Wild tribes without clothes. The Wild Amazon tribes: movies, photos, video watch online

Wild tribes without clothes. The Wild Amazon tribes: movies, photos, video watch online
Wild tribes without clothes. The Wild Amazon tribes: movies, photos, video watch online

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Aboriginal Amazonia

In the jungle Amazon found an unknown tribe of the Indians

The Brazilian authorities were able to confirm the fact that in the jungle, near the civilized border with Peru, a primitive tribe lives from a civilized world, about 200 people.

And about where Brazilian aborigines inhabited by scientists managed to learn carefully considering pictures from space. And then in the reservation of Vale to Yarari (Vale do Javari Reservation), large areas of the rainforest, separated from wood vegetation, were seen. From the air, expedition participants managed to photograph the dwellings and their Aboriginal themselves. Men of this tribe paint themselves in red, and the hair on the head is littered in front, leaving them long rear. However, attempts to enter into contact, representatives of modern civilization with Aboriginal did not undertake, fearing that it could harm primitive people.

Currently, a special government organization is engaged in Brazil in Brazil - National Indian Foundation (FUNAI). Its functions mainly include an attempt to protect the savages from outside interference and from all sorts of encroachments on the land occupied by the farmers, forest harvesters, as well as poachers, missionaries, and of course those deltsov who grows in the wild dishes of narcotic plants. In essence, the National Indian Foundation protects and protects the aborigines from any external intervention.

Part of the modern official policy of the Brazilian government is the detection and protection of isolated aboriginal groups in the Amazon jungle. It has now been detected by 68 divorced from civilization groups, and including in the reservation of Vale to Yarari, they are already fifteen. From the air, the participants of the expedition were able to photograph the dwellings and their Aboriginal themselves the last detected group. They live in large straw barracks without windows, wear primitive clothes, although many of them do not wear anything at all. On the areas separated from forest vegetation, vegetables and fruits are growing: it is mainly corn, beans and bananas.

In addition to the awarded Aboriginal Group, another 8 seats of possible habit of savages were detected from space, which employees of the Funai National Indian Foundation undertake to "put them on register" in the near future. For this, they are definitely flying there and everyone will take pictures. For this purpose, they will possibly use helicopters to see the primitive Indians and the features of their life.

Almost unknown science wild tribes of Amazon Indians seem to be in danger due to constant unwanted contacts with the outside world. These Indians are once representatives of a big tribe, previously was forced to leave deeper into the forest due to the permanent invasions in their settlement. In the past few years, these residents of Amazon had to often face with other tribes of aborigines. Therefore, the currently existing ethnic question is difficult to solve, and, unfortunately, it will soon be impossible to maintain these tribes are truly "wild" and protect them from all external contacts. And most wild settlements are concentrated on the border of Peru and Brazil, where there are more than 50 tribes that have never contacted either the outside world or other tribes. Scientists believe that wild tribes need to be saved "wild" so possible longer, although the aborigines are now being exposed to more risk, since on the Peruvian territory, the development of rainforest is gaining its turnover ...

Myths and legends about wild amazons - women who formed a separate tribe, lived according to the rules of the matriarchate and fought with men, exist since ancient times. Archaeological excavations confirm this fact, however, disputes on the reliability of the existence of a militant society, consisting exclusively from representatives of weak gender, do not subside.

Myths and legends

According to the ancient Greek mythology, the kingdom of amazons, women warriors, there were some time on the territory of Libya, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. For what reason they lived separately from men, it was incomprehensible, but for a long time they were their own forces. Some sources tell about the nomads of the tribe of women, others - about the existence of the kingdom led by the queen of Amazons.

The main classes were: hunting for the purpose of prey of food, war with neighboring tribes for enrichment. In accordance with the ancient legends, the origin of Amazon led from the Union of God Ares (or Mars) and his daughter of harmony, and the warranty themselves worshiped the goddess Artemis, a virgin hunting.

One of the feats of Hercules was a task, during which he had to pick up the magic belt from warlike girls, which was intended for redemption for the return of the daughter of Queen Antipa.

Women's Amazon tribes: Life and reproduction

According to expressed in 5 c. BC. Ancient Greek historian Herodotus, such a state of the matriarchant existed on the shores of Oz. Meotids (modern territory of Crimea). They built several cities, including Smyrna, Sinop, Ephesus and Paphos.

The main occupation of the Amazons was to participate in wars and raids on their neighbors, and with great mastery owned onions, a double battle ax (Labrs), a shortening sword. Helmet and armor of the warranty made on their own.

