Breathing during childbirth and fights. Proper breathing during training

Breathing during childbirth and fights. Proper breathing during training
Breathing during childbirth and fights. Proper breathing during training

At the beginning of pregnancy, as a rule, women are so absorbed by the baby to be hungry, which is not even thinking about how childbirth will be held. But the closer the long-awaited day, the more questions arise: how to behave correctly at the time of childbirth, how to facilitate the fight and how to breathe?

The question of the correct breath during childbirth occurs in no coincidence, because it is whether it helps a woman to restore strength and contributes to a more rapid and easy course of the generic process.

Proper breathing during childbirth - the key to rapid delivery

Many experts argue that it is the right breathing in battles and attempts that helps a woman to alleviate the generic process and accelerate its flow. Is it really really the right breathing technique can weaken the pain that childbirth bring? Yes, it is actually so.

With proper breathing, a woman can calm down and relax, in addition, the technique of proper breathing is designed in such a way that the diaphragm does not prevent childbirth, but, on the contrary, helps.

What explains what proper breathing is able to help a faster delivery? It's pretty simple: a woman who is focused on the right breath during childbirth, it becomes less attention to pain, the opening of the cervix is \u200b\u200bfaster, and therefore the baby appears before.

Oxygen plays a big role for the muscles of the woman in labor, its sufficient admission helps the muscles better to shrink, and the baby simply requires a large amount of oxygen, and proper breathing is directed at the time of the birth of the body of the organistine oxygen.

Despite the fact that we were all born with unconditional respiratory reflex, it is important for pregnant women to learn how to certain techniques. A woman in the process of childbirth should breathe in a special way, this breathing can not be compared with the usual human breathing. That is why it is necessary to prepare in advance and master the techniques of the right breathing in advance and master the techniques of the right respiration that will help relieve and speed up childbirth.

It is also worth noting that training should take several months, only in this case, you can work out your skills to the maximum, and you will know exactly how to breathe in this or that period of childbirth. By the way, breathing has its own distinctive features depending on. But unites all the techniques that pregnant must learn to control the breath and exhalation.

Technique of proper breathing during childbirth: how to breathe in different periods

So, as mentioned above, for each period of the generic process, there is a certain technique of proper breathing in childbirth, capable of helping a woman in a difficult work - the birth of a kid on the light. Let's dwell in more detail on each period and find out the peculiarities of the breath during Swatches and Purgeons.

Proper breathing during battles

As a rule, a woman goes to the hospital at the first fights that appear, they disappear, they do not bring special pains and are expressed only in the expression of the abdomen. Later, the contractions become permanent and repeated after certain intervals.

With the onset of regular bouts of the woman in labor should clearly remember what you can not do During this period, namely: do not try to suppress pain, do not pushing, do not strain and do not shout. All these actions will not bring relief, but, on the contrary, they will only prevent you, the body will get tired and is urged ahead of time, and the pain will not retreat.

Many women who give birth to the first time are very tightened very much during each fight, thereby suppressing the generic process, excessive tension prevents the correct and rapid disclosure of the cervix. In this case, doctors are forced to pain relieve contractions and, applying drug drugs. The head of the woman either does not lead to anything good: the child is income of an insufficient amount of oxygen, which can lead to, as well as reflected in the state of the baby and its development after delivery.

According to pediatricians, it is the kids who had to survive hypocia during childbirth are heavier adaptable and more susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, try to relax as much as possible and apply the breathing techniques that will be described below.

At the beginning of the fight It is necessary to adhere to the following technique: inhale through the nose into four accounts, and exhale produce your mouth into six bills. Remember that inhale should be a little shorter than the exhalation. Exhausted through the mouth, fold the lips of the "tube". Such a way of breathing will allow you to relax muscles as much as possible, calm down and fill the organism with oxygen, because it is a complete exhalation that allows blood and the body of the mother and the kid with the necessary amount of oxygen.

If you apply this technique, you will have to constantly count, and, therefore, you simply will not have time to think about pain, the main thing: inhale your nose, and exhale your mouth.

When fights become more intense And frequent, it is necessary to speed up the breath, for this it is recommended to use the following technique. This type of breathing is also called "Dog's breath", it may seem ridiculous at first glance, but not in the process of bouts. You need to breathe superficially, with a rotor mouth, as the dogs breathe in a hot period.

Drop all prejudices and do not be afraid to look ridiculous, neither obstetricians nor doctors will be surprised, and your main task in the fighting period - to make it easier to ease your fate and help the child will be born again. Therefore, open your mouth, turn a little tongue slightly and begin to breathe often.

