Scenario of the competitive program for youth. Summer mood

Scenario of the competitive program for youth. Summer mood

This evening dancing can not pass at the school itself, but in some cafe or club with an extensive dance floor. This, of course, will be more expensive, but it will be calmer to teachers organizers.

Dancing themselves at night should alternate with contests and draws, so schoolchildren are hardly bored. And of course, you need such a lead that could attract as much as possible guys, including the most modest.

First of all, you need to combine everyone in one big dancing circle so that the guys felt more liberated. The middle of the site comes out the presenter.


You came to dance, right? But I have not seen how you can move. Well, demonstrate me your skill dance. No, guys, so it will not go. I look, nevertheless, not everyone came here to dance. Many decided to settle down or, even worse, to sit down. Will not work! Let's organize one big circle.

All participants become in the circle, in the middle of which is leading.

Look carefully on your neighbors on the left and right. Do not notice anything? Then pay attention to the fact that we all have hands. Noticed? Perfectly! Very valuable observation! Now take your right hand the neighbor's hand on the right. And begin to drive a dance, as in the distant childhood on the Christmas tree. Only at the same time everyone must say: "We all have hands!"

Everyone starts to move in a circle around the lead, saying: "We all have hands!"


Now look at your neighbors even more carefully. What else have you found? That's right, everyone has neck! Hug a neighbor to the right of the neck. More tender, gentle ... no need to be sad! And we continue the dance, only now everyone says: "We have neck!" Rady, happy! You should be glad that you have neck! Remove the neighbor again. What a coincidence! We all have shoulders! We take a neighbor's shoulder! We repeat after me: "We all have shoulders!" We look at the neighbor even more carefully! We notice that everyone has a waist. Well, someone has more than one, someone is less, but everyone has without exception. Keep behind the waist each other and senten: "We have a waist!" So, we figured out. Pay attention to more piquant places of your neighbors. I certainly mean ears! Hold your neighbor for your eye! We repeat: "We all have ears!" And we have noses? Of course have. Followed by me: "We all have noses!" Do not stop the dance! Faster Faster!

Horticulture is speeding up.


We all have chins! Faster! We all have hair! We all have fingers! And now they ran! We all have elbows! We all have legs!

Usually in this place of the game begins cheerful confusion, as it is very uncomfortable to run in the dance, holding a neighbor's leg, very uncomfortable.


Everything! Stopped! Now you see how much we have in common with you! See that everyone has the same part of the body! That is, we are all equally created for dances. So why don't we then dance?!

Music turns on, guys dance. But the presenter does not give them a long time to relax.


And now the first competition. To participate in it, everyone will invite everyone to participate. Who has no pair, choose! Dear young men! The essence of this contest is that you are dancing not only with your partner, but also with a balloon tied to her leg. Disassemble the balls! Occolt to their partner.

The young men bind balloons to the alarm of their partners for string. It is best to use small balls in this game, for which it is difficult to get.

On my team you start dancing. As I said, the challenge of youth is to save the ball of his partner in immunity. In addition, you also need to crush the ball on the balls of other people's partners. A couple whose ball burst, go out of the game. And the couple will win, who retained his ball as much and unharmed. Go! Let's music!

Rhythmic music sounds. Couples are dancing, having sought out of other people's legs. Those whose ball burst, become around the edges of the dance floor. In the end, a winner is announced. They are given a small prize. Music sounds. Guys dance.

After a short period of time, the presenter again interrupts dancing for the competition.


You probably know about famous dance on the newspaper. Neither from you did not have to dance on the newspaper? Now there will be such an opportunity. Here are your mini dance flooring ...

Eats a few newspapers on the floor.

All couples wishing to show their dance art on miniature squares, please approach me. Each pair - on the newspaper. Just do not need to read them! They need to dance. Become for newspapers! Your task during dance does not go with them. Everything is pretty easy, is not it? Well, let's see how easy it will be for you, and do you cope with the task.

Since the presenter did not warn that the area of \u200b\u200bthe newspaper under each pair would gradually decrease, then the task may seem too easy for any suspect of young dancers. However, during the dance, the host gradually parses on a piece of each newspaper. The area of \u200b\u200bdancing is reduced every time. Wins the one who will last longer last on a piece of newspaper. Typically wins the one who longer will last its partner in his arms. After the prizes, there are ten-fifteen minutes of dancing. Then the presenter collects everyone again for a new competition.


Everything flows, everything changes ... Why am I? .. Ah, well, yes, the music changes, change and we are following her. Are you able to change as many times how music will change? What does it mean? Now you will see! Please all those who want to me. We will dance according to a single, but you can also participate in pairs. Only then and the prize will have to divide for two. The task, at first glance, is pretty simple: to match the movies with your movements. Now our DJ will launch his mix from various melodies, and you will try to match them your televisions. If some surprises occur during the competition ... I mean musical surprises ... do not lose. The main thing is to continue dancing and not stop for a minute. In this competition, the one who is the best change in music will be defeated. Please, DJ, start mocking dancers!

