What is the name of a drawing of geometric shapes. Practical psychology. Projective techniques

What is the name of a drawing of geometric shapes.  Practical psychology.  Projective techniques
What is the name of a drawing of geometric shapes. Practical psychology. Projective techniques



Projective graphic technique for personality research. Designed to identify individual typological differences.

The subject is invited to draw a human figure three times (on separate sheets) sequentially, each time composed of 10 elements, among which there may be triangles, circles, squares. The "degree of freedom" of the subject lies in the fact that he can use a different number of circles, triangles and squares, but the total number of figures should be equal to 10 in each drawing.

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. The triangle is usually referred to as a "sharp", "offensive" figure associated with masculine... The circle is a streamlined figure, more in tune with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. It is easier to build something from square-shaped elements than others, therefore a square, a rectangle are interpreted as a specific technical constructive figure, a "technical module".

There are eight main types of personalities:

1. "Leader".

2. "Responsible executor.

3. "Anxious and suspicious"

4. "Scientist".

5. "Intuitive".

6. "Inventor, designer, artist".

7. "Emotive".

8. Has the opposite tendency emotive type.

This technique is used in domestic psychodiagnostics. The most complete data were obtained in the studies of E.S. Romanova. Her own empirical research, in which more than two thousand drawings were obtained and analyzed, showed that the ratio of various elements in structural drawings is not accidental. She believes that a more subtle analysis of the data obtained is possible, which makes it possible to single out the typology of the "second level", in which 63 subtypes are distinguished with the corresponding psychological characteristics. The results obtained were compared by E.S. Romanova with indicators Luscher color of choice by test, indicators of temperament according to questionnaires G. Aysenka, V.M. Rusalov (see. temperament questionnaire Rusalov) and with test data "Wood".


Features of the testing procedure:


The subjects are offered three sheets of paper 10x10 cm in size, each sheet is numbered and signed. On sheet No. 1, the first test drawing is performed, then, respectively, on sheet No. 2 - the second, on sheet No. 3 - the third. After completing the three figures, the data is processed. If the instruction is violated, the data is not processed.


"You need to draw a human figure made up of 10 elements, among which there may be triangles, circles, squares. You can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size, superimpose on top of each other as needed. It is important that all of these three elements in the image of a person were present, and the sum of the total number of shapes used was ten. large quantity shapes, then you need to cross out the extra ones, if you used less than ten shapes, you need to finish the missing ones. "

Post-picture conversation:

The technique can serve as a good mediator in the process of communication between a counselor psychologist and a supervised one. When reporting an individual-typical characteristic, it is possible, based on the peculiarities of image construction, to ask the following questions (which are usually answered in the affirmative):

• if you have a neck - "Are you a vulnerable person, does it happen that you are too easily offended?"

ushey - "Are you considered a person who knows how to listen?"

• a pocket on a person's body: "Do you have children?"

• on the head of a "hat" in the form of a square or a triangle in one drawing: "You, apparently, made a forced concession and are annoyed at this?"; if there is a "hat" in all three images: "Can we say that you are now experiencing a" streak of constrained position? "

• a fully drawn face: "Do you consider yourself a sociable person?"

• One mouth on your face: "Do you like to talk?"

• Only one nose: "Are you sensitive to smells, do you like perfume?"

image of a circle on the body: "Does your concern include the need to give orders to someone?"


Data processing is carried out as follows: the number of triangles, circles and squares spent in the image of a person is calculated (for each figure separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds will denote the number of triangles, tens - the number of circles, and units - the number of squares. These three-digit numbers make up the so-called "drawing formula", according to which drawers are assigned to the corresponding types and subtypes.


Type I - "leader".

Picture formulas: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

Type II - "responsible executor.

Picture formulas: 406, 415, 424,433, 442, 451, 460.

IV type - "scientist".

Picture formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370.

V type - "intuitive".

Picture formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280.

Picture formulas: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046.

VII type - "emotive".

Picture formulas: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

Picture formulas: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109.


Preference-based typology geometric shapes, allows you to form a kind of "system" of individual-typological differences (see table. 1).

