Vlad Kadoni for the first time about the beloved: "Next to her I am immensely happy." Vlad Kadoni Personal Life and Biography Vlad Kadoni increased male dignity

Vlad Kadoni for the first time about the beloved:
Vlad Kadoni for the first time about the beloved: "Next to her I am immensely happy." Vlad Kadoni Personal Life and Biography Vlad Kadoni increased male dignity

// Photo: "Instagram"

Despite the fact that the leading program "Dom-2" Vlad Kadoni encourages all the participants of the reality show openly discuss their relationships and feelings, the man himself prefers to silence about what is happening in his personal life. However, journalists managed to declassify the beloved of the magician. She turned out to be the former producer of the transfer of the "Battle of Psychics" Anna Devitskaya. Couple is found for several years. Vlad Kadoni for the first time told "Starkit" about his feelings for the elect.

"From great love for your edition, the first and last time I will comment on my personal life. We are together for six years. Anya I love very much. However, we consider it unacceptable to expose our relationship. Happiness loves silence, "the TV presenter admitted. - And next to her, I am immensely happy. It is already stupid to hide it. But in the future comments do not intend. In the phrase "My personal life" keyword "personal".

For several months, fans have fallen out frames with questions about who appears next to him in photos. Vlad did the pictures so that the girl's face is not visible, the more stronger the interest of the public to his personal life. As it turned out, Anna is eight years older than one, however, this difference at the age does not prevent them from being a harmonious pair.

// Photo: Facebook

Apparently, a man has serious intentions towards their choices and now he tries to do everything so that his beloved does not need anything. Not so long ago it became known that the leading "house-2" will celebrate a newly in a year. He acquired Townhouse in ten kilometers from the capital in Warsaw Highway. It is possible that a man will enter the new home with Anna. For the sake of improving its housing conditions, Kadoni was forced to issue a mortgage, since the elite mansion cost him almost six and a half million rubles.

Journalists have brought the project of projects "Battle of Psychics" and "House-2" Vlad Kadoni on clean water. The magician tried in vain to hide from the ubiquitous paparazzi his prolonged novel with the producer of the show about clairvoyant.

If the viewers learned that the participant of the "Battle of Psychics" sprew a novel with a project producer, the scandal would not be powerless. The public would cast doubt on all the test results of Kadoni. If he has his own person among the staff of the TV channel, many would be doubted by the honesty of the parapsychologist and occult practice, how Vlad is positioned.


That is why, if you believe the journalists, the project management dismissed the extrasensus to prevent leakage of testing information for clairvoyant.

According to the site Life.ru, a 38-year-old Anna Devitskaya became the elected of the 30-year-old Kadoni. She worked as a producer of "Battle of Psychics". Young people saw each other on the set. Feeling in love with the Witcher, the lady sacrificed the work for the sake of simple female happiness when cute nearby.

Vlad and Anna for four years successfully hid their relationships. Occult practitioner took the girl for thousands of kilometers from curious eyes. Once, Kadoni arranged a beloved romantic vacation in one of the luxury hotels in Turkey, renting a villa.

Photo Published by Vladislav Kadoni (@domkadoni) Dec 27 2016 at 6:31 pst

It is noteworthy that Kadoni will hear a loving guy. There were rumors about his romantic relationship with the shocking director Valery Gai Germanica and the participants of the "House-2" inna Volovich and Nellie Yermolayeva. And some more shuffled that the magician showed interest in representatives of their sex.

The famous black magician Vlad Kadoni confessed to the fans in what he found his lady of the heart, but not going to acquaint her with a wide mass. The guy is tuned seriously and is ready to make maximum efforts so that these relationships develop. Cadony immediately announced to everyone that the girl has nothing to do with the project.So that the guys do not start fantasize on this topic and attribute non-existent novels. But the chosen of the magician, although it is not a participant of the show, the person is also public. This Paroka is quite often seen on the same parties and secular events. However, in people a couple manages to hide their love attitude and demonstrate friendly. Vlad and his chosen is divided by a common life, but only relatives and close friends of the couple know about it.
It also became known that the lovers held a joint weekend abroad. The place to rest, they chose Turkey, removing there a small house. The guy did not bother and still boast of his beloved, having multiple photos on your social network page. But the mystery is still saved. Faces of the girl in the pictures are unclear, only parts of the body.

