Tribe Yali - Increigated cannibals. Tribe of Russian-speaking cannibalov

Tribe Yali - Increigated cannibals. Tribe of Russian-speaking cannibalov
Tribe Yali - Increigated cannibals. Tribe of Russian-speaking cannibalov

Ahtung! The participants of the Ethnographic Expedition "African Ring" found in the wild forests of Tanzania the tribe of the cannibals, which speak Russian.

The expedition was carried out on three KAMAZ high passability machines in the territory of 27 countries in Africa. During the research work, the participants collected and documented information on the most significant values \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Africa - traditions, rituals, customs and other features of the indigenous population of the Black Continent.

The researchers found the tribe of Russian-speaking black cannibals in East Africa, not far from the border of Tanzania in difficult terrain. The primitive tribe is quite aggressive, in the customs of the natives - the eating of human flesh. The most strikingly that these cruel savages were, as it turned out, not only speak Russian, but at the same time its pure sample of the XIX century. As reported by the representative of the St. Petersburg University, Alexander Yolovov, "the tribe speaks in the purest, beautiful Russian nobility of the XIX century, which spoke Pushkin and Tolstoy."

Men tribe are very dangerous, as you perceive all people exclusively as food. During contact with Russian-speaking cannibals, the members of the expedition held the weapon for self-defense at the ready. However, the head of the tribe understood that the conflict with white people was not profitable to him. The tribe is armed with primitive weapons, and each participant of the expedition has had a hunting rifle. Obviously, in the case of a boat, a short-range tribe (only 72 people) it would be interrupted.

The head of the expedition Alexander Zholtov also said that when the tribe of the cannibals offered to guests to try their branded dish "roasted meat of the meal", they asked "Will it would not eat, kinds of help?". When the participants of the expedition refused, the cannibals crushed: "Ah, as we feel sorry, right."

Total visiting the tribe of Russian-speaking cannibals, the members of the expedition stayed half a day. All questions of amazed scientists, why primitive dicks speak Russian XIX century, and answers were not received. The leader of the tribe only modestly noticed that "the time of the century, our tribe speaks of this mighty, beautiful and great language," says A. Yolovti Words of the tribe.

It is likely that his cultural heritage and offspring left the Cossacks led by Ataman Ashinov, who landed along with the intelligentsia and a religious mission to the shore of Africa in 1889. And maybe earlier Russians visited them there. After all, in the local wildlife, even one African king on Alexander Sergeyevich was similar than and earned a nickname "Pushkin".

Amassanga grew through the Internet and found a pop article about the cannibalism of historical and modern in Africa. And he decided to post her to pinch the reader with a thin soulful organization.

Interesting photos had to see from Angola of the late 80s - early 90s of the XX century.
About cannibalism among the Indian peoples of Amazonia (in the historical period) Amassang wrote

