Van Gogh: When Glory comes after death. Revealed Mystery Madness Van Gogh Final Stage of Creativity

Van Gogh: When Glory comes after death. Revealed Mystery Madness Van Gogh Final Stage of Creativity

British art criticism of more than 10 years have investigated the unknown public documents and letters related to the artist Vincent Van Gogh, and came to the conclusion that the master, contrary to the official version, was not a suicide. Researchers believe that the Great Netherlands artist was shot, reports British BBC TV and Radio Company.

Shortly before the death of Vincent Van Gogh settled in one of the hotels of the French city of Over-sur-UAZ. The master went to work in the field located nearby, which is depicted on his last picture "Wheat field with crowns" (1890). It is believed that during one of these walks, the great post-impressionist fired himself into the chest, but the bullet did not hurt the heart, so the artist was able to enjoy the wound, get to the bed in her room and ask for a doctor. However, they failed to save the Great Artist.

For a long time, this version of Van Gogh's death was considered official, although many researchers of creativity and the life of the artist noted that there are many white spots in this story. This point of view is adhered to British art historians Stephen Niphech and Gregory White Smith, whose book "Van Gogh. Life" ("Van Gogh: The Life") I saw the light on Monday.

NiPhech and Smith for more than 10 years studied the artist's little-known letters, as well as various documents related to it. Including police protocols of 1890 and the testimony of acquaintances and neighbors Van Gogh. British art historians have processed more than 28,000 documents, most of which have never been translated into English and other languages. Niphech and Smith helped four professional Netherlands philologists.

In the course of working on a book, British researchers concluded that Van Gogh, who, as previously thought, shot himself, was actually killed. The British noted that, according to police protocols, the bullet entered the artist's stomach under sharp, and not at right angles, which could hardly happen if Van Gogh really committed suicide.

According to eyewitnesses, Van Gogh loved to communicate and drink with two 16-year-old teenagers from Over-sur-UAZ, who were seen in the artist's company and on the last day of his life. Neighbors Van Gogh said that one of the young people was dressed in a cowboy costume and had a faulty pistol with him. Niphech and Smith believe that it is from him by chance, during the game, and Van Gogh was shot.

A similar version of the death of the master was expressed by famous art historian John Renwald back in the 1930s. British researchers believe that the artist put out that had suicide to protect young people from punishment. According to Gregory Smith, Van Gogh did not strive for death, however, faced with her face to face, did not resist. Smith writes that the master was very worried because he was a burden for his brother Theo, which fully contained the artist, whose work was not sold. Van Gogh decided that his death would save his brother from the burden, the British believed.

Stephen Niphech and Gregory White Smith also write that Van Gogh was in such bad relations with her father-pastor, that when he died, many relatives of the artist began to accuse Vincent in the murder of the head of the Van Gogov family. Vincent Van Gogh died on July 29, 1890 aged 37 years.

"Encyclopedia of death. Chronicles of Charon

Part 2: Favorite Summary Dictionary

The ability to live well and die well - this is the same science.


Van Gogh Vincent

(1853-1890) Dutch artist

It is known that Van Gogh suffered from the attacks of madness, one of which led even to the fact that he cut off his part of the ear. For the year with a little to death, Van Gogh voluntarily decided to settle in the shelter for mentally ill in St. Paul-de Mosel (France). Here he was allocated a separate room, which simultaneously served as a workshop; He had the opportunity to accompany the minister to wander around the surroundings to write landscapes. Here he has the first and last time in his life bought a picture - some Anna Bosch paid 400 francs for the painting "Red Grape Vine".

July 29, 1890 after dinner Van Gogh alone, without a minister left the shelter. He wandered a little over the field, then went to the peasant yard. The owners were not at home. Van Gogh pulled out a gun and shot himself in his heart. The shot was not so accurate as his strokes. The bullet, who fell into the rib bone, was rejected and passed by the heart. By kicking the wound with hand, the artist returned to the shelter and lay down in bed.

Called Mazri's physician from the nearest village and the police. Whether the wound did not cause Van Gogh of great suffering, whether he was completely well-sensitive to physical pain (remember the story with a sliced \u200b\u200bear), but only when the police arrived, he quietly smoked the phone, lying in bed.

At night he died. Body Van Gogh was put on a billiard table, and his paintings hung on the walls. Dr. Gasha, who treated the artist, sketched this scene with a pencil.

