Fate Grigory. The theme of human destiny in one of the works of Russian literature

Fate Grigory. The theme of human destiny in one of the works of Russian literature
Fate Grigory. The theme of human destiny in one of the works of Russian literature

Tragic fate Grigory Melekhov
(by novel Mikhail Sholokhov " Silent Don.")

Everything row is lying -
Do not dilute in between.
Show: Soldier.
Where is your own, where are someone else?
White was - red became:
Blood Obagil.
Red was - white became:
Death twisted.

Marina Tsvetaeva.


I Civil War.
II Gregory Melekhov.
& NBSP & NBSP1. True Cossack.
& NBSP & NBSP2. Life "between".
& NBSP & NBSP3. Awakening the hero.
III "History Lesson" M.Sholokhova.

& NBSP & NBSPamikhail Sholokhov is a wonderful writer, skillfully described not only the history of a merciless civil war, but also a kind of lifestyle of the Cossacks, their traditions, culture, life, language, a unique Don nature, as well as a tragedy, both individuals and all the people as a whole. His novel "Silent Don" can be rightfully called the masterpiece of Russian literature. The work is striking by naturalistic details, a thin transmission of the state of the main characters. All this is not just done to portray a civil war, but also to show her injustice, horror, tragedy. Sholokhov could not and did not want to identify reality otherwise, soften it. Civil War is a tragedy for the whole people and completely no matter who on whose side. In this war, as in any other, there are commanders and soldiers, rear and front, there is a horror of murder and death. But the most terrible thing in it is that fight comes Between the people of one country: the former "friends" kill each other, his father goes to his son, brother's brother. Many losses and misfortunes suffered at that time ordinary peopleOne of which was Grigory Melekhov.

& NBSP & NBSpgrigi Melekhov - hereditary don Cossack. He is a representative of two blood - Turkish and Cossack. But at the same time, in his appearance, the features are clearly prevailing, inherited from the Bahniki-Turkhany: Eastern, slightly diagonal eyes, the hanging "piercing" nose, pushed almond eyes, sharp cheekbones and something intrinsic in a smile and look. But except external similarity With its ancestors, Grigory adopted both family characteristics: business and hardworking, pride and honor, freedom and independence. Among the countrymen, he was distinguished by courage, hotness in actions, the depth of feelings, the kindness and gentleness of everything. As a true Cossack, Melekhov never sought their own benefit, did not give in to the temptation of the progress, was not a careerist. And throughout the novel, we see the deep attachment of Gregory to the native khutor, to the house, to the land of Mother. In heavy family dramaIn the tests of the war, the deep humanity of Grysk Melekhov reveals. Its character has a congenital sense of justice. During Senokos, Grigory got obliquely on the nest, chose wild duckling. With a feeling of pity and sincere compassion, he looks at the dead chick lying on his palm. In this feeling of pain, the love of all lives, to people, to nature, which was distinguished by his kind character. Therefore, it is natural that Grigory, abandoned in the battle of war, hard and painfully experiencing his first fight, cannot forget the Austrian killed by him. "Flood in a wonder of a man and a rustle through him, Gada, soul," he complains to Brother Peter.

& NBSP & NBSPs for war and bloodshed Gregory was born. But it is intensifying it in its networks a ruthless war. The harsh life put a saber in his hardworking hands. Describing the persons who came to the front of young Cossacks, the writer found an expressive comparison: they reminded the "stalks of bevelled wilking and changing their herbs." Melekhov became such a beveled gladly. And the need to kill deprived him of a moral support in life. One of the most turnstanding moments The novel is the seizure of Grigory Melekhova. At this point, the hero has already passed the first world War And a few months of the Civil War, exhausted to such an extent that he could not look into the eyes of the child. His consciousness is violated, he rushes between red and white in search of the truth, from this Gregory is seriously doubly, and battles become the only "outstand", when you can distract from constant reflection. In addition, the hero survived the loss of Brother Peter, killed by his farms. In battle, he experiences a "familiar lightness in the whole body," he is confident and cold-blooded. So it was in battle under the climet. For Gregory, the daily business was in the attack Cossack a hundred, the author transmits the familiar hero of the feeling: stretched string reins, whistle wind. But suddenly appears nature: "White cloud closed the sun for a minute." In Gregory wakes up "inexplicable and unconscious" desire for some reason "catch up the light running on the ground". It seems to be balanced on the face as if between red and white. Even in the personal life of Melekhov is forced to constantly be "between". On the one hand, the house, wife, children, on the other - a favorite woman. Choosing between Natalia and Aksigni, Grigory managed to love both and the other. "He did not mind to live with them both, loving each of them in different ways ...".

