Artwork analysis plan. Analysis of a work of art on the example of the story "Ionych

Artwork analysis plan.  Analysis of a work of art on the example of the story
Artwork analysis plan. Analysis of a work of art on the example of the story "Ionych


Analysis lyric work- this is one of the composition options. As a rule, topics of this kind look something like this: “The poem of A.A. The "Stranger" block: perception, interpretation, evaluation ”. The wording itself contains what you need to do to reveal the ideological and thematic content and artistic features of a lyric work: 1) tell about your perception of the work; 2) interpret, that is, approach the author's intention, unravel the idea inherent in the work; 3) express your emotional attitude to the work, tell about what touched, surprised you, drew your attention. Here is a diagram of the analysis of a lyric work.

  • facts from the biography of the author related to the creation of a poetic work
  • to whom is the poem dedicated (prototypes and addressees of the work)?

2. The genre of the poem. Signs of the genre (s).

3. The title of the work (if any) and its meaning.

4. Image lyric hero... Its closeness to the author.

5. Ideological and thematic content:

  • leading topic;
  • idea (main idea) of the work
  • development of the author's thought (lyric hero)
  • emotional coloring (focus) of the work and methods of its transmission

6. Artistic features:

  • artistic techniques and their meaning;
  • keywords and images associated with the idea of ​​the work;
  • sound writing techniques;
  • presence / absence of division into stanzas;
  • features of the rhythm of the poem: poetic meter, rhymes, rhymes and their connection with ideological concept the author.

7. Your reader's perception of the work.


1. The history of the creation of the work:

  • facts from the biography of the author related to the creation of this work.
  • connection of the work with historical era its creation;
  • the place of the work in the work of the author.

2. The genre of the work. Signs of the genre (s).

3. The title of the work and its meaning.

4. From whom is the story told? Why?

5. Theme and idea of ​​the work. Problems.

6. Plot ( storylines) works. Conflict. Key episodes.

7. The system of images of the work:

  • characters of the work (main, minor; positive, negative;
  • features of the names and surnames of characters;
  • the actions of the characters and their motivation;
  • household items characterizing the character;
  • the character's connection with the public environment;
  • attitude to the hero of the work of other characters;
  • self-characterization of characters;
  • author's attitude to characters and ways of expressing it.

8. Composition of the piece:

  • division of the text of the work into parts, the meaning of such a division;
  • the presence of prologues, epilogues, initiations and their meaning;
  • the presence of inserted episodes and lyrical digressions and their meaning;
  • the presence of epigraphs and their meaning;
  • the presence of lyrical digressions and their meaning.

10. Artistic means, techniques, revealing the idea of ​​the work.

11. Features of the language of the work.

The analysis of any work begins with perception - the reader, listener, viewer. If considered literary composition, then it is opposed, rather, to other ideologies than to other arts. The word as such is a means not only of literature, but of human language in general. Thus, the main analytical load falls on the designation of criteria for artistry. Analysis of a work is, first of all, drawing the boundaries between artistic creation and the product of human activity in general, be it literature or any other art.


Analysis artwork requires a distinction between its form and ideological content. Ideological content is, first of all, topics and problems. Then - pathos, that is, the emotional attitude of the artist to the depicted: tragedy, heroism, drama, humor and satire, sentimentality or romance.

Artistry consists in the details of subject depiction, in the sequence and interaction of the internal and external activities of the depicted in time and space. And also the analysis of a work of art requires precision in the coverage of compositional development. This is the observation of development in the order, methods, motivations of the narrative or description of the depicted, in stylistic details.

Analysis circuits

First of all, the history of the creation of this work is considered, its topics and problems, ideological direction and emotional pathos are indicated. Then the genre is explored in its tradition and originality, as well as these artistic images in all their internal connections. Analysis of the work displays on foreground discussion and characterizes all central characters, at the same time clarifying the plot lines in the peculiarities of the construction of conflicts.

Further, landscapes and portraits, monologues and dialogues, interior and setting of action are characterized. In this case, it is imperative to pay attention to the verbal structure: the analysis of a literary work requires consideration of the author's descriptions, narratives, digressions, and reasoning. That is, speech becomes the subject of study.


The analysis necessarily recognizes both the composition of the work and the characteristics of individual images, as well as the general architectonics. Finally, the place is indicated of this essay in the work of the artist and its significance in the national and world treasury of arts. This is especially important if the analysis of the works of Lermontov, Pushkin and other classics is carried out.