Vlad did not show his chosen to the public, and after the comments under the photo firmly made sure that his relationship should be worn and kept secret from the public. His girlfriend received so many negative reviews in the direction of his figure that Vlad finally decided to acquaint her with the public only at the wedding. The Kritics was addressed towards the chest and the ugly feet of the girl. Of course, this will lead to hysterics any lady, so as a real man, Vlad decided to protect the girlfriend from the attacks and unflattering statements on the part of the envious.
But the journalists are difficult to hide, especially celebrities. The name of the second half of the sorcerer still learned. Media workers have access to the lists of passengers of the aircraft flying to Turkey. Carefully reading the surnames, it became clear that aussia Vlad is Anna Devitskaya. The girl used to worked on the TNT channel and was producer of the program "Battle of psychics" Anna 8 years older than magician. It is rumored that the lady sacrificed with his position because of his beloved man, because they began to meet even on the set of "Battle of Psychics".

Journalists wanted to confirm their guesses and decided to communicate with the hero themselves. Vlad, the question of relations with Devitsky, replied that he is experiencing deep sympathyHowever, nothing more detailed and concrete, the magician did not report. He also told reporters that his personal life was not going to discuss his public and there was nothing more to add.

Personal life of one of the most vivid participants in the show on psychics and the project "Dom-2", the 30-year-old Vlad Kadoni has long been shrouded in contradictory rumors: the man often attributed novels with beauties from the popular telestroy. Vlad and himself repeatedly told journalists about his romantic relations with Valery Gai Germanic, as well as participants "House-2": Inna Volovich and Nelly Yermolaeva.But, despite public recognition in the loves of girls, Kadoni was repeatedly accused of manifestation of sympathy and to men.

The last four years Vlad thoroughly hides their new passion from inquisitive journalists. However, Life It was possible to find out that the 27-year-old Anna Devitskaya was the choice of the 30-year-old Maga and Showman - the former producer of the "Battle of Psychics". According to the source from the close circle of the couple, the lovers got acquainted on the veil. but The relationship between the TV show's participant and its organizer was tied only after the dismissal of Anna. The project's management, who promotes the emerging novel, put the producer of rigid ultimatum to prevent leakage of testing information for psychics. As a resultDevitskaya donated to his beloved work for her dear man's heart. Since then, Anna and Vlad rarely can be found in public together. Couple does not attend secular events, and restaurants choose the most closed from prying eyes. Only during the holidays over a thousand kilometers from the noisy capital, lovers allow themselves to relax and enjoy each other's society. Thus, the Life tickets were at the disposal of Kadoni and Devitskaya on the aircraft Moscow - Dalaman: the couple held a romantic vacation in one of the luxury hotels in Turkey, renting a villa. During the vacation, the showman published in his "instagram" several intriguing pictures with images of the parts of the Anna body, but at the same time the face of his companion leading "House-2" did not show.

Life contacted Vlad Kadoni, who did not deny the relationship with Anna Devitskaya.

This is my personal life that I do not intend to discuss in the press. I apologize me, but I have nothing more to tell about it, "the magician commented on his novel with the ex-producer of the" Battle of Psychics ".

Vlad Kadoni is an offacarious psychic, the occultist, a psychologist, a participant of the 6th season of the "Battle of Psychics", the finalist and owner of the 3rd place of the 11th season of the same project.

Ex-participant and current TV presenter "House-2". Thanks to the slippers and provocative behavior, Kadoni person is still surrounded by a variety of myths and speculations.

Childhood and youth

On August 28, 1986, the son of the strongest Witch Siberia was born on the outskirts of Novosibirsk. The firstborn woman gave birth at the age of 18 and called him Victor (later, officially replacing the name and surname, he would become Vlad Kadoni). According to the sign of the zodiac, the newborn was a virgin. Native Father Victor did not know. Parents lived together shortly. A man died shortly after his birth. After a couple of years, the boy's mother married again and bore two more children - Dmitry and Lion.