& NBSP & NBSPot burning, loss, wounds, throwing in search of justice Grigory Melekhov early raised, lost to the former delete. However, not lost human face, His feelings and experiences - always sincere - did not dulled, but perhaps only aggravated. The manifestations of his responsiveness and sympathy to people are especially expressed in the final parts of the work. The hero will shock the spectacle of those killed: "I expove the head, trying not to breathe, carefully" he carries around dead old man, stretching on a scattered golden wheat. Driving in some places, sad stops in front of the corpse of a tortured woman, corrects clothes on it, suggests it to bury it. He buried innocently killed, good and hardworking grandfather Sasha under the same poplar, where in his time the latter buried his daughter. "... Grigorye is faced on the grass near this little, dear heart Cemeteries and long looked at the Blue Sky, the Blue Sky. Somewhere there, in the highest unintelligent expanses, the winds were walked, the cold clouds scattered with the sun, and on Earth, who had just taken a cheerful horseman and drunk her grandfather Sasha, still fiercely boiled life ... ". It was a kind of awakening Grigory, when he began to understand what is truly the most expensive in his life. Something this episode echoes the picture from the work of L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", when the wounded Andrei Bolkonsky sees a calm and beautiful sky of Austerlitz on himself.

& NBSP & NBSP in the sad scene of Axigny's funerals before us appears the murdered grief, drunk to the edges full bowl Suffering, aged man, and we understand: to feel the loss with such deep power, only a great, although the heart wounded. Grigory Melekhov showed an outstanding courage in search of truth. He is looking for her incarnation in life. In contact with a lot of small private truths, and ready to take each, he discovers their inconsistency in a collision with reality. Internal conflict It is resolved for Gregory to the refusal of war and weapons. Heading to his native khutor, he threw it out, "Carefully wiped his hands on the floor of the sheel." Everything that he has left in life is to see his native farm and his children once again. "Then you could remove," he thinks. He has no illusions, which awaits him in Tatar. But when the desire to see children becomes insurmountable, he rides in his native farm. The last proposal of the novel says the son and native home "This is all that he has left in the life that has yet to relate him to his family and with everything ... peace."

& NBSP & NBSputor did not change anything in the fate of the hero, he did not encourage the reader, but simply showed "as it is." The tragedy of Melekhova, strengthened in the novel of the tragedy of almost all the relatives and expensive people, reflects the drama of the whole region, who was rapidly "class alteration". Mikhail Sholokhov appeals to her novel and to our time, teaches to look moral values Not on the ways of class intolerance and war, but on the paths of the world and humanism, fraternity and mercy. Gives us to understand how ruthless civil war to the fate of people.

Subject human fate In one of the works of Russian literature.

