Men need to choose, looking at their fingers?! Unnamed fingers are longer than the index. What features indicate fingers hands Add your price to the base Comment

Men need to choose, looking at their fingers?! Unnamed fingers are longer than the index. What features indicate fingers hands Add your price to the base Comment
Men need to choose, looking at their fingers?! Unnamed fingers are longer than the index. What features indicate fingers hands Add your price to the base Comment

Two girlfriends met in the cafe. One of the no-no, and it strives to shine to the eyes somewhere towards .. Curious .. I took the second .. at the next table a man. Wow looks like that. One, oddly enough) Well, thinks, the maiden is already definitely not configured to continue the conversation with me ..
- Alla, garage.. aren't it too cheekily looking at him?)
- Wait ... Beget ..
- Fight what?

- Just look, what is his beautiful hands .. What long fingers ...
- Uh ...
- You do not understand ... With these fingers, he may play on the piano .. and from how gently and gently they run on the keys, the music that he plays ...
- I understand ... I understand ...
And yet fell into a stupor. Esthet, damn. What happened to her ..
- Let's drink, m?
- ..... Do you imagine that these fingers can make a female body, if they also be gentle with him, how are the piano keys?
- Uh .. I'm doing, actually)

I. Men's fingers issue a character!

Canadian scientists argue that the length of the fingers of the man can tell how aggressive it is. Therefore, if the ladies do not want to get an authoritarian despot as a husband, then when you meet a man, you must first of all pay attention to the length of the finishers.

According to experts, the length of the fingers is associated with the level of male sex hormone, the influence of which the baby is exposed in the laronian mother. Experts from Canadian University Alberta studied fingers and behavior of 300 male students. As a result, the specialists came to the conclusion that the shorter the index finger compared to the nameless, the more noisy and frantically behaves. By the way, in men, the ring finger is usually longer index. Is it worth thinking?

However, this parameter is not suitable for assessing verbal aggressiveness, scientists said. It is also impossible to use this method of assessing behavior to women, specialists were warned.

This is not the first study, the authors of which tried to link the length of the fingers with some characteristics of the person. For example, experts suggested that in boys who have a ring finger in short, risk risk to earn a heart attack in adulthood. This hypothesis is also based at the testosterone level.

II. Male finger length

The study shows that women are more attracted by men who have a ring finger longer than the index finger. The report of the British Royal Society of Biological Sciences argues that women unconsciously react to high testosterone signal signs, such as a symmetrical face, a deep voice and, oddly enough, long unnamed fingers.

And before, in general, folk signs argued that this one of the distinctive male almost heterosexual signs are short nameless, they say, only in women and gays.

Photo of the fingers of the strengths of this world :)

III. Fingers - Well, where without them.

In hand analysis, they have an important meaning.

In relation to the palm can be long and short.

Owners - \u003d long fingers \u003d - \u003d -

Prone to detail in everything


As a rule, tastefully dressed



Love the attention of others and know how to use it.

Owners - \u003d short fingers \u003d - \u003d -


Prone to hasty conclusions and action

Do not love little things



Do not care about your image in the eyes of others

Do not tend to obey tradition.

IV. What can male fingers tell about?

The assumption that the shape and length of the fingers can tell a lot about the man, the people have been in the people for a long time. For example, a bike is transmitted from generation to generation that the longer the fingers, the greater the male childbody body. It turned out that the approval of the connection between the fingertips and sexuality has its own reasons. Scientists from the University of Liverpool established a curious pattern: the proportions of the fingers directly indicate sexual activity.

For a start, scientists compared the ratio of the length of index and nameless fingers in various types of monkeys, comparing results with their sexual and social activity, and found out that those monkeys who have named fingers longer than the index, differ in blood and a tendency to polygamy.

But according to the results of the study conducted by Technical University, Chemnitsa, the length of the nameless finger of a man may indicate a large number of sexual contacts. According to researchers, such a pattern is associated with the Mother Hormonal Background during the development of the embryo. If not yet born baby faces an elevated testosterone level in the mother's body, it later manifests not only purely men's features, but also the characteristic ratio of the length of index and nameless fingers in favor of the latter.

V. Interesting comments of girls \u003d)

29/10/06, 3 Sofia 3
He has very strong hands. Perhaps I never met such in my life. His hands are easy to lean, in his hands you want to drown. True male hands are able to be sweet and painful and gentle, passionate and affectionate. Why when our bodies come into contact when his courageous, very strong palm slides on my thin skin, I strain the muscles, I get into the abyss, from which to get out - is tantibly fast and short death. Hands ... His hands are a symbol of our passionate tenderness, ballasts, pleasing and irreversible love, the one that is doomed. Forever, forever! His hands ... Nothing forever, but, caressing me, they seem to convince in the opposite!

