What does it mean when photographed closing face. What do your photos say? Slag and security

What does it mean when photographed closing face. What do your photos say? Slag and security
What does it mean when photographed closing face. What do your photos say? Slag and security

Researchers of Colombian University calculated: only 9% of people under 30 years are completely satisfied with how they are in the photos. The rest consider their poses unnatural, smiles are stretched, and the image as a whole is not relevant to true. Psychologists and photographers, on the contrary, in one voice claim: how we get in a picture, much closer to reality than the image in our head. Alexey Shakeov, Head of the photo service of the Publishing House Sanoma Independent Media, admits: one of the biggest difficulties is that a person sees himself in the mirror all his life and gets used to this image. Reflection - improved, inverted (faces of the face in the mirror are changing in places) Option of our image. A real picture can be seen only if you look at two mirrors: the secondary reflection is the most true image - for us unusual, but much more familiar to others.

Moreover , At the glance of Alexei Shakeov, during the photographing, all our clamps appear, which are not so pronounced in everyday life. His opinion shares the Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Business Coach Lyudmila Gorodnichev: "The photo is a model, the cast of behavior that we demonstrate in reality."

Love yourself

If you believe psychologists, everyone has its own photo story. We collect personal photos and on the basis of what we saw conclusions, in which angles it looks better. That is, ideally, a favorite posture should be formed, but in reality we are clamped, copy or even express the depths hidden from us the messages - faithful, gestures, gestures. Alexey Shakeov calls a favorite pose "a stereotype of his beauty," the fact that the person "would like". After all, we do not take into account the perspective in which the photographer sees us can differ significantly from perceived in mirror reflection.
Lyudmila Gorodnichev explains: how we positive, in many respects due to the appearance of our ideal I - that is, what we want to be, what we strive for. According to her, the clamps in the photographs demonstrate a deep internal conflict: a person rejects himself what it is now. I-ideal formed at the expense of the media, fashion trends, television: we dictate how we should look like we should talk. In anticipation of the moment when the camera "departs a bird", many unconsciously copy the poses popular in the respective social circles, gestures, movements. In the case of a global inconsistency of I-ideal I-real, dislike for photographing: a person is afraid to look again not like that I would like - from here stiffness, chemmery. So, first of all, you need to raise confidence, learn to take yourself with all individual features. In addition to fashion and mass media, the formation of loved ones is influenced by the desire to imitate inside us. We unconsciously imitate those who respect and who admire. Imitation is one of the ways to achieve the desired goal: thoroughly bothering to the role, you can really seem to those who want to become. This has proven its research by a group of psychologist scientists - Dana and Amy Karni, Amy Cuddy and Andy Yap. They offered to take a tested to take two postures: an open, demonstrating power and power, and a closed, showing that a person doubts himself. People who made confidence poses were more worse to risk, moreover, the level of hormones even changed in their blood.

But in the case of photography, everything is not so unequivocally: the pose need to have time to feel, make it your own, and not try to portrait for the first time in stressful conditions of shooting. Photographer Anna Makarevich believes: when we want to show themselves in a certain way, there is an internal dialogue. Where to put hands? How to put legs? What is the position to take? "The whole focus of photography is that the dialogue is external: between the camera and the object, photographer and the model, says Anna. - Internal disputes of the model in the process of shooting is always bad. It overlaps all the interaction. "

Sometimes it seems that it is not enough to take a good position in front of the lens, and then we start moving - to shift your hands, retard your leg, jump ... "Announcement in the frame - always an attempt to stand out: Dynamic objects are attracted to the attention," explains the psychologist-consultant and system therapist Elizabeth Levin. If you don't know where to put your hands in the process of photographing, it gives an excitement, as well as ignorance of his personality, inability to put yourself not only in the frame, but also in society. Lyudmila Gorodnikov confirms: "People who know and feel completely, as a rule, do not have problems with photographing: open poses and gestures, highly raised head." Jumping demonstrate an attempt to go beyond: those who jump in the photo are positive, open, creative. This is an attempt to express themselves through the movement. Lovers to be photographed this way makes sense to look at their life - is it enough in her creativity?

Hold the face

Clips in the photo are characteristic not only for the body, but also for the face. Alexey Shakeov sees the reason in the so-called "emotional dissonance": "The photographer wants to extract the emotion of fun, happiness, tenderness - a pleasant worthy of imprinting, and a person depicts something else. But not because harmful or stupid, but simply because it cannot relax. " At the time of photographing on the face, a strange mixture of emotions, which we want to show, and those feelings that really experience at this moment are manifested. American psychologists Carol Barr and Robert Klek claim: it is usually not possible to express half of the fact that, in our opinion, should be written on the face. But we demonstrate what is not aware of: for a smirk, for example, an attempt is often hiding to show themselves with a cute, harmless and decent sympathy of the creature.