The fate of a person can not depend on the destiny of the country. When significant changes took place in Russia, changed and
the life of the people. Sholokhov was wondering how the Cossacks perceived the events occurring in the country, as they always
they were considered conservative people storing their traditions.
In the novel, "Quiet Don" Sholokhov describes the two greatest wars in the history of Russia: the first world and civilian. It
shows how these wars influenced Cossacks. One of these Cossacks is Grigory Melekhov.
Gregory is a rather complicated personality. In his veins flows hot blood: His great-grandbank Turchante, and the great-grandfather Cossack. By this
the reason combines contradictory qualities. He is cruel and courageous, which is characteristic of the Cossack. And from grandmother
delivered to him tenderness and sensitivity. It is struggling these contradictory traits character that cause
his tragic destiny, and at the same time, this is exactly what people attract people.
Gregory, like all the Cossacks, honors the traditions of ancestors and lives according to their laws. Work on native land It was for him
sacred debt. It is revered by land is distinctive feature Cossacks. They "went to the disk all the farm
immediately, "which shows the unity of the Cossacks. Cossacks are hardworking, they are ready to work all day on their land, they are not
in a burden. Also, this people cannot imagine life without a family in which younger always respect the elders.
Military debt is also an integral part of their lives.
Gregory is a true Cossack, and it has all these qualities. But love for nature allocates it from the rest of the rest.
The death of the duckling or horse truly affect his soul. He is very worried, looking at the duckling "With a sudden feeling
acute pity. "
Grigory is experiencing a passion for Axier, who loved him for the unusual nature of character. He does not even try to hide them
relations. The residents of the farm "gloated in anticipation of the arrival of Stepan, wearing, disabled by curiosity." In my opinion
shows only that the Cossacks envied such strong love. But Grigory should marry Natalia, because this
he wants his father to whom he cannot resist. Hero and will not re-read the father, as he wants to have a family himself. In the shower
Gregory is struggling a sense of duty towards Natalia and passionate love for Axier. With Axigny, he refuses to run,
because it is more important for him to honor the Earth and Military Duty.
In Gregory, a sense of self-esteem is developed. And this is manifested in peacetime. Grigory anticatics
violence and does not allow the Vakhminist to humiliate.
Sholokhov, describing the behavior of Gregory in war, shows that for the hero, the murder is unnatural. He kills
austrian just because otherwise he could die. The hero deprives human life, closing his eyes. Grigory to the end
aware of his actions.
"Want to be alive to be, from mortal battle to go out - you need a man of the truth," says the young Cossacks. Can
to be, precisely because Gregory observed this truth, he managed to survive.
At the front "morally crushed" people become not uncommon. And the murder of a person is called a feat and reward
for him. Sholokhov shows how much all changes during the war years. And what is originally unnatural for
a person becomes quite acceptable.
Gregory cannot get used to death. He dreams of Austrian killed by him at night. "My conscience kills," says
Gregory. He still cannot accept the fact that a man died of his hand. Grigory "worried soul." War, P.
the opinion of Sholokhov, ruins the soul of people, kills the human in them.
After the injury, Gregory meets with a guarantion, which "steadily destroys all his former concepts about the king, homeland,
its Cossack debt "and bends in the soul of Melekhov doubts. Gregory fought on the side of the White, he was for the current king.
But he gets tired of murder's meaninglessness. Without finding the truth on the side of the white, it goes to red.
"The good Cossack went to the front of Grigory; not mighty in the soul with the nonsense war, he honestly coast his Cossack glory ... "But
during the war, Grigory begins to get used to death, to murder. "There was irretrievably, the pain of man who gave
his in the first days of war. Cut the heart, stricken ... The heart of Grigory did not absorb pity. "
Meeting with Bunchuk, a wrench and subtyelkov forces Gregory again think about the sense of war. Each of them
preaches the classiful truth.
Gregory is still stronger thanking doubts on whose side to fight. The hero is looking for human truth, but can not her
to find. Everyone holds his own truth. Ishvarin convinces that when "Bolsheviks will take the top - working
well, the rest is bad. "
"You look like the people divided, Gada! As if she had passed with a plow ... "- says Peter Grigory. Gregory agrees with his brother and
it understands that it is impossible to stay in the middle, between white and red. Melekhov decides to take the side of the red. His attracted
ideas of freedom, fraternity, equality. Fighting over the red, Gregory is horrified by their actions. For example, Chernetovov's execution, and
then the subtletiles. And it repels the hero and from red, and from white. He understands that those and others defend their
Gregory dreams only about returning home. He "wanted to clean the cattle, throw the hay, breathe with a faded smell
dormonnok, Praying, Spicy Shop of Manure. Peace and silence wanted. " He is already tired of the fight, doubt, choice.
Many of his actions in the war were unconscious. The transition from one to another is the will of the case. Grigory continued to look
universal truth, often making senseless actions, such as the murder of sailors.
During the war years, Grigory Melekhov has changed a lot. And Ilyinnya noticed it. "The heart is like Wollective," says
she is about him.
Gregory concludes that "one truth is not in life." No truth white and the truth is red. Maybe there is truth
cossack? And Melekhov participates in the Cossack uprising, which is also a forced step. Gregory's soul, "How tidy
on the Wolf Region, - in search of exit, in the resolution of contradictions. "
In the gang, Fomin Grigory takes no own choiceThe life itself takes this solution for him.
From the point of view of Sholokhov, in the era of class battles it is impossible to save the family. War destroys the house, family. Author
calls upon: "... In the era of the Troubles and Depravity, do not destroy, brothers, brother." War ruined and Gregory family. When dies
Axinha, Melekhov "I saw over yourself black sky And the dazzling shining black drive of the Sun. " It was a tragedy for
Gregory. Death close man Always hard. "Everything took away from him, everything took the ruthless death." The only one
the Son's Son remained the meaning of his life. All the years of war Gregory looked forward to returning home - and now his dream came true.
"He stood at the gate of his native home, held his son on his hands ..."
The fate of Gregory Melekhova is the fate of the country. In the prevailing historical conditions is almost impossible to survive. Tragedy
Gregory is inevitable due to two reasons: its character and history of the country. Events are destroyed and lifting life
of people. The hero cannot move moral laws to the background. His soul cannot accept the murder, she
to strive for good and peace.