03/21/05, such as all
I always look at men's hands. If a man has short thick fingers, it's terrible. He is not to blame for this, but what to do? I do not like such. Or overswitted nails ... I love pumped men's hands, my boyfriend has a pioneer! Painted, strong, beautiful, in such hands you feel in the seventh heaven. Sometimes so little need for happiness! And in the summer it becomes seen who came across the guys, and who drank beer :)) So I just do not like the pushed hands, like the rods, for example. This is a misery

02/09/01, I "M Tier
When meeting a male part of the Population of the planet, I always look at their hands with a kindness, which are for me a kind of indicator. Size, shape of fingers, especially large, dirt under the nails, if available, gestures. And in most cases, these solid non-dying disappointments. I remember a few years ago, when lacquered for men with the names of "Casanova", etc., this idea seemed to me charming, and its pro-life comical, because I do not understand what the difference between the male and female nail polish. Yes, and in Present-Day If a woman continues to improve their manicure, the men did not see their trump card (I do not call anyone ... as they say, everyone in his taste), and by the way they continue to resent that we captured not only pants and WATER, but got to the ties

16/03/02, Tanya Luxembourg
And I really like long fingers in guys ... just die. Long, thin, cool fingers. No words, alone emotions. I hate guys, with negleous hands, when the nails are engaged on the elbow, two-chamber mudtoman, burrs sticking out in different directions. This is such a murder!

11/03/03, Zabava Reiss
and this is a sexy creation ... It seems the guy is dressed .. And he will breed .. And I abagine just phalanges and knuckles (big). with short fingers, warm and which are tasty smell

I do not know why, but Musk hands always excited interest in me .. :) They seem to me a real manifestation of eroticism :)

21/12/03, Cosanutrian
They are so beautiful. I very often look at the hands. Mushroom, strong. Very nice spectacle. \u003d) Although there are those who are courageous and strong in any way, but still ...

13/01/05, xwitch
There is such a winged phrase that men's hands are more important for girls than an unbuttoned width. I absolutely agree with her. For me, men's hands are very important. I do not like when a man has female handles, it's disgusting. Rough, hairy - also not for me. Dirt under the nails, long nails ... Fu ... And sinking in men's hands, pressing to warm palms, feel the native smell ... so happiness ...

26/03/06, girl with y
i read the latest messages and agree with everyone. Partnerically, do not understand what kind of trump card are ... It's nice when the fingers are well-groomed, such chain, strong, so that they were hung and did not let go))) and the biceps of the biceps are attacked, especially like when the guy carries something and the veins so stand out, mmm, class! In short, you think about the guys and watch yourself!

26/03/06, Patzanka
And I love such a combination in male hands: Long fingers capable of caressing, wide palms and the outstanding energy of the veins :) The masculine "crabs" with thick peasants, hair on the wrists and the sick, on the fingers, do not :)) )

06/06/06, Gotha
I really like to look at the men's hands, well, just probably because they are others) such unusual fingers, nails. I consider my hands in men very beautiful part of the body, if they are well-groomed of course.

28/07/06, Princess Gadyuk
Hands are the third to what I eating attention to men. The first is the nose. I like the noses. I can't do anything with me. The most beautiful nose in Russia is Arthur Smolyaninova's nose (in fact, not him, but my friend. But they have a very similar one) the second is like most girls - back. I do not know what it should be ... just back, probably. And the third is hands. The most beautiful men's hands are with protruding veins. That's hands - so hands. As it was driving in a train, but a guy was sitting opposite me. So, he should be so-so for her appearance and it is still gently said. But hands - 5 +++.

10/02/09, Zabila
Oh yes, hands - this is what I immediately pay attention to) for some reason I love it when the bodies perform ... But this is not critical) the main thing is that the hands are strong. Imagine how he hugs you with these her own hands, hiding from around the world, and even breathing captures ...)

02/02/10, Selena
I especially like protruding veins. Involuntarily there is a desire to touch them, stroke .. but it is secondary. The point is not in the form, but in the content. The main thing is not the size, CFET, form, the presence of manicure and other, mainly touch. Rather, those emotions that you get from them. There are hands in which Nesterpimo want to drown. I want these hands tightly (but not rudely) hugged you, exhausting from the entire outside world. Sometimes I want exactly so-this isolation from you, except ...

15/10/10, Cataleck
Of course, if these hands play the guitar, on any other instrument, if they smooth the dog, and do not beat it. Long thin fingers like, can ring with skull, pentagram. Manicure in boys love, nails painted with black varnish. Freddie Kruger has a cool glove with claws. I also adore when these hands hold the guitar and know how to play it. And I can't tolerate thick puzzled hands. If this is a little, normal. Swipes - in the furnace.

21/11/10, custodian of silence
Mm, I adore their paws and ass.

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More tedious infa below ...