No other continent hides so much mysterious, mysterious, unknown, like Africa. The fabulous, richest nature and the amazing animal world of the "black continent" with many-sided, diverse peace of African Aborigines always caused and cause admiration, surprise, fear and inexplicable negative interest in the soul of an inquisite person.
Africa is the continent of contrasts. Here you can see the foci of the modern, so-called civilized, peace and immediately plunge into the depths of the primitive-communal system. Here do not know wheels. They rule the character shamans. Polygamy dominates. The population is divided into a tribal basis. Separatism, black racism and trabalism are present. People are monstrously superstitious. For the outer facade of the white-named capitals reign primitive wildness.
One of the gloomy, black secrets of tropical and South Africa is cannibalism. Eating yourself like.
Vera in the effective impact of human flesh and blood is characterized by many African tribes. Civil wars and fierce clashes on the basis of interpretary hostility have always provoked the production of stimulating cancer of drugs from human flesh. Often it acquired widespread.
In the languages \u200b\u200bof African Aboriginal, this drug is called "Dieretlo" or "Ditlo" and in ancient custom, the enemy is preparing from the heart (sometimes) of the enemy, thereby interpreting his courage, courage and heroism.
The heart was triturated in powder, from which drugs were preparing. Slices of human meat were burned on fire with healing herbs and other ingredients, as a result, the charred mass would not be obtained, which was shot down and mixed with animals or human fat. It turned out something like black ointments. This substance called Lenaka was placed in a hollow goat horn. It was used to strengthen the body and spirit of warriors before the battle, to protect the native village, to counteract the spells of enemies-magicians.
In previous times, this drug was prepared mainly from the flesh of alien, primarily prisoners. Nowadays, to obtain a special drug called "Dieretlo", it is necessary to cut a living person in a certain order of a certain order, and the victim is chosen from among the tribesmen of the sign of this tribe, who saw the necessary magical abilities needed to prepare a potent drug in this person.
Sometimes even a relative of one of the participants of the rite can be chosen. No details regarding the selected victim never reported to anyone. This is solved by a badge - ourody. The whole rite is made in deep mystery.
For the preparation of "Dierto", not only to cut the flesh in a living person is required, but then it is to kill him and the corpse first hide in a secret place, and then move away somewhere away from the village.
Here is one example of such a rite. A group of blacks led by Omerod came to the hut chosen for ritual murder. He, without guessing anything, came out with them. It instantly grabbed. The participants of the action preserved a sobility silence. Unhappy shouting that he would give everything that he had, if only he was freed. He quickly plucked her mouth and dragged away from the village.
Having found a place for the same place, black quickly divided the doomed dogge, put on the ground. The oil lamp immediately appeared, with the light of which the executioners, deftly flying knives, cut off the victim's body several pieces of meat. One feet caught a feet, the second - biceps on his right hand, the third carved a piece of the right chest, and the fourth - from the groin. All these pieces they laid on a white rag before Omouri, who had to prepare the necessary drug. One of the band gathered a flowing blood in the bowler. Another, pulling out the knife, sorted all the flesh from the face to the bones - from the forehead to the throat, cut out the tongue and scricch eyes.
But their victim died only after she was slaughtered with a sharp knife on the throat.
Currently, all Africans understand that the magical drug made from human flesh is not able to provide victory in the civil war, but nevertheless it is widely used as a way to enhance intrigue and backlash maneuvers.
Instead of enemy captives, the victims are now the members of the same tribe - a rather rare form of human sacrifices, for which only strangers, slaves, prisoners were required, but in no way tribesmen.
The scale of such ritual killings is unknown. Everything happens in the deepest mystery even from the residents of the villages where they are carried out. Currently there is an opinion among African Aborigines that ritual killings are not "ritual" to the end, and therefore are not real human sacrifices. However, the selection of the victim, the method of murder and getting rid of the corpse is convinced that the carefully developed ritual accompanies each stage of drug preparation.
Vera in the effective impact of human flesh and blood in tropical and south africa is characteristic of many tribes. For them, the human meat turned into a spell not only gives the desired privileges to representatives of the highest African nobility, but also affects the gods, encouraging them not to skit on a fat harvest.
Here's how I describe the slave markets on the tributaries of the Lulyaba River Anthropologist and Ethnographer Herbert Ward, who studied this region well.
Probably the most inhuman practice among the native tribes should be considered to break the pieces of the flesh in a living victim. Cannibals become like a hawk, opened the flesh of their victim.
Whatever incredible, but the prisoners are usually driven from one place to another in front of their meat, which, in turn, by special signs of the lacquer pieces that would like to buy. This is usually done either clay or using fat strips glued to the body.
The stoicism of these unfortunate victims is striking, in front of which there are a brisk trade in parts of their body! It can only be compared with that kind of doom with which they meet their fate. "
- Do you eat human meat here? - asked Ward in one of the villages, pointing to the long, radiant skewers over the smoking fires.
- We eat, and you not? - followed the answer.
A few minutes later the leader of the tribe came to meet and offered a whole dish from large fried pieces of meat, which, undoubtedly, was human. He was terribly upset, receiving a refusal from Ward.
Once in the Big Forest, when the Ward expedition was arranged over the night with a group captured by the slaves of warriors and their fellow tribesmen, whites were forced to change the place, as they were picked up the sickening smell of fried human meat, which was preparing everywhere in the bony.
The leader explained White that the conditions of devouring of the human sacrifice depend on what she represented. If it was a prisoner, then the corpse eaten only the leader, and if the slave, then the corpse was divided among themselves the members of his tribe.
As for massive ritual murders in Africa, they were the exception rather than the generally accepted rule. The essence of Zimbabwean ritual human sacrifices was that the death of one person was required, and not the massive destruction of people.
Cannibalism in Africa is far away. Nowadays, the ruler of Uganda, who was educated in the West, turned out to be a "civilized" cannibal, eating more than fifty his tribesmen.
Aboriginal in the deaf jungle is absolutely impossible to carry out any control. Because of false models and unwillingness, the power of the authorities hide the true picture of cannibalism.
In the north of Angola, on the border with Zaire, this case occurred. One Provincial Policeman (Head), standing on the threshold of his house and listening to the night to a long voice tamamam, noticed: "Surely they destroy someone there." - "Why don't you do anything"? - We asked. - "If I send one of my assistants there, he will only pretend that he was there. He does not pass the nose there, fearing, as if he did not please to spit. We can take something, if we have evidence in our hands And we will find human bones. But they know how to get rid of them. "
In the seventies of the twentieth century, during the liberation struggle of the movement (later than the party) for the liberation of Guinea-Bissau and the islands of the Green Cape from Portuguese colonialists, the rebels had to leave from under the blows of the Portuguese troops to the north, to Senegal. The wounded not to lose mobility, they left in settlements of friendly tribes. But, returning again to Guinea-Bissau, they did not find the left wounded fighters. There were many cases.
And then the leader of Pyigk Amilkar Kabral ordered to break the place where, according to Aboriginal, they buried the dead. They did not find anything there. Africans confessed that "they used them in food." Bones and skulls were found abroad. Rebels from machine guns shot cannibals and burned all settlements.