Table 1

The system of individual psychological differences identified during the execution of constructive drawings based on the preference for geometric shapes


Type I - "leader". Usually these are people with a penchant for leadership and organizational activities, focused on socially significant norms of behavior, may have the gift of good storytellers, based on high level speech development... They have good adaptation in the social sphere, domination over others is kept within certain limits. Such people usually choose green color(according to M. Luscher) and draw a "Christmas tree" in the "Tree" test.

Picture formulas: 901,910, 802,811, 820,703,712,721,730, 604,613,622,631,640.

Dominance over others is most severely expressed in subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820; situationally - 703, 712, 721, 730; when speaking on people - the verbal leader or "teaching subtype" - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. At a high level of development, the individual features of development, realizable, are well understood. At a low level, they can be detected in professional activity and present situationally, worse, if not adequate to situations. This applies to all characteristics.

Type II - "responsible executor"- has many traits of the "manager" type, being disposed to him, however, hesitation is often present in making responsible decisions. This type of people is more focused on "the ability to do business", high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and exactingness towards oneself and others, highly values ​​righteousness, i.e. characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. They often suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overstrain.

Picture formulas: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

III type - "anxious and suspicious"- is characterized by a variety of abilities and giftedness - from fine manual skills to literary giftedness. Usually people of this type are closely within the framework of one profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected, also have a hobby, which is essentially a second profession.

Physically intolerant of clutter and dirt. Usually they conflict with other people because of this. They are characterized by increased vulnerability and some of them doubt themselves. Need gentle reassurance.

Formulas for drawings: 406, 415, 424,433, 442, 451, 460. In addition, 415 - "poetic subtype" - usually persons who have such a formula for drawing have poetic giftedness; 424 is a subtype of people recognizable by the phrase "How can it work badly? I can't imagine how it can work badly." People of this type are distinguished by particular thoroughness in their work.

IV type - "scientist"... These people easily abstract from reality, have a "conceptual mind", are distinguished by the ability to develop "all" their theories. They usually have peace of mind and rationally think over their behavior.

Picture formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370. Subtype 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, mostly global, or to carry out large and complex coordination work; 325 is a subtype characterized by a great enthusiasm for the knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, and medicine.

Representatives of this type are often found among people involved in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theater and entertainment directing, animation, etc.

V type - "intuitive"... People of this type are very sensitive. nervous system, its high exhaustion. Easier to work on switchability from one activity to another, usually act as "advocates for the minority" behind which there are new opportunities. Possess increased sensitivity to novelty. Altruistic, often caring for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imagination, which makes it possible to practice technical types creativity. Usually they develop their own moral standards, have internal self-control, i.e. prefer self-control, reacting negatively to encroachments on their freedom.

Picture formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280. Subtype 235 - often found among professional psychologists or individuals with an increased interest in human psychology; 244 - has the ability to literary creation; 217 - has the ability to inventive activity; 226 - a great need for novelty, usually sets very high criteria for achievement for itself.

VI type - "inventor, designer, artist"... It is often found among people with a "technical streak". These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engaged in different kinds technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. More often introverted, just like intuitive type, live by their own moral norms, do not accept any influences from outside, except for self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Picture formulas: 109,118,127,136,145,019,028,037,046. Subtype 109 is found among people with good audience skills; 118 - the type with the most pronounced design possibilities and the ability to invention.

VII type - "emotive"... They have heightened empathy for others, have a hard time experiencing "cruel film shots", may be "unsettled" for a long time and be shocked by cruel events. The pains and concerns of other people find participation, empathy and empathy in them, for which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result, it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities.

Picture formulas: 550,451,460,352,361,370,253,262,271, 280,154, 163,172,181,190,055, 064,073,082,091.

VIII type - has the opposite tendency to the emotive type... Usually does not feel the experiences of other people or treats them with inattention, or even increases the pressure on people. If this good specialist, then he can force others to do what he sees fit. Sometimes it is characterized by "callousness", which arises situationally, when, for some reason, a person closes in the circle of his own problems.

Picture formulas: 901,802,703,604,505,406,307,208,109.

Equipment: three sheets of 10 x 10 cm, the sheets are numbered as the drawings are completed.