The fate of Gregory Melekhov in the novel "Quiet Don" Sholokhov turns out to be the focus of the reader. This hero, who fell by the will of fate in the thick of the complex historical eventsFor many years, forced to look for your life path.

Description Gregory Melekhov

Already from the first pages of the novel Sholokhov introduces us with the unusual fate of Grandfather Gregory, explaining why Melekhov is outwardly different from the rest of the farm. Gregory, like his father, had a "hanging peel, in a slightly oblique slotted slopes of almond hot eyes, sharp stoves cheek." Mondering the origin of Panthery Prokofievich, all in the farmers called Melekh "Turks".
Life changes inner world Gregory. His appearance changes. From a carefree cheerful guy, he turns into a harsh warrior, whose heart has grown. Gregory "knew that she would no longer laugh at him as before; He knew that his eyes fell and sharply stick out of his eyes, "and in his glance" I became more and more likely to shone the light of meaningless cruelty. "

At the end of the novel, a completely different Gregory appears in front of us. It is tired of life a mature man "With a tired sister's sister, with the heavily tips of the black mustache, with a premature grayie on the temples and hard wrinkles on the forehead."

Characteristic Gregory

At the beginning of the work of Gregory Melekhov - a young Cossack living according to the laws of his ancestors. The main thing for him is the farm and family. He hobby helps his father on breast and fishing. Unable to move to parents when they marry him in unloved Natalia Korshunova.

But, with all that, Gregory is a passionate, fond of nature. Contrary to the prohibitions of the Father, he continues to go to night players. Meets Aksigni Astakhova, a neighbor's wife, and then leaves her from his home.

Gregory, like most Cossacks, inherent courage, sometimes reaching the recklessness. It heroically behaves at the front, participates in the most dangerous collections. At the same time, the hero is not alien to humanity. He is experiencing because of the passing passage by him accidentally. For a long time suffers because of the murdered unarmed Austrian. "Submitting to the heart," Grigory saves from the death of her sworn enemy Stepan. It comes against the whole platoon of the Cossacks, protecting Franin.

In Gregory, the passion and obedience, madness and softness, kindness and hatred are at the same time.

The fate of Grigory Melekhova and his way of quest

The fate of Melekhov in the novel "Quiet Don" is tragic. He is constantly forced to look for "output", the right road. It is not easy for him to in war. Complicated and his personal life.

Like the favorite heroes L.N. Tolstoy, Gregory passes sophisticated way life quest. At the beginning, everything seemed to be clear for him. Like other Cossacks, he is called to war. For him there is no doubt that he must defend the Fatherland. But, falling to the front, the hero understands that his whole nature oppose the murder.