The authorities have to fight cannibalism, but, despite all efforts, some tribes continue to have this monstrous practice. In some blacks, you can see sharpened teeth - a sign of cannibalism. This also indicated the anthropologists of the XIX century, who studied the Loulyba pool. Where the "sharpness" lives, it was not possible to detect anywhere else nearly one grave - very eloquent proof of that.
The custom of the dead was widespread among all the clans of the numerous tribe of Burea (district of the River Ubanga). The eating was carried out in a period designed to melt the dead.
The deceased is located in the house until the evening. Relatives convened on this occasion are collected for its mourning. In some special cases, such fees left the day, or even two, but usually accounted for one day. At sunset, the corpse was attributed to the nearest wasteland and laid on the ground. At this time, the clan members hid around in the bushes, and when darkness thickened, they were taken to blow into their pumpkins-horns, creating noise similar to howls of jackal. The villagers warned about the appearance of "Shakalov", and the youth was strictly forbidden to leave dwellings. With the onset of complete darkness, a group of old women, the relatives of the deceased, approached the corpse and dismember him, taking the best pieces with themselves and leaving the inedible parts to be confused by wild beasts.
Over the next three or four hours, relatives mourned the deceased. After that, all participants in the ceremony were preparing his meat and fir, after which they burned his bones on the fire, not leaving him from him.
The widow, however, burned their herbal loopholes and either walked naked, or covered with small aprons, which usually wore unmarried girls. After this ceremony, the widow again became free, mighty married. Such a ceremony managed to observe in one of the settlements in the north of Angola. A very similar story about the cannibal rituals was told by Cubans who fought as part of the expeditionary corps against the Zairovsky troops in the north and northeast Angola. The members of the tribe explained the custom to eat their dead as follows. If, they said, bury the dead in the ground and, as is usually done, allow him to decompose, then his spirit will be annoyed to everyone in the district: it will take revenge for the fact that the corpse is allowed to be calm.
But how is the burial of the deceased African. The deceased feet bent, and crossed hands stretched along the body in front of him, which was done before the onset of death. The corpse was associated in this position so that it would not be straightened, and with the onset of the stuff all its members harden. From the deceased, removed all the decorations. The grave was usually sworn here in the hut, and the body was lowered into it an old mat or skin, and in a sitting position. The grave after that fell asleep. Women were buried outside the hut. The corpse was put on his back, feet feet, and their hands pulled up from two sides to the head.
The brother of the deceased immediately took to himself all his widows, but left one of them in the hut so that she looked after the month (lunar) for a fresh grave, and all the rest had to perform a daily program to mourn the deceased with screams and heartbreaking cries. The placamar fir meat, then washed, shaved heads and squeaked nails. The hair and nails of each participant of the ceremony were put in the knot, which was suspended to the roof of the hut. At this, the mourning ceremony ended, and no one more paid no attention to this place, although, of course, everyone was sure that the spirit of the dead man wanders somewhere nearby.
The diverse grave inside the hut, which was then collapsed on her, maybe, of course, to some extent to explain the phenomenon why it is impossible to detect any burial places. In the past, travelers were faced with this, from which they did quite reasonable conclusion: African tribes supported the ancient custom that binds to eat on the spot of their deceased relatives.
The practice of cannibalism in some regions of Africa was covered in secret, secret character, in others, on the contrary, an open, affecting imagination. Anthropologists managed to collect a huge number of facts. Here are some examples.
The natives of the tribe of the Ganavari (Blue Mountains), for example, drilled meat from the body of their defeated enemies, leaving only insides and bones. With slices of human meat at the glance of peak, they returned home, where she was transferred to the priests in the hands of the priests, who were to share it in fairness among old people. The most significant of the elders received flesh, favored from the head. For this, the victims from the head cut their hair, then the rigorous meat, cutting on the strips, was prepared and eaten near the sacred stone.
But no matter how young members of the tribe in battle show themselves, they were strictly tagged to take part in such feast.
The Gavuri tribe was usually limited to eating dead bodies of enemies killed on the battlefield. These dikari never intentionally killed their women. However, the next tribe of the attack did not disperse the female flesh of enemies, another tribe, tantalle, which was engaged in the "skull hunt", "specialized" on the consumption of meat cut from female heads.
Cannibals from the patch tribe tried to eat as many corpses of their enemies. They were so bloodthirsty that they killed and immediately eaten any stranger, both white and black, if he was suddenly on their territory.
Cannibals from the Tribe Mizgum usually waited two days after returning with the extraction of their warriors and only after that they began their dented feast. Heads were always cooked separately from the rest of the body, and no warrior was allowed to eat flesh from the head, unless he personally did not kill this enemy during the battle. The rest of the human flesh had no such great importance, and all the tribesmen could be touched - men, women and children. In this tribe, even the insides were walked in food, after they were separated from the body, washed, they cleaned a mixture of ash with herbs in the water.
Cannibals of the Sura tribe (River Arowmi) added salt and vegetable oil to the meat of their victims during cooking and more widely used the age qualities of their victims. Nothing a single woman of his tribe was allowed to even look at human meat, but fed boys and boys, even forcibly, if they refused to eat, because, according to the senior, it instilled more courage and courage.
The Tribe of Anga refused to eat the meat of boys and boys, for, in their opinion, there were no special virtues suitable for transmission to another. No spruce and old people for the reason that if they were in mature years and were people bold and courageous, skillful trailings, then with age, all their best qualities were obviously declining.
Some of these cannibal tribes have existed a fairly well-developed "Criminal Code" associated with their cannibal practice. In the Anga tribe, it was allowed to eat flesh of the tribesman if he was recognized as a criminal and sentenced to death. Cannibals of the Sura tribe ate flesh tribesmen if she made adultery.
In the Various tribe, they were ready to sacrifice any member of the clan, which somehow broke the law, and such punishment was accompanied by a carefully developed ritual. The culprit was not just killed, but sacrificed. From it, blood was bought for a peculiar Eucharist (communion), and only after that his flesh was transferred to consumption by the members of the tribe.
In some tribes, motivation was somewhat different, not so "non-financial" character, as a brutal passion for human flesh. They existed deeply rooted superstitions: when eating the head and other parts of the body, they allegedly destroyed the spirit of the victims, deprived her of the opportunity to make retribution, return from the other world to cause harm to those who remained here. Although it was believed that the spirit of the victim lives in her head, there were suspicions to this expense that it can be moved from one part of the body to another. Hence the desire to destroy the entire victim without a balance.
But it was another belief. Members of the Anga tribe usually have eaten their old people who have not yet reached senile dementia and properly showing their physical and mental abilities. The family, who took the fatal decision, appealed to a person living on the outskirts of the settlement, with a request to take over the acclaiming sentence to fulfill and even offered him for this fee.
After killing a person, the body was eaten him, but the head was carefully stored in a pot, in front of which various sacrifices were brought, and prayers were pronounced, and all this was done quite often.
The tribes of Jorgum and the Tangale (Niger River) in the go was the most primitive form of cannibalism. An uncomfortable passion for human meat, with a no less strong passion for retaliation, played an important role. The people of this tribe had even a ritual prayer in which they expressed their hatred of enemies and a shameful passion for human flesh, which even more excited them.
