Predicts to friends for the new year. New Year's predictions on comic pieces

Predicts to friends for the new year. New Year's predictions on comic pieces

Sometimes, spending an anniversary or any other holiday, you begin to notice that part of the guests ceases to be active and just sit, and rest. And here it is necessary to take action, otherwise they will reach them and the rest and fun holiday risks go to the step of half. What measures will help? Try to spend the game called - comic predictions! Short and funny predictions in verses are suitable for any holiday. For example, on the anniversary or for the new year, on February 23 and even on March 8! And all because the predictions are universal and even for teenagers and children at school, you can use them, a little confirming. Well, we will not tomorrow, but let's turn to the game and poems.

Predictions in verse.

1. In the first decade of January,
Your dream will come true.
To this event you prepare
Drink a glass, and calm down!

2. If Saturday is waging at four in the morning,
Then the weekend will be with a bang!
You will redo all things,
After all, time will be a lot of you!

3. Summer, autumn and spring,
Everything will be fine with you.
And the winter is just passing,
In a warm house, sit.

4. Different color socks you are rid
And everything will be with you.
And if others are laughed,
You can simply smile in response.

5. Summer on the sea you will fly,
And when you come back, then you surprise friends.
You will have a slightly abdomen,
Well, about, somewhere for months two.

6. And you will shortly smile at you,
And your life will turn on the new.
The main thing is not to sleep,
We must sit, and wait for it.

7. Put money in the bank,
And tell three times - so!
And then just wait
And on percentages beautifully live.

8. The new car will appear with you
But I will lose something from you.
As soon as you find the car,
In the family budget, you get a hole!

9. At the end of the week you have
There will be a lot of things.
These batteries for you,
So that you managed all this!

10. Always in your house,
There will be delicious food.
Only in the store more often you go,
Yes, with full bags from there go away.

11. You are incredibly lucky!
Soon you will have the opposite.
All your dreams will soon be fulfilled,
The main thing is to believe, and just wait.

12. If you try,
That all will be obtained.
And if you have everything to get,
All wishes will be performed.

13. For a long time you walked
And finally you reached.
Waiting for the friends of a big pyr
Your apartment will appear!

14. And you need to try a little,
And you do not need to be shy.
Literally a little lucky
And soon you have an increase in your family!

Do you know how to play such predictions? Everything is simple here - all the predictions on the numbers are recorded on your sheet, and the guests are removed from the ticket of tickets with numbers. When they were taken out, then show or call the ticket number, and you read the prediction under this number.

By the way!
We have beautiful patterns with numbers for any similar game.
You can see them and download for free for your needs.

Option of comic predictions with movie names.

This version of the game is interesting in that it is possible to interpret the names of films in different ways. And so the game is obtained by a lively, and all guests take part in the discussion. And the game is carried out according to the following rules:
"The guest says in the future I am waiting for me ... and takes out one card on which the name of the film is written. And reading it. It may turn out like this: in the future I am waiting for me ... Carnival night! And maybe so: in the future I am waiting for me ... Service Roman!
In general, this option is obtained ridiculous when guests or lead comments on what is happening.
Next, see the list of films that are suitable for the game:
To be able to download free hidden material. Registration is simple and will not take you more than a minute. After registering on the site, you will open completely all sections, and you can download the material that is not available to unregistered users!

There are a huge set of ways to diversify the New Year holiday. You can entertain yourself not only viewing the "blue light" or even participation in it, but also in other ways. One of the units used, but potentially funny ways are predictions. Moreover, they can be different, even prophecies are relevant in the form of a careless impromptu, although it is better to know comic predictions in advance to the New Year 2019 to become the original "nail" of the festive program.

Classification of joking prophecies and types of fun gadas

In fact, it is possible to combine all the predictions into one common bunch, but then it is impossible to at least approximately approximate the option, especially if we are talking about the subject of prophecy. It is unlikely that you can continue to joke on the topic of finance if someone will extend something about love. You can associate in a funny form of money and relationship, but it will be difficult to return to the previous topic.

In total, the most burning topics are somewhat:

  1. Love relationships and family.
  2. Wellness, rest and health.
  3. Financial sphere and working relationships.

No one prohibits mixing all kinds, engaged in a common joking progress. Just some kind of "fortunes" can still beat somehow. It can be balloons with prediction inside, a special dressing box, a magic hat or a prophetic vase. Any of these species can be played at the right angle by making comic predictions for the new year 2019 in a suitable style suitable for each specific party.