From the White Gregory goes to red, but here it is waiting for disappointment. Seeing how the heights smoothes with prisoner young officers, he loses faith and in this power and next year it turns out again in the White Army.

A sword between white and red, hero and himself harvested. He lauds and kills. Trying to forget in drunkenness and fornication. In the end, fleeing the persecution new power, it turns out to be among the gangsters. Then it becomes a deserter.

Grigory is exhausted with throwing. He wants to live on his land, raise bread and children. Although life does the hero, gives his feathers something "wolf", in fact, he is not a killer. Having lost everything and not finding his way, Grigory returns to his native farm, realizing that, most likely, death awaits him here. But, the Son and the House is the only thing that holds the hero in the world.

Relationships Gregory with Aksigni and Natalia

Fate sends a hero of two passionately loving women. But, the relationship with them is not easy for Gregory. While still idle, Gregory falls in love with Axigno, Wife Stepan Astakhov, his neighbor. Over time, the woman meets him reciprocity, and their relations will develop into an unrestrained passion. "So unusual and showed, there was a crazy connection, they were so sinlessly burned with one shameless body, people are not conscientious and not tiling, losing weight and black in their eyes in their eyes, which now for some reason people were ashamed at meetings."

Despite this, he cannot oppose the will of his father and marries Natalia Korshunova, giving himself a promise to forget Axinho and to be cooled. But, to keep the Gregory Owl to this very much. Although Natalia is beautiful and selflessly loves her husband, he again converges with Axigny and leaves his wife and parental house.

After the treason, Aksinyi Grigory again returns to his wife. She accepts him and forgives past resentment. But he was not prepared calm family life. The image of Axigni does not give him peace. Again, fate leads them together. Without standing with shame and treason, Natalia makes an abortion and dies. Grigory blames himself in the death of his wife, is brutally experiencing this loss.

Now, it would seem, nothing can prevent him from finding happiness with a beloved woman. But, circumstances make him play out and together with Axigny to go on the road, the last for his beloved.

With the death of Aksinyi, the life of Gregory is deprived of any meaning. The hero has no more ghostly hope for happiness. "And Grigory, the Dead of Horror, realized that everything was over, that the worst thing that could happen in his life," already happened. "


In conclusion of his essay on the topic "The fate of Grigory Melekhov in the novel" Quiet Don ", I want to fully agree with critics that the fate of Gregory Melekhova is the most difficult and one of the most tragic. On the example of Gregory Sholokhov showed how the whirlpool political events Breaks human fate. And one who sees his destiny in peaceful labor, suddenly becomes a cruel killer with a devastated soul.

Test on the work

M. A. Sholokhov in his novel "Quiet Don" poets the life of the people, deeply analyzes its way, as well as the origins of its crisis, which in many respects affected the fate of the main heroes of the work. The author emphasizes that the people play a key role in history. It was he who, according to Sholokhov, is her driving power. Of course, the main character of the work of Sholokhov is one of the representatives of the people - Grigory Melekhov. The prototype of it is considered - Harlampic Ermakov, the Don Cossack (in the photo below). He fought in civil and in the First World War.

Grigory Melekhov, whose characteristic is interested in us, is a small, simple Cossack, but the identity of its multifaceted and complex. The best features that are inherent in the people endowed his author.

At the beginning of the work

Sholokhov at the very beginning of his work tells the story of the family of Melekhov. Cossack Proofius, ancestor Gregory, returns home with a Turkish campaign. He brings with him Turkhanka, which becomes his wife. From this event begins new story Minelery. The character of Gregory is laid in it. This character is not accidentally similar to other men of a kind. The author notes that he is "in the Father": above Peter on the Halong, albeit it is 6 years old. He has the same "hanging peeling nose, like Panthery Prokofievich. Grigory Melekhov also slouching as his father. Both even in a smile had something in common, "tricky". The successor of the family of Melekhov is he who is, and not Peter, his older brother.