During cervical disclosure Uterine can be applied by another breathing technique, which has the name "train". The principle of this technique is pretty simple: starting to breathe quickly, superficially, breathing through the nose, and then quickly exhale your mouth, folding the lips into the tube. As soon as the intensity of the fight falls and the pain becomes less tangible, try to calm the breath. This method helps to "forward" the most acute pain during battles.

How to behave during fence

When the female worrye starts at night, she should fully trust Akuster, it is he will tell you how to behave correctly that the birth of the baby passes as quickly as possible.

Listen to the councils of an obstetrician gynecologist, he will explain how to breathe how to stand up when you need to do it and when you need to rest. The average duration of the sweat is about one minute. It is necessary to take the most deep breath and stand on exhalation, trying to put pressure on the uterus all the volume of air.

Watch all voltage did not go to mindOtherwise, you can not avoid breaking vessels on the face and in the eyes. All your efforts should be aimed at the birth of the baby. If it happened that you did not gain the right amount of air, do not worry, quickly exhale and make a new breath as quickly as possible, and then press again.

"Breathing on a candle" is considered as efficient as possible during the sweat. In order to master this technique, inhale the nose, and breathe in the mouth as if you bloom the candle, such a technique may be accompanied by hammering vowels.

As soon as the kid's head is born, you need to try to breathe freely or apply the breathing technique of "doggy".

If the guinea breathes right during the dyg, then the birth of the baby occurs pretty quickly: for three or four coughs that bring relief, but if the obstetra sees that the woman is no longer enough, then she is given to relax.

What else is important to know about the techniques of proper breathing?

Train proper breathingAs often as possible to prepare as much as possible by the time of birth. First you can have hyperventilation, the symptoms of which are dizziness, darkening in the eyes, pre-corrupt state. Discover the symptoms will get rid of these symptoms or breathing delay or ride in the palm of your hand, having connected them.

Often when breathing with open mouth occurs frying in the oral cavityYou can get rid of this symptom if you touch the tongue tongue to the sky or, riding the mouth with water.

Arbitrary breathing during childbirth only aggravates and lengthens the generic process. Control each one's breath, do not forget to count at the same time, do not get distracted by outsiders and do not drop in a sense of pain, the main thing is to remember that the child has much harder during childbirth than his mother, so talking to the baby. Well, if someone from people close to you, a person who helps you relax will be located next to you during the fights, will make a massage and makes you not forget about the correct breath.

It is necessary to start training the correct breathing as soon as possible so that this process will work out to automatibus, and the model of behavior during childbirth was developed in the brain. The main thing is to relax, turn off panic and begin to breathe correctly!

In conclusion, I would like to once again note that the generic activity is a rather complicated process that requires preparation and responsibility. Customize childbirth psychologically - it is very important, think about different situations and your behavior in different periods of childbirth. Remember that the doctor and obster are your assistants, so listen carefully to their advice and fulfill all the recommendations.

Breathing techniques in childbirth, if you are able to master them in advance, will significantly help you relax and concentrate on the process. Successful and lungs to you childbirth!


Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth - right? That's right, but not always. Breathing plays an important role in sports, as if you breathe wrong, you lose oxygen, and therefore forces. My fitness coach at every lesson is again and again, as a mantra, repeats: "Do not forget to breathe! I exhale through your mouth! " For those exercises that we perform at this time, it is right. But this rhythm is absolutely not suitable for, for example, running or yoga classes.

For each classes there is a rhythm and depth of breathing, which fills our light oxygen, and the body is necessary for energy training.

So, inhale on "Once", we exhale on the "two-three-four"?


Recent studies have shown that the proper respiratory technique has a positive effect on speed and performance. So the chances of come to the finish line are the first to increase, if you breathe correctly.

"Golden Rules", which would be perfect for all runners, does not exist. Alison McConnell, breathing expert and the author of the book "Breathe Strong Perform Better" ("Breathe stronger, work better"), says that many prefer the option "two kicks - one breath". That is, one breath is two steps and one way out of two steps - Rhythm 2: 2.

Also, McConnell recommends breathing through the mouth, as breathing through the nose during the running workout is difficult. Some do not agree with it and lead their arguments in favor of breathing through the nose. Dr. Roy Shugerman believes that breathing through the nose increases the concentration in CO2 blood, which creates a soothing effect. In addition, breathing through the nose in cold weather warms the cold air and reduces the likelihood of a cold illness, and also reduces the number of allergens that fall into the body along with breath.

