Outline of a musical lesson in the second junior group. Summary of a music lesson for children of the second junior group

Outline of a musical lesson in the second junior group.  Summary of a music lesson for children of the second junior group
Outline of a musical lesson in the second junior group. Summary of a music lesson for children of the second junior group

Software content:

  1. Maintain interest in musical and theatrical - play activities.
  2. To develop in children attention, memory, the ability to distinguish the dynamics, timbre and rhythm of music. To distinguish and independently perform movements in accordance with the nature of the music.


Musical instruments: drum, bell, tambourine, rattles - bells.

Toys: bunny, fox, bear.

On foreground there is a teremok, in which there are animals. Children enter the music hall, greet.

Moose. hands. In a clearing near the Christmas tree,

Where Bad Wolves Walk

There was a tower - a tower

He was short, short.

There lived a frog in the mansion,

Brown bear, mouse - noorushka,

Brave hare and fox.

What miracles!

Guys, now we will go to the forest to the tower.

(Children perform movements according to the lyrics)

Song: "This is how we can" E. Tilicheyeva

Well, it's more fun - top, top, top!

This is how we can - top, top, top!

Legs strode - top, top, top!

Straight along the track - top, top, top!

Boots stomp - top, top, top!

These are our legs - top, top, top!

"Legs and legs" V. Agafonnikova

Big feet

Walked along the road

Top - top - top,

Top - top - top.

Little feet

We ran along the path

Top - top - top-top- top,

Top - top - top - top - top.

"Our legs are tired" T. Lomova

Our legs are tired

We ran along the path

Let's stroke our feet

And let's rest a little.

Exercise: Horses

Children, as shown by the teacher, perform the following movements: Horses "clatter", "Straight gallop"

Here we are in the forest.

This is a miracle of teremok!

Smoke comes out of the chimney.

The animals live in the mansion

And the guests are probably expected.

I wonder who lives there? Now we will find out, and our fingers will help us with this.

Feel free to knock your fingers

Cams help them

We will knock together

Who will come out to meet us?

Song-game: "Fingers"

1. Clap our hands, clap a little,

Clap our hands, very good.

2. And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance,

And little guys will dance to their fingers.

3. Knock knock with a hammer we will build a house for the birds,

Knock knock with a hammer, we will build a house for the birds.

4. Boom boom drum, what a noise and bang,

Boom boom drum, what a noise and rattling.

The window opens, the Fox "appears", they say hello.

We are a beauty - a fox

I brought the bell.

Bells are distributed to children.

Our bells are magical, they can play softly and loudly.

Game: "Quiet and Loud Calls" R. Rustamova

You are the rings, bell, quieter,

Let no one hear you - 2 times.

You are stronger than the ringing bell

So that everyone can hear - 2 times.

Children sit on chairs.

Come on, guys, get your ears ready. Who is the music calling?

Music will prompt you

Who will open the doors for us.

Play: "The Dancing Hare" E. Tilicheeva.

Did you find out? (Children answer)

The pavilion, the music is calling the bunny. It sounds high, easy, fast. (A bunny appears from the tower)

The bunny is a musician, and his favorite musical instrument is a drum. Our bunny is dexterous, fast, so he plays just as easily and quickly.

The rhythmic pattern of a bunny sounds.

Children repeat the rhythm.

Exercise: Drummers D. Kabalevsky

Song: "I have a bunny" V. Kachaeva

Listen, the music is playing again. Whom the music calls, now we will guess.

Play: "Bear" V. Vitlina

(Children answer)

That's right, guys, this music is about a bear. It sounds low, hard, slow ... (A bear appears from the house). The bear is also a musician - he plays the tambourine.

What teddy bear? (children answer)

The bear plays the tambourine hard and slowly.

The rhythmic pattern of the bear sounds. Children repeat the rhythm.

Song - game: "There is a bear"

Mishka is coming,

Clubfoot bear.

Mishka is coming,

Keeps the barrel in his paws.

Here it comes, here it comes

Clubfoot bear.

Here it comes, here it comes

Teddy bear.

Mishka is coming,

Walks through the woods.

Mishka is coming,

He collects cones.

Children perform movements in accordance with the lyrics.

The bear walked through the forest,

Teddy bear collected cones

And a little tired.

Our teremok is closing. While the animals are sleeping, we will bake a treat for them.

Finger game: "Pies"

I bake, bake, bake

To all pie friends:

Mouse pie,

For a bunny - babies,

A pie for the frog,

Bear, eat it and you are my friend!

