List of drawing animal pencil. Best pictures of animals for drawing

List of drawing animal pencil. Best pictures of animals for drawing
List of drawing animal pencil. Best pictures of animals for drawing

Pets of all young children, of course, are pets. Mexes and hanging, they are such attractive. So you want a small little man, coming from a contact zoo or looking at the picture in the book, draw the same. Well, there is nothing easier. We offer to your attention step-by-step lessons, how to draw domestic animals. Simple lines and simple forms on your eyes will turn into a cow or goat. These drawings are so easy to repeat that master classes are suitable for the youngest children, and everything will turn out. Of course, under the guidance of adults :)

Draw a cow

At first, the drawings can be simplified by drawing the head too round or oval, like the body of the animal. And the next time the child will try to repeat a more complex shape. The baby will try to simplify the drawing, for example, drawing the tail of one line. Everything is in order, then your young artist can already analyze and summarize!

Draw a goat

Draw a sheep

How to draw a pig

Draw a horse

As you can see, everything is easy and simple. Beautiful creations to you and your kids!

The ability to draw faces and expressions of persons is a basic tool in a set of any animator. But it's not to go away with this if you do not learn to draw a rich world of animals! Here in a much greater extent than in the world of people, dominates variety! We have birds, fish, pets, wild animals ... and each animal has its own unique characteristics. It seems extremely difficult to convey so many different features with only paper and pencil, right? Well, today I will prove that it is easier than you think.

1. Create a foundation

Drawing an animation is a grateful occupation. You see how children are happy, seeing how you draw on paper complex parts of the human form with simple beautiful lines. When we exaggerate the facial expressions of the characters, we not only entertain children, we teach them to cope with life tests. The drawing helps learn to distinguish with what is good, and what is bad - we will take part in the raising of children. This is the main responsibility of the artist working on a children's audience.

The world of the child is not full without animals. Animals everywhere: in toys, on television, in a movie ... An animator, which is not able to draw a variety of animals on paper, can not be called a full-fledged artist. Today we will change this, and, as in previous courses, we will use simple templates.

You do not believe that we can draw most animals without using anything other than the circles below? However, this is so. All we need is a circle. It will be the starting point for animation drawings. all animals.

If you are familiar with my other courses, you will not see anything new here. So, I will fix the eye to the template that will become the base for building all animals in this course.

If you do not understand what I did in the picture below, look at my course how to draw cartoon faces. Also browse the article on how to draw facial expressions for more information.

On the example of each animal, I will show you the key elements that are necessary to create an animal illustration. I will also share useful advice as you can modify the original design to create something new. The essence of any animation is to use what you have in stock to create something new.

So, we have a pattern, let's get to the first animal, the king of the Internet - the cat.

2. Draw a cartoon cat

Here is the basic pattern of feline face in the face. It is actually very easy to draw: the face of the face is round, so the drawing begins with the circumference template.

Great, right? Now fill the pattern of the corners:

The design of the animation style follows the following rules:

  • Big pointed ears - at a fairly long distance from each other;
  • Little nose - almost glued to the muzzle;
  • Long mustache.

Let's see what you need to draw a kitty?

Have you noticed that I changed compared to the pattern above? It seems incredible, but I just reduced your eyebrows and lengthened the eyelashes. Only and everything! Now we have a cat!

3. Draw a cartoon pig

When we think about the piglery, a cute poking animal comes to mind, isn't it? Therefore, it will perfectly fit into the circumference pattern. Let's start with the Piglet:

The secret of a successful picture of the pig - in his ears and a pen. Make sure the patch is rounded at the top and flat below. The ears are slightly aimed forward, and as if they grow from the top of the head. Try to take a triangular form as a basis:

The secret of technology that I show you is actually very simple. It is enough to determine which features people associate with one or another animals in life, and use them in their drawings. On the example of the piglery is a patch and ears. If you start to manage these details, you have achieved your goal!

Is it possible to make an elephant from a piglet? Of course yes! As you can see, small changes inhale life in a completely different creation!