One of the greatest artists of the world Vincent Van Gogh still remains the object of disputes of cultural historians and researchers. Mysteries and dark spots in his biography are more than reliably known facts. Becoming the famous artist already in a mature age, Van Gogh worked only ten years, for which he managed to leave the masterpiece of expressionism, inspired thousands of artists. However, the circumstances of his life and death remain covered by the curtain of secrets - some researchers believe that they will never succeed to solve them.

Creative way

Vincent Van Gogh became a professional artist quite late - up to 27 years old Dutchman tried himself in other areas, such as trade and missionary activities. However, the turning point was his return home, after several years of work as a priest. Vincent first saw himself as an artist and began to diligently learn to this skill. Then the style of Van Gogh begins to be formed - light and slightly trembling, as if in the roast day.

First alarming calls

The flame temperament of the artist then also found a way out of various kinds, but the famous fracture was the day on October 25, 1888, when his friend Paul Gauguen arrived in Arles to Van Gogh to discuss the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a southern painting workshop. But the peaceful discussion very quickly turned into conflicts and quarrels - everything ended in that Van Gogh attacked Gauguen with a razor in his hands. That was able to stop the violent artist, but he did not lose it - when Gaen left, he cut off his ear, wrapped him in a handkerchief and presented a fallen woman in a nearby brothel. Some historians believe that it was the first manifestation of the madness of the artist caused by frequent absinthe use. The next day Vincent Van Gogh was put in the ward for violent patients with a diagnosis of epilepsy temporal fractions.

Psychosis and creativity

After the case that became famous, the most fruitful period of Van Gogh as an artist began. Wang Gogh wrote his famous picture of "Starry Night" in the state of extreme mental instability. He fell into turbidity increasingly, but found the strength to concentrate at work. He continued to write, but his last work has changed finally, becoming even more nervous and oppressive. The main place in the work took a whimsally twisted contour, as if clapped by one or another item.

Mystery of death

In July 1890, Van Gogh went to another walk in the forest. There was a tragedy - the artist fired himself in the heart, but the bullet took place just below. Van Gogh was able to get to the hotel room in which he lived. The place of Over-sur-UAZ, where the tragedy occurred, was at that time very popular at the fans of the masters talent. Director of the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands, Axel Rücher, I am sure that the artist could kill someone from them. Serious researchers are already developing this version, but it is still believed to believe that Vincent Van Gogh died as a result of suicide attempt.

On March 30, 1853, the famous Netherlands Grandmith Vincent Van Gogh was born, the exhibition of which in his song last year I felt the famous grouping "Leningrad". The editorial staff decided to remind his readers, what is this master than he is famous and as it remained without ear.

Who is Vincent Van Gogh and what did he paint?

Van Gogh is a world famous artist, author of the famous "sunflowers", "Iris" and "Star Night". The master lived only 37 years, of which no more than ten devoted paintings. Despite the shortness of the creative path, his heritage is huge: he managed to write more than 800 paintings and thousands of drawings.

What Wan Gogh was in childhood?

Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 in the Dutch village of Grotz-Süntert. His father was a Protestant pastor, and the mother - a daughter of a twist and seller of books. The future artist received his name in honor of the grandfather in the father's line, but it was not meant to him, but the first child of his parents, who was born a year before Van Gogh, but died on the first day. So, Vincent, being born second, became in the family of elders.

The households of Little Vincent considered the wayward and strange, he was often punished for the tricks. Outside the family, he, on the contrary, was very quiet and thoughtful, almost did not play with other children. He went to the village school just a year, after he was sent to the boarding school 20 km from his native house - this departure took away the boy as a real nightmare and could not forget about what happened, even as an adult. After he was transferred to another boarding school, which he threw in the middle of the school year and did not recover anymore. Approximately the same attitude awaited all subsequent places where he tried to get an education.

When and how did you start to draw?

In 1869, Vincent settled into the major art and trade firm of his uncle as a dealer. It was here that he began to deal with painting, learn to appreciate it and understand. After him, he was tired of selling pictures, and he gradually began to draw and draw out sketches. As such, Van Gogh did not receive: in Brussels he studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, but after a year she threw it. The artist also visited the prestigious private art studio of the Fernan Cormon, famous in Europe, studied the painting of impressionism, Japanese engraving, the works of the Gaugaen field.

How was his personal life?

In the life of Van Gogh there were only unsuccessful relationships. For the first time he fell in love, still working at his uncle dealer. Regarding this young lady and her behalf, the artist's biographers still argue, without going into details, it is worth saying that the girl courting Vincent rejected. After the master fell in love with his cousin, she also refused him, and the perseverance of the young man and configured all their common relatives against him at all. The next elected elected woman was the pregnant street woman of Christine, with whom Vincent met by chance. She, without hesitation, moved to him. Van Gogh was happy - he had a simulator, but Christian turned out to be so harsh, that the lady turned the life of a young man in hell. So every love story ended very tragic, and Vincent could not recover for a long time from his psychological injuries.