Vi. In general, about the fingers of people

The value is long and shape.

Dermatologist originated as one of the types of anthropology that appeared in 1892, the famous Biologist Sir Franc Galton (and he is the cousin of the famous Charles Darwin) released his truths about fingerprints. Over time, during the studies, it turned out that the shape and long of the fingers plays an important role in the human character. The critical mind of the influential on the part and does not make hasty decisions manifests itself from the owners of long fingers. So people are very difficult to please and in love affairs they are most often inconsistently. Most often, the owners of very long fingers are striving for profit and they are illegible in the means. If a person has short fingers, then in such people most often the character is a gusty and it actually acts on the behest of the heart, such people mostly wear causing clothes to distinguish between the rest. Well, and who has very short fingers considered the undeveloped type of person. Now consider the location of the fingers, if your fingers close to each other and have a direct form. This type of people is considered impatient and their owners make special attention on the formalities and although the heart of such a person is good these people still try not to show their kindness and generosity. - That is not fit. Cases have with such a type of people very hard. If your palms are far from each other, such people are usually with a slight character and very generous, they are not afraid of new tests. If a person is with uneven, but not curved fingers, then such people can fit very easily to various situations, they are prone to art. People with an unfavorable meaning have sparkling fingers.

What is the main finger?

Thumb - it is considered the most important of his five brothers to determine human character. If the thumb come to the index finger, it happens more often, so that it does not reach the second joint of the index finger, sometimes it happens at one level. Sometimes it is badly lacking to the joint, in this case the finger is called short. If the thumb is above the second joint, then long. The thumb has two phalanges first and top. By appearance, the phalange is the first thing to judge how a person is guided in his actions. Consider the option when the thumb is located next to the rest, in this case a person possesses such an embarrassment and knows how to count money. Consider the second option when the thumb is far from the rest, such people have an open and freedity character. You should also take a look at the top of the finger. If the upper finger joint is quite moving, then this is a man who has broad views and he generous, cheerful and patient. If, on the contrary, a person has a too rigid thumb, then most likely the quality of such a person will be opposite, it will be stubborn, prudent and restrained. Another thumb is at the top as if slightly expanded and shoved. Holders of such fingers are more common with passionate, hot and easily excitable with such people should be careful, because they are easily come to the state of anger.

Four fingers

Finger index. If the index finger is compared with the average short, then such people in most cases often behave carefree and try not to accept any responsibility. There are still long fingers that in length with sheds are the same, well, or slightly shorter than the average - this option is found in people with arrogant intolerance regarding the opinions of the others. Normal is considered to be a finger component of four fifths of the average, such people often show the initiative and enterprise. Middle finger. The middle finger as everyone else is of different lengths and if a person has a short finger, then it is more often presented and impregnated. In such people, the heart manages his head and pushes into inconsistent actions and the decision is made according to emotions. Such good people and generies, with them very easy to communicate. If the middle finger has an elongated form, then this is a sign that this type of people is cautious and careful and gives a considerable meaning of their personality. A man with a normal middle finger is prudent and sane. Finger Unnamed. A normal long nameless finger is considered to be nine-tenths from the length of the middle finger, the owners of such fingers are dealt with art and see not only negative sides in life, they are also prone to business. Lovers of gambling and large and risky rates have a long ring finger. Such people are considered optimists, and for the sake of winning, they can put everything that they have. Calm and quiet life is not at all for them, they want to live their lives in full, even if their life will be short. If the ring finger is short, then such people on the contrary try to live their lives quietly and calmly and it is believed that they have an insufficient business grip. Little finger. The normal long little man is considered seven tenths from the middle finger, such people are easily mastered in the premedive situations they are tactical, resourceful. People with a short little finger - gust and can easily quarrel with someone and express everything he thinks about his interlocutor. Who has a long little finger that with ease can subordinate to himself anyone or often the leader in contrast to the rest.

Is this one or that?

