Description of the painting wet terrace. "Description of painting A

Description of the painting wet terrace.
Description of the painting wet terrace. "Description of painting A

Many Russians and Soviet artists created beautiful paintings... One of these artists is A. Gerasimov. I especially liked his painting "After the Rain", its second title " Wet terrace».

In the foreground this canvas the artist depicted the terrace of a private house, possibly a summer house. The terrace has a bench and a table. There is a vase with a bouquet of roses on the table. The railing of the terrace, its floor, bench, table are all wet. This suggests that the rain has passed quite recently. The terrace did not have time to dry. I sincerely admire how Gerasimov was able to convey the shine of a wet tree. It seems that we really went out on the porch after the rain and see small puddles on the wooden floor, which reflect the veranda itself and the trees growing around the house. The table is also wet. But the objects on the table tell us that it was not just rain that passed, but a downpour with a strong wind. This is evidenced by rose petals on the table and an overturned glass. The heads of the flowers drooped under the weight of the raindrops, which means that it was not just a little rain.

The walls of the barn were gray from the rain.

The sky in the picture is not visible, but it is noticeable that the sun's rays penetrate through the leaves of the trees onto the veranda. From their light, all colors become even brighter.

I really liked this picture. Gerasimov painted everything very believable. When I look at this picture, it seems to me that I can smell the wet grass after the rain and the cool freshness of the air.

Preparation for an essay based on a painting by A.M. Gerasimova "After the rain" The presentation was made by the teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU OOSH № 17 a. Psebe Pashchenko S.N.

Objectives: to acquaint students with the work of Russian painting of the early 20th century; collect the materials necessary for writing an essay; contribute to enriching the speech of students, expanding their horizons by acquainting themselves with the works of painting

Let's repeat Painting genres Portrait Still life landscape Text types Narration Description Reasoning

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov

Family portrait of A.M. Gerasimov was born into a merchant family in Kozlov (now Michurinsk), studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Portrait painter, landscape painter, master thematic picture. People's Artist USSR, full member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, doctor of art history.

By 1935, having painted many portraits of V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin and other Soviet leaders, A.M. Gerasimov, tired of the struggle for official recognition and success, went to rest in his native and beloved city of Kozlov. This is where the Wet Terrace was created.

The history of the painting "After the rain" I made a sketch at two o'clock. It happened like this: I was painting a group portrait of my family on the terrace. The sun was hot, scattering in bright spots over the greenery. And suddenly the clouds came up. The gusty wind, picking off rose petals and scattering them on the table, knocked over a glass of water. Rain poured down and my family disappeared into the house. And I was seized by an unexpected delight. From fresh greenery and sparkling streams of water that flooded the table with a bouquet of roses, bench and floorboards. Fortunately, I found a stretcher with canvas at hand, and I frantically began to write. There was no need to rearrange or add anything - everything that was in front of my eyes was so beautiful.

Conversation on the painting What is shown in the painting? What genre do you refer to the picture of A.M. Gerasimov? From what details of the painting do we guess that it has just rained? Did the artist manage to convey the feeling of freshness after the rain? The painting has two names. Why do you think? Which of the names more accurately conveys the author's intention? What type of text will your essay be classified as? A. M. Gerasimova "After the rain (Wet terrace)"

Describe what you see. Round table, a bouquet of flowers in a jug, carved table legs, an overturned glass, shine of wet surfaces, shadows from objects.

Dictionary work. Summer rain; everything is filled with moisture; everything blazes; fresh foliage washed away by the shower; in the foreground and background; Plamen in glass nn om grafine roses; wet shine, neya bright sunlight; I recall lines from a verse about the creation of A.Ya. Yashin; Determined thrown st and kan; through the dense green foliage in and the bottom of the roof of the paradise; you feel fresh air and quietness; Terr asa, Perila.

A. Yashin After the rain The rain went down the garden path. Drops hang on the branches like earrings. You touch a birch - it will start up And laugh. Laughs to tears. The rain rustled across the wide meadow. Even the flowers were surprised at each other: In the cups of leaves, on each blade of grass By a light, a silver.