A pie for you, fox.

Delicious game!

Lesson summary:

What animals live in the musical house?

What instrument does the bunny like to play?

What instrument does the bear like to play?

What musical instrument did the fox bring us?

It's time for us to go back to Kindergarten.

Children "leave" on a steam locomotive.

Abstract of an open musical lesson "Use breathing exercises for the development of singing skills "(second junior group)

Educational activities in kindergarten(lesson summary)

I. Organizational information

1. Dominant educational area Artistic and aesthetic development According to FSES DO

2. Activity of children: Playful, communicative, cognitive, musical and artistic, motional.

II. Methodical information

1. The topic of educational activities.Lesson type - dominant "Using breathing exercises to develop singing skills"

2. Methods and techniques for implementing the content of the lessonVisual (Demonstration of illustrations, display,)


Practical (exercise, play, musical rhythmic movements, music perception)

3 . Integration of educational areas

Cognitive development:children will learn Interesting Facts about the bird.

Speech development:Expansion of the active vocabulary (logo-rhythmic games, finger gymnastics, music dictionary(loud-quiet, sad-fun, fast-slow, etc.)

Physical development:the development of physical activity in the game, the development of correct breathing. Respect for your health.

4. Age group:second junior group

5. Purpose: Tune the breathing apparatus for correct singing breathing, develop muscle groups involved in voice formation.

6. Objectives:


1. Teach children correct breathing during breathing and singing.

2. Teach children the elements of self-massage.

3. Learn to hear music and move correctly to the music, reacting to the beginning of the sound and its end.


1. To develop pitch hearing and attention.

2. To form singing skills: breathing, diction, lightness and flightiness of the voice.

3. Develop musical and Creative skills preschoolers in different types musical activities using health-saving technologies.

4. Develop communication skills in younger children preschool age among themselves, through dancing. games and songs.

5 Develop the imagination, thinking, memory of the child.


1. To foster emotional responsiveness to music in children.

7. Planned result:

Mastering the skills of breathing exercises by children. The direct personal involvement of the child in the process of creating, performing, listening and experiencing music in his experience.

Methodological techniques:

Display of illustrations, use of musical didactic games, method of practical activity, relaxation, finger, breathing exercises.

Equipment and materials:

1. Phonogram


3.masks of birds and animals




Course of the lesson:

1 part. Introductory

Children enter mod music.

Moose. ruk: Pass my dear. Today there are a lot of guests and friends.

Let's say hello musically.

Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Moose. hands. Come in, sit down please. Guys, let's all together wish ourselves and our guests good morning. Let's straighten the back, handles on knees. And you guests do not yawn and repeat after us. Good morning wish us.

Children: Good morning! Smile soon!

And today the whole day will be more fun!

We will stroke the forehead, nose and cheeks

We will be beautiful as flowers in the garden.

Let's rub our palms harder, harder

Now let's clap more boldly, more boldly.

We will rub our ears now

And we will save health

Let's smile again, let's all be healthy!

2. Main part

Moose. ruk: Do you guys like to relax?

I want to invite you for a walk with me. And we will go with you by train. Please tell me what each passenger should have?

Children: Ticket.

Moose. hand: I give out tickets

I call everyone on the road….

You have a ticket in your hands

He's handsome, no doubt

We will breathe on it

To make it come to life again. (Breathing exercise - the back is straight, inhalation with the nose, the mouth is closed, we slowly release the air through the mouth)

Moose. hands: Well, the tickets have come to life, it's time to go into the trailers.

Our train kindergarten 43 departs from the fourth track. Tu-tu.

Here we go into the carriages and go far….

And on the way we will meet friends

Let's play and rest.

Wait, don't rush, I know: someone will come to us and collect tickets. (The conductor enters and collects tickets.)

Guys, we hit the road, and let's voice (portray with a voice) all the noises and rustles. Ready?

Children yes!

Moose hands: The steam locomotive takes us to the forest

Children: Chukh, chukh, chukh .... (changing the speed of movement, volume, frequency of pronunciation)

Moose. hands: The locomotive brought us to the forest.

Children: chug, chug, chug,

Moose. Hands. Stop

Children: - shshshshsh

Moose. Rook: It's full of miracles.

Children: m… .M…. (Surprised, sensations from head resonance to chest resonance)

Moose hands: The stop is not easy, but a forest clearing.

And you guess who is in a hurry to us.

Children: Hedgehog.

