa" with a light and pleasant story for reading. It was the sentimentalism of Karamzin that became the foundation for the development of further Russian literature: Romanticism of Zhukovsky and Early Pushkin was repelled.

"Karamzin made Literature humane."

A.I. Herzmen

One of the most important merits of Karamzin - enrichment of the literary language with new words: "Charity", "Love", "Freeness", "Sightseeing", "Responsibility", "Suspiciousness", "refinement", "first-class", "human", "sidewalk "," Kucher "," impression "and" influence "," touching "and" entertaining ". It was he who introduced the word "industry", "focus", "moral", "aesthetic", "epoch", "scene", "harmony", "catastrophe", "future" and others.

"Professional writer, one of the first in Russia who had the courage to make literary work the source of existence, above all the independence of his own opinion."

Yu.M. Lotman.

In 1791, the activities of Karamzin-journalist begins. It becomes an important milestone in the history of Russian literature - Karamzin is based on the first Russian literary magazine, the founder of the current "thick" magazines - "Moscow Journal". On his pages there are a number of collections and almanacs: "Aglaya", "Aonids", "Pantheon of Foreign Literature", "My Trucks." These publications made sentimentalism the main literary flow in Russia of the late XIX century, and Karamzin is his recognized leader.

But soon it follows the deep disappointment of Karamzin in previous values. A year after the arrest of Novikov, the magazine is closed, after the bold Karamzinskaya OD "To the grace" of the grace of the "strong world", Karamzin himself is deprived of the mercy, hardly hitting the investigation.

"Docci citizen is deceased, without fear can fall asleep, and all your subject to highly thinking life is to have; ... Doccies everyone gives freedom and light not dark in the minds; The doctoral of attorney to the people is visible in all your matters: Dotole will be holy honorable ... The calm of your power can not be disturbed. "

N.M. Karamzin. "To the grace"

Most of the 1793-1795 Karamzin spends in the village and produces collections: "Aglaya", "Aonids" (1796). He wonders to publish something in the childbirth of the Foreign Literature "Pantheon of Foreign Literature", but with great difficulty makes its way through the censorship prohibitions, not allowed to print even demosphen and cicero ...

Disappointment in the French revolution Karamzin splashes in verses:

But time, the experience is destroyed
Air castle of young years ...
... And I see it clear that with Plato
The republics do not establish us ...

During these years, Karamzin is increasingly moving from lyrics and prose to journalism and the development of philosophical ideas. Even the "historical commendable word Empress Catherine II", compiled by Karamzin at the end of the throne of Emperor Alexander I - mainly journalism. In 1801-1802, Karamzin operates in the journal "Journal of Europe", where it writes basically an article. In practice, his passion for enlightenment and philosophy is expressed in writing works on historical topics, more and more creating a famous writer the authority of the historian.

First and last historic

By decree of October 31, 1803, Emperor Alexander I gives Nikolai Karamzin the title of historian. Interestingly, the title of historographer in Russia after the death of Karamzin was not renewed.

From that moment on, Karamzin ceases every literary work and for 22 years is engaged solely by the preparation of historical work, familiar to us as the "history of the Russian state".

Alexey Venetsian. Portrait of N.M. Karamzin. 1828. GMII them. A.S. Pushkin

Karamzin puts a task to make a story for a broad educated public, not to be a researcher, but "Choose, linked, paint" everything "Attractive, strong, decent" From Russian history. An important point - work should be designed for a foreign reader to open Russia Europe.

In the work of Karamzin enjoyed materials from the Moscow Board of Foreign Affairs (especially spiritual and contractual diplomas of princes, and acts of diplomatic relations), synodalist repository, libraries of the Volokolamsky Monastery and Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, private collections of Musina-Pushkin's manuscripts, Rumyantsev and A.I. Turgenev, who made a collection of documents of the Papal archive, as well as many other sources. An important part of the work was the study of the ancient chronicles. In particular, Karamzin discovered the previously unknown science in the chronicle called Ipatievsky.

During the years of work on the "story ...", Karamzin lived in Moscow, from where I went out only in Tver and Nizhny Novgorod, at the time of Moscow's classes by the French in 1812. Summerly spent in Ostafyev, the estate of Prince Andrei Ivanovich Vyazemsky. In 1804, Karamzin married the daughter of Prince, Ekaterina Andreevna, who gave birth to the writer of nine children. She became the second wife of the writer. For the first time, the writer married at 35 years, in 1801 at Elizabeth Ivanovna Protasova, who died a year after the wedding from the postpartum heating. From the first marriage, Karamzin remained the daughter of Sophia, the future familiar Pushkin and Lermontov.