The "surprise" is that DJ does include a crazy mix from a variety of melodies, following each other in absolutely free sequence: for example, after 10 seconds of slow music, 20 seconds are quick, which suddenly replaces the tango, which is heard half a minute. Tango sharply passes disco-rhythms, which last five seconds. Etc.

Music passages should be different in length, rhythm, stylistics. Turn the passage from the Swan Lake into the phonogram. See how dancers will "go" with disco on Tchaikovsky. Several times the DJ generally turns off the phonogram, and dancers need to be portrayed silence, while not ceasing to move, as it was agreed. If someone from the participants knew himself, leading immediately reminds that there was a condition that did not interrupt the dance.

After the competition, the results are summed up, the most artistic participant (or the most artistic and coherent pair) is chosen, whose movements most corresponded to all musical fragments, including those when Music poemed.

After this competition, the dance program continues, and the fifteen minutes are dancing to the music chosen by DJ. After a time, leading among the dancing imperceptibly appears. He is clearly going to shake and now organizes the "snake." Grabbing one of the dancing, he pulls him behind him, he picks up the third dancer, he, in turn, is the fourth, etc. "Snake" moves around the hall, ribbing dancing and collecting new and new participants. In the end, all participants in the dance evening will be drawn into a single movement.

When "snake" will collect everyone, her head, that is, a lead, begins to twist the chain on the spiral. As a result, the "snake" turns out to be rolled rings. The beginning of the "snake" is somewhere in the middle of the rings, and it is already impossible to get out of there. On this movement ends. Everyone begins to unwind rings.


And now it came to show yourself to our guys. Guys, well, come to me. Now let's see which of you Robingond, Chinhancguguki, Napoleon and Gagarins. At the beginning of the evening, our girls had to dance with balls on her legs. Some of them are still experiencing this fact ... Now the girls will stand aside and watch young people. Only first need your help, girls. Tie these matchboxes from behind to the belts of our young threads. Just do it in such a way that the boxes come to the floor.

Girls bind empty match boxes to boys belts. Boxes should touch the floor so that they can be used.


Do you know Robinguda, which is now very fashionable to wear a matchbox tied to the belt to the belt? Do not know?! So, I inform you about it. Enlighten each other, because now you have everyone to hang on the belt box. But all the same steep can not be, right? All can not wear match boxes. So, Chinhancgugi, the task is your three parts: first, you need to beautifully fulfill the dance under the music offered to you, secondly, to deprive as many of your opponents as possible to have on the belt boxes, and simply speaking, to step on the neighbor's boxes and disrupt it with a thread foot. Thirdly, and this is the most difficult thing, you need to protect your own boxes from the insidious encroachments of your opponents. That jigit wins, who will save his boxes on the belt. This will be truly cool. Begin!

Rhythmic music sounds, boys jump around the court, trying to come to each other on the boxes. In the end, only two of the most stringent, which decide who to be the winner remains.


Boys, do not disperse! There is an opportunity to get another prize! Of course, for this you need to participate in the competition on the most famous. I need five volunteers! (Five young men come out.) I give you a target. (Distributes to the participants of the competition along a small pelvis and plastic cup.) Thai put on the floor near yourself. Cups put in the middle in the middle. It will be your "apple" or "dozen" to anyone. But the weapon from which you will have to shoot. (Distributes to each in a liter plastic bottle filled with water.) Your task is to hold the bottle between the knees, open it and gently fill your glass to the edges. I repeat: to the edges! We start as soon as the music will play. The one who will fill their glass will win the fastest. Go!

Competition is coming. The winner receives a prize.

Again, 15-20 minutes plays music to which the guys are just dancing, as on a regular disco. After a while, the leading again comes.


Well, the boys showed themselves. Now let's see how degrees and prompt our girls. Girls, feel free to come to me. Strange, usually the girls are always more active during contests. You do not know why? Maybe they want to win any prize anymore? Or is it sporting interest? Tell me. Well, now all the girls will have the opportunity to show themselves. Only I need an assistant from the young man. (It turns out the young man who will help lead during the competition.) Girls, someone from you visited the Hawaiian Islands? And in Cuba? And in any countries of Latin America?