Syntax. Punctuation. Write down sentences, place punctuation marks: I remember lines from a poem by A.Ya. Yashin After the rain Drops hang on the branches like earrings In the cups of leaves on each blade of grass there is a spark of silver. Everything glitters in the foreground railing, bench, terrace floor and table top. Roses are burning in a glass decanter, and rain drops also hang on them. There is a damp shine and dim sunlight all around, and you can clearly feel the freshness of the air and the silence of the moment that comes immediately after the rain.

Check yourself I remember the lines from the poem by A.Ya. Yashin "After the rain": "Drops hang on the branches like catkins", "In the cups of leaves, on each blade of grass, a spark, a silver piece." Everything glitters in the foreground: the railing, the bench, the deck floor and the table top. Roses are burning in a glass decanter, and raindrops also hang on them. There is a damp shine and dim sunlight all around, and you can clearly feel the freshness of the air and the silence of the moment that comes immediately after the rain.

An excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's story "Boyhood" "But now the rain is getting thinner; the cloud begins to split into wavy clouds, brightens in the place where the sun should be, and through the grayish-white edges of the cloud a patch of clear azure is barely visible. A minute later, a timid ray of the sun is already shining in the puddles of the road. I have an inexpressibly gratifying sense of hope in life. My soul smiles just like the refreshed, cheerful nature. I lean out of the chaise and greedily suck in the fragrant air. Everything is wet and shiny in the sun, like varnished. I cannot sit in the chaise, I run to the bushes, tear the wet branches of the blossoming bird cherry, beat myself with them in the face and revel in their wonderful scent. "

Let's choose synonyms to avoid repetitions. Painting - canvas, landscape Artist - painter, landscape painter Painted - depicted, showed

Color and mood The color in the picture has great importance... With the help of color, the artist creates an image, conveys his attitude towards the hero, evokes a certain mood. We see dim, calm colors: light green and dark green, pinkish yellow, burgundy tones. These combinations create Summer mood... The silvery shade on all items creates a cool feeling. The artist loves his garden very much, native nature... He likes to portray changes in nature.

Approximate plan 1. Before us is a picture of AM Gerasimov "After the rain". 2. Wet terrace. 3. Garden after the rain. 4. Color of the picture. 5. The mood that the picture creates.

"After the Rain" is one of the best landscapes artist Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov. Like others, this picture is simple, clear and festive. A heavy summer rain has just passed. He left his mark on everything. The bushes and trees are saturated with moisture. Fresh foliage, washed by the downpour, glistens on the wet branches. "Drops hang on branches like earrings", as the poet A. Ya. Yashin wrote. And I also recall the lines from his poem "After the Rain": "In the cups of leaves, on each blade of grass, there is a light, a piece of silver." Everything shines: the roof of the barn, in the distance, in the background, and what is in the foreground: the railing, the bench, the floor on the terrace, the table top. Everything reminds of the raging elements. There is still a lot of water on all these items. Roses are burning in a glass decanter, and raindrops also hang on them. And next to it lies an overturned glass: apparently it was raining heavily. All around there is a damp shine, dim sunlight making its way through the parting clouds, and the freshness of the air and the silence of the moment that came immediately after the rain is clearly felt.

Homework Write a draft essay


Literature: Russian language. 6th grade. Textbook. For general education. institutions. At 2 o'clock. / (M.T.Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.T. Trostentsova and others; scientific ed. N.M. Shansky) - M .: Education, 20013. Khodyakova L.A. The use of painting in teaching the Russian language. - M .: Education. 1983 Internet resources: Russian educational portal. Collection: MHC. Gerasimov A.M. - template - Pictures of A.M. Gerasimov: http: // www / paints / ger00avtoportret.jpg http: // House Museum - win / kultur / kul_img / mus_img / ger_img / terr.jpg After the rain -


Synopsis of the Russian language lesson in grade 6.