It is necessary to convey information about the main problems of the era and clarify the attitude of the creator to them. Point by point, identify traditional and innovative elements in the author's work: what are the ideas, topics and problems, what are creative method, style, genre. It is very useful to study the attitude of leading critics towards this creation. So, Belinsky got an almost exhaustive analysis of Pushkin's works.

Character stats plan

In the introduction, it is necessary to determine the place of the character in the general system of images of this work. main part includes, first of all, its characteristics and indication of the social type, material and social status... Considered in detail appearance and no less thoroughly - his worldview, worldview, range of interests, habits, inclinations.

The obligatory study of the nature of the activity and the main aspirations of the character greatly contributes to the full disclosure of the image. Its impact on the world- all types of impact.

The next stage is the analysis of the hero of the work in the field of feelings. That is, how he relates to others, his inner experiences. The author's attitude to this character... How the personality is revealed in the work. Is the characterization given by the author himself directly, or did he do it with the help of a portrait, background, through other characters, through the actions of the subject or his speech characteristic, using the environment or neighbors. The analysis of the work ends with the designation of the problem in society that led the artist to create just such an image. Acquaintance with the character will turn out to be quite close and informative if it is interesting to travel through the text.

Analysis of a lyric work

Start with the date of writing, then give a biographical commentary. Identify the genre and mark its originality. Further, it is advisable to consider in as much detail as possible ideological content: to identify the leading theme and convey the main idea of ​​the work.

Feelings and their emotional coloring, expressed in a poem, dynamics dominate in it or statics - all this constitutes the most important part that should be contained in the analysis of a literary work.

It is important to pay attention to the impression of the poem and analyze the internal reaction. Note the predominance of public or personal intonations in the work.

Professional details

Further, the analysis of a lyric work is included in the sphere of professional details: the structure of verbal images, their comparison, and then - development are specifically considered. What path did the author choose for comparison and development - by contrast or by similarity, by association, by contiguity or by inference.

Considered in detail pictorial means: metonymy, metaphor, allegory, comparison, hyperbole, symbol, sarcasm, paraphrase and so on. It is especially necessary to identify the presence of intonational-syntactic figures, such as anaphores, antitheses, epithets, inversions, rhetorical questions, addresses and exclamations.

An analysis of the works of Lermontov, Pushkin, and indeed any other poet, is impossible without characterizing the main features of rhythm. First of all, it is necessary to indicate what exactly the author used: tonic, syllabic, syllabo-tonic, dolnik or free verse. Then determine the size: iambic, trochee, peon, dactyl, anapest, amphibrachium, pyrrhic or spondaeus. The method of rhyming and stanza is considered.

Painting analysis scheme

First, the author and name of the painting, the place and time of its creation, the history and embodiment of the idea are indicated. The reasons for choosing a model are considered. The style and direction of this work are indicated. The type of painting is determined: easel or monumental, fresco, tempera or mosaic.

The choice of material is explained: oil, watercolor, ink, gouache, pastel - and whether it is typical for the artist. The analysis of a work of art also presupposes the definition of the genre: portrait, landscape, history painting, still life, panorama or diorama, marina, icon painting, everyday genre or mythological. It should also be noted that it is characteristic of the artist. To convey a picturesque plot or symbolic content, if any.

Analysis Scheme: Sculpture

As well as the analysis of a work of painting provides, for a sculpture, first the author and name, time of creation, place, history of the idea and its implementation are indicated. Style and direction are indicated.

Now you need to determine the type of sculpture: round, monumental or small plastic, relief or its varieties (bas-relief or high relief), herm or sculptural portrait, and so on.

The choice of a model is described - it is a person, an animal or his allegorical image existing in reality. Or maybe the work is completely a sculptor's fantasy.

For a complete analysis, you need to determine whether the sculpture is an element of architecture, or is it free-standing. Then consider the author's choice of material and what caused it. Marble is granite, bronze, wood or clay. To reveal national characteristics work and, finally, convey personal attitude and perception. The analysis of the sculptor's work is over. Architectural objects are considered in a similar way.

Analysis of a piece of music

Musical art has specific means for revealing the phenomena of life. Here the links between figurative meaning music and its structure, as well as the means used by the composer. These special features of expressiveness and is intended to indicate the analysis piece of music... Moreover, he himself must become a means for the development of aesthetic and ethical qualities of the individual.

First you need to find out musical content, idea and concept of the piece. As well as its role in the education of sensory cognition complete picture the world. Then you need to determine which expressive means musical language formed the semantic content of the work, what intonational findings the composer used.