Well, though the dance "Lambada" do you remember? So, in all these countries the next game is very popular. (The presenter takes a bar length about one and a half meters or a piece of rope of the same length. The second end of the plank or rope he transfers the assistant. The plank rises to the height of the middle human growth, the rope is stretched at the same height.) Do you think girls are easy Go under this plank? Let's try. Who wishes - go under this plank and make sure it is easy. (Girls under Latin American music easily pass under the plank.) And what do you think, if we lower the bar here on so much (lowers the bar of centimeters for fifteen), will it be just as easy to pass under it? Let's try with one condition: if someone plane prevents to go under it smoothly, you only need to bend back. Forward not allowed. (Music sounds, girls pass under the plank.) It's all fine. You demonstrate just miracles of flexibility. Well done! But truly will be difficult to come. If we lower the bar still so much ... (lowers the bar for another 15 centimeters). Who will continue to go under it?

With each part, the lead with the partner lowers the bar below and below. Girls to music are trying to go under her, leaning back. It is forbidden to touch the plank itself with hands. The lower the plank will be lowered, the less participants will be able to bend just as low. Accordingly, everyone who has passed the flexibility test is dropped out of the game. In the end, the flexible girl will defeat. She will get a prize. Again, a small musical fragment of the evening, when the guys can dance. Next, in the center of the site, a presenter appears again.


Although we are friends, friends, and came to the evening dance, it is impossible to dance all the time. You need to translate sometimes sometimes. Let's take a little rest from the dance and play one game. In the course of this game, which absolutely everything can participate. You will need to quickly break up various groups on some sign or condition. These signs and conditions will be called. Well, for example, I say: "Watch out on smokers and non-smoking." You need to quickly task. Those who confused the group perform additional tasks, which, again, I give. By the way, I hope there are no smoking among you ... So, all the participants walk freely on the site, resting from music, dancing, lead a relaxed conversation ... and suddenly break ... on couples !!! (Everyone is trying to quickly find yourself a couple. Those who do not have time to perform any task associated with dancing. We say about the tasks below.) So, we walk on, we walk, we are talking, resting. Complete the task ... and break into groups ... on the color of the hair !!!

Next, the host can give a task to break into groups with even, and then an odd number of people, in the three of the same sex, to form groups of growth, in color of clothing (on whom more red - in one group, on whom more white - to another, and on whom neither or another - third). You can give more complex tasks. Quickly break into two groups on the floor. Then the girls break into two groups: those who are in pants, and those in skirts. Boys crash to the group on the "denim" feature: who are in jeans, and who are in pants. Then girls in pants are divided into those who are with long hair, and those who are short. Girls in skirts are broken into groups along the length of the skirts (short - long). Boys in jeans are divided into groups of jeans color (dark - light). Boys in pants are broken into groups of shirts.

Now about the penalty tasks to those who have not coped with the main task and confused the group. If "Penterns" will be much, they are best to select in a separate group and force, for example, to dance lambad or Russian folk dance. If the fines are units, then they are better to give individual tasks associated with music and dancing. Ask what dances knows the "Penalty". Ask about Cuban dances, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Georgian, Polish. Surely the guys will call Rumba, and Gypsy, and Flamenco, and the Hopak, and Lezginka, and Polka, because it is very famous dancing. In addition, "Penterns" need to ask for something to dance. For example, Lezginka or Spanish dance. Ask come up with the most original movement in the dance.

After the game, the dance program continues again. This time it can be interrupted by contests that detect the "most". For example, leading without stopping music, announces: "And now for three minutes I declare a competition for the fastest dancer!" Next, contests are followed by the most plastic dance, on the most incendiary dance, for the best dance technique, on the most resourceful dancer, on the most inventive dancer, to the most original dance movement. Naturally, the mansion is worth choosing the best dance pair of the evening. This competition is especially loved in a junior environment. Of course, the "most" is awarded in small souvenirs or prizes.

A few more tips. Remember that on the evening dances people come to dance. So try not to get too involved in games that are not associated with dancing, as most people, in this case, simply stand aside and are watching a small group of participants. Try to make the contests anyway, are associated with dancing, and participated in them as many people as possible.

We hope our advice will help you in organizing the dance evenings and turn a banal disco in a fascinating and relaxing holiday.

Scenario of entertainment and game program for the day of youth

"Give youth!"

Music sounds, two leading appears on the scene

Leading: Hello, hello, friends! We are glad to welcome you today on our wonderful holiday, the festival of youth and cheerfulness! By tradition in our city in the last weekend, it is customary to celebrate the Day of Youth. And we are in a hurry to congratulate you with this wonderful event! Happy Youth Day!


Smile unfamiliar passerby
After all, today youth day,
And you gloomy something like that?
Forgot that once you too,
Was fun - how are we young people?
Smile, and make us hand.

Well, friends, I think that today we can rest and have fun. But for this you need to warm up well!

So friends, prepare your hands! I invite you to our improvised scene of the winners of the Moscow Championship and St. Petersburg, nonsense, pretty guys with an active life position, the GenerationCrew team! Meet!

Break Dance Team Speech

Leading: Friends, raise your hands those who consider themselves young.

Look at how much youth we have! It is gratifying to see so many raised hands and happy young faces! Well, today we will check how young you are and cheerful. But first a small announcement for girls!

