Star Life Story Slepakov Seeds. Semyon Slepakov: Personal life Seeds Slepakov Biography Personal life Wife Children

Star Life Story Slepakov Seeds. Semyon Slepakov: Personal life Seeds Slepakov Biography Personal life Wife Children
Star Life Story Slepakov Seeds. Semyon Slepakov: Personal life Seeds Slepakov Biography Personal life Wife Children

The famous producer, the author and performer of the songs in the Genre of Comedy Semyon Slepakov until the 33-year-old age remained enviable fiance. He did not indulge the audience with his intrigues or novels, giving the ground for gossip. The image of a courageous artist with a magnificent sense of humor loved to all the audience. His songs, representatives of the younger generation talked to quotes. Wife Seeds, Karina Slepakova, in everything and always supports a successful husband.

Biography and path to success

Music - This is the main creative profession of seeds. I can not believe that the artist has discovered talent only in high school. Before that severe thrust for creativity, he did not feel.

The biography of the comedian deserves attention. He, like all outstanding personality, has its own history of success. Recognition of the public preceded the long work and the desire for glory.

The future famous comedian was born In the family of scientific figures. Parents of Seeds - Professor. His fate initially seemed distant from creativity, but he still did music. The first musical instrument was the piano, but the child could not love this tool so much to tie his future with him.

The next step in creativity was acquainted with the electricity, which caused more interest from the guy than the piano. Semyon found support from relatives in everything. It was the father that put him the first plates "Bitles", having grabbed the boy a wonderful musical taste.

From young seeds fascinated by the game of KVN teams. In school years gathered his team, and then humor and music became his permanent satellites.

The Success History Seeds is an example of how popular passion and talent are able to become a matter of life and frig. It was the hobby of the artist led him to success today and provided the main income.

With a group of friends Semyon is decided to move to Moscow. The team worked in the sweat of the face to be afloat. Through time, Semyon became part of the Klab's Comedy team as the author and performer of their own rooms, and also wrote lyrics for the whole team. He is a popular and successful teleproducer, his last name for all hearing. He released two song albums

Famous names library - Polina Slepakov, and biography of the popular singer not connected with Semen. They do not unite them despite the desire of fans to attribute them to them.

Many viewers are also confident that Elena Borschev, the participant of the project of the Comedy Vumen - Sister Slepakov. But it is not. Artists unites KVN-Ovsky past and love for humor.

Personal life artist

Family life comedians for many years was a mystery for his fans. He did not go through secular events, as his colleagues did, taking beauty for the company. Journalists did not remove any provocative snapshot.

Artist's fans crave for details of his personal life, and now the curtain has finally been opened.

More from youth Semen liked miniature girls. And if usually the sense of humor in the guy certainly leads to success among the beautiful sex, then not this time. According to the artist, its specific humor, intended mainly for men's ears, usually scared the girls. At the same time, jokes and tips were sent to the objects themselves, which reduced the results to not.

With the future wife Journalists caught Slepakov at the birthday of his colleagues - Mikhail Galustyan. At the same time, the artist did not take their personal life to hide their personal life from the cameras. However, the surprise of journalists and the audience was not the limit when they found out that the girl was not in the status of a friend, but already in the status of his wife.

The wedding took place in 2012, the spouse of the artist became Karina Slepakov. Girl's biography is little known. The celebration was cited in Italy, avoiding the attention of the press. The spouse of the artist is far from secular life and television. It is very hard for information about it. With accuracy, it can only be said that it works in the legal sphere and to associate his life with public activities is not going. Semyon supports his wife and in every way fans from the annoying attention of fans who love to pry for someone else's life.

Spectators will not stumble upon the profile of the girl in the social network, it does not make posts in Vkontakte and does not post numerous photos in instagram. Find her photos problematic. Their journalists with her husband are made by journalists during an infrequent selection of family in a cinema or restaurant. When a family appears in public, the artist does not allow paparazzi to bother Karin. He accompanies her every minute, guarding her calm and a good mood.

In his interview, Semyon positively, in humorous form responds about marriage. "Urgently marked!" - The phrase of the comedian, which has become a winged for his environment. The artist enjoys family comfort and quiet happiness, which and everyone wishes.

The artist responds about his wife, as a person with a magnificent sense of humor, capable of making even the artist himself laugh. Slepakov in the souls are good-natured wives of his wife about domestic issues.

