What language does the name Yegor come from? Name Egor: hidden code of the name that determines the character

What language does the name Yegor come from?  Name Egor: hidden code of the name that determines the character
What language does the name Yegor come from? Name Egor: hidden code of the name that determines the character

The meaning of the name Egor

From George. Patron saint of agriculture in Russia. "Farmer", "Plowman" (Greek) Baby Yegorka has an analytical mindset. In addition, Yegor is very stubborn and distrustful. A person who deceived him at least once risks losing the boy's disposition forever. If you come across a "bad" teacher, it is better to immediately transfer to another school: here he will no longer study. He studies well, is diligent and hardworking. He has good business qualities, knows how to find a way out of any situation. His temper is spoiled by irascibility and grumpiness. If he occupies a leading position (and this happens quite often), then subordinates will have to get used to his manner of reprimanding for a long time even for minor violations. Achieves success in his professional career, colleagues appreciate him for his adherence to principles, pedantry, purposefulness; and ... they are a little afraid of him. In women, Yegor values ​​modesty most of all. She does not tolerate when a woman is boastful and flirtatious, gets annoyed if she tries to attract attention with flashy clothes or defiant behavior. Egor is a straightforward and slightly simple-minded person, his declarations of love and proposals are usually sincere and serious. A respectable family man, a strong owner, somewhat strict with children. In his wife's claims to leadership, he sees a manifestation of female weakness, does not reread in trifles, and shows firmness in serious matters.

Numerology named after Yegor

Soul Number: 8.
The owners of the number of the name 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. "Eights" are mostly very strong personalities, focusing on practicality and material benefits. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest or breaks. They don't get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature do not tend to make a lot of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 4

Body number: 4


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Electric, Shiny, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric Ray, Electric Eel.

The name Egor as a phrase

Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
D Verb (Speak)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Egor

E - the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Talkativeness is possible.
G - the desire for knowledge, the introduction into a hidden secret, the ability to understand everything in an inextricable connection with life, attention to detail and the need to do everything in good faith.
O - deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is prepared for him and you need to use your rich intuition to distinguish it from the bustle of existence.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

Egor's birthday

Saints: Yegory of Chios, New Martyr.

What does

Egor means "farmer".


Analysis of the mystery of the name Egor it makes sense to start with the origin. Name history Egor has ancient Greek roots. This name has a common origin with the name George, comes from the Greek word ?????????, translated from the Greek language - "farmer". There is a folk form of the name Yegoriy.

What does the name Yegor mean according to D.N.Zima

In accordance with the interpretation according to D.N.Zima, the nature of the name Yegor is such that its owners, as a rule, are closed.

In his youth, Yegor usually conflicts with his peers, and each discord with someone leaves a deep wound in his soul. Typically, as he grows older, the mountain is looking for easier outlets for his stress. It can be caustic self-irony, workaholism or passion for any sports activity.

Often Egor puts on a mask, hiding his true feelings and experiences. Yegor plays the chosen role with pleasure, and this becomes his outlet.

Egor carefully selects his life friend. Only to her will he be able to show his real face. In family life, Yegor often shows himself as a wonderful family man.

If one day Yegor reveals his inner world to you, it means that he has enrolled you as his friend. In general, for normal communication with him it would be good to smooth out his irony, it is not always peaceful in nature.

Characteristic according to B. Khigir

According to the description of the name Yegor by B. Khigir, little Yegorka is an affectionate child who is not devoid of cunning: he knows how to please people from an early age and deserve something tasty. As a rule, Yegor is a "mama's" son, he does not let her out of his embrace, with his tenderness he achieves what he wants from his mother, while with his dad such a number will not work for Yegor, therefore, a tense relationship may develop between the son and the father ...

During his school years, Yegor shows accuracy and perseverance. He knows that good academic results will secure him the good graces of adults, as well as the future. With classmates, Yegor tries to behave relaxed, although he is alert and does not lose control over himself.

Egor often manages to achieve career heights. He moves up the career ladder with enviable ease. He goes to the chosen goal purposefully, without being distracted by little things.