Cannibalism is in no way associated with the level of development of a tribe or with its "moral standards". It was a widespread phenomenon even among such tribes that had the highest level of development. (Such tribes like Hero and Masai have never been engaged in cannibalism, because there were cattlemen. They had enough cattle meat)
Cannibala stated that they eat human flesh just because they like meat, and the African Aborigine prefers human meat because of its greater jucia. The biggest delicacy was considered the palms of the hands, fingers and feet, and the woman has her breasts. The younger sacrifice, the softer the meat. Human meat is the most tasty, followed by the monkey meat.
Some Nigerian tribes differed fierce cruelty. The canoes of the Bafum Baughn tribe often tortured prisoners before dying. They boiled palm oil and with the help of pumpkins used as an enema, poured boiling content either through the throat of the stomach unhappy to it, or through the rear pass into the intestine. In their opinion, after that, the meat of the prisoners became more tender, even more. The bodies of the dead were lying for a long time, as long as the oil was not soaked through, after which they were dismembered and eagerly eagerly eaten.
In the heart of Equatorial Africa is a pool of the Great River Congo (Lualaby). Many and many travelers, missionaries, anthropologists, ethnographs devoted themselves to the study of this area. One of them, James Dennis, told in his "travel notes": "In the central part of Africa, from the eastern to the west coast, especially upwards and down the numerous tributaries of the Congo River, still practiced cannibalism, which is accompanied by brutal cruelty. Almost all The tribes in the Congo River Basin either cannibals, or until recently were as such, and among some such disgusting practice on the rise.
Those tribes that were never exhausted to this time, as a result of constantly growing conflicts with the surrounding cannibals, also learned human meat.
It is interesting to note the addiction of various tribes to different parts of the human body. Some cut the long, like stripes, slices from the hips of the victim, his feet or hands; Others prefer hand and foot brushes, and although most do not eat head in food, but I have not met a single tribe that would have forced this part of the human body. Many also use inside, believing that they have a lot of fat.
A man who has eyes will surely see the terrible human remains either on the road, or on the battlefield, with that, truth, the difference that the remains of the remains are waiting for Shakalov, and on the road, where parking tribes are located with their smoking fires, full of white broken , cracked bones, all that remained from monstrous feasts.
During traveling along this country, I was most struck by a huge number of partially worn tel. Some corpses lacked hands and legs, from others - the meat strips were cut out of the thighs, thirdly - the insides are extracted. No one could avoid a similar participation - neither a young man nor a woman nor children. All of them without parsing became victims and food for their conquerors or neighbors. "
The beads of the Bambala tribe considered a special delicacy of human meat, if it lay down several days buried in the ground, as well as human blood mixed with the face of Manioki. The women of the tribe were forbidden to touch human flesh, but they still found many ways to bypass such a "taboo", and they used much popularity to have a deadly extracted from the graves, especially reaching a high degree of decomposition.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Catholics missionaries who spent a lot in the Congo, told how Cannibals appealed to the captains of the vessels, krused on the river from the mouth of the right inflow of Mobangi (Ubanga) to Waterfall Walls, so that they sold their sailors or those who constantly worked on the ocean coast.
- You eat chickens, other poultry, goats, and we are people, why not "
One of the leaders of the tribe of the Liboch, when he was asked about the use of human meat, exclaimed:
- ah! Whether my will, I would devour all to one on this earth!
In the basin of the Mobangi River, Cannibals organize unexpected raids on settlements scattered along both banks of the river, capture residents and turn them into slavery. The prisoners are fed to slaughter as a cattle, and then on a few canoe they are moving up the river. There cannibals exchanged the living goods on elephant bone.
New owners, dealers, contained their slaves so that they had a decent, "commodity appearance", after which they killed them, dismemberd the corpses and sold meat on weight. If the market was oversaturated, some of the meat were left at themselves, they smoked over fire or buried the depth of the bayonet shovel near a small fire. After such processing, the meat could be stored for several weeks and to sell without any rush. Cannibal bought a separate leg or another part, broke into pieces and fed their wives, children and slaves. "
This is a picture of the daily life of thousands and thousands of people of Black Africa began the beginning of the XX century. The missionaries, distributed among the Aborigines of Africa a new faith, argued that the newlyracted cannibals began to lead the righteous, quiet Christian life.
But there were few such. One spelling savage on the question why he eats human meat, answered with indignation:
- You, white people, consider pork the most delicious meat, but it can be fully compared with human flesh. Human meat is tastier, and why it is impossible to eat what you especially like? Well, what are you attached to us? We also buy our live meat and kill him. What is your business before?
In a conversation with a missionary, a local resident admitted that he recently killed and eaten one of his seven wives: "She, a hasty, violated the law of the family and the tribe!" And he hung nicely with the rest of his wives, sat down at the edification of her meat.
In East Africa, cannibalism existed until recently, as the authorities of this region declare, but it was accompanied by much less cruelty and atrocities compared to cannibalism in Equatorial Africa, especially in its western part.
Cannibal customs in the east of Africa are peculiar to some kind of "home" savings. The flesh of old people, patients, nor not capable of tribesmen dried and kept with almost religious reverence in the family storage room. She was offered in special attention as delicacy, guests. Failure to smoke was perceived as a deadly insult, and consent to accept the proposal meant the intention to continue to strengthen friendship.
Without a doubt, many travelers in East Africa, due to the above, the reasons had to taste this food. And here is not worth a hypocrite. Otherwise, how can you explain the fact that expeditions, consisting of several white, could freely overcome huge distances in Eastern and Equatorial Africa, populated by wild, bloodthirsty tribes, the evident in the order of things to themselves like this?
How to explain all this? During his travels, the aboriginal population actively helped them. What was their friendship? On the strict implementation of local traditions and customs. The one who was lucky enough to visit the African outback, knows it is not a mustache.
In his memoirs, the great travelers in Eastern, Western and Equatorial Africa did not mention the word that, due to certain circumstances, they had to break the commandments of Christianity. Moral and ethics did not allow them to write it.
Such can not be said only about the legendary investigator of Africa Henry Morton Wenna. He with a weapon in his hands made his way through the Jungle Africa is not alone, but as part of armed with firearms of the detachments, numbered from 150 to 300 or more people.
Walls carried with me the moral of the "real" white man. In the history of the study of the African continent, he entered as a brutal, adamant, not stopping in any other colonizer in achieving its goals.
A man is in nature carnivane. Many hundreds and hundreds of thousands of years he adhered to traditions of their ancestors - eating yourself like. This is told bones and skulls found in Switzerland and other countries. And later, at sunset of the Bronze Age, processing metals, the man joined the human flesh. Tom evidence - judgments and point of view of Diogen. Polemizing about the benefits of the works as the most terrible and invincible opponents of the lazy people, he offered to expose the last "cleansing rites, and better to kill, cut into meat and consumed in writing, how to do with large fish."
According to information collected in the XIX and XX centuries, it can be assumed that the practice of eating human meat existed on all continents, with the exception of Europe .
Back in the XVII century, the great French philosopher and Moralist Michel Monten offered to leave the cannibals alone, for the customs of the Europeans, although they differed in many ways, were essentially even more cruel and man-nursing than the cannibals.

