Exhibition of crafts for the work of Chukovsky. Exhibition of children's work "Travel to fairy tales to

Exhibition of crafts for the work of Chukovsky. Exhibition of children's work
Exhibition of crafts for the work of Chukovsky. Exhibition of children's work "Travel to fairy tales to

Nina Chasyna

Who does not know famous fairy tales of Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky"Muha-Tsokutuha", "Phone", "Moydodyr", "Taracanishche", "Barmalei". All these fairy tales are familiar to each of us from childhood. These work Children love and listen with great pleasure. These are real literary masterpieces for young children who are printed to this day. About the literary writer, poet, translator, children learned in class. Real Surname Nikolay Vasilyevich Kornechukov. He was illegitimate, his life put him in a predicament. From the gymnasium, it was expelled due to low origin. Chukovsky Engaged in self-education, studied English. I wrote a lot about other Russian authors - Nekrasov, block, Mayakovsky, Akhmatova, Dostoevsky, Chekhov. Chukovsky remained in memorylike a children's writer. He felt perfectly, understood the children, was a good children's psychologist.

Publications on the topic:

Today I decided to show you through the photo report process of your work on the new didactic game - multifunctional educational.

Purpose. Develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, resourcefulness, fantasy, imagination, figurative thinking. Form

A summary of speech development for children of the younger group. Reading the work of K. Chukovsky "Miracle tree" Purpose. To acquaint with the work of the Chukovsky "Miracle - Tree". Educational task: consolidate the ability to distinguish and call the leaves of acquaintances.

"Autumn fairy tale." I love you, autumn, beyond the beauty, for the elective leaves and the warmth is late, for the random of the yield, we fly, flying.

The works of K. I. Chukovsky have a huge educational, informative and aesthetic, since they expand the horizons of the child, affect.

Fall. Beautiful season. About this year, poets compound poems, artists write paintings. This year, autumn especially pleased us.

In our kindergarten between the groups, there was a contest of crafts on the topic: "Autumn Fantasy". The first contest held work with his parents, invited.

For more than 130 years ago, Nikolai Vasilyevich Korechukov, Children's poet - Chukovsky's roots, whose verses we know from early childhood.

"I have never had such a luxury as a father or at least grandfather" - Chukovsky's roots, real name Nikolai Vasilyevich Korechukov.

Information from the Internet:
"Nikolai Kornechukov was born on March 31, 1882 in St. Petersburg. When the boy was 3 years old, his mother with two children moved to live first in Nikolaev, then in Odessa.

Nikolai Chukovsky. Odessa. 1906
In Odessa and passed his childhood and youth.
The formation of Mother Nicholas Ekaterina Osipovna was not, and to grow children - Son and Daughter - she hired "in people" to wash underwear. The money received for the washing was almost the only ongoing earnings. Ekaterina Osipovna, made all the forces to give children Education: The girl entered the diocesan school, the boy in Odessa gymnasium
Since childhood, the boy was addicted to reading, early began to write poems. In the Odessa gymnasium, he met Boris Zhitkov, in the future also a famous children's writer. Nikolai often walked home to him, where there was a rich library collected by Boris's parents.
But from the 5th grade of the gymnasium, it was excluded by the decree of the release of the gymnasium from the children of "low" origin.
He independently passed the entire gymnasium course, studied by self-taught English and French, passed the exams and received a certificate of maturity.
In 1901, the first article signed by the "Korni Chukovsky" appeared in the newspaper "Odessa News", under the title "To the eternally young question".
Then Chukovsky wrote a lot - and articles, and fechens on a variety of topics. So began his literary activities.
At 21, he was sent to a correspondent to London, where he lived for a whole year, studied English literature, wrote about her in Russian press, returning to Russia, published his articles in newspapers and magazines.
But it was glorified by poems and fairy tales for children.
Chukovsky himself said that he became a children's poet and a storyteller. It happened so that his little son got sick. He fell ill in Finland, in Helsinki. The roots of Ivanovich drove him home in a night train. The boy is capricious, moaning, cried. To at least somehow entertain him, the father began to tell a fairy tale. Starting, he himself did not know what would happen next.
He lived yes was a crocodile.
He went through the streets,
Papina smoked!
Turkish spoke, -
Crocodile crocodile crocodalovich
The boy fell and he began to listen.
About what was next, Ivanovich recalled the roots:
"Poems affected by themselves. My only concern was for me - to distract the attention of the patient of the child from the attacks of the disease. Therefore, I was terribly in a hurry ... The rate was at the speed, on the fastest alternation of events and images, so that the sick of the boy did not have to groan nor cry. So I taratoril like a shaman:
And give him a reward
One hundred pounds grapes
One hundred pounds marmaladu
One hundred pounds chocolate
And a thousand portions of ice cream! "
The boy, listening to the fairy tale, fell asleep for himself. But the next morning he wanted his father to tell yesterday's fairy tale again: so he liked her.