Yegor is attracted by modest, quiet women who value his attention and value relationships with him. He is capable of a great sincere feeling. Yegor loves his children, he is ready to protect them.


Variants of the name Egor: Igor, Georgy, Gosha, Egoriy.

Diminutive names Egor: Ega, Eg, Egr, Egorka, Egor, Ega, Egorchik, Egoryok, Egosha, Egorsha, Egory, Egorushka, Egorochka, Egorunka, Egorych; Igor, Goga, Goshka, Goshunya, Goshnya, Huntsman.

Different languages:

  • Egor's name in French: Georges
  • Name Egor in English: Georges
  • Egor's name in Spanish: Georges
  • Egor's name in Italian: Georges

Famous Egor:

  • Yegor Kovalevsky (1811-1868) is a famous traveler and writer, mining engineer and philosopher.
  • Yegor Stroyev (1937) is a modern politician and statesman.
  • Yegor Isaev (1926) Russian Soviet poet and publicist.
  • Yegor Gaidar (1956 - 2009) is a modern politician, economist.

The name Yegor has church roots and is associated with George the Victorious. Egor's distinctive character traits are honesty, seriousness, responsibility. Holders of this name often achieve professional heights in their careers, becoming leaders. Egor approaches the choice of a life partner more than seriously, immediately outlining the framework of his intentions. This is a demanding person who values ​​friendship and loyalty.

Character and destiny

The name Yegor is of ecclesiastical origin. This name comes from the name George. Meaning is the patron saint of agriculture. The secret of the name Yegor is hidden in history. George the Victorious was born in order to slay the formidable monster - the dragon.

Name forms: Yegorka, Yegorushka, Zhora, Zhorochka, Georges, Zhorzhik, Zhorka. Name days according to the Orthodox calendar are celebrated on May 6.

As a child, Yegor is an active child who values ​​freedom. For a boy, honesty is important. Does not tolerate insults towards weak people. Even despite his small age, he is able to fend for himself. Knows how to distinguish good from bad. That is why relationships with worthy people develop successfully.

Yegor does not have serious health problems. There is a tendency to be overweight. The parents of the child should teach him to eat and exercise properly.

Egor is a born neat and, acquiring many things, is based on their importance. When meeting with friends, he becomes a relaxed and open person, but when someone lies, he withdraws into himself. She perfectly remembers many things, so people from the outside may seem like a bore. In the period of growing up, he can achieve great professional heights, if he does not retreat from the intended path. When Yegor becomes an adult, his isolation disappears. In a difficult situation, this is the first person who finds a way out.

In the business sphere, he tries to give all his best at 100%. If Yegor's future profession turns out to be boring, he may become discouraged and disappointed in his own life. Knows how to find a quick solution to any problem. It will take a lot of effort to earn his trust. As a director of a firm, he can scold his subordinates even for an insignificant oversight. Employees, despite Yegor's strict character, appreciate him as a purposeful and highly qualified employee.

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Marriage and family

In relationships with girls, Yegor is sincere and incapable of deception. If he confesses his love, then his intentions are serious enough. In the family, he manifests himself as a wonderful husband and father, even though he is a little strict with children. I do not mind that the leading role is taken by the wife, but in difficult circumstances the decision is made by himself. In ladies, he loves loyalty and chastity, but when meeting with a femme fatale, he can lose his mind.

Best of all, Yegor will have a relationship with the owners of the names: Anna, Elena, Julia, Anastasia, Tatyana, Ekaterina, Natalia, Christina, Lyudmila, Irina, Lilia. Marriage with girls named Marina, Maria, Svetlana, Victoria, Ksenia, Yana, Nadezhda, Diana, Eugene, Daria, Alena, Margarita is undesirable.

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Name color

The most suitable color for Egor is blue. The color blue is inherent in such qualities as wisdom, calmness, self-confidence, responsibility for actions, inspiration. He helps you do great things and find solutions to any hard-to-reach problems. The soul becomes cleaner, and the craving for new knowledge manifests itself even more. Suitable for philosophers, businessmen, writers and other creative people.