Dear girls! Announcement for you! Only today you have a great opportunity to demonstrate as your dexterity and speed, so, of course, and beauty! Our marathon will begin very soon!

You ask: what you need to participate! We will reply to you: the main condition: you must be a girl and necessarily on heels. That's all!

Well, now, while you are gaining courage, we begin the entertainment program !!!

Leading: Dear friends! In our city there are few people and almost all each other know. But it happens that you know a person, but never guess that behind the talents are hiding in it ... so now we will disclose talents!

Anyone who will distinguish today, will definitely receive the title! So, begin the competition! For the first test, I will need 5 people, five young people!

men go to the site


There are men, there are men,
There are reliable, and there is no filling.
There are strong, and there are powerless,
Do not behave in thoughts that there is no innocent ...
There are handsome, there are freaks,
There are fun and foremen ...
There are also men in Russian selets,
There are in cities, and in the settlements.
Some fly away in distant Dali,
We never see others at all.

Well, we are swami today we will see real men!

Friends, greet applicants for the title "Silacha Puddow"!

Competition "Silacha Puddow", handing medals

Musical sketch

Leading: Well, now, dear girls, we invite the six participants here. All of you, of course, smart, beautiful and most or the most, but the title will receive only one!

Girls overlook the site

Leading: Friends, give your applause to contenders for the title "Miss Pudozhanka"!

Competition for the most sporty girl, handing medals

Musical sketch

Leading: And now meet Ksenia Kudryashov!

Eastern Dance - Ksenia Kudryashova

Men go to the site


And there is a dream man in our life!
Male flint, and still Satan ..
Male lover, man love ..
to which we return again.

Applause applicants for the title "Male Dreams Puddow"!

Competition "Male Dreams", handing medals

Musical sketch

Leading: And now meet real men, men of which you can only dream that fascinating and caring for themselves to the world of dancing ... Generation Crew!

Presenting a letter of thanks to the Break Dance team


In the crowd of people, loved difference:
He often smiles without a reason
Red Light Highway
And the phone from the hands does not release ...
Is this happening to you again?
Well, congratulations! This is all love!

We invite four couples in loved here. No matter, you are married or not yet, it doesn't matter how much you are already together. Well, if you do not have a loved one, you can take your friend or girlfriend into partners, it is not reborn.

Couples go to the site

Leading: Friends, meet applicants for the title "Perfect couple of Puddles"!

Competition of perfect couples, handing medals

Words for handing: Movement:

If the pair is suitable for each other,
That in love finds my happiness.
You approach each other exactly
Be happy together indefinitely!

And now again for you dancing Ksenia Kudryashov!

East Dance

Presenting a letter of thanks to Ksyusha

Leading: Well, now, girls, attention! We invite girls on heels.

Girls come out on the site


Woman should be a mystery:
Little, cute, sweet.
Kakekatniy, build eyes,
Believe in all sorts of fairy tales.
Remain holy and sin
Be a beautiful soul and outward.
Charming, tricky banen
Gentle, soft fluffy kitten.
Chalunya cheerful, playful,
Love and always be loved.
In love insanely and passionately
Affectionate, timid and powerful,
Through tears be able to laugh
And never give up .....

And another real woman should be able to walk on heels. Or rather, run on them! So, friends, meet the applause of the participants of today's Marathon "Glamor Bag"!

Marathon "Glamor Bag", awarding

Performance Angelica Bulat

Leading: Well, friends, we hope that you have rest well today! And also hope that new titles you will bear with honor and dignity!

All paints of the world, all fantasies, dreams,
For you, all the ways are open in life,
Dare and look, find, do not give up,
And if you fall - rather ride!

Let the old men grumble again on young people,
What now everything is wrong, and what you take ...
But if they ask them about the "exposure" of the past,
That grandfathers and fathers scolded them.

Leading: We once again congratulate all of you with a wonderful holiday: Happy Youth Day!

But this fun does not end: friends, our program continues a festive disco! Good luck!

(The program holds the master).

Sounds song "As I wanted me to ...".

Good evening! Health is also good to you, wealth in the house, wives of the priest yes my husbands! And then life will live in joy, happiness and love. But here is the question - how to find it a girl, good, for what signs? Where he, good, is gaining, where he walks, and how to understand what he really is, and will not be painfully painful for the aimlessly lived years in conversations with mom and the best girlfriends? So, you need to choose so carefully so that there is something to boast - and my one thing is better than everyone! Just to taste. And tastes, as you know, we have different. Today's program will allow girls to better understand the male essence. And you guys will allow show yourself in all its glory. And now I suggest our richors to strain the memory and remember those Russian fairy tales, in which someone sought someone, chose and then married. And they lived together and happily. I want to add on the rights of professional pile - not everything in those fairy tales is invented, it happens, and very often, in fact.