Chukov with son.
Chukovsky began to lead the Children's Department of the Publishing House "Parus", began writing for children: the poetic fairy tales "Crocodile", "Moydodyr", "Muha-Codotha", "Barmalei", "Aibolit" and others.
The rooting Ivanovich listened with interest, and then read his poems are very small children.
He uses folklore forms in his children's books, which are so loved by children - count, prompts, riddles, sayings, comic "nonlapitsa" for which he invented his tagged name - "reversals".
It works and as a translator. It is thanks to the translations of Chukovsky, children and adolescents can read such books in Russian as "fairy tales" of Kipling, Robinson Cruzo D. Detopo, "Tom Sawyer", "Gekkelbury Finn" M.Tvna, "Adventures of Munchhausen" R.-E .Stice, "Uncle Tom" Hythina, "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" A. Konan-Doyle.
In 1928, the book of K.I. Chukovsky "Little Children" was published. The author will add it for 50 years. It will become a prototype of the books "from two to five" - \u200b\u200bthe books of amazing, unique, which children and their parents are happy with pleasure, and their parents. "

The Japanese adored Chukovsky: in Japan, his book "from two to five," twice was published, which Japanese scientists and teachers consider one of the best research of children's psychology. If you did not read "from two to five" Kinga Chukovsky, you can easily find this book on the Internet and read it. Get a great pleasure and, most importantly, it will begin to understand your babies even better.
The main dates of life and creativity K. Chukovsky:
1882 March 31 (March 19 in Art.) - Born in St. Petersburg.
1885 "Ekaterina Osipovna Korneyukhukova with children: the daughter of Marius (Maria) and the Son of Nikolai moved to Odessa.
1898 - In the fifth grade, excluded from the gymnasium "due to low origin."
1901 , November 27 - the first article in the newspaper "Odessa News".
1903 May 25 - marriage in Odessa at Maria Borisovna Goldfeld.
1904 June 2 - the birth of the son of Nicholas.

Son K. Chukovsky Nikolay.

K. I. Chukovsky in Kookkale with his children. 1910

In the nursery. Nikolay and Lydia and Mom and Dad, Bob on the hands of Nanny. Kooochal. 1913
1906 , Autumn - Chukovsky's family settled in Kookkale near Petersburg (now the Rampino village).

Family at dinner. Photo K. Bulla. Kooochal. 1912

Family Kornea Chukovsky.

The roots of Ivanovich - and Kolya, Bob, Lida. Summer 1914
1907 March 11 - the birth of daughter Lydia.
1907 , September 9 - familiarity with I.E. Rupin.

Ilya Repin reads a message about the death of Leo Tolstoy, 1910

Repein "Penates". Ilya Efimovich (worth the second left) with guests. In the boat - Chukovsky's roots with his wife and children. 1913
1908 - came out and was reissued three times a collection of critical articles Chukovsky "from Chekhov to the present day".
1910 June 30 - the birth of the son of Boris.
1911 - The collection "Critical stories", brochure "Mothers about children's journals", the book "About Leonid Andreev".
1916 September 21 - familiarity with A.M. Gorky.
1917 June is a fairy tale "Tsar Puzan" for a children's performance in Kuokkale.
1917 , Autumn - edits the magazine "for children", in which the fairy tale "Crocodile" is printed.
1918 - The Commission on the Edition of Russian Classics instructs Chukovsky to edit Nekrasov. Work begins in the publishing house "World Literature".
1920 February 24 - the birth of the daughter of Mary (Mura).

Mura Chukovskaya, 1924 Sestroretsk.

Mura Chukovskaya.