In the family, the pair dissolves. A married comedian even became a little less attention to paying his creative activity. According to familiar and friends of the couple, they still tremblely treat each other, as many years ago, keep each other's hands and are looking forward to meetings after the working day at home. In one of the few interviews, Karina claims that the husband belongs to her, as the queen, pamper.

What is known about the comedian wife

Karina Slepakov It does not seek public life, preferring to remain in the shadow of a popular spouse. Only two things are known about her hobbies and leisure:

  1. Preparation of gourmet food. You can talk about the interest of Karina Kulina on the basis of visiting the master class Andrei Garcia.
  2. Interest in the electric guitar, which they share together with the spouse.

Wife Seeds Slepakov does not flash in the secular chronicles and does not attract attention.

Permanent public speeches, the esters of the Comedy, new comedy projects support the constant interest of the viewer to Semen Slepakov. Biography, personal life of the artist causes increasing interest in the public.

Now Semenu is 38 years old. This is an excellent artist, charismatic, charming and interesting. In its sphere, he achieved significant heights and is always surrounded by attention as any successful person.

ATTENTION, only today!

Semyon Slepakov is an interesting, charismatic singer and teleproducer, who has already achieved quite large heights, which make fans with interest to follow the life of celebrities. It's hard to believe that Slepakov did not particularly love music in childhood, and only in high school he changed his vision somewhat, because at some point it was woken up for the sake of musical art.

So, at some point, he understood what wishes to work on himself to achieve something in life. True, he did not yet know what many people like it. Let's consider in more detail, who is such semen Slepakov than he did and how at all came to becoming a singer and producer. After all, every celebrity began in his own way, so what is the path of this charming guy?

Growth, weight, age. How many years Semen Slepakov

Growth, weight, age. How many years Semen Slepakov is that it has always been interesting for fans of the famous singer and teleproducer. It looks quite good, besides, it can be seen that he is a little less followed, in order to always be in shape. If you answer the questions set clearly, today it turned 38 years old, the growth is 197 centimeters, and the weight of 90 kilograms. That is, in all respects, he is a guy prominently, in which you can make sure, barely look at him. Now let's consider in more detail exactly how the guy came to success, and where all the time began before, thousands of viewers learned about the seeds.

Biography and personal life Slepakov seeds

Biography and personal life Seeds Slepakov unequivocally deserves attention, because he managed to conquer the stage, win the recognition of many viewers. His charming smile, positive attitude allowed him to stand out among other artists, not to mention ordinary people. The guy was born in the family of professors who were far enough from creative activity. In childhood, he was taken to a music school where he began to play the piano, but the boy did not particularly love this tool.

A little changed after the boy took the electric guitar into his hand, because for him it was more interesting. In addition, his father helped him, after he asked him a good direction, because he put the "Beatles" records and the groups like them. It should also be noted that the boy always loved to watch KVN, so it simply decided to take an example from the most popular teams, and created his own still at school. By the way, this enthusiasm continued after school and university, gradually turned into earnings. The spectators willingly watched the fun and resourceful guys showed their numbers, the others had fun, raised the mood.

After some time, Semyon Slepakov, and his friends moved to Moscow. And although then the time was not the best, not stable, anyway, the guys had a sufficient amount of money, because they gave a lot of concerts. It even more strengthened the opinion of the seeds that it was not necessary to return to a small hometown, because there was nothing to do there. After some time, Slepakov began to take part in the Comedy Club, where she put his own rooms. And it brought new achievements for him, because he not only put the rooms, but also wrote songs for his team. At about the same time, Slepakov goes to the scene with their songs, which began to write in his youth. He tries to have every song that he writes for any purpose was relevant for our time. It is very responsible about each written song, carefully ensures that the result is interesting and in demand.

Each time before going to the scene, the guy is very worried, because for him this is a whole event. And if he appears bad, it will not be funny or some gaps, he always blames himself, because he thinks that he can always perform better. To date, he is all the same in demand on the stage, writes songs, performed them itself, performs humorous numbers. As for personal life, not so long ago, Semyon married, but nothing is known about his wife, because she is not a public person. It is only known that the woman is Karina, and she works as a lawyer. There was something that she conquered the famous guy, but herself is not going to change anything in life, so, hardly fans learn more about her. The wedding took place this year in Italy.