Options: "Cinderella", "Tale of Dead princess "," Golden Cockerel "," Scarlet Flower "," Thumbelina "," Tsarevna Frog "and others. You just need to choose seven ever youthful young men, you can prompt the plots of fairy tales, seeking to tell the name.

So, we have seven representatives of the male, seven, so to speak, knights without fear and reproach, bravely decided to provide themselves to help girls with a choice. At the very beginning of the program, the song sounded, and her first verse was reading: "As a mother wanted me, yes for the first to give. And the first, the guy was wrong - oh, do not give me my mother. " What does it mean - wrong? Maybe loves women? So it's kind of good. Maybe not the faith - Muslim, Judist, Krishnait? And it does not play a big role. And maybe another option - it happens that the man suddenly calls his beloved to the most responsible moments. That is, incorrectly oriented in this setting. And to reveal who those present are wrong, we will conduct a competition.

In the scene invite girls who pre-collect one thing (decoration, handkerchief etc.), which serve in the basket to players. Those take one subject and include the one that, in their opinion, is the hostess. If the thing does not belong to this girl, the player returns to the basket and chooses another item. He lost to the man who found the owner of the subject last.

We have a challenger on the title, you drop out of the game and get a medal with the inscription "Mr. Lovelas" as a reward. We wish you success in conquering women's hearts!

So, men remained six. And the next line of the song is saying "How I wanted me a mother yes for another to give. And the one, the other, goes to the girlfriend. " Well, and this situation is explained. A young man is in good relations with girlfriends of the bride, and she is jealous. In vain, probably. After all, the girlfriend is the sacred business, they almost never betray. For example, I would be very glad if my husband did not look at my girlfriends from under the frowny eyebrows with an eye, but communicated with them, Milo joked and walked to visit me to visit. But I think so, it turns out, there are other opinions. Therefore, the next competition is announced, it is called "girlfriends", and its essence is to check men to society. I will tell - just a few words - about our common girlfriends, and you must guess in turn, about whom I am talking about. These girlfriends everyone knows very well, their voice sounds in our homes every day.

Issues of Jl Competition "Friend"

The name of the girlfriend who came and says. (Alla.)

Who dreams "Winter Dreams"? (Alsu.)

Who has little hours laugh "Tik-so"? (Valeria.)

Who claims: "I am a crow, I am a crow"? (Linda.)

For whom of the girlfriends is the most important weather in the house? (Larisa.)

Who forgave the attempt number 5, but again, and here again? (VIA Gra.)

And who asks French love, is it so inevitable? (Guest from the future.)

Who says "Goodbye" to the beloved city and argues that he almost got into the chronicles? (Zemfira)

Which of the girlfriends loves Dimo-pilot and always asks him in the flight? (Larisa.)

Who knows how to breed clouds with hands? (Irina.)

It drops out a man who gave the least answers.

You have a man seriously, you do not cross on trifles, you don't like to go to guests. You are assigned the title of "real colonel", which confirm this medal. We wish not to change your rules further. You have five left. Chances of getting the title of Superman are increasing. And the next verse of the song reads: "As I wanted me a mother, yes for the third to give, and the one, the third one in the field of the wind." Reflect on what it means. Several options. This may mean - a windy man, unable to keep his word, and may mean quite another - light in life and communication a man with fresh breath - like a wind with an endless steppe, he flies easily and easily. I like the second option. And now - competition for ease and fresh breath.

Two bills are put on the stop, two players They become against each other and try to hand over this bill on the side of the enemy. Who has fallen from the table, he lost. Then the losers compete with each other. From the scene goes out the player who lost to everyone.

Competition "Superman"

You lost in this competition, and we wish you to be lucky in love. Assigning you the title "Champion in heavyweight", we hand over a commemorative medal and sincerely wish new victories in this sport. So, four men, weathered, as old wine, remains competing for the honorary title. And what does the next verse say? "How I wanted to give my mother for the fourth. And the fourth is old yes unsuitable. " An unsuitable - this means that has come out of use, unsuitable for him. And there is also a common belief that if the failed electrical appliance change the battery, a fuse, just a light bulb - depending on the reason for the breakdown - then it will work with a new force and will even be happy with its light and warmth. Also, the person - if a man's fuse breaks into with one woman, then there are two ways to change the fuse or change the woman. And everything will work out. And the next competition is to identify the potential of electrical appliances under the general name "Men" and check them on endurance. We have four outlets, the voltage of 220 volts, one - Honosta, is connected to three of them. I give you four needles, you bustle them in a rosette - and whom I got a "idle", which he lost. Do not be afraid, joke.

The competition is very tasty - everyone is issued on a large plate of spaghetti, they are prepared at the real Italian recipe, on an empty plate and wonderful large spoons are issued. Plates with spaghetti in front of you, spoons in your hands - charge! Energy in Spaghetti - Although debut!