Moose. hand: Here comes the angry hedgehog

Children with muses. Hands. F f ... f ... f (you need to clasp your chest with your hands)

Moose. hands: Where can you not understand the nose (hedgehog curled into a ball)

Children: f. f. f. f…. f. f. f. f. f

Moose. Rook Here is a funny bee zzzzzzzzzzz

She flies high

Children with hands: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (sound helps with sore throat)

She sat down on our elbowz

Flew on toe zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Donkey scared the bee

Children with hands: ia ia ia ia (strengthening the larynx ligaments, preventing snoring)

To the whole forest, he shouted ia ia ia ia

Geese are flying across the sky, geese are buzzing for a donkey

Children with their hands: Gu-oo-oo-oo, gu-oo-oo-oo-oo (Walk slowly, raise your arms as you inhale, lower with a sound).

Moose hands :. Are you tired? Let's get some rest

You need to sit down and yawn sweetly (Children sit on the carpet and yawn sweetly, the laryngeal-pharyngeal apparatus and the activity of the brain are stimulated)

Muses of hands: Guys, a toad still lives in the forest.

Toad with the sun got up early (stretch)

Sweet. Sweet. Yawning (children yawning)

Juicy chewed grass (imitate chewing movements)

Yes, I swallowed some water. (do swallowing movements)

She sang a song on a water lily

Children with hands: Kwa…. kwe…. kwa….

Children: The birds are singing.

Moose. Hand: Close your eyes and listen

How loudly and loudly the birds sing. Open your eyes. Guys, what do you think the birds are singing about?

Children: About the sun, about spring….

Moose. ruk: Yeah guys, right. Spring! Guys, let's say what kind of birds fly to us in the spring?

Children call different birds: starlings, rooks, swallows, nightingales.

Hand muses: Birds should not be offended, because they are small, and they also benefit the forest. What do you guys think they bring to the forest? Do you want us to turn into birds?

Children: Yes!

Muses of hands: whirl, whirl, turn into small birds!

And the leader of our flock will be a bird (name of the child)

Dance of the birds: Small birds in the spring.

Moose. Rook: And now we'll play with the birds.

Each bird has its own house (Nest)

Here are your nests.

And you will show what birds do in nature. (children show everything that the birds are doing). Music plays the birds go about their business, the music will stop the birds are flying into the nest.

Game: Have fun at dawn on a clear day

Birds fly, fly, fly

Have fun at dawn on a clear day

The birds are singing: chiv….

It's fun for them to jump on the grass, you can peck delicious grains

Get drunk with key water

Clean the wings and flap

The birds flapped their wings and easily flew far away. (play 2 times.)

Moose. Ruk: Well done, now turn into cute children.

Moose. hands: Children, please collect nests for me.

Guys, you are happy about spring. the sun?

Children: Yes!

Moose. Rook: And of course you like to sing too?

Children: Yes!

Everybody rejoices in spring, my dear ones: people, birds and animals. Flowers bloom in the spring. Look and flowers bloomed in our meadow. (A circle with flowers is put out to sprinkle the fragrance.)

Oh what a scent! Let us invite guests to our meadow.

We will stand in a circle of flowers

Inhale the fragrance (through the nose 3 times we release through the mouth)

Let's join hands

Let's start a round dance song.

Song: The sun began to bake. muses. and sl. L. Samokhvalova.

Moose. Rook: Well done! So our journey is over.

And we guys need to return to the kindergarten. Can you hear the hum? U…. W. What is this?

Children: Airplane.

Moose. ruk: Let's go by plane?

Children with muses. hands: at. /\.у..y / \ u. y / \. y (do an exercise to relax the vocal cords and to develop the head register)

3. The final part

Moose. ruk: Here we are in the kindergarten.

Did you enjoy our trip? Let's remember where you rested today and who did you meet on your way? This is what a fascinating journey we have had with you. Let's sing goodbye to the guests. And let's go to the group.

Children: (singing) goodbye guests!

Guests (parents) goodbye!

Children leave the hall to music

Abstract of an open musical lesson for children 3-4 years old "Our bus rush forward, where the corner of happiness lives!"

The abstract will be useful to music directors, kindergarten teachers.
Target: Formation musical ability preschoolers in familiar songs, games.
1. Strengthen correct posture, ability to walk, easy on toes.
2. To develop pitch hearing and attention.
3. To convey in singing the cheerful, joyful character of the songs.
4. To form singing skills: breathing, diction, lightness and flightiness of the voice.
5. Create a joyful, relaxed atmosphere.