Among the hobbies of Slepakov, you need to add, there is something that it collects electric guitars. Since this passion is not very cheap, it cannot collect them dozens. He already has eight guitars, which are distinguished by various characteristics, design, in a word, all that is needed for a good and high-quality tool. For the singer, his hobby always played great importance, if only because he had preferred this tool with any other exactly from youth. Now he can afford such an expensive hobby. However, it's not about money, because such a kind of hobby is really very important for the celebrity.

Family and children Slepakov seeds

A lot of fans are trying to learn more about this moment as a family and children Slepakov seeds. But about it is known not so much, because he himself does not like to talk about his personal life. Yet, something we learned about this, that is, Semyon married not so long ago. His chosen was a woman who is not involved in the world show business and she does not want to change anything in this regard. Wife Slepakov's name is Karina, she works as a lawyer, and now builds a family nest along with his husband. There are no children at the pair yet, but this does not mean that you should not expect such in the future. Most likely, they are already planning heirs, but so far they will not make their desires.

Wife Slepakov Seeds - Karina Slepakova

Wife Seeds Slepakov - Karina Slepakova became his wife not so long ago. Semyon did not too much loved to tell about his personal life, so it's hard to say how he met her and how much met. What between them, they preferred not to make public. All that can be said about the elected woman Slepakov, then this is what her name is Karina, she works as a lawyer. Or, in at least, has such an education. They got married this year, the wedding took place in Italy, where only the closest relatives and friends gathered. Today they live happily together, most likely, Karina will soon become a mom. So fans, maybe soon you can read about the birth of heirs from Slepakov.

Wikipedia Seeds Slypakov

Since Slepakov is a public person, there is nothing surprising that it is not difficult to find it on the Internet. You just need to go to the site that is dedicated to the seed or generally famous personalities. One of these convenient sources is its personal page in Wikipedia (, Semsengeevich). There are interesting facts about his life, personal and creative, some interesting moments that will be considerable for fans. There are also social networks. Where the singer lay out a photo, share its plans for the future, and indeed, always ready to communicate with his fans. Although it does not have a page in Instagram, but it does not matter. Wikipedia Slepakov Seeds is always the services of those who wish to know about the favorite hero more.

Slepakov Semen Sergeevich (r. 1979) - Russian screenwriter and producer of humorous television shows and serials, author of numerous YouTube hits, master of a sharp word, comedy actor and showman, author and performer of their own songs. The initial popularity was acquired as a captain KVN team "The Pyatigorsk national team", then as the ideological inspirationator of the Sitkom "Our Russia" and the main screenwriter of the Youth Shan TV series "Interns" and "University". It is included in the author's group of special projects of the first channel, is a permanent resident "Comedy Club".

Birth and family

Semen was born on August 23, 1979 in the city of Pyatigorsk in an intelligent family. His dad, Sergey Semenovich Slepakov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, has a scientist of the professor. Mom, Marina Borisovna Slepakov, Candidate of Philological Sciences.

Perhaps, from Semyon would also have a great scientist or philologist, but were in his kind of ancestors that are directly related to humor and comedies. Genetics is still not the last thing, from generation to generation talents are transmitted. The secondary grandfather Semen, Yakov Aronovich Kostukovsky, was the famous Soviet playwright who wrote scenarios to the most famous comedies of that time - "diamond hand", "Operation" s "and other adventures of Shurik", "Caucasian prisoner, or new adventures of Shurik", "incorrigible Lygun "," Sit down well! ".

During his life, Slepakov managed to talk several times with a talented relative, it was very interesting, because Yakov Aronovich, even at the point of revenue retained the amazing sense of humor and the sharpness of the mind. Whether such heredity was affected on Semyon or the nature itself decided to give him talent - it remains only to guess, but the excellent sense of humor manifested itself from a child from an early age.

School years

He studied Semyon in Pyatigorsk School No. 6, in the humanitarian class. Among classmates mostly prevailed girls, the boys were only seven people. Slepakov never missed the opportunity to overtake some focus, a pinch of teachers, to swallow, especially over excellent.

In school, he did not differ in the school, nevertheless, in the middle education certificate, Semyon had solid "excellent." Senya (Three-class book called so-called) belonged to those students who, maybe not listened to the lesson attentively, looking into the teacher's mouth, but they always allowed interesting answers, sometimes even in poetic form. With such children, teachers really like to work. Most of the seed lessons free from the lessons was hanging out in the courtyard with friends or played football, so much from the school program passed by him. But in high school, he took up for himself and studied on some "five fives".