Yali is the wild and dangerous tribe of cannibals in the XXI century, which has more than 20,000 people. In their opinion, cannibalism is the usual thing and there is nothing special about this, eating enemy for them is a valor, and not the most cruel way of violence. Their leader says that this is the same as the fish fish eats, the one who is stronger is stronger. For Yali, it is somehow a ritual, in the process of which the victims the power of the enemy eaten by him.

The Government of New Guinea tries to fight inhuman addictions of their wild citizens. Yes, and the adoption of Christianity affected their psychological perception - the number of cannibal feasts has decreased significantly.
The most experienced warriors remember recipes for cooking dishes from enemies. With imperturbable calm, it can even be said to be happy to say that the enemy's buttocks are the most delicious part of the person, for them it is a true delicacy!
Even at present, residents of Yali believe that pieces of human flesh enrich them spiritually, the victims of the victim with the pronunciation of the enemy gives eating. Therefore, visiting the most terrible place of the planet, it is better not to pronounce the sinks of your name, in order not to provoke them to the ritual of your eating.

Recently, the Yali tribe believes in the existence of the Savior of all mankind - Christ, so do not eat people with white skin. The reason for this is the fact that white color is associated into residents with death color. However, the incident recently occurred - the Japanese correspondent disappeared as a result of strange events. Probably, people with yellow and black skin, they do not consider the old women with oblique.
Since the colonization, the life of the tribe has practically not changed, as well as the robe of these coal-black citizens of New Guinea. The women of Yali are almost completely naked, their day apparel consists of only a skirt with vegetable fibers. Men, in turn, go naked, covering the critical organ with a cover (Khalim), which is made of dried bottle pumpkin. According to them, the process of making clothes for a man requires large skills.

As the pumpkin grows, they are tied to the severity in the form of a stone that strengthen the threads of Lian to give an interesting form. At the final stage of preparation, pumpkin decorate feathers and shells. It is worth noting that Halim also serves as a "wallet" in which men keep roots and tobacco. Love the residents of the tribe and decorations from seashells and beads. But the perception of beauty in them is peculiar. For example, local beauties they knock out the front two teeth, so that they are even more attractive.
The notable, loved and only occupation of men is hunting. And yet, in the villages of the tribe, you can meet domestic cattle - Curia, pigs and opossums that women are being reached. It also happens that several clans spend a large-scale meal, where everyone has its own place and takes into account the social status of each savage in terms of food distribution. Alcoholic beverages they do not accept, but they use the bright red flesh of the walnut of the Bath - for them it is a local drug, so tourists can often see them with a red mouth and blurred look ...

During the period of joint trapes, the clans exchange gifts. Although Yali cannot be called very welcoming people, but they will be happy to take gifts from guests. In some particular, they appreciate bright shirts and shorts. The peculiarity is that shorts they put on their heads, and the shirt is used as a skirt. This is due to the fact that there is no soap in them, the result will be the fact that unstained clothing can cause skin diseases over time.
Even considering the fact that Officially, Yali ceased to defend himself with neighboring tribes and eating victims, only the most "frostbitten" adventure crafes can go to these inhuman regions of the world. According to the stories of this area, dukari still sometimes allow themselves to conduct barbaric acts eating flesh of enemies. But in order to justify their actions, they come up with different stories that the sacrifice could have stuck, or crashed from the rock.

