Modern cannibals do not refuse favorite delicacies. Cannibalism in the countries of tropical Africa

Modern cannibals do not refuse favorite delicacies. Cannibalism in the countries of tropical Africa
Modern cannibals do not refuse favorite delicacies. Cannibalism in the countries of tropical Africa

Go to extreme, expensive and dangerous journey.

If you wish, you will meet the theater in which you will become a real target for cannibals. Live game for a while, will turn into reality

New Guinea - One of the wildest, isolated and untouched places on the planet, where hundreds of tribes speak hundreds of languages, do not use mobile phones and electricity, continuing to live according to the laws of the Stone Age.

And all because in the Indonesian province of Papua roads still do not. The role of buses and minibuses perform aircraft.

Long I. dangerous Path in the tribe of cannibals. Flight.

The airport of the city of Vamena looks like this: the registration zone is represented by a fence from the chain grid covered with slate.

Instead of pointers - inscriptions at the fences, the data on passengers do not enter the computer, but in a notebook.

Paul - Earthwood, so forget about Duty Free. The airport for which the naked Papuans is the only thing in the legendary Balium Valley.

The town of Vamena can be called the center of Papuan tourism. If a secured foreigner wants to get almost in stone AgeHe flies here.

Despite the fact that before planting passengers pass "control" and a metal detector, on board the aircraft you can easily carry a gas can, a gun, a knife or other weapons that can be bought directly at the airport.

But, the most terrible in Papua Russian flights, not control of security, but old rattling airplanes, coalcasting machines that have a little serving almost with the same stone axes.

Old airplanes resemble old UAZ, Ikarusi.

In the loose portholes, the cockroaches dried under the glass are escorted all the way, the side of the side is worn to the limit, not to mention what is happening with the mechanics itself.

Annually great amount These aircraft are divided, which is not at all surprising at such a technical condition. Scary!

During the flight, you will be lucky to see the endless mountain ranges covered with a thick rainforest separated by rivers with muddy water, the color of orange clay.

Hundreds of thousands of hectares of wild forests and impassable jungle. It is difficult to believe, but from this porthole can be seen - there are still places on Earth, which a person did not have time to spoil and turn into a cluster of computer and building technologies. A plane lands in a small town of Deky, lost in the jungle, in the middle of New Guinea.

This is the last item of civilization on the way to punishment. Further only boats, and from now on you no longer live in hotels and do not wash in the shower.

Now electricity, mobile communications, comfort and equilibrium are left behind, there are incredible adventures in the lair of descendants of cannibals.

Second part - Traveling for canoe

On a rented truck, on a broken primer, you get to the River Braza - the only transport artery in these places.

It is from this place that the most expensive, dangerous, unpredictable and amazing part Traveling in Indonesia.

Dangerous canoe with an inaccurate movement can simply turn over - your things will drown, and the bloodthirsty alligators will appear around.

From the fishing village, where the road ends, sail to wild tribes longer than fly by plane from Russia to America or Australia, about two days.

The most important thing is to sit low on the wooden floor of such a boat. Unlikely to shift toward and break the center of gravity, the boat will turn over and then you have to fight for your life. Around the solid jungle, where the human leg did not go.

Cannon seekers have long attracted such places, but not everyone returns from expeditions to good health.

The tempting the mystery of these places was attracted here by Michael Rockefeller, the richest heir to America of his time, the greatness of the first dollar billionaire of the planet - John Rockefeller. He explored local tribes, collected artifacts, and it was here that there was a stupidity.

Ironically, the collector of human skulls, now decorates someone's collection.

Fuel for boats is extremely expensive here, because it takes a long way - the price for 1 liter, reaches 5 dollars, and the journey to the canoe is calculated by thousands of dollars.

The scorching sun and the sultry heat reach apogee and exhaust tourists to "no".

In the late afternoon, it is necessary to leave the canoe and spend the night on the shore.

Lying on Earth, here are deadly - snakes, scorpions, scandards, here a person has many enemies. You can spend the night in the hut of fishermen, where they are hidden from the rain.

The structure is built on piles in one and a half meters from the ground. It is necessary to ignite the fire, in order to prevent the penetration of different creeps and insects, as well as to treat the body from the malarious mosquitoes. Deadly dangerous scandards fall straight on the head and must be extremely careful.

