Family drawing questions in drawing. Above or lower

Family drawing questions in drawing. Above or lower
Family drawing questions in drawing. Above or lower

This name unites a whole group of projective techniques to assess intra-family relationships. The technique itself is based on the analysis and interpretation of the drawings. As a rule, applied when examining children.

Historically, the use of the Family Drawing Methods is associated with general Development « projective psychology" The growth of interest in the pattern methods contributed to the light of fundamental monographs Methods K. Machover (Machover K., 1949) and Buka J. (Buck J., 1948). Picturesque techniques have become very popular among psychological practitioners in 50-60 years. According to N. Sandberg (Sundberg N., 1961), one of them is a test figure of a person K. Machover in the clinics and hospitals of the United States in terms of the frequency of use, only the test of the spots of Rorschach. In the 60s, this technique quickly spread in the environment of psychologists-clinicians, and in various geographic regions, priority in its use is associated with different names (in the USA - V. Hugles, in France - I. Minkkovsky, M. POO). E. Hammer talks about it like this: "Probably, like many of the inventions, it was also born in minds at the same time different people"(Hanuner E., 1958, p. 391). R. Burns and S. Kaufman (Bums R., Kaufman S., 1972), however, indicate that the earliest mention in the literature on the application of the Family Film belongs to V. Hugles (Hulse W., 1951). Without going into details, we only note that the "family drawing" was used for this purpose even earlier.

You can talk about the deployed analysis and interpretation of the "Family's drawing" since the work of Wulf, who attached the influence of the family to the development of the person in preschool age Exceptional significance developed a number of methods for evaluating intra-family relationships (WolffW., 1947). One of them is a drawing on the task "Draw your family." In Figure, Wulf analyzes:

a) the sequence of drawing family members, their spatial location, passing in the figure of family members;

b) Differences between graphic presentations in forms, proportions.

Wulf clearly does not formulate what psychological meaning are certain features of drawing, but in the analysis of individual drawings you can find specific interpretations. According to Wulf, the sequence in drawing may indicate the importance of the role of drawn people in the family - the child draws from more significant to less. Wulf conducts an analogy between the spatial location of family members in the figure and their location in the gaming situation. Attention should be paid to such a location that is repeated in other figures and, therefore, reflects the realities significant for the child. The author notes that the skipping of family members is a rare case and what is always worth a certain motive behind it. Often, this expresses the desire to emotionally reduce the unacceptable family member, get rid of him. Speaking about the features of the figures, the author highlights their dimensions. If the real state of affairs does not correspond to the size of the size in the figure, this indicates that the dimensions are determined by mental factors, and not a reality. Drawing other family members Big Wulf connects with the perception by the child of their dominance, drawing great - with a sense of significance in the family. Informative can also be differences in drawing individual parts of the body. Interpretizing them, Wulf rests on the assumption that differences in the image are generated by special experiences associated with the functions of these parts of the body. It emphasizes that in the interpretation of differences in the drawn figures, it is necessary to mainly rely on how the investigated them is comprehensive. If this is not possible - the interpretation becomes purely subjective;

So, Wulf first allocated those characteristics of the drawing, which later invariably will be an interpretation object from other authors.

The novelty of V. Hugles works is that it analyzes the drawing process itself: the use of pencils, erasing drawn, crossing, doubts, emotional reactions, spontaneous comments. These data are given additional information On the attitude of the child to the drawing details, about its overall emotional state.

Further development of the analysis of the "Family Film" represents the modifications of the methodology of L. Korman (Corman L., 1964), R. Burns and S.Kufman (Burns R., Kaufman S., 1972). The modification of Korman should be considered a continuation of independent work on the "Family Picture" in the French Psychological School. According to this modification, children do not draw a "family" or "their family" like Wulf and Hugles, but "family, how do you imagine it." This formulation proceeds from the trend of Korman to submit to the studied as possible as possible structured situation. He believes that if a child draws a large or smaller family than it is in fact, this indicates the functioning of certain protective mechanisms. The more obvious the incompression, the greater the dissatisfaction with the current situation.

The Korman analyzes the drawing in three aspects, somewhat different from those mentioned above:

a) graphic quality (character of lines, proportions of figures, accuracy of the drawing, use of space);

b) the formal structure (the proportion of body parts, the dynamism of the picture, the location of family members);

The original is original and in what introduces a series of issues that can be divided into three groups:

  1. Provocative questions, pushing the child for open discussion of feelings (for example: "Who is the worst in the family?");
  2. "Sociometric" questions, answering which the child must do a negative or positive choice (for example: "The father has conceived a trip by car, but it lacks the place for everyone. Who will stay at home?");
  3. Issues aimed at finding out what sense for a child have drawn situation, certain details.

At present, the largest fame was the modification of R. Burns and S. Kaufman - "kinetic drawing of the family" (CRS). The authors of this modification proceeded from the fact that with the usual task "Draw your family" the child often painted a static picture in which all family members are located in a row and turned face to observer. They tried to ensure the action of an additional, kinetic factor, entering into the task new instruction: "Draw a drawing, in which every member of the family and you do something."

a) characteristics of individual figures of cattle;

b) the action of cattle;

d) characters.

The interpretation of the characteristics of individual figures is similar to the interpretation of the peculiarities of the drawn figures V. Hugles and J. Di Lio (Di Leo J., 1973). Other levels of analysis are more original. According to R. Berns and S. Kaufman, the actions of the objects depicted in the figure are energy consonant with certain relations. "Energy", or "Voltage Fields", can reflect the malice, envy, competition, desire for close contacts. (For example, the game of the ball talks about competition, envy; burning fire - about hostile terms, malice).

The third level of analysis is the interpretation of styles - refers to the "strategy" of the implementation of the CRS and gives, according to the authors, information on emotional relations. In the interpretation, only "abnormal" styles are taken into account: separation of figures from each other with lines, leaf deflection, the location of the figures along the edges of paper, inaction of the figures, etc.

The fourth level of analysis is the interpretation of characters. R. Burns and S. Kaufman allocate about 40 frequently repeated in drawings of symbols (staircase, water, bed, etc.), some of which are interpreted according to the principles of psychoanalysis. However, these authors seek to attribute fixed values \u200b\u200bto symbols, indicating that they may have an individual meaning or acquire their meanings in a particular situation (among the latter - "social" symbols; for example, the letter "A", the highest mark in the USA, becomes Reflection of the desire for perfection, recognition).

In the works of domestic authors, attention is drawn to the relationship between the features of the family drawing and intra-family interpersonal relations (Mukhina V. S., 1981). The experience of using the "Family Picture" as methods of studying interpersonal relations illuminates A. I. Zakharov (1982).

In particular, on the basis of its clinical experience, Zakharov (1977) argues that large diagnostic capabilities have been concluded in the drawing sample "family". It applies a variant of a technique consisting of two tasks. In the first, auxiliary, task, the child is invited to draw in four rooms located on two floors, one of the family members, including themselves. When analyzing the pattern, the nature of the placement on the floors of family members and the one of them is near the child. Usually it is a more emotionally close face. In the second, mostly task, children draw a family without any additional instructions.

Despite the differences in the schemes and procedures in the compilers of pattern modifications, three main aspects of the interpretation of the results of this technique can be distinguished:

a) interpretation of the structure of the family drawing;

b) the interpretation of the features of the drawn family members;

c) Interpretation of the drawing process.

Most of the above-mentioned work belongs to Peru practitioners and do not have a detailed theoretical justification. However, interpretations are based on various theoretical prerequisites, empirical material research. Therefore, their understanding is as scientific and practical interest.

In 1985, Homentauskas G. T. conducted a study that allows us to substantiate the method of drawing a family as a procedure reflecting primarily the experience and perception by a child of his family in the family, the child's attitude towards the family in general and to individual members.