But in order to have children, for the purpose of breeding, the tribe of female Amazons annually in the spring time declared a truce and arranged meetings with men from border lands, with which they were then paid after the 9 months old-month-old boys.

But according to another version, newborn male sex expected a more sad fate: they were either treated in the river, or cried to further use as slaves. Newborn girls were left in the tribe and brought up as future warriors who had to own all available weapons. They were also trained in hunting craft and the ability to carry out agriculture.

In order for in the future when pulling onion, they did not interfere with the right breast, they were burned back in childhood. According to one of the versions, the name of the tribe happened from A Mazos, i.e., "harmful", on the other, from Ha-Mazan, that from the Iranian language is translated as "warriors", on the third - from Masso, denoting "inviolable".

War with Dionysom

The combat victories of the Amazon tribe so much glorified them that even God Dionysis decided to conclude an alliance with them so that they would help him fight titans. After the victory, he cunningly started the war with them and defeated them.

Few surviving women were able to hide in the temple of Artemis to then go to small Asia. There they settled on the Fermodont River, creating a huge empire. By participating in several wars, the Amazon women captured Syria and reached the island of Crimea. Many of them took part in the siege of the famous Troy, during which the ancient Greek Hero Achill killed them to the queen.

During the fighting with the Greeks, the opponent was able to capture several girls captured and, sips on the ship, wanted to take them to demonstrate their homeland. However, along the path of the woman, the warriors attacked the ship and killed everyone. But due to the lack of skills of the amazon shipments, only in the wind were able to swim, and ultimately they nailed to the shores of the ancient Scythia.

Education of the Sarmatian tribe

Settling in a new place, the warranty began to rob settlements and pass the cattle, killing local residents. Scythian soldiers were very proud, because they considered the warriors with warriors unworthy classes. They acted otherwise: gathered their best warriors and sent them to capture wild women to then get good offspring from them. They were awaited by luck, after which the new people of Savramites or Sarmatov, having a bogatyr body appeared.

The life of the tribe of female Amazons was actively in military campaigns and hunting, and they dressed in men's clothing. And local men were attached to home duties: cooking food, cleaning, etc. The Sarmatians had an interesting tradition: girls could marry only after the murder of any representative of a strong half, but they were usually found in neighboring tribes.

Homer and Herodotus about Amazons

According to historians, the great ancient thinker Homer, which created the famous works of "Illiad" and "Odyssey", also wrote about the country of Amazonia. However, this poem has not been preserved. The confirmation of the Greek myths are the ancient amphoras and bas-reliefs, decorated with drawings of female Amazons (photo below). Only on all images, beautiful warriors have both breasts and quite well-developed muscles. Also, Amazons are mentioned in the Talk of Argonauts, but there Homer shows them as a disgusting Fury.

According to Herodota, after participating in the Trojan war, Amazon fell to Scythians and formed a tribe of Sarmatov, in which women and men had equal rights. Legends attribute to them not only excellent possession of weapons, but also the ability to stay in the saddle and incredible composure. Scythians and Sarmati, according to Herodotus, jointly fought in 5 c. BC e. Against Tsar Daria.

The Roman historian Deodor adhered to the opinion that the Amazon women were descendants of the ancient Atlanta and lived in the territory of Western Libya.

Data archaeologists

Many of the findings of historians in different parts of the world are confirmed by the ancient legends on the existence of female Amazons not only in Greece, but also other countries and continents.

So, in 1928, on the shores of the Black Sea, the burial of the ancient ruler in the armor and with arms was found in the settlement of Azhal. After the study, he turned out to be a woman, after which many made an assumption of the find of the queen of Amazons.

In 1971, the burial of a woman with a girl, who were luxuriously dressed and richly decorated on the territory of Ukraine. In the grave lay gold, weapons, as well as skeletons of 2 men, clearly dead not from the disease. According to scientists, the remains belonged to another queen with his daughter and slaves who were sacrificed.

In the 1990s. When excavations in Kazakhstan, similar ancient graves of women warriors were discovered, whom was more than 2.5 thousand years old.

The next sensation in the world of science was the last discovery in Britain, when the remains of female soldiers were found in Brueme (Cumbria county). They clearly arrived here from Europe. According to English scientists, women fought in the ranks of the Roman army. According to their data, the female Amazon tribes lived in Eastern Europe in the period 220-300. e. After death, they were solemnly burned on fires along with equipment and battle horses. The origin of them comes from the territory of the current states of Austria, Hungary and the former Yugoslavia.