If you have developed a habit of brushing your teeth, get boiled water with you and do not fit close to the river. Provide a full-fledged first-aid kit for local places that can the right moment Save your life.

First acquaintance with punisham

The second day in the canoe will be somewhat more complicated - the movement will continue against the flow of the Siren river.

Gasoline is a tremendous pace. Time account is lost - the same landscape does not change. Passing through the thresholds in which you may have to push the boat against the current, the first settlement arises, the so-called modern Karavaev.

Friendly aborigines in the repper's robe will be represented and spend on their huts, trying to show themselves with best side And earn "balls", hoping to get a job from rich tourists who can be found quite rare here.

At the end of the 90s, the Indonesian government decided that the cannograms are not a place in the country, and decided to "extort" savages and teach them to eat rice, and not like themselves. Even in the most remote areas, there were villages to which from more civilized places to get a few days on the boat.

There is no electricity and mobile communications, but there are houses at the piles. In the village of Mabul, only one street and 40 identical homes.

There is a 300 person here, these are mostly young people who have already come out of the forest, but the parents most of them still live in the jungle in a few days walk, on the tops of the trees.

In constructed wooden houses absolutely no furniture, and sleep papuats on the floor, which is more similar to the sieve. Men are allowed to have a few wives, or rather an unlimited number.

The main condition that the head of the family would be able to feed each of them and children.

Intimate proximity It happens with all the wives in turn and it is impossible to leave one of them without male attention, otherwise it will be offended. 75 The five-year leader having 5 wives, every night pleads every one of them, without taking any stimulating drugs, but only "sweet potatoes."

So how to do nothing here, there are many children in families.

On white tourists are going to see the whole tribe - after all, you can see "white savages" here for no more than several times a year.

Men come, hoping will get a job, women out of curiosity, and children are fighting in hysterics and a big frightened, equating white people to alien dangerous beings. Horregious from $ 10,000 and mortal danger - do not leave a chance to visit such places of the wide category of the population.

Katka - Case on manhood Here they do not use (as in most newly Guinean tribes). This accessory causes genuine interest in men, while their relatives calmly fly with planes in a naked form with one cannay.

Those caravas who were lucky to work in the city and buy a mobile phone - are considered the most steep.

Despite the lack of electricity, cell phones (which are used only as a player) with music is charged as follows. All discount money and fill the generator's only gasoline in the village, while connecting charger to it, and thus return them to the working condition.

The immigrants from the forest are trying not to risk and not surpassing in the outback, claiming that real cannibals remained there, well, they themselves feed on traditional dish today - rice with fish or river shrimps. Here they do not clean their teeth, eat once a month and do not even use mirrors, moreover they are afraid of them.

Path to cannibals

On Earth there is no place for more wet and stingy-roast than the Jungle island New Guinea. In the rainy season, it pours here every day, while the air temperature is about 40 degrees.

The day of the way, and before you will be the first cavetics skyscrapers - houses at an altitude of 25-30 meters.

Many modern Karavai moved from a 30 meter height of 10 meter, thus preserving the traditions of ancestors and somewhat smoothing the danger of staying at a rapid height. The first whom you will see are completely naked girls and women from the smallest to the oldest.

So, you must meet the owners, and negotiate overnight. The only way Top is a slippery log with cut steps. The staircase is designed for fatty papuars whose weight rarely exceeds 40-50 kg. After long talk, dating and promises of a pleasant reward for the post and hospitality, the leader of the tribe agree to accommodate you in your home. Do not forget to grab delicious meals and needless things for thanksgiving owners.

The best gift for adults and children will be cigarettes and tobacco. Yes, yes, this is how everything is smoked here, including women and junior generation. Tobacco, in this place, more expensive than any currencies and jewels. It is not on the weight of gold, but for all diamonds. Want to arrange the cannient to visit yourself, it will take off to visit, it will pay off or something to ask for something tobacco.

Children can be brought by packing colored pencils and sheets of paper - they never in life did not know anything like that and will be extremely glad to such an amazing acquisition. But, the most incredible and shocking gift is the mirror they are afraid and turn away.

