Please check my essay on the criteria of the exam. A collection of ideal essays on social studies A person is reflected in his actions arguments

Please check my essay on the criteria of the exam. A collection of ideal essays on social studies A person is reflected in his actions arguments

Arguments in the composition of part C of the USE in the Russian language on the topic "The problem of responsibility for one's actions"

Text from the exam

(1) Sergei Nikolaevich Pletenkin returned home, as usual, at half past eight. (2) He worked in a service workshop in the heart of the city. (3) To justify the fuel, on the way home he made a stop near the central market and picked up, if, of course, he was lucky, a fellow traveler. (4) Today he was incredibly lucky, his soul was singing with joy, and he, barely taking off his shoes, without even washing his hands, immediately rushed to the kitchen to talk about the amazing incident. (5) The wife stood by the sink and washed the dishes.

(6) The daughter, with a displeased look, finished her tea and, capriciously protruding her lower lip, asked:

(7) -Mom, why not?

(8) - Because ... - the mother answered irritably. (9) - Take time off from your father!

(10) Pletenkin impatiently waved his hand, asking for silence, and, squealing with joy, which always annoyed his wife, began to tell. (11) -Imagine, I'm driving past the central market today, some woman slows me down ... (12) Asks, for me to give her a ride to the plant management. (13) I look: a leather coat, stylish boots, well, and on her face, you can see that she is well-groomed ... (14) I immediately told her: three hundred! .. (15) She even opened her mouth. (16) Well, nothing, I sat down, I took her to the office. (17) She comes out and gives me five hundred rubles ... (18) I was like: "So, but I have no change!" (19) She looked at me, shrugged her shoulders and said: "Okay, keep the change!" (20) Imagine how lucky! (21) -Yes! (22) All passengers would be like that! - stretched his wife. (23) -You go my hands and let's sit down to have supper ... (24) Pletenkin closed himself in the bathroom and began to soap his hands, over and over again scrolling through the details of what had happened. (25) Thick black hair, thin fingers with a wedding ring, a slightly detached look ... (26) Such a look occurs in people who have lost something, and now they look where the missing thing should lie, knowing full well that it is not there will be found. (27) And suddenly he remembered her! (28) It was Natasha Abrosimova, she studied in a parallel class. (29) Of course, she has changed: she was an invisible ugly woman, and now she has become a real lady, but the dreary disappointment in her eyes remained. (30) Once, in the eleventh grade, he volunteered to accompany her, led the quiet streets so that they would not be seen together. (31) Her eyes were shining with happiness, and when he asked to write an essay for him for the competition "You and Your City", she immediately agreed. (32) Pletenkin took first place, received a free ticket to Petersburg, and after that he no longer paid attention to the bespectacled ugly woman. (33) And only at the prom, having drunk champagne, in a fit of tearful sentimentality, he tried to explain something to her, and she looked at him with the same tired longing with which she looked today. (34) Well, it turns out that I deceived you! (35) - Me? She smiled. (36) -Did you deceive me? (37) -Who is it! He said and grinned stupidly. (38) She silently left. (39) ... Pletenkin gloomily soaped his hands. (40) He thought that he would definitely meet her and return her two hundred, no, not two hundred, but all five hundred rubles ... (41) But with ... he realized that he would never do that. (42) -Why are you stuck there? (43) Everything freezes on the table! - losing patience, my wife shouted from the kitchen. (44) "Did you deceive me?" - he remembered again, and he trudged off to eat the cooling soup.

(according to S. S. Kachalov)


Each of us is responsible for what we do, say, or even think. Sooner or later, we will have to answer to others or to ourselves for what we have done against our conscience or against generally accepted moral norms.


Sergei Nikolaevich Pletenkin, the protagonist of S. S. Kachalov's text, faced a similar situation. Using the example of the life of his hero, the story of one amazing incident from his everyday life, the author raises the problem of responsibility for his actions.

A comment

The text describes Pletenkin's simple and unhurried life in a few words. He has a wife and a daughter, his life is organized, his job brings a stable income. Sometimes, on especially good days, he also manages to earn some money, bringing people for money.

The text presents just one of these successful days. Returning home, where a hot dinner was already waiting for him, Pletenkin told his wife how he had successfully lured money out of a woman he met along the way. For the trip, he asked for 300 rubles, clearly overstating the price, seeing that in front of him was a wealthy woman. She gave him 500, to which Sergei Nikolaevich did not find change. The girl asked him to keep the change for himself. Here's a bit of luck.

After some time, the hero realized that he knew this woman, that, as a high school student, he deceived her, took advantage of her trust. Not the first beauty, Natasha Abrosimova (that was the name of a casual fellow traveler) in her youth did not enjoy the special attention of guys. Pletenkin began to look after her, escort her home, and for this he asked the girl to write an essay for him for a citywide competition. She happily agreed.