As a child, Vlad was about to become a priest. However, disappointed in the Christian religion, decided to engage in black magic. It was the mother, the winner of the 13th season of the "battle of psychics", introduced the hotly beloved child with occult sciences and developed a gift from the child clairvoyance.

From the biography of the ex-participant "House-2" it is known that, in addition to the esoteric and average, the shoulders at the showman have a higher education: Vlad is a certified psychologist. Even before departure from the native home, the young man thought about the new name and surname. The nationality of psychics, his pseudonym has no relationship. Kadoni in the language that the magician himself came up with - "Warlock".

After moving to Moscow, Kadoni, for a long time, helped people solve problems, providing paid services of a "magical nature" (made love spells, saved from the crown of celibacy, impulsed). The young man understood that without advertising his business would soon wage. The novice sorcerer decided to declare himself in all, and went to the casting "Battle of Psychics".

The fight of extrasensories

The first time the hereditary sorcerer came to the show in 2008 (6th season). Kadoni from the first minute positioned itself as a black magician, but a thin 21-pit guy with a growing 171 cm and weighing 68 kg. Nobody perceived seriously. Esoteric has repeatedly entered confrontation with TV presenter.

The skeptical focker was imparted not only about the abilities of the magician, but also in a tough form "passed" on the appearance of psychics. So, due to the right satellite of a young man (esoteric took a spider test), the brothers agreed among themselves to call the Warlock "Spiderman".

Vlad Kadoni and Sergey Safronov

Despite the criticism from the jury and the audience, mystic managed to enter the top five and with proudly raised head to leave the project.

After two and a half years, the experienced experience, the young man returned to the show. Already on the qualifying test between the black magician Vlad Kadoni and a parapsychologist, a conflict has happened: the follower did not understand why the participant "House-2" went beyond the limits of telestroy. In his opinion, a person who in front of the multi-volume audience was engaged in the "building relationship", did not have the right to claim the title of "the best psychic country". Kadoni did not respond to the loud statements of "Colleagues" and with irony refer to what was happening around.

Vlad Kadoni in the show "Battle of Psychics"

On the first test, a self-confident brunette had to meet face to face with his long-standing familiar Sergey Safronov. Then the person in the car did not find Vlad, and the illusionist, who wanted to demonstrate the failure of the sorcerer to fully fully invented an additional task for esoteric. He chose a girl from the crowd and asked the psychic to tell everyone who was present about her life.

The magician spoke to common phrases, but after a short session of clairvoyance, the impressed young lady asked the sorcerer to meet her personally. Skeptic and after success refused to recognize the fact that Vlad possesses some paranormal abilities. Throughout the season, the magician showed the frame of his neglect and even on the day of the final as a mockery put on his own T-shirt with the image of a friend.

Although Vlad and did not find common points of contact with the Safronov, a folk favorite, he still became. In the 11th "battle of psychics", the "Warlock" took the honorable 3rd place.

"House 2"

The participant of the scandalous telestroy Kadoni became in February 2009. The young man came to the show not for love, but for PR. Vlad immediately realized that it was not promising to engage in the construction of relationships. To attract attention to his Person, the sorcerer elected the path of "war and destruction". Kadoni decided to disregard the white magician in the eyes of the public.

And if the struggle for the title "Best Psychic House-2" young man won without difficulty, then to get the title of "Honored Initrigan Project" from the hands of Esoteric failed.

Vlad Kadoni in the show "House-2"

When the intrigue was not tried with weaving, Kadoni decided to show a multi-million-dollar audience how to build love. At first, with the manifestation of feelings, the magician did not go. His first chosen was not so perfect as Kadoni wanted, so, settling in the VIP-house, the young man did not miss the challenge the girl for the shortcomings or to teach her life. Nelli could not stand and changed the satellite on a more convocating candidate. In the new union, she had bright and long relations, and the medium had to start searching for a new passion.

The brightest novel at psychics was with a girl who initially came to the project to his "occult competitor." Relations with started long before the young people officially declared themselves a couple. Being in connection with the crown, Inna began in secret from everyone to go on dates with Vlad.

The black magician caused the owner of magnificent forms decided to change outwardly. But together with unnecessary kilograms from the life of lovers, romance and mutual understanding took place. Frequent scandals caused the fact that in 2010 the pair was separated.