Karavaev living in the forest on the trees remained on the planet only a few hundred. They do not have such a thing as age. Time is divided solely on: morning, day and evening. There is no winter, spring, summer and autumn. Most of them do not even represent that outside the forest there is another life, countries and peoples. They have their own lives, the laws and problems are the main thing, the piglery to bind over the night, so as not to fall on Earth and the neighbors did not eat him.

Instead of the usual cutlery, cavaissets use animal bones. For example, from the bone of Casuar made a spoon. According to the residents of the settlement, they no longer eat dogs and people, and for the last decade, they have changed very much.

In the House of Karavaev, two rooms - men and women live separately, and the woman has no right to cross the threshold of the male territory. Intimate intimate and conception of children takes place in the forest. But, it is absolutely not clear how: male dignity is so little that causes hysterical laughter among tourists and incredible thoughts, as such to make a child. Microscopic sizes are easily covered with a small leaf, which is customary to wrap its body or open it at all, it's not anyway to look at what, and it is hardly possible to see something even with a great desire.

Every morning, the little piglets and a dog go for a walk to walk and feed.

Women meanwhile weave the grass skirt. Breakfast is prepared on a lumpy frying pan - cords from the core tree core. To taste resembles dry-premium bread. If you bring buckwheat with you, cook it and treat Karavaev - they will be incredibly glad and eat everything, to the last grapple - saying that this is the most tasty dishwhich they ate in their lives.

Today, the word cannibal, it sounds almost like a curse - no one wants to admit that his ancestors or worse he himself, ate human meat. However, by chance, they rushed that of all parts human body, the most delicious - ankles.

The arrival of missionaries has changed a lot, and now daily diet - Worms and Saging cakes. The Karavai themselves do not exclude that if you go further, deep into the forest, you can meet those tribes that do not happen today.

How to get to the wild tribes?

Flights from Rosii to Papua New Guinea are not direct. The greater chance that you have to fly through Sydney, and then get inner airlines. Go to the site and specify about the possibility of direct flight to Papua. If still the need for the flight through Australia - Sydney, in this case the flight from Moscow will cost, about 44,784 RUB and more arrive on the road. If you plan, the flight is ready to pay from 80,591 RUB. Then the path lies through the local airline flight, which is impossible to envisage, especially in the province of Papua. Do not forget that an Australian transit visa is needed to travel through Australia. On economy-class tickets, the allowable hand-made weight is not more than 10 kg, for the highest classes, the restriction increased by 5 kg with each level of increasing, that is, the maximum weight of manual baggage is 30 kg.

The last cannibals are known to live in Papua New Guinea. It still lives according to the rules taken by 5 thousand years ago: men go bare, and women cut off their fingers. There are only three tribes still engaged in cannibalism, it is Yali, Vanuatu and Kapaffa. Kapaffa (or Wooden People) - most cruel tribe. They eat not only soldiers of other people's tribes that weighing local or tourists, but also all their deceased relatives. The name "Wooden people" got out of their homes, which are incredibly high (see the last 3 pictures). The tribe of Vanuatu is a peaceful enough, so as not to eat the photographer, the leader bring several pigs. Yali - Grozny Warriors (photos of Yali begin with 9 pictures). The phalange of the man's fingers of the Yali tribe cut off the hatch in the sign of the sorrow along the deceased or deceased relative.

Most main holiday Yali is a celebration of death. Women and men paint their body as a skeleton. For the holiday of death earlier, perhaps this is done and now, the shaman and the leader of the tribe were killed his warm brain. It was done in order to meet death and absorb the leader of the knowledge of Shaman. Now Yali people kill less frequently, mainly, if it was crumbling or for some other "important" reasons.

Hungry cannibalism, which precedes the murder, is regarded in psychiatry as a manifestation of the so-called hungry insanity.

Also known to household cannibalism, not dictated by the need for survival and not provoked by the hungry obstruction. IN judicial practice Such cases are not qualified as an intentional murder with special cruelty.