Negative child experiences (7-8 years old) associated with the family, dissatisfaction with the family situation are recorded already in the attitude of the task: protective reactions are observed, acquiring the form of transformation of the task (drawing only not related to the family of people or in general, the image of people), postpone performing a relevant task in time (the beginning of drawing from various objects). Such children have a distortion of family composition, a decrease in family composition, including people who are not directly connected with it. The attitude of children to the family and its individual members is expressed in the nature of the location of family members in the figure, in their cohesion, whether the child draws itself along with other family members or separately. It was revealed that with a sense of dissatisfaction, the revealed appearance in the picture image of the clouds (rain) and the sun, the location of family members on the base line. These characteristics, probably, are of symbolic importance and reflect the sense of depression, the need for love, security requirement.

With the help of factor analysis, two dimensions were highlighted in psychological sense Reflective:

  1. Feeling a child regarding the family, a family situation, its own place in it ("a sense of rejection, a sense of belonging"). This measurement is described by the following opposition of the characteristics of the figure: a decrease in the composition of the family, clouds, the sun, the base line, the beginning of drawing from the object - the cohesion of the family, "I" next to others.
  2. The method of "processing" sense of rejection ("Symbolic exile of the family is a symbolic expulsion of oneself"). This measurement differentiates the Pole of the Factor's "sense of rejection" and is described by the opposition of the following characteristics: the presence of non-family people, .. "I" the only figure is the lack of "I".

Homentauskas allocated and ways with which children (7-8 years) express their attitude towards specific people.

The emotional attitude of the child represented by the factors of the "power-weakness", "loveability, non-blocity", has a clear graphic presentation through semantically saturated means of expressive drawing.

Factor analysis of the drawings of the "strong-weak" person highlighted the type of drawing in which the "force" attribution is transmitted mainly by changing the ratio of height, the width and area of \u200b\u200bthe figure. Quantitative analysis also revealed that the "power" is transmitted by drawing the arms raised, the image of objects in the hands.

The factor analysis of the "favorite-unloved" person allocated two types of graphic presentation. For both, the transmission of the superiority of "beloved" over the "unloved" through the number of parts of the body, colors, decorations.

Thus, factor analysis allows you to identify the main parameters of the child's emotional relationship to family members corresponding to the Sympathy and Respect Axes (Stolin V. V., 1983) ..


Features of the survey procedure.

For the study, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bwhite paper sheet (21x29 cm), six color pencils (black, red, blue, green, yellow, brown), gum. Child is given instruction: "Draw, please, your family." In no case cannot be explained, which means the word "family", as the essence of the study is distorted. If a child asks what to draw him, a psychologist should simply repeat the instructions. The task execution time is not limited (in most cases it lasts no more than 35 minutes).

When performing a task, it should be noted in the protocol:

a) a sequence of drawing parts;

b) Pause over 15 seconds;

c) erasing details;

d) spontaneous child comments;

e) emotional reactions and their connection with the content depicted.

After the child fulfills the task, it is necessary to strive to obtain maximum information by verbal way. Usually ask the following questions:

1. Tell me who is drawn here?

2. Where are they located?

3. What do they do? Who thought it up?

4. Are they fun or boring? Why?

5. Which of the drawn people is the happiest? Why?

6. Which of them is the most unhappy? Why?

The last two questions provoke a child to an open discussion of feelings that not every child is inclined to do. Therefore, if the child does not respond to them or responds formally, do not insist on the explicit response. When survey, the psychologist must try to find out the meaning of a child drawn: feelings for individual family members; Why did the child drew someone from family members (if it happened); What a certain details of the drawing (birds, animals, etc.) mean for the child, if possible, direct questions should be avoided, insist on the answer, as this can induce anxiety, protective reactions. Often, projective issues are often productive (for example: "If a person would be drawn instead of a bird, then who would it be?", "Who would have won in competitions between my brother and you?", "Whom mom will call to go with him?" And t. P.).

After the poll, the child is offered to discuss 6 situations: Three of them must identify negative feelings for family members, three - positive:

1. Imagine that you have two tickets to the circus. Who would you call with you?

2. Imagine that the whole of your family goes to visit, but one of you fell ill and should stay at home. Who is he?

3. You build a house from the designer (cut out a paper dress for the doll), and you do not work well. Who are you calling for help?

4. You have tickets (one less than family members) for an interesting movie. Who

will stay at home?

5. Imagine that you got on a desert island. Who would you like to live there?

6. You got an interesting lotto as a gift. The whole family sat down, but you are more than necessary. Who will not play?

For interpretation, it is also necessary to know: a) the age of the studied child; b) the composition of his family, the age of brothers and sisters. It is desirable to have information about the behavior of a child in the family, children's garden or school.


The interpretation of the results obtained in the use of the "Family Drawing" technique are based on the works of A. I. Zakharov (1982), V. Hugles (Hulse W., 1951), J. Di Lio (Di Leo J 1973), L. Corman (Corman L., 1964), P. Burns, S. Kaufman (Bums R., Kaufinan S., 1972), K. Machover (Machover K., 1949), as well as on the experience of practical work with the method of G. T . Homentauskas (Chomentauskas G., 1983), Bodaleva A.A., Stolina V.V.

Interpretation is divided into three parts:

  1. analysis of the pattern structure;
  2. analysis of the features of graphic presentations of family members;
  3. analysis of the drawing process.

1. Analysis of the structure of the drawing.

It is expected that a child experiencing emotional well-being in the family will draw full seven.. According to our data, about 85% of children are 6-8 years old, normal intelligence living together with their family, in the figure depicts it completely. The distortion of the real composition of the family deserves the closest attention, as the emotional conflict is almost always worth it, discontent with the family situation. Extreme options are drawings in which: a) people are generally not depicted; b) just not related to family people are depicted. Such a protective avoidance of the task is found in children quite rarely. For such reactions, most often lies:

a) traumatic experiences associated with family;

b) a sense of rejection, abandonment (therefore such drawings are relatively frequent in children who have recently come to boarding schools from families);

c) autism;

d) sense of unsuccession, a big level of anxiety;

e) bad contact of the psychologist with the studied child.

IN practical workAs a rule, it is necessary to deal with less pronounced deviations from the real composition of the family. Children reduce the composition of the family, "forgetting" to draw those family members who are less emotionally attractive with which conflict relations have developed. Without drawing them, the child will defuse the unacceptable emotional atmosphere in the family, avoids negative emotions associated with certain people. Most often in the figure there are no brothers or sisters, which is associated with families observable in families. The child in this way in the symbolic situation "monopolizes" the love and attention of parents. Answers to the question of why one or another family member is not drawn, most often, protective: "I did not paint because there was no place left."; "He went for a walk", etc. But sometimes on the specified question, children give more emotionally rich reactions: "I didn't want to - he holds out"; "I don't want him to live with us," and so on.

In some cases, instead of real family members, the child draws little animals, birds. The psychologist should always be clarified with whom the child will identify them (most often the brothers or sisters are painted, whose influence in the family is striving to reduce). For example, a girl of 8 years old drew herself, and nearby - a small bunny. She explained his drawing as follows: "Now it will be raining, I will run away, and the bunny will remain and getting wet. He does not know how to walk. " To the question: "Who reminds you of a bunny?" - The girl replied that he was like a sister, which is not still a year old and who can not walk. Thus, in the figure, this girl depreciates his sister, performs symbolic aggression against it.

It happens that the child instead of a real family draws the family beast. For example, a boy is 7 years old, feeling a rejection, frustration needs in close emotional contacts, showed only dad and mom in the figure, and the family of the Zaitsevi draws in detail, which is identical to his family. Thus, in the figure, the child, revealing the feeling of humiliation (did not paint himself), thereby expressed a strong desire for warm emotional contacts, a sense of community (I portrayed a close contact of the Zaitsev family).