The Government of New Guinea has developed a powerful program on bodybuilding and raising the living standards of the inhabitants of the island, including this tribe. According to the plan, the mountain tribes must move to the valley, and the officials promised immigrants to give a sufficient stock of rice and building materials, as well as a free TV.
Citizens of the valley were forced to wear western clothes in the boards and schools. The government even carried out such measures as the territory of the Savior National Park announced the territory where hunting is prohibited. Naturally, Yali began to confuse resettlement, as the first 300 people died 18 and this is the first month (from malaria).
An even greater disappointment to surviving immigrants became the fact that they saw - they were highlighted by barren earth, at home rotten. As a result, the governments strategy with collapse collapsed and the immigrants returned back to the favorite mountain edges, where they still live, rejoicing "protecting the spirits of ancestors."


Two months ago, the Supreme Court of Yakutia condemned for 12 years of the colony of the strict regime of the resident of the Saratov region Alexei Gorulengo, who, together with his comrade Andrei Kurochkin, went to gust into Cupid and got lost. After four months, the walnings at the Taiga Gorulengo found. And soon they discovered his buddy - more precisely, what remains from him. The body of Kurochina was cut by an ax. It turned out that Comrade beat the unfortunate and threw a dying in the cold. And then dismembered and ate a friend, facing the fire.

Fisherman-cannibal Alexei Gorulengo punished for the intentional causing serious harm to health, which caused the death of the victim by negligence. In the cannibalism he was not accused - in the Russian criminal code there is no article about it. Fortunately, terrifying stories with such forced cannibals are extremely rare - people go to it from despair, without having a different opportunity to survive. Yes, and insane maniacs, who wish to burn, which should not be, in our time are presented in single specimens.

But this is how to talk about a relatively civilized world: there is a similar one - you just imagine - Brrr ... But on the paradise islands of Polynesia, Indonesia, in Papua - New Guinea, Australia, Africa, Brazil, cannibals still do not fail without loved ones Delicates. " And if you ship into the past, it becomes obvious: this phenomenon is a fat historical and cultural reservoir of world civilization. Footprints of cannibalism can be found in myths, legends and beliefs of many countries. Experts are assured, cannibalism - a kind of growth in growth: at different stages of development, all nations should be overcome.

Unfortunate Dicks

Moved the water still Neanderthals - due to the lack of plant and animal food, they adapted to devour old, small and weak representatives of their few teams - those from which there was no proc. However, with the development of tribal relations, the ritual of dinner mining from a little man became more complicated and overgrown with conventions: our great-grandfathers rightly reasoned that people living with one group were mad, and switched to strangers. The first wars were behind the food - the losers were sent to the kebab with honor.

Sailor-European, who fell in 1554, captured to the Tupinambian tribe Indians, was impressed with the rite of eating prisoners. Saying some Makar to get out the whole and unharmed, the traveler recalled the Dikar custom for a long time. The slaves connected by the hands and legs first gave to the tornness of women and children who spread them out than they could. Then, from the group allocated the largest, and the rest left about the reserve. "The Lucky" was decorated with feathers, after which the Indians walked in front of him in ritual dances.
Preparation for solemn dinner lasted for several months. Captured sweetly fed, methodically aroused to the desired condition. He was allowed to move around the village, put on one table with the local and even allowed to copulate with natives. On the day, when the prisoner was accustomed to the carnal pleasure, it was to become the main Kushan, as a sign of gratitude for the "warm" reception, he bequeathed the filleic parts of his body specially loved to him to citizens.

The "ritual dish" led to the blazer on the fire. Dubbing on the head - and the shabby are connected to the cutting of the body. In the back pass, the stopper is inserted - in order not in the cooking process, no vitamin fell out. Under the approving cries of the relatives, the illustrated Tasha is solemnly sent to the fire and, when the body is twisted, the limbs are separated from it, which women picked up with shouts and carry in the whole village. All those present are invited to the meal, and the most luxury begins.
The above ritual fully fits into the framework of the then ideas about mercy and humane attitudes towards prison. North American Indians of such ceremonies did not bred - by their conviction, the more victim it suffers, the more juicy and the meat is hot. Gurons and Iroquois, who pulled off the prisoners of the heart were distinguished the greatest bloodthirstiness from the chest.
Another "entertainment" of sadists was to make the sacrifice run through the burning governments. The victim close the bones of the hands, she was associated and long tomilized on the coals, having watered water, trying to lead to a feeling, - it was thought that the longer the person on fire remains alive, the flesh is better absurd.

Dance on Kostya

Why do people eat like that? Here how to see. Eating when they really have nothing more to fill the stomach, - in Brazilian chats for women and children deprived of proteins, a well-rooted carlet from a humanity was an excellent vitamin additive to the diet of Roushistin and garbage. The same story in Africa, where hunger often flashes.
But the more likely the motive has always been rage towards the enemy and the desire to deprive him literally to the last bone. Wild people believed that when edifying the spirit of the murdered, he moves to the winner, endowing him with force and courage.

However, it is not necessary to think that lunch was extremely extremely violent: wild people - they are not beasts. Not bad "food sets" were obtained from the diligent natural death. There were many recipes for ritual dishes, which are uncomfortable relatives prepared from the dear hearts of the dead. Latin Americans loved to nibble charred bones, like chips, or were covered with fine chopped pieces of the deck roasted. In African tribes, crushed ash added to drinks. Fans of the delights buried the tribesmen to the ground, where the meat was slightly intimidated, after which the "food" was removed, enjoying cutting down the aroma and melting into the mouth with pieces.