With the exception of these not too common cases, with the word "cannibalism", it is more likely to come to mind, still incredible ritual pears, during which the victorious tribes devour parts of their enemies to gain their strength; Or another known useful "application" of this phenomenon: the heirs thus cost them the bodies of their fathers in the pious hope that they will rejuvenate in the body of their flesh.

The "cannibal" strange modern Mira Is Indonesia. In this state there are two famous center of mass cannibalism - from Indonesia. Part of the island of New Guinea and the island of Kaliman (Borneo). The jungle of Kalimantane is settled by 7-8 million giving, famous hunters behind the skulls and cannibals.

The most lack of body parts are considered the head - language, cheeks, leather with chin, removed through the nasal cavity or ear opening brain, meat with hip and caviar, heart, palm. The initiators of crowded trips for the turtles in Djakov are women.

The last splash of cannibals on Borneo occurred at the turn of the 20s and 21st centuries, when the Indonesian government tried to organize the collonization of the internal regions of the island by the forces of civilized immigrants from Java and Madura. Unfortunate peasants - settlers and accompanying their soldiers for the most part were carved and were eaten. Until recently, the cannibalism was preserved on the island of Sumatra, where the Bakak tribes were ate sentenced to death criminals and incapacitated old people.

A large role in almost complete elimination of cannibalism on Sumatra and some other islands was played by the activities of the "Father of Indonesian Independence" Sukarno and the Military Dictator Sukharto. But even they could not improve the situation in Irian-Jay - Indonesian New Guinea. Living there Papuass ethnic groups, according to the testimony of missionaries, obsessed with passion for human meat and differ in unprecedented cruelty.

They especially prefer human liver with healing herbs, penises, noses, languages, meat with hips, feet feet, chest glands. In the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, in the independent state of Papua - the new Guinea facts of cannibalism is fixed much less.

Together, and here in some way in the jungle still live according to the rules taken five thousand years ago - men go bare, and women cut off their fingers.

There are only three tribes that still engaged in cannibalism, it is Yali, Vanuatu and Kapaffa. Kapaffa is the most cruel tribe. They eat not only soldiers of other people's tribes that weighing local or tourists, but also all their deceased relatives ... ..

Yali is the wild and dangerous tribe of cannibals in the XXI century, which has more than 20,000 people. In their opinion, cannibalism is the usual thing and there is nothing special about this, eating enemy for them is a valor, and not the most cruel way of violence. Their leader says that this is the same as the fish fish eats, the one who is stronger is stronger. For Yali, it is somehow a ritual, in the process of which the victims the power of the enemy eaten by him.

The Government of New Guinea tries to fight inhuman addictions of their wild citizens. Yes, and the adoption of Christianity affected their psychological perception - the number of cannibal feasts has decreased significantly.
The most experienced warriors remember recipes for cooking dishes from enemies. With imperturbable calm, it can even be said to be happy to say that the enemy's buttocks are the most delicious part of the person, for them it is a true delicacy!
Even at present, residents of Yali believe that pieces of human flesh enrich them spiritually, the victims of the victim with the pronunciation of the enemy gives eating. Therefore, visiting the most terrible place of the planet, it is better not to pronounce the sinks of your name, in order not to provoke them to the ritual of your eating.

IN lately The Yali tribe believes in the existence of the Savior of all mankind - Christ, so do not eat people with white skin. The reason for this is that white color Associated in residents with death color. However, the incident recently occurred - the Japanese correspondent disappeared as a result of strange events. Probably, people with yellow and black skin, they do not consider the old women with oblique.
Since the colonization, the life of the tribe has practically not changed, as well as the robe of these coal-black citizens of New Guinea. The women of Yali are almost completely naked, their day apparel consists of only a skirt with vegetable fibers. Men, in turn, go naked, covering the critical organ with a cover (Khalim), which is made of dried bottle pumpkin. According to them, the process of making clothes for a man requires large skills.