Scientists from different leading universities in the world dermatologiculphic took up not so long ago and found out that it is possible to determine the fate of a person in the ratio of the length of two fingers, it is non-name and index. Scientists from Belgium discovered the fact that men from whom the ring finger are longer than the index are more hidden from others and reluctantly share their money with the rest. Who has the lower fingers longer, have the following features, with them it is very easy to communicate with the means with ease. In Canada, at the University of Albert, scientists found that the owners of long ring fingers are more aggressive than holders of long index fingers. From different countries, similar information came. The most interesting was the discovery of the scientist - Dr. Cambridge University, John Cautes 20 months looked at 44 deltsi London City wages of which was 154 thousand pounds of sterling a year. He noticed that the Deltsov had a ringless finger of a longer index could earn it 11 times more than those who were shorter. According to the Coots itself, this is due to the level of hormone produced by the male - testosterone. By the way, people who have a non-name finger are longer than the index have much more in its testosterone organism. People having a large amount of testosterone in extreme situations very quickly and easily take the right solution and therefore leading business on the stock exchange. They have more advantages. At first glance, all this looked the original scientific hypothesis. Proved this hypothesis Evolutionary psychologist from the University of Southampton John Menning. He conducted a study that showed that the difference between the long fingers depends on which hormone - testosterone or estrogen prevails over 3 months of formation of the fetus in the womb of the mother. Most likely, it is somehow due to the fact that since the 8th and before the 14th week of pregnancy, the fingers of the embryo have testosterone receptors. Therefore, even when the baby appears on the light already there is a difference in this hormone. Those who have the nameless fingers are longer than the index testosterone more. This largely depends on the nature of the person. Men having a ring finger more index have more testosterone in the body and they have hot-tempered and aggressive. They have progress in the field of sports and dance, but it is difficult for them to express their thoughts. Among the female, they also have success and have high fertility. In Germany, the University's scientists, Chemnitsa, have established a pattern for both men and women, the longer the man is a ring finger, the more sexual experience. But women, on the contrary, are not prolific. It is connected according to scientists by their character is similar to men. Just like men they have success in the field of sports and lovers of risky situations. Scientists from the University of Berkeley (USA) believe that the female half of humanity having a long ring finger prefers more homosexual, and not heterosexual contacts and easily carry pain. People having an index finger equal to Unnamed or longer than it have a small amount of testosterone. Men suitable under such a category are very poorly focused in space and do not have success in sports or dancing, but they are sociable and have a high intelter. Female sex does not use success, and the early family has a small number of children or does not have at all, since they do not differ in big fertility. Women who have an index finger longer than the Unnamed more often meet with a soft character, gentle and affectionate, easily overlook the husband and differ in fertility. Testosterone also affects the character, but also on the health of people. Men in which a long ring finger is less likely to have heart disease, but more often sick osteoarthritis. Men with a long index finger on the contrary often sick by depression and heart disease.

The relationship between the appearance and character of a person is obvious, psychologists say.

So, one way to find out the person with whom you just met, look at his hands.

"Manual behavior"

If a person during a conversation holds his hands behind his back, or folds them, no matter how hiding from you, it speaks of his uncertainty. Hands lying on the knees indicate that a person hard thinks or tired. Folded pinned palms - a sign of subconscious protection: your interlocutor has a unpleasant conversation, or he does not want to let you in his inner world. If your new acquaintance does not know where to give his hands - all the time rubs them, "breaks" fingers - he is nervous and experiencing mental discomfort.

Science Form

The easiest way to get information about a person looking at the shape of his hands. Vopotoxic hand talks about decisiveness, loyalty, energetic, practicality. The artistic hand (with long thin fingers) gives a talented nature, prone to aesthetics, art, sophisticated entertainment.

If the hand is solid, rigid - a man is energetic, actors, materialistic, persistent. Flexible and elastic hand speaks about the mind, impressionability. Soft, tender - about the inability to serious work, laziness, lethargy, love for order, success in affairs.
The shape of the fingers also speaks many. The pointed fingers have animals who are addicted, prone to idealism, impressionable, religious. Quantity fingers indicate material inclinations, accuracy, decency. Vopotoxic indicate nature active, self-confident.

Pay attention to the shape of the nails. Oval nails talk about stacking, flat - about nervousness, narrow - about hypocrisy, wide and flat - about timidity. Very narrow nails sophisticated, aristocratic form indicate sophistication, compressed (as if flattened) - about sensitivity. Wrinkling (with roughing on nail plates) - about weakness. Combined - about weakness, nervousness, hidden vices. Nails with grooves - about aggressiveness, heartlessness, greedy, falsehood.

Length is important

Canadian psychologists advise at the first meeting to pay attention to ... the length of the fingers of men. The fact is that this parameter affects the attitude of strong sex to women.

If the index finger is shorter than the nameless, such a man is charming, charismatic, with him, as a rule, nice to communicate. In addition, these representatives of strong sex are rather decisive, tend to risk and know how to take responsibility in solving problems. They have the ability to understand understanding, compassion and empathy. Among them are many scientists and engineers, and they also solve crosswords. As you can see, not a bad option.

If the index finger is longer than nameless, then a person has such qualities as self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency. Such men love loneliness and annoyed when they are worried about trifling reasons. They are not against raising relationships, but they prefer the initiative to show the second side. Appreciate attention to yourself and love when they are praised.

If the index and the nameless fingers have the same length, then such a man is peaceful, good-natured and tries to avoid conflict situations. At the same time, such individuals are usually organized, disciplined and easily found a common language with others. In relations, they are usually true to their partner. To pour them out, a very serious occasion is required.