There is a special type of prediction. This is "assumed" cookies, so popular in European countries. It also gothes it, besides, such a type of entertainment also likes both children and adults. This type of prediction is worth highlighting in a separate look. Only in the cookies will not be able to put a long prediction, so they are only brief and not always rhymed phrases. Moreover, for cookies, you can use short versions of the prophecies selected by different topics, because baking for such divination most often goes common, and not by type.

About love and friends, family and children

Divination of such the theme concern not only family people with the presence of kids or just couples in love. They are suitable for lonely to persons, and also affect relationships with friends, although each person is free to choose text for predictions in this group at its discretion.

Prophecies in short verses

Your vulgar desire is not worthy of prediction!

Your love will not shine, but only gently meow!

Will be the best wonders in the light of your gentle children!

The year will be particularly bright, it will be hot from the novels!

There will be a couple of times forever, but will help a friend's help!

Do not call her friends! Girls are still to give birth!

If you are father or mother, there will be kids grace!

In the year of the pig you will plunge into the sea of \u200b\u200bcaress!

Your love trimming in the strip will go luck!

Even if you live with your spouse, do not forget a lonely friend!

Joking predictions in prose

No need to be wanga to predict a fun holiday in a circle of friends!

Enough to bloom and whining! There will be love you will!

This year, the boar you do not have to live with a pig!

It is hard to predict the presence of good friends in the year of the pig!

Clear children, it is clear that there is a family! You will have to pay more time this year!

If you want to avoid problems with friends, do not behave like a pig! Even like guinea pig!

Waiting for you big gatherings in a circle of friends and family. And if the circle is small, it means to sit in it will become good and nice!

Someone will find a new love, and someone and old from the soul will please!

Beats - it means loves, cute bulls - only to themesh. In the bathhouse such high love. In the year of kind pig and the relationship will be blonde, gentle!

This spring should not miss a good chance - as a true family animal Pig will give the opportunity to gain harmony in relations to those who are paired, and also find love to lonely people.

About work, career and finance

The speech in the "fortune telling" of this species can not only go about the work on hiring and money. Immediately you can "predict the future" in relation to your own business or the economic situation as a whole, as well as about winnings in the lottery, inheritance or about colleagues, superiors and subordinates.

Rhymed prophecies

In February, luck will come - the cottage remained!

No problems guys will increase us salary!

Do not give up work, friend, unemployed a lot around!

The leg of times, the leg, twisted the head! But it will not be all, you will have success in your career!

Kohl does not need a million from Pig Swaron Bouleon!

You work until the seventh sweat and then the money will bring work!

Do you give your business? So do not yaw! Clean everything and dare, strengthen and develop.

Yes, not a greedy pig at all, only lazy does not love! Here's how to work, so money will arrive.

Do not be buried, you are very nose - awaits you career growth!

All colleagues for you will see you family! And support, and help, will read the way to the authorities!

Joking predictions in prose

Just do not say that you do not need them! Of course, they will be with you, will be! As you really try, I will approve the money.

Calling the skills of a Chinese chill can be administered neck, but so the wallet will not swell. Learn to be the first everywhere, and there I will add money.

Wood planted? House built? In general, as Skuffed, and so much!

The pig is soft and rounded, so it can help get around all the sharp corners at work, it is important only to notice them on time.

Do not believe bad horoscopes - if you want, then there will be money, and career, and recognition!

In the year of the pig, people can relate to work with the most pork. Remember about it and keep your hand on the pulse, then you will win.

Remember that a high position requires self-dedication at work. So you're definition - you need to be a steep dude or just want the grandmothers more!

The wolf legs are fed, and if he is still actively working in January, then on the background of everyone looks good, which gives a reason for the premium!

Business trips, business trips, conferences and all this need, and sometimes useful. Just do not forget sometimes rest from the works of righteous!

Now, even though not a year of a horse, but for big income is better to plow as a horse. Then the boar will not put a pig!

About health, rest and well-being

This type of prophecy is directed not only for the general state of health and gatherings on the weekend. We are talking about positive procedures, and about the mood, and about a long rest with family or alone. Also, joking prophecies can advise something really useful for health, so they should not be offended, but to use as a guide to action.

Prophecies in verse

If you have not drank vodka, you will be fresh and full of strength!