4. Draw a cartoon horse

Noticed that we work with completely different births of animals? I'm trying to prove that we can try to draw all kinds of animals by taking the same pattern as the basis.

Let's try to draw a horse. Note that the horse skull is already. The muzzle is stretched forward, the jaw is slightly rounded with protruding teeth. In the animations of the horses usually big teeth, which gives you the freedom to draw large upper and lower lips.

Add the necessary angles:

Please note that the mane horse grows along the whole neck.

Horses have a wide strong neck, the nostrils are directed up. Middle-sized ears in relation to the size of the head.

5. Glory a variety of animals!

We have already talked about cats, but forgot some extremely important in the life of a child ...

Speaking about pets, the dog invariably occupies the first place. Dogs live in 8 out of 10 families! At least in my area.

Surely you most often have to draw cats and dogs, so let's find the main differences in these animals:

  • The dog has a larger nose, parallel to the upper jaw.
  • Ears are closer to each other.
  • Eyebrow is wider.
  • The muzzle is not so rounded, like cats.

Now about the ears: a distinctive feature of dogs in the fact that they can have a different form of ears depending on the breed: ears can stand sticking, and they can hang down. You have more freedom, thanks to the variety of breeds. What you can not say about drawing cats.

Drawing dogs is an amazing adventure, it can get all day for it. Unlike cats, dogs of different breeds can differ radically from each other.

Animals of other births, such as poultry, differ sharply from the rest of unique characteristics:

We observe the differences of birds. The head of the rooster is based on a circle template, and the head of the eagle and the parrot flashes from above.

Now your turn. Try to draw animals that I painted at the top as many times as you need to feel confident. Now use the templates downstairs to draw animals that I did not show. Do not forget to look exactly which features are distinguished by this animal from all others, and then draw it.

6. Light, camera ... Motor!

Animal bodies are distinguished by stunning flexibility! They are pulled and shrink all the time, it is enough to watch the movements of cats to make sure how flexible they are. No need to know all the anatomical details of animal muscles, it is enough to understand the main parts of the body and understand how the body of the animal behaves in motion.

Learn to simplify the forms of the animal in the picture, but do not miss the position of the most important parts and articulations of the animal body. This is the neck, hips, tail and limbs.

The skeleton and muscles of wild cats are the same with the structure of domestic cats. The main thing to remember the correct size of their limbs and the paws. Decide with the main parts of the body and draw them larger, then you will understand what I'm talking about.

Lions and tigers have a greater force. In the lower right corner, we have an example of a lion's head, and how it is drawn in animation.

As soon as you master the dynamics of the body of the animal, you can play with it! In the animation you have freedom to combine anatomy of an animal with anatomy of the human body. This interesting technique allows you to add more speakers in the frame. Try to draw four-legged animals walking on two legs as a person.

Notice how the pattern changes depending on the anatomical character structure. In any case, everything is based on rounded forms.

7. Roadfight animals in motion

Consider the anatomy of the horse to highlight the main differences.

The front legs of the horse differ from the rest of the animals: they look like a kneel on the bend, while the front paws of cats and dogs resemble elbows.

Interesting ... Does this mean that the horse is the only animal of the skeleton of the front legs of which differs from all other four-legged? Not. Everyone has hoofs Animals such a structure, regardless of shape and size. Observe and you will see how these features are repeated.

Well ... not quite so.

Sorry, Pornushka!

Nature is full of secrets and curious things. Anatomy is a very difficult thing, especially when it comes to animals. I am a designer, but I confess that I don't know half of all the muscles in animals. You most importantly understand that the role of the artist is not in detail to reflect all the details of real life in the drawings, but to use your creativity and convince people Believe you.

In fact, anatomy is not so complicated. The main thing is to reveal its secrets ...

So many animals and so little time!

Now you have enough knowledge to draw any animals! Of course, your search does not end. My Council is watching animal behavior in life. Watch the video on the Discovery Channel, take pictures of your pets in motion, visit the zoo, watch the work of your favorite artist. Believe me, these tips will help you become a professional!