It is curious that the stronger the dimensions of the index and nameless fingers differ, the more aggressively behave representatives of the strong sex. Such conclusions were obtained following the results of a 20-day study, which was attended by 155 people. Men and women communicated with each other for five minutes, after which they were asked to fill the questionnaires, where they evaluated the interlocutor.

It is probably the whole thing in the testosterone level - than it is higher, the smaller the difference in the length of the index and nameless fingers. It was the lack of testosterone that makes men with grump and aggressive in relation to the opposite sex, psychologists consider. They also add that according to statistics, men with the same fingers are more adapted for family life and they have more children.

Chiromantia for "Teapots"

As for the notorious patterns on the palms, it is not necessary to be a professional chiromerant to say something about a person.

For example, people suffering from various pathologies of psyche and the nervous system, skin patterns, including on the palms, have certain features - as a rule, on both hands they are practically symmetrical, which is usually not observed in healthy. If an experienced chiromant looks at the hand of such a person, not even seeing his face, he will immediately say who in front of him - for example, Zaika, Lefty, neurotic or psychopath. And this is true even for newborn children, whose notes have not yet been manifested.

However, your business is not to diagnose, but to make an idea of \u200b\u200byour visa. Try under some pretext to see both of his palms - and you will understand whether it is worth having something with him. Do not forget to also pay attention to the shape of his hands and the length of the fingers.

At the first meeting with a person it is difficult to understand who in front of you, because most people over the years of life are getting used to hide their shortcomings and vices from others. But how then to identify a possible psychopath or a different unpleasant person, before the negative features break out a powerful flicker stream?

Help in recognition of hidden qualities of a person will help you the length of the value of this parameter is often underestimated or simply ignored. For this - countless chiromers and other anti-scientific figures that promote their suspicious teachings.

But the view is that hands cannot tell anything about the inner world of a person - a big mistake. Psychology claims that hands can well describe the inner world of their owner, you just need to know what to pay attention to.

Hand behavior

The first thing worth paying attention is the movements of your interlocutor's hands. If he hides his arms behind his back, trying to hide them in some other way, then this person is definitely unsure of himself or doubt him.

Tightly folded hands say that the conversation is unpleasant to the interlocutor or he does not want to share with you personal conclusions, tell something about himself.

If a person does not know where to play his hands, he constantly moves into them some objects, the joints kneads or simply sticks it, then there is a problem with the nervous system or your interlocutor is trying to hide some strong emotions. If a person actively gesticulates when talking, then this is a faithful sign of its location, a living interest in the issue under discussion.


Information about the interlocutor can give not only the length of the fingers of the hands, the value of the handshake is also very large. For example, if a handshake is sluggish and weak, then in front of you, most likely, a slightly accuracy, spoiled person. Excessively strong handshake - by no means a sign of a strong and confident individual, it is rather imitation of these qualities in order to hide weakness and uncertainty.

Many familiar with a sharp, careless handshake made as if by chance. This is the usual feature of an indifferent business person, for which the handshake does not matter, because he is in a hurry on important affairs.

Shape palm

Palm shape can tell a lot about a person. Of course, the focus has the length of the fingers on the hands, the value of which is very large. But you do not need to forget that the fingers are growing out of the palm.

The general shape of the palm can reveal the most vivid character traits.

A wide, rustic hand with the fingers of the wrong shape often belongs to a person with a low level of intelligence and the simplest interests.
Such people are sedentible, they are injured and interested in mainly primitive occupations. On the contrary, the oblong, elegant shape with a long palm and long, sophisticated fingers produces sensual, artistic nature. Usually owners of such hands of talented or have a tendency to artistic activity.

Which is sometimes called philosophical, has long fingers, but not a lot of long palm, it is also possible to determine the total angularity and unevenness of the forms.

A man with such a palm is inclined to deeply conclusions and looks at the world through the prism of calm and prudence. Such hands often belong to writers, musicians, philosophers, thinkers.

The square shape of the hand is often found in reliable purposeful realists. A man with a square shape of the palm is stubborn in labor, perhaps and brave. Although his imagination is poorly developed, but he is a reliable and loyal friend and associate. Another type similar to the previous one is the vopotoxic palm. The type of person is also largely similar to the square counterfeit, it dare, energetic and reliable.

What does the length of the fingers speak on the hands

The length of the fingers is one of the most important criteria in the preparation of a psychological portrait on the hand of the interlocutor. Psychology has long been engaged in this issue, a lot of experienced data on this topic has been collected. Studies have shown that there are significant differences between people with long fingers and their short-sorodi. The differences between these types are so significant that it is not even believed. Below are the main properties associated with the fingertips of the fingers.

Long fingers

Thinking about what the length of the fingers of his hands is saying, everyone recalls examples from their own life. So everyone has the opportunity to compare theses generally accepted in psychology with their own experience.

