How to open a computer club. The idea of \u200b\u200bbusiness: how to open a computer club

How to open a computer club. The idea of \u200b\u200bbusiness: how to open a computer club
How to open a computer club. The idea of \u200b\u200bbusiness: how to open a computer club

Computer technology and Internet captured almost the whole world. More and more people in them are involved, without seeing the day of life without visiting online pages. Moreover, such a need can be both a working and just desire to play a game or watch a movie. Despite the huge prevalence of computers at home, not everyone has access to high-speed Internet. Therefore, computer clubs are very popular as an alternative. It is about what steps need to go to discover such a institution, let's talk later in the article.

Project Organization

Computer clubs are two formats: Internet cafe and mini computer club. The second is usually designed for capacity up to 20 computers and takes a small area. For its content, there will be about $ 400 per month. But at the expense of income, one computer will bring 200 dollars. Therefore, the business is quite profitable.
Planning the club size must be guided and the size of the city. For large cities, large computer clubs that can accommodate about 50 computers, as the target audience here are more. For work, you can equip individual small rooms.

In addition, the club may have a cafeteria. Depending on the size and additional services, expenses may exceed 2000 dollars per month. However, the income will be much higher.

A small Internet cafe is advisable to arrange in a residential area, densely inherent people. The area needs to be chosen based on the availability of schools, shops, shopping centers and other places where people flow as much as possible.
In no case is it not recommended to open such an institution in a residential building or in a very small distance to that. This is due to increased noise in it, preventing and annoying residents, especially at night. It will be a reason for negative reputation and will only bring losses.

Equipment equipment

After selecting the room, the next step is the sub-project of the appropriate technique. It must be qualitative. At this point, it is not necessary to save, since the constant repair of poor-quality equipment as a whole will cost much more expensive than the one-time purchase of high-quality equipment. In addition, frequent visitors to computer clubs are young people who love online games. And for this there must be powerful computers. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the specifications that will allow maintaining as many games as possible. Therefore, the purchase of 15 computers will need about 10,000 dollars.
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of furniture on which you will need to spend 1000-1500 dollars. An important detail is the acquisition of uninterruptible power sources, which will be able to protect the technique with voltage drops, thereby increasing their life.

Separately it is worth doing the equipment of the administrator's place. You will also need a table, a chair and a powerful computer. In addition, the cash register for calculating clients is most often required.

Documents for opening a computer club

To open a computer club is not enough to find the room and buy equipment. In avoiding problems that may arise when checking, the business should be legal. Therefore, certain documents and official registration are needed.
Best in this case will be the design of an individual entrepreneur, which will cost about $ 150. The amount may be more. Its size may depend on the ability to negotiate and negotiate, since it is necessary to go through not one instance.

So, documentation Next:

  • registration application;
  • company's charter;
  • memorandum of association;
  • certificates provided by the antimonopoly service;
  • check about payment of state duty.
If there is a cash register, you also need permission. It is worth paying attention to both software. At first it is possible to use pirate versions. However, after the business pays off, it is still important to establish a licensed software to avoid fines that will be quite likely when checking. Though it will also need a considerable amount, but the payment of fines can do it more expensive, after which it will still need to do this condition.

Definition of target audience

An equally important point is the definition of the target audience, since the work of any enterprise is intended directly for consumers. Not knowing who the computer club will work will not be easy to solve the rest of the nuances, for example, to find the right place of accommodation, or hold an advertising campaign in the right track.

Who can most need such a place?
First of all, you should not forget that most residents have computers, and not one. Therefore, it is important that it is not only powerful, but had an uninterrupted Internet network. Secondly, it was previously said that many use this source of the network for online games. Following this, the most part of the target audience is students, students and in general the young population of 14-26 years. Therefore, the focus must be done for them
In addition, employees of organizations requiring urgent internet access can also use the computer club. Just for them and it will be advisable to equip individual rooms, where you can work in a relaxed atmosphere.