Teacher - Pashchenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, MBOU OOSh No. 17 a. Psebe

Theme : "Preparing for an essay based on the painting by A. Gerasimov" After the rain (Wet terrace) ".


educational: meet to short biography an artist, to teach to "read" a picture, to collect working materials for an essay;

developing : develop oral and written coherent speech, Creative skills and emotional sphere, interest in painting, expand vocabulary, to form the skills of teamwork in a group;

educational : to foster a feeling of love for nature, native land.

Lesson type : speech development lesson

Technology : workshop lesson

Forms of organization cognitive activities: individual, frontal, group (guys work in a group)

Equipment : presentation; reproduction of the painting "After the Rain", portrait of the artist, easel, brushes, paints, audio recording "Thunderstorm. Lull. Joyful singing of birds ", handouts - an excerpt from the story of L. N. Tolstoy" Boyhood ", a textbook, explanatory and spelling dictionaries.

During the classes.

1. introduction teachers.

Hello guys. You are in the artist's studio. What do you see here? (Easel, paints, sketches, canvases ...) With their help, the artist creates a picture, a real miracle that lives and pleases us for centuries. Today we will also try ourselves in the role of artists, but not ordinary, but artists whose instrument will be the word.

2. Addressing the emotional and visual memory of children. Induction.

Please close your eyes. Listen to the recordings.

(The recording "Thunderstorm. Calm. Joyful singing of birds" is included.)

What picture did you present? Tell us.

Do you like summer rain? Imagine that you went outside after a thunderstorm. What did you see? What did you feel? (Exchange of impressions.) So today we will be preparing for an essay based on the painting by A. M. Gerasimov "After the rain (Wet terrace)" (Slide 1) and talk about what the artist A. M. Gerasimov saw after the rain, when he went out to his terrace.

Let's do it again. What genres of painting do you know? What are the types of text? (slide 3)

Are you curious about the artist and how this painting came to be?

3. A story about the artist and his painting. (slides 4-7)

A.M. Gerasimov was born into a merchant family in Kozlov (now Michurinsk), studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Portrait painter, landscape painter, master of thematic painting. People's Artist of the USSR, full member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, Doctor of Art History.

The artist A.M. Gerasimov lived in Moscow for a long time and was a Kremlin painter: he painted pictures of the leaders of Stalin, Lenin, and other leaders of the country. But soon he moves to hometown Kozlov (now it is the city of Michurinsk, Tambov region). He loved his house and garden very much. He especially liked to observe nature during the rain or after it. His sister recalled that one day he was shocked by the sight of their garden after a heavy summer shower. The artist shouted to his assistant to quickly give him a brush and a palette. So in three hours the painting "After the Rain" was created, which Gerasimov considered one of his best canvases.

What interesting things have you heard about the artist and his painting? (The painting "After the Rain" was created in three hours!)

4. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

An artist works with paints, while in our workshop we will work with words. Tell me, what can you think of from words? Right. Phrases, sentences, text. And what kind of text can you make about the picture? (Story, composition.) Formulate the topic of the lesson. ("Preparing for an essay based on the painting by A. Gerasimov" After the Rain ".)

What do you think it means to write an essay on a painting?

Understand the artist's intention. Trace how the artist realized his idea in the painting (composition, colors). To convey your attitude to what is depicted on the canvas, your thoughts, feelings.

How to prepare for an essay?

You need to collect the necessary words, phrases, sentences to get good text; make an essay plan. Then it will be easier for us to write it.

So you said the tasks of our lesson. Tell me, why did we sit in groups?

We will work together, listen to each other and help each other.

Right. But do not rush to take someone else's, maybe your version is also good, because the motto of our workshop is “You are all capable!”.

5. Lexical work. Deconstruction.

Highlight keywords in the title of the picture. Write them down in a column. Rain, terrace, wet. Explain the word "terrace". You can see the meaning of the word in explanatory dictionary... (Summer open (without walls) annex to the house, building.) Pay attention to how this word is spelled.

Can you see terraces in our area?

Terraces are being built in central Russia, in the south, while in our country, in the north, there are verandas next to the houses.