Instructions... You need to draw three human shapes, using 10 elements for each, which may include triangles, squares and circles. You can enlarge, shrink these shapes, superimpose them on top of each other.

Data processing... For each figure, the number of triangles, circles, squares spent in the image of a person is separately calculated, the results are written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds are the number of triangles, tens are the number of circles, and units are the number of squares. Thus, the "drawing formula" is displayed, according to which the drawing people are assigned to the corresponding types and subtypes.

For example: After counting, it turned out that 4 squares, 5 triangles and 1 circle were spent. Therefore, the "picture formula" is the number 514, which corresponds to the "Leader" type.

Interpretation of results.

1st type "leader"... These are people with a penchant for leadership work, organizational activities. They are focused on socially significant norms of behavior, they can have a good storytelling gift associated with a high level of speech development. Have good adaptation to social sphere, dominance over others is kept within certain limits.

Picture formulas: 901, 910, 802.811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 730, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

Dominance is most severely expressed in subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, “situationally: 703, 712, 721, 730, when speaking on people: verbal leader or teaching type”: 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

The 2nd type has many features of the "manager" type, however, he often hesitates when making decisions, especially responsible ones.

This type of people is more focused on the ability to "do business", high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and exactingness towards themselves and people, highly values ​​righteousness, i.e. characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often they suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of anxiety.

Picture formulas: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550.

3rd type "anxious and suspicious", is characterized by a variety of abilities and endowments from delicate manual skills to literary talent.

Usually, people of this type are cramped within the framework of one profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected one, and also have a hobby, which, in fact, is a second profession. Physically they do not tolerate clutter and dirt, they usually conflict with others because of this. They are characterized by increased vulnerability and often doubt themselves. Need gentle reassurance.

Picture formulas: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460.

In addition, 415 is a "poetic subtype", usually people who have such a drawing formula have poetic giftedness: 424 is a subtype of people recognizable by the phrase: How can you work badly. People of this subtype are particularly careful in their work.

4-type "scientist"... These people easily abstract themselves from reality, have a "conceptual mind", are distinguished by the ability to develop "their theories" for all. Usually possess peace of mind and think through their behavior rationally.

Picture formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370.

Subtype 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, mostly global, or to carry out large-scale coordination work.

The 325th subtype is characterized by a passion for the process of cognition of life, health, biological disciplines, and medicine.

5-type "intuitive"... People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, high degree her exhaustion. It is easier to work when switching from one activity to another, usually acting as “advocates for the minority”, behind which there are new opportunities. They have an increased susceptibility to novelty. Altruistic, often caring for others, have good manual skills and a rich imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical types of creativity. Usually they develop their own standards of morality, prefer self-control, reacting negatively to encroachments concerning their freedom.

Picture formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280.

Subtype 235 is common among professional psychologists or individuals with an increased interest in human psychology;

244 - has the ability literary creation;

217 - the ability to inventive activity; 226 - has a great need for novelty, usually sets very high criteria for achievement.

6 type "inventor, designer, artist"... It is often found among people with a "technical streak". These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engaged in a variety of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity... Most often they are of the type of introverts, live by their own moral norms, do not accept any influences from outside, preferring self-control, emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Picture formulas: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046.

Subtype 109 is found among people who know the audience well.

The 118th subtype has the most pronounced design capabilities and aptitude for invention.

7 type "emotive"... They have heightened empathy towards other people, have a hard time experiencing "cruel" film frames, can be unsettled for a long time and shaken by cruel events. The pains and concerns of other people make them compassionate and sympathetic, for which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result of which it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities.

Picture formulas: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073, 082, 091.

8 type - the opposite of the "emotive type"... Usually does not feel the experiences of other people or treats them with inattention and even increases the pressure on them. If this is a good specialist, then he can force others to do what he sees fit. Sometimes he is characterized by callousness, which arises situationally, when, for some reason, a person closes in the circle of his own problems.

Picture formulas: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109.

It should be borne in mind that the first drawing is the dominant type, the second is the type that is present as a state, and the third is future perspectives.