Usually, people with an analytical alive mind are endowed with long fingers, however have some drawbacks. They can be talented and sophisticated personalities, but with a rather bad character. A man with long fingers can be too attentive to trifles, even if they have no practical value.

Also, such people are distinguished by reasonable and decisions. They will better think better than the inner gusts. Sometimes there is an unnaturally large length of the fingers in his arms. The meaning of this outstanding sign can be sufficiently negative - such hands often belong to the unprincipled Deltsy, ready to step over anyone for the sake of profit.

Short fingers

Holders of short fingers of gusts and energetic. Communication with them is easy and nice. Good and open people often have a small length of fingers. The value of this type of palm can also be interpreted as a person's tendency to rapid and impulsive actions. However, too short fingers most often found on the hands of inconsolable, foolish people. But you should not hurry to write in the fools of everyone, whose fingers seemed to you short, because these are just common observations, which sometimes can be exactly opposite to objective reality.

What does the length of the fingers on the hands of men

The length of the fingers of a man can talk about how strongly testosterone has influenced him during intrauterine development. Certain features of behavior can be revealed by comparing the length of some of the fingers among themselves. For example, the smaller the difference between the length of the middle and index fingers, the easier it is to build relationships with a man. The big difference between these fingers indicates the strong impact of testosterone, which makes the subject rougher and independent. If the number of actuating testosterone was low, then the man will become a caring and sensitive partner. In the family with such a husband there will be more harmony and tranquility, because it is easier to compromise and less aggressive.

The difference between the nameless finger and the little finger can tell about the loyalty of the man. The more this difference, the higher the likelihood of treason, which is also a wines of testosterone. The higher the amount of testosterone, impact on a man during the period of development, the higher his sexual license, as a result, a tendency to treason. But this does not mean that such men change to the right and left, because a person is not a robot, a loving husband can easily resist the power of cunning hormones.

What does the length of the fingertips of the hands say

The results of the study of the length of female fingers are not too different from male. So, for example, if a woman has a long ring finger, it speaks of a large number of sexual partners, but not always.

Also, scientists found out that women with uniform fingertips on hand have more chances to start a strong, stable family, give birth to many children. And women with a long nameless finger besides a tendency to treason, have high chances to love unconventional sexual bonds. And here, as in men, all wines Testosterone, taming the mind with its destructive influence.

Hand Finger Length at different ages

Many parents are interested in what the length of the fingers on the hands of the child speaks. Thus, they want to seem to know the tendency of their children, in order to provide him with the best conditions for development. At the moment, scientists have established that the length and ratio of fingers can only tell about the effects of testosterone on the fetus during pregnancy. This, naturally, will impose an appropriate imprint on the character of a small person, regardless of the floor.

Of course, you should not put a cross on your baby only because the length of his fingers does not suit you, because in addition to hormones on the formation of character, many other factors are influenced, such as education, first sexual experience and so on. Therefore, the length of the fingers from the child signals the same, as he says the length of the fingers on the hands in an adult.

Decorations on her arms

In addition to the physiological features of the palm, something can clarify the decorations that the subject wears on the fingers. Each finger is responsible for different traits of character, so the tendency to decorate certain fingers of the hands can provide a lot of information to the observational person. Of course, such information only gives that it is possible to take this note, but you should not fully trust such information. What is the length of the fingers in the hands of women, we have already learned. What do the decorations testify?

For example, he speaks of a person's desire to increase the importance of his "I". To highlight the thumb is not easy, so the desire must be very strong. A brightly decorated thumb can issue a egoist who adores his person and wanting to receive more attention and recognizing others.

Excessive decoration of the index finger characterizes its owner as a powerful, harsh person.

No sporty rulers loved to wear beautiful massive robusts on the index fingers, so they tried to emphasize their power, increase the importance of their personality.

Middle finger - status indicator in society. Those who love to decorate it are trying to increase their social status, get more influence in society. Hence the offensive gesture occurred when a man shows a middle finger. Thus, he seems to say that his position is higher, and the one who is intended to this gesture is much lower on the social staircase. Massive bright emphasize and increase the social status of their owner.

No sport is used to wear wedding rings. It symbolizes the sensual component of human nature. Decorations on an unnamed finger reflect feelings and emotions, talk about the inner world of man.

The little finger usually decorate enough unusual personality. This gesture, designed to emphasize the uniqueness, feature. Many celebrities decorated this finger to show their dissimilarity on the gray mass. However, the decoration of the nameless finger can mean only the desire to stand out, and not the real state of affairs.

Length of finger hands, value. Psychology

In conclusion, I would like to say that even psychology and is engaged in the relationship of human and character's palm relationship, this area is not yet well studied. There are no accurate, systematized data on this topic, despite the huge number of experiments. Therefore, it is not necessary to be upset if the shape of the palm reports something bad about you or your loved ones. After all, the length of the fingers of the hand is not important. The value that the chiromarts and some psychologists give this indicator should not confuse you. It is much more correct to find out a person closer to draw up an opinion about him, and not to escape from him in horror only because you have seen unacceptable traits of character in his hands.