Find synonyms for the words "rain", "wet". (Reading aloud synonyms.) Why choose them? To avoid repetitions. Choose adjectives for the nouns "terrace", "rain". Adjectives enrich the content of the sentence, with the help of which we will compose the text.

6. Re-examining the painting. Deconstruction and socialization (slide 8)

What is shown in the picture?

What genre do you refer to the picture of A.M. Gerasimov?

From what details of the painting do we guess that it has just rained?

Did the artist manage to convey the feeling of freshness after the rain?

The painting has two names. Why do you think? Which of the names more accurately conveys the author's intention?

What type of text will your essay be classified as?

Describe what you see (slide 9)A round table, a bouquet of flowers in a jug, carved table legs, an overturned glass, shine of wet surfaces, shadows from objects.

7. Let's carry out vocabulary work (slide 10): Writing in notebooks

Summer rain; everything is drunk moisture; everything blazes; fresh, washed downpour foliage; to the front eat and background; pl a m e neat in glass nn om gr a finet roses; wet shine, not me bright sunlight; vp oh m and nay ts i lines from verse oh A.Ya. Yashin's creations; def about thrown st and kan; through the dense green foliage in and the bottom of the roof of the paradise; feel fresh air and quiet and on; terr asa, p e rila.

8. Referring to additional sources. The gap. (slide 11)

Poets and writers - masters of the word - write about what happens in nature after the rain. Listen to one poem (recited by a trained student). What is common in a poem and a painting? This is a poem by the poet A. Yashin "After the Rain". You have it in your textbook. What kind unusual words found a poet to show the changes in nature more vividly? Compare with your text if you have any unusual words. Look in the group which words from the poem are suitable for our picture. Write them down. Consider if there are artistic means here. (“Drops hang on the branches like catkins” - a comparison, “In the cups of leaves, on each blade of grass, a spark, a silver piece” is a metaphor.) What is the role of these artistic means? Can I use these lines in my composition? How to arrange it?

Syntax. Punctuation. We will compose sentences and write them down in a notebook, check what we have written. (slides 12-13)

  1. I recall the lines from the poem by A.Ya. Yashin "After the rain": "Drops hang on the branches like catkins", "In the cups of leaves, on each blade of grass a spark, a silver piece."
  2. Everything glitters in the foreground: the railing, the bench, the deck floor and the table top.
  3. Roses are burning in a glass decanter, and raindrops also hang on them.
  4. There is a damp shine and dim sunlight all around, and you can clearly feel the freshness of the air and the silence of the moment that comes immediately after the rain.

Here is an excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's story "Boyhood". Read it expressively (slide 14):

“But now the rain is getting thinner; the cloud begins to split into wavy clouds, brightens in the place where the sun should be, and through the grayish-white edges of the cloud a patch of clear azure is barely visible. A minute later, a timid ray of the sun is already shining in the puddles of the road. I have an inexpressibly gratifying sense of hope in life. My soul smiles just like the refreshed, cheerful nature. I lean out of the chaise and greedily suck in the fragrant air. Everything is wet and shiny in the sun, like varnished. I cannot sit in the chaise, I run to the bushes, tear the wet branches of the blossoming bird cherry, beat myself with them in the face and revel in their wonderful scent. "

What mood does the spring rain give rise to in Tolstoy's hero?

Are your feelings that you experience looking at a painting similar to those of a hero?

Find those combinations that you can use in your essay.

Pay attention to what amazing words the masters of the word find in order to more expressively show the picture, more accurately express the feelings of the heroes. We will learn this skill.

Let's choose synonyms to avoid repetitions (slide 15)

  • Painting - canvas, landscape
  • Painter - painter, landscape painter
  • Drew - depicted, showed

9. Discussion of ways to analyze the picture.

What was the first thing that caught your eye when you looked at the painting? (Terrace.) So what is the best way to describe the picture? (At first foreground and then the background.)

What else are we talking about when we describe an artist's painting? (About the paints used by the artist)

And what are the paintings for? (The artist wants to tell with his picture how beautiful our land is. We, the audience, enjoy the created images, we are imbued with a good mood.)