Communication with nature

Gregory from the first pages is depicted in everyday classes characteristic of the life of the peasants. Like all of them, he drives on the water horses, is engaged in fishing, goes to playing, falls in love, participates in the general peasant labor. The character of this hero is brightly revealed in the scene of meadow. In it, Grigory Melekhov reveals sympathy for someone else's pain, the love of everything alive. He's a pity Duckling, chopped inadvertently oblique. Grigory looks at him, as the author notes, with the "feeling of acute pity." This hero feels good nature with which he is blood linked.

How is the character of the hero in his personal life revealed?

Gregory can be called a man of decisive actions and actions, strong passions. Numerous episodes with Axigny speak illuditively. Despite the Navate Father, at midnight, during Senokos, he still goes to this girl. Pants Prokofievich cruelly punishes his son. However, without afraid of paternal threats, Gregory still goes back to his beloved at night and returns only with the gar. Already here in his character there is a desire to reach everything to the end. The marriage to the woman he does not like, could not make this hero to abandon himself, from sincere, natural feeling. He only reassured Panthery Prokofievich, who appeals to him: "Not Father's Fairs!" But no more. This hero has the ability to love passionately, and also does not tolerate any ridicule over himself. He does not forgive jokes over his feeling even Peter and grabs for a fork. Gregory is always sincere and honest. He speaks directly by Natalia, his wife, that he does not love her.

How did life affect Gregory affair?

At first he does not agree to escape from the farm with Aksinhay. However, the impossibility of subordination and innate stubbornness in the end makes him leave his native farm, to go to the estate to Lotnitsky with his beloved. Gregory becomes a stable. However, it is not at all about it in the separation from the parent home. The author notes that his light fightening life spoiled. The main character Groundly, lazy, began to look older than his years.

In the novel "Quiet Don" has a huge internal power. The scene of beating this hero of the Lotnitsky-Junior is a vivid evidence of this. Gregory, despite the position that Leatonian occupies does not want to forgive the offenses. He hits his whip on his hands and face, not giving to come to his senses. Melekhov is not afraid of punishment, which will follow this act. And with Axigni, he is somewhat: leaving, even never looks back.

Self-esteem that is inherent in the hero

Folding out the image of Grigory Melekhov, we note that in the character of it - the pronounced thing in him is its strength, which is capable of acting on other people, regardless of the situation and rank. Of course, in a duel, Gregory wins on a water system with the Wahmistrome, who did not allow himself to strike himself.

This hero is able to enroll not only for their own dignity, but also for someone else's. It is he who turns out to be the only defeating Franity - a girl over which the Cossacks were abused. Once in this situation with powerless against the evil committed, Gregory for the first time in a long time almost did not cry.

Grigory courage in battle

The events of the First World War reflected on the fate of many people, including this hero. The swirl of historical events was captured by Grigory Melekhov. Its fate is a reflection of the fate of the many people, representatives of a simple Russian people. As the true Cossack Gregory is completely given to battle. He dare and decisive. Gregory easily defeats the three Germans and takes them into captivity, deftly beats off the enemy battery, and also saves an officer. Medals and received by him officer's rank - Here is evidence of the courage of this hero.

Human murder, contrary to the nature of Gregory

Grigorye generous. He helps in battle even Stepan Astakhov, his opponent who dreams of killing him. Melekhov is shown skillful, courageous warrior. However, the murder is still fundamentally contrary to the humane nature of Gregory, his life values. He is confessed by Peter that he killed a man and "swear soul" through him.

Change of worldview under the influence of other people

Pretty fast Grigory Melekhov begins to experience frustration and incredible fatigue. At first he fearlessly fights, without thinking about having sheds in battles and his own, and someone else's blood. However, life and war are facing Gregory with many people who have completely different views on the world and events taking place in it. After communicating with them, Melekhov begins to think about the war, as well as about the life he lives. The truth that the Chubate carries is that a person needs to chop boldly. This hero is easily talking about death, about the right and opportunity to deprive other lives. Carefully listens to His Grigory and understands that for him alone, unacceptable so inhuman position. Garant - the hero, who sowed the seeds of doubt Gregory. He suddenly doubted the values \u200b\u200bthat were previously invisible, such as military Cossack debt and the king, which "we are on the neck." The guarantor makes the main character think about many things. The spiritual quest begins Grigory Melekhov. It is these doubts that become the beginning of the tragic path of Melekhov to the truth. He desperately trying to find the meaning and truth of life. The tragedy Grigory Melekhova unfolds in the difficult time in the history of our country.