Choice of personnel and his training

The atmosphere in any institution sets the staff, which works in it, and of course quality of service.
A guideline should occupy an administrator engaged in the organization of work and solving issues of customers about customers.

So that the technique in the computer club has always been in working condition, it is necessary to hire a system administrator engaged in its repair. In addition, in his duties, you can enable printout services, xerox and scanning documents, while equipping its workplace accordingly.

Other employees can also be needed to help customers in the use of technology. Very good will have highly qualified personnel, which can provide customers with computer literacy. To do this, you need to send workers to courses capable of improving their knowledge. Such a service will be quite popular, as little where you can get learning directly to the package of programs that the client is needed separately.
As in any organization, an accountant will need an accountant in a computer club counting financial results. Due to the large number of expensive equipment, we need to work as a security guard.

Methods of promotion and advertising

To attract a large number of clients, first of all, they should be aware of the opening of a computer club. One of the options for disseminating information may be the distribution of leaflets in which the club coordinates, rates, interesting shares need to be specified. Discard them follows in large clusters of people. Regarding time, then on weekdays it is better to do in the morning and in the evening, but on the weekend on the contrary during the daytime.

Another effective way is advertising on the Internet. This includes advertising on the sites of the city, as well as on social networks that are so popular among young people. There is the possibility of developing flyers, which during presentation provide a discount or other privileges. We can hold regular stocks or computer playground tournaments, information about which can also be specified on sites or litovans.
Attracts customers and a bright sign that should be installed near the establishment. It needs to specify a list of services provided in the Club. Many before attending this or that institution read reviews of other customers. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to provide them with such an opportunity.

Club development

After the club is known, the work will be settled, alone, which will appear regular customers, it is worth thinking about its development and possible expansion. First of all, it is necessary to achieve high quality of service, which will allow you to locate consumers to yourself and conquer the target audience.

If you intend to conduct regular online games tournaments, you can develop privileges for winners, for example, as a free spending time for a certain period. Alternatively, you can create an honorable board.
The following steps can be an expansion of the club, completing the number of computers and expanding the area. Additional services become an excellent option to attract new customers and the possible expansion of the audience. The opening of two halls is an attractive option. In one can play young people in online games, and the second will be designed for more solid customers with the corresponding interior. Also an additional source of income will be the opening of a minibar where you can eat and drink a cup of coffee.
Thus, it is important to competently approach the task and then even a small Internet cafe will be able to bring significant income. When choosing equipment and training personnel should not save, since in the future it will not only pay off, but also will save on additional repair and establish additional services

Although now in almost every house there is a personal computer and access to the Internet, the popularity of computer clubs does not decrease. This is due to the fact that the computer literacy of the population is growing much faster than the number of PCs in homes, and multiplayer online games are very popular, which lead people to computer clubs. There may be two formats: mini computer club and electronic Cafe. In the first case, a small room is equipped with several (up to 20) jobs equipped with non-license system computers. In contrast to them, large computer clubs have 30-50 powerful vehicles with high-speed Internet, and also equipped with air conditioning, cafes and VIP-rooms. In the first case, about 400 USD leaves for the maintenance of such a semi-legal computer club. per month, but revenue from one workstation is about 200 cu. The cost of one workplace in the electronic cafe can reach 1500 cu, and taking into account the cost of keeping the premises - and all 2000. The owners of large computer clubs should not count on a quick payback of their project, but they do not arise problems with the regulatory bodies. . We examine an example of opening a small legalized computer club.


The most successful place for such an institution will be a sleeping area with a large population. Well, if there are several schools in this residential array. As for the location, the most successful will be accommodated on a lively crossroads or near a large store or market. With residential homes, it is better not to have anything, since the public in computer clubs is noisy, which means the tenants will complain. In addition, the club in a residential building is usually located in the basement, which means to get the permissions of the fire inspection and Santsans will be very difficult. The rental fee in the bedrooms rarely exceeds 10 cu per square meter, so the annual rental of rooms at 25-30 square meters. Meters will cost about 3000 USD.