At seven years, parents gave the Son to a music school and forced to study the game on the piano. But I didn't like the child's classes, he did not endure this tool. In the adolescence, Semyon began to master the guitar and play his favorite melodies - Stevie Wonder, Beatles, Simon, Ice Zeppelin, Elton John, Rolling Stones, Garfankela. He was taught to such music, who often listened to the plates of famous performers in the house. And he sang the son of the song Okudzhava and Vysotsky.

In general, as Slepakov himself says, his father gave him the right musical direction in his life. Semen remembered well, as the whole family watched the New Year's release "Songs-88", and under one of the compositions of the leg of a nine-year-old child themselves went into the dance. Dad then said: "This is a bad song." The son tried to argue, saying that the melody was clown, and he likes. Then the father explained that there were stupid words and music, and disassembled the whole composition literally on the fingers. In general, dad from children's years instilled a child a special look at many things, read it the necessary books.

In parallel with the music in the life of Semen, humor was also present. He adored watching KVN on TV, and in the middle classes began to play him and at school. The guy grew up sacred, romantic relationships did not interest him for a long time, it was more fun to run in the yard with boys. Therefore, it was not very accumulating the amourn affairs, but in the holding of cultitimassal events slapakov was not equal.

student life

After graduating from school, Semyon continued his studies at the Pyatigorsky State University, and immediately in two faculties - economic and linguistic, where the French language was inequately studied. He studied well and graduated from an institution with two red diplomas.

Slepakov's institute friends remember that all their students were one big funny story. Semyon always had fun fellow students with various bikes, some of whom learned from someone, and some of them came up with himself. All of their youthful parties took place in the generals room "Walnut Grove" pretention. Of course, they did not take preventive treatment there, and drank, communicated with the girls, sang under the guitar, wrote jokes. It was the dawn of their KVN-Ovsky youth.

When I went to Festivals KVN, they often asked questions: "Pyatigorsk, you really have a team from space and script you absurd. Tell us the truth, write everything around everything? " Slepakov joked: "We write after the muddy tea on the straw, which the girls are preparing in a hostel."

And girls in their institute team KVN appeared quite often, and they really liked the seeds. One of them, named Natasha, so wanted to tie with Slepakov romantic relationships, which once came to the rehearsal with a huge cake "Napoleon", baked personally in terrible urgent conditions. On top of the cream, she made an inscription: "I don't know you, but I love to go nuts." Such an act was greatly impressed by Semyon, but he met with Natasha for a long time, as, however, and with all other Passasi.


After graduating from the University of Mom, at that time he worked there by the Deputy Dean, insisted that Semyon continued to do science. He successfully defended his thesis, received a degree of candidate of economic sciences. Even more than the economy, Slepakov fascinated French, in which he is talking excellent. Semen even visited one of the French provinces, passed a monthly practice there. In the future, it was planned to work in this country. He settled in graduate school and began to prepare for defending the dissertation in linguistics, but all plans broke the KVN.

The team, which Slepakov made himself while studying at the university, by the year 2000 began to show good results, step by step climbing to the highest league. They won the Central Slobazhan League in 2000 and became the finalists of the Ukrainian League in 2002.

Entering the Higher League of the Club of Cheerful and Responsible, the "national team of Pyatigorsk" immediately won her viewer. There were no such teams, and now, perhaps, too. Each of their performance was distinguished by unusual and originality, they were always very funny. KVN lovers adored Pyatigorsk guys.

In 2003, in Jurmala at the Summer Music Festival, the KVN "national team of Pyatigorsk" got a "Small Kiwin in Light" award. And in December of the same year, they received silver in the final of the highest league, giving way to the most popular team at that time from Sochi "tired by the Sun.".

For six years, Slepakov was a permanent captain of the team, and under his leadership, Pyatigorsk national team became the champion of the Highest KVN League in 2004.

Two years in a row (2004, 2005) The team won kiwin in gold - the main award of the musical festival in Jurmala. In 2006, Pyatigorsk national team won the Summer Cup KVN. In 2016, a jubilee game was timed to the 55th anniversary of KVN, in which the team from Pyatigorsk became the owner of the Cup "for resourcefulness."


In 2005, the closest friend of Semyon, a well-known showman and humorist Garik Martirosyan offered him to move from Pyatigorsk to Moscow. Already next year 2006, on the TNT television channel, they launched the project "Our Russia" in the format of a sketch show. At the same time, Slepakov became part of the author's group of special projects of the First Channel, became one of the authors of such shows:

  • "Spring with Ivan Urgant";
  • "New Year on the first".