America: life of the tribes of female amazons

Stories about wild Warriors women also talk about finding them Christopher Columbus after the opening of the American continent. Hearing the stories of local Indians about the female militant tribe, the great navigator tried to capture them on one of the islands, but could not do this. In memory of this case, the name of the Virgin Islands was given (translated into the "Islands of V.").

Spanish conquistor fr. De Oreliana in 1542 landed on the shore of a huge river in South America, where he met the tribe of wild female Amazons. In the battle with them, the Europeans suffered defeat. Some scientists suggest that the mistake occurred due to long hair from local Indians. However, it was in memory of this incident that the incident was given the proud name of the most majestic river of the American continent - Amazon.

African Amazon

This is a unique phenomenon in the world history - the tribe of Dagomey female terminators - dwell on the African continent south of the Sahara on the territory of the modern state of Benin. They were called N'Nonmiton or "Our Mothers".

African Amazons, Women Warriors treated the elite troops who defended their ruler in the Kingdom of Dagomei, for which European colonialists called them Dagomäi. There was such a tribe in the 17th century. For hunting elephants.

Dagomey's king, admired by their skill and successes, appointed them with his bodyguards. The n'nonmiton army existed for 2 centuries, 19 V. The Women's Military Corps counted 6 thousand soldiers.

The selection in the ranks of Women soldiers passed among 8-year-old girls who were taught to be strong and ruthless, as well as able to withstand any pain. Armament them was made of machete and dutch muskets. After many years of training, African Amazons became "combat machines" capable of successfully fighting, and defeated - cut off the heads.

During the service period in the army, they could not marry and give birth to children and remained chaste, considering married with the king. With the encroachment of a man on a warrior woman killed him.

The British mission in the territory of West Africa was founded in 1863, the scientist R. Barton came to Dagomya, which was going to conclude peace with the local authority. He was for the first time a description of the life of the Dagomesky tribe of female Amazons (photo below). According to his information, for some warrior, this provided the opportunity to gain influence and wealth. English researcher S. Alpern wrote a big treatise about the life of Amazons.

At the end of the 19th century The territory was occupied by French colonialists, soldiers from whom were often found in the morning dead with a sliced \u200b\u200bhead. The second Franco-Dagomey War ended with the surrender of the king's army, and most of the Amazons were killed. The last representative of her representative - a woman named Navi, which was over 100 years old, - died in 1979

Modern wild female tribes

Until now, in the impassable jungle of the Amazon River there are territories, life on which is very different from modern civilization. The time of time in the eastern part of Brazil lives people who are torn off from the outside world, who preserved their customs and skills.

Scientists regularly find here not only new types of animals and plants, but also settlements of wild tribes, which now, according to the research of the Funai organization, there are more than 70. They are engaged in hunting, fishing, the collection of fruits and berries, while at all do not want to contact with A civilized world, afraid to become infected with unknown diseases. After all, even ordinary flu for them is fatal.

Women of wild Amazon tribes usually fulfill all the female work, are engaged in the life and raising children. Sometimes they collect berries or fruits in the forest. However, there are also aggressive tribes in which women are on a par with men hunt or participate in raids on their neighbors, armed with batons and spears poisoned by the poison of local plants or snakes.

There is also a wild tribe of Kun on the island of San Blas near the territory of Brazil, resetting from the mainland and living according to the rules of the matriarchate. Traditions have been preserved and supported by residents of the settlement of Surgo and unshakable. At age 14, girls are already considered half-way and must choose their groom themselves. A man usually moves to the house to the bride. The main income of the tribe on the island brings collecting and exporting coconuts (about 25 million units annually), they also grown sugar cane, bananas, cocoa and oranges. But for fresh water ride the mainland.

Amazon in art and cinema

In the art of ancient Greece and Rome, the warrior occupy an important place, their images can be found on ceramics, in sculpture and architecture. Thus, the battle of Athenians and Amazons is captured in the marble bas-relief of Parfenon, as well as in sculptures from Mausoleum from Galicarcas.

Favorite classes of women warriors - Hunting and War, and weapons - onions, spear, ax. To protect against the enemy, they put on a helmet, and in their hands they took a shield having a crescent shape. As can be seen in the above photos, the ancient masters were depicted on a horse or walk in a battle in battle with a centaur or warriors.

In the period of the Renaissance, they again resurrected in the works of the era of classicism and baroque in poetry, in paintings and sculptures. Plots of battles with ancient warriors are presented in the works of Ya. Palma, Ya. Tintoretto, Renny and other artists. The picture of Rubens "Battle of Greeks with Amazons" shows them in the bloody equestrian battery with men. And copies from the originals of the sculpture "wounded Amazon" are famous for the whole world and stored in the museums of the Vatican and the United States.