To gain a gorgeous figure will have to remember the physical education!

You need to rest more and at the same time do not boil!

To save great power instead of Sala, eat strap!

For well-being of a wonderful go to bed with a clear head!

If you do not drink in the new year - you can save health!

Enough to eat, it is good to boot! What are you not taking care?

Throw off a couple of centimeters will help 20 kilometers!

To live without headaches do not drink a lot of alcohol!

To live life all smoothly, do in the morning charge.

Future forecasts in prose

Even in the year of the pig, not to be soldered in Swine, the beginning of January thanks good self-sensitivity.

Sometimes you just need to lie down in Klelev to eat the sides. And not to eat them, you need to move more.

In the year of the pig you will find a boar health!

Why think about the future, it needs to feel his strong organism. Do not load brain once again, let it rest.

Do not believe that the good people are good - this body can not be a healthy mind!

Zoz and all that, well, don't be boring! Pei already come on!

Good health is given to withstand alcoholic and food frills.

On the festive night you need to observe the drinking mode. It is necessary to drink, although in the new year it is not about water.

Remember! Cold shower is useful not only in early January, but also within the course of the year!

Health needs to be preserved, so you need to drink vodka to gleate the body for long-term storage!

Prediction cookies

The procedure for modeling such cookies is simple - a classic sandstope is taken as the basis, flour to high density are added to it and give an hour to sequal. After that, it is finely rolled, cut circles like on dumplings and on each of them is laying a leaf with text. Next, the circle is neatly folded, trying to lose the edges loosely, then jammed in the oven. The same prediction text can be any, although ideally brief.

Future forecasts in verse

Throw hamster everything in a row - sweets for you poison!

According to forecasts in the New Year, all salads pull in the mouth!

Do not eat me when you guess - then you are not gaining weight!

For you, the kabanchik is glad, maybe you will find a treasure!

At work so that you behave like a boss, and not donkey!

In this step, obedience to your child!

Get to fall, you need to work!

At work - grace, there will be quiet and even smooth!

Do not forget about love - the neighbor is more popping.

His belly facing, not on the salad!

Phrases for cookies in prose

The pig farm center promises cloudless romantic relationships for the year!

Want to live more fun? Just smile!

The main thing to believe that everything will be fine. Then this is how everything will happen.

Fight with a bad mood - it will be exactly easier to live!

In the year of the pig there will be love and all that, and you also come with money!

Many hoped for love and happiness. So now it's time - everything will be!

It is difficult to promise rapid career growth, although the increase will not walked in a pussy!

To remember January, Pei on New Year's Eve more tea, juice. Avoid water, you can wash vodka into it!

Even if you are an athlete, I predict the missed workout on January 1!

Various forms of comic predictions for the new year 2019 are not some fresh idea. The tradition has already been known for a long time, although it is not so common, but still she has lost its relevance. This is because such humorous prophecies raise the mood and add a mild-azarery holiday. It is only necessary to choose the form of forecasts for the future in advance to enjoy the most original and interesting predictions on New Year's Eve.

Predictions for the New Year 2019: Short, Funny, Cool

New Year's Eve is an excellent reason to get together with friends, have fun, talk and meet a long-awaited holiday - a year of pig. Usually guests are going all together hours at six in the evening. They start trying food on the table, to make conversations and ... let's get bored. How to raise them mood and make the evening especially "tasty"? There is an option and these are funny and funny predictions for the new year 2019. Short predictions diversify the evening and your game program. Guests will be interested to know what is waiting for them in the coming year and then check whether all this will come true. But remember - all this joke, though ....

What is special in this game

Here is not in the light of a person who would not like to know his future and his fate. Many people say - no, I do not believe and I do not need it, - but in fact it is not.
Therefore, the game in prediction will be interesting to everyone. And since everything that will be said is just a joke, then the game will be fun and easy.

Preparation for the game

So that everything went interesting - you need to prepare. First decide who will predict. For example, it may be a pig, as a symbol of the upcoming year or a real magician and magician. In any case, you will need a suitable costume.
Next, select the best time for this game. For example, somewhere between 21 and 22 hours, when there is little time to the new year, and the guests are already merry.
Well, in the rest, orient on the spot. The better your acting game, the better for all. Soak music to exit, you can learn the dance. And then play and have fun.

Options for comic predictions

There are many different options for such predictions. We collected the best and offer them to you. And you choose the appropriate exactly to you and have fun.