When the young man won the competition and received a ticket to St. Petersburg, he even stopped greeting Natasha. And only at the graduation he found the strength to obey. But the girl only said: "Did you deceive me?" And she left, leaving in the memory of the hero only her melancholy deep look. That is how she looked at him today.

Frowning at his memories, Pletenkin decided that when he met, he would give her all the money. But then he realized that he would never do it.

Author's position

The author is convinced that the dishonest act has no statute of limitations. Sooner or later, he will remind of himself and make him pay the bills. Having deceived the girl twice, the hero of the story, first of all, deceived himself. And this feeling of guilt before her will not leave him until the end of his days.

Your position

It is impossible not to agree with the author. When deciding on some action or deed, you need to think carefully about how it will be for you to live with it, whether you will regret it later. Because it will not always be possible to fix what you have done.

Argument # 1

In the literature, almost every work reveals the topic of responsibility for one's own actions. For example, in "Crime and Punishment" F.M. Dostoevsky's many heroes bear the burden of responsibility for their actions. Rodion Raskolnikov, killing the old money-lender, and with her and her feeble-minded sister in the demolition, suffered so much conscience that he literally lost his senses.

Realizing that all his actions have no justification, in hard labor, in prayer, he obtained forgiveness from God for himself, rereading the Gospel and remembering the brightest person in his life - Sonya Marmeladova.

Argument # 2

In the story of N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza" the protagonist Erast, who deceived Lisa and sold his love for marrying a rich lady, will suffer the rest of his life from the fact that he caused the death of a young and naive girl. His thoughtless selfish actions led to the fact that Liza, who truly loved him, threw herself into the river, unable to endure the betrayal and lies of a loved one.


No matter what we do in life, no matter what we strive for, there is always something that limits us - our conscience. Go

contrary to her, it is impossible, since later on she will remind of herself more than once. We are responsible for our own destiny, for our own lives and for our actions, good and bad. You need to live so that later you will not be ashamed of yourself and your actions.

About responsibility

Sometimes a person can change his destiny with one act.

The problem with the text is as follows: a person often follows his desires; afraid of responsible decisions; afraid that his work will be incredibly hard. But most of all, some people are afraid of routine and boredom in the task that is assigned to them.

Commenting on the problem, it can be argued that in such situations a person sometimes tries to get away from difficulties by changing the type of activity. Navigator Shatalov, it would seem, remained faithful to his duty. He just left work with documents and asked for a difficult voyage to the island, where the lighthouse broke. This trip on a whaleboat on the stormy sea seemed extremely tempting to him. First, he left work with hated documents. Secondly, if the campaign turns out to be successful, he, as responsible for the event, can be noted and even promoted ...

The author's position is clearly indicated: each person, taking on some business, must imagine what is his role in this business. At the same time, he must assess the degree of responsibility that falls on his shoulders. He must also imagine what the results of his action, his participation in this matter, can be. And most often, hasty decisions of a person lead to unpredictable, even tragic consequences.

And the author also believes that a person must strictly fulfill professional duties, whatever they may be. You cannot leave work in any case, and you need to have the will and strength of character so as not to look for easy ways, not to evade difficulties, but to persistently do what you are obliged to do.

I agree with the position of the author and confirm its correctness with the following example. S.S. Geychenko, who had been in charge of the Pushkin Museum in Mikhailovsky for many years, talked about the museum curator, Alexandra Fedorovna Fedorova. She was a villager, local. And she comprehended the letter in old age, when she came to work at the museum. Everything came to life from the warmth of her hands. The maintenance of the halls, the order in the storage of exhibits, books, papers, Pushkin's things, vigilant supervision of the state of the house and the estate - she delved into everything, knew everything. In it, museum visitors found the features of Arina Rodionovna, Pushkin's favorite nanny. Her love for the main work of life was combined with kindness and cordiality - the qualities of a real Russian woman.

Loyalty to his professional duty and dedication to the military profession can also be shown on the example of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace". As a staff officer, he had to familiarize himself with the situation in the army of Bagration on the eve of the Shengraben battle. But he took part in the bloody battle, rolling back the guns together with Captain Tushin, and defended Tushin at the council of war at Bagration, calling him a real hero of events.

A person chooses many paths in life for himself, and one of the most important is his path in the profession. This is the conclusion.

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  • responsibility issue
  • examples of responsibility in literature
  • examples of responsibility from literature

Every person makes mistakes, it happens by accident or deliberately, but in any case, he will have to answer for them.
Let's remember the novel by M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. The procurator of Judea symbolizes cowardice and meanness, subsequently punished. Fearing Yeshua, he sentenced him to death and thought that in this way he would get rid of fears forever. But power does not yet show the greatness of a person.