As the pumpkin grows, they are tied to the severity in the form of a stone that strengthen the threads of Lian to give an interesting form. On the final stage Cooking, pumpkin decorate feathers and shells. It is worth noting that Halim also serves as a "wallet" in which men keep roots and tobacco. Love the residents of the tribe and decorations from seashells and beads. But the perception of beauty in them is peculiar. For example, local beauties they knock out the front two teeth, so that they are even more attractive.
The notable, loved and only occupation of men is hunting. And yet, in the villages of the tribe, you can meet domestic cattle - Curia, pigs and opossums that women are being reached. It also happens that several clans spend a large-scale meal, where everyone has its place and takes into account social status Each savage in the dispensation of food. Alcoholic beverages They do not accept, but they consume the bright red flesh of the walnut of the belant - for them it is a local drug, so tourists can often see them with red mouth and blurred look ...

During the period of joint trapes, the clans exchange gifts. Although Yali cannot be called very welcoming people, but they will be happy to take gifts from guests. In some particular, they appreciate bright shirts and shorts. The peculiarity is that shorts they put on their heads, and the shirt is used as a skirt. This is due to the fact that there is no soap in them, the result will be the fact that unstained clothing can cause skin diseases over time.
Even considering the fact that Officially, Yali ceased to defend himself with neighboring tribes and eating victims, only the most "frostbitten" adventure crafes can go to these inhuman regions of the world. According to the stories of this area, dukari still sometimes allow themselves to conduct barbaric acts eating flesh of enemies. But in order to justify their actions, they come up with different stories That the victim was eating, or crashed from the cliff.

The Government of New Guinea has developed powerful program According to bodybuilding and raising the living standards of residents, including this tribe. According to the plan, the mountain tribes must move to the valley, and the officials promised immigrants to give a sufficient stock of rice and building materials, as well as each house free TV.
Citizens of the valley were forced to wear western clothes in the boards and schools. The government even carried out such measures as the territory of the Savior National Park announced the territory where hunting is prohibited. Naturally, Yali began to confuse resettlement, as the first 300 people died 18 and this is the first month (from malaria).
An even greater disappointment to surviving immigrants became the fact that they saw - they were highlighted by barren land, at home rotten. As a result, the governments strategy with collapse collapsed and the immigrants returned back to the favorite mountain edges, where they still live, rejoicing "protecting the spirits of ancestors."


Ahtung! The participants of the Ethnographic Expedition "African Ring" found in the wild forests of Tanzania the tribe of the cannibals, which speak Russian.

The expedition was carried out on three KAMAZ high passability machines in the territory of 27 countries in Africa. During the research work, the participants collected and documented information on the most significant values \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Africa - traditions, rituals, customs and other features of the indigenous population of the Black Continent.

Researchers found a tribe of Russian-speaking black cannibals in East Africa, not far from the border of Tanzania in difficult terrain. Primitive tribe Enough aggressive, in the customs of the natives - the eating of human flesh. The most strikingly that these cruel savages were, as it turned out, not only speak Russian, but at the same time its pure sample of the XIX century. As reported by the representative of the St. Petersburg University, Alexander Yolovt, "the tribe speaks in the purest, beautiful Russian language nobles XIX. The century, on which Pushkin and Tolstoy spoke.

Men tribe are very dangerous, as you perceive all people exclusively as food. During contact with Russian-speaking cannibals, the members of the expedition held the weapon for self-defense at the ready. However, the head of the tribe understood that the conflict with white people was not profitable to him. The tribe is armed with primitive weapons, and each participant of the expedition has had a hunting rifle. Obviously, in the case of a boat, a short-range tribe (only 72 people) it would be interrupted.

The head of the expedition Alexander Zholtov also said that when the tribe of the cannibals offered to guests to try their branded dish "roasted meat of the meal", they asked "Will it would not eat, kinds of help?". When the participants of the expedition refused, the cannibals crushed: "Ah, as we feel sorry, right."

Just visiting a tribe russian-speaking cannibalov Members of the expedition stay half a day. All questions of amazed scientists, why primitive dicks speak Russian XIX century, and answers were not received. The leader of the tribe only modestly noticed that "the time of the century, our tribe speaks of this mighty, beautiful and great language," says A. Yolovti Words of the tribe.

It is likely that cultural heritage And the offspring left the Cossacks led by Ataman Ashinov, who landed along with the intelligentsia and a religious mission to the shore of Africa in 1889. And maybe earlier Russians visited them there. After all, in the local wildlife, even one African king on Alexander Sergeyevich was similar than and earned a nickname "Pushkin".