Therefore, you can try to breathe through the nose and through the mouth and choose the option with which it is easiest to run. If you still breathe through your mouth, in cold weather you need to slightly raise the language to the sky during the inhalation: so the cold air will not fall immediately into the throat.

Football, Basketball and Other Command Games

Rhythm of breathing during active team games, such as football or basketball, is very different from the measured rhythm during the run, which you choose for yourself. During these games, you are not only moving jerks, but also get a decent dose of adrenaline, which makes your heart rapidly threatening that, in turn, affects breathing.

Macconel says that the muscles with the help of which we do inhale and exhale are an integral part of the main stabilizing and postural system of control. This means that you are intuitively take a deep breath and strain the case when you expect a blow or a larger load. This not only helps to resist, but also protects the spine.

During running around the field, you must breathe through the diaphragm (the most effective muscle breathing), and not the breast. Your chest must move from the bottom up, from the back to the chest and to the sides, says the physiotherapist Anna Hartman. In addition, deeper breathing soothes, gives the necessary fuel for muscles and, accordingly, the advantage over rivals.

Power training

Proper breathing is important not only with aerobic loads. Who at least once engaged in power exercises with weight lifting, knows that if breathing is wrong or at all hold the breath, very quickly get out of his strength.

The standard is one breath on force, and then - exhale. Such a rhythm helps the body to collect before working with gravity and instenuing the lumbar spine. How to breathe during the press lying? A deep and long exhalation during the lifting of the cargo, then inhale in the upper position or when they lower the weight of the chest. Remember that when the weight is raised, it does not disappear anywhere and the body must be kept in constant voltage. This mechanism resembles one that is included during contact sports, and it is an insurance for your spine.

And do not forget to exhale! Respiratory delay increases pressure in the chest. It is good to hold a stable position, but if you don't breathe too long, the influx of blood to the heart will decrease, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

During the class FT, our standard respiratory mode is to inhale on the back of the chest and an exhalation of the yield from the chest. And inhale and exhale are made as much as the rates lasts.


It's time to relax and do yoga. Breathing in yoga classes plays a very important role. All tied on it. There are several options to relax with breathing.

1. Vritti itself or "equal breathing". This breath, during which inhale is equal to the duration exhale. This breathing style soothes the nervous system, lowers blood pressure and removes stress.

2. Udjiai (victorious spirit).During this breathing, you will publish a slightly awesome sound (almost like Darth Vader). During this breathing, you are inhaling and exhale through the nose, while squeezing a bit.

What should not be done? When it comes to poses, in which it is difficult to hold the balance or stand for a long time, we usually begin to detain your breath. This cannot be done in any way. Just accept it as a sign of your fatigue and take a short break.

In yoga there is a huge number of different respiratory practices and if you have chosen a good instructor, he will definitely tell you how to do it right. Just remember that it is impossible to detain the breath during the exercise, if this does not say the coach, it is impossible.

I hope that this little review will help you achieve the best results in training and will indicate on weak points. This is especially true, as it often happens that the legs would still run and fled, but breathing no longer allows.

Usually we do not think about how to breathe, do not track the depth and rhythm of breathing. However, it is of great importance during strength training. Proper breathing makes it possible to increase the stabilization of the spine, normalize the pressure and provide muscles enough oxygen.

So how to breathe right? To begin with, I will analyze the breathing method itself, and later talk about continuity and delays.

Diaphragm breathing

One of the errors that prevents and get excellent results - fast surface breathing.

To check whether you breathe correctly, spend a small test. Stand right, put one palm on the chest, and the other on the stomach, and calmly make a few breaths and exhale. What palm is the movement? If the belly is raised, you breathe deeply, cycling all the lungs, if the breast is superficial breathing. Deep breathing is also called.

The diaphragm is a muscle that shares the chest and abdominal cavity and serves to expand the lungs. It comes from 60 to 80% of the ventilation operations of the lungs.

In childhood, everyone breathes deeply. Because of the seats, stress, uncomfortable clothing, breathing changes with age, becomes superficial. During such breathing, only the upper part of the lungs is filled with air. Since the air goes less, breathing is studied, the pressure on the neck and shoulders increases, which are already loaded in people with sedentary work.

The diaphragm, on the contrary, becomes weaker, because of which sufficient intraperous pressure is not created, a bad - the center of the abdomen falls inside, bringing the bottom rib and the pelvis.