The main social event of the life of the writer during these years was the "note of the ancient and new Russia in its political and civil relations", written in 1811. In the "note ..." reflected the views of the conservative layers of society, dissatisfied with the liberal reforms of the emperor. "Possed ..." was transferred to the emperor. In it, once liberal and "Western", as they would say now, Karamzin appears as a conservative and is trying to prove that no fundamental transformations in the country do not need.

And in February 1818, Karamzin produces the first eight volumes of its "history of the Russian state" on sale. A circulation of 3000 copies (huge for that time) is sold within a month.

A.S. Pushkin

The "history of the Russian state" was the first labor oriented on the widest reader, due to the high literary advantages and scientific scrupulsiness of the author. Researchers agree that this work is one of the first to contribute to the formation of a national self-consciousness in Russia. The book was translated into several European languages.

Despite the huge many years of work, Karamzin did not have time to add "story ..." until his time - the beginning of the XIX century. After the first edition, three more languages \u200b\u200b"History ..." were released. The last one was the 12th volume describing the events of the troubled time in the chapter "Intermoper 1611-1612". The book came out after the death of Karamzin.

Karamzin was a whole person of his era. The assertion of monarchical views by the end of his life brought together a writer with the family of Alexander I, in recent years he spent next to them, living in the royal village. The death of Alexander I in November 1825 and the subsequent events of the uprising in the Senate Square became a real blow to the writer. Nikolai Karamzin died on May 22 (June 3) of 1826 in St. Petersburg, he was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Created by Nicholas Mikhailovich Karamzin for the benefit of the Fatherland, "The History of the Russian State", the main achievement in his biography.

Karamzin biography for children, most importantly

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was born in the noble family of the retired military, landlord, in 1766, in the village of Znamenskoye.

Karamzines - nobles originating from the Crimean Tatars. Hence the name of the name - Kara Murza - Black Prince. Mother did not happen to grow Kola. Ekaterina Petrovna died, leaving the child's child's care. Mikhail Egorovich hired nurse and governess to educate and teach the Son. The future writer received an education at home, read books from the mother's library.

A separate milestone in the biography of Karamzin is his training in the Professor board of Shaden. There, the young man continued his education, studied German and French. Father contributed to the enrollment of the future historian in the regiment, which allowed him to study in Moscow at the boarding house at Moscow University.

Mikhail Egorovich insisted the Son to become a military. As soon as the Father died, the Son changed the military career to the work of the journalist and the writer.
Young Nikolay loved to attend secular Rauta, where he got acquainted with creative people. Later, in collaboration with them, published magazines and almanacies.
Traveled and described in the books of the impression of Europe. Under Alexander I, I received the position of historic and wrote the most important collection - "Russian state history." Twice married, raised 10 of his children.

He died of a non-fluttered pneumonia in 1826, in St. Petersburg.

Youth and military service

The young graduate of the boarding houses served in the Preobrazhensky regiment, he did not like the service, he went on vacation for a year, and after the death of his father quit from service in the rank of the podoruk. On this and the point of military career was put in the biography of Karamzin.

Karamzin attended a secular society, got acquainted with philosophers and writers, started dating, was interested in masons, tried forces in literary creativity. With friends developed the first children's Russian magazine.

Traveled in Germany, Switzerland, France. Material from traveling Loefully "Letters of the Russian Traveler", which became known and were approved by critics.

Literary creativity

Karamzin read reformers, progressively thinking European writers.

Organized the release of the "Moscow magazine", where he subsequently published his literary novel "".

I wrote articles in the magazine "Messenika of Europe", where the abilities for an interesting presentation of the stories were manifested.

Alexander I noted the publicist, a progressive mind and a desire for knowledge, and appointed a historist, having guaranne the history of the country. Twenty-two years occupied a description of the events that took place in the state from the beginning of time. In 1816-1824, the books of multi-volume edition of the "History of the Russian State" began to be published.

Tom a collection from the first eighth, published in circulation of 3,000 books, sold for a month. The following volumes, from the ninth to the eleventh, received a translation into foreign languages. The last, unfinished twelve volume, published after the death of the historian.

In the descriptions of the Ukrainian Federation, he spoke out for the absolute monarchy. During his life, he was assigned the title of Stat adviser and awarded the orders of the Saints Anna and Vladimir

Nikolai Mikhailovich introduced the letter "E" and new words in literary descriptions and speaking speech.

At lunch eating boiled rice, for dinner 2 of the baked apples.

When they asked what was happening in Russia, consistently answered: "steal."