How to do a qualitative analysis

Here is a partial list of questions to be answered. qualitative analysis piece of music:

  • What is this music about?
  • What name can you give it? (If the essay is not programmatic.)
  • Are there heroes in the work? What are they?
  • Is there action in this music? Where do conflicts occur?
  • How do climaxes appear? Do they grow from top to top?
  • How did the composer explain all this to us? (Timbres, tempos, dynamics, etc. - that is, the nature of the piece and the means of creating this character.)
  • What impression does this music make, what mood does it convey?
  • How does the listener feel?

When a work of a writer is studied at school on literature, it cannot do without a brief analysis of the work, which the teacher often asks at home. It is the analysis that allows the teacher to understand how well you have mastered the work of the author, whether you were able to understand the idea of ​​the work, highlight the theme, plot, main characters. However, not everyone succeeds in doing this, at times, hated, analysis, and in order to make your life easier, we offer you examples of analyzes of the works of the school curriculum to help you.

Analysis of a lyric work

You can always find an example of the analysis of a lyric work, which, by the way, is the hardest for schoolchildren. Despite the fact that the poems are read easily and quickly, their analysis for some reason becomes the most difficult task for any student. It is difficult for schoolchildren to distinguish artistic means, thanks to which the author creates images for his heroes, it is difficult for them to decide on the topic, give a description of the work, highlight the main part. Schoolchildren find it difficult to define the genre, literary direction works and the like. But, since no one wants to get a bad mark, you have to sit for hours on the work in order to express at least some thoughts. But, now everything will be easier, because we will help you with this by sharing our examples.

Analysis of a work of art

Now it is not difficult to write an analysis of a work of art, because in front of you are examples of works that will surely become a Muse for you and you will be able to present your own short thoughts, having already made my own personal analysis of the work.

Analysis of the hero of the work

The study of the work does not do without analyzing the heroes, both major and minor. Such analyzes make it possible to better understand not only the heroes of the work and their actions, but also to study the writer himself, his views, emotions, mood. But it is often difficult to characterize and brief analysis hero. But, it's hard if there is no example. With an example, any work will go like clockwork. And here you will surely find everything you were looking for and the analysis of the heroes will no longer seem challenging task... So go for it.

In most cases, starting from the 8th grade, in literature lessons when studying large and significant work students are asked to write an analysis for a story, novel, play, or even a poem. In order to write an analysis correctly and get something useful out of it, you need to know how to draw up an analysis plan correctly. In this article we will talk about, and analyze according to this plan the poem "The Sea", written by Zhukovsky.

The history of the creation of the work

The history of the creation of a work is an important part in the analysis, so we will start the analysis plan with this. At this point, we will have to indicate when the work was written, that is, started and finished (the year and, if known, the dates). Next, you need to find out exactly how the author worked on this work, in what place, at what period of his life. This is a very important part of the analysis.

Direction of the work, its kind and genre

This point is already more like an analysis of the work. The plan for the analysis of a work of art must necessarily consist of determining the direction, type and genre of the work.

In total, there are 3 directions in the literature: classicism, It is necessary to read the work and determine which of them it relates to (there may even be two directions).

The analysis plan also consists of determining the type of work. In total, there are 3 types of works: epic, lyric and drama. An epic is a story about a hero or a narration of events that do not concern the author. Lyrics is a transmission through high feelings. Drama is all works built in a dialogical form.

It is not necessary to determine, because it is indicated at the beginning of the work itself. There are a lot of them, but the most popular are the novel, epic, etc.

Themes and problems of a literary work

The plan for compiling an analysis of the work is not complete without such important features in the work as its subject matter and problems. The theme of a work is what the work is talking about. Here you should describe the main themes of the work. The problematic is based on the definition of the main problem.

Paphos and the idea

Idea is definition main idea work, that is, for what it was, in fact, written. In addition to what the author wanted to say with his work, it should be noted how he relates to his heroes. Paphos is the main emotional mood of the author himself, which should be traced throughout the entire work. It is necessary to write with what emotions the author describes certain events, heroes, and their actions.

Main characters

The plan for the analysis of the work also provides for a description of its main characters. I need to say at least a little about minor characters, but at the same time describe in detail the main ones. The character, behavior, the author's attitude, the significance of each hero - this is what must be said.

In the poem, you need to describe the lyrical hero.

The plot and composition of a work of art

With the plot, everything is very simple: you just need to briefly, in just a few sentences, describe the main main and key events that occurred in the work.

Composition is how the piece itself is constructed. It includes the plot (the beginning of the action), the development of the action (when the main events begin to grow), the culmination (the most interesting part in any story or novel, occurs highest voltage action), denouement (end of action).

Artistic identity

It is necessary to describe the properties of the work, its unique features, features, that is, what will distinguish it from another. Some characteristics of the author himself are possible when writing.