Right. This means that in the essay you also need to express your mood.

10. Talk about the color scheme of the painting. (slide 16)

What paints did the artist use? Write it down in a notebook. Speak out in the group and speak out loud.

Why did the artist use these particular paints?

The color in the painting matters a lot. With the help of color, the artist creates an image, conveys his attitude towards the hero, evokes a certain mood. We see dim, calm colors: light green and dark green, pinkish yellow, burgundy tones. These combinations create a summer mood. The silvery shade on all items creates a cool feeling.

What can you say about the artist - the author of the painting? (He is very fond of his garden, his native nature. He likes to portray changes in nature.)

11. Talk about the mood of the audience (students).

Take another close look at the picture. Do you like her? How? What kind of mood does she create? What are your feelings? Write down 1-2 sentences.

12. Drawing up a plan. Socialization. (slide 17)

How will we arrange the material that you have collected? Make your plan. Then discuss them in the group and highlight the best ones. Read them out loud. (Maybe something like this:

1. Before us is a picture of AM Gerasimov "After the rain".

2. Wet terrace.

3. Garden after the rain.

4. Color of the picture.

5. The mood that the picture creates.

13. Drafting of the text. Reconstruction.

Tell me, can we compose the text now? Compose your text based on the available material. Then read it in a group. Discuss. Decide which lyrics are better. We will listen to them with pleasure. Good luck to you! Remember: you are all capable!

14. Listening to the best texts, group performances. Assessment of other groups. Advertising. (slide 18)

What did you like about the composition? Good moments?

What needs to be supplemented?

15. Homework. (slide 19)

Supplement the text with notes from a notebook, figurative means, individual impressions and write a draft of the essay.

16. Reflection.

What have you learned today?

What discovery did you make today?

What's your mood?

Did you enjoy working as a group?

Which of the comrades surprised you? How?

What did not work out very well in group work? Why do you think?

List of used literature.

1. Russian language. 6th grade. Textbook. For general education. institutions. At 2 o'clock. / (M.T.Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.T. Trostentsova and others; scientific ed. N.M. Shansky) - M .: Education, 20013.

  • After the rain -
  • Composition based on the painting After the rain by A.M. Gerasimov for 6th grade students.


    • The plot of the painting by A. Gerasimov "After the rain"
    • Description of the terrace, table, jug with flowers
    • Background of the painting (garden, house, building)
    • Painting technique
    • My mood from what I saw.

    I am looking at the painting by AM Gerasimov "After the Rain". Everything that I see I need to describe in an essay. I'll start with the plot of the picture. A small terrace appears before our eyes after the rain. The artist chose objects as the object of his canvas: a table, a jug with flowers, a part of a terrace with a railing, and depicted them against the background of nature.

    It has just rained. We see small puddles spilled on the bench and the terrace floor. Everything is reflected in the gloss of the wet surface. An overturned faceted glass lies on the table. Apparently, the rain was very heavy, if it left behind so many "traces".

    The terrace itself is not completely visible to us. Vertical supports hold the roof (we can see only its corner), the wooden platform has steps to the garden. A narrow bench ends with an uncomplicated handrail. It is pleasant to sit on such a terrace in the evening and enjoy the smells of nature. Or you can get your family together and have a cup of tea.

    On the left is a table with carved legs. The curly table top is also covered with raindrops. And on the table is a glass jug with flowers. The bouquet of beautiful flowers also felt the power of the rain. Some of the petals have fallen and lie in the water that has accumulated on the edge of the table. Or maybe the wind dropped the jug and scattered the delicate petals? Flowers are painted in white and red, somewhere they have shades of pink and pale green. The leaves are very dark and rich green color... The bouquet was probably collected just before the rain to decorate the table with it. But suddenly a downpour began, and the bouquet remained on the terrace.

    In the background of the painting, we see a part of the garden. All its greenery is full of in different shades... Somewhere it is very bright, light, even turning into a light green color, and somewhere it is dark green, juicy, having a shade of emerald and even blue flowers... There are a lot of trees in the garden. Some kind of wooden building can be seen to the side, maybe it's a small barn or a small bathhouse. There is a chimney on its roof.