Lips are generally our weak place - they tell more than we want to tell themselves. According to Lyudmila Gorodnicheyeva, lips a bow - an indicator of a weak personality, not able to withstand imposed stereotypes. It was worth the fashion for a sensual mouth, like many girls, regardless of whether it was suitable for them, they began to portray such lips. "It is again the search for the perfect me," the psychologist believes. - We catch a wave, copy the trends, but we do not think how much it matches us how our own. " Photos with pursed lips talk about internal stiffness.

Podged lips, according to Elizabeth Levina, demonstrate the desire to hide their feelings under the mask of indifference. As a rule, they appear in the photos of those who like to control the process.

The backward chin shows the degree of self-confidence. But omitted suggests that the person is suppressed, feels internal discomfort. If the chin is omitted constantly, a person may have a lot of problems.

Some love to cuddle faces, make a grimace in front of the camera. Such behavior may be the result of the work of various psychological mechanisms. The most obvious is the same copying that is mainly manifested at a young age. Comics, cartoons are filled with characters whose faces demonstrate fashion on hypertrophied ugliness. Rent a face to photography - this is also the easiest way to attract attention, show your difference from the mass of the people around. However, sometimes it works a thinner mechanism: a person seems to be a grimace in any case will look ridiculous and funny, whereas his real calm face may not seem sufficiently attractive. "It is unlikely that the report is unlikely to speak, but he is simply protecting against disapproval, from the rejection of himself," Elizaveta Levin explains. Of course, it happens that the reason for Grimasnicha is an inner courage, a good mood and a desire to fall into childhood for a long time.

But most often the cords of the faces people are personally immature, infantile, notes Lyudmila Gorodnichev.

Attention, panic!

Sometimes the clamping mechanism is quite obvious: "A minute ago, a person laughed, joked, was adequate. But it is worth sending it to him - and the face changes dramatically, "says Anna Makarevich. At such moments we convince ourselves: it is unconventional and frivolous. And thus we get into the personally supplied trap: the clamp is only enhanced. The task of the photographer in this situation is to stop shooting, in any way to switch the attention of a person to something pleasant. Anna Makarevich, for example, offers its models to drink coffee, unobtrusively concerns a hand, shows photos on the camera display - affects the bodily and emotional sphere. Alexey Shakes in a similar situation also tries to switch attention, but activates logic: asks for a person to tell about favorite films, family, features of the profession. Both photographers do in different ways in different ways, in fact, the same thing: remove the tension, creating the atmosphere of comfort and mutual trust. By the way, it is desirable to take care in advance - especially in difficult cases. Well, if the photographer and model can meet, discuss the concept and details of future shooting. But what exactly should not be done - it is to train in front of the mirror, remembering the posture and grimaces. The exhaust positions are unlikely to coincide with how the photographer sees us, and the inner panic will only increase. "It's like communication with the doctor," Alexey Shakeov is an analogy. "You don't come to a doctor with the words:" Doctor, I have a distress, write a recipe for such a drug. " Let the professional decide how it is more profitable to show you. "

Anna Makarevich believes that it is necessary to initially positive attitudes: "During shooting, it is not necessary to think about what will happen again. Otherwise, all invented flaws - a curve nose, covered eyes, a fat belly - really will manifest. " In a word, while man thinks that it turns out a bad photo, so it will be. By the way, professional photographers only partly confirm the common myth that a small dose of alcohol - for example, a glass of champagne - helps to liberate. "It works only if it comes to household shooting, and the dose of alcohol should be really minimal," warns Anna Makarevich.

Named Narcissa

Problems with self-esteem always interfere with a person competently sue yourself in a picture. Photographers celebrate: working with people of a narcissistic warehouse, in love with themselves, it is difficult - they rarely listen to someone else's opinion. At the same time, between overly strict perception of oneself and self-love there is a fairly wide field, existence in which
Makes life much more comfortable. According to Anna Makarevich, a person, with love relating to himself, almost always looks great in photographs, regardless of the type of shooting (household or studio) and on whether it poses or not. Elizabeth Levin agrees with her: "If you do not know your strengths, you do not know how to position yourself, you must do something." The unconscious copying of others, internal conflicts, self-criticism - indicators of global uncertainty, doubt about the loyalty of the selected path. Internal clips interfere not only to get good photos, but also take many opportunities in real life.
"A squeezed person who does not work on this and does not change in no way, limits himself itself," Lyudmila Gorodnichev warns. "He puts her taboo: here I am not gouring - I didn't come out with appearance, this partner is not for me - it looks better, the specialty is also not suitable, because there is a presentable appearance. I would like something easier, worse. " Look at your photo story: Perhaps you yourself deprive yourself the best, because you do not believe that it really is worth it?