IN wild tribes Even today is unsafe. And it is not for the fact that the natives do not recognize a more developed half of humanity, and for the reason that the uninvited guest can easily become an exquisite dinner. From southern Moreley. to Vancouver, from West Indies to East India, in Polynesia, Melanesia, Australia and New Zealand, North, East, Western and Central Africathroughout South America - Cannibalism phenomenon is quite common.

One of these tribal cannibals today is Mambil, although, according to the generally accepted law, similar "feasts" are strictly punishable. The tribe lives a small group in Nigeria, it is West Africa. The first messages about mass eating people began to come from members of charitable missions in the middle of the 20th century. After all, then cannibalism was strictly obligatory for the entire population, from Mala to Great. According to reference, the body of enemies eaten right at the battlefield. The meat was cut off with a large knife. It was believed that the strength of the enemy would go to the winners along with his flesh. "Until recently, all Mambils were crowned with cannibals and could remain as such if only fear of the authorities. They usually eaten the meat of the enemies killed in the war, and the inhabitants of the neighboring village, with whom they were marriage during the world. Thus, this case could have happened when the warrior devoured the corpse of his relative. There were cases when, during the skirmish between the two villages, Mambila killed and eaten their brothers of their wives. However, they never ate their tests, because This, in their opinion, could cause serious disease Or even premature death. In cannibalism Mambilov religious views did not play a special role. When they were asked about this, then the natives simply answered that they eat human flesh, because she was meat. When they killed the enemy, then his body was cut into pieces and eaten usually in raw form without any formalities. Separate pieces they brought home for old people who also taped them because of their irrepressible passion for such a product. They eaten even the insides of the person who were removed before that, soapy and cooked. The skull of enemies, as a rule, persisted. And when young people first went to the war, they were forced to drink either beer, or a special skull drug to instill more courage in them. Women, however, was not allowed to eat human flesh, as married men were forbidden to eat the meat of women killed during the village of the village. But unmarried old people could have a female meat how much soul, "wrote in his first book Anthropologist K.K. Mick There were also a tribe of the Angu, which dwells in mountainous areas in the south-west of New Guinea. This tribe today is considered one of the most militant and bloodthirsty. But not only killed enemies went eager. Often the parents came to the table, who eaten before they fell into senile dementia or lose memory. For ritual murder Invited a man from another family. For a certain fee, he killed the old man. Often, the ritual of the murder was accompanied by a group homosexual rape of a boy under the age of 14. After that, the body was washed and went. All but the head. Before it was carried out magic ritualsThey prayed, they were consulted with her and she asked for help and protection. In the new Guinea, the human flesh was usually cooked, but much less often met the custom to extinguish her. The penis, who was considered particularly revered by food, cut off in half and was roasted on the fascinated coals. Best parts Body, real "delicacies", called tongue, hands, feet and chest glands there. The brain extracted from the "big hole" in the welded head was cut into pieces that were the most lackless treat. The intestines and other insides were also eaten as ovaries and female outdoor genitals, besides, very many members of the tribe preferred to have such meat raw. Not the best reception expected the uninvited guests. If two prisoners were delivered to the village at the same time, in these tribes they killed at once one of them in front of the other and roasted so that the second victim see the terrible death agony of the tribesman. Another manifestation of the sophisticated barbarism was pointed sins, which stuck into the body of the victim, and then ignited.
A somewhat more humane is considered the tribe Bachua (Uganda), Tukano, Kobene, Jumano (Amazonia). They eat only the corpses of dead relatives. And this is a sign of true respect for the very much. Trapese proceed about in about a month. Then the semi-pressed corpse is put in a huge metal Chan and boil until the whole "soup set" will not start terribly to stink. Yes, the corpse is boiled without water, so by the time of the "cooking" in the chain there are alone coals. Later, coals are triturated in powder and used in the form of spices, as well as one of the components of the "drink of courage". He should drink all the soldiers of the tribe. Argue that it helps them to be more courageous and wise. However, the hunt for "white meat" continues today. Naturally, now it wears more hidden character, And none of the modern cannibals about their taste will not shout. However, everyone knows that such wild habits are inexperienced, because a man is a kind of special drug.