Narrow aristocratic palms, long nervous fingers talk about the mind, a complex nervous organization, fine sensitivity, sexual sensuality. People with such hands are most often available. Much is available: analysis and coverage of the situation as a whole, forecasting upcoming events, creative principle. They have a strongly developed intuition and aesthetic taste, vividly accented qualities of the leader. Among them, you can often meet doctors and inventors, as well as artists, poets, musicians and people of other creative professions.

In men with long fingers, and especially nameless, many chances of success among the opposite sex. Beautiful male hands attract women. It is not surprising that men with such hands often have a reputation of women and prone to treason.

In women with long well-groomed fingers and narrow palms there is an increased self-esteem and strict demanding partner, a tendency to whims and romance. An elongated ring finger speaks of a thin sensuality and the desire to diversify his intimate life. Usually such women are excellent mistresses and secular lionesses, and if there are modests, then those they say: "in the still waters and devils are found."

Thin long fingers talk about light vulnerability and aggravated pride. Such people often accompany light melancholy, they are inclined to disappointment, depression and misantropy. Negative manifestations may be self-named, a tendency to excess fluctuations in decision-making, the desire to rule over people, and sometimes about the sarcastic nature, prone to psychological sadism.

We will see every finger separately

Long, Relief and Developed thumb Specifies to high intelligence, tendency to calculated risk, about the abilities for creativity and business, the ability to command, manage people, and even manipulate them in their own interests.

Forefinger Heads about ambitions, about the attitude with employees, close and acquaintances. The longer the index - the authoritarian behaves man. If the index finger is longer than everyone else, a person most likely has dictatorial peasants, manifests intolerance to any opinion that contradicts his point of view. The desire for power, secret flavors and unrestrained dominance - this is what a too long index finger can tell.

Middle finger associated with intelligence and spiritual stem. The longer it is, the harder the person beliefs, the more stable value. If the middle finger is longer than everyone else, a person can have a strong spiritual rod, life force and flexible, powerful intelligence.

And elongated little fingerspeaks about the abilities for oratory art, the ability to convince the interlocutor, as well as about the beautiful sense of humor. True, the shadow side may be excessive peelingness, unreleased irony.

Long fingers and probable diseases

What else will be told long fingers? On potential diseases that are more often susceptible to the holders of long fingers. The fact is that the growth of fingers in men is influenced by testosterone, and in women - estrogen. The length of the fingers can tell about the hormonal balance, and accordingly that the person can tides.

People with long unnamed fingers are more at risk of sick with arthrosis, more often sick with colds, vulnerable to windmill, rubella, measles. But the probability of heart attack and stroke is reduced.

Long index finger in women is associated with an elevated content of estrogen in the body. This affects not only the character, not an angelic, powerful and intolerant. Such women have an increased likelihood of the development of diseases associated with the sexual sphere, as well as a tendency to breast tumors. In men with a long index finger, there are most often myocardial infarction, the probability of stroke is increased. And in women, and in men with such a sign there may be allergies, bronchial asthma and vulnerable lungs.

Of course, to give a characteristic person, leaning only for the length of his fingers, it is necessary to extremely carefully, without speaking conclusions. It is best to test your observations with a closer acquaintance.

Thin, thick or curves fingers on their hands - this is all subsection by which it is easy to calculate the traits of the character of any person. Find out what you mean a variety of types of shape, thickness, lengths, and even the location of the fingers on your hands.

In the article:

What will tell about the character curves fingers on their hands

Curved fingers in the hands are not so often. Like the shape, length and location of the fingers, the curvature also has its meaning. It is not worth underestimating him, because a person with the curves of fingers can be in a circle of communication of any person. If you wish to know what to expect from this, read the value.

Before interpreting the value of the curves of the fingers, you should look at the common one. The knowledge of the novice about the Chiromantia is quite enough to understand what it is in general. If for the most part positively, then the curvature of the fingers speaks about irritability. With a negative forecast on the lines on the hand, it is a sign of embitrability, hatred, perhaps even a tendency to crime.

If your fingers are twisted towards the outer part of the palm, it indicates curiosity, sociability and kindness of a person. If they are twisted towards the inside of the palm, before you - an extremely cautious person.

What are thin and thick fingers

Not only thickness, but also the length of the fingers. If you have a short thumb on your hand, and the remaining fingers are long and perhaps even another form, you are inherent in all the character traits that match everyone found signs.