Joint activities

Organizing time:
(Children are in front of the entrance to the music hall)
Musical director:
Hello children. Do you love to travel?

Yes Yes Yes.
Musical director:

Today we will go on a journey with you, and a magic bus will take us. Please tell me what should each passenger have?
Musical director:
Well done.
I'm handing out tickets
On the way - I call everyone on the road.
(Music director: and the teacher hand out tickets, sit down in their seats)
Main part:
You have a ticket in your hands,
He's handsome - no doubt about it.
We'll breathe on it
To make it come alive again.
(the back is straight, we breathe with our nose, the mouth is closed, we slowly release the air)
Respiratory gymnastics: "Blow on the ticket"
Musical director:
So we got on the bus
And let's go far
And on the way we will meet friends
Let's play, what else?
We will also sing for you
And we will dance from the heart.
Let us tell the guests all together:
"Hello, thanks for coming!"
Wait, take your time
I know: someone will come to us
And he will collect tickets.

(music sounds, the Conductor enters and collects tickets)
Musical director:
Buses, buses
Running down the lane
We're having fun, we're having fun
We're going for a walk!
Musical director:
Ride with the breeze
Now let's go on foot.
We get off the bus
And we'll see around. (they fit easily on their toes to the "store")
What do you think this house is, where different goods are sold?

Children's answers
Musical director:

Well done, this is a store. There are groceries, books, toys, and handkerchiefs here. They will come in handy for us to dance.
A boy will find a girl
He will dance with her!
Dance in pairs "Stamp my foot"
Musical director:
How you danced merrily
And not a bit tired!
What lies ahead of us?
Take the steering wheel in your hands.
Plastic exercise:
"I turn the steering wheel,
I twist, twirl,
Go further
I want".
("They are approaching" Lesnaya Polyanka ")
Musical director:
All guys, stop-
Let's rest a little now.
The stop is not easy
And a forest clearing.
We sit down comfortably so that no one interferes with anyone. I will play music for you, and you will try to say: who is in a hurry to visit us? Whom does the music represent?
Children close their eyes
Who is it - they call:

Hearing: (music depicting bunny jumping sounds)
Children's answers:
Bunny, bunny!
Musical director:
That's right, Bunny.
How did he gallop to us,
Will you show us all?
Movement exercise: "Bunny, bunny
Jump and jump. "
Musical director:
Children, the music turns out to be a sorceress! She told us with just musical sounds that it is the Bunny that is in a hurry to us, and not the wolf or the fox. And now the music will reveal to us the secret: with whom the Bunny is friends. Come closer to me so that everyone - everyone knows.
(the melody of the song "Merry Bears" is played)

Children's answers:
Musical director:
Of course, these are funny cubs!
Attention! Attention!
I'll say the spell:
“You are not easy children now,
And funny bears "(we put on bears' hats)
Who will I be now? -
I'll be your mom.
Chanting, singing: "Merry Bears" (performance) (E. Poplyanova)
The bear cubs frolic
We refreshed ourselves with delicious honey.
And they decided to play pranks:
Daddy - wake up the bear!
Game: "A bear sits in a den" (performed 1-2 times)

Musical director:
Well it's time for us to return
And turn into children.
(take off the hats)
We sit on the bus, take our seats - it's time to go back to the kindergarten.
(The "driver" will be one of the children)

Singing with movement "Here we are on the bus"
Musical director:
So ours ended magical journey... Did you like it?
Let's remember: who did we meet at Lesnaya Polyanka?
Children's answers
Musical director:
Good. Yes, music is a magician! And who did you turn into on the journey?
Children's answers
Musical director: Well done.
But it's time to say goodbye
Children return to the group.

Working with young children is difficult - it is a responsible process that requires a lot of knowledge and skills. Creating a clear lesson plan, choosing an original approach, borrowing creative ideas will help novice teachers get used to it faster, and experienced ones diversify their classes. The music director has many tasks that need to be clearly understood and performed. It is about the tasks and how to implement them that you will learn from this article.

The purpose of a music lesson in kindergarten, specific tasks and techniques

At the music director the main objective- to give pleasure and joy to the wards by their occupation. However, with each lesson, he forms a set of skills, is engaged in the education of cultural perception.