Is it true that Van Gogh wanted to become a priest?

This is true. Vincent was from a religious family: Father - Pastor, one of the relatives - a recognized theologian. When Van Gogh cooled to the trading of painting, he decided to become a priest. The first thing that he did, ending with the career of the dealer - moved to London, where she worked as a teacher in several boarding schools. After, however, I returned to my homeland and worked at the bookstore. Most of his time he did an outline and translated excerpts from the Bible into German, English and French.

At the same time, Vincent expressed a desire to become a pastor, and his family supported him and sent him to Amsterdam to prepare for admission to the University for the Department of Theology. Only studying it, as well as at school, disappointed. Leaving this institution, he passed courses in the Protestant Missionary School (and may not graduate from them - versions there are different) and spent half a year as a missionary in the mining village Pature in Boringe. The artist worked so much that the local population and members of the evangelical society appointed him a salary of 50 francs. Having passed a half-year experience, Van Gogh intended to enroll in the Gospel school to continue their education, but invited the commissioned fee for teaching discrimination and refused his intentions. At the same time, he decided to compete for the rights of the workers and turned to the Directorate of Mine with a petition for improving working conditions. Listen to it did not become and removed from the post of preacher. It became a serious blow to the emotional and mental state of the artist.

Why cut sliced \u200b\u200bear and how died?

Van Gogh was closely communicated with another, no less famous artist by Paul Gaen. When Vincent settled in the south of France in 1888 in the south of France in the town of Arles, he decided to create a "workshop of the South", which was supposed to be a special fraternity of like-minded artists, an important role in the workshop Van Gogh took Gauguen.

On October 25 of the same year, Paul Gogen arrived in Arles to discuss the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a workshop. But peaceful communication was not asked, conflicts arose between the masters. In the end, Gogen decided to leave. After another dispute on December 23, Van Gogh attacked his friend with a razor in his hands, but Gauguen managed to stop him. As this quarrel happened, under what circumstances and what caused the reason - it is unknown, but at the same time Vincent cut off the whole ear, as many are accustomed to count, but only his lobe. Whether he expressed his repentance or it was a manifestation of the disease - it is unclear. The next day, December 24, Van Gogh was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where the attack was repeated, and the master was diagnosed with "epilepsy temporal fractions".

The inclination to cause themselves pain and caused the death of Van Gogh, although there is also a lot of legends. The basic is considered the version that the artist went for a walk with drawing materials and shot himself into the heart of the heart from the revolver bought to scare away birds while working at the pleasing. But the bullet was lower. So the wizard reached the hotel, in which he lived, he was the first help, but the Vincent Van Gogh was able to save. July 29, 1890, he died of blood loss.

How much are the pictures of Van Gogh now?

Vincent Van Gogh by the middle of the XX century began to be treated as one of the greatest and most recognizable artists. His works, according to the estimates of the auction houses, are considered one of the most expensive. The myth spread that for his life the master sold only one canvas - "Red Vineyards in Arle", but this is not quite so. This picture was the first one for which a substantial amount was paid - 400 francs. At the same time, documents are preserved on a lifetime sale of at least 14 work Van Gogh. How many real transactions were committed - it is unknown, but you should not forget that he began to start as a dealer and traded his paintings was capable of.

In 1990, a picture of Van Gogh "Portrait of Dr. Gasha" picture was purchased for $ 82.5 million, and "Portrait of an artist without a beard" cost $ 71.5 million Irisa, "Landscape with thunderstorms The clouds ", the" wheat field with cypresses "is estimated at about $ 50 million to $ 60 million. Still life" Vase with daisies and poppies "in 2014 bought for $ 61.8 million.

Art historians were divided into two camps. Specialists from Amsterdam Museum refute a recent statement that the artist killed a 16-year-old schoolboy.

Who killed Vincent Van Gogh?

Before two years ago Stephen Nife and Gregory White Smith They published an exhaustive biography of the artist, it was immutable that during his stay in France he committed suicide. But American authors put forward sensational theory: Van Gogh shot a 16-year-old schoolboy Rene secretanAlthough it is unclear whether he made it intentionally. The artist lived two more days and, according to the authors, "" Satisfaction accepted death. " He defended the Secretary, arguing that it was suicide.