In addition, during rapid surface breathing, you make your body work more to get the same amount of oxygen as with calm deep breathing. This reduces the economy of your movements - you spend more forces, although this is not required.

Therefore, it is worth working on breathing at least during the exercise. Try to breathe deep and smoothly. When inhaling the stomach should inflate. Yes, you will have to concentrate more on your body, but for the sake of good posture, the removal of tension from the muscles of the neck and shoulders and more economical movement is worth doing this.

To tune in to the power training with the right breath, pay attention to how you breathe, already during the warm-up. Try to perform all exercises with rhythmic deep breathing. So you will quickly learn to breathe correctly.

Exhalation for effort, breath in relaxation

This is the most popular breath council that you can hear in the gym and beyond: inhale when you make an easy part of the exercise, exhale for an effort.

Strong and safe movement is possible only with a rigid spine, which transmits effort from large muscle groups. The spine is strengthened by tensioning the muscles of the bark - straight and oblique muscles of the abdomen, muscles of the pelvic bottom, back. During the breath, it is impossible to strain well and other muscles of the bark, it means it is difficult to provide the spine needy rigidity.

When exhaling, on the contrary, it is quite simple to strain the muscles of the bark. Breathing affects them reflexively, through the nervous system. Muscles are strained, fixing the spine and helping to develop maximum power. That is why the effort must be performed on exhalation.

If you pay attention to your breath during heavy exercises, you can notice a brief stop of the breath at the time of the maximum effort. It is quite natural. A short respiratory delay is used by experimental powerlifesters and weightlifts to raise large scales. This breathing technique is called waltasal maneuve, but it is worth using it very carefully.

Waltzalva Menon is dangerous

Waltasalva Manovour - a procedure, with the help of which high pressure in the cavity of the middle ear, as well as the chest and abdominal cavities. It is used in otolaryngology for the test of Eustachius pipes and in cardiology to identify the pathologies of the heart. Also, this maneuver is used in Powerlifting and heavy athletics and helps athletes raise a lot of weight.

Waltzalva Menöwl, used in power sports, looks like this: A person does a deep breath (about 75% of the maximum possible), and then, at the time of the maximum effort, it delays a breath for a few seconds and tries to exhale air through a closer voice slot. Breathing is delayed throughout the repetition, the exhalation takes place after graduation.

Waltasalva Menon increases pressure in the chest. Through the diaphragm it is transmitted to the abdominal cavity, which creates good support for the back and helps resist the forces seeking to move the spine. As a result, the athlete may raise greater weight, and the risk of injury is reduced.

Impact of maneuvers waltzalva on the body

However, the waltzal waltzal manner is often criticized because it increases and so high during the power workout pressure, which is why it may occur.

Opinions on this issue diverge. Dr. Jonaton Sullivan (Jonathon Sullivan), Professor of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Wayne, believes that when using Macheur Waltasalva, the infarction should be feared only those who have already had problems with the cardiovascular system.

In the course of another study Effects of Weightlifting and Breathing Technique On Blood Pressure and Heart Rate. It was found that the use of this technique to raise a unite maximum causes only minor changes in blood pressure. Waltasalva Menon is suitable only for raising really heavy scales with a small number of repetitions.

The use of a mounted waltasalver for multiple repetitions with a slight weight can cause a dangerous increase in blood pressure, the rupture of blood vessels of the eyes and face, headaches, a temporary violation of vision, may cause fainting or leakage of the spinal fluid.

The last problem was described in the article. DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH. Medicine's doctors Vishal Goyal (Vishal Goyal) and Malthi Srinivasan (Malathi Srinivasan) from the Department of Medicine California University.

The 50-year-old patient complained of headaches in the nose projection, continuous cough and constant one-sided discharge from the nose. As a result of analyzes, doctors discovered the leakage of the spinal fluid and damage to the nasal lattice bone. It turned out that the patient performed his chest press every day with a weight of 90-136 kilograms. At the same time, he detained his breath during the press.

Doctors suggested that the patient's problems arose precisely because of the waltasal maneuvers. Training raised the pressure, destroyed soft brain shells, which caused Meningocele and the rinorer of the spinal fluid.

Waltzalva Menöwl really helps lifting heavy weights, but it is not necessary if:

  • you are a beginner who has no applied equipment and a coach who can trace the right maneuvers of the waltasalver;
  • you prefer exercises with a slight weight and large number of repetitions;
  • you had problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • you had problems with intracranial pressure.

Case fixing and continuous breathing

For average loads, it is worth applying continuous breathing without delay - exhale for an effort, inhale on relaxation.