Roots Ivanovich with Muroy and Tatah
"Murochka, the fourth child Chukovsky, was born on February 24, 1920 in a hungry and cold petrograd. "The long-awaited child, who knows him knows - why, wanted to be born in 1920, in the era of pea and typhus," her father wrote in his diary. There is no electricity flu, no bread, no clothes, no shoes, no milk, there is nothing.
Chukovsky was almost 38 years old, eldest children - 16, 13 and 9. He earned a living, as they talked, Piykolovia: he read lectures in Baltflote, in the breakdown, in the World Literature, in the House of Art, in the University of Krasnoarmeysk; I read midwives and militiamen, read, read, read without end. Beyond the lectures were soldered. All homemade were fed to these soldering ones: wife and four children. "No one in all Petrograd needs more than me," Chukovsky wrote at this time in a statement to the peoplepropros. - I have four children. Junior daughter - a chest baby. Drugproof must help me and - immediately, if he does not want writers to die with hunger ... Help must be immediate and not meager. It is impossible to man who has such a huge family, to issue a manual of 10-15 rubles. "
The girl starts talking. Individuality is already determined: an emotional, sensitive, nerve purple is easy to laugh, to delight, amaze, annoy, offend; She is very similar to the Father - even the fact that, like he, sleeps badly. Putting, concerning it with long sleepless nights, he tells her fairy tales. The famous "crocodile" also grew out of such a fairy tale, talked by a sick child on the road. Chukovsky and a patient block, when he went to Moscow, she soaked, distracted, spoke - and it seems to be easier.
Murka soon became his faithful reader, and then - a favorite interlocutor. As soon as she spoke, it became unusually interesting with her. "You know, when it is dark, it seems that in the room beasts." For her, reader and interlocutor, he collected the "Murkin's book", which she was looking forward to. This book has become not only a vintage reading: almost all children of the country have already been ninety years old begin to read Russian with "Murkina Books": with "confusion", with "handling", with "Kotausi and Mausi", with a "miracle tree" and "Bararak". Murochka Chukovskaya - we all our sister on the first books.
He walks a lot with his daughter, runs, shows her world - animals, birds, people, even a cemetery. Plays with her to school, comes up for her country, composes book for her. Marina Chukovskaya, the wife of the eldest son of the root of Ivanovich Nikolai, recalled how Chukovsky played with Muroy into the dog: drove it on a leash, and she buried; The scene shocked passersby, but both were incredibly happy.
Murochka - his recovery. With a purple, he reads Pushkin, Nekrasova, Longfello, teaches the letters with her, talking; Murochka is to him the Fairy: I say, a fairy will appear for you and fulfill your desire ... is and performs: Steel bed, puts out dishes from the room ... The diaries can be seen how the natural gifts of the wonderful age from two to five to six years is replaced by reflexion, artificiality and Looking at the surrounding: Dad, I came up with a children's word - yummy instead of casserole ...

Chukovsky with the younger daughter Muroy. 1925 year.
"Mura shot a shoe,
In the garden buried:
- To grow, my tufwell,
Grow, small!
Just like a shower my
I am Vishko Poland,
And the tree will grow
Wonderful tree! " ("Wonder Tree")
Mura got sick at the end of 1929, in 1930 it became clear that she had bone tuberculosis. The girl was lucky in the Crimea, in Alupka, where in the sanatorium Dr. Ispergin tuberculosis treated hardening. It was no longer able to treat him then did not know how: they just took the patients to the mild climate and tried to strengthen the body to fight the disease himself ... Murochka died on the night of November 11, 1931, she was only 11 years old. "
1923 - Fairy tales "Moydodyr" and "Tarakanische".
1925 , January-February - Publication "Barmaley".
1926 - "Phone", "Fedorino Mount", the collection "Nekrasov. Articles and materials. "
1941 June - the beginning of the war, work in Sovinformbüro; Both sons go to the front.
1941 , October - Evacuation to Tashkent; Speeches in Tashkent schools and clubs.
1942 - work in the Commission for Assistance to Evacuated Children; At the front disappeared the son Boris; The book "Uzbekistan and children" came out.
1942 , September-October - a trip to Moscow; Publication of the fairy tale "Obuzh Barmaley!"
1943 - Return from evacuation to Moscow, performances with lectures.
1945 - Work on a new fairy tale "Bibigon".
1956 - Abbreviated "Bibigon" and a collection of "fairy tales".
1957 , April - the 75th anniversary of K. Chukovsky is widely celebrated; He starts building a children's library in Peredelkin.
1957 October - Opening the library.
1965-1969 - There are six volumes of the collected works by K.I. Chukovsky.

Chukov's roots.

K. I. Chukovsky (reads the author) - "Phone".

The roots of Chukovsky and Yuri Gagarin. Peredelkino, 1961

K.I. Chukovsky. Oxford. 1962.

Chukovsky's roots with children walks around the children's library in Peredelkino. 1959 year.

Chukovsky's roots among children. 1961 year

Chukovsky's roots writer on his dacha in Peredelkin with readers, 1951
When a person for the first time in his life stretches his hand for the book, it turns out that Chukovsky's fairy tales are already waiting for him. Waiting for to delight, teach their native language and love for native poetry. There, ahead, waiting for Pushkin, and Lermontov, and Nekrasov, and Mayakovsky, and now he passes as if the preparatory course of the Great Poetry is the fairy tales of Chukovsky. These fairy tales are so firmly included in our lives, which is difficult to even imagine times when these fairy tales were not in the world. Aibolit, Crocodile, Barmalela, Tarakanische for us stand next to Baba-Yaga, a gray wolf, Ivan Tsarevich, and we do not even think about the heroes of the folk fairy tales of the darkness of the Chukovsky, and the heroes of Chukovsky's fairy tales were born relatively recently. It seems that those and others existed together and always ...
The first book of my childhood was the fairy tales of Korni Chukovsky. I was 2 years old when my parents gave a book. Many years have passed and not one generation has grown on these fairy tales ... the book is already 44 years old and it is still with me!
The book is old, but so native ...