    On the right in the picture, behind dense foliage, we see the corner of the house, to which the terrace adjoins. A. Gerasimov used interesting technique Images. All objects have blurry outlines. There are no clear, correct lines. The blurry brushstroke technique makes the painting interesting. If you look closely, you can see, instead of leaves on the tree, just an obscure brushstroke. As if the artist did not try to draw all the elements as they look, and left blurry spots on the canvas the colors you want... Flowers in a jug are also depicted, and part of the terrace, and a piece of the sky that shines through the dense foliage. Colors mix well here. They combine with each other to create a new shade.

    Painting on creates good mood... After the rain, it becomes light and joyful, nature is renewed, everything around is fresher. No sad thoughts, only positive emotions!

    Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov
    After the rain (Wet terrace)
    Canvas, oil. 78 x 85
    State Tretyakov Gallery,

    By 1935, having painted many portraits of V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin and other Soviet leaders, A.M. Gerasimov was promoted to the greatest masters of socialist realism. Tired of the struggle for official recognition and success, he went to rest in his native and beloved city of Kozlov. This is where the Wet Terrace was created.

    The artist's sister recalled how the painting was painted. Her brother was literally shocked by the sight of their garden after one unusually heavy rain. “Nature was fragrant with freshness. The water lay in a whole layer on the foliage, on the floor of the gazebo, on the bench and sparkled, creating an extraordinary pictorial accord. And further, behind the trees, the sky cleared and turned white.

    Mitya, rather a palette! - Alexander shouted to his assistant Dmitry Rodionovich Panin. The painting, which my brother called "Wet Terrace", emerged with lightning speed - it was painted in three hours. Our modest garden pavilion with a corner of the garden received a poetic expression under the brush of his brother. "

    At the same time, the picture, which arose spontaneously, was not written by chance. The picturesque motive of nature, refreshed by rain, attracted the artist even during his years of study at the School of Painting. He was good at wet objects, roofs, roads, grass. Alexander Gerasimov, perhaps without guessing himself, went to this picture long years and latently wanted to see firsthand what we now see on the canvas. Otherwise, he could simply ignore the rain-drenched terrace.

    There is no straining in the picture, there are no rewritten pieces and no invented plot. It really is written in one breath, as fresh as the breath of green foliage bathed in rain. The image captivates with its spontaneity, the lightness of the artist's feelings is visible in it.

    The artistic effect of the painting was largely predetermined by the high painting technique built on reflexes. “On the terrace, luscious reflections of garden greenery lay down, on the wet surface of the table - pinkish, blue. The shadows are colorful, even multicolored. The reflections on the boards covered with moisture are cast in silver. The artist used glazes, applying new layers of paint over the dried layer - translucent and transparent, like varnish. On the contrary, some details, for example garden flowers, are painted pasty, emphasized with textured strokes. A major, upbeat note is brought into the picture by contour, the reception of lighting from behind, point-blank, the crowns of trees that are somewhat remotely reminiscent of flickering stained-glass windows "(Kuptsov I. A. Gerasimov. After the rain // Young artist... 1988. No. 3. S. 17.).

    In Russian painting Soviet period there are few works where the state of nature would be conveyed so expressively. I believe it is best picture A.M. Gerasimova. The artist lived long life, wrote many canvases on different plots, for which he received many awards and prizes, but at the end of the journey, looking back at what he had passed, he considered this particular work the most significant.

    When looking at the painting by Alexander Gerasimov "After the Rain", the atmosphere conveyed by the talented brush of the artist is extremely acutely felt.

    With amazing clarity, we see a summer day, the warmth and bliss of which, interrupted by an unexpected thunderstorm. Dark cloud, which covered the clear sky, washed the green garden and the sun-heated terrace with streams of rain. The downpour was so unexpected that they did not manage to remove the lacquered table, now glistening with rainwater, a vase with a magnificent bouquet of flowers, and a glass, either dropped in a hurry, or fallen under the blows of elastic jets and wind, from the terrace. The darkness that the bad weather had brought with it receded and revealed a still dim, gray haze sky, trees crying with belated drops and a summer terrace bathed in rain.