Option 1.

Option 2.

All year you will wake up at six in the morning - you will not be late in the office
Meet big love ... kilogram so 140-160 approximately
Each eaten chocolate in winter plus one hundred grams weight in summer
Your dream will be: next to your home will open the store meat delicacies
If you buy a sensible dictionary, you will become smart in a year
You will stop eat meat - you will be sorry for pigs
If you won't cry all year, you will become rich
If you accum up to summer money, go to the sea
Live all year without worries ... if you get fired from work
Something in the new year you will lose greatly. This is a wallet - you will become fashionable and you will buy a lot of new things.
You will eat well the whole next year ... If you give my wife a diamond ring
Accumulation of 30 thousand rubles - rest in Turkey. Copy 30 thousand dollars - rest in the Maldives. Accumulate 30 thousand debts - Relax in prison
All year you will be the center of attention - you will be appointed at work responsible for the award

Option 3.

There is one more option in the form of a video. Just turn on the monitor and show it to guests.

New Year's Eve is the time when colleagues are going to work together, the best friends, relatives, loved ones. The new year is impossible to imagine without fun, congratulations and, of course, gifts. Many are waiting for something special from him. Comic predictions for the new year 2019 can be a real surprise for those who decided to celebrate this event in your circle.

  • for the family;
  • for colleagues at work;
  • for kids;
  • for the closest friends.

In fact, there are a huge amount of such forecasts. They can be with whiskers, in prose, in verses, short quatrains, on the signs of the zodiac, etc., they can be submitted after contests as a gift, after dance competitions in the form of surprises, pronounce during a toast, etc. Short funny predictions for all guests can make New Year's Eve unforgettable.

The new year is the most suitable time to open the veil of mystery and find out. New Year's Eve is miracles time and therefore each of us will be happy to find out what will be very soon.

Preparing for a new year meeting, you need to prepare predictions in advance for all participants in the New Year evening. They can be represented in a variety of form. For example, in the form of beautiful postcards that need to pull out of a colorful bag, mysterious chest or hat. Prophecies can be glued with scotching on the back of the New Year's toys so that they are not visible. At the right moment you can offer to guests to choose your favorite toy and read the predictions out loud. You can invest a fateful forecast for cookies or candy, which the hostess prepares for New Year's Eve.

It is better that the options be a little more than guests. After all, for the one who will be the last in the choice of predictions is very important to have a choice.

And yet, it is necessary to consider all the prophecies to be positive in nature, they did not hurt those present and did not hurt them for living. In this regard, it is better to choose funny predictions with whiskers. Each of us hopes only at the best of the year. Therefore, predictions must be kind and optimistic. We give examples of forecasts for various situations that are possible at.

Predictions for colleagues

Forget about what holiday is
You need career to go ahead,
While colleagues drink "slicing" simply,
Hint the boss about the career growth!

You will proper a year
Glory, money and success!
Sea emotions of madmen
And recognition from everyone!

Today you are among friends
Scream again: "Pillow-Pour",
So that tomorrow was not ashamed
Today it is necessary to be solid!

Funny predictions
For all honest companies,
But personal personally you
And at all the year will go joking!

In the next year
You will bring success!
And a lot of money in addition
To buy in the suburbs you give you!

Forecasts in verse

Will you have a lot of money,
You will have a successful way!
There will be no care,
But the main thing is to start working!

Prophesy now the stars to you
Delight to be to your friends!
And not that they are all together
Will put you in place!

All wishes at this hour
Today is only for you.
Larger sleep, rest,
In a bottle, nothing disappear!

This prediction,
Says about your upbringing!
Than to laugh over others
Try to figure it out!

In personal life will be quiet
If you give out famous!
And if you are obedient,
In love with everything and friendly!

Short prophecies on zodiac signs


Oh, what a ram stubborn

Let's say in your face right!

Need to give up more

So that all year is not to fall!


Character forces you do not borrow

Well, start to dig,

To stock you with low-fat food,

In order for you at the end of the year, I am thin!


Your character is loving

You have an adventure abundantly

On the point the fifth carries

Oh, no matter how adversity!


Cancer, stride

Enough to hide for everyone

And not the year for you

Will go around success!

a lion

Lions would be fear

Drink a lot to not fight.

You have all a year on all gulyas,

Less often to be on different boats!