The next step should be the purchase of equipment. It should not save, because most visitors comes to the computer club to play, and computer games are very demanding of the equipment resources. The more powerful technique, the more customers in the club. On average, one workplace must be spent 700 cu, therefore 15500 cu will be needed on 15 cars. And about 500 cu. It will be necessary to spend on the furniture: tables, chairs, administrator workplace.


To open a computer club, a standard package of documents for entrepreneurship is needed: Certificate of IP, cash register, etc. All this will cost 150 cu. More efforts will be needed to settle all cases with regulatory authorities. It is difficult to call the exact amount, because it is known that all the requirements are almost impossible to observe, and the solution will be dependent on many factors. This regards the licensed software, then immediately after the discovery, it makes no sense after the discovery, but in the future you have to be prepared to purchase it. All monthly revenue of the computer club can escape on this expense article.


To configure and technical support for software and computer equipment, you will need several people. The best option will be profile universities living nearby. A small club usually employs 2-3 people for maintenance and customer service, as well as one system administrator. Salary - from 150 cu per month. Most computer clubs work around the clock, so it is necessary to provide staff work in 2 shifts. Also in a computer club need a security guard.


So, spending about 15,000 cu You can open the club and proceed with the company. It should consist of the following steps:

  1. Split on the entrances of houses and schools of leaflets with the coordinates of the new club and its rates. When drawing up a layout, it is worth considering that the target audience is a teenagers of 10-18 years.
  2. Announcements on specialized sites on the Internet.
  3. Distribution among visitors to the club advertising flyers and business cards at the ledity of club contacts
  4. Noticeable bright sign with a detailed list of services.
  5. Conducting various shares and tournaments.

You can also make discounts to regular customers and, for example, those who spend on a computer for more than three hours.

Development of a computer club

In the new club it is important to ensure a sufficient level of service, because many such institutions suffer intensifying to their clientele. Because in computer clubs the public is specific, then it is necessary to act non-standard. For example, there are often cases when older guys extort from younger money. One club solved this question by issuing free monthly subscriptions to hooligans. You can also try to tie customers to your club with various tournaments with prizes on the club money. You can even make the board of honor. If you constantly develop your club, then I can even achieve revenue in 150-200 cu. From a single computer. The computer club can be turned into. Clients of such a institution are not children, but a more secured public. Among the services of the Internet cafe may be:

  • Ensuring Internet access
  • Record and Copy Disc
  • Work with office applications
  • Scanning documents
  • Printing files
  • Photocopying
  • Computer courses


The net profit of the popular computer club can be from 1000 USD The profitability of the project is 33%, and the payback period on average 17%. In this case it is important to understand that you can open a computer club only in those places where there are no competitors nearby. In this case, the profits will be more, and the payback period is less.

A completely idea idea, but a computer club is still profitable. How to open a similar institution and whether to do it? The profitability of the project is quite high, and if you make a business plan, you can step up step by step to achieve very significant income.

Of course, such activities are related to difficulties - large capital investments, paper red tires, endless regulations and requirements from all sorts of regulatory bodies and institutions, a high level of competition. But with a competent approach, it is possible to reach a quick payback and enjoy the work of the coherent mechanism.

Business features

It would seem, today almost everyone has a computer, a laptop or a tablet with an internet connection. Who will go to such a club, and even pay for this money? It turns out that attendance of such institutions though slightly fell over the last 10-15 years, but still remains at a fairly high level to give an entrepreneur the opportunity to earn.

The main target audience of such clubs is adolescents and young people up to 20 years old. They love to gather together or spend the evening alone, but at the same time play modern popular games on powerful equipment. Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a serious apparatus for home use, because they are quite expensive.

Also computer clubs are in demand in people who urgently need to find something on the Internet, print, send a letter or contact Skype. Often, students seeking readable abstracts, coursework or available information on the network. But such a institution makes sense only in cities with a population of over 800 thousand people and a low level of competition.