Of great interest are those drawings in which the child does not draw himself or instead of the family draws only himself. In both cases, the drawing does not include itself in the family, which indicates the absence of a sense of community. The absence in the figure of its author is more characteristic of children who feel the rejection. The presentation in the figure only can only indicate a different mental content depending on the context of other characteristics of the pattern. If the specified presentation is also characterized by a positive concentration on drawing itself ( a large number of Details of the body, colors, decoration of clothing, a large size of the figure), then, along with an inconsected sense of generality, it also points to a certain egocentricity, exteroid traits. If the drawing itself characterizes a small value, schematics, if in the figure by other details and color gamut A negative emotional background has been created, then you can assume the presence of a sense of rejection, abandonment, sometimes - autistic trends.

Informative is the increase in family composition. As a rule, this is due to the unsatisfied psychological needs in the family. Examples include the pictures of the unity of children in the family - they relatively more often include in drawing a family of foreign people. An expression of the need for equal, cooperative links is a drawing of a child, in which the child of the same age (cousin, a daughter of a neighbor, etc.) is drawn to the family members of the family. The presentation of the smaller children indicates unsatisfied affiliate needs, the desire to take a guarding, parental, leading position in relation to other children (the same information can be given and drawn in addition to family members of the dog, cats, etc.).

In addition to parents (or instead), adults not related to their parents indicate the perception of families of the family, to find a person who can satisfy the need of a child in close emotional contacts. In some cases, on the symbolic destruction of the family integrity, revenge parents due to the sensation of humiliation, unnecessaryness.

The location of family members in the figure indicates some psychological features of family relationships. The analysis itself is consonant with a proxheme assessment of a group of people, with the difference that the drawing is a symbolic situation, the creation and structure of which depend only on one person - the author of the figure. This circumstance makes it necessary (as with other aspects of the analysis) to distinguish that reflects the drawing: subjectively real (perceived), desired or what the child is afraid, avoids.

Family cohesion, drawing family members with connected hands, their association in general activity are indicators of psychological well-being, the perception of the integitivity of the family, the inclusion in the family. Drawings with opposite characteristics (disunity of family members) may indicate a low level of emotional bonds. Care in interpretation requires those cases when the close location of the figures is due to the idea to place family members into a limited space (boat, a small house, etc.). There can be a close location, on the contrary, talking about the child's attempt to unite, rally a family (for this purpose, the child resorts to external circumstances, as it feels the futility of such an attempt).

Psychologically more interesting are those drawings on which part of the family is located in the same group, and one or more family members - remotely. If a remotely child draws himself, it indicates a feeling of inconquent, alienation. In the case of separating another family member, you can assume a negative attitude of a child to it, sometimes - the presence of a threat emanating from it. Parties are frequent when such a presentation is associated with the real alienation of a family member, with its small importance for the child.

The location of the family members in the figure sometimes helps to allocate psychological microstructures of the family, coalition. So, for example, a girl for 6 years drawn himself next to his mother, and in a separate group - Father with a brother, illustrating in this way that existing in this family confrontation on the soil of the roles of "masculinity" and "femininity".

As mentioned above, the child can express emotional ties in the figure through physical distances. The same value is the branch of family members with objects, dividing drawing on cells, for which family members are distributed. Such presentations indicate the weakness of positive interpersonal connections.

2. Analysis of the features of graphic presentations of individual family members.

This type of analysis can give information a large range: about the emotional attitude of the child to a separate family member, about how the child perceives it, about the "I-image" of a child, its sex identification, etc.

When evaluating the emotional relationship of the child to family members, attention should be paid to the following elements of graphic presentations:

1) Number of body details. Are there: head, hair, ears, eyes, pupils, eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, mouth, neck, shoulders, hands, palms, fingers, legs, feet;

2) decoration (details of clothes and decorations): hat, collar, tie, bows, pockets, belt, buttons, elements hairstyles, complexity of clothes, decorations, patterns on clothes, etc.;

3) the number of colors used.

As a rule, good emotional relations with a person are accompanied by a positive concentration on its drawing, which as a result is reflected in larger quantities Parts of the body, decorating, using a variety of colors. Conversely, a negative attitude towards a person leads to greater schematics, the incompleteness of its graphic presentation. Sometimes skipping in the figure of essential parts of the body (head, hands, legs) may indicate, along with a negative attitude to it, on aggressive motivations regarding this person.

On the perception of other family members and the "I-image" of the author of the figure can be judged on the basis of comparing the size of the figures, the peculiarities of the presentation of individual parts of the body and the whole figure as a whole.

Children, as a rule, the most largest paints the father or mother, which corresponds to reality. However, sometimes the ratio of the sizes of drawn figures clearly does not correspond to the real ratio of family members - a seven-year-old child can be drawn above and wider than his parents. This is explained by the fact that for the child (as, by the way, for an ancient Egyptian), the size of the figure is a means of which it expresses strength, superiority, significance, dominance. So, for example, in the picture of the girl B years, mom is drawn by a third more than the father and twice the other family members. For this family, a big dominance was characterized, the patunity of the mother, which was truly an authoritarian family leader. Some children are most or equal in magnitude with their parents draw themselves. In our practice, this was associated with: a) the egocentricity of the child; b) competition for parental love With another parent, in which the child equates itself to the parent of the opposite sex, excluding or reducing the "competitor".

Significantly smaller than other family members, children are drawn, children: a) feeling their insignificance, unnecessariness, etc.: b) requiring care, care for parents. The illustration of this situation can be a drawing of a boy of 6.5 years. In the figure, he portrayed himself unhappyly small. Similar transformation is also characteristic of its behavior. Active in the group of kindergarten, the boy occupied the house of the "baby" position, using its plasticity, helplessness as a means of attracting the attention of parents. In general, when interpreting the sizes of figures, a psychologist should pay attention only to significant distortion, and when evaluating values \u200b\u200bfrom a real relation (for example, a seven-year-old child on average for 1/3 below its parent).

Informative can be the absolute size of figures. Large, which occupy the entire sheet of figures draw impulsive, self-confident, prone kids to dominance. Very small figures are associated with anxiety, a sense of unsuccession.

Attention should be paid to drawing individual parts of the family of family members. The fact is that individual parts of the body are associated with certain areas of activity, are means, communication, control, movement, etc. Features of their presentation may indicate a certain self-associated sensual content. Briefly analyze the most informative parts of the body in this plan.

Hands are the main means of impact on the world, physical control of the behavior of other people. If the child draws himself with his hands raised up, with long fingersThis is often associated with its aggressive desires. Sometimes such drawings draw and externally calm, priest children. It can be assumed that the child feels hostility towards others, but its aggressive motives are suppressed. Such drawing itself can also indicate the desire of a child to compensate for its weakness, to be strong, to rule over others. This interpretation is more reliable when the child in addition to the "aggressive" hand still draws both wide shoulders or other symbols of masculinity and strength. Sometimes a child draws all family members with their hands, but "forgets" to draw them to themselves. If at the same time the child draws itself also disproportionately, then this may be due to the feeling of powerlessness, its own insignificance in the family, with the feeling that the surrounding suppress its activity, it is overly controlled. Interesting drawings in which one of the family members is drawn with long hands And very big fingers. Most often, this indicates the perception by the child of cuneitivity, the aggressiveness of this family member. The same value may also have a presentation of a family member at all without hands - thus the child with symbolic means limits its activity.

The head is the center of localization of intellectual and perceptual activity; The person is the most important part of the body in the process of communication. Already children are 3 years old definitely paint the head, some parts of the body. If children over five years (normal intelligence) in the picture passes parts of the person (eyes, mouth), it may indicate serious violations in the field of communication, density, autism. If, when drawing other family members, the author of the figure skips his head, the features of the face or stroking the whole face, then this is often associated with conflict relationships with this family member, a hostile attitude towards him.