Yegor has a special need for blue when he experiences negative emotions. It can be resentment, sadness, or simple overwork. Yegor's slight melancholy requires relaxation, which is provided by turquoise shades.

The color scheme in the interior will help control the emotional state. If this is an office, then you need to decorate the room in blue tones. This color will help employees monitor work efficiency and establish mutual understanding in the team.

If Egor feels stress in the workroom, then it is better to purchase a stone of rich blue tones. For this, sapphire or lapis lazuli are suitable.

If Yegor has a pronounced romanticism, then he needs to add blue things to his wardrobe. These clothes are perfect for everyday wear or a romantic date. You can't do without denim clothing, it will add nobility and look stylish. It is better to buy a work suit in dark blue.

A wardrobe in which there are blue shades will help Yegor develop intelligence, attentiveness, become happier and more restrained in emotions.

Designation of tones for George:

  1. 1. Blue. Dreaminess, tranquility and belief in a better future.
  2. 2. Dark blue. Melancholy, immersion in oneself.
  3. 3. Sea wave. Self-confidence, value, emotion management, control of tomorrow.

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Significant numbers

The most important figure for Egor is 8. The value of this number indicates a high probability of personal victories. Indeed, this figure contains courage and perseverance. Self-confidence helps to overcome any obstacles on the way. Initially, the number 8 is endowed with the quality of a fighter. It is these people who become leaders. With such firm conviction, there are no insurmountable obstacles for Egorov. These people are always one step ahead, because their main task is self-knowledge.

In addition to positive qualities, Yegor also has negative traits. Most often, the negative side manifests itself in relation to business partners. The habit of reprimanding people for minor offenses prevents Egor from concentrating at the right moment. Despite the anger, colleagues see it as part of their business life. Outside the business arena, things are different. People don't like rough and hard features, which is why the number 8's main goal is self-control.

Horoscope for Egor

Yegor's character is associated with the zodiac sign:

  • Aries. Strong-willed character, always honest with people. Most of all he values ​​friendship and mutual understanding. Doesn't like playing games with girls. Such a man will speak directly about his intentions.
  • Taurus. A kind and pleasant person. He tries to achieve mutual understanding both in love and friendship. In a dispute, he is ready to compromise. He perceives resentment quite strongly, but withdraws into himself for a short time.
  • Twins. An extrovert, in a difficult situation, he will always find a way out. Likes to joke with people for fun. The companion of such a man should be calm about his antics, because over time it will stop.
  • Cancer. A very bright personality, both externally and internally. Lives on impressions, quickly changes his hobby. This sign should choose a woman who will bring new emotions.
  • A lion. Self-confident and ready for exploits. Never alone, always surrounded by a large company, loves parties. In a relationship, he is very jealous, but he values ​​his chosen one and will never give offense.
  • Virgo. Sincere, loves order. Egor strives for a relationship, but friendship for such a person is always more important. Does not forgive betrayal. Really evaluates compatibility with the future darling.
  • Scales. Lives in harmony, but passionate enough. He likes to pursue girls, but more often it is a pipe dream. After all, for decisiveness he lacks courage.
  • Scorpion. Responsible and frank. He will not allow himself to be offended, when making a decision, the last word remains with him. Scorpio has a lot of women, but as soon as a sincere and open girl appears, Yegor will not let her go.
  • Sagittarius. Lives for today, the soul of the company. When making decisions, he weighs all the pros and cons, which is why he makes the right choice. In a relationship, he is looking for returns. A romantic man who believes in high feelings.
  • Capricorn. Mystery man. People will never guess what Yegor is thinking at a given second. He doesn't even trust himself. Being in society, it seeks to disappear as soon as possible. The fate of Capricorn depends entirely on the other half.
  • Aquarius. A versatile and intelligent man. A good friend and no less wonderful husband. People often suspect that George has no emotions. But Aquarius is used to showing his love not with words, but with actions.
  • Fishes. A person who succumbs to sadness. Lives with feelings, is afraid of his actions. More often Pisces are not deprived of external beauty. When you try to get to know George better, you can guess how rich his inner world is.