The meaning of the work

The plan for the analysis of any work should end with a description of its meaning, as well as the attitude of the reader himself towards it. Here you need to say how it influenced society, what conveyed to people, did you like it as a reader, what you yourself learned from it. The meaning of the work is like a little conclusion at the end of the plan.

Features of the analysis of the poem

For lyric poems, in addition to all of the above, it is necessary to write their poetic size, determine the number of stanzas, as well as the features of the rhyme.

Analysis of the poem "The Sea" by Zhukovsky

In order to consolidate the material and remember how the analysis of the work is done, we will write an analysis of Zhukovsky's poem according to the plan given above.

  1. This poem was written by Zhukovsky in 1822. The poem "The Sea" was first published in a collection entitled "Northern Flowers for 1829".
  2. The poem is written in the spirit of early romanticism. It is worth noting that many of the works were sustained in this spirit. The author himself believed that this direction is the most attractive and exciting. The work belongs to the lyrics. The poem given to us belongs to the elegy genre.
  3. In this poem by Vasily Zhukovsky, not only the sea is described, but a very real landscape of the soul, bright and intriguing, is created. But the importance of the poem lies not only in the fact that the writer created a real psychological landscape and expressed the feelings and sensations of a person when describing the sea. The real feature of the poem is that the sea becomes for a person, for the reader a living soul and a real hero of the work.
  4. The work consists of 3 parts. The first part is introductory, the largest in volume and informative. It can be called "The Silent Sea", because Zhukovsky himself calls the sea so in this part of the poem. This is followed by the second part, which is characterized by violent emotions and it is called "The Tempest". The third part barely begins, as the poem ends - this is "Peace".
  5. The artistic originality of the poem is manifested in a large number epithets (bright sky, dark clouds, hostile haze, etc.)
  6. This poem did not go unnoticed in Russian poetry. Following this, the author and other poets began to paint in their poems a picture of the sea.

Analysis of the poem "The Sea" according to the plan of this analysis will help you easily and quickly disassemble the work of art.

In order to find out the main points of the work, it must be carefully analyzed. Unfortunately, not everyone knows where to start this work. The story analysis plan will help structure the reader's thoughts and qualitatively reveal all aspects of the work.

Where to begin?

Any schoolchild was faced with the task of analyzing the text. As a rule, in a literature lesson, this work is included in the school curriculum. But what to do when detailed story do you need to do it yourself? Start by setting a goal.

If the main task is to analyze the episode in the story, then its role in it should be determined. As a rule, one of the most important scenes in a work is offered for study. For example, how the hero showed himself in this or that case, what his features were revealed at the same time.

But often the teacher requires you to analyze the whole story, and for this you need to study the work in more detail.

Key aspects

You have carefully read the text, now you need to draw up a plan for analyzing the story.

Start by defining its theme. Usually there are several of them in the text: the themes of friendship, devotion, duty, love. It is necessary to identify the most basic ones.

Now it is worth moving on to the description of the main characters. It's not only appearance, which is also important, but also the main character traits of the characters. Then we move on to the role of heroes in revealing the problematic of the story. Their relationship is also important aspect plan.

Minor characters often play important role in the work. Literary analysis the story should include both their description and characteristics.

Composition and its components

Next, we move on to the structure of the story itself. Each piece has individual characteristics build. To begin with, let's define the prologue, that is, the moment of anticipation of the main action. After that, let's move on to the plot and describe the moment of the beginning of the conflict or the problem of the work.

Now it is necessary to identify the development of the action in the story. This part of the composition is usually the longest. In it we will see the main characters, their description, the main events. But the most poignant moment in the story is called the climax. This is an event in which all the secrets of the work are revealed, the most intense actions take place. Now all that remains is to finish the analysis of the composition with a denouement. This is an element that relieves the so-called tension after the climax, describes what happened to the heroes after the events took place.

Story Analysis Plan

Finishing the study of the work, it remains to determine it artistic identity... Should indicate creative manner any writer that distinguishes him from other authors. Funds used artistic expression found in the text will make the analysis more complete and profound. Don't forget about epithets, personifications, metaphors, and other tropes.

After that, proceed to a conclusion, which will include the author's attitude to the problem, as well as your own opinion and impression.

We list the main points that the plan for analyzing a story about literature contains:

  1. The theme of the story.
  2. Idea.
  3. Analysis of the main characters.
  4. Minor characters.
  5. Features of the composition.
  6. Means of expressiveness used in the text.
  7. Reader impression.

Now you can easily analyze any story using our article. The main aspects of the plan, presented by us, will help you do deep and high-quality work.