Anne Mahoney, a graphologist from San Francisco, proposed a test in which it was necessary to arrange the figures (circle, square, triangle) and a broken line in order of preference. In the original interpretation of the proposed figures, the following formula was assumed. The circle is a symbol meaning approval, sensuality, friendly attitude, playfulness. A square means a sense of security, a predominance in the nature of logic, a practical approach to reality, a desire to create a solid base. The triangle symbolizes aggression and is preferred by people who value their own success over emotional involvement and cannot sit still. A broken line means the presence of imagination; those who are dominated by them value individuality and reject routine. They are often passionate about foreign culture, philosophy, poetry, music and evaluate other people based on internal qualities, and not because of their social status.

V domestic literature there is a modification of this test made by A.V. Libin. The interpretation given in this book is based on this publication and its own empirical material.

The purpose of the test: identification of individual-typological differences.

Material: the subjects are offered three sheets of paper! 0 x 10 cm, each sheet is numbered and signed. The first test drawing is performed on sheet No. 1; further, respectively, on sheet No. 2 - the second, on sheet No. 3 - the third. After completing the three figures, the data is processed. If the instructions are violated, the material is not processed.

Data processing is carried out as follows: the number of triangles, circles and squares spent in the image of a man is counted (for each figure separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds denote the number of triangles, tens denote the number of circles, and units denote the number of squares. These three-digit numbers make up the so-called "drawing formula", according to which drawers are assigned to the corresponding types and subtypes, which are presented in the table (see below).

Interpretation of data. Own empirical research, in which more than 2 thousand drawings were obtained and analyzed, showed that the ratio of various elements in structural drawings is not accidental. The analysis allows identifying 8 main types, which correspond to the typological characteristics described below.

Note. Types are the most widely differing characteristics of an individual; subtypes included in one type or another, in general outline correlate with the characteristics of the type, however, they also have their own specific features.

The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. The triangle is usually referred to as a "sharp", "offensive" figure associated with the masculine principle. The circle is a streamlined figure, more in tune with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. It is easier to build something from elements of a square shape than from others, therefore a square, a rectangle are interpreted as specifically technical constructive figures, "technical modules" (Fig. 1-3).

Typology based on the preference for geometric shapes allows you to form a kind of "system" of individual-typological differences:


1 -th type - "leader". Usually these are people with a penchant for leadership and organizational activities. They are focused on socially significant norms of behavior, they can have the gift of good storytellers, based on a high level of speech development. They have good adaptation in the social sphere, domination over others is kept within certain limits. Usually choose a green color (according to M. Luscher) and draw a Christmas tree in the "Tree" test.

Picture formulas: 901,910, 802,811,820,703,712,721,730, 604,613,622, 631,640.

Dominance over others is most severely expressed in subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820; situationally - at 703, 712, 721, 730; when speaking on people - the verbal leader or "teaching subtype" - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level mental development... At a high level of development, individual traits are developed, realizable, and well understood. At a low level of development, they may not be detected in professional activity, but to be present situationally, is worse if inadequate to situations. This applies to all characteristics.

2nd type - "responsible executor"- has many features of the "leader" type, however, there are often hesitations in making responsible decisions. This type of people is more focused on "the ability to do business", high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and exactingness towards oneself and others, highly values ​​righteousness, that is, is characterized by an increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often suffers from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overstrain. Picture formulas: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550. 3rd type - "anxious and suspicious"- characterized by a variety of abilities and giftedness - from fine manual skills to literary talent. Usually people of this type sleep within the framework of one profession, they can change it to

quite the opposite and unexpected, to have a hobby, which in fact is a second profession. Physically intolerant of clutter and dirt. Usually they conflict with other people because of this. They are characterized by increased vulnerability and often doubt themselves. Need gentle reassurance.

Picture formulas: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460.

In addition, 415 - "poetic subtype" - usually persons with such a drawing formula have poetic giftedness; 424 is a subtype of people recognizable by the phrase: “How can you work badly? I can't imagine how bad it is to work. " People of this type are distinguished by particular thoroughness in their work.