The meaning of the name Yegor may interest parents who are thinking about how to name the child. Also, men who are called that should know him. It's no secret that a name can have some influence on the character and fate of its owner.

What is the origin of the name Yegor

First you need to figure out where it came from. What is the origin of the name Yegor? It is known that it was formed on behalf of Georgios, who was very popular in Ancient Greece. The new word appeared by rearranging the initial sounds and truncating the suffix.

The meaning of the name Yegor is "landowner", "cultivator of the land", "farmer". Initially, it was used as a colloquial version. The name acquired independence only in the first half of the twentieth century.

How does the owner of the name Yegor behave in childhood? For the boy, who was so named, there is nothing better than fun outdoor games. He is active and gladly takes on the functions of an organizer. The child loves to attract attention to himself, with pleasure he demonstrates his talents to others. Of course, he gladly participates in amateur performances, as this allows him to attract admiring glances to himself.

At school, the owner of the name does well. Egor likes to be among the best students, to get A's. However, his need to win everywhere and always can hinder him in life. One of the secrets of the name Yegor is that its owner does not tolerate criticism. If a teacher speaks negatively about his ability or gives him a bad grade, he may stop preparing for the subject. He is also too stubborn, always trying to insist on his own.

In Yegor, He does not accept lies, always stands on the side of the weak, who are offended by the strong. Often he participates in fights, while pursuing the goal of insisting on his righteousness.

Relationship with parents

Does the meaning of the name Yegor affect his relationship with his parents? Yes it is. Boys, who were so named, often become the favorites of the mother. They readily spend time in their company, constantly demanding attention. Do not be surprised if Yegor is jealous of his mother for his brother or sister.

The owner of the name usually manipulates his mother easily. With tenderness and affection, he makes her constantly make concessions. With his father, this number does not work, which can irritate Yegor. Often, tensions develop between dad and son, and mom has to sort out their conflicts.


The male name Yegor endows its owner with many positive qualities. He is responsible, hardworking, loves order. This person is a good organizer, able to find a way out of even the most confusing situation. Egor is ambitious, loves to set goals and achieve them. He does not turn off the chosen path, no matter how difficult the road turns out to be.

The characteristic of the name Yegor indicates that its owner always tries to act decently. He will gladly lend a helping hand to those who need it. A man will do this not in order to get something in return, but for moral self-satisfaction.

The characteristic of the name Yegor also testifies to the sociability of its owner. The man who is called that has many friends. He easily makes new acquaintances, is happy to keep in touch with old friends. Yegor does not like to lose people; throughout his life he communicates with those with whom he was friends in kindergarten.


Stubbornness and irascibility are the main drawbacks that the name of its owner gives. If something got into Yegor's head, there is hardly a person who will be able to convince him.

The man who is called that is very sensitive to criticism. He aggressively perceives attempts to point out to him any of his mistakes, shortcomings. Yegor does not forget the insult, he remembers the insult (real or imaginary) for a long time. With people whom he considers his enemies, he is able to act quite harshly.

Yegor is extremely reluctant to admit his mistakes, but when this happens, he is ready to apologize, to try to make amends.


In the team, people named Yegor are always ready to take on the role of a mentor, an older brother. They enjoy authority with others, they are able to lead a crowd of like-minded people.

If Yegor is mistaken about this or that person, he experiences it very hard. The owner of the name will never forgive an attempt to use the trust and affection that he has with a colleague or comrade for personal gain. A man whose name is that will easily stop communicating with someone who, for one reason or another, has lost his trust. It is unlikely that he will take revenge on the one who betrayed him, but he will forever delete an unworthy person from his life. The bad news is that he is able to see betrayal even where he is not.

Choice of profession

The origin of the name Yegor indicates that it means "farmer", "farmer". However, it is not at all necessary that the professional activity of its owner will be related to agriculture. He can choose for himself any job that will allow him to achieve great heights.

It is interesting that it is not concern about his financial situation that pushes Yegor to move up the career ladder. High wages attract this person much less than recognition of his merits.