Let's try to correctly draw this amazing and beautiful animal. This is a very graceful animal and a novice artist must first of all in the figure, the Grace of Jaguar.

This feature of the beaver is made by me on the tablet and you can use it to paint the beaver paint. But first let's draw a preoccupative pencil in stages.

Learning to draw tiger

You can only draw a tiger from the picture or photo. To see the Ussuri tiger will not be gone. This is the disappearing type of animals (no more than 500 individuals), and besides, a tiger is a rich predator. Tigers are several species, but we will choose for our drawing of the Ussuri tiger living in the Far Eastern Taiga.

How to learn to draw a bowl coal

Koala's Bear is a very pretty animal and therefore, at any picture, Koala always looks like so cute and kind, which causes a smile from every person. If you know how to draw animals. Be sure to draw a coal.

How to draw giraffe

The drawing of the giraffe for you will not be a complex online lesson if you have tried to draw animals by photo, such as a horse or zebra.

Bear Figure for Children

A bear drawing requires a certain preparation, animal drawing practices. The fact is that in addition to external similarities, first of all in the picture of the animal need to reflect its character.

Drawing of the Royal Cobra, made on a graphics tablet, can be a good picture for designing the desktop of your computer.

How to draw Lisu.

As a rule, foxes have a small body size and short, landing paws. Their body is slightly stretched like a taxa. All this must be remembered to learn to children correctly draw this animal.

Learning to draw wolf

Oscal wolf can express the character of a wild beast on your drawing. Wild animals are always dangerous for people and in realistic pictures of animals need to be considered. In this lesson, we will learn to draw a wolf phased by a pencil.

How to draw elephant

The elephant has a very large body and different limbs other than other animal. His big ears, easy to appear, is very difficult to draw them to match reality. But the elephant has simple part for drawing - it is his legs and a torso.

Draw a reindeer

When a deer is alarmed with something, his legs should be slightly bent, ready to jump. The deer drawing even stages can be difficult for beginners, since it is necessary to be able to reflect the grace of its movements and forms.

How to draw a dragon stepp

Color pictures of a non-existent animal - dragon, and in Chinese national style, of course, draw difficult. In essence, the dragon is a symbiosis of lizard and birds and in the drawing of the dragon you need to reflect the plastic of these two animals.

Draw a lion steppotno

The drawing of this animal from the first drawing lesson may not work. Consider then at the beginning to your cat and even draw it, then you will be easier to perform a drawing of a lion.

Camel drawing for children

A camel has its main feature - one or two humps, thanks to which even a child's filler does not confuse with a pattern of other animals. But still it is better to draw a camel so that not only them he looked like a realistic camel.

How to draw spider

For the lesson drawing this animal, we will choose a spider - poultry. This spider has a shaggy limbs and the body of black and white color, so the drawing can not be painted with paints, it is enough to make a tone color of a soft simple pencil.

How to draw a snake

Snake, many inspires panic fear, as some snakes are very poisonous. But in fact, this is an ordinary animal from the family of reptiles using poison for self-defense.

Picture a kangaroo with a simple pencil

Kangaroo - a unique animal. First, Kangaroo lives only in Australia, and secondly, Mom Kangaroo for feeding a cub has a "bag" on the stomach in which he sits until he is growing up. A distinctive feature of this animal are huge powerful hind legs and a long fat tail.

How to draw a frog

Figure For children, a simple pencil is better to do in gradually, at first there is only common contours of the frog. And after, step by step, draw the whole picture.

Figure Bee Simple Pencil

Bees have a lot of small details, which complicates drawing, but but the bee drawing is a good lesson for children who are drawing with drawing, because it develops attentiveness and ability to withstand the proportions.

Figure Ant Pencil for Children

If you need to make an illustration for the fancy or draw this insect for the lesson of biology, I suggest you to perform this task together.