Of course, the character of Gregory is truly folk. The tragic fate of Grigoria Melekhova, described by the author, and today causes sympathy for the many readers of the "quiet don". Sholokhov (the portrait of it was presented above) managed to create a bright, strong, complex and truthful nature of the Russian Cossack Grigory Melekhova.

In the novel, Mikhail Sholokhov "Silent Don" reflects the fate of the simple Cossack Grigory Melekhova, who passed through the first world and Civil War. Through the history of his life and moral throwing, the author's design of the novel is revealed - show the Don Cossacks in full gravity and deprivation of the period of revolution, indigenous change, in crowded period life of Russia. The grigory occurs in the consciousness and life of Gregory in two bright episodes in the first part of the novel - the hero stay in the hospital and his return home.

After the fighting on the Austrian front, injuries, the scenes of bloodshed and the murder of man Gregory falls into the hospital. There he finds himself in the same chamber with a Ukrainian guarantion. "The Black Deafness of the People", - one of this phrase expresses the guarantee of the author about Melekhov and other people, too simple and engaged in everyday affairs, followed by to comprehend what is happening, to hear and think. The Ukrainian opens the eyes with a simple Cossack. An agile antimonarchist, he did ideo and tied together now and vaguely wandering the Grigory thought, the feeling of discontent with the authorities, the feeling of injustice and the wrong war. "You rezed my heart." - Gregory is recognized during one of the conversations with the "evil" Khokhl.

The story of the stay of Gregory Melekhov in the hospital ends the visit of the "Operation of the Imperial Families". After seeing his own eyes of the king and his "Sweet's Sweethearters", who came to honor their presence of wounded soldiers, Gorigoriy finally make sure the guarantees are finally convinced. Grigory notes "the silent cheeks" of the king- "benefactor", which brought and distributing the icon, and his lifeless missing glance finally removes the Cossack of himself and he who does not be able to endure this idolism, Hamit Special, declare that he wants to go ".

Thus, Sholokhov tells us that the revolution was caused not only by hunger and war. It was caused by the attitude, dismissing, higher classes to the lower, rudeness, rudeness, cruel-trust nobility towards simple people. "You, Canal!" - shouted the head of the hospital on Melekhov. Such events, as a war, served only the last drop that overflowed the bowl of patience, and spurred people into desperate actions. The same revolution occurred long before that in the hearts of the oppressed.

Upon returning Grigory, two shocks were waiting at once - the death of a little daughter and news about treason. Having learned that Aksinha changed him with a young sow, the Cossack was deceiving to ride to ride that and drive her horses so that the wind in the ears whistles (mad speed and fierce wind transmit a feeling of rage, mastered by Grigory), and then stops her horses and brutally beat Pan. This episode depicts a bright temper and irreducible in anger, as well as the desire for freedom and a sense of justice that the Cossacks are filled.

Then he comes to Axier with the intention to deal with her as cruel. But the sense of love for her turns out to be so strong that Grigory leaves away, only once a chlen. Axigna catches it on the fork (the root of roads is the choice of the path to which it goes future life Gregory. Axigna imploring his hands in a rush to return him, but he didn't look around, which was again proud, the irreconcilable temple of Grigory Melekhova, who causing him again to change his way. The hot reception, who provided him with a family, testifies to the strong family unity of the Cossacks, but still can not stop the drilling of new ideas for a long time in Gregory.

These two episodes played a turning point in the life of Gregory. The guarantee instilled in him the spirit of the revolution, and the treason of Axigny and the gap with her missed him, but on the other hand they made free. Now Melekhov had nothing to lose, nothing prevented him to join the red. In general, this gap to a certain extent led to all further history Gregory, doubts and throwing, actions and actions on the battlefields - up to the new reunion with Aksinhay. This temporarily ends love line And a serious military, revolutionary, describing events and fate of people during the civil war, the next part of the epic novel is beginning.