Stars in pose
Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce - right leg a little ahead. Lindsay Lohan - the fingers at the lips. Megan Fox - Shows Language. Giselle Bundchen - Pashers. Victoria Beckham - Hands in Boki.

What can report our condition of the Mimic and gestures, how to shoot bodily clamps and blocks, you will know in trainings.
Bodyly oriented therapy "Soft Touch". Center for psychological consultation with IPIp, Moscow, tel. :( 495) 987-44-50,
"Private psychosomatics", professional therapeutic league, Ekaterinburg, tel. :( 343) 372-46-28.

Text: Lana Volokhova

Modern world is full of dancing. Almost all young people dance, come up with some new styles, while making any of the types of dancing all the newest and newer. And in many dancing there are separate movements that are remembered for many for a long time.

Today we will talk about one of these movements, which has become very popular in the area of \u200b\u200b2015. What is this movement "to close one hand face, and another to fall aside" We will discern exactly in this article and we will try to give the concept of this. Start!

So, this gesture has a very short and simple name - DEB or in English DAB. This is part of the dance, one of the movement fragments which became extremely popular in our time. Almost all young uses it to show how modern they are.

This is something in the style of the latest fashion pisch, which is only gaining popularity and over time does not fall in its activity. What are the youth here. Even adults make this gesture, because it is very interesting and helps to show even coolness.

If you look into history, you can find out a little interesting. Dance was invented yet In the distance of 2014When I started to gain your popularity. Then he began to "fuse" in social networks and he gained popularity.

Then in 2015, it was already popular at the global level and this thanks to one of the first people who were shown in public - Bulk field. This is a football player of the English football club "Manchester United", which decided to apply this dance immediately after scored a goal.

It was his corona celebration, and many fans of football intercepted this dance and made it to the list of the most popular all over the world. The dance is carried out even today, although it has passed from that moment there is no little - 3 years.

However, not even the bulk himself made this dance popular for the whole world. No, not him. But he was close. He glorified him for the whole world italian singer Fabio Rovacziback in December 2016, which helped this dance to gain popularity throughout the world.

Funny that myself The singer is a referenceWhat made this dance most popular among rap culture. And if we take into account that now almost every second listens to rap, then the dance is clearly known at least half of the population of the Earth. Here is such a fact.

This movement can very often be seen at different stadiums, where famous performers after they sang their track perform this simple, but very popular gesture. We talked about what the dance occurred in 2014. Yes it is.

Although he occurred at the time, but to this day Unknown reliable origin This dance. Someone says he happened from one person, someone says that from the other. It is not entirely clear how it appeared.

It is clear only that he managed very well gain popular world To this day is extremely bright movement. Let's clean; Among your friends, after all, there are those who at least once did a photo in this pose? I think there is.

But do not consider it shame, because such a gesture only emphasizes your knowledge in the modern world, so promoting it further, let him know even more people.

All because we love dancingThey help us to be distracted from problems, facilitate our lives, bring sports in it. For someone dancing even more than just dance. Someone lives and earns money. And imagine how this person will be delighted if the invented dance is his creation.

All repeat exactly the movement that he fulfilled and try to imitate this person. Let them do not know the name of the hero, but they can repeat after him, because the movement is extremely simple and absolutely everyone can repeat.

In Saudi Arabia There was even a small conflict, which is difficult to understand the usual resident of Europe. In 2018, one of the players Al-Nodjum Performed this most gesture after scored. Yes, he just repeated DEB, celebrating his goal.

It seems to be nothing bad in it. However, this gesture is prohibited in this country and our hero had to be disadvantaged in the future, because he threatened imprisonment. These are strict rules. The commentator then even told the phrase "no, no, no," because he understood what it threatens athlete.

On this, our article came to the end and we explained what is DEB. Or Dub, you can call it as you please. Both options are correct.

We hope that reading this article you understand how much the gesture helps to reveal the person and how much it means for the modern world. Use them to enjoy and share them with friends.

The modern world is full of different dances and this this will be perfectly fit into your life. Seeing soon meetings and wish you all the best in your life!