Because of his actions, the Procurator suffers both on Earth and in eternal life.
Evil will always be punished. In confirmation of this, let us turn

To the fables of I. A. Krylov. Each of them has a moral, which is the main idea of ​​the whole work. In every fable, the negative character will definitely be punished for immoral acts.

It is necessary to punish atrocities, and not act, as the overseers from Krylov's fable about Mishka, who stole honey. They “gave Mishka a resignation and ordered the old rogue to lie in his den for the winter. And Mishenka does not even lead by ear ”.

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to fight theft, deception and other atrocities if impunity reigns around. After reading Krylov's fables, it becomes clear to us that everyone should

Take full responsibility for your actions.
There are many proverbs and sayings dedicated to the topic of a person's responsibility for their actions. For example, Debt payment is red; In someone else's manhole we see a twig, but in our own we don't even notice a log; Not everyone is good for business, who is handsome in face; I got down to it, I’m not saying that it’s not hefty; The horse has four legs, but it stumbles; Do not eat porridge with two spoons; There is no one to ask when he is to blame; As you go to bed, you will sleep well. The meaning of these statements is the same: each of us has the right to make mistakes, we all make mistakes and stumble, we must pay for our mistakes so that they serve us as a lesson.

But if a person deliberately commits any atrocity, then he will be punished even worse and even harsher.
V. Soloukhin in one of his publicistic articles writes that beauty lives in the human soul. However, builders, carried away only by economic and political considerations, lack one simple criterion for how aesthetically pleasing structures will look today, and even more so tomorrow. Indeed, the problem of responsibility for one's actions is relevant at all times and is acute in modern society.
Each of us should be responsible for our actions. Everyone who has done something bad will be punished and vice versa - a person who has done a good deed will certainly be encouraged by fate. After all, nothing escapes without a trace, every our deed, every word and action, affects our fate, and it depends only on us how it develops.

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Reaching the goal

1. And A. Goncharov "Oblomov" A good, kind, talented person Ilya Oblomov could not overcome himself, his laziness and licentiousness, did not reveal his best features. The absence of a high purpose in life leads to moral death. Even love could not save Oblomov.

2. In his later novel, The Razor's Edge, W.S. Maugham depicts the life of a young American, Larry, who has spent half of his life reading books, and the other in travel, work, search and self-improvement. His image stands out clearly against the background of young people of his circle, who waste their lives and outstanding abilities in vain on the fulfillment of fleeting whims, on entertainment, on a carefree existence in luxury and idleness. Larry chose his own path and, not paying attention to the misunderstanding and censure of loved ones, he was looking for the meaning of life in hardships, wanderings and wanderings around the world. He completely surrendered himself to the spiritual principle in order to achieve enlightenment of the mind, purification of the spirit, to discover the meaning of the universe.

The role of books in human life

1. Books were for Gorky a salutary contrast to the "leaden abominations", cruelty and misfortunes of the surrounding life. In the story "In People" the cook Smuryy says: "Read books - this is the best!" “A book is a miracle for me,” Gorky will say at the end of his life.

2. In Nikolai Ostrovsky's novel How the Steel Was Tempered, the hero Pavka Korchagin, in response to the surgeon's surprised question about where the courage to endure unbearable pain comes from, replies: “Read The Gadfly, then you will understand.” Often a book helps to make the only right decision, encourages a heroic deed. Such works were "The Story of a Real Man" by Boris Polevoy, the poem "Vasily Turkin" by A. Tvardovsky, the story "To Spite All Deaths!" Vladislav Titov.

The importance of labor

1. The life drama of the hero of the novel of the same name in verse, written by the greatest Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin, an intelligent and extraordinary man, was caused precisely by the fact that "hard work was sick to him." Growing up in idleness, he did not learn the most important thing to work patiently, achieving his goal, to live for the sake of another person. His life turned into a joyless existence "without tears, without life, without love."


1. The protagonist of the story, M.A. Bulgakov's "Heart of a Dog", Professor Preobrazhensky is a hereditary intellectual and an outstanding medical scientist. He dreams of turning a dog into a human. So Sharikov is born with the heart of a stray dog, the brain of a person with three convictions and a pronounced passion for alcohol. As a result of the operation, the affectionate, albeit cunning Sharik turns into a boorish lumpen capable of betrayal. Sharikov feels himself the master of life, he is arrogant, arrogant, aggressive. He quickly learns to drink vodka, to be rude to servants, to turn his ignorance into a weapon against education. The life of the professor and the inhabitants of his apartment becomes a living hell. Sharikov is an image of a boorish attitude towards people.

2. Outraged by other people's rudeness, people often do not notice that they themselves sometimes behave in the same outrageous way. Perhaps this is best seen in the relationship between parents and children. The character of a person is formed in the family, but what kind of person could Mitrofanushka become? He took over from his mother all the vices: extreme ignorance, rudeness, greed, cruelty, contempt of others, rudeness. Not surprising, because parents are always the main role model for children. And what example could Mrs. Prostakova set to her son, if she allowed herself to be rude, rude, humiliate others in front of his eyes? Of course, she loved Mitrofan, but in this regard, she greatly spoiled him.