Tasks and techniques for teaching children music (first junior group)

Learning tasks. Children must learn to:

Dancing in pairs for two-year-olds is not easy, but exciting

In music lessons, it is necessary to develop:

  • responsiveness while listening to musical compositions;
  • subconscious sense of tact and the ability to play instruments rhythmically;
  • musical thinking;
  • cultural consciousness.

Methodical techniques:

  • using audio recordings to expand children's understanding of the types of music;
  • using illustrations to visually explain what is being said, or to enable a child to do so.

Tasks and techniques for teaching children music (second junior group)

Learning tasks:

  • teach children to play musical instruments: spoons, drums;
  • learn to pronounce all sounds correctly;
  • teach pupils to intonate, sing long;
  • learn to distinguish between the nature of a musical composition, genre;
  • to teach a round dance step.

Developmental tasks:

  • develop the child's desire to independently engage in choreography and music;
  • develop cultural awareness;
  • to form the idea that music is involved in different areas of life.

Methodical techniques:

  • individual approach, "chanting";
  • games of musical content.

To spend music game, children can come to class fairytale character

How to get children interested in an activity: examples of a motivating start

An introductory or introductory part is where your lesson starts. Despite the short duration (from three to five minutes), it will largely depend on this part, how much the music director will interest his wards, how they will tune in to the lesson. It is important to do the following in a short time:

  1. It is important to show the children that it is time for class. They must calm down, remember the rules of conduct during the educational process.
  2. Further, children can sing a song, if there is such a ritual, a hero, a picture can appear, play music that will enthrall children in the learning process. How the kids tune in to the class is very important. These should be positive emotions. If too much time is spent on poetry and a song, then everyone together, the children and the music director, can simply stand in a circle and wish each other something pleasant, or just smile. Such a ritual can be changed periodically, but not often, it is he who, at the subconscious level, will allow children to finally calm down and tune in to the lesson. The same ritual can be used to complete training.
  3. It is important to outline the objectives of this activity.

If a child is in the mood for a lesson, this does not mean that he is interested. Playing is the easiest method to generate interest. Here are some examples of motivational start-ups that a music director can use to diversify learning:

  • "Help the toy." By solving the toy problem, the child achieves the learning goal.
    Children are told about the problem of the toy, encouraging them to help. You ask the children if they are willing to help the toy. It is always important to create choice. You propose to teach children to do what the toy requires, then the explanation and demonstration will interest the children. Each child can have his own character - the ward (cut, toy, drawn character, whom he helps). With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector, and it is appropriate to use it to teach various practical skills.
  • "The Story of La".
    Before the lesson, the notes of A were hidden in the room (note sign with signature). You need to pay attention to the fact that there is someone else in the room, prompting the children to search. When they find all the notes - each with "A" - it is necessary to remember that there are only seven notes, and since A is alone, she must be very lonely. You can practice the note "A" on different instruments, replace the words of a song with this sound, pronounce it during a round dance, train your breathing by singing a drawn-out "A", thus paying maximum attention to the note. At the end of the lesson, children can pick up their note to continue caring for it.
  • "Help me".
    Here, the motivation for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to gain approval, as well as an interest in joint activities that can be done together. This technique is suitable if the Fairy of Music, a favorite hero, has come to visit. music lessons, who often asks for help to get to the Land of Music - or another fairy-tale character. You inform the children that the hero needs help. Each child is given a feasible task. At the end, emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts.
  • "Teach me".
    The music director must either the main character events - some fairy-tale character - should ask the children to master some new business, known to the child or just for execution. It is imperative that each pupil makes his own personal contribution, which should also be separately evaluated and praised.
  • "Dunno forgot everything."
    Dunno comes to visit the children. He talks about his problem - everything fairy-tale heroes laugh at him because he has forgotten all the songs that are in the world. He asks the children to help him. You need to know and new year song, and a song for a birthday, and an autumn, and a summer, and a round dance. Children are invited to independently choose which song they will teach Dunno, then everyone comes out to the hero, drinking part of the song, Dunno begins to sing along, inviting everyone else to follow his example. Songs can be accompanied by playing a musical instrument and dancing.

Music lessons are very important for children younger age, they contribute to the development mental abilities and memory.

All kids love music lessons

Thematic lesson planning

Thematic planning is planning in accordance with the main general education program preschool education... However, it is envisaged that the topic can be chosen by the teacher independently or borrowed from an approximate general education program.