True seed felt the famous after the television broadcast on the first channel. At first there was Euphoria. After all, before that, I had to go through a lot over the days of KVN - the poor, no one needed the provincial participants in the club of funny and resourceful travelers went into terrible trains than they had eaten, they lived ten people in terrible hotel rooms. And now they paid money, and even considerable. At first, everything went down on fun, buzzing, drink, casino. As Slepakov says: "And what else to do something, if you are young and have you got a lot of money?"

It is now the seed has a spacious office that, according to the design, something resembles the office of the main villain of John Milton from the "Devil Lawyer". Mute lighting, leather soft part from designers, dear furniture made of red trees. Only settled the Cabinet Slepakov not in Manhattan in Penthouse, and the Petrovsky Park in the Mansard of the Moscow mansion "Comedy Club Production".

But, according to Semyon, neither this big office, nor a comfortable way of life, nor the whole army of fans, did not change anything in his life. He, as before, looks behind the people, listening to their conversations, studies that he worries people. The work of a creative personality is that it is necessary to constantly touch the life, pry, listen to, look around.

On television, Semyon produces and writes scripts to a variety of humorous TV series and projects:

  • "University";
  • "Sashatany";
  • "OUR RUSSIA. Eggs of fate ";
  • "Interns";
  • "HB";
  • "Concerned, or love evil."

Particular Slepakov songs are especially popular. True, the fun Bardov nets at first glance do not combine with the gloomy view of the artist, because the seed on the scene is sullen and bearded. But under this appearance, fountain of ideas and the finest sense of humor are actually hidden. In 2005, the first album was released with his songs. Since 2010, all its songs of Semyon is present in the "Comedy Club" show, the residency of which is. In 2012, I saw the light of Slepakov's second music album.

Parents Creative activities of Semyon support. Previously, in their intelligent family was forbidden to pronounce obscene words, and now Mom calmly listens to Son's songs, and nothing - perceives normally. Even an old grandmother Esphyrie Josephovna visited the speech of the grandson and came to delight. Officially, only the Father can express its opinion. And the grandmother with the mother of Slepakov in a joke calls his fan club, they are always satisfied with what makes seed. Therefore, by their opinion, he is not particularly listened, since objectivity there is zero.

Personal life

Semyon adheres to a hard opinion that his personal life cannot be the public domain, so he is not divided by the secrets of family happiness with journalists.

When Semyon and Karina decided to get married, only those people who wanted to see at their celebration were notified about the upcoming celebration. The wedding took place in Italy in the fall of 2012, it is this golden order who loves the wife of Semyon most of all. Newlyweds have made every effort to make photos from their marriage not to become the possession of the press and social networks.

When the fans first saw the wife of Semyon, unanimously celebrated the beauty and charm of the girl. Against the background of the two-meter Slepakov, Karina seems to be childish miniature and fragile. She is a brown with very beautiful bluish-gray eyes. By the formation of Karina - a lawyer, but now he helps Semyon in his work. She is absolutely indifferent to fame, so always refuses the interview.

The fact of marriage had a great influence on the seed. According to him, he is doing less creativity, as it hurries home to his wife.

Hobbies, Hobbies

Semyon collects guitars, but for now he has a little. He just could only dream of different guitars for a long time, and when it became possible to buy them, he could not resist and acquired several pieces at once, thereby gave the start of his collection.

Since in school years, the Semyon was once thoroughly to get acquainted with the works of Russian classics for the guitar and football, then he would really like to catch up. I would like to read more books (Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy) and see classic films. Therefore, his main dream is to take a vacation and read, watch movies. The only question is when it is possible to implement.

Semen Sergeevich Slepakov - Comedy actor, producer, screenwriter, as well as the performer of his own songs. Semyon Slepakov - the former captain of the KVN team "The national team of Pyatigorsk." After a career in KVN, Semen works on television, he was a producer and chief screenwriter of the show "Our Russia" (TNT), screenwriter of the Comedi Club show (TNT) and special projects on the first channel. Also Slepakov is engaged in producing serials, in particular, "Univers" and "Intern".

Early years and education Slepakov seeds

Father - Sergey Semenovich Slepakov - Doctor of Economics (1994), Professor of the Department of Economics and Management at the enterprise of the Institute of Service, Tourism and Design (branch of the North Caucasus Federal University in Pyatigorsk), in 1998-2013 - Head of the Department. Semyon Slepakov in an interview with the publishing house "2000" told that his father is from Kharkov.