4 -th type - "scientist". These people easily abstract themselves from reality, have a "conceptual mind", are distinguished by the ability to develop their theories "for all occasions". They usually have peace of mind and rationally think over their behavior.

Picture formulas: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370.

Subtype 316 is characterized by the ability to create theories, predominantly global, or to carry out large and complex coordination work; 325th - characterized by a great passion for knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, medicine.

Representatives of this type are often found among people involved in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theater and entertainment directing, animation, etc.

5 -th type - "intuitive". People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, its high exhaustion. Easier to work on switchable ™ from one activity to another, usually act as advocates of the minority, behind which there are new opportunities. They are highly sensitive to novelty. Altruistic, often caring for others, have good manual skills and imaginative imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical types of creativity. Usually they develop their own moral standards, have internal self-control, react negatively to encroachments concerning their freedom.

Picture formulas: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280.

Subtype 235 is common among professional psychologists or individuals with an increased interest in human psychology; 244th - has the ability of literary creativity; 217th - the ability to inventive activity; 226th - a great need for novelty, usually sets very high criteria for achievement.

6th type - "inventor, designer, artist". Often found among those with a technical streak. These are people with a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engaged in various types of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. More often they are introverted, as well as the intuitive type, live by their own moral norms, do not accept any influences from outside, except for self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas.

Picture formulas: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046.

Subtype 019 is found among people who know the audience well; 118th - the type with the most pronounced design capabilities and ability to inventions.

7type - "emotive". Have increased empathy towards other people, have a hard time " brutal footage film "can be" unsettled "for a long time and shaken by violent events. The pains and concerns of other people find participation, empathy and compassion in them, for which they spend a lot of their own energy, as a result, it becomes difficult to realize their own abilities.

Picture formulas: 550,451,460, 352, 361, 370,253,262,271, 280, 154, 163, 172, 181, 190,055,064, 073,082,091.

8th type has a tendency opposite to emotive mu type. Usually does not feel the experiences of other people or treats them with inattention and even increases the pressure on people. If this is a good specialist, then he can force others to do what he sees fit. Sometimes he is characterized by callousness, which arises situationally, when, for some reason, a person closes in the circle of his own problems.

Picture formulas: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406.307, 208, 109 1.

Despite the relative unreliability of the diagnosis, this technique can serve as a good mediator in the process of communication between a counselor psychologist and a counselor. When reporting an individual-typical characteristic, it is possible, based on the peculiarities of image construction, to ask the following questions (which are usually answered in the affirmative):

  • 1 If these formulas coincide with formulas of types 1-6, one of the interpretations, at the discretion of the psychologist, can be considered as additional.

    with a neck- “Are you a vulnerable person; does it happen that it is too easy to offend you? ”;

  • ears -“Are you considered a person who knows how to listen?”;

  • a pocket on the body of a man -"Do you have children?";

  • on the head of a hat in the form of a square or a triangle in one drawing -“You, apparently, have made a forced concession and are annoyed at this?”; with a hat in all three images - “Can we say that you are now experiencing a“ streak of constrained position ”?

  • a fully drawn face:“Do you consider yourself a sociable person?”;

  • just one mouth on the face- "Do you like to talk?";

  • just one nose:"Are you sensitive to smells, do you love perfume?";

  • images of a mug on the body of a man -“Are you currently taking care of an older loved one?”;

  • images of a triangle on the body of a man"Is it your concern to give orders to someone?"
So, in the process of commented communication, you can establish a trusting contact with the interlocutor.

Interpretation example

In fig. 4, a variant of the test of constructive drawings of men from geometric figures is performed. The first figure has the formula 334 and belongs to the type of "scientists" who are characterized by the ability to quickly abstract from the concrete and make generalizations leading to explanatory theories. Usually these are people whom you ask about anything - everyone knows, they try to develop theories and concepts for everything. They have a gravitation towards synthetic forms of art: theater, cinema, stage, circus, have some eccentricity in behavior, acting.

The second figure has the formula of figure 551, which is not correct, that is, the sum of the numbers is more than 10, which is often the case with scattered attention.