Competition: Who will faster puts the spoonful of spaghetti on an empty plate.

One of you has a battery and truth hooked, recharging happened a little longer, and therefore lost in this competition. But it does not matter - its potential is very high, the reaction is simply slowed a little. And he receives the title "Superman" and a commemorative medal, which can be proud to wear on his jacket.

Three, there are only three of them! What will the next couple say? "How I wanted me to give me a fifth. And the fifth - drunkard damned! " That's it! In Russia, in Russia, non-drinking men, as it may not happen, it is such a rarity that it is time to put into the Red Book. And who drinks no more than one liter of vodka per day - so this is not a drunkard at all, and so, moderately eating. So I do not even know what to say. You have to remember the film "Caucasian Captive" and use the idea of \u200b\u200bfrom there. Remember how Shurik harvested folklore material in the Caucasus, and how much glass he drank under wonderful toasts? So, so be - we will say toasts. Poured on a glass of juice, the first toast listened, drank. Poured through a glass of vodka - also toast. We will alternate so as not to be under the table. Whoever does not have reasons for drinking - he will be considered a loser and beaten from the soul, he will receive the title "Mr. Sober" and a big medal.

Competition is held.

So there are two of them. The most busy moment of struggle. What comes in a song? "As I wanted me to give me a mother for the shosay. And the one, the shosay - small inexpressible. " Think, the girl meant his height and complained about his lack? Did not guess. She complained about his young age - they say, not Doros before the real love and real feelings. Although he went the fourth ten, and he had not yet known love. And you, two survivors after long battles, did it grow to real love? We now find out this by holding the next competition. The word "love" is such a bright, multifaceted, he has so many components that they do not have enough of the day. But still try. What do you associate "love"? And we are ready to hear your explanations, if suddenly it seems to us unfounded. For example, the word love is associated with the word "apple", which Eva threw from the Tree of knowledge. And so on, while you do not run out fantasy.

Held competition "Association".

I sympathize - the dropout on the finish is quite offensive, but inevitably - the winner should remain only one. We sincerely congratulate you - you have the will to victory and almost all the data for this - and we assign the title "True Lover" and a silver medal made from the favorite product of all great lovers - black chocolate.

The time of the winner award ceremony approached. The right to refer to the "ideal man" who passed all obstacles and withstood everything with honor, confirms this medal. And all the girls present here can take an autograph from him and take a picture of the memory so that there is something to boast in a circle of girlfriends, if necessary - to show her husband and years old through the "Advanced" show a grained daughter - they say, here he is a portrait of an ideal man!

Under the New Year's song, the lead (track 1) comes to the scene.

Leading: Hello dear friends. So this long-awaited moment came: they beat the chimes, champagne sparkles. Happy New Year, country! Something wrong? What new year? What champagne? Sorry, please, Elena Gennadevna, can you re-start? Music.

The military song "Farewell Slavic" (Track 2) sounds.

The lead is leading on the scene

Leading: Hello dear friends. So this long-awaited moment came: Saluket rinsing, slender rows of warriors step on the parade. Happy Victory Day, Country! Yes, it's not that folder at all! I knew - I don't need to write spurs, I still confuse. Although if you think, today it was possible to expect a similar one, because soon, already just the other day, the most interesting thing will come, and the most cheerful holiday in the year is the day of laughter! We are glad a new meeting with you and welcome all of you on the feast of humor!

Friends, I want to warn you right away. As you know, this day is famous for cheerful deceptions and draws, carefree jokes and laughter. And today, our evening we tried to prepare so that by the end of the holiday there is not a single gloomy face. We hope that there are fun contests, tasks, jokes, draws, surprises will help in solving all the problems.

So, we begin our concert and entertainment program "One hundred-stop for a hundred friends."

1. Concert number ______________________________________

Leading: In Russia, the day of laughter introduced Peter I. Peter it seemed that in the morning, and not only in the morning, many of his contemporaries look like some sullen who did not know how to talk to talk among themselves, not to be offended. The day of laughter, Peter I decided, - the most suitable medicine from this inefficiency. And this first holiday of humor everyone began to laugh.

Something you today are all so dull, probably, on you Friday acts. I suggest play. Are you not against? Our game is called the hippodrome.

The game is held "Hippodrome"

Leading: Show me your hands. I see. Now show your knees. Do everyone have two knees and two hands? Then forward! We will now participate in jumps on the hippodrome. Repeat after me.

Horses went to the start(Flap-clap-clap switches on his knees).

Stopped at the start. Varked(quietly slap).

Reade set Go! Race began(clap quickly kneeling).

Barrier (raise your hands, as if they depended on the barrier and say "OP!").

Double barrier (the same, but two times in a row).

Stone road (knocking his chest fists).