The life and feats of the Amazons became an inspiration for writers and poets: Tirsto de Molina, Lope de Vega, R. Grandsia and Kleista. In the 20-21 centuries, they switched to mass culture: cinema, cartoons and comics in fantasy genre.

Modern cinema is a confirmation of the popularity of women-Amazon theme. Beautiful and bold female warriors are represented in films: "Amazon Rome" (1961), "Pana - Queen Amazon" (1964), "Goddess of War" (1973), "Legendary Amazons" (2011), "Women-Warriors" ( 2017), etc.

The last film, which came to the screens in 2017, is called a "wonder-woman" and tells about the heroine named Diana, the Queen of Amazons, which is endowed with fantastic strength, speed and endurance. It freely communicates with animals, and for protection wears special bracelets, but the men consider to be changeable and false.

Among modern women can also be found "Amazons", which are smart, educated and dream of conquer the world. They can manage a large corporation and at the same time brought up children, and men are condescendingly, allowing themselves to love.

Multiple Africa, in a huge territory of which in 61 countries, with a population of more than a billion people, surrounded by cities of civilized countries, more than 5 million people are still living in the secluded corners of this continent.

Members of these tribes do not recognize the achievements of the civilized world and are content with the modest benefits that they got from their ancestors. The wise huts, modest food and minimal clothes are satisfied, and they are not going to change this way.

African b ...

Of various tribes and nationalities in Africa about 3 thousand, but the exact amount of them is difficult to call, since most often they or tightly mixed with each other, or vice versa are radically separated. The population of some tribes is only a few thousand or even hundreds of people, and often inhabit a total of 1-2 villages. Because of this, there are adverbs and dialects on the territory of the African continent, which sometimes be able to use only representatives of a particular tribe. And the diversity of rituals, cultural systems, dances, customs and sacrifices is huge and surprising. In addition, the appearance of people of some tribes just amazes.

However, since they all dwell on one continent, all African tribes still have something in common. Some elements of culture are characteristic of all the nationalities living in this territory. One of the main defining features of African tribes is the orientation for the past, that is, the construction of the culture and life of ancestors.

Most African peoples denies all new and modern, closes in themselves. The strongest of all they are tied to constancy and invariance, including in everything related to everyday life, traditions and customs leading their existence from the great-grandfather.

It is difficult to imagine, but among them there are practically no those who would not have been engaged in natural economy or cattle breeding. Hunting, fishing or gathering is completely ordinary classes for them. Just as many centuries ago, the African tribes are fighting among themselves, marriages most often consist inside one tribe, interpretable marriages among them are rare. Of course, such a life is kept not one generation, each new child has to live as a fate from birth.

The tribes differ from each other with their own, inherent in the system of life, customs and rituals, beliefs and prohibitions. Most tribes invent their fashion, often stunningly bright, whose identity is often easily amazed.

From the most famous and numerous today, tribes can be considered: Masai, Bantu, Zulus, Samburu and Bushmen.


One of the most famous African tribes. They live in Kenya and Tanzania. The number of representatives reaches 100 thousand people. Most often, they can be found on the mountainside, which occupies a prominent place in Masayev's mythology. Maybe the magnitude of this mountain affected the worldview of the members of the tribe - they consider themselves pets of the gods, the highest people and sincerely confident that there are no more beautiful people in Africa.

Such an opinion about himself gave rise to a contemptuous, often even a derogatory attitude towards other tribes, which was the cause of frequent wars between the tribes. In addition, in the custom of Masaev, steal animals from other tribes, which also does not improve their reputation.

The dwelling of Masayev is built from branches, covered with manure. They are engaged in the main women who are also needed by the duties of pack animals. The main share of nutrition is milk or animal blood, less often meat. The distinguishing feature of the beauty of this tribe is considered elongated uches. Currently, the tribe is almost completely exterminated or dispersed, only in remote corners of the country, in Tanzania, are still preserved by individual nomads of Masayev.


The Bantian tribe lives in Central, South and East Africa. In truth, the Bantu is not even a tribe, but a whole nation, which includes many peoples, for example, Rwanda, Shono, Kong and others. All of them have similar languages \u200b\u200band customs, why they were combined into one big tribe. Most of the representatives of the bow speak two or more languages, the most frequently used of which is Suakhili. The number of members of the people bantum reaches 200 million. According to scientists, researchers, it is the Bantu, together with Bushmen and the Gottente, were the progenitors of the South African Color Race.