The expression of people of drawn people can also be an indicator of a child's feelings to them. However, it should be borne in mind that children tend to draw smiling people, this is a kind of stamp in their drawings, but this does not mean that children are perceived by others. To interpret the Family Family Family Expression is significant only in cases where they differ from each other. In this case, it can be assumed that the child consciously or unconsciously uses the expression of a person as a means characterizing a person. For example, a boy is 9 years old, last Son. In a family, having unlike his brothers physical defect and not as they, successful in school, in the picture expressed its sense of inferiority, depicting himself significantly less than the brothers; With lowered down the edges of the lips. This graphic presentation was clearly different from other family members - big and smiling.

Girls pay attention to the drawing of the face more than boys depict more details. They notice that their mothers pay a lot of time to care for face, cosmetics and themselves gradually assimilate the values \u200b\u200bof adult women. Therefore, the concentration on drawing a person may indicate a good sex identification of the girl, in the drawings of boys this moment may be associated with the concern with its physical beauty, the desire to compensate for its physical disadvantages, the formation of stereotypes of female behavior.

The presentation of the teeth and the highlight of the mouth is most common in children prone to oral aggression. If the child does not draw himself, and another family member, this is due to a feeling of fear perceived by the child of the hostility of this person.

There is a pattern that with the age of children, a person's drawing is enriched with new details. Children for 3 years most paints a "chance", and at 7 years old - will present a rich body scheme. For each age, the drawing of certain parts is characterized, and their skipping in the figure is usually associated with the denying of some functions, with conflict. If, say, a child of 7 years does not draw any of these details: head, eyes, nose, mouth, hands, torso, legs - for it you need to pay the most serious attention. An example may be a boy's drawings of 7 years. He never painted the bottom of the body. In a conversation with his parents, it turned out that they had a great trouble with a boy's interest in his genital organs. Several times he was even punished for this "informative" activity, which parents perceived as masturbation. Such behavior of parents induced the child a sense of guilt, the denial of the functions of the lower body, which influenced its "I-image".

In children over 6 years old, there are two different diagrams of drawing individuals of different sexuality. For example, men's torso, they draw an oval shape, a woman - triangular. If a child draws itself as well as other family members of the same sex, then we can talk about adequate sex identification. Similar parts and colors in the presentation of two figures, such as the Son and Father, can be interpreted as the desire of the Son to be like a father, identifying with it, good emotional contacts.

3. Analysis of the drawing process.

When analyzing the drawing process, pay attention to:

a) a sequence of drawing family members;

b) sequence of drawing parts;

c) erasing;

d) return to already drawn objects, details, figures;

e) spontaneous comments.

It is known that changes in thought, actualization of feelings, stresses, conflicts are lifted behind the dynamic drawing characteristics. Analysis of the drawing process requires creative use of everything practical experience psychologist, his intuition. Despite the big level of uncertainty, just this part of the interpretation of the results obtained often gives the most informative, deep, meaningful information.

According to our data, about 38% of children are first drawn mother, 35%-attend, 17% - father, 8% - brothers and sisters. As in the story, the child begins with the main, and in the figure is the first to depict the most significant, main or most emotionally close man. This frequency distribution is probably due to the fact that in our country the mother is often the core of the family, performs the most important functions in the family, more time happens to children, more than others, pays attention to them. That children first often draw themselves, probably due to their egocentrism as age characteristic. The pattern of drawing is more informative in cases where the child does not draw himself and not a mother, but another family member. Most often it is the most meaningful face For a child or man to which he is tied.

Related cases when the child is latter draws mother. Most often it is associated with a negative attitude towards it.

The sequence of drawing family members can be more reliably interpreted in the context of the analysis of the features of the graphic presentation of figures. If the first figure drawn is the largest, but is diagnosed schematically, not decorated, such a presentation indicates a child who is perceived by the child's significance, strength, dominance in the family, but does not indicate the positive feelings of the child in its attitude to this figure. However, if the first figure appeared is drawn carefully, decorated, then you can think that this is the most beloved child member of the family, whom the child highlights and whom he wants to be like.

As a rule, children, having received the task to draw a family, begin to draw family members. However, some children first paint various objects, the base line, the sun, furniture, etc., and only last time they begin to image people. There is reason to believe that such a sequence of performing the objects of the figure is a kind of protective reaction, with which the child moves an unpleasant task in time. Most often, this is observed in children with a disadvantaged family situation, but it may also be a consequence of the poor contact of the child with a psychologist.

Returning to drawing the same family members, objects, details indicate their significance for the child. As the involuntary motion of the person sometimes show the current content of the psyche, so the return to drawing the same elements of the figure corresponds to the movement of thought, the child's attitude, and may indicate the main thing, the dominant experience associated with certain parts of the pattern.

Pause before drawing certain details, family members are most often associated with a conflict attitude and are an external manifestation of the inner dissonance of motifs. At an unconscious level, the child as it should decide, draw him or not a person or part associated with negative emotions.

Erase of drawn and redrawing can be associated with negative emotions in relation to the drawing family member and positive. The final result of drawing is crucial. If erasing and redrawing did not lead to a noticeable better graphic presentation - one can judge the conflict attitude of the child to this person.

Her goal is to identify the features of perception by a child family situation, his place in the family ...

purpose - identify the features of perception by a family situation, their place in the family, as well as his relationship to family members.

The test of the CRS consists of 2 parts:

  • drawing your family
  • conversation after drawing.

For testing test The child is given a standard sheet of paper for drawing, pencil (2M hardness) and eraser.

Instruction: "Please draw your family so that everyone does some business."

All clarifying issues should be answered without any instructions.

During drawing, all spontaneous statements of the child should be recorded, marking its facial expressions, gestures, and also fix the drawing sequence.

After the drawing is finished, a conversation is held with the child according to the following scheme:

  1. Who is drawn in the picture, which makes every family member.
  2. Members of the family work or learn.
  3. How home duties are distributed in the family.
  4. What are the relationship with the rest of the family.

In the system of quantitative estimate of the CRP, formal and meaningful aspects of the drawing are taken into account.

Formal features of drawing Considered:

  • quality drawing lines,
  • the position of the objects of the drawing on paper,
  • erasing the pattern or its separate parts,
  • shaking individual parts of the drawing.

Meaningful characteristics of the picture are:

  • the activities of the family members presented in the figure are depicted
  • their interaction and location,
  • the ratio of things and people in the picture.

1. The child does not always draw all family members. Usually he does not draw those with which it is in conflict relationships.

The location of family members in the picture often shows the relationship. For example, an important indicator of psychological proximity is the real distance between individual family members.

Sometimes there are different objects between individual family members, which serve as partition between them. So, quite often you can see the drawing in which the father is sitting, hiding behind the newspaper, or near the TV separating it from the rest of the family. Mother more often draws at the slab, as if absorbing her all attention.

Total activity family members usually indicate good prosperous family relationship.

Often, the overall activities connect several family members. This may indicate the presence of internal groups in the family.

Drawing your family, some children depict all the figures very small and have them on the bottom of the sheet. This may already testify to the depressiveness of the child, about his sense of inferiority in the family situation.

In some pictures, not people prevail, but things most often furniture. We assume that it also reflects the emotional concern about the child about his family situation, that she disturbs him, and he will defile the drawing of family members, and draws things that do not have such strong emotional significance.

2. It is believed that the child most details, the longest draws and deactivates the figure of his most beloved family member. And vice versa, if the child negatively refers to someone, then he draws this person incompletely, without details, sometimes even without the main parts of the body.

When the child's relationship is conflicts and anxious, emotionally ambiguously painted, he often uses hatching in the image of the family member with whom he did not have effective ties. In similar cases, you can observe and redraw.

In the drawings you can observe several drawing styles.

3. Analysis of the drawing process gives rich information not only about the family relationship of the child, but in general about the style of his work. There are children who are numerous excuses of which, as well as the trimming manner of hand drawn, may indicate a child's mistrust to their forces, about his need for support from an adult.

Most often, its drawing begins with an image of a family member to which he really treats.