The third picture has the formula 433, which corresponds to the anxious and suspicious type, which is characterized by the desire for cleanliness and order; among men, this is often expressed in the cult of the "clean shirt". Dirt and mess in this type of people cause physical dislike. They have a wide range of giftedness - from literary to fine manual skills. They are usually cramped within the framework of one profession, when changing it, they

92 Practical psychology. Projective techniques
often doubt their capabilities, need gentle encouragement.

In the first figure, the neck is drawn (accented by shading), which is often the case for persons with high vulnerability; on the other two, a face is partially drawn, which more often means a higher interest in the interlocutor. In general, it is possible to note the presence of graphic abilities, as well as a significant size of the drawing, which indicates a normal physical condition and the absence of fatigue.

The first drawing represents the dominant type, the second represents the type present as a state, and the third represents future perspectives.


The technique was proposed by M. 3. Dzukarevich. By its nature, the test "Non-existent animal" is one of the projective ones. For statistical verification or standardization, the analysis result can be presented in descriptive forms. In terms of composition, this test is indicative, as the only research method is usually not used and requires combination with other methods as a battery research tool.

From the available literature it can be seen that the survey procedure is not standardized (used different sizes sheets of paper for drawing, in some cases the drawing is done with colored pencils, in others - in one color, etc.). There is no generally accepted system for evaluating a drawing.

Instructions:"Come up and draw non-existent animal and name it non-existent name ".

The position of the drawing on the sheet. Normally, the drawing is located along the midline of a vertically set sheet. It is best to take a sheet of paper that is white or slightly creamy, non-glossy. Use a medium soft pencil; you cannot draw with a pen and felt-tip pen.

The position of the picture is closer to top edge sheet (the closer, the more pronounced) is interpreted as a high self-evaluation, dissatisfaction with their position in society, lack of recognition from others, as a claim for promotion and recognition, a tendency towards self-affirmation.

The position of the picture in the lower part is the opposite tendency: self-doubt, low self-esteem, depression, indecision, disinterest in one's position in society, in recognition, lack of a tendency towards self-affirmation.

Center part of the figure(head or part replacing it). The head is turned to the right - a steady tendency towards activity, efficiency: almost everything that is pondered, planned, is carried out, or at least begins to be implemented (if not even completed.) The subject actively moves to the realization of his tendencies.

The head is turned to the left - a tendency towards reflection, towards reflection. This is not a man of action: only an insignificant part of the plans is being realized, or at least begins to be realized. Often there is also a fear of active action and indecision. (Option: lack of a tendency to action or fear of activity - should be decided additionally).

The frontal position, that is, the head is directed at the painter (at himself), is interpreted as egocentrism.

On the head there are details corresponding to the sense organs - ears, mouth, eyes. The meaning of the detail "ears" is a direct "interest in information, the significance of the opinions of others about oneself. In addition, according to other indicators and their combination, it is determined whether the subject is doing something to gain a positive assessment or only produces corresponding emotional reactions to the assessments of others (joy, pride , resentment, grief), without changing their behavior.An open mouth in combination with the tongue in the absence of a drawing of the lips is interpreted as a great speech activity (talkativeness), in combination with a drawing of the lips - as sensuality; sometimes both together. tongue and lips, especially in outline, is interpreted as the ease of occurrence of fears and fears, mistrust Mouth with teeth - verbal aggression, in most cases - protective (snaps, bully, rude in response to a negative appeal to him, condemnation, censure). and adolescents are characterized by a circular pattern of a cut out mouth (fearfulness, anxiety feasibility).

They attach particular importance to the eyes. This is a symbol of the inherent experience of fear in a person: it is emphasized by a sharp drawing of the iris. Pay attention to the presence or absence of eyelashes. Eyelashes - hysterical demonstrative behavior; for men: feminine character traits with the drawing of the pupil and iris rarely coincide. Eyelashes - also an interest in admiration of others around the external beauty and manner of dress, giving this great importance.

The increased (in accordance with the figure as a whole) head size indicates that the subject appreciates the rational principle (possibly, erudition) in himself and those around him.