Bantu has a kind of appearance. They have very dark skin and an amazing hair structure - every hair spiral currens. Wide and wings of the nose, low nose and high growth - often above 180 cm - are also distinguishing features of people from a bantle tribe. Unlike Masaev, a bowl will not be celebrated civilization and willingly invite tourists to study walks in their villages.

Like any African tribe, a thorough part of the life of a bowl occupies a religion, namely traditional animistic beliefs for Africa, as well as Islam and Christianity. The dwelling of the bow reminds the house of Masai - the same round form, with a frame of branches, crowns. True, in some areas of the house, the bow is rectangular, painted, with double, single-sided or flat roofs. The members of the tribe are engaged in main agriculture. A distinctive feature of the bow can be called an enlarged bottom of the lip in which small discs are inserted.


The people of Zulus, the former once the largest ethnic group, now there are only 10 million people. Zulusi enjoy their own language - Zulu, originating from the Bantia family and being the most common in South Africa. In addition, among members of the people there are walking English, Portuguese, seven and other African languages.

The Zulus tribe suffered a difficult period in the era of apartheid in South Africa, when, being the most numerous people, was defined as the population of the second grade.

As for the beliefs of the tribe, most of the Zulus remained faithful to national beliefs, but among them there are Christians. Zulussian religion is based on faith in the Creator's God, Higher and Discarded from Casual Routine. Representatives of the tribe believe that you can turn to spirits through predictions. All negative manifestations in the world, including diseases or death, are considered as evil spirits or the result of unkind witchcraft. In the Zulussian religion, the main place is occupied by purity, frequent ablutions in the custom of representatives of the people.


The Samburi tribe lives in the northern regions of Kenya, on the border of the foothills and the northern desert. About five hundred years ago, the people of Sambura settled on this territory and quickly settled the plain. This tribe is characterized by independence and confident in its elitism much more than Masai. The life of the tribe depends on livestock, but, unlike Masai, Samburi themselves grow their cattle and together with it they go from place to place. Customs and ceremonies occupy a significant place in the life of the tribe and are distinguished by the splendor of paints and forms.

Samburi huts consist of clay and skins, outside the dwelling is separated by a barbed hedge for sewn from wild animals. Representatives of the tribe brought their homes with them, collecting re-in every parking lot.

Samburu is made to share the labor between men and women, it concerns the children. The responsibilities of women include gathering, daughter of cows and water delivery, as well as harvesting firewood, cooking and leaving for children. Of course, in the jurisdiction of the female half of the tribe there is a general order and stability. Men Sambura is responsible for grazing, which is their main means of existence.

The most important detail of the people of the people is childbearing, sterile women are subjected to cruel persecution and bullying. Normally at the tribe to worship the spirits of ancestors, as well as witchcraft. Samburu believe in spells, spells and rituals, applying them to increase fertility and protection.


The most famous, since ancient times, Europeans have an African tribe - this is Bushmen. The name of the tribe consists of the English "bush" - "bush" and "man" - "man", but it is dangerous to call representatives of the tribe - this is considered offensive. It is more correct to call them "San", which in the language of Gottentotov means "someone else's". Externally, the bushmen differ slightly from other tribes of Africa, they have brighter skin, and the lips are thinner. In addition, they are the only ones who use ant larvae. Their dishes are considered a feature of national cuisine of this people. The construction of Bushmen's society is also different from the common tribal. Instead of leaders and sorcerers, Sanai choose elders from among the most experienced and respected members of the tribe. Elders lead the life of the people, while not using any benefits for someone else's account. It should be noted that Bushmen also believe in the afterlife, like the other African tribes, but they do not have a cult of ancestors adopted at the rest of the tribes.

Among other things, Sanov has a rare talent for stories, songs and dance. The musical instrument they can do almost all of them. For example, there are bows stretched with animal hair or bracelets made from dried insect cocoons with pebbles inside, which are used to beat the rhythm during dance. Almost everyone who has the opportunity to observe the musical experiments of Bushmen, try to write them to convey to future generations. This is all the more relevant that the current century dictates its rules and many Bushmen have to retreat from centuries-old traditions and go to the workers for farms for the sake of family and the tribe.

This is a very small number of tribes living in Africa. There are so many things to describe them all will need several volumes, but each of them boasts a unique system of values \u200b\u200band lifestyle, not to mention rituals, customs and costumes.

Video: Wild tribes of Africa: ...

Dream to visit National Parks Africa, see wild animals in their natural habitat and enjoy the latest intact corners of our planet? Safari in Tanzania - an unforgettable trip to African savannah!