Sometimes there are pauses before the child begins to draw one of the figures. This in some cases may indicate an emotionally ambiguous or even negative attitude of the child. The comments can also drive his attitude to family members, but during the test of the test, the psychologist should not come into a conversation with the child.

4. D. la Dough Rats has developed a quantitative assessment system. Five symptoms were allocated:

  1. Favorable family situation
  2. Anxiety
  3. Family conflict
  4. Feeling inferiority
  5. Hostility in a family situation.

Symptoms of kinetic pattern of family

Symptom complex Symptom Score
1. Favorable family situation 1. Total activities of all family members 0,2
2. The predominance of people in the picture 0,1
3. The prevalence of all family members 0,2
4. No isolated family members 0,2
5. No hatchovka 0,1
6. Good line quality 0,1
7. Lack of hostility indicators 0,2
8. Adequate distribution of people on a sheet 0,1
9. Others possible signs 0,1
2. Anxiety 1. Sharchovka 0,1,2
2. Foundation line - floor 3
3. Line above the drawing 0,1
4. Line with a strong pressure 0,1
5. Erasing 0,1
6. Exaggerated attention to detail 0,1,2
7. The predominance of things 0,1
8. Double or intermittent lines 0,1
9. Underline of individual details 0,1
10. Other possible signs 0,1
3. Family conflict 1. Barriers between figures 0,2
2. Erasing individual shapes 0,1
3. No basic parts of the body in some figures 2
4. Selection of individual shapes 0,2
5. Isolation of individual figures 0,2
6. Inadequate value of individual figures 0,2
7. Non-compliance with verbal description and drawing 0,2
8. The predominance of things 0,1
9. The absence in the figure of some family members 0,1
10. Family member behind his back 0,2
11. Other possible signs 0,1
4. The sense of inferiority in the family situation 1. The author of the drawing is disproportionately small 0,2
2. Location of figures on the bottom of the sheet 0,2
3. Line is weak, intermittent 0,1
4. Isolation of the author from others 0,2
5. Little figures 0,1
6. Fixed compared to other figures of the author 0,1
7. Lack of auth 0,2
8. The author stands back 0,1
9. Other possible signs 0,1
5. hostility in the family situation 1. One figure on another sheet or on the other side of the sheet 0,2
2. Aggressive Position Figure 0,1
3. Crossed Figure 0,2
4. Deformed Figure 0,2
5. Reverse profile 0,1
6. Hands are drawn to the sides 0,1
7. Fingers are long, underlined 0,1
8. Other possible signs 0,1

Hello everyone! Today we want to tell you about how the child's drawing analysis is. I think you will be interested to learn that I worry your baby in the image that he painted. In fact, this is not difficult, you just need to carefully look at the fact that the child painted and analyze.

Of course, a child who has not yet turned three years old is very difficult to draw, the fact that he worries. Children's meaningful expressions start at about four years. And the very first thing he draws, it's of course my family (mother, dad and yourself)

If your child in four or five years can easily draw a little man depicted in all parts, then this means your child is very well aimed harmoniously developed.

Analysis of children's drawing - full analysis

Take in the way blank sheet Paper and color pencils and give them to your child and ask him to paint his family. Only not in any cases Torust it and do not comment, until it finishes its drawing completely. And after, ask him who is who and what this person does, it is in the picture.

In order to read the drawing, you need to trust your feelings, namely to understand what emotions are having looking at him. You must understand what the child is trying to convey to you. What exactly are you experiencing when look at the drawing: anxious, calm, aggressiveness or kindness. First of all, pay your look at how the family is located in the image: everything is holding together for the handle, or the family is scattered throughout the sheet of paper.

If you still find it difficult, you can contact your child psychologist. Especially alarming, if the figure is clearly expressed aggression and blood.

Based on the practice, in its drawing, children particularly express their beloved character, this is a mother and dad. This is the most significant in his life. According to psychologists, if the child draws people back or in profile, then this suggests that this man He causes antipathy.

The most important details in the picture for what should pay special attention to:

  • The child drew a family where all her members are engaged general - This suggests that in the family everything is fine and the family is very friendly;
  • The child draws himself away from Mom and Pope - this indicates that the child is alone and he lacks attention;
  • If the child did not paint himself - think about ... Something wrong in the family;
  • If the baby often makes changes to his drawing - it means that something is disturbing. Also pay attention to small, not confident lines in the figure, this is also a sign of anxiety.
  • If a child draws slowly, very few details on his drawing and poorly pressing a pencil - this suggests that it is quickly tired and psychologically stable;
  • If everything is on the turn, that is, the child draws with sharp lines - then it is impulsive;
  • If a child draws his characters too large, that they do not fit on a sheet of paper - a strongly energetic child with the presence of aggression.
  • If the drawn characters are very small, or shifted to the edge of the sheet - it speaks of uncertainty;
  • People in the image are armed, teeth and claws are visible - understand why the child expresses such a big aggression in his drawings.

As a rule, when drawing a child uses no more than five colors. If it says more that the child is sensitive to children's nature, if less than five, then the child is discreet and compound.

Color values:

  1. Red - if it is very much in the picture, then this suggests that the child will exclude and eccentric;
  2. Green - child evil and calm;
  3. Blue - child self-critical and forty;
  4. Yellow - inquisitive, only positive emotions cause;
  5. Purple - intuition and fantasy are very developed;
  6. Gray - a lot of negativity and indifference to everything;
  7. Brown - negative emotions;
  8. Black - the depression of the child.

Based on this, it is difficult to say about the mental state of your child, after analyzing only one drawing. If you constantly notice something suspicious in the drawings of your favorite kids, then do not postpone this problem for later, and decide it as soon as possible.

  • Sex and children's drawings
  • Children's drawing and color
  • Recommendations Parents
  • Sometimes it happens that parents, having received the conclusion of a psychologist in kindergarten, fall into bewilderment: anxiety, aggression, rejection ... and is it all of cute children's doodles? "All psychologists are charlatans!" Parents decide, and do not pay attention to their conclusions.

    Let's find out what kind of psychologists are seen in children's drawings?

    In children of what age you can analyze drawings

    Up to three years old young painters They are at the "CHILDRICS" stage - draw people - "bubbles" with sticking invasses, symbolizing the handles and legs. The drawing of the parts is not available to them, moreover, it's often "masterpiece" first is born, and only then his proud author begins to reflect on what he portrayed.

    Starting from 3.5-4 years Children at first plan a drawing (its plan appears) and only then begin to execute. By four years, the child has a good enough pencil, and "chasonogues" evolve into "people-cucumbers" - two oval with fines of chopsticks.

    Five years The artist has already been able to draw large details (arms, legs, eyes, mouth), and for six years in the drawings appear and more small parts: nose, fingers. Often, children draw a picasso manner - the head of the character in the profile, but with two eyes.

    Finally, to seven years Drawn people turn out to be dressed, and in accordance with the floor and age, they appear hats and hairstyles and even neck!

    Figures of children from 4 to 7 years are best suited for analyzing their psychological state.

    We analyze the drawing of the family

    The most popular topic is a drawing of your own family. An experienced psychologist He can say a lot, but also ordinary moms and dads can learn from drawing a lot of useful information. First of all, pay attention to the alarming signs.

    Location of figures in the picture

    The location of family members in the picture very accurately indicates their relationship. Often, children "remove" an unwanted character from their work, explaining that "dad at work", and sister "in the next room." This does not mean that the relationship is destroyed completely, often brother or sister is sent in the picture "To another room" after a turbulent quarrel.

    Conversely, beloved relatives may appear in the picture, even if they live far away, so often happens with grandfathers and grandparents.

    The child's closest and beloved relative portrays next to him. If someone from the characters are separated from others, then, most likely, and from the family circle, his child mentally excludes. It can be a working dad, brother or sister, which is much older in age.

    Bad feature - if this "outcast" turns out to be the child itself, it is really an alarming situation!