By swamp (clap in your hands with crossed fingers).

Sand (Three palm about palm).

Tribune girls (Girls squeal).

Tribune boys(boys shout).

Finish straight (very fast).

URAAAA! Praise yourself, dear friends!

2. Concert number ______________________________________

Leading: In many countries around the world, it is customary to celebrate on April 1 like a laughter's day. In all countries, April 1 is celebrated in different ways. For example, in France, this day of humorous deceptions is called "April Fish". Favorite jokes of young Frenchmen - pide with adults a variety of fish from paper, foil, fabric, sometimes with comic inscriptions. In England on April 1 - the day of all fools. From midnight to 12 o'clock in the afternoon on April 1, everyone can jerk over their friends, acquaintances, fool them. One who comes to the primary joke, meet a cheerful laughter and shouts: "April Fool!" The Germans believe the legend that Judas born on April 1, a traitor of Christ, so on April 1 is considered unhappy day. The Germans are not shy about opening to deceive each other. In Australia, on April 1, it begins with a loud laughing bird of Cucamarra, recorded on film and transmitted by radio. The voice of this bird is very similar to human laugh.

3. Concert number ______________________________________

Leading: I wonder why the first of April is not a day off? The most fun day, and learn, work. You do not know accidentally?(Spectators Answers) Although, if you look at the other hand, then there would be no so much drawing: "Calling Petka to the director", "Cancellation of lessons", "at the School of Bomb" and much more.

By the way, about the draws. My humorous riddles are seized for you. Does anyone want to get a prize?(children's responses) Then be attentive and fast.

Humorous riddles

1. Five apples have grown on the pear, and only two on the Christmas tree. How many apples have grown?(None. On these trees, apples do not grow

2. What happens to the white scarf if you omit in the Red Sea?(It will be wet)

3. How many nuts in an empty glass?(None. The glass is empty)

4. From what kind of dishes it is impossible to eat anything?(From empty)

5. Duck weighs two kilograms. How much will the duck be messed if it becomes one leg?(Two kilograms)

6. How many ends of one stick? And half of the stick?(Two ends)

7. My father has a daughter, but she is not my sister. Who is it?(I myself am)

8. What is heavier - kilograms of wool or kilogram of nails?(Weight is the same)

9. Masha went to the city, and there was three old women to meet two old women, each with two bags, in every bag on the cat. How many people went to the city?(One. This is Masha)

10. Mishe 2 years old, and people are 1 year. What difference in the age of them will be in 2 years?(One year)

11. Bublik was cut into three parts. How much did the cuts made?(Three cuts)

12. Grandmother Masha granddaughter Dasha, cat haze, dog cannon. How many grandchildren have grandchildren?(One granddaughter Dasha)

13. The boy refused together 3 bugs of sand, and then there were two more. How much is the sand pouch?(One big pile)

14. What is the elephants and no more animals?(Elephant)

4. Concert number ______________________________________

Leading: The first of April is the official festival of fool, this is the day in which you can be blown away, and in no case should not be offended by this person. And the most interesting thing is that you can crash over your relatives without offense, and nothing will be for it. Draws can be all sorts, limit ourselves only with your fantasy and pity to played. This is what I am doing everything. Competition we will have friends now. For the competition, I will need 2 pairs. The task of each pair blindfolded by the ears of the hand to raise the ball up. Whose pair will do it faster, that and winner.

Competition "Ball in the Flour"

Leading: We are confident that everyone has risen! So it should be. After all, soon on April 1 - do not believe anyone!

5. Concert number ______________________________________

Leading: Do you know that when a person laughs, the air flies out of the lungs, about 100 km / h. At the same time there are 17 muscles of his face. If you laugh only 15 minutes a day, your life is tightened. A child at the age of 6 laughs 300 times a day, and adults are only 15, a maximum of 100 times. It is notified that the smiling waiters of the tips receive one and a half times more than their serious colleagues. So let's extend your life today, take the muscles and we will get tips for all this. Laugh is allowed!

6. Concert number ______________________________________

Game "Sound Regulator"

Leading: Dear friends, I suggest a little to joke: shout or pat into your hands, who is so far, and the volume of noise must match the level of the hand set horizontally - when the hand is lowered to the end down, should be quiet when at the very top, on the contrary, you should noise With all my might.

7. Concert number ______________________________________

Leading: The sense of humor is all different, who has a strongly developed, who does not matter. But most importantly, it is, this feeling is all.

It's time to hold the final contest. To do this, I invite you to participate in the scene to participate a few pairs: a boy girl, or it will be a girl girl, or a boy-boy, or mom dad decide.

Competition "Friendship of Peoples"

We will need records of several folk dances. Everyone is invited to dance Russian cadrille, Ukrainian female, Caucasian Lezginka, Greek Sirtaki, South American Lambad, etc. For the best performance of the dance, prizes are presented.