Table: a fragment of planning music lessons in the first junior group for a month

Listening to music Learn to understand and distinguish between pieces of different nature- calm, affectionate, cheerful and danceable; encourage to accompany the listening with appropriate movements (rock the doll, imitate the habits of a bunny, "Masha is going down the hill on a sled"). "Zainka, hike" (RNP), "Lullaby" by E. Telicheeva, "Masha-Masha" by V. Gerchek.
Musical and didactic games Develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to distinguish between fast and calm music, accompany listening with sounding gestures (slapping on the knees with quarters, tapping with eighth fingers) “A doll walks and runs” E. Telicheeva.
Singing Continue to develop singing skills, teaching them to adapt to the voice of an adult; to learn to sing along calmly, at a moderate pace, to join with the music. "Zainka, hike" (RNP), "Masha-Masha" V. Gerchek.
Musical rhythmic movements Learn to navigate in music hall with the help of verbal directions of the direction of movement and as shown by the educator; develop the ability to perceive and reproduce movements as shown by an adult (to move in a "straight gallop", easily jump); dance moves: rhythmic claps, taps with one foot, putting the foot on the heel, circling around oneself, "spring", "flashlights", tapping with a heel. “Charging”, “Let's Dance”, “Let's Ride Mashenka”, “Winter Path”, “On a Walk” by T. Lomova, “They Stumbled with Feet” by M. Rauchwerger, “Brisk Step” by V. Gerchek.
Dances Improve the ability to perform simple dance movements in a circle, scattered; teach to move in a circle, holding hands; train the ability to quickly take each other by the handles; continue to learn to dance with objects (with snowballs, with dolls). “Polka of Bunnies” by A. Filippenko, round dance “Loaf”, “Dance with Snowballs” by N. Zaretskaya, “Dance with Dolls” by A. Anufrieva.
Games Learn to move around the hall in a flock in a certain direction, stop with the end of the music; to teach how to make "collars", firmly holding on to the handles, to pass into the "collars" without touching your hands. "Bunnies and a fox" by G. Finarovsky, "Catch up with a bunny" by E. Telicheva, "Vortiki" by R. Rustamov.
Finger games Coordinate the ability to perform finger movements from the text; encourage correct and diligent finger play. "Lunch", "Ay, swing, swing, swing".
Health exercises To teach the basic techniques for performing self-massage of the face: stroking, tapping with your fingertips, rubbing; strengthen the vocal apparatus with phonopedic exercises. Self-massage:
"Bunny Washes", "Sleighs" "Umyvalochka".
Recreational Airway Exercise
Elementary music making Encourage to actively participate in the process of playing music on bells and rattles, accompany singing by playing these noise instruments. "Petrushka" by I. Brahms.

Table: An example of planning a music lesson in first youngest group

September, the first lesson: "Hurray, kindergarten!"
Form of work Repertoire Educational
"Let's take a walk" E. Makshantsev Children learn to move rhythmically to music. Develop emotional responsiveness while listening to musical compositions.
Playing musical instruments. The main tool at this stage is the rattle. "We play quietly, loudly"
"Is it in the garden."
Children learn to make the desired sound, try to play to the beat of the music. Develop a subconscious sense of tact and the ability to play instruments rhythmically.
Hearing and voice development Game "Bird and chick" Children learn to distinguish between different musical nuances and sound dynamics. Develop musical thinking. The music director is involved in the game.
Singing "Kindergarten" N. Murychev Children learn to sing in unison, they need to get an idea of ​​the rhythmic pattern and clap it. Develop an ear for music.
Hearing "Dance with autumn leaves" muses. N. Veresokina Children need to understand that music can convey the state of nature. Develop cultural awareness. The music director can choose cards with emotions so that the child can more accurately describe what he is experiencing while listening to the composition.
Musical and rhythmic movements "Round dance of mushrooms" Children learn group dances. To expand the understanding of the types of music, its goals and the culture of joint dance - not overtaking anyone, not pushing, etc. The music director must demonstrate all movements.