This project has its pros and cons, we will tell about in more detail in each of the business plan points. If you are interested, where to start implementing ideas, then pay attention to the following organizational stages:

  1. Analyze the market, the main demand for such services, decide on the target audience, its solvency. Specify what competitors are in a specific region and what they attract visitors.
  2. Carefully look at a good place to locate the club. After all, from this will mostly depend on its attendance.
  3. Develop all documents and get permission in the hands of various instances.
  4. Make a lease agreement, make repairs.
  5. Purchase the required equipment. Remember that in order to ensure good work of the club, the optimal number of cars - 15 pieces. Also take care of other trifles.
  6. Spend high-speed Internet and install the network covering all computers.
  7. Hire administrators and other workers.
  8. Take the advertising campaign and marketing strategy, which will fully depend on the speed of the club's filling by visitors, and therefore the return on the project as a whole.
  9. After about 2 months, analyze incomes, attendance, demand, pricing and other aspects of work and, if necessary, adjust the details.

Registration of activities

To open your computer club from scratch will have to collect a lot of documents. To begin with, contact the tax service and stand up as an individual entrepreneur. True, if two or more partners invest in business, then it is better to choose any version of a legal entity, for example, LLC.

Since such activities are not specified in the OKVED list, you need to correctly mark the code. To do this, it is better to consult with experts. Usually they offer to stay in the following options:

  • 60 - other activities related to information technology;
  • 05 - various personal services;
  • 84 - also refers to the service sector.

Note that sanitary-epidemiological control makes special requirements for such premises. Under each workplace, no less than 4 square meters must be assigned. m., as well as equipment, the equipment is measured by electromagnetic radiation, which is very expensive for the entrepreneur. There are also certain guidelines for the location of the technique.

A separate list of requirements is also a GPU. For the most part, this is the presence of fire alarm, the second output and fire extinguisher. But it is better to ask all the rules in advance to immediately prepare the club according to standards.

An unusual prescription may seem unusual - to open the institution that the youth will be visited, the corresponding permission can be obtained in local authorities. They also regulate the finding of children in such clubs depending on the time of day. For example, schoolchildren should not be present here, while there are lessons or after 21.00. Violation of such rules threatens serious fines.

A very important success factor in the activities of a computer club is considered to be its work around the clock. True, for this you will also have to get the appropriate permission and especially closely monitor the clientele at night.

Selection and preparation of the room

As already mentioned, it is important to equip the hall so that the SES and GPU give the necessary documents. But that's not all. Pay attention to other factors:

  1. The club itself has to be located near educational institutions, stopping urban transport, on crowded streets. Sometimes it is justified by its placement anywhere in a residential area, but at the same time the number of residents in the district should be essential, and there is no competition.
  2. The size of the total area is at least 50 square meters. m. or even more. After all, the working space for the client must be free, and computers set 10-15 pieces.
  3. Separately the place for the administrator, the bathroom. Some entrepreneurs decide to combine and implement drinks and food to visitors, which will also require a separate angle or room.
  4. Trace the communication elements - electricity must withstand all the devices at full power. Also conduct ventilation system, heating, sewage, etc.

Equipment and PO

The most costly expenditure is the purchase of computers and other techniques. It is important here to take into account that they should be the most powerful and modern, with the support of any game opportunities. The optimal number of jobs is 15.

Each of them must be installed and an uninterruptible power supply device that will protect the technique from the voltage drops on the network. In addition, there should be additional office equipment on the admin desk - scanner, printer, copier, etc. After all, often students or other clients need to print or rewrite on removable media.

Take care of the acquisition of high-quality and licensed software. In the presence of "pirate" versions of the programs or games of the club owner, serious fines. Consider that only a license for commercial use is suitable for such activities. She is even more expensive, but otherwise the work of the club will be illegal from the point of view of manufacturers by software. This applies to all programs installed on each of the computers.

You will also have to take care of the conduct of high-speed Internet. Pay attention to its various speed provided by providers, the cost of services and accessibility in various parts of the city. Sometimes this moment is decisive when choosing a suitable place to open the club.