Additional details are also located on the head, for example, horns - protection, aggression. Determine by combination with other signs - claws, bristles, needles - the nature of this aggression: spontaneous or defensive-response. Feathers - a tendency towards self-adornment and self-justification, towards demonstrativeness. Mane, fur, a semblance of a hairstyle - sensuality, emphasizing one's gender and sometimes orientation towards one's sexual role.

Carrying, supporting part of the figure(legs, paws, sometimes - a pedestal). The thoroughness of this part is considered in relation to the size of the entire figure and in shape:

a) thoroughness, deliberation, rationality of the
decision making, ways to conclusions, forming judgment, support
on material provisions and significant information;

b) superficial judgments, frivolity in conclusions and neo-
frantic judgment, sometimes the impulsiveness of making decisions
sheniya (especially in the absence or almost absence of legs).

Pay attention to the nature of the connection of the legs with the body: the connection is accurate, carefully or carelessly, weakly connected or not connected at all - this is the nature of control over your reasoning, conclusions, decisions. The uniformity and unidirectionality of the shape of the legs, paws, any elements of the supporting part - the conformity of judgments and attitudes in decision-making, their standard, banality. The variety in the form and position of these details - the originality of attitudes and judgments, independence and non-banality; sometimes even creativity (according to the unusual form) or dissent (closer to pathology).

Parts that rise above the level of the figure. They can be functional or decorative: wings, additional legs, tentacles, details of the shell, feathers, bows like curls - curls; floral-functional details - energy of coverage different areas human activity, self-confidence, "self-propagation" with indelicate and indiscriminate oppression of others, or curiosity, a desire to participate as much as possible in more the affairs of others, the conquest of a place in the sun, enthusiasm for their activities, the courage of enterprises (according to the meaning of the symbol-detail - wings or tentacles, etc.). Decorating details - demonstrativeness, a tendency to attract the attention of others, mannerism (for example, a horse or its nonexistent likeness in a peacock feather sultan).

Tails. They express their attitude to their own actions, decisions, conclusions, to their verbal production - judging by whether these tails are turned to the right (on the sheet) or to the left. Turned to the right - attitude to their actions and behavior. Left - attitude to your thoughts, decisions; to missed opportunities, own indecision. The positive or negative coloring of this attitude is expressed by the direction of the tails up (confidently, positively, cheerfully) or by a falling downward movement (dissatisfaction with oneself, doubt in one's own righteousness, regret about what was done, what was said, repentance, etc.). Pay attention to tails, which consist of several, sometimes repeating links, to especially bushy tails, especially long and sometimes branched ones.

The contours of the figure. They are analyzed by the presence or absence of protrusions (such as shields, shells, needles), drawing and darkening of the contour line. This is protection from others, aggressive - if it is done in sharp corners; with fear and anxiety - if there is a darkening, "blurring" of the contour line; with apprehension, suspicion - if shields, "barriers" are set, the line is doubled. The direction of such protection is in accordance with the spatial arrangement: the upper contour of the figure is against the superior, against persons who have the ability to impose a ban, restriction, to exercise coercion, that is, against elders, parents, teachers.
stars, chiefs, leaders; lower contour - protection against ridicule, non-recognition, lack of authority among lower subordinates, younger ones, fear of condemnation; lateral contours - undifferentiated fearfulness and readiness for self-defense of any order and in different situations; the same - the elements of "protection", located not along the contour, but inside the contour, on the body of the animal itself. On the right - more in the process of activity (real), on the left - more protection of their opinions, beliefs, tastes.

General energy. The number of details depicted is assessed - is it only the required amount to give an idea of ​​a fictitious non-existent animal (body, head, limbs or body, tail, wings, etc.): with a filled contour, without shading and additional lines and parts, just primitive contour, - or there is a generous image of not only necessary, but also additional details complicating the design. Accordingly, the more component parts and elements (besides the most essential), the higher the energy. In the opposite case - energy saving, asthenia of the body, chronic somatic illness (the same is confirmed by the nature of the line - a weak cobweb-like line, "carries" a pencil on paper without pressing it). The opposite character of the lines - the line with pressure - is not polar: it is not energy, but anxiety. You should pay attention to sharply sunken lines, visible even on back side leaf (convulsive, high tone of the muscles of the drawing hand) - sharp anxiety. Pay attention also to what detail, what symbol are executed in this way (that is, what the alarm is tied to).