Stop sleeping, not so much

Happiness you are very friends

Well, dirt from face erase,

You have long been time in the princes!


Enough "in the hole" hang out

Today to be, then not to be!

It's time to be able to decide

And begin to actively live!


You can run away from you

All friends, in mind, have!

From bites to refrain

Next year, Say!


You only drives fire,

You are in hot and not trunk

But dust do not burn,

More often passion you extinguish!


Capricorn in the year of the dog

In the lottery lucky

He is a soul mate

On Canara will take away.


New Year celebrate cool!

The payback will come ...

After all, it is dangerous to drink Aquarius

In the head will be in the morning madhouse.


Swim the fish you are in a smooth flow

And the little things are not worth it!

Then good luck near quietly floats,

Promoting you only forward!

Short cool predictions

  • I wish nothing to miss. There will be new friends.
  • Do not worry let the concern. Waiting for you a new job.
  • Many different impressions. Traveling beautiful.
  • Let success be accompanied. You learn best to all.
  • Surrounded you so comfort. And incomes will increase.
  • I wish you luck. Waiting for you add-on.
  • For your health your toast. There will be a career growth.
  • Does not leave you luck. There will be a new cottage.
  • Save wish style. There will be a car.
  • Good luck, happiness, peace. It will be your apartment.

Wishes for family and relatives

You have friends, familiar sea, and everyone gets to visit soon.

Very soon from friends
Wait for pleasant news!

You will soon be big lucky,
Fate Surprise will present!

To make money - the river to breakfast caviar,
So that career is strictly up, and in all matters - success!

So that you love and appreciated, so that you are treated in the forest,
To drink - and not sick to eat - and do not get fat.

And you have economic worries, home deals awaits.
But in the family and in your life, you will all get great!

You will find a good atmosphere in the family
And dizzying personal career.

Let success accompany! You learn best!

I wish you to live nice and freely!
And so that your wallet is naked with money tight!

Live let you not sadly,
Crunches in the cabbage wallet,
From wheelbarrow the key lies in his pocket,
The remote control is waiting on the sofa.

Predictions for children

Kohm mom will help
Dishes wash, remove everything,
Your wishes will be fulfilled
For approximate obedience!

You have a surprise friend
Waiting for you a cheerful prize!
Just need to earn
And the whole year is good to be!

There will be a feast of my friend
Well, make a rotch,
A lot of delicious ice cream
Candies, cakes, cake!

If there is no porridge
You will not grow up my friend
All year you will be weak
Like a pea pod!

Friend, Kohl want to grow
And health your stay
Milk more drink
And over him tears do not leu!

Prediction games are an interesting and very cheerful element of the holiday, invariably causing response of guests. Serious prophecies and real fortune telling at parties are inappropriate, because a negative forecast may completely spoil the mood. But the comic vorozhba always passes with a bang.

There are many ways to conduct this game. You can, for example, make a deck of boutofor cards: On the one hand, a shirt, and on the other - the printed prediction. Someone dressed up with gypsy and offers guests to pull on one map and read the prophecy out loud.

Other options:

  • prepare cookies with predictions;
  • print funny candy with predictions inside, wrapping candy in them, distribute to guests and offer to deploy;
  • write prophecies on small postcards with congratulations, fold them into the box and offer guests to pull on one;
  • stickers stickers on the bottom of plates or glasses with numbers. Put this dishes on a separate tray. Let the guests will figure it out before the feast. As a result, everyone will get a randomly fallen number. When the right moment comes, the presenter will ask the guests to look at stickers. Participants in the holiday will call the numbers that have fallen them, and the master read out of numbered predictions.

Comic Predictions on Film and Songs

Film names

This is a simple, but original and very interesting way to predict fate for the next year. The prophecy is the name of a film or a cartoon. Not a plot, but only phrase. Let the guests are sophisticated in interpretations.

For example: "Next year I am expecting me ... the game of thrones." It is possible to interpret it in any way - for example, as a struggle for a position or as a dispute for the role of the head of the family.