Do not forget about the furniture for personnel and customers. If you wish to apply for visitors, drinks and light snacks will have to purchase simple additional equipment - refrigerator, showcase, shelves for placement of goods.

So that the cost of computers is not too high can be saved as follows. If there are appropriate skills or the ability to hire a specific specialist, buy various components and collect the technique yourself. But it is not necessary to purchase former or budget versions of machines, as they will not be able to satisfy the main customer request.

To prevent revenue theft from the cash register, it is desirable to establish a special program that allows you to follow the time of time spent by the client for the equipment. This will help automatically calculate the received income per day and will not allow the opportunity to hide part of the profit.


Carefully treat the selection of employees. Specialized skills are required only from the accountant and the system administrator. Economically, it will be possible to draw up tax reports on their own or withdraw this feature on outsourcing. To repair the equipment, it is desirable to have in the staff of computer technicians. Although you can make a mutually beneficial contract with any service company.

Also, individual hire a person who will follow the order in the hall so that customers do not spoil the equipment, behaved decently, did not interfere with the rest, to count the time used and payment. To maintain cleanliness in the club need a cleaner. Each employee check the presence of sanitary books. With round-the-clock work, the institution will need to find workers for interchangeable graphics.

When you have issued official papers and acquired everything you need to open a computer club, it will be less like small to attract visitors and make them regular customers. To do this, you can apply a variety of available methods and periodically connect fantasy in finding new marketing strategies.

First pay attention to the pricing. Find out how much the hour of the game or work is worth your competitors. Perhaps it will be more appropriate to create a whole network of tariffs depending on the length of the person's stay in the club. Today, the subscriber system for visiting is also successfully operating. Set the rates so that they occupy the average position in the region and not particularly stand out.

To attract regular customers, spend periodic tournaments on the most popular youth games. As a prizes, you can give a monthly subscription or any valuable products. Invent all sorts of shares, bonuses.

To inform the population about his opening, you need to establish a noticeable sign, handing out leaflets on crowded streets, leave them in educational and other institutions where your potential customers are often. You can put ads on the entrances of nearby houses, in elevators, etc.

Over time, advertising costs will become much smaller, since most of the clients will come on the recommendations of acquaintances or "for the company". "Sarafanny Radio" in this case works best and requires only the provision of high-quality service.

Financial calculations

To evaluate the overall profitability of the business and understand whether it is advantageous whether to make an execution of such a complex project, you need to go to specific numbers. Of course, they will seriously differ depending on the region of residence, the size of the room, the selected equipment and other parameters.

Significantly less will have to spend monthly to maintain the club's work.

Depending on the established rates, the number of visitors, the size of the city, the availability of competitors, the proposed additional services will also differ and the income of each entrepreneur. But on average, such establishments bring monthly profits in the amount of 600-650 thousand rubles. After committing all deductions, enough money remains in order to reach the full payback of business for the year.

Video: Computer Club Business Plan.

In this material:

How to open a computer club and make a business profitable? This question interests people who have chosen to implement the plans this area.

There are many nuances that need to be considered, therefore, before making the documentation, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the organizational issues.

Benefit from opening computer clubs

In the modern world, almost every resident of the city has a computer and free access to the worldwide network. However, computer clubs are popular and in demand, although there could be an opposite opinion.

But who wants to be a frequenter of such a institution, if possible in a comfortable environment to get all the necessary information or play games? Such clubs have many advantages that have made such institutions popular.

The reasons why many people prefer computer clubs:

  1. Due to the fact that most of the visitors are children and adolescents who simply need a company, such places are simply created specifically for this category of visitors. Here you can play with paired games, spend a good time.
  2. At home, it is often impossible to relax and have plenty of fun with friends. Especially since because of the permanent parental control, it will not be able to make enough enough to play for a long time.
  3. A computer club often becomes rescue for adults, especially if force majeure happens, and there is no access to the Internet: you need to look for some important information, you need to do any job or send a letter.