    It seems that every stroke of the picture is filled with the finest aroma. The landscape is filled with freshness and fragrant, dizzy smells. Light steam rises from the ground, the damp floorboards and railing of the terrace reflect the glare of timid light. There is a feeling that the world around has renewed itself, became clearer and more tender.

    Aleksandr Mikhailovich managed to paint the minutes of the summer calm after a thunderstorm so accurately with the help of an incredibly skillful combination of colors in the painting's palette. Intense dark green shades, contrastingly echo the delicate, light green colors of the grass, illuminated by the soft rays of the sun. The darker the shadows of the moisture-saturated wooden terrace, the brighter the spots of light are painted on its railings.

    The picturesque landscape attracts the viewer's eye, awakening an irresistible desire to enter this garden filled with aromas, touch the wet petals of the plucked flowers and reach out to shake the drops from the sad lilac onto the railings, slippery from the water. To feel everything that so shook the artist's soul at the hour when he went out onto the terrace and saw the wonderful transformation of nature after the rain.

    Composition based on the painting by Gerasimov After the rain, grade 6

    The amazing painting "After the Rain" by Alexander Gerasimov received another name - "Wet Terrace". It is no coincidence that this painting, painted in 1935, took its rightful place in the funds Tretyakov Gallery... It can be argued that there is, perhaps, no equal to her in skill in conveying the feeling of the moment.

    Looking at the picture, you immediately mentally transfer yourself to the summer time, in Vacation home with terrace and garden. The artist himself once told about the history of the creation of this painting. On a warm and sunny day, Gerasimov worked on the terrace on a group portrait of his family. Suddenly, suddenly clouds came up, the wind rose and it started to rain heavily. All of the artist's household fled into the house. The rain, as often happens in summer, quickly ended, the sky became clear and the bright rays of the sun illuminated everything around.

    The artist went out onto the terrace and saw this extraordinary picture that fascinated him. He immediately took the finished stretcher with canvas and began to paint from life. Three hours later, the artist completed the painting. They say that Alexander Gerasimov loved this work very much.

    The painting masterfully captures the moment when the heavy rain has just stopped. You look at the wet railing of the terrace, the seat of the bench, the wooden floorboards and you wonder how it was possible so realistically, with a few light strokes, to convey the fantastic effect of a wet surface. It seems that it is worth touching with your hand, and you will feel the damp coolness of the rainwater.

    The wet terrace is painted in a gorgeous colors... Light planks of the floor contrast with a dark lacquered table on graceful legs, the surface of the table is also damp from rain. In the center of the table is a transparent glass jug with a wonderful bouquet in pastel colors. Delicate pink petals from the pressure of rainwater fell on the shiny surface, heavy rain overturned a glass standing next to it.

    Around the terrace you can see a garden with lush greenery. The artist stunningly conveyed how rain drops glisten in the sun, frozen on the leaves of a lilac bush and trees. On the right, on the canvas, you can see the corner of the house, and further, behind the dense greenery, outbuildings... If the sun's rays are just beginning to illuminate the terrace, then the background of the picture turned out to be bright under the shining sun, which will soon dry everything around - the leaves of the trees, the ground, the buildings.

    The uniqueness of this picture is that Alexander Gerasimov managed in his landscape to convey the unusual mood of a person who came out after the rain and saw this play of sunlight on a wet surface. He smelled the fresh scent of wet greenery and rain-washed wooden planks. Few people in painting have managed to get such a stunning effect.
    "After the Rain" is a very life-affirming canvas.

    The painting gives the joy of a sense of beauty in the most ordinary event - a sudden summer rain, which first knocked on the roof in large drops, and then spilled onto the ground in streams of water, filling everything around with the aromas of garden flowers and greenery. It seems that a few more minutes will pass, everything around will dry out from the water and life as usual will go on as usual. The artist stopped wonderful moment summer day and gave it to us.

    Now read:

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