The owner of the name can find himself in different fields of activity. In any case, his choice will be a complete surprise to friends and relatives. Responsibility and hard work, as well as pronounced organizational qualities will allow him to quickly move up the career ladder.


Can a man named Yegor succeed in business? Will the character hinder him in this or help? The person whose name is so has pronounced leadership qualities. He not only does not deviate from the chosen path, but is able to lead the crowd behind him.

However, subordinates often dislike him. This is due to the habit of scolding people for even minor offenses. He is respected for his adherence to principles and purposefulness, but at the same time they are afraid.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that Yegor lacks a love of risk. He is ready to invest money in this or that project only when he is absolutely convinced of its profitability. He never concludes dubious deals, no matter what potential partners promise him. Being careful can both help him and hinder him on the path to success. Therefore, small business is most suitable for men named Yegor, which does not imply constant risk.

Love, sex

Before listing the names suitable for the name Yegor, it is worthwhile to figure out what requirements its owner makes for women. The man who is called that is not prone to early marriage. He often looks for his soul mate for a long time. The requirements for the owner of the name are high, but he is ready to spend years looking for his ideal.

Often, Yegor himself is not able to figure out which representatives of the fair sex attract him. Next to him, he prefers to see a restrained and modest girl. Women who allow themselves to dress provocatively and do bright makeup are hardly able to seriously interest him. Extravagant behavior can also alienate Yegor, even if he likes the girl outwardly. However, the owner of the name is forced to lose his head by temperamental ladies who are ready for crazy experiments in bed. It is not easy for him to meet a woman who combines all the desired qualities.

The secret of the name Yegor lies in the fact that its owner is a very passionate man. Guys with that name tend to be good in bed. In sex games, they value variety, are always ready to try and offer something new. Egor loves to listen to compliments and does not skimp on the reciprocal courtesy.

Name compatibility

It is impossible not to consider such a question as the compatibility of the name Yegor with female names. This guy is suitable for girls whose names are:

  • Faith.
  • Hope.
  • Tatiana.
  • Eugene.
  • Nina.
  • Catherine.
  • Galina.
  • Yesenia.
  • Zlata.
  • Alice.
  • Angela.
  • Rimma.
  • Ioannina.
  • Bogdan.

There are also names that absolutely do not suit him. To stay away from Egor is worth to the fair sex, who are called Elizaveta, Lyudmila, Polina, Miami, Barbarians, Valeriy. Such a union will be unhappy for everyone.

Egor's alliance with Elena, Lyudmila, Valentina, Natasha, Daria may turn out to be ambiguous. Such couples can only be happy if both he and she learn to make compromises.

Family Children

Yegor often enjoys a reputation as a heartthrob, but this is not true. When he finds his soul mate, he remains faithful to her. Cheating is absolutely unacceptable for him, which he expects from his life partner. For the owner of the name, both external beauty and the soul of the chosen one are important. As a rule, he proposes to a beautiful, intelligent and modest woman. If Yegor confesses his love, then there is no doubt about his sincerity. He is really ready to devote his whole life to a lady of his heart.

At work, the man who is called that is not ready to give up leadership functions to anyone. In the family, however, things are different. Yegor will readily entrust his wife with making important decisions. To people who do not know him well, it may even seem that he has turned into a henpecked. In reality, the owner of the name just completely trusts his spouse.

When Yegor gets married, the need to take care of his family determines his entire future life. It is safe to say that this guy's wife and children will never need anything. He does not skimp on expensive gifts for them and provides the people dear to him with everything they need. It is difficult to predict what kind of father Yegor will be. With equal probability, he can pamper his heirs and educate them in severity. However, he will definitely not allow anyone to offend his children, he is ready to defend their interests always and everywhere.


Does the meaning of the name Yegor have any effect on the health of its owner? The main problem of the child, whose name is that, is the love of sweets. Moms and dads must certainly keep this "hobby" under control. Otherwise, there may be problems with the pancreas. Love for sweets can also lead to the fact that Yegor will become overweight.