In Russia, this type of business is considered one of the most profitable, because visitors are always present in such establishments. However, to open the club, you need to be prepared for many organizational difficulties.

Choosing a place for a computer club, technical requirements and purchase of equipment

For a computer club, it is not necessary to select the room in the city center. Due to the fact that the population is large, you can open the institution in the bedroom of the city. It is just necessary that it worked around the clock. With this approach, it is possible to maintain most of the clients.

It is important that the computer salon is located in close proximity to public transport and had good advertising. Otherwise, more prudent competitors can intercept potential customers. It is necessary to trace that indoors are good noise insulating characteristics. This will avoid the complaints of the neighbors if the club is located on the first floor in a residential building.

Technical requirements

Electricity must be carried out in the institution, it is necessary that special climate control systems exist. It should be traced that there is no high humidity in the room.

By connecting high-speed Internet, it is necessary to establish a uniform distribution of it between all PCs. The establishment will generate income if there are at least 15 computers here.

Important technical requirements include the compliance of the club to all the requirements of fire safety. Here it is necessary to have a bathroom, a spare way out.

Choosing computer equipment

For most modern computer games, high technical indicators of PC are needed. That is, when choosing equipment, you should give preference to the one that is characterized by high performance. The best option will be purchased directly from the manufacturer.

In addition, you should take care of the high-speed Internet, connecting the corporate network.

As for computers software, you should not save on licenses. After all, when using illegal software, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides a large penalty (at least 60 thousand rubles). Moreover, you should not buy licenses intended for home use, instead there is a special commercial software.

If you are planned to provide additional services in a computer club, you can purchase xeroxes, printers or special recording equipment.

Rules of registration of documentation

To open a computer club in the Russian Federation, there is no need for a special license. However, you should be prepared for the design of a large number of documents. We have to go through many checks, because this business has a direct attitude towards children.

For the functioning of the computer club you need:

  1. Take care of the acquisition of a license in the Ministry of Communications. The document is necessary because the work is associated with the local Internet, and it is planned to provide thematic services.
  2. In order for the work schedule of the institution around the clock, it should be appreciated for a special permission to the police (local compartment).
  3. There must be permission from SanEpidem services (SES). This instance controls the location of all workers (game) places indoors. The optimal area should not be less than 4 m². Therefore, it is important to take this nuance in advance.
  4. Employees of the SES must check the power of the elevation radiation. For this purpose, the indicators of all computers are measured. But for this service will need to be paid (approximately 1000 rubles per each device).
  5. In addition to the above, it will be necessary to cooperate with the state. administration, in particular, with the department for working with young people. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, children under the age of 14 cannot be in such institutions on weekdays during lessons, linger in the club after 21:00. In case of detection of violations, it is worth being prepared for penalties.

An important to open club is the choice of OKVED. After all, the conditions for registration of the institution depend on the choice of special code.

However, there is no "Computer Club" in the generally accepted classification. Instead, the owners of these institutions use alternatives:

  • 72.60 - other activities that aims to apply information technology is related to computational technology;
  • 74.84 - Activities aimed at providing other services;
  • 93.05 - Other personal services.

But before making the choice of OKVED, it is better to use the help of a specialist. After all, thanks to professional advice, you can avoid many problems in the future.

Computer Club Accounting and Business Plan

It is necessary to take care of the official design of employees. For this, it will be necessary to register an employment contract in several instances (PF, tax service, etc.).

Each employee must have special tax cards, employment records.

Quite often in such institutions for maintaining accounting are resorting to the help of a third-party accountant. Through the services of outsourcing, a clear maintenance of reporting documentation is carried out.

Drawing up business plan

Prepare a computer club plan in advance, it will be possible to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe necessary starting investments.

The initial capital should be about 1.5 million rubles. With the right organization of work, this business has completely benefit itself and will bring a stable income.