The person who has long and thin fingers can pay attention to the little things. He is attentive, you can even call him meticulous. This is a good employee, if the position occupied by him is required high intelligence. However, it is completely deprived of intuition, it takes solutions using only logical thinking. Despite the logicality, there is a tendency to creativity and love for art. Such a person may well become journalist, artist, musician. Dotoshness allows him to become an excellent editor or construction manager, project developer.

Long and thick fingers are a sign of high intelligence and a bright creative component. This feature of the hands makes it possible to achieve the vertices of the selected profession, as well as the ability to skillfully manage people. Personality with such a promise has chances to become a large political figure, religious leader, a great priest, inventor or world-class celebrity.

Thin and short fingers on their hands point to a person who quickly masters new skills. He often visits inspiration, and he directs his energy to creation. Such a person is a good leader who are satisfied and subordinates and bosses. However, it is not able to pay attention to the little things and the pitfall stones. Most often such people are engaged commerce, policies, management and finance, over time they can open their own enterprise And work on yourself.

Thick and short fingers on their hands - a sign of a person who most values. He is unreliable because it seeks the benefits in the first place, and in the second one thinks about those who have to bring. It is usually low qualifications, but he has enough determination, patience and training for training. Works most often in sales.

Finger length and human character

The simplest test about the character on the fingers - along the length of the fingers relative to each other. It is necessary to compare the length of the index and nameless fingers. It takes this just a few minutes, but it will give a complete understanding of the main character of the character of a person.

Type A.If the index is shorter than Unnamed, it indicates the attractiveness and charisma of its owner. It is pleasant in communication and knows how to impress. He has many friends, because an excellent character, the ability to empathize and listen to almost everything. Most likely, the person in question is characterized by decisiveness and ability to risk. He easily solves all the problems and quickly achieves financial success. The developed mind allows such people becomes skillful engineers and scientists. They love intellectual entertainment and never stop learning to get a diploma.

Type B. If the index finger is longer than the nameless, this is a sign of self-sufficiency and self-confidence. Before you is a loner, it is unlikely that he will be glad if his someone bother, hindering enjoying solitude. Such people are not from those who make the first steps towards relations and even in business and affairs. If you need to cooperate with one of them, you will have to be initiative. Attention and praise, such people appreciate.

Type S. If the length of the fingers is the same, in front of you a good-natured and peace-loving person. Such people do not like to enter into conflicts and try to avoid quarrels. They prefer to maintain friendship with everyone. Such personality distinguishes the organization, loyalty and dedication. These are reliable husbands and consistently working for several years in a row at the same enterprise employees. Despite the friendliness, it is dangerous to harm such a person - he is rarely angry, but if he will release emotions, many will suffer.

What will tell the shape of the fingertips on the hands

Determine the character on the fingers is easy, if you look at the shape of the fingers.

  1. Square fingers are most often found at the short-dealing materialists. Before you - a landed person, which appreciates only the material benefits. It is conservative and hardly free to surprises. Such people often consider boring, but they have good qualities and they have practicality and focus on success.
  2. The conical fingers indicate the sensuality and emotionality of the person. There is some idealistic. If the owner of square fingers sufficiently striving to obtain material goods, then with a person who has a conical form is more difficult. In order for it to work productively, it needs a pleasant atmosphere and a friendly team. This man loves to self-improve, he is not alien to intellectual pleasures. He likes to read, visit museums and exhibitions, as well as travel.
  3. The pointed form of fingers suggests that in front of you is an emotional, sensitive and even nervous person. It is easy to make an impression on it. This person often visits inspiration, but it quickly replaces disappointment in the case, which she worked. There is a tendency to egoism and power, leadership abilities. If such a person becomes the boss, he will have a reputation as a severe, but a fair boss. He loves to be in the spotlight and has many friends.
  4. Similar to drops of finger tips indicate the kindness, sensuality and emotionality of their owner. He is a real altruist who wishes to help all mankind. If you do not know who to ask for help, contact a person with your fingers, it will never refuse, even if you do not feel about his loved ones. This man has exacerbated intuition, so the fraudsters do not use his kindness. He loves animals, nature and tries to make the world around himself better.
  5. Vopotoxic shape is a sign of an increased level of vital energy. Such a person needs new ideas and vivid impressions. Boredom and monotoncy introduce it into depression. Without constant change of the situation and new classes, this person will be able to live long. It is distinguished by increased performance, but the office routine will quickly bother. Such a person is skeptical, peculiar and eccentric. Most of all, it is suitable for creative professions or connected with permanent business trips.

Character on the fingers on hand - their location

Not only the shape of the fingers on hand can tell about the character of a person, but also their location relative to the palm. Pay attention to the border between the palm and fingers, their bases. If you form a straight line, it speaks of increditation and egoism. The owner of such a hand is used to acting only in his personal interests. He does not like to listen to someone else's opinion and it is unlikely to help disinterestedly. A risking to tie relations with such an personality will have to constantly fall by its interests.