Table: an example of planning a music lesson in the second younger group

Month: October 7, lesson "Golden Autumn"
Form of work Repertoire Educational
Musical and rhythmic movements "Waltz"
F. Schubert.
Children learn to move rhythmically to the music, conveying its character. To develop emotional responsiveness and the desire of the child to independently engage in choreography. The music director must demonstrate all movements and reactions.
Hearing "Sad Story" D. Kabalevsky. Children learn to distinguish between the mood and character of a new composition. Develop cultural awareness, communicate with children about music, replenishing the musical vocabulary. The music director should praise the children for their opinions.
hearing and voice
"Teddy bear"
O. Boromykina.
Children learn to pronounce sounds correctly, try to sing long and not just shout out notes / sounds. Develop diction in children. To pay attention to everyone, the music director can use the chaining technique.
Singing "Teapot", N. Murycheva
"The Song of Vegetables" by N. Zaretskaya.
Children learn to sing in fast pace, in chorus and individually. They should try to intonate, convey the character of the composition. Develop an understanding of patriotism through music.
It is necessary to teach children to have fun and positive emotions from singing.
The musical director together with the children should perform the song expressively.
Playing musical instruments "Rustic spoons"
Z. Root.
Children learn to produce the desired sound and play with an orchestra. Develop children's interest in playing musical instruments. The music director must take care of the instruments - two spoons for each child.
The music director should show you how to play the instrument, and then follow the process, working individually with each, if necessary.
Musical and rhythmic movements Game "Harvest". Children continue to develop a sense of rhythm to the round dance step. It is necessary to form the idea that music is involved in different spheres of life. The musical director is involved in the process with the children.

Example lesson outline

Always remember that someone is not destined to become a musician or singer. This is fine. Such children will be able to prove themselves in another, find a personal approach to them, and they will reveal their best qualities.

The music director can independently select songs and exercises, focusing on the general interest of the group and the abilities of the children.

The main thing in the lesson is positive emotions.

A music lesson may include different tasks: the study of musical instruments, the ability to extract sounds from them, the transmission of mood through a melody.
For example, a music director shows several musical instruments, asking children to describe their sound. The leader reminds of the fairy tale "Teremok", asks to list the characters. Further, the children retell the fairy tale with sounds, not pronouncing replicas, but sounding them on musical instruments.

  1. A knock on the door is passed by wooden sticks.
  2. Maracas represent a mouse.
  3. A rattle with bells sounds like a frog.
  4. A triangle stands for the bunny.
  5. Chanterelles play with a tambourine in dialogues.
  6. Bass bells play for the wolf.
  7. The drum is given to the one who will be the biggest hero - the bear.

Table: a synopsis of a music lesson in the second junior group on the theme "Autumn Adventure", by A. R. Bulatova

Stages of GCD Stage content
  1. Teach children to hold the circle, narrow it in fractional steps.
  2. To enrich motor experience, the ability to use expressive movements meaningfully in accordance with musical and playful images.
  3. Develop auditory attention, the ability to perform movement in accordance with the nature and tempo of the music.
  4. Raise interest, the need for movement to music.
Introductory part - Open the doors,
Let the children into the hall!
Cheerful kids
Girls and boys!
(Children follow the teacher into the hall, moving "like a train"). The song "Train" by T. Babadzhan - N. Metlova is played.
Educator: So we arrived. Look at the guests! Let's make friends with them.
- Here we go out into the meadow.
(They walk in place).
I am your friend and you are my friend!
(Hands stretch forward and point at themselves).
They reached out to the sun in unison.
(Hands pull from the "Sun").
They hugged and smiled.
(They hug each other and smile).
Main part - Guys! You came here by train, and now I suggest you fly on hot-air balloon... Our ball is big and round. Here's how. (Children join hands and perform a formation in a circle).
  • A balloon flies and flies across the sky,
    the ball flies across the sky.
    And we know that this ball.
    It will fly around the whole earth.

Our ball flew and flew (go in a circle) and sank to the ground.
A mouse ran past. (Children run in circles like mice and squeak "pee-pee").
She saw the ball, thought it was cheese, bit her teeth (children: "am") and the ball deflated. (Children at the "fractional" step narrow the circle).
We'll glue it up and inflate it again. (Children imitate with their hands, "inflate", step back, expanding the circle).
Here's what a beautiful ball we got.
Our balloon flew on. He flew and flew, got tired and sank into a clearing in the forest.
A hedgehog ran past (children walk like hedgehogs and snort: "fish-fish"), pricked with his needle (children: "Oh!"), The ball was blown away.
We will glue it, inflate it and release it into the sky. Wave your hands to our balloon goodbye (Children wave).
- Look, guys, how many leaves fell on the meadow, what color they are. Why are they multicolored? (Answers of children). That's right, because autumn has come. A breeze blew on the leaves, they flew and whirled in a beautiful dance.
A dance with leaves "Swing over me" is performed, at the end the children collect them in a bouquet.
- Guys, look under the bush someone is sitting. Who is this? (Bunny). And under the tree? (Bear). And what kind of paws does the bunny have? (Small "). And the bear? (Large). Let's show how big legs and small legs walk.
Exercise "Big and small feet"
- Our legs are tired of walking along the path
Let's lie down, lie down and look at the sun.
(Children lie on their stomachs and wave their legs. The first verse of "Songs of the Lion and the Turtle" is played).
Music sounds on the screen, a Fox doll appears.
Fox: Oh, how many hares are here. I can eat anyone.
Mus.ruk: Don't eat our rabbits, better play with us.
Dance-game "Bunnies and a fox".
At the end of the game, the chanterelle "says": Bunnies, don't be afraid of me. I also want to dance with you.
Isp. "Pair dance".