In the same year, the public was shocked by the news that the guy had increased male dignity. According to Vlad, he decided not to surpass an operation because of the lack of centimeters, but because of the natural desire for perfection.

Vlad Kadoni became the leading "House-2"

Won in 2011, the title "Man of the Year" is largely due to the conflict situation with, which the audience was not blind, the clouded guy left the telestroy. Already in 2015, returned back, having experienced a new role - the lead.

The arrival at Dom-2 increased the army of psychics fans and allowed him to bring his teeth in 2017 in order to acquire a Hollywood smile. Among other things, well-paid work helped the showman to purchase in a mortgage located 10 km from the outskirts of the capital Townhouse.

In addition to the fact that Vlad is the current leading of the scandalous telestroy, and is often removed in other TNT channel projects, a man manages to develop a business and outside the camera. A novice entrepreneur in the fall of 2016 opened a boutique of elite perfumery, and at the beginning of 2017 - the beauty salon. The establishments are famous for a good reputation and now bring an ex-participant Realistic Show Stable income.

Personal life

The personal life of the showman has always been shrouded in a halo of mystery. Kadoni attributed novels with both participates in telestroy (,) and a provocative director. At one time they even rummed that the sorcerer had a wife and children.

In 2015, Vlad put all the points over "and". That year, an outstanding man became the leading "House-2". The charming brunette was popular with the weaker sex representatives. In order to get rid of themselves from the unnecessary attention of the "Domsky" young lady, the magician in all stated that his heart is busy, and spend time, seeking his location, no need.

After that, in the "Instagram" of the "Chernizhnik" with enviable regularity, photos began to appear on which the beloved of psychics flashed.

True, hands, legs, whales shoulders got into the lens, and the face remained beyond the reach of the camera. Esoteric as if mocked fans. Representatives of the media, like fans, did not like this "game", and they set themselves the goal: by all means find out the name of the mysterious stranger.

Vlad Kadoni and his girl Anna Devitskaya

In 2016, the press had the information that mystic and his girl were going to journey to Turkey. We managed to find the list of passengers of flights, and after the "mathematical calculations", the name of the beloved psychic opened the public. She was Anna Devitskaya. Soon Vlad admitted that his girl was a non-public person, she does not even have his own profile in "Instagram".

Later, in an interview with the Starkhit magazine, Kadoni briefly spoke about the 6-year history of love and that he met the "second half" on the "battle of psychics" (at that time Devitskaya was a producer of a mystical show).

The union of the star pair to this day did not lose relevance. But Kadoni still did not make Anna sentence, although he had already shared plans for the future with reporters. According to Showman, for 10 years he plans to continue the telecomer, open the school of conflictology and acquire heirs. He wants to instill with his children love for sports and a healthy lifestyle.

It is reliably known that the famous psychic continues to practice Esoteric. However, the reception to the MAG is solely on the protection of friends.

Despite the tight working schedule, Kadoni does not forget about the fans: every day lay out on the network as video climbing of the "House-2" snapshot life and photographs of everyday realities.

Vlad Kadoni on the "Battle of Psychics"

Popular showman is often becoming a television show on other country TV channels. After extrasens, the extrasens became the only colleague of the deceased who visited the transfer "Let them say", dedicated to her death. Kadoni, respectfully, responded to the girl and defended her in every way critics.

Also, the magician is watching the performances of his colleagues. After the statement of a critical comment on the participants of the last seasons "Battle of Psychics" Vlad posted an angry post on the microblog, in which the words of the medium "unpleasant self-esteem" called.

Realistic Show "Dom-2" still occupies the main place in the life of Vlad. As part of the project in the summer of 2018, the TV show "Borodin vs. Buzova" was launched, in which 2 popular TV presenters, who adhere to various life principles, should find out the relationship.

Wandour Kadoni was invited to watch the process, and. Judging by the "instagram" of the medium, his favorite was. The extrasens will post joint pictures with a finely, despite the fact that it was previously critical about the girl. Magician fans consider the demonstration of gentle feelings of idols of false and express their opinions in the comments to the posts.