The main part of Africa's nation includes groups consisting of several thousand, and sometimes hundreds of people, but at the same time - does not exceed 10% of the total population of this continent. As a rule, such small ethnic groups are the wildest tribes.

It is to such a group that refers, for example, the Mursi tribe.

Ethiopian tribe Mursi - the most aggressive ethnic group

Ethiopia is ancient country in the world. It is Ethiopia that considers the ancestor of mankind, it was here that the remains of our ancestor, modestly named Lucy, found.
More than 80 ethnic groups live in the country.

Residing in the southwestern Ethiopia, on the border with Kenia and Sudan, who settled in Mago Park, the Mursi tribe is distinguished by unusually tough customs. They are rightfully nominated by the title of the most aggressive ethnic group.

Affected to frequent alcohol consumption and uncontrolled weapons. In everyday life, the main weapon of men tribe is Kalashnikov's automaton, which they buy in Sudan.

In fights, they often can score each other almost to a suicide state, trying to prove their primacy in the tribe.

Scientists refer to this tribe to a mutating disorder, with distinctive features in the form of low growth, wide bones and curves, low and strongly compressed LBs, flattened noses and pumped short necks.

Women's bodies in Mursi often look with flabby and painful, stomachs and chest barks, and the backs are stunned. There is practically no hair, which was often hidden under intricate headquarters of a very fantasy type, with the use of everything as a material that you can pick up or catch nearby: coarse leather, branches, dried fruits, marsh mollusks, someone's tails, dead insects and even incomprehensible smelly fell.

The most famous feature of the Mursi tribe is a tradition to insert plates on the lips to girls.

In more public coming in contact with civilization, Mursi can not always see all these characteristic attributes, but the exotic appearance of their lower lip is a business card of the tribe.

Plates are made of different sizes from wood or clay, the shape can be round or trapezoid, sometimes with a hole in the middle. For beauty, plates are covered with a pattern.

The lower lip is cut back in childhood, the woods insert there, gradually increasing their diameter.

Mursi girls begin to wear plates aged 20 per six months before marriage. The lower lip is pierced and a small disk is inserted into it, after the lip stretches, the disk is replaced with a larger and so until the bottom of the desired diameter (up to 30 centimeters !!).

The size of the plate is important: the greater the diameter, the more the girl is appreciated and the more cattle will pay for her groom. Girls should wear these plates. Continuing the time of sleep and feeding, they can also take them out if there are no men's men.

When the plate is pulled out, the lip will unscrew the long circular harness. Almost all Mursi lacks front teeth, tongue-cracked before blood.

The second strange and frightening decoration of Women Mursi are Monista, which are scored from human phaling fingers (NEC). One person has only 28 such bones in their hands. Each necklace usually consists of the phalange of the five-six brushes, some of the jewelry of "jewelry" are wrapped in a few rows.

Gently glitters and makes a sweetly rotting smell of funeral human fat, every bone is rubbed daily. The source for the bead never dedicates: a priestess of the tribe for almost every misconduct is ready to deprive the hands of a man's hands who violated the law.

This tribe is made to make scarification (applying scars).

Men can afford only after the first murder of someone from their enemies or ill-wishers. If they kill a man, they decorate the right hand, if a woman, then left.

Their religion - animism, deserves a longer and shocking story.
Short: women are dresses of death, so they give their husbands daily to their husbands and poisons.

Antidote distributes the Supreme Priestess, but sometimes salvation comes not to all. In such cases, a white cross is drawn on a plate of widows, and it becomes a very distinguished member of the tribe, which is not eaten after death, and bury in the trunks of special ritual trees. The honor is made in such a priest due to the fulfillment of the main mission - the will of the death of the death of the Yamda, which they were able to fulfill, destroying the physical body and freed the highest spiritual essence from their man.

The rest of the dead is waiting for collective eating to the whole tribe. Soft fabrics are welded in the boiler, the bones are used for amples-amulets and thrown on the tops, to indicate dangerous places.

What seems very wild for Europeans for Mursi is commonplace and tradition.

Bushmen tribe

African bushmen are the most ancient representatives of the human race. And this is not at all assumptions, but a scientifically proven fact. Who are these ancient people?

Bushmen are called a group of South Africa hunting tribes. Now it is already remnants from the numerous ancient African population. Bushmen are distinguished by low growth, wide cheekbones, narrow eye cut and much swelling centuries. It is difficult to determine the real color of the skin, because in Calahari, it is not allowed to spend water on washing. But it can be noted that they are much brighter their neighbors. The shade of their skin is a bit yellowish, which is more characteristic of residents of South Asia.