In the life of the girl look at all as in "Instagram" and "Facebook". In fact, they have much more characteristics than you can see in the photo: acne, second chin, thick ass, skinny ass, short necks, narrow foreheads, wide ankles, short fingers or small eyes, bad hair and, of course, all types of unsuccessful breast . We have collected an illustrated guide on typical ways of deception to which girls are resorted to different ages. Now, looking at the photograph of another languid roking, our readers will be able to understand what kind of defect it hides. Warning: Women are not those who seem to!

Face: I am so cosmic! (From 5 to 35)

1. Girls who are surprised to smashing or languidly open mouth. They seduce and explicitly hint. And of course, they hide the fact that they have round cheeks and strawberry face.

2. Girls smoke or hold a cigarette in hand. This is what they tell you that they are vicious, removed and spoiled on your miserable opinion. In addition, the cigarette serves as a reason to produce Dakfeia and not to be given a mentally retarded. The face shot through the cigarette smoke gives the girl the linedly witch mysteriousness.

3. Snapshots made in the process of food or drink Through the tube all the same Dakfeis and drawn cheeks and drawn cheeks are denoted. Although the faces still become similar to chicken priests, only with the tubes stuck in them.

4. Ruffy turns the girl in an ephemeral inaccessible creature. Unclear, blurring appearance, phantom girl.

5. Elongated neck and headband Specify the reverent nature, the second chin, the venereal rings and the unsuccessful oval of the face.

6. Sacred Peresvet, one of the main pimple salvations, Easily turns any collective farm to the radiant goddess.

7. Hair covering the top of the face, hand, Closing the bottom, coquette Faispalm or a trump card of the caps show that this false carelessness is carefully adjusted. Perhaps the girl has a narrow forehead, beveled chin or too big nose.

8. Half of the face in the picture means an ineciliable longing for the lack of symmetry of the face. Be sure - you have shown the best half, the one on which the eye is greater, and the eyebrow is higher, and the ear is less out.

9. Take advantage of a profile with a porched chin and surprised by sprinkled eyebrows, The girl hopes for comment by "Nefertiti!". God forbid someone to take a picture of her down the head and the fourth world, and the third chin - you will be burned in hell.

10. Stock Foto No makeup in contrasting morning light Revives corpses. The expression of the face at the same time the girls try to make a dreamy and children. There must be people to know how defenseless you are. Sometimes. Alone with you and the camera.

11. Privacy and turnover of three quarters Corrects the eyes of a hitch and unsatisfactory thick-nose. If you still ride the distance allegedly a scattered look, the success of the photo is guaranteed.

12. View of Hydurna Makes any dangerous thing, removes a low forehead, the squareness of the face and heavy chin and gives the eyes the desired expressiveness.

13. Selfie, produced on an extended hand from above, He will make the features and dramatically gives the oval of faces. Selfie from the bottom with her hair in the lens will create the effect of a cute gentle creature and compensates for lack of hair.

Body: bending guitar ass

1. Even young people are ugly chest. Sometimes tits are not just dull, but also vary in size. Ways to fix it: Show a piece of breast in the cutting of the sleeve dress, where it is guaranteed to look elastic and perky, or nadvi on the chest, which is why it will seem rounded.

2. The clavicle is the dream of all modern girls. They create a line of neck and carefully distract from the absence of a breast. You can rush forward with my shoulder (or both) or rebuild one shoulder, aligning this gesture with the look of improber.

3. Danger: Fat hand. Thick hand, like a nightmare, pursues any girl - it has every, even the most thin. It appears if the shoulder is adjacent to the body. Therefore, it is better to throw your hand over your head or stay back.

4. Chiffon rags and translucent drapery They hide the figure of any beginner druids with swelling cellulite or short legs.

5. Thick ankles interfere with creating a full sexy drama bow. The unfortunate owners remove them from the frame in any possible way: hide with maxi, cut the frame, wear high boots, press legs under themselves.

6. Girls know that magic bending creates an illusion So the waist that did not appear, makes the sad chest cheerful, and the flat ass is thrown out.

7. Removing your own legs, The girls are either upgrading them higher, or manage to deploy the housing so that the most winning view of the hip in the frame. As a result, instead of a carrot from the photo, a young gymnast looks at you.

Face: Your eyelids ask the scalpel (for older girls)

1. Wash the towel on head, creating the effect of circular suspenders. Onsimal nasolabial folds disappear, eye cut is lengthened, eyebrows arrogantly crawling upstairs, raising the lowered upper eyelids. And of course, saving glasses on the floor face, if the day did not ask at all and the eyes lost their shine.