Hedgehog drawing step by step

How to draw this unusual animal, for example, to illustrate the cartoon hedgehog in the fog or for the drawing on the topic "From the life of the forest", after all, he has so many needles? Let's try to make it a phased pencil. And perhaps this lesson for you will seem very easy.

How to draw a panda

This lesson is designed for children who want to draw a panda. The drawing is made in a phased simple pencil. If you wish, it can help you draw a panda from the famous cartoon.

Figure crocodile stages

The crocodile is a very dangerous and predatory animal and to pass the character of this animal in the picture, first of all, you need to draw an open long mouth, wide spaced paws and bent from the tight voltage.

How to draw protein

Let's try to draw another animal - the protein first a pencil, and after the "revive" the picture of the protein, to color the drawing with colored pencils, draw a tree branch, on which the protein sits and, of course, add a bump in the protein legs.

How to draw dinosaur

How to draw a non-existent animal - dinosaur if no one ever seen this animal? Of course, only focusing on your imagination and drawings of scientists recreating different types of dinosaurs who lived on our planet.

Figure Scorpio Pencil

Few who like such a dangerous insect as scorpion, but many love to draw predatory and dangerous animals. I suggest you do it in stages.

How to draw dragonfly

Think, you will not be able to draw such a beautiful dragonfly, like on my drawing? And you try. The main thing, take a fool's pencil so that the lines are thin and clear.

For a cartoonist, it is very important to be able to draw face and facial expressions. But your knowledge will not be full if you cannot draw a huge world of animals in all its diversity - these are fish, birds, pets, wild animals - each animal with its unique characteristics. Therefore, in this lesson we will learn to draw cartoon animals.

1. Creating a basis

Caricature is very useful. Children are simply delighted while watching the complex parts of human forms in a simple and attractive interpretation. Exaggerating the facial character of our characters, we are not only entertaining them, but we teach them how to deal with adversity of life. For a child, the world of cartoons without animals will not be complete. TO the carricaterist, who lacks the ability to draw different animals on paper, is not an artist. Today we are going to change it. We will draw animals using mainly a circle.

Place your eyes optimally on our first drawing and will use them for all of our animals.

Look also at the lesson "How to draw faces with cartoons" and a lesson "Create emotions of cartoon characters."

You will see the key elements of animal drawing, as well as get some useful tips for modifying the original design into something new.

Now we have a template, let's go to the drawing of the first animal.

2. Draw a cartoon cat

The cat's face is quite easy to draw, it is well rounded and repeats the form of our template.

Cool, right? Now let's draw a cat at different angles:

Cat drawing rules:

  • Large and pointed ears - slightly separated from each other;
  • Tiny nose - almost glued to face;
  • Large mustache (tactile hairs).

Let's see what you need to make this cat cat?

We only changed eyebrows and painted eyelashes. That's all! Now we have a cat!

3. Draw a cartoon pig

Let's start with the muzzle:

The secret of drawing a pig is drawing ears and muzzles. The muzzle should have a rounded shape, the chin comes off to "no". The ears are slightly directed forward, the nose connects directly with his head:

The technique is pretty simple. Take into account these features and will be success.

Is it possible to make an elephant with a pig? Sure! Small changes can give life to completely different creatures!

4. Draw a cartoon horse

For all animals, we use the same pattern.

Let's draw a horse. Please note that the skull of horses is thinner, the muzzle is stretched forward, the jaw is round with large teeth.

Complete the corners:

Please note that the mane goes down the neck.

In horses wide and strong necks, their nostrils protrude up, the ears have a normal size compared to the sizes of the head.

5. Differences between animals

Cat we painted, left no less important animal ...

Let's look at the main differences between the dog and the cat:

  • More nose that put forward forward with the jaw;
  • Ears closer to each other;
  • Thicker eyebrows;
  • Less round face;

The length of the ears in the dog can vary depending on the breed: ears can fall on the face or be directed upwards.

Drawing various breeds of dogs can take all day. Unlike cats, breeds of dogs are very different from each other.

Birds also have differences between their own species:

Chicken head is round, eagle and parrot - with flat head.