Young buds are considered the most beautiful among the female population of Africa.

But as soon as they reach sexual maturity and become moms, these beauties just do not know. In women, buds, thighs and buttocks are excessively developed, and the stomach will constantly break. This is a consequence of improper nutrition.

To distinguish the pregnant bud from the rest of the women of the tribe, it is deprived of ashes or okra, since it is very difficult to do it in appearance. Bushmen men already by 35 years old become similar on eighty-year-old, due to the fact that their skin saves and the body is covered with deep wrinkles.

Life in Kalahara is very Surov, but even here there are their laws and rules. The most important wealth in the desert is water. There are old men in the tribe that can find water. At the place that they will indicate representatives of the tribe or root wells or bring water using plants stalks.

Each Bushmen tribe has a secret well, which is thoroughly laid by stones or covered with sand. In the season, the drought Bushmen dig a hole at the bottom of a dry well, take the stalk of the plant, through it the water, dialing into the mouth, and then spin it in the shell of an ostrich egg

The South African tribe of Bushmen is the only people on Earth, in whose men there is a constant erection, this phenomenon does not cause any unpleasant sensations or inconvenience, excluding the fact that during the walk of hunting men have to attach a penis to the belt to not cling to them for branches.

Bushmen do not know what private property is. All animals and plants growing on their territory are considered common. Therefore, they hunt both wild animals and farm cows. For this, they are very often punishable and destroyed with whole tribes. No one wants such neighbors.

Among Bushmen tribes is very popular with shamanism. They have no leaders, but there are elders and a signs that are not only treated, but also communicate with spirits. Bushmen are very afraid of the dead, and they believe in the afterlife. They pray for the sun, the moon, the stars. But they ask not health or happiness, but success in hunting.

Bushmen tribes speak Koisan's languages, which are very difficult for Europeans. The characteristic feature of these languages \u200b\u200bis clicking consonants. They say the representatives of the tribe among themselves very quietly. This is the old habit of hunters - so as not to scare the game.

There are confirmed data that another hundred years ago they were drawing. The caves still find rock paintings depicting people and different animals: buffaloes, gazelles, birds, ostriches, antelope, crocodiles.

In their drawings there are unusual fabulous characters: Monkey people, eared snakes, people with crocodile muzzle. In the desert there is a whole gallery in an open-air, which presents these amazing drawings of unknown artists.

But now Bushmen are not engaged in painting, they are gorgeous in dance music, pantomime and legends.

Video: Shamanic ritual rite of healing the Bushmen tribe. Part 1

Shaman's ritual rite of the healing of the Bushmen tribe. Part 2

Photographer Jimmy Nelson travels around the world and removes wild and semi-tribal tribes, which manages to maintain traditional life lifestyle in the modern world. Every year this peoples are becoming more difficult and harder, but they do not surrender and do not leave the territories of their ancestors, continuing to live as well as they lived.

Tribe Asar

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. Asaro Mudmen ("People from the Asaro River, covered with mud") for the first time met with the western world in the middle of the 20th century. From time immemorial, these people are smeared with mud and put on masks to catch the fear of other villages.

"Also, all of them are very miles, but since their culture is under threat, they are forced to stand up for themselves" - Jimmy Nelson.

Tribe of Chinese fishermen.

Location: Guanxi, China. Shot in 2010. Fishing with cormorant - one of the most ancient ways of fishing with waterfowl. So that they do not swallow the catch, fishermen tie their neck. The little fishing cormorants are easily swallowed, and large bring to the owners.


Location: Kenya and Tanzania. Shot in 2010. This is one of the most famous African tribes. Young Masai pass through a number of rituals to develop responsibility, become men and warriors, learn to protect cattle from predators and ensure the safety of their families. Thanks to rituals, rites and instructions of the elders, they grow by real bravests.

The central place in the culture of Masayev occupies cattle.


Location: Siberia - Yamal. Shot in 2011. The traditional lesson of Nenets is reindeer herding. They lead a nomadic lifestyle, moving through the Yamal Peninsula. For more than millennium, they survive at temperatures up to minus 50 ° C. The route of the annual migration of 1000 km long lies through the frozen river Ob.

"If you do not drink warm blood and do not eat fresh meat, then you are doomed to death in the tundra."


Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. Cows - one of the few Papuass tribes that do not wear kophek, peculiar boxes for the penis. Men of the tribe hide their penises, tightly taking their leaves along with the scrotum. Cows - gathet hunters living in houses on trees. This nation has strictly distributed rights and obligations between men and women. Their number is estimated at about 3,000 people. Until the 1970s, cows were confident that other peoples in the world did not exist.