Below are approximate costs aimed at opening a similar institution:

  1. Rent or buying a place under the club. To rent a room, you will need no less than 50 thousand rubles.
  2. To connect to the network with the speed of 100 MB / s., It will be necessary to 3,000 rubles.
  3. Average subscription fee for legal entities up to 15,000 rubles.
  4. Repair in the room - 50,000 rubles.
  5. The choice of equipment, the acquisition of a special licensed software - over 800 thousand rubles.
  6. The choice of furniture is from 300 thousand rubles.
  7. Conducting an advertising campaign, the manufacture of a signboard - from 20,000 rubles.
  8. Communal payments, a variety of minor needs - from 45 000 rubles.

Deciding for the opening of the computer club, it is necessary to take care of the choice of the premises and the purchase of high-quality equipment. With the help of starting capital and successful advertising, this business will quickly bring the income and justifies all the initial funds.

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"Algorithmic" is the largest programming school in Russia for children from 5 to 12 years (by the number of students and branches). Now 10,000 children are in school. The school is represented in 40 cities of Russia and 6 countries: Australia, Poland, Cyprus, Israel, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan. In Azerbaijan, the "Algorithmika" launched a huge project with the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan on the introduction of a new ...

Investments: Investments 36 000 ₽

Pixline is a strong team of design specialists, develops design for almost all directions: from printing (business cards, booklets, flyers, and so on) to large projects (sites, logos, applications, and much more). ! To control the issuance of finished works and interact with clients, we are looking for representatives in different cities! 108 Franchisees in Russia and CIS countries - Business ...

The relevance of computer clubs today would be questioned. In fact, now it is not easy to find a person who has no computers, and the Internet, perhaps, too.

If you can always take advantage of all this at home, sitting on a soft sofa, who will need to go to the club, and even pay for this extra money? But, no matter how surprisingly, this business to this day is one of the most profitable, and the stream of customers and does not think to decrease.

What is it connected for which reasons people in our time can give preference to computer clubs:

  • Children and adolescents that make up the greatest percentage of club visitors, the need to be in the company.
    They are attracted to come to the club with friends, to share impressions in the course of the game and spend time together. In addition, the club allows you to play with paired games or even games with many participants, which is not always possible at home.
  • Many parents do not approve of excessive passion for children with computers, limiting access, and also do not allow themselves to behave in the apartment noisy.
    In the computer club, you can widen and play in your pleasure.
  • All people in life have various force majeure.
    It happens, urgently need to complete this or that work, to find information, contact someone - and the Internet, as it has become disconnected. Such cases are by no means uncommon, so visitors who just need to use the computer will appear with you regularly.

In other words, assume that modern computer clubs are empty - extremely mistaken. Getting good income from such a business is quite real, however, when organizing the work of the club, you will have to face a number of difficulties.

How to organize a computer club

Open computer club makes senseIf there are no analogues in your city or area of \u200b\u200bsuch a institution, or they do not meet all customer requests.

At the same time, the settlement must not have no member of 20 thousand inhabitants, otherwise the project is most likely doomed to failure. Basically, the work of such a club is designed for adolescents, a little less - on students, the rest of the age categories go as an exception.

For young people, the most convenient time to visit the club will be the evening or night, in the morning the institution will be empty. Therefore, the work schedule is better to compile, based on this: Computer Club must work around the clock Or is late, perhaps from the second half of the day.

The central location for the computer club has a big role does not play, you can open it in a residential area. However, it is important that the club was in the zone of walking distance from school, and better - from several. Directly position the club is preferably near the stop or a large store. It is not recommended to use the room located on the first floor of a multi-storey house - the tenants will constantly complain about noise.

But, with any location, noise insulating characteristics of the room Must be maximum.

Development potential. What questions need to be considered?

As in the business plan of the Vending Business to cover the most important aspects, read in the peculiarities of this direction.

About preparation for the opening of LLC Read more here :. What documents are needed to start the registration procedure?

Technical requirements

The activities of the computer club does not require a license, but on this "simplicity" of the organization ends.

For the rest, it will have to make a lot of documents and pass a number of scrupulous checks. Still, such work will have a direct attitude towards children, and with this in our country there are always strictly.