Start exhausted a little earlier, for a moment to maximum effort. So you can do more.

Breathing should be smooth and rhythmic. Do not stop at least points. Immediately after the breath, exhale without short delays.

To ensure maximum hardness of the housing, try using the consolidation method. This term was first used Dr. Stewart McGill (Stuart McGill), a specialist in injury and rehabilitation of the lumbar spine. Fastening is the activation of all the muscles of the bark, which allows you to create a hard middle part of the body, ensure the stability of the entire body and reduce the risk of injury.

Before lifting weight, imagine that you will be hit in the stomach. Strain the muscles of the abdomen and back. So you will create a hard corset to hold throughout the exercise. At the same time, breathe continuously, exhausted to the maximum effort and even more strengthening the case.

There is one more theory of breathing during. Dr. Stewart McGill and Dr. Mel Stiff believe that the correct exercise technique will automatically force the body to breathe correctly, your control does not need.

But this is true only for perfect technology. If you can't boast of such, work on your breathing just like the technique.


  1. Try to develop a diaphragmal breath. Breathe so during workout to get used to and tune.
  2. Use waltasal maneuvers only for multiple repetitions with maximum weight.
  3. For exercises with a large number of repetitions, use continuous smooth breathing with inhale on the light part of the exercise and exhale for the maximum effort.
  4. Together with continuous breathing, use the fixture - the stress of the muscles of the bark to stabilize the housing during exercises.

If you have breathing tips during the power workout, write in the comments.

Proper and deep breathing in sports is one of the key elements of an effective physical training. At the same time, sufficient provision of the body with oxygen is important not only in the marathon running or at, but also when performing any power exercises.

However, despite the fact that the technique of proper breathing is quite simple and intuitive, most people breathe during training excessively superficially and unevenly. It must be remembered that proper and healthy breathing is, above all, the breathing with the nose and with the help of the diaphragm.

What is breathing aperture?

Remember how little children breathe - when inhaling the upper part of their tummy slowly rises, dropping when exhaling, while the breast almost does not move. It is such a breath through the nose called "diaphragm" and is the most healthy and natural for humans.

In turn, the diaphragm is an inner muscle separating the chest and abdominal cavity and serving to expand the lungs. In fact, the ability to engage the diaphragm in the process of respiration distinguishes the surface breathing with a chest from deep and full breathing with belly.

Why is it harmful to breathe mouth?

Runners know that the breath of the mouth during the workout significantly worsens its effectiveness. A man seems to him makes deep breaths, but he immediately exhales the air. This negatively affects the percentage of the absorption of oxygen (1) and makes breathing more often, completely breaking the rhythm.

With the active breath of the mouth, the muscles of the diaphragm seems to be shifted and limited to the lungs, as they move forward-back, and not up-down, like with deep breathing the nose. Among other things, in the case of habit, inhaling the air through the mouth is a straight road to the inflammation of the throat and cold (2).

Breathing with strength training

The main rules of respiration with strength training - you must breathe through the nose, and the weight should be squeezed on exhalation. For example, when you need to descend down on the breath, on the exhale pushing out of the floor. When climbing up, an exhalation is made, breathing down.

Breathing itself, as mentioned, should be carried out with the help of a diaphragm - this will activate the internal muscles of the body and the press, creating natural support and protecting the spine from injuries. Exhaust should be light and natural, without spoken screams and groans.

Short breaths and long exhalations

Proper breathing during sports is approximately 7-8 cycles of slow breaths and exhale per minute. At first there is a deep breath through a duration of 2-3 seconds, then a calm exhalation is 3-4 seconds (again, through the nose) and the final pause for 2-3 seconds.

When breathing through the mouth is usually made from 10 to 20 cycles of short breaths and exhale per minute, since the body chronically lacks oxygen (3). We note that the habit of delaying breathing during the exercise is especially dangerous, as it increases blood pressure.

How to learn to keep your back straight and smooth? The best exercises for.

How to learn to breathe right?

Take the most convenient position for you - sitting, standing or lying. Put the left hand on the chest, right - on the stomach. Relax and try to breathe normally. Dedote a few minutes to study how you breathe. Note, whether the stomach or chest moves when breathing.

If your stomach is almost not moving, easily massage with his palms in the navel area, trying to breathe so that the air gives the abdominal muscles to "open." At the same time, make sure that the breathing is long, deep and carried out exclusively through the nose, and not through the mouth.