Tribe Yali

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. Yali live in the virgin forests of Highlands and officially recognized as pigments, as the growth of men is only 150 centimeters. Kotka (a pumpkin case for a penis) serves as part of traditional clothes. On it, you can determine the personality of a person to the tribe. Yali prefer long thin kophek.

Tribe Karo.

Location: Ethiopia. Shot in 2011. The Omo Valley, located in the Great Rift Valley of Africa, is called the birthplace of about 200,000 indigenous peoples who inhabited it for thousands of years.

Here, the tribes since the sincerversion traded, offering each other beads, food, horned cattle and fabrics. Not so long ago, the turnover entered guns and ammunition.

Tribe dasanech

Location: Ethiopia. Shot in 2011. For this tribe is characterized by the absence of strictly defined ethnicity. To admit in dasanech a person can almost any origin.


Location: Argentina and Ecuador. Shot in 2011. For a thousand years, Amazon raindrops of Ecuador served as a house for the People of Guarani. They consider themselves the most brave indigenous group in the Amazon basin.

Tribe Vanuatu

Location: Lava Island (Banx Islands Group), Province of Torba. Shot in 2011. Many people Vanuatu believes that wealth can be achieved by ceremonies. The dance is an important part of their culture, so in many villages there are a dance floor called Nazar.

Tribe Ladakhi

Location: India. Shot in 2012. Ladakhi share the beliefs of their Tibetan neighbors. Tibetan Buddhism, mixed with images of fierce demons from Dobddy Religion Bon underlies Ladakh beliefs for more than a thousand years. The people live in the Indus Valley, it is mainly engaged in agriculture, practicing Polyandria.

Tribe Mursi.

Location: Ethiopia. Shot in 2011. "It is better to die than not killing." Mursi - farmers - farmers and successful warriors. Men are distinguished by horseshoe scars on the body. Women also practice shock, and also insert a plate into the lower lip.

Rabari tribe

Location: India. Shot in 2012. 1000 years ago, representatives of the Rabari tribe had already wandered over the deserts and plains, which today belong to Western India. Women of this people long hours are devoted to embroidery. They also manage farms and solve all cash issues, and men graze herd.

Tribe Sambur

Location: Kenya and Tanzania. Shot in 2010. Samburu is a semi-soul people, which moved from place to place every 5-6 weeks to provide their cattle pastures. They are independent and much more traditional than Masai. In society sambura reigns equality.

Tribe Mustang

Location: Nepal. Shot in 2011. Most of the representatives of the Mustang people still believe that the world is flat. They are very religious. Prayers and holidays are an integral part of their lives. The tribe is a mansion, as one of the last optics survived to today Tibetan culture. Until 1991, they did not let any strangers in their own on Wednesday.

Tribe Maori.

Location: New Zealand. Shot in 2011. Maori - Adepts of Multimitations, worship many gods, goddesses and spirits. They believe that the spirits of the ancestors and supernatural creatures are omnipresent and help the tribe in difficult times. In the Mori myths and legends originated in the distant times, their ideas were reflected on the creation of the universe, the origin of gods and people.

"My tongue is my awakening, my tongue is the window of my soul."

Tribe Goroka

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2011. Life in alpine villages is simple. The inhabitants are plenty of food, families are friendly, the people honorab wonders of nature. They live at the expense of hunting, gathering and growing crops. There are often internecine collisions here. To frighten the enemy, the warriors of the rod tribe use combat coloring and decorations.

"Knowledge is just rumors while they are in the muscles."

Huli tribe

Location: Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Shot in 2010. This indigenous people are fighting for land, pigs and women. A lot more efforts they spend to impress the opponent. Houli paint their faces with yellow, red and white paints, and also famous traditions to make elegant wigs from their own hair.

Himba tribe

Location: Namibia. Shot in 2011. Each member of the tribe belongs to the two clans, to the Father and Mother. Marriages are arranged with the purpose of expanding wealth. Appearance is vital here. He talks about the place of man inside the group and about his phase of life. Responsibility for the rules in the group bears the elder.

Tribe Kazakhov

Location: Mongolia. Shot in 2011. The Kazakh-nomads are descendants of the Turkic, Mongolian, Indoran group and Huns, who inhabited the territory of Eurasia from Siberia to the Black Sea.

The ancient art of eagle hunting is one of the traditions that the Kazakhs managed to save to the present day. They trust their clan, count on their herds, believe in the associates of the sky, ancestors, fire and in the supernatural forces of good and evil spirits.