The Congolese tribes of Batthela, who gave the world of the world famous Patrice Lumumba, eaten old people, barely found signs of weakness, thereby saving them from sad thoughts and long diseases. Having a flushing body, believed that the wisdom of ancestors absorb, thereby ensuring the continuity of generations.
Similarly, the neighbors are the residents of the Craketo tribe, they accumulated the dead on slow heat until the corpse is completely dehydrated. After that, the mummy was placed in a hammock and suspended to the ceiling in the deceased house. After a few years, the remains were burned, and what remained was grinding, mixed with Braga from corn and drank, remembering the deceased good word.

By the way
According to biochemists and nutritionists, human meat is the most suitable product for our organisms. Easily digested, contains useful vitamins and amino acids, not allergic.

Bokassa had a tooth on Brezhnev

The President of the Central African Republic (CARs) Jean-Powers Bokassa became famous for the whole world to eating political opponents. The personal cook did not hide that he served the opposition leaders in mayonnaise for lunch. Without human meat, the Bocass could not live at all and, leaving abroad, took canned food with "Delicates". In the 1970s, the "lover of fried" visited the USSR - according to the tradition, pioneers were welcomed with the flowers, whom he was smoking in his cheek. Elderly cannibal and Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. In general, the custom of kissing at the meeting very much like the Bocasse - he said that it allows you to feel the taste of the skin. Returning, the extravagant ruler luggageflood all the ministers by driving the unfortunate in a stupor. And for a long time he recalled a meeting with the Soviet leader, called him the fastened and smiled mysteriously.

Japanese cut meat with live people

During World War II, the soldiers of the Japanese army were engaged in cannibalism - but, unlike the exhausted inhabitants of the Blocade Leningrad, they did not do from hunger, but for fun. The victims became prisoners of war, which were killed, after which donagi and eaten. The hands and foot and feet brushes were usually not touched - due to the bones. Some cut meat from hand and legs when they were still alive. Thoughtful people threw in the "Death Wells".

Ears stick out of soup

At the beginning of this year, a restaurant was closed in one of Nigerian states in Africa, which fed the visitors to human flesh. The menu was saturated and diverse, but its ingredients were not advertised. While the local pastor did not appear in the institution. Imagining too much account, he demanded an explanation. And I found out that he was fed to dishes from human meat. The police detained the owner and employees of the institution. When searching, two heads wrapped in polyethylene and a pair of Kalashnikov machine guns were discovered.

Sex appetite

Cannibala-perverts are, it turns out, and such when they are very "horror-horror," they receive sexual pleasure from eating the victim. Somehow the Frenchman Glyl Garnier strangled the young girl, after which she brought a piece of still warm flesh home and offered his wife. That having attempted, unusually spoken. Mutual orgasm was incredible.
The caretaker of the Laddle in Prague in the last name Tirsche was dried by human meat, joined him, and then hung over the old women all night. And the winemaker Antoine lesion preferred Carpaccio from a human flesh, which was burning with fresh blood before going on a date.
By the way, the followers of the serial killer-cannibal Nikolai Jumagaliyeva, in full, convinced everyone at the court that the meat of the priestess of love is tastier than the meat of the ordinary woman, as it is saturated with a sperm that gives it tenderness and juiciness.

Sit down to eat

In March 2001, a resident of the German city of Rothenburg - 41-year-old Stermines Armin Maurez posted a announcement about the search for a young guy aged 18 to 25 years old who wanted to die and be eaten. A colleague Bernd Brandes responded to such a strange offer. Young people agreed to meet. Brandz was killed and partially eaten by Majes. The villain was sentenced to eight and a half years in prison, accusing in unpetual murder. But later the case was revised, and Mayves received a life sentence.

Sick and not choke

The eating itself sin and our smaller brothers. This weakness is installed more than 1300 species of animals.
* Scorpio's female devours his cubs when they are born or then when the larvae boils to her back. Scorpion with cushions removes them from there and for several hours, savoring, dries.
* Puffy, Karakurts and Bogomols are liquefy males after mating. The ants swallow the fallen fellows, preventing their decomposition and anthill infection.
* Most fish do not distinguish young individuals of their kind from other prey and often swallow them.

* Among mammals, cannibalism is known in rodents, dogs, bears, lions, chimpanzees, baboons and some others. The hamster's female begins to bite off, immediately after their birth and stops when they can already eat themselves. This is due to the strong exhaustion of the body and the acute lack of proteins and minerals after delivery.

Blood boys in the eyes

They say that once I tried a human flesh, I will never forget her unique sweet taste. Someone compares him with lamb, another human flesh resembles pork, and it catches banana notes in it.

A few years ago, the world shocked photographs made in China, which captured the process of cutting the human embryo. They talked about catering establishments where visitors are terrible - feed the soup from the embryos. The female embryos mined from unwillingly to have a "extra" girl of pregnant tetchek are mainly carried out. "Boys" come across less and cost more.
They wrote that private hospitals, conductive abortions, and state clinics, are industrial, and state clinics are distributed free of charge. In the Middle Kingdom, it is believed that in embryos there are substances capable of extending the life of his person. With no less demand, "Dostered" babies, who are killed by an alcohol in the head, as well as a placenta, which can be bought for $ 10. And although it turned out that the nightmare presented in the pictures is the evil joke of the photographer Zhu Yuu, who made the embryo from the Medicality, is striking the abundance of parts describing this delicate process. Muddy case This Chinese medicine ...