  • It's fun to play with you.
    It's fun to dance with you.
    I have to go to the forest, guys.
    Goodbye kids. (Runs away)

Our journey has also come to an end. Winter is coming soon and let's sing a song about autumn goodbye.
Isp. song "Autumn".

The final part - Well done boys. Who did we meet on our way? Did you like it? Now let's go to the group.

Video: musical lesson for kids

https://youtube.com/watch?v=n_i-eeuCbGM Video can’t be loaded: Music lesson for kids in the private kindergarten "Development". (https://youtube.com/watch?v=n_i-eeuCbGM)

If you decide to become a music director in kindergarten, then try to study as much material as possible so that your classes will be of the maximum benefit for the children. A bright start, a productive activity and a warm smile in the end will allow the child to fall in love with music. Your efforts are a contribution to the development of each of your charges.

Musical lesson for children 3-4 years old "Our guest is the doll Katya"

1) Learning tasks:

Listen to the song from start to finish without distraction;

React to changing parts of the music;

Walk in an even circle;

Form a fret feeling;

Sing along with the ending of musical phrases;

Clap your hands rhythmically in accordance with the character of the music.

2) Developmental tasks:

Learn to improvise;

Compose elementary tunes;

Come up with dance moves;

Distinguish the movement of the melody up and down, in place.

3) Educational tasks:

Bring up respect to toys;

To form initial maternal feelings, kindness, tenderness, affection, sympathy.

Course of the lesson

The girls enter the hall. The music director sings the greeting: "Hello girls!"

Girls(singing). Hello (descending major triad).

The cheerful music of D. Shostakovich - "Waltz-Joke" is played. Girls and music worker performed by the simplest musical movements- depict pupae. The music director draws attention to the small house with a small window.

Musical director. Someone came to us.

Children... Doll.

The doll greets. The song "Doll", music by M. Krasev, lyrics by L. Mironova are played.

Musical director... She wants to meet the vamp. Sing your name and depict wooden and rag dolls.

The girls are doing the task.

Musical director. Let's invite the Doll to our kindergarten.

To the song "Kindergarten", music by A. Filippenko, words by T. Volgina, the girls sit on the chairs.

Musical director... The doll Katya told me that she did not want to come to visit us alone. But her friend got sick. And she wants to hear a song about it

Listening to the song "The doll got sick", music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina. Conversation about the song, its character and content.

Musical director.

Quiet. Quiet. Silence.

The poor doll is sick.

The poor doll is sick

She asks for music.

Sing what she likes

And she will recover ...

E. Blaginina

Musical director... How do we come to kindergarten: by car, by trolleybus, by bus. And I suggest you go on the "Solar tram" today. Let's sing a song loudly, joyfully.

Performance of the song "Sunny Tram", music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by A. Demidenko.

Musical director. So we arrived. Let's knock.

The play-improvisation "Knock like me" is performed.

Musical and didactic game "Ladder"

Musical director... When we come to the kindergarten, we go up and enter it on the ladder.

The music director plays the melody in stages - up or down.

Musical director... Let's listen to a song. Who will show me how the doll goes up the ladder, and how it goes down. And now the doll will walk along the ladder the way the music plays. Along this ladder the doll came to our kindergarten. I saw how beautiful it is here. I heard fun music and wanted to dance with you. Come out with our guest.

Performed "Dance with dolls", Ukrainian folk melody, arranged by T. Shutenko

Musical director.

Looks at us through the window

Affectionate sun:

Invites us outside for a walk

Play hide and seek with the sun and the rain.

A game is performed to the song "The Sun and Rain", music by M. Rauchverger, lyrics by A. Barto.

Musical director... Let's sing a song to the doll.

A song about rain is being performed (at the choice of the music director).

Musical director... Let's say goodbye to the doll: "Goodbye" (descending sounds).