To get full access to work and operation, a computer club need the following:

  • In the Ministry of Communications, acquire a license for the use of local Internet and the provision of thematic services.
  • If you have chosen on the cloud round-the-clock work schedule, you will need permission to this in the local police body.
  • At one gaming place, according to the norms of the sanitary service, at least 4 sq m should be assigned.

To the club brings income, computers in the hall should be at least 15..

Based on this, and it is necessary to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room - as you can see, it turns out not so small

  • The next important point is associated with the power of electromagnetic radiation.
    This indicator should also remain within the normal range, so the SES employees will hold the necessary measurements from each computer. The service, by the way, is paid.
  • In addition, it will be required to meet fire safety standards.
    Wiring in the room should withstand a huge tension, so it must be changed during repair. The club must have a fire exit and fire extinguishers: with such an activity of the power grid, this measure is inevitable.
  • By law, children cannot be in a computer club during school sessions, as well as after 9 pm.
    Violation of these rules It is fraught with large fines, so you need to closely follow the schedule.

Computer equipment

Remember that the technique you will use in the club should be the most powerful and productive. Not every computer will pull modern video games.

Buy computers better directly from the manufacturerSo it will be possible to save a lot on intermediaries.

However, only games are not enough: it is necessary to have a high-speed Internet that will require considerable investments. The corporate network is not at all that the Internet for home use is completely different both speed and price indicators. Subscription fee for aboutthe hall shall at the lowest speed will cost several thousand - and you will need a much more high-speed connection, you need the Internet "flew."

Next solid article expenses - Software for your computers.

The snag is that it certainly must be licensed.

Of course, you can take a chance and use the "illegal" software, but, most likely, sooner or later, the check will still find your trick. In this case, the consequences threaten the saddest: up to 60 thousand rubles a fine, or two years of conclusion - what to do, violation of copyright.

If the company itself, the provision of which you took advantage of the court, the penalty that threatens you will increase up to five million rubles. In short, in order not to do worse, it is better not to joke with the law and organize everything at the official level.

In addition to the main, it is certainly worth stocking and small equipment: xerox, clean discs, flash drives. This will allow you provide additional services And getting more money (only the xerox is worth - be prepared that with this request you will be treated constantly).

What could be the computer club equipment, look at the video:

Where to start compilation. What budget will be required for opening?

On the benefits of the start of small business in the franchise, let's talk in a separate one. How to minimize the investment of own funds at the initial stage.

An example of an anticafe business plan is available at :. How to develop this direction and what will you need?


For computer club numerous staff not only required, but also undesirable:

  • Firstly, this is enough "independent" entertainment - video game lovers perfectly know how and what to do, they do not need tips, advertising or close attention from employees.
    In fact, the employee's responsibilities are reduced only to the design of guests and observation over time, and therefore one administrator is enough for such work.
  • Another reason is that when it comes to expensive equipment, it is doubly careful to the choice of personnel.
    It is difficult to vouch for an unfamiliar person - suddenly an employee will be dishonest and decide to imperceptibly unscrew some details for his home processor? Or will not keep track of customers who decide to do the same.

Better if administrator will be a trusteefor which you will always be able to vouch.

Exemplary Business Club Opening Business Plan

As in any case, starting attachments will need a lot, in the future they will significantly reduced.

The initial costs of opening the club are as follows:

  • Rental of the premises - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • Connecting to the network (speed of 100 MB / s) - up to 3 thousand rubles;
  • The subscription fee for the Internet for legal entities - 10-15 thousand rubles.
  • Repair, posting change - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment and software - from 800 thousand rubles;
  • Furniture - 300 thousand rubles;
  • Communal payments - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising, signs - 20 thousand rubles;
  • Consumables, small needs - 30 thousand rubles.

Generally, starting capital - approximately 1.5 million rubles.

The amount of considerable, which is not surprising when it comes to expensive technique - but, quite fast (about a year), payback and good income compensates for the cost.