Paroccol stood houses covered with straw. The main structure of the village was Maraa - a house of assembly, which is a spiritual center. These houses were considered alive creatures. The inner place was called the stomach, beams - the spine, and the mask above the ridge of the roof is head. These houses were decorated with carvings depicting gods, leaders and events of the past. Near Marae buried the leaders, made magical rites and committed sacrifices. At the head of the latter, the leader stood (Arik), who performed the functions of the Supreme Priest. In general, the figure of the leader was for Maori sacred, they were treated as to Hedbug. After the death of the deceased leader's spirit became a real object for reverence. The leader possessed a special mana, i.e. By force, which is given to people over, spirits. The leader's figure is inextricably linked and such a thing as a taboo.

Taba is a concept denoting something separated from others, sacred, to which they do not have the right to encroach. The figure of the leader's taboo for everyone, for he is a demigod. Moreover, everything that came into contact with the leader became taboo. For example, if the leader talked to someone else, she no longer belonged to its former owners. The latter could also lose their housing if the leader took it. The leader could put his taboo on fishing and then no one dare catch it until the ban will be canceled. The infringement of the taboo entareled immediately, and sometimes terrible death. The fear of him was so great that, sometimes, people were dying (!) Only because accidentally learned that they involuntarily broke her taboo. "Taboo covers life ... Peoples in such a depressing form that comes from here the general berths, which the priests and bosses were able to skillfully use for political goals." There were Maori and Priesers who were divided into two main classes: the first - Tokhunga or official priest, consisting of the sanctuary, and the second - Taura, simple gadels and sorcerers that are not related to the sanctuary. After the leaders, the priests played a major role in the tribe. Maori believed that after the death of the Chief of the leaders and priests, becoming deities or demigods, live forever, the souls of ordinary people die forever. In this unusual teaching on immortality, the unlimited power, which had leaders and priests were also traced. New Zealanders had a big pantheon of the gods, the main of which were: Tangaroa (the god of the sea), Thane (the God of the Sun), Rongo (God of the Moon), that (God of war). The main in the departure of the cult of the gods were sacrifices.

An ominous feature of the sacrifices of Maori was their cannibal character. Until the XVIII century, the concept of nation-cannibals was perceived not more than a fairy tale. However, when Europeans discovered New Zealand for themselves, they were convinced that the eldrels of cannibals are not a myth, but a terrible reality, a terrible example of what the retreat from the true God leads to that. The first European, who visited New Zealand, was Abel Tasman, who was adjacent to her shores on December 13, 1642. The boats sent to them for intelligence were attacked by the Maories, as a result of which four sailors were killed.

The next European, who joined her shore, was French Jacques Surville (December 12, 1769), whose sailors also had a conflict with aborigines. Almost simultaneously with Surville, D. Cook visited her, who had spent five months here and left very valuable information about the aborigines, with whom he managed not to be involved in the conflict. He also belongs to one of the first of their descriptions: "the inhabitants of this country are strong, thin, well folded, movable, usually above the average growth, especially men. The skin of them is a dark brown shade, hair black, beard liquid and also black, whites teeth. Those who have no faces are disappeared with a tattoo, possess quite pleasant features. Men is usually long hair combed to top and tied on top. Some women have hair off their shoulders (especially in older), others are briefly cut ... Local residents, apparently, are distinguished by excellent health and longevity. Many old people and some middle-aged natives ... Tattooed the face of black paint, but we have seen several people with a tattoo and on other parts of the body: hips, buttocks. Usually, the body is applied to the body, the drawing is very thin and beautiful ... Women are introduced black paint under the skin on the lips. Both men and women sometimes paint face and bodies with a red ocher, mixed with fish fat ... Food is not distinguished by a variety: Roots of fern, dog meat, fish, wild bird - its main types, for Yamsa, Tay and Bathatov are not bred here. Local residents prepare food just like the natives of the South Seas islands: they are fried dogs and large fish in the pits, dug in the ground, the small fish, bird, mollusks are boosted at the fire. "

Only on the second journey, Cook learned accurately, which was the main and beloved Aboriginal trapes. Description of the second round-world swimming captain Cook in 1772-1775. Left one of his participants, beautiful and thoughtful scientist Georg Forster. His book "Travel around the World" is distinguished by deep analysis, truthfulness and objectivity even when he writes about the collisions of the Aborigines with the British. We will provide the word Forstor, one of the first Europeans - eyewitnesses of cannibal meals: "After noon, the captain, together with Mr. Wals and my father, decided to cross the Moto-Aro to explore the garden and score plants for the ship. Several lieutenants meanwhile went to Indian Cove bay for trade with natives. The first thing that was rushed into their eyes was human insides wicked in a bunch of water itself. As soon as they came to themselves from this spectacle, as the Indians showed them various parts of the body itself and explained with the help of signs and words that they ate the rest. Among these remaining parts was head; As far as it was possible to judge her, the killed was the young man of the fifteen - sixteen ... While we stood around and looked at her, several New Zealanders approached us from the source. Seeing his head, they gave signs to understand that they would like to eat meat and that it was very tasty ... they did not eat meat raw, and first they decided it immediately, with us to prepare; a little roasted over the fire, after which they ate with a big appetite ...

Philosophers who studied humanity from their cabinet, presumably argued that, despite the information of the authors, the cannibals never existed. Even among our companions there were several people who still doubted this, not wanting to believe the unanimous evidence of such many people ... Now that we saw all with our own eyes, there was no doubt about it.

Oparin A.A. In the kingdom of pygmeys and cannibals. Archaeological study of the books of Ezra and Nehemia. Part II. In the kingdom of pygmeys and cannibals