Mother - Marina Borisovna Slypakov - Candidate of Philology, Professor of the Department of French Philology and Intercultural Communication of the Pyagigorsk State University.

Uncle - Alexander Semenovich Slepakov - Writer, Poet, Bard. Another uncle - Vladimir Semenovich Slepakov - Businessman.

Grandma - Esphyr of Josephovna. Cousin - Yakov Aronovich Kostyukovsky - Soviet screenwriter and playwright. Cousin - Alexander Vladimirovich Slepakov (1993-2011) - played KVN, died in an accident.

Semen Slepakov received higher education in the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. He studied at the Faculty of French and at the Faculty of State Municipal Administration. Specialty Slepakov - Linguist and Manager. In 2004, Semen Slepakov defended his dissertation on the economy.

Career Showman Seeds Slepakov

With a sharp and rapid sense of humor, Semyon Slepakov also headed the KVN team at the institute. The speeches of the Pyatigorsk team became popular, among other things, thanks to the fresh extraordinary jokes of Slepakov. The style of the Pyatigorsk team, who reminded the British comedian group "Monti Paiton", had a great influence on KVN. Pyatigarse performed first in the galants of students in the lesson of labor, then in special costumes, also resembling these bathrobes.

"We were so comfortable in this clothes, because we could do any nonsense, and she gave us some defense. We were not like ordinary cavancers who performed in some fashionable suites. One glance at us was enough to understand: these guys are complete assholes. It was so convenient for us that we made these bathrobes with our shape, "I recalled Slepakov in an interview.

Pyatigorsk national team started a career in the KVN Kharkov leagues and Kiev. Then he moved to the main Moscow league and immediately broken. In 2004, the "national team Pyatigorsk" with the captain Semyon Slepakov became the champion of the highest league.

Since 2005, Semyon Slepakov began to live in Moscow. The Showman's Slepakov career did quite successfully. In 2006, together with the resident "Comedy Club" and also ex-star KVN Garic Martirosian and producer TNT Alexander Dulerawn Semen implemented the project "Our Russia" (on the TNT channel). In the same year, Semen Slepakov entered the author's group of special projects on the first channel ("Spring with Ivan Urgant", "New Year on the first").

In 2008, Slepakov became one of the producers and the screenwriter of the series "Univer" and the film "Our Russia. Eggs of fate. "

Since 2010, Semyon Slepakov became the "Comedy Club" resident. Funny Slepakov songs that are performed by him under the guitar, quickly won popularity and on YouTube - these rollers are gained and gaining a large number of views.

Semyon Slepakov Permanent member of the jury in the project TNT TV channel "Comedy Battle".

In the biography of Slepakov, the serials are engaged in an important place. Since 2008, Semyon Slepakov has been one of the producers of the series "Univer", he was the screenwriter of his first hundred episodes. In 2010, Slepakov became the producer of the series "Interns" with Ivan OkhlobystinaThat one time was one of the most popular sitcomes in Russia.

Since 2011, Semyon Slepakov has been producer of the series "University. New dorm. " In 2012, Semyon Slepakov became one of the producers and the screenwriter of the Sashahatany series, also producer of the "HB" sketch. In 2015, Semyon Slepakov is one of the scenarios and producers of the series "concerned, or love evil."

Music seeds Slepakov

From an early age, Semyon Slepakov engaged in music to which his father joined him. They have always sounded the songs of Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Elton John, Stevie Wander, as well as Vladimir Vysotsky. Semen himself played the guitar, composed songs. Then Semen Slepakov created his group. His idol was John Lennonon which he was equal and to whom he tried to imitate, however, Semyon admitted that he did not learn English to a more or less demolition level.

In the end, Slepakov, like his uncle Alexander, became a poet and writer of his own songs. And although some of his songs are sometimes sinners, nevertheless, they are successful.

Semen Slepakov released two solo musical albums, the last of which came out in 2012.

Slepakov constantly writes bright songs with which successfully performs. Some of his creations resonant. For example, the present hits were the song-appeal to the shareholders of Gazprom, the "Victory Day" about the son of the mayor, who almost hit the veteran of war, "panties", "Grandma Transformer", "Sex with his wife" and many others. Semyon Slepakov sings not only about the relationship between men and women, but also about the bad officials, about oil prices, in general, about everything.