    An image of yourself

    The child, as a rule, depicts either in the center of the drawing (this is the usual situation for a family with a single child), or next to the central figure. Depicting yourself with the edge of the composition, separately from the parents, the child shows that he feels its isolation from relatives. Sometimes he gives this a plot explanation, which confirms the fears of the observer: "Everyone is celebrated, and I have been punished (I must sleep, read, play one)."

    The pose of happy and self-confident baby is as open: the handles and legs "in the raops". If the child gives himself a work to draw himself with his hands pressed to the body, it symbolizes his insecurity. Too short hands or their absence - fears of their own inefficiency. Maybe you too often criticize the baby?

    Usually the child depicts the dimensions of the figures in proportion real characters: Parents bigger, yourself - smaller, younger brother and sister are very small. The ambiguity of drawn himself speaks of uncertainty, care needs and, perhaps, fear.

    Another situation that speaks of uncertainty is the "gap" of a child from the Earth, when all the characters are drawn in loyal proportions, but the child does it seems between his parents: his head is at the same level with adults, and the legs do not get to the floor. Often parents of this little artist Do not even guess that he is discomfort: after all, they communicate with him on equal!

    Fear and aggression in children's drawings

    Psychologists are aware of the signs of fear and aggression in children's drawings, which often remain unnoticed for parents.

    Large, just huge hand-rakes appear in that family member, who is distinguished by aggressive behavior. If a child is depicting himself, then it is likely that he constantly has to give an anger in himself.

    Clearly painted bright pupils - a sign of a child's alarm, as well as a hard hatch with pressure.

    Finally, hypertrophied fists, teeth, sharp nails - the most vivid evidence of aggression. If a child draws such a thing, then, most likely, he feels a constant need for the protection that the family cannot provide him.

    Sex and children's drawings

    Contrary to extensive concerns, the image of the genital organs in the figures of 3-4-year-old children does not at all indicate that someone corrupts the baby, rather about his interest in his own body and about the difference between the sexes, which he just found out.

    But if the child is 6-7 years old depicts himself with an adult physiological attribute: a girl with a clearly dedicated bust, a boy with a beard and mustache - it can alert. However, most often such drawings indicate the need of a child in attention, striving to embell themselves with any ways. That is why children, depicting a family, pay special attention to their figure: carefully draw clothes, accessories, decorations (babes often draw their crowns). This picture shouts: "Hey, see, finally, at me! I am the prince (princess)! "

    However, you still should once again pay attention to the environment of the child. Does anyone express suspicious attention to him if the child was available inappropriate for his age information (for example, porn film, posenal), which can scare him?

    Children's drawing and color

    The drawing of the child is usually multilight and PEST - usually children use 5-6 colors, it is considered the norm. The more confidently the child feels, the brighter the colors used to them. Of course, not everything is so unambiguous: the child can shade the dad black, because the dad really has a favorite sweater of this color, but if some pencil is among the pets and one or two colors clearly prevail in the figure, it is worth paying attention to This factor.

    Most experts rely on the interpretation of the colors of Max Lucher, a psychologist and a researcher in the field of color. He came to the conclusion that the choice of color reflects the psychological state of a person and even testifies to his bodily health.

    Here's how to determine the value of color in the children's drawing.

      dark blue - concentration on internal problems, the need for peace;

      green- equilibrium, independence, perseverance, desire for security;

      red - Will strength, aggression, increased activity, excitability;

      yellow - positive emotions, immediacy, curiosity, optimism;

      purple - fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);

      brown - Sensual feeling, slowness, physical discomfort, often negative emotions;

      the black - depression, protest, destruction, urgent need for changes;

      if a child prefers simple pencil and does not paint drawing - indifference, detachment, desire to close.

    Experimenting with independent analysis of children's drawings, try to make the child to fulfill him with a desire, in a relaxed atmosphere without distracted.

    Pay attention to the following factors.

      Composition drawing. Are the characters in the center of the picture or in the corner, there everyone has enough space in the picture, in which family members are drawn.

      What kind colors Uses a child.

      What detailshe pays increased attention. How hands, legs, faces of characters are drawn, whether the pencil is always the same.

      What kind unusual elements There is in the picture. Is there anything superfluous (for example, the sun in the room, non-existent pet or family members), or, on the contrary, lacking something (someone from family members).

      Like a child pictures yourselfWhat details pays high attention where he sees himself in a family hierarchy.

    We hope this little experiment will help you achieve mutual understanding with the child!

    Children's drawings are taken from free sources

    Method "Family Figure" refers to the class of unstructured projective techniques. Such techniques give a person the opportunity to reflect in its own way and interpret the external and internal reality (Romanova E. C, Potemkin O. F., 1991; Loseva V. K., 1995; Burlachuk L. f.; Morozov S. M.; 1999 , Bern R. C, Kaufman S. X., 2000; Makhovener K., 2000; Dileo D., 2001). Product resulting as a result of their application creative activity Reveals the individual-typological characteristics of the client's personality: ideas, mood, state, feelings, relationships.

    "Family's drawing" is primarily intended to identify features of intra-family relationships and emotional problems. Based on the completed image, comments and answers of the client for the questions of a psychologist regarding the drawing, this technique reveals his feelings to those family members, whom he considers the most important, whose influence, both positive and negative, for him most significantly.

    In the drawings (by L. Kaman) analyze:

    • graphic quality (character of lines, proportions of figures, use of space, accuracy);
    • formal structure (dynamism of drawing, location of family members), content (analysis of the meaning).

    The Family Drawing Methodology is convenient for use, it helps to establish good emotional contact, accessible to persons with reduced intelligence. Especially productively use in preschool and primary school age when children often have the difficulty of verbalization. At the same time, this technique and the rules of its interpretation can be successfully used in work with adults.

    Instruction. For the subject, the test is offered a sheet of white paper with a size of 15 x 20 cm or 21 x 29 cm, a handle or a simple pencil. Eraser is not recommended. If the client considers that its drawing is spoiled, you can give another sheet, and then compare images. Adults can starve what they do not like, and draw differently.

    Permissible to use various options instructions.

    1. "Draw your family." In this case, it is not recommended to explain what the word "family" means, and in response to questions it is necessary to repeat the instructions only.
    2. "Draw your family, where everyone is busy ordinary."
    3. "Draw your family, as you imagine it."
    4. "Draw your family in the form of fantastic (non-existent) creatures."
    5. "Draw your family in the form of a metaphor, an image, a symbol that expresses its features."

    At the same time, clients (especially children) must be reminded that the marks here do not put here and artistic abilities Do not evaluate.

    In case of individual diagnostics, the protocol has a sequence of drawing characters and objects, pause for more than 15 seconds, attempts to correct parts, spontaneous comments, emotional reactions and their connection with the content of the image.

    After completing the task, the following questions are usually set: "Who is drawn here?", "Where are they?", "What are they doing?", "What is your mood here?", "What are they thinking about?" etc. When surveyed, a psychologist must try to find out the meaning of drawn: feelings for individual family members; The reasons that were forced not to depict someone from them (if it happened) or, on the contrary, draw people to the family not belonging to the family. Direct questions should be avoided, on the answers not to insist, as it can cause anxiety and provoke protective reactions.

    Evaluation of Figure

    Figures are evaluated qualitatively. For their interpretation, it is recommended to collect family history: information about the composition and age of family members and its main problem. Practice shows that it is usually in the picture drawing no chance. After all, the client, both a child and an adult, draws not objects from nature, but reflects in their ideas the relationship between people close to him and their experiences about their occasion.

    Based on such drawings, you can define the following:

    Features of intra-family relationships and emotional well-being

    in family. For example, if family members are standing nearby, took up hands, do something together, smile - it says about their cohesion and positive towing. The opposite indicates the opposite: family members are turning away and far from each other, negative emotions are strongly expressed.