In adulthood, the man who was so named often suffers from metabolic disorders. He is also threatened with diseases of the heart, lungs, blood vessels. At any age, proper nutrition is important for Yegor, it is also desirable to support himself with complexes of vitamins and microelements. It's great if the owner of the name, as a child, accustom himself to regular sports. Finally, Egor definitely needs to find time for a good rest, which he constantly forgets.

Another important point is that the owner of the name should not get carried away with alcoholic beverages. Men who are called that are easily addicted to alcohol.

Hobbies, hobbies

Yegor is not the kind of person who would agree to waste his time on useless activities. For this, he values ​​every minute too much. For example, if he goes fishing, it’s only for the purpose of catching big fish that can be cooked and eaten, and not just to relax in nature. He only prepares food when he is hungry. Creation of culinary masterpieces does not appeal to him. However, he is able to feed a delicious dinner to guests in order to hear compliments about his culinary talent.

Egor can engage in creative activities, but only under certain conditions. For example, to get carried away with drawing, he needs a teacher who will constantly admire his abilities. His hobbies often change, especially in childhood. Thanks to this, the owner of the name has a broad outlook, which makes him an interesting conversationalist.

There is a possibility that Yegor will take a great interest in sports. To this he can be pushed by the love of victories, the desire to be the first in everything. Compliance with the daily routine is relatively easy for him. However, if the owner of the name does something worse than others, he may quit.

Diminutive names

What do friends and relatives call Egor? It is important not to forget that the owners of the name do not like to be distorted. They prefer the full version. However, Yegor allows his close people certain liberties. Yegorushka, Goshunya, Yegunya, Yegorka, Yegorchik, Goga - there are a lot of options.


How is the life of the owner of the name Yegor developing? His fate largely depends on the lessons learned in childhood. Parents should make sure that the boy learns to control his emotions. It is necessary to explain to the child that others do not have to constantly admire him, that he is also capable of making mistakes. And this is absolutely normal.

What does the name Yegor mean:
This name means - a farmer, or a plowman.

The origin of the name Yegor:
It is generally accepted that this is the Russian form of such a Greek name as George.

The character conveyed by the name Yegor:

Integrity, incredible pedantry and powerful dedication - these are the very basic and characteristic traits of Yegor's character. He always has a subtle, analytical, even masculine mind, he is usually extremely distrustful. Anyone who at least once decided to deceive Yegor will forever lose all his disposition or trust. Later in school, he studies very well, always tries very hard, and he does not occupy himself with diligence at all. However, if suddenly a trusting relationship with the teacher does not develop, then it will be better for him to immediately transfer him to a completely different school, otherwise you can be sure that there will be no sense at all. He is incredibly persistent and resourceful, he can always easily find a way out of almost any, even the most difficult, situation.

Some negative character traits of Yegor, perhaps, would include some quick temper or grumpiness. And if he suddenly becomes a leader, then, as a rule, he treats his subordinates very strictly, scolding them for almost all the slightest violations. But the business qualities of this wonderful strong person are really at a good level, he can move to the very top of the career ladder with extraordinary ease, and his colleagues really appreciate him very much, unusually respect and somewhere a little afraid. Mother nature, as a rule, endows Yegor with incredibly good pedagogical and psychological abilities, he is really an excellent educator. He can also make a completely successful career, say, a military man or a lawyer, perhaps a designer.

It should be noted that Yegor's family life, as a rule, develops very successfully, he is a really respectable family man, an excellent owner, madly in love with children, but at the same time he still tries to educate them in extraordinary severity. With his wife, he is not at all fighting for leadership, and at the same time, yielding to her in all even the smallest trifles, however, taking an incredibly firm and tough position if suddenly the matter turns out to be serious. In addition, in his soulmate, Yegor primarily values ​​female modesty and delicacy, as well as chastity. He is even annoyed by flirtatious, or unusually provocatively dressed women who attract the attention of almost everyone around him. Having chosen that one, his one and only and beloved, Yegor will never play up, but will always be able to directly declare all his intentions. At the same time, he is absolutely not insidious and is not at all capable of deceiving and offending women.