Well, and now it's time to try you. Try redrawing animals that were drawn above, as many times as you need, until you can do it easily and simple. After that you can draw other animals. Do not forget to note the features of each animal and try to reproduce them on paper:

6. Light, camera ... Motor!

The bodies of animals are very flexible. It is not necessary to know the anatomy of the animal to draw it in motion. It is enough just to highlight the main directions and understand how the body works in motion.

Learn to simplify the forms of the animal you draw, but make sure that the position of the most important structures of the body, such as neck, thigh, tail and limbs, correctly.

The dimensions of the feline limbs differ depending on the animal.

Please note that lions and tigers are strong. In the lower right corner, we have an example of the head of the cartoon lion.

Once you understand how animals are moving, you can play with them! In the cartoon style you can even combine the body of an animal with human. This is a very interesting technique. Try to put four legs into two legs.

Pay attention to how the sketch varies depending on the anatomical structure of character: everything is based on rounded forms.

7. Unlock animals in motion

Let's take a look at the anatomy of the horse and check the main differences:

The front legs of the horse have a slight difference from other animals: they look like a person's feet (with her knee), when the cat and dogs are like their elbows (curved in the opposite direction).

All empty animals follow the same template as a horse, regardless of size and shape:

Not always, though:

In fact, anatomy is not so difficult.

So many animals in a short time!

Now you have the knowledge necessary for drawing almost all animals! Of course, the search for this does not stop. Watch how animals behave in real life. See Discovery Channel, remove your video and improve the ability to draw animals.

Animals have feelings and should be treated with respect, love and care. Whether in cartoons or in real life. Remember that domestic animals are part of the family.

Translation - duty.

How to draw a cat with a pencil phased

First, draw your head and body in the form of two balls, slightly flashed. You can spend a vertically line in order to draw an image symmetrically. Special accent should be given to the eyes. So that they are expressive, you need to paint the tone with a darker from above, and in the bottom is light.

How to draw a wolf

The wolf is a predator. We know that he very much resembles a dog, however, should be emphasized the presence of sharp teeth

How to draw a horse

You can also draw a horse by taking a small sketch as a basis - look
how to draw a horse - (phased player), it turns out to be easy if you know where to start.

How to draw lions

The lion is the same cat (four paws, mustache, long wool, tail). But still, the lion has distinctive features. These include the size of the animal, the presence of wool bundles on the head and tip of the tail, huge claws.

How to draw a bear

Bear is not difficult to draw a pencil. Initially, we prepare everything you need: a piece of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, and what you will be painted a bear. In order for our bear to turn out to be Kosolap, you need to work a little eraser, in particular, the ovals of the paws on the outside. To revive our drawing, you need to draw dark pupils of the eye, draw the tongue. Now the time has come for your imagination.

How to draw a puppy

Our puppy is compiled from a combination of geometric shapes. We start with your head - draw a circle. Then the torso is also a circle, but smaller. Located below the head of the head.

Puppy grown

How to draw a hare steppoint pencil

First we depict the part of the body of the animal in the form of circles - head, ears, torso, neck and paws. We pine a round nose and eye and front legs to the circle of head. Now the rosary line needs to circle the head and limb of the beast. We begin to work as an eraser, we ereate unnecessary lines of circles. We celebrate the mustache and stroke wool hare. We erase the remaining lines of the circles, which are cleaned by the outlined figure. You can add shadows and grass for a more realistic image.

How to draw protein

We begin to draw from the head, which is depicted in the form of a drop-down circle and a torso, a form that resembles an oval, narrowing to one of the edges.

And such an option

How to draw a kitten

We start with your head - draw arc. Go to the ears of our kitten. We portray them in the form of triangles, located apart at a fairly long distance.

Draw a cat

How to draw lisu.

We depict your head in the form of a circle. We use two horizontal and one vertical lines for eye and spout. At the bottom of the head, we draw a torso in the form of an oval. We indicate your paws and tail, as well as future ears.

Draw a rooster

Draw a parrot