8. Concert number ______________________________________

Presenter: Good joke

Start the day, friends!

Joking wise, joking sensitive,

Without which it is impossible to live!

Laughing useful people

Than a good drug.

Who laughs, that in a pharmacy

Going less often, they say.

The joke is valued for no wonder

And good - doubly.

More, more every year

Laughter, jokes in every day.

On this, our concert-gaming program is over. See you soon!

Sounds of a funny song sounds. Curtain closes.

The evening is carried out on an open area (scene), decorated with flowers, greens, balloons.
Song "good mood" sounds from the repertoire of the singer Christmas tree. On stage, two leading and dance group, which will illustrate all the musical numbers, "swaying" the audience for dancing.

Leading. Good evening, dear friends!

1st leading. Hello! I think it is immediately clear that this song has the most direct attitude towards our today's meeting.

2nd leading. Because we have an unusual program today! Summer rages in the city, and each of us has a great summer mood!

1st leading. Summer mood - it means things go to the way, vacation is not far off, and the surrounding people seem prettier and kinder. Suddenly there are hidden reserves of wit and courage. Without special reasons you want to laugh, sing and dance - this is what we will now go. I invite to the scene ... (collective name).

Performance of the pop team sounds a dance song of summer subjects.

1st leading. Yes, vacation is not far off! And how are you going to spend summer days so that they become unforgettable, bright, fascinating? Surely there are already interesting hints, routes? After all, it is impossible to sit at home all summer!

2nd leading. I think you can visit different museums, wander through the beautiful streets of our city, look into the library, in a couple of shops ...

1st leading. You know, something fun in all this is not enough.

2nd leading. And where will you be in the summer, if not a secret?

1st leading. Of course it is not a secret - visiting aunt, in a small private house ...

2nd leading. Um ... not very impressive.

1st leading. The thing is where my aunt lives - and she lives on the Black Sea shore!

2nd leading. Oh, it changes the case! Soon you will light on the Black Sea! In the meantime, to tune in to the sea wave, let's listen to the song.

The song from the repertoire of A. Buynov "Ignor from the Black Sea" is performed.
After the song, the presenters take a mini interview at the audience.

1st leading. How and where did you resist last summer?

The 1st Guest briefly tells.

1st leading. And now how is the mood?

1st Guest: Not bad!

1st leading. Keep it up! I wish you for the summer of this year to be generous to joyful events and cheerful travels!

2nd leading. Tell us about the brightest summer impression of childhood?

The 2nd Guest briefly tells.

2nd leading. Great story! I think this summer will also be rich in positive impressions.

1st leading. Thanks for the sincere answers. We congratulate everyone with the onset of summer! And for this occasion - everything is dancing!

A dance summer song sounds (on the selection of the organizers).

2nd leading. Well, judging by the number of dancing, no one is sad, and that's great! The degree of mood is steadily rising, but we have not reached the peak. The next round is the mood is not just good, and solar.

1st leading. And how do we create it, if already in the evening?

2nd leading. And we will play a little now! Create a wonderful sunny mood will help the funny contest "Sunny, get up!".

The leaders are gaining two teams of 3-5 people from among the audience in each. The task of the competition is to remember and sing as many songs as possible with the word "sun". From each team can be the selected soloist, or the whole team sings the choir.
Following the results of the game team, the winners are awarded prizes - sunscreen, sunglasses, etc. Losers - prizes comforting (for example, chocolates).

1st leading. And now we invite a choreographic team with a hot southern dance on the scene. Meet!

The dance room in the Latin American style is performed.

1st leading. There are many ways to combat Handrea and boredom. (Refers to the audience): What ways to improve mood do you know?

Spectators offer options.

1st leading. Wow, some options for fun and did not come to mind. But all these ways, we can hardly be applied, we have still a cultural holiday. Therefore, to begin with comic testing. I invite you to the scene of a young man and a girl.

Each participant gets 3 questions (or both participants are responsible for each question).

Finish the following phrases correctly:

1. Napoleon was on the head ...
a) Triangola
b) Naspalka
c) hat-ush
d) Bandana

2. Horse Alexander Macedonian called ...
a) Decybel
b) Bucuofal
c) Cedenbal
d) Zadolbal

3. The most prestigious reward for movie figures:
a) Oscar
b) Toaster
c) cluster
d) Nikita Sergeevich

4. Sports projectile is called ...
a) Baran
b) goat
c) Kobel
d) clutch bear

5. Modern girl does not leave the house without ...
a) Makeup
b) Epataza
c) cellulite
d) half-liter

6. How great that we are all here today ...
a) collected andsch
B) I wrote andsch
c) spread out
d) and where are we at all?!

Upon completion of the competition, each participant is awarded a compass - with the wish in any situations to find the right direction.