Semyon Slepakov has recently been active in social networks, posting not only songs on YouTube-Channel, but also sharing with readers interesting stories from life in Facebook and Instagram, you can also hear new verses of seeds. Slepakov reacts to current events, including policies. So he marked with a small humorous story about the famous scuffle of journalists Maxim Shevchenko and Nikolai Svanidze. Seven Slepakov reacted to the scandal when a number of media refused to work with the State Duma after the Duma Commission on Ethics did not find violations in the behavior of the Head of Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky. Showman Semen Slepakov told his story about how he was personally "subjected to harassment" from this deputy, however, it was about how Leonid Slutsky offered him to be leading at the bottom of his wife. According to Slutsky, the holiday is usually leading Ivan UrgantBut this time it needs to be replaced.

Slepakov seed songs about the Russian national team

Football has long been an important topic of work of Slepakov seeds, even after the defeat of the Russian national team from Slovenia Bard composed the song "Small Member of the Russian national team", bearing in mind, apparently, Andrei Arshavina.

After which the characters of the songs change dramatically, "rushing Zhirkov like sapsan Small goes to the ram, and Dzüba In the jump as Tarzan. " However, everything is bad. Footballers did not help both Kadyrov.

Which, by the way, approved Slepakov's song, which is not surprising, taking into account the content: "I liked the song seeds, I sincerely laughed, only here is my word harder stone, not cheese. Do not think that we have a lack of a sense of humor in Chechnya, because it does not depend on the place of residence. And Slepakov with a sense of humor everything is fine, he is our, from the Caucasus. "

It is curious that in the song The Russian national team loses even Saudi Arabia, but in fact the football players were able to surprise Slepakov and the whole of Russia. After victories and exit from the Slepakov group, responded with a new song, which was recorded with the Leningrad group headed by Sergey Shnurov. In the song "Champions", it was already about the success of the Russian national football team.

In the new Slepakov song and the cord is a lot of abnormative vocabulary, and the authors apologize that they did not believe in football players and head coach of Stanislav Cherchesov. But they warn that in the case of the first defeat, the people again will be disappointed in them. "We are afraid of our rivals, wet all the panties, because the Cherchesov musty dreams at night," Semyon Slepakov sang now.

Attention and social problems are paid. "To do not care that we raised the age of pension, our mood was raised by our champions," the Slepakov and Shnurov also came across the song, reported in the news.

Well, then Slepakov apologized for sharpness to football players:

"Guys, you really cool. Sorry if someone from you offended by my work. Everything went honestly, from the heart. From the feeling of hopelessness, which until the beginning of the championship filled everything. Now not. Thank you for that. It was powerful and enchanting. "

According to Slepakov, the Russian team did not lose, and politely lost the right to compete for entering the semifinals to the guests of the championship.

Semyon Slepakov: "You did not lose for me, and beautifully moved to the side, as the polite owners who are all the best to guests. You have a reason to be proud of yourself, since we are proud of you. "

Views of Slepakov Seeds

Semyon Slepakov in his interviews quite restrainedly expressed on topics that split society and his audience, while, as in the texts of their songs, the seeds can attribute to their representatives of a variety of views, including political.

Semen Slepakov on the opposition in Russia:

"We have an opposition cannot formulate intelligible ideas, and therefore it all looks like ridiculous sweats, or as some kind of" Gali-order ", and everything is already clear. I am not against going out, I just don't know where I go. I have no complaints to a particular person or what. I have such bewilderment. Is there any place in which people who are wondering? And that they should be written on the posters: "What to do?", "How to be?", "What will happen?" "

Semyon Slepakov about the conflict with Ukraine:

"I follow the situation in Ukraine and feel bitterness, pain, deep regret and annoyance. Now it's somehow it happened that the Society was divided into two camps, and all the time we think either white, or black and all labels inspired. Then you can go to the question, to judge who is right, who is to blame, to show a finger on each other (which, in fact, is happening). And let's say, it will be possible to even somehow get to the root of problems. And, let's say, then it turns out - who, why and why. But we are all, people living in these countries, have always got used to to be each other ... just - to be each other, to be native people, and I always felt it from childhood, I remembered it, I really feel it now. And it's a shame that we got under distribution in all these events. Those people who now make decisions - I am sure that they all understand this perfectly. And I really hope that they will somehow make it so that we can meet each other everywhere with open arms. "