    • Features of the condition of the client during drawing. The presence of a strong hatching, small dimensions often talk about adverse physical condition, tensions, stiffness. On the contrary big sizesThe use for drawing the entire sheet may indicate the opposite: good location of the spirit, discharge, absence of tension and fatigue.
    • Power fine culture The stage of the visual activity on which the client is located. Attention should be paid to the primitiveness of the image or, on the contrary, to the clarity and expressiveness of images, the elegance of lines, emotional expressiveness.
    • In the interpretation of the drawings, you should always pay attention to those cases when drawn more or less family membersWhat it actually is (for example, a dad is depicted, which is not, or on the contrary, the older brother is not drawn).

    Criteria for evaluation

    1. The absence in the figure of one of their family members means:

    • The presence of unconscious negative feelings for this person, which the subject perceives as forbidden: "I have to love this person, and he annoys me, and it is bad, so I will not draw it."
    • The lack of emotional contact with this character - it is no matter in the inner world of the subject.

    Analysis of the drawing of the family of Dima B., 8 years old, graduate grade 1

    Diagnosis: residual-organic lesion of the brain.

    Dima portrayed himself and his father. Mom and grandmother, with whom he at the time of the examination lives in one family, there are no in the picture.

    Story and dialogue with a psychologist in Figure: Dima: "We are going to visit Nikita with Pope. We will play the computer. " Psychologist: "Why two?" - "Mom on weekends works." - "How are you here, in the picture, with dad?" - "Like, I love him. Mom, too, but ... "Next, a pause and the conversation is broken.

    According to Mother, parents divorced more than a year ago. Father Dima sees no more than once a month. Usually, the father takes it on the day off and brings to his parents or to visit. According to Mom, her son is distinguished by "stubbornness, negativism, low motivation for learning, disrespectful attitude towards mother and grandmother." Mom is forced to constantly follow the study of his son, to do with him lessons: "The last quarter finished without trobs. But what should I stand it! " The father does not accept any participation in his studies. Difficulties in relations with her son served as a reason for appealing to a psychologist. The absence in the drawing of mom and grandmother indicates that at the unconscious level, Dima applies to them negatively. He stretches to his father, with whom it is pleasant to spend time without being boring.

    Analysis of the figure of Anton V. Family, 9 years old, student of the 3rd class

    Diagnosis: Tick. Externally, hyperkinetic disorder is manifested as permanent swings of the head from side aside, as if the child says "no."

    The figure shows the white rat Wanda. Mom, dad and the boy himself is not drawn. Anton commented on the drawing like this: "This is my family. Wanda - insidious, evil, biting, with huge teeth. The very small, and the teeth are big. Like when evil. Rugs - as murmur. Good from the cloggy. My girlfriend. With her fun. And I will not draw all others. "

    According to Mom, she has chronically conflict relationships with her husband. She even consulted with her son, whether they should be divorced. Anton against divorce. The lack of parents in the figure indicates the presence of unconscious negative feelings, which the boy perceives as forbidden: "I have to love my parents, and they annoy me with your conflicts, and it is bad, so I will not draw them at all." The absence of Anton himself in the figure indicates the difficulties of self-expression in relations with loved ones: "It is difficult for me to find my place here." The choice of white rat as the only depicted family member indicates that the significance for the boy has its natural characteristics, they are listed: "insidious, evil, biting." Apparently, at the symbolic level, they reflect its hidden tension and aggression in relation to the situation in the family, manifested in hyperkinetic syndrome.

    3. Sheet space is an analogue of the living space. As in real life, in the plane of the sheet, each person unconsciously seeks to take as much space as much as he, in his opinion, deserves. In other words, if he has low self-esteem, he takes little space in real world And, drawing on a sheet of paper, it will take only a small part of it. On the contrary, people are confident, well adapted, draw freely, with a scope, and can take the entire sheet.

    Analysis of the drawing of the Philip family, 15 years old, student of the 9th grade

    Diagnosis: Vegeta dystonia on hypotonic type.

    The reason for appeal to a psychologist served as a teenager's response to the separation of the family (departure Mom, stepfather and younger brother in another city). Philipped two days lying, turning away to the wall, refused food and did not speak with his grandmother. Then he had difficulty learning, and he began to refuse to go to school. His condition has worsened, and then Mom decided to return to his son.

    Figure shows mom, stepfather and younger brother (from marriage mom with stepfather). Story in drawing. Philip: "There is no me here. But if I painted myself, I would stand behind my mother with the Nicole. Mom is going to play with Nichole, thinks where to go with him, how to entertain him. Her mood is good, joyful. Nikolka laughs, which will walk. Dad listens and thinks - go to a business meeting or cancel it? Then decides to go walk. " Psychologist: "What did you think about?" - "Would you think that I was to wear? Nikolka we have such - everywhere climbs, climbs. "

    The absence of the author in the figure indicates the difficulties of self-expression in relations with close people associated with a sense of inferiority: "I don't notice me here", "I find it difficult to find my place here." The image of a family in the form of a group of small figures in the lower left part of the sheet is also also testified about the low self-assessment and level of claims of Philippes in the lower left side of the sheet: "Even the so much that I claim, I can't work."

    4. If a group of small figures is depicted at the bottom of the sheet, it indicates a combination of low self-esteem with the low level of claims: "I am in life and so much from what I refused, but even that I claim me, I can't work." If the image is small in size placed on top of the sheet, and big bottom part The sheet is empty, this suggests that low self-esteem is combined with a high level of claims: "I want a lot of things in life, but I have little that will happen."

    5. Inanimate items depicted in the figure are the object of special attachment of the family and often replace its members.

    Analysis of the Figure of Mitya P., 17 years old, student of the 1st year

    Diagnosis: episodic drug use.

    There are no family members: Mom, Dad, Mitya himself and his younger sister Katya 15 years. Instead of people, a house is drawn without doors, a garage and combining their fence. Title of drawing: "Family hearth".

    Comments on the drawing on the basis of psychologist's questions: "How does dad feel in the house?" - "I do not know ..." - "How mom?" - "I do not know ... I am sad, hopelessly - not to agree with my parents, do not convince, they are conservatives in the worldview. Sister - carefree, it is still early to worry. "

    Family replacement inanimate objects It shows that the closed world of the house without doors seems to be here the largest family value. The absence in the figure of family members indicates a deficiency of emotional contact with them. The absence of Mity himself says that he does not see himself places in this world. The relatively small in size image of the house is located at the top, and the large bottom of the sheet is empty, which is a sign of a combination of a low self-assessment of Mitya with a high level of claims: "I want a lot in my life, but I have little."

    Mother's Education Style is the dominant hyperpretation ("no one goes into the family to do not know"). She led his son all his life in all his affairs, especially in studies (tutors from the fifth grade, admission to the university on acquaintance and for a bribe, control of communication). At the time of the study of Mitya - a student of the faculty of the global economy of the prestigious university. However, he believes that he is not able to learn, and therefore decided to be a DJ ("Because the economist works, and DJ rests surrounded by friends, with good music, communicates, and for it, it receives 6-10 thousand dollars per month." All evenings and nights Mitya spends playings in computer clubwhere he began to use drugs. So that he did not leave, Mom picks his keys from him, locks the doors, Karaulit, but the son still runs out of the house.

    When interpreting the drawing of the house, the following points can be noted. The lack of doors indicates that the subject is experiencing difficulties in the desire to reveal before others, especially in the home circle. Placing a picture above the center of the sheet - that it feels the severity of his struggle and the relative misfortune of the target, so it is inclined to look for satisfaction in fantasies. The prospect of "over the subject" (view from the bottom up) reflects that the author of the drawing is rejected, removed, is not recognized as at home. The presence of buildings (fence, garage) indicates aggression against the actual owners of the house or the riot against the fact that the subject considers artificial cultural standards.

    6. The size of the character of the character or the subject expresses its subjective value for the child and shows what place in his soul is occupied by relationship with this character or subject in this moment time (Fig. 2.5). The size is used to express significance, fear and respect.