Grade character the lines (line dubbing, negligence, inaccurate connections, "islands" of lines overlapping each other, blackening of parts of the drawing, "blurring", deviation from the vertical axis, stereotyped lines, etc.). Evaluation is carried out in the same way as when analyzing a pictogram. The same - the fragmentation of lines and forms, the incompleteness, the jaggedness of the drawing.

Thematically, animals are divided into threatened, threatening, neutral(likeness of a lion, hippo, wolf or bird, snail, ant, or squirrel, dog, cat). This attitude to your own person and to your "I AM", an idea of ​​one's position in the world, as if identifying oneself by significance (with a hare, a bug, an elephant, a dog, etc.). V In this case, the animal being drawn is a representative of the drawing person.

Assimilation of the animal being drawn to a person, starting with setting the animal in an upright position on two legs, instead of four or more, and ending with dressing the animal in human clothing (pants, skirts, bows, belts, dress), including on. " and paws on hands, - testifies to infantility, emotional immaturity, respectively, the degree of severity of the “humanization.” The mechanism is similar (and parallel) to the allegorical meaning of animals and their characters in fairy tales, parables, etc.

The degree of aggressiveness is expressed by the number, location and nature of the corners in the drawing, regardless of their connection with one or another detail of the image. Particularly significant in this respect are direct symbols of aggression - claws, teeth, beaks. Attention should also be paid to the accentuation of sexual characteristics - the udder, nipples, breasts with a humanoid figure, etc. This attitude to sex, up to fixation on the problem of sex.

The figure of a circle (especially - not filled with anything) is symbolized expresses a tendency towards secrecy, isolation, closeness of one's inner peace, unwillingness to give information about oneself to others, finally, unwillingness to be tested. Such figures usually provide a very limited amount of data for analysis.

Pay attention to cases of "mounting" mechanical parts into the body of an animal - placing the animal on a pedestal, tractor or tank tracks, tripod; attachment to the head of the propeller, screw; mounting an electric lamp in the eye, in the body and limbs - handles, keys and antennas. This is observed more often in patients with schizophrenia and deep schizoids.

Creative possibilities are usually expressed by the number of elements combined in the figure: banality, absence creativity take the form of a “ready-made”, existing animal (people, horses, dogs, pigs, fish), to which only a “ready-made” existing part is added so that the drawn animal becomes non-existent - a cat with wings, a fish with feathers, a dog with flippers, etc. p. Originality is expressed in the form of constructing a figure from elements, rather than whole blanks.

The name can express a rational combination of semantic parts (flying hare, "begekot", "muhozher", etc.). Another option is word formation with a book-scientific, sometimes Latin suffix or ending ("ratoletius", etc.). The first is rationality, a specific attitude in orientation and adaptation; the second is demonstrativeness, aimed mainly at demonstrating one's own intelligence, erudition, and knowledge. There are superficial-sound names, without any understanding ("lalie", "lioshana", "grateker", etc.), signifying a frivolous attitude towards others, the inability to take into account the danger signal, the presence of affective criteria in the basis of thinking, the preponderance of aesthetic elements in judgments over rational. There are also ironic and humorous names ("rinochurka", "bubble", etc.) - with a correspondingly ironic and condescending attitude towards others. Infantile names usually have repeated elements ("tru-tru", "lyu-lyu", "cous-cous", etc.). The tendency to fantasize (more often of a protective nature) is usually expressed by elongated names ("aberosynoticliron", "gulobarnikletamieshinia", etc.).

The satisfactory convergent validity of the technique was shown by establishing a connection between the results obtained with its help and the data of other personal techniques based on the material of patient examination. psychiatric clinic and persons undergoing professional selection to the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (P.V. Yan-shin, 1988, 1990). Validity is also confirmed in the differentiation of patients with neuroses and healthy (T.I. Krasko, 1995). "N.zh." - one of the most popular drawing techniques and is widely used by CIS psychologists when examining children and adults, sick and healthy, most often as an orienting technique, that is, one whose data make it possible to put forward some hypotheses about personality traits.