Semen Slepakov About Russian women:

"We have more women than men, and they fight for men. The incredible number of completely fantastic women - smart, beautiful ... such beauty will never see anywhere - I am now talking about Ukraine, and about Belarus about us, I do not share. And these poor unfortunate women are fighting for men, and they very often do not fully correspond to those - even very mean - the requirements that women in the struggle are presented for them. And it is very often you can watch around. Therefore, of course, women are patient. "

Personal life Slepakov seeds

In 2012 in Italy, Semen Slepakov married. The ceremony was held in a family circle and close friends of the couple. Information about the selected seeds, a girl named Karina, appears in the media only in the context of the mention of the famous spouse, because the comedian has repeatedly spoke of what he does not want, so that his companion of life was involved in the world of show business, as they say in Slepakov's biography on Website "Viva".

Karina Slepakov By education lawyer. The girl is very responsible, with clear and sustainable views on family life. Possessing absolute indifference to fame, Karina always refuses the interview. But Semyon sometimes open the veil of family life. Yes, and Slepakov's friends sometimes express approving opinions about a happy family. Fans are known that Karina does not build plans to compete with her husband. She feels comfortable in the role of his wife and with pleasure supports all the beginnings of the seeds.

Among the hobbies of Slepakov - collecting the electric guitar.

Semen Slepakov spoke in an interview that he did not like to read the classics of humorous literature very much, and he was lacking for dramas. "I like Michael Bulgakov, Sergey Dovlatov, but in general, I have "not humorous" favorite authors - Gabriel Garcia Marquez. and poet Joseph Brodsky"," Said Semyon Slepakov about his literary preferences.

The real impersonation of the Russian comedy genre in the conversational and song role today is Semyon Sergeevich Slepakov. The brutality of appearance was imposed on the intelligent nature in this case and the masterpiece result turned out.

Short biography Seeds Slepakov

Three "C" for friends and close fans was born in the hot August 1979 in the legendary Pyatigorsk. The professorial family and musical talent of the child sent him along the way of mastering the piano, and then the guitar. "Rolling Stones", "Beatles", Okudzhava and Vysotsky formed a real taste for musical creativity from the boy, the results of which today and their comic works were.

Comedy talent, given inheritance and developed correct orientation to the whole humorous, was implemented first in the school KVN, which he himself organized, and then in the Pyatigorsk Linguistic University. It is noteworthy that the university was finished immediately in two specialties (economist and linguist) and with the two red diplomas. Young talent in his desire to conquer the granite of science deeply studied French and even received a degree of candidate of economic sciences. But, as often, it happens with talented people, to become the leading domestic economist and the great carrier of the Hugo language, Balzak and Dumas he prevented him (in a good sense, of course) his grace - KVN.

Since 2000, six years in a row, Semyon remains the captain of the Pyatigorsk national team, and in 2004 it even becomes with its team champion of the Higher League KVN. The conquest of the capital was no longer around the corner. And here is a group of like-minded people, organized by the showman Garic Martirosyan, forms an elite conglomerate of performers.

The project "Comedy Club" with such well-known comedians today, like Pavel Will, Garik Harlamov and other stars of the domestic humorous genre, crowned with a huge success and recognition of his talent of the whole army of fans. This happened in 2005. And then there were successful projects: "Our Rasha", "Sashahatany", "Interns", "HB" and others, where he performed as a screenwriter.

His song compositions were especially loved by fans. Among the most famous, such as "ass grows", "liver", "I can not drink", "Gazprom", "getting hungry", "every Friday I am in shit." But not only the solo songs of the seeds love to the audience. His duets are well known with Gregory Leps and Marina Kravets - popular Russian artists and singers.

Currently, the song "Appeal to the People", written in the visit of Dmitry Medvedev in 2016 in Crimea, acquired the peak of popularity in Youtube. This single is practically crowned with a whole series of video clips associated with a humorous manner of a state official.

Slepakova today has two album released. But this line is the famous humorist songwriter very soon going to successfully overcome. There is no such thing that would not be under his talent.

Personal life comewy

Personal life is a popular Jew trying to keep in closed from prying eyes. Therefore, the facts about his family focus are the most modest. Married in 2012 on the girl Karin, who works in jurisprudence. The wedding took place in Italy, which, of course, is romantic, but more like a fear of society. Slepakov's wife is not a public person, carefully does not interview the press and avoids high-profile statements.