2. Put on eye mask (Best lace) to give themselves a special mystery, so necessary when already there is something to hide. In addition, the mask will hide all skin defects, wrinkles and just tired of life face. Strengthened the exploited image of Femme Fatale comes out of fashion, so they are rarely done: rather to put a photo on the userpike.

4. Hide part of the face by whom you are being photographed Imitating some shocking and playfulness. One eye and half of the nose is difficult to judge how much the face has changed over the past couple, despite the annual detox, cosmetologists and spiritual practices.

5. Smile unnaturally widely Or allegedly cheerfully carelessly laughing, at the very servant dentidate mouth, convincing others that life succeeded and will be able to succeed.

6. Well I. chief friends girls, Two smoothly working ways to improve themselves: a friend is much older than you and a girlfriend much more worse than you.

Body: gravity, heartless you bitch

    These ladies should be clarified, whether they are gathered to relent into radical Islam. First, the face is closed, then Hijab and Nikab will be worn ... Under such pictures you need to ask more often: girl, you could love the radical? - for what? - Girl will answer and will be right!

    Notice, you yourself wrote that all persons under 20 years old on the photo face covered with hand. So, I dare to assume that all these faces from VKontakte site are still inconsigned personalities that do not understand what is normal, but what is abnormal. They stupidly follow the rapid effect. Someone someone who has many subscribers could take a picture in such a posture and lay out her photo to the network. Subscribers began to cheek. And our youth is primitively reflecting - once the Zalikali - it means so fashionable. So the wave of photographing with a closed face rushed. Fashionable so!

    After all, notice, the adults do not do that. They are reasonable people and personality formed. Well, nothing, with everyone happens, will turn out, change, mature.

    The gesture, when in the photo, a man covers his face with his hand, or, as an option, keeps his hand at his face (he touches himself by the hair, holds the headdress, keeps the glass, cigarette) is regarded in psychology as an attempt to hide the truth.

    All people, not Berm ... Sovdeopovskaya education, and countries where there is no Internet ... .. all prone to glory, and the second word, in this chain .... Everyone just horrible as they want to be in the trend .... There is a gray mass, but here it appeared Fishka, and they are a week in the trend .... I think it's funny ...., Laying myself, no noticeable closed face, for everything was in a trend in the gray mass, on the Internet ... People, be yourself, and not stupid puppets !!!

    Selfie without a face, when young people and girls close their face with hand, or police, or mouth, eyes, is just another fashionable trick (like duck sponges in the past year). This fashion will pass, the other will be replaced. A logical explanation of why teenagers cover her face with a hand in the photo is not except for her old feeling.

    The lips of the clarification are already tired, and therefore came up with a new pose, when the hands cover the face, it gives mysteriousness, some shortness of the face, a person reveals himself not completely. It may be imitating celebrities, alone made it, and picked up everything. And someone does not want her face to show or some part that believes ugly and imperfect, for example, chin or lips. Or when damaged part of the person, when I want to be photographed, and the lip, say, is broken.

    This mod I went from the world of graffiti. So, artists who create graffiti are photographed to show their new creation on the network, but at the same time remain incognito, because their actions contradict the law, as a result of which are prosecuted by law enforcement.

    No one knows how most famous graffiti artists look like. They will be recognized often in style or so-called. Tags, so it was before, right now, when most people are sitting on the net, graffiti attract their attention precisely there, laying out photos of their works on their pages, but as I said above, to stay incognito cover your face in these pictures.

    Well ... it is better than a photo sponge tube

    as for me, it is better to cover the face that so 🙂

    and from where the fashion went to the closed face, I can only assume: someone from celebrities can not withstand the flashes light or not wanting to appear on the camera without Maika covered the face ... I still leaked to the Internet and all this was taken for a fashionable chip.

    Oh, you can't treat the fashion! I watched one time and could not understand why all the girls and boys cover their face with her hand, but hand Changed lubs)), Several years ago, someone's sponge on the sponge and made Selfie, after which until today on the Internet there are a lot of such photos. And today almost all the teenagers make Selfie without face, Cover your eyes, lips, or generally closed the whole face.

    This fashion appeared a few years ago, from where she went, no one knows, I think that just someone did not want to be photographed and closed my face, I did it myself when my girlfriend tried to play me, and later it was perceived as That glamorous.

    Trying to be mysterious, they say, only the eyes can be seen)) or they consider themselves ugly, but I want to expose the photo) all different reasons, I think.

    I think some Star He posted a similar photo in Intagram, and then Manera picked up gradually gradually. After all, as you know, at first everything is with duck lips Figled, now like this.