Suitable movie titles

Foreign films

  • Armageddon
  • Big Kush.
  • The smell of a woman
  • Escape from chicken coop
  • Taming of the Shrew
  • Front day
  • Monsters corporation
  • Deal with the devil
  • Midnight in Paris
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • Sky over Berlin
  • Money train
  • Sex in the big city
  • All-door key
  • Third wheel
  • Acquaintance with parents
  • Fatal attraction
  • Wedding is the best friend
  • Obscene offer
  • Sorokalenny virgin
  • 12 angry men
  • Mansion with ghosts
  • The Wedding Planner
  • Friends with Benefits
  • Blonde in law
  • Breaking Bad

Soviet and Russian films

  • Love affair at work
  • Love and pigeons
  • Zigzag luck
  • 8 first dates
  • Long road in the dunes
  • Girl without address
  • Love-carrot
  • White Sun of the Desert
  • Big change

Line of songs

Similar to previous entertainment. Only this time the prophecy is a line of a famous song. Phrases can be printed on paper (specifying in the brackets of the artist). But if not too lazy, it is better to cook audio slicing. In this case, the fortune telling will be much more spectacular and interesting.

Fragments of songs are numbered. Guests pull numbers according to which they are voiced short musical predictions. So, what did the fate prepared for your guests in the coming year?

Suitable lines of songs:

1. Only a glass of vodka on the table (Leps)
2. Million, Million, Million Scarlet Roses (A. Pugacheva)
3. Money, Money, Money. Always Sunny In The Rich Man's World (ABBA)
4. And on the sea of \u200b\u200bwhite sand, blowing the wind in the face (J. Friske)
5. Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced
6. There is nothing better in the world than to wander to friends in Bella Light ... (M / f "Bremensky Musicians")
7. Oh, mom, chic ladies, chic ladies (F. Kirkorov)
8. I am free, like a bird in heaven (V. Kipelov)
9. You are lucky - you are not like everyone else! You work in the office! ("Leningrad")
10. Voyage, voyage. There, never where it was not (S. Minaev)
11. I love Bogi-WGOG, I dance Bogi-WGG every day ("Secret")
12. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. (A. Pugacheva)
13. Everything will be awesome, will certainly be awesome. Large change ahead. I know that for sure: everything will be awesome (P. Will)
14. Oh, I feel, girls, go round. Oh, go back (Verka Serduchka)
15. The plane is easy to carry me (Valery)
16. Everything is a bundle, and we have a bundle. Where they do not turn straight right, we will pass barrel (Potap and Nastya)
17. I'm lying in the sun. I look at the sun. I'm lying and lying and looking at the sun (m / f "like a lion and a turtle sang a song")
18. Freedom, freedom, let me freedom! I'm a poultry up to lean! (M / f "Flying Ship")
19. The wagon is touching, the trailer is touching, the wagon is touching ... the wagon is touching, the Perron will remain (k / f "Irony of Fate, or with a Light Steam")
20. If there was a sea of \u200b\u200bbeer, I would be a good dolphin. If there was a sea of \u200b\u200bvodka, I would have become a submarine ("Dune")

From the harmful habit in the new year
Get rid of you certainly.
But it's not enough: instead of one
Two new replacement

You will spend your vacation on the sea
Both body and soul warm.
Spend the whole amount, burn out five times,
Six kilograms will starve.

Smile always, smile everywhere,
Smile on land and on the water!
Repay you for a smile fate
A pair of wrinkles and a bunch of dough!

Then nut, then they give up,
Whether in the chair, you will send -
Know that next year
Assist is notable.

If you become kissing
Every day half an hour,
All dreams will start come true.
Life fill wonders!

Higher power for you
Disappointing forecast:
New Year to you promulit
Love Width!

If you can, not lynching,
Plow, like a horse, on Thursdays,
Fate will open the way
To big-big money.

If you go on the 'field -
In the Catence field you will find;
When you find a money -
I spend your whole to the cow

Out of three versts
Balker hairdresser:
Crushes as it fell
And will cut the eye!

Need to 'year forget
About brandy, tequila, vodka.
Otherwise you will be
In criminal reports.

The cockroaches in your head will be very fun year.

Next year, friends will not forget. We must not forget who should you have money.

Next year, all your problems will go away. Because even they are bored with you ...

Your life next year will be multifaceted as a glass. Well, you understand…

Your dreams will gain strength and declare war on your sofa.

Next year you will understand that your inner rod is awl in the ass.

In the next year, your body will decide by himself when to sleep, where he sleep and with whom to sleep. Do not contradict him - he knows better!

You will spend your vacation where everything is included - in relatives.

If it becomes boring - send romances. Your finances will always make you a company.

Bad news - add in weight. Good news - the gain will occur in the wallet area.