Man and power

1. History knows many unsuccessful attempts to force a person to be happy. If freedom is taken away from people, then paradise turns into a dungeon. The favorite of Tsar Alexander 1, General Arakcheev, creating military settlements at the beginning of the 19th century, pursued good goals. The peasants were forbidden to drink vodka, they were supposed to go to church at the right time, children should be sent to schools, they were forbidden to be punished. It would seem that everything is correct! But people were forced to be good. they were forced to love, work, study ... And the person deprived of freedom, turned into a slave, revolted: a wave of general protest arose, and Arakcheev's reforms were curtailed.

2. The problem of the novel "We" is the problem of power. Zamyatin wrote a very interesting chapter on the Day of Unanimity, on the choice of the Benefactor. The most interesting thing is that people do not even think about choosing someone else.

Loneliness problem

1 Writers have repeatedly addressed the theme of loneliness in their works. So, one of the most famous heroes, consciously dooming themselves to loneliness, is Evgeny Bazarov from the novel by I. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The hero is rather dismissive of his friends, parents and the people around him. I think that at the end of the novel, being on his deathbed, Bazarov departs from his "theory" and accepts people who love him.

2. The lone hero is Pechorin from the novel by M. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". His ingratitude and neglect of loved ones is especially evident in his relationship with Maxim Maksimych.

The problem of selfishness

1 The environment of Onegin made "Selfish inevitably". He is indifferent to the fate of other people, makes them and himself unhappy. Mutual understanding, humane attitude towards others is absent. All this gives rise to deep disappointment and loneliness of the hero.

2. Raskolnikov, out of an egoistic desire to assert his strength, committed an insane act: “... it was necessary to find out then ... whether I was a louse, like everyone else, or a human? I have the right. " But after that, the author brings his hero to the idea of ​​the need to live and assert himself in life, not through hatred of mankind, but through love and kindness, through serving people

The problem of human responsibility for their actions

1 "A person who is aware of his responsibility to his homeland, people around him, who knows how to understand them at the right time, is truly great. Such is the hero of the novel" War and Peace "M. Kutuzov. He, being a great Russian commander, in his soul is the embodiment of simplicity, good At the decisive moments of hostilities, Kutuzov behaves like a real Russian patriot who feels responsible for his country and its inhabitants.His big pure heart bleeds when he sees his soldiers die, putting his chest under the knife for his homeland he is responsible for the life of each soldier individually and of the entire nation as a whole.

2. The terrible disaster in Asha occurred due to the fact that an excavator hooked a gas pipeline with a bucket. In this place, many years later, a gap formed, the gas burst out, and then a real disaster struck: about a thousand people died in a terrible fire.

If you understand that your need is charitable assistance, then take a look at this article.
Those who, without your participation, may lose a fascinating business, turned to you for help.
Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track.
They attend classes where they learn high-speed driving techniques under the guidance of an experienced coach.
Only constant exercise allows you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose speed.
Good qualification is the cornerstone of victory on the track. And, of course, professional cards.
Children who are engaged in circles are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken parts do not allow them to participate in competitions.
How much pleasure and new sensations do the guys experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving.
Maybe it is in such a circle that not only Russian champions grow up, but even future world champions in this sport ?!
You can help the children's karting section, which is located in the city of Syzran. We are in a dire situation right now. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergey Krasnov.
Read my letter and see the photos. Pay attention to the enthusiasm with which my pupils work.
They love this developmental sport and really want to keep learning.
I am asking you to help survive the karting section in the city of Syzran.
There used to be TWO young technicians' stations in the city, and each had a karting section. Karting was also in the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. Closed - does not turn to say, just destroyed!
We fought, wrote letters, everywhere they have the same answer. About five years ago I went to the Governor of the Samara Region for a reception. He did not accept, but my deputy received me.
After that, we were given a room where we were based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but the very poor material part does not allow us to recruit children.
And most of the go-karts require repair. This is the position of our circle.
We also turned to the mayor of Syzran for help. We are waiting for help for the second year. We decided to contact you via the Internet for help.
Contact me, ADDRESS FOR PARCELS, 446012 Samara Region, Syzran, Novosibirskaya str. 47, THE PARCEL CAN BE SENDED BY BUSINESS LINES, my data is jammed there, you can contact via social networks SERGEY IVANOVICH KRASNOV. Or write to the mail [email protected] And we also have a petition, if it doesn't make it difficult for you to sign it. And if the Lord helps in difficult circumstances, then do not forget about gratitude afterwards. Then He will not forget about your needs.