    Analysis of the Family Picture of Toli T., 7.5 years, student of the 1st grade

    Diagnosis: healthy. Complaints on behavior in school (from the words of the teacher: "began to closes, the lessons get up - it can not be at rest for a long time, biting those students who dries it or for hair").

    The figure shows all family members: Mom, Tolya, Grandma and Grandfather (the boy calls his dad). Father from the family went when Kola was three years old. Story and dialogue in drawing: Tolya: "Mom laughs a joke, which I told. I run, play football. Granny prepares dinner. Dad-grandfather writes dissertation. " Psychologist: "And who is the most important here in the picture?" - "The most important papa grandfather. He orders to all. And Granny, she too orders everything. " - "What are you with my mother?" - "Mom, I am kind. Do not swear - and all. "

    The biggest figure in the figure, with the biggest head and with the biggest mouth is a mother. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the subconsciously tolerance is experiencing fear and respect for it depends on its assessments and considers the smartest. In a conversation, Tole said that Mom often beats him, punishes bad, from her point of view, study and behavior. Because of this, the boy is very worried. He dreams that his mother loved and affectionately to him. In the drawing of Toli, a small mouth, and this means that he still does not know how or has no right to express his opinion. However, relatively large hands and palms, similar to the fists, which the boy drew himself and, which are comparable to sizes with hands and palms of other family members, suggest that the tolens can "let them in the case".

    8. Large in size and / or shaded mouth - symbol of aggression, attacks. If a person's mouth is missing or depicted point, he has no right to express his opinion and influence others.

    9. The more powerful character is perceived, the biggest hands. The lack of hands in children over 6 years old is an indicator of shyness, passivity, CPR. Hidden hands express the feeling of guilt. The exaggerated size of the hands, the selection of hands and fingers - indicates a tendency to aggression.

    10. The image in the character's drawing, which does not officially belong to the family (for example, a member of a relative family, family friend, etc.) talks about not satisfied with the needs relative to this character. These desires subject implements in its fantasy, in an imaginary communication with this person. The same tendency indicates the presence of a fictional (for example, a fabulous) character.

    Analysis of Fedor Family Picture, 11 years old, 7th grade student

    Diagnosis: obsessive fears (afraid to be in the apartment alone; it is afraid that he did not turn off the gas, hood, which did not extinguish the light when he left the house).

    At the time of study, he lives with Mom and Moore's cat. Parents are not divorced, but for several months they live separately. Before their junction, Fedor never remained alone in the apartment, since dad was always at home. The figure shows consistently dad, mother, Fedor, Mura and a cousin Anya 16 years old (one of the three daughters of a married mother's sister, from whom Fedor communicates in the summer in the country). Story in Figure: "Mood is good. Dad watches TV, playing with me. Mom prepares, talking on the phone. I do my homework. Moore plays a litter. And Anya listens to the player. "

    The appearance in the picture Pope and Ani testifies that Fyodor is experiencing a shortage of communication, needs support and protection. On the significance of the father and Ani in his life also indicates the size of their images. The location of oneself in the space of the sheet opposite Ani shows how a good relationship Bind cousins and sister.

    11. The location of oneself in the space of a sheet in front of another person speaks of good (loved ones) relations with him.

    12. According to the principle of the vertical hierarchy, the character possessing, in the opinion of its author, the highest authority in the family (although it may be the smallest linear size). Below all is the one whose power in the family is minimal.

    13. The distance between the characters (linear distance) is associated with a psychological distance. Who is subject to the subject of all in psychological terms he depicts spatially closer to himself. The same applies to other characters: whom this person perceives as close to each other, those he will draw next to each other.

    Analysis of Family Family Lena G., 13 years old »Pupils of the 9th grade

    Diagnosis: Violation of posture.

    Complaints: stubbornness, negativism, conflicts with all family members. With the help of the PDO questionnaire, an exteroid-epileptoid accentuation of character is defined, a pronounced reaction of emancipation, the risk of social disadaptation.

    In the picture, the girl portrayed all family members: in the upper row - mother, grandmother and dad, in Nizhny - herself, Brother Goshu 11 years old and Cat Timosh. From the drawing it follows that adults in this family from the point of view of the girls have significantly greater power than children. This also indicates the lack of the girl in the picture of the hands of hands, and her brother - stop legs. In the adult subsystem, Mom and Grandma are close among themselves, in the subsystem of children - Lena and Gosha.

    The family lives in two rooms of the communal apartment, in the same room - grandmother, to the other - parents with children. Children never stay alone, unattended of the elders: the grandmother is always present at home, and at school, where they learn, Mom works as a teacher.

    14. Characters that directly contact each other (for example, hands) are in equally close psychological contact. Characters who do not come into contact, do not possess such contact.

    15. A character or item causing the most alarm from the subject is depicted either with a strengthened pressure, or strongly shaded, or its contour is encountered several times. But in some cases it can be applied very thin, trembling line. The author is not to be solved to portray him.

    16. Characters with large, expanded eyes are perceived by the author as anxious, restless, in need of saving them. Characters with eyes - "dots", "alkalks" carry internal "ban on crying", that is, they are afraid to ask for help.

    17. The larger the area of \u200b\u200bsupport at the feet, the more firmly standing on the ground the character is perceived. Lack of feet, small, unstable legs - a sign of uncertainty, instability, lack of a strong base, lack of basic sense of security.

    18. If the characters in the figure are depicted in one row, it is necessary to mentally conduct horizontal line At the lowest point of the legs. Then the support in reality have only those people who "stand" on this line. The rest, "in the air", according to the subject, do not have an independent support in life.

    Analysis of the drawing of the Family of Nastya K., 16 years old, student of the 10th grade

    Diagnosis: Common neurodermit.

    The figure shows all family members: Nastya, Mom, Dad and Petya Brother. Initially, Nastya painted all family members separately, but then the picture was corrected: he stretched his hand to her mother and as if she took her mother at her arm, and from her mother stretched her hand to dad, so that the mother had pictured, too, as if he had pope. Story in Figure: "I hold my mother at hand when I walk. Momchka holds dad (walking). Brother Petya goes near (independent). I have a good mood, my mother is good, the dad is average. Petit is good. "

    Nastya - identified patient. She began to hurt soon after the brother began to openly conflict with the abuse of alcohol with his father and even beat him. Sickwall, Nastya switched the attention of family members for themselves, and father's conflicts with her son began to arise less often. From the figure it is clear that Nastya seems to pull the mother, and mom, respectively, dad, away from Petit, so Petya is now "independent". Nastya circulated his contour several times - apparently, her illness causes a great internal alarm. In addition, the Hand of Nastya, which stretches to the mother, and the mother's hand, which stretches to the dad, which indicates the subjective importance of the intense "clutch of his daughter with parents." However, unlike other depicted family members, the girl has no eye in the drawing, and this means that it prohibits himself asking for help. A request for help is expressed by big Round Mother's Eyes, who led daughter to consult. Nastya painted the biggest feet of the legs, in addition, if they mentally hold the horizontal line at the lowest point of the legs, it turns out that Nastya attributes to itself the feeling of the greatest "support in reality". She believes that save the family, resolve the conflict between Pete and Dad - her duty.

    Test processing "Family drawing" is carried out according to the following scheme:

    Placed signs

    Marks about the presence of signs

    Total figure

    Number of family members

    Relevant family members



    sister brother

    grandfather grandmother, etc.

    Distance between family members

    The presence of any signs between them

    The presence of animals

    Image image:

    schematic image


    aesthetic in the interior,

    on the background of the landscape, etc.

    metaphoric image in motion, action

    The degree of manifestation of positive emotions (in points 1, 2, 3 ...)

    The degree of accuracy of execution

    When executing a task according to these instructions, the presence or lack of joint efforts in various situations that are depicted, which is the child who performs the test, and so on to them, is evaluated.