In the July issue BURLINGTON MAGAZINE In the controversy, Amsterdam Van Gogh Museum turned on. In a detailed biographical article, two leading Museum researchers, Louis van Tilborg and Teio Medtendrop, insist on suicide versions. There is no doubt only that he died two days after he received a gunshot wound on July 27, 1890 somewhere in Over-sur-UAZ. They have taken an investigation, mainly based on a little-known interview, which secretan gave shortly before his death in 1957. Secretan recalled that he had a gun from which he shot proteins. He and his older brother Gaston Van Gogh knew. René secretan claims that the artist stole a weapon from him, but nothing speaks of a shot. Nife and White Smith found an interview with death recognition and referred to the late historian of the arts John Realdawho mentioned his rumors who went to Overae that the guys were accidentally shot by the artist. The authors believe that Van Gogh decided to protect Rene and Gaston from accusations.

Conclusions of criminals

Nife and White Smith drew attention to the nature of the wound and came to the conclusion that the shot was produced "from a certain distance from the body, and not to focus." So testified doctors who treated Van Gogh: his friend Doctor Paul Gachey and local practitioner doctor Jean Mazeri. Having considered the facts, Van Tilborg and Medendrop were convinced that Van Gogh had committed suicide. The article states that the interview with the secretaries "not to the least" does not reinforce the murder version, perfect intentionally or by negligence. From the interview, only the fact that Van Gogh somehow received brothers weapons. The authors emphasize that, although revalt and retell rumors about the secretaries, he did not believe in them too. Van Tilborg and Medendrop refer to new data published last year in the book Alena Roana. Vincent Van Gogh: Does suicide instrument found? Dr. Haache recalled that the wound was brown with a purple rim. Purple bruise is the result of the blow of the bullet, and the brown trail is a burn from the gunpowder: it means that weapons were close to the chest, under a shirt, and therefore Van Gogh shot himself. In addition, Roan discovered new information about weapons. In the 1950s, a rusty revolver was found, swallowed in the field right behind Chateau D'Level, where, as they say, Van Gogh shot himself. The analysis showed that the revolver spent in the ground from 60 to 80 years. Weapons found near the road, which in 1904 the son of Dr. Gasha depicted in the picture called Over: the place where Vincent committed suicide. The revolver was discovered right behind low farmhouses depicted in the center of the picture.

Article B. BURLINGTON MAGAZINE It also concerns the last weeks of Van Gogh's life. The authors argue with a generally accepted theory, according to which the artist was depressed due to the fact that he lost the financial support of his brother Theo. Van Tilborg and Medendrop argue that Van Gogh was more concerned that Theo did not allow him to participate in decision-making. Theo had serious problems with the employer, the Gallery "Buso and Valadon", and he was going to start his own business: it was assumed that it would be a gallery, but Theo did not even consult his brother, which he began to feel even more alone. Van Tilborg and Medendrop conclude that suicide was not a impulsive act, but a thoroughly deliberate decision. Although the behavior of the TEO and played its role, but the key factor was the painful thought of the artist, that the obsession with the art of revealed him into the abyss of mental confusion. The authors are looking for traces of this confusion in the last works of Van Gogh and indicate that when he shot himself, he in his pocket was a farewell note by his brother. Traditionally, the last work of Van Gogh is considered a picture Wheat field ravensBut it was completed around July 10, more than two weeks before the death of the artist. He himself wrote so much about this canvas: "A huge space under a stormy sky, dying with wheat. I tried to express sadness, extreme loneliness. " Van Tilborg had already assumed that the last works of Van Gogh were two unfinished paintings - Roots of trees and farms near Overa. The article highlights the hypothesis that the first of them is a software farewell work, showing how to fight for the survival of elm.

Van Gogh argued that he shot himself. The same version was supported and his close. Nife and White Smith argue that the artist lied, and Van Tilborg and Medendrop believe that he spoke the truth. In all likelihood, you need to carefully examine the evidence of contemporaries about suicide.

Dr. Gasha immediately sent the TEO a note with a message that Vincent "wounded himself." Adeline RavaWhose father kept the hotel where the artist lived, later recalled that Van Gogh said to a policeman: "I myself wanted to kill myself."

Awful wound

Vincent was very close to his brother. It is difficult to believe that he lied to his brother about his terrible injury only to save the police of two teenagers over him. In the end, for the theo it was much more difficult to postpone suicide, as he felt in him the share of his guilt. He dresserly sounds the last words of Vincent Van Gogh: "That's exactly what I wanted to leave." In his letter to his wife, Teo says: "It took several minutes, and everything was over: he found peace that could not find on Earth."