Consequences of improper breathing

The habit of inhaling and exhale air through the mouth not only worsens the body supply with oxygen, but also leads to the weakening of the muscles of the diaphragm and associated with it. Ultimately, it begins to negatively influence the posture, contributing to the development of the "hourglass" syndrome.

The lower ribs and the pelvis are tightened, minimizing the deflection at the bottom of the back and forcing the abdominal center "fall" inside. This is particularly pronounced in those who lead a sedentary and a sedentary lifestyle - that is why it is important to engage in yoga for improving breathing techniques.


Proper breathing is even, slow and deep breathing, carried out through the nose. When performing power exercises, this is especially important, because only such breathing will allow you to activate the internal muscles of the case and create support for the spine.

Scientific sources:

  1. Breathe Right!
  2. How To Breathe Properly,
  3. How You Can Breathe Your Way to Good Health

In this article:

Each pregnant woman is looking forward to the appearance of his baby on the light. And the closer this moment comes, the more fear is increasing before childbirth. The unknown scares a woman, especially if the first pregnancy.

Having learned from girlfriends, how painful is the childbirth, a panic can begin at a woman's fights. She ceases to listen to the doctor, it seizes fear. As a result, childbirth is tightened for several hours. To avoid this, a woman needs to prepare in advance for childbirth and know how to breathe during battles.

Painless birth does not happen, but it is possible to alleviate painful sensations not only by medication. Proper breathing will help reduce pain during battles. To date, there are many schools and courses that teach pregnant breathing during battles and fence. But if for some reason, visiting courses is not possible, then the technique of breathing can be learned and independently.

Breathing technique during battles

Already from 35 weeks of pregnancy, it is worth starting to prepare your body to the upcoming birth. Master the technique of proper breathing will help you daily workouts. Births take place in several stages, and at each stage various techniques are used.

At the initial stage, when the contractions are not so painful and begin every 15 minutes, it is necessary to relax and breathe as follows - a deep breath and slow breathtaking. It can be considered: inhale - 1,2,3 and exhalation - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. At this moment it is not necessary to clamp, complete relaxation is required. Since, clamping, you slow down the opening of the uterus and extend the process of childbirth. If at this time you are at home, deal with business (for example, collect things in the hospital), distracted.

When the contractions begin every 10 minutes, it is forbidden to sit, eat and drink. You can only walk or lie. During the battles, it is necessary to breathe as follows: a deep breath with a nose per 1,2,3,4,5 and an exhalation of a mouth by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. If you are not in the maternity department, then it's time to go there.
When the fights are becoming intense (every five mnut), the respiratory technique changes. You need to breathe, so to speak, "doggy". As soon as the fight begins, it is worth using the previous technique, and on the "peak" begin to breathe quickly and superficially. The most important thing is not to strain the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis.

If it really hurts, get out of bed. You can squat, walk, clamp on anything, moving the pelvis, like a pendulum, it will help the child to advance in the birth paths.

When the gap between the fights becomes 3-4 minutes, the following technique of proper breathing will help alleviate pain: a forced candle. Those. Inhale - times, exhale - two. It should be breathing with effort (loud). At the end of the fight you need to take a deep breath and slow exhalation.

If the gap between the fights is reduced to 1-2 minutes, then all the above techniques of proper breathing should be applied at once. Those. First you need to make deep breaths and exhalations, then you need to breathe "doggy", and after using the forced candle technique. At this point, there is a strong desire to empty (swelling begin), this should be done in any case, especially if the doctor categorically banned it.

When the cervix is \u200b\u200bcompletely revealed and the child is already "on the way", the childhood themselves begin. Usually, when fulfilling all the requirements of the doctor, the child's birth takes place for 3-4 contractions. It is necessary to breathe at this moment. When the doctor gives you the "Starting" team, you should lift my head up, look at the ceiling, dial the mouth full of air. Then press the chin to the chest and, without releasing the air, start to sleep. After the doctor told "exhale", we open a slightly mouth (we make a small click) and we release a slowly air. After the next team "Strangle", it is also necessary to breathe, as the first time.

Why proper breathing is better than drug pain relief?

Using the correct breathing technique, we will cope with the pain, without harming the child. Anesthetics, even the most advanced, negatively affect the child. They can cause an allergic reaction both in the very feminine and in the child. Vomiting may open, which significantly complicates the delivery process, and convulsions may appear.
Why expose your life and the life of a child (which has a immune system of weakened) to the danger? After all, you can do the correct technique of breathing, without any painkillers.

Video about breathing methods during battles