Pupa (German, author Elisabeth Bürckner Elsterwerda with stigma Eva) also from my childhood, she is even more than a book.

Now the doll "Outfit to the French manner", has been preserved by the pupa and the last outfit from childhood - a cute sundress.

Here we are with her and Polystai in the next part of the old-old book with good fairy tales of Korni Chukovsky. To be continued…

We offer you crafts based on the works of the rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky handicraft "Miracle tree"      From a conventional paper package, an original handicap is obtained. What do you need? Paper bag, scissors, threads, paper, pencils. How to do? Paper package cut from above to stripes up to the middle. Then it needs to be twisted in such a way as if you squeeze the lingerie. From scattered and twisted strips, branches are obtained. Tree is ready! It is very stable. Now you need to print on the printer of shoes, or draw boots, shoes, sandals, shoes yourself. Coloring and hang on the threads on the branches. Wonder Tree is ready! It can serve the decoration of the children's room! The second version of the "Miracle - Tree" - from paper cylinders      What do you need? One paper cylinder (it can be done with a thick paper itself or take ready-to-tapping paper), colored paper, drawn or printer-printed shoes, scissors, glue. How to do? From the colored paper to make a crown of wood and glue shoes to it (or better draw and paint). Glue the crown to the cylinder. Wonderful tree for 5-10 minutes ready! Everything is very simple, quickly and beautiful! After a beautiful craft is made, you can play! Clearing-toy "Crocodile, Crocodile, Crocodalovich" You know in what fairy tales Chukovsky is a crocodile? "Crocodile", "Tarakanische", "Stolen Sun", "Confusion", "Barmalei", Moydodyr, "Phone". Before becoming a children's writer, Chukovsky was engaged in a lot of translations, wrote articles, was a literary critic. Once his little son got sick. At this time they were driving on the train. The boy is capricious and cried. Then the roots of Ivanovich began to tell him a fairy tale. "There was a crocodile, he went through the streets." The boy calmed down, and the next day he asked her father again told him the same fairy tale .... So the fairy tale of "Crocodile" appeared, with its main character - crocodilovich! He lived yes was a crocodile. He went through the streets, the crocodile, crocodile, crocodile spoke in Turkish! Let's make a crocodalovich who defeated Vanya Vasilchikov?     What do you need? Picture or drawing with a crocodile image, scissors, glue, 2 wooden spanks or pipes from juice. How to do? Draw or print a crocodile picture. Color together with the child bright colors. Let your crocodalovich be cheerful, kind and perky! Cut it along the contour. Cut the picture on 2 parts. Next, the colored sheet of paper must be bent the harmonica and glue two wooden sticks on it (spitting or tubes for juice). It turned out a harmonica. For the harmonic, you need to take a tight paper so that it retains it well and easily stretched. Now you need to glue the harmonica to the halves of the crocodile pictures. What a fun toy turned out!      Craftsman "Washbasins Head and Washing Commander!" Many, many decades ago, washbasins were almost every family. If not in the house, then in the country. In our time, the word Washbasin, in general, came out of everybody, it is practically not used in speech. And our kids can learn about the washbasin from the fairy tale of Chukovsky's rooting Ivanovich "Moydodyr". After reading the fairy tale, make a very easy, unusual and beautiful cracker. Your baby will be pleased! What do you need? 2 Cardboard boxes, glue-based colored paper, scissors, glue and a little fantasy. How to do? Find houses Two cardboard boxes are not at all difficult. For crafts, you need to push the boxes of the box or just paint them with a gouache. It will be a washbasin case. To the body glove two cylinders from toilet paper. Decorate on your taste. Glit or draw a washbasin of eyes, make a crane from juice from juice, from a cup of yogurt make a sink. Complete details: Hair, hat. Hands - a towel from a paper strip. Wonderful washbasins the boss turned out to be! And, of course, your baby will now know why we are so often saying: "... always and everywhere eternal glory of water!". Poems and fairy tales Rooting Ivanovich bring many joy for children. Today we simply cannot imagine childhood without his fairy tales. Children like his heroes, they laugh fun above them. The fairy tales of the rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky are easily read and remembered, developing speech and memory, and most importantly, they help to form a sense of humor.

"We have always expected a fun commodity from him. If with him, then it is so taking into account - you will not turn around. "
Lydia Chukovskaya (about his father Chukovsky rooter Ivanovich)

If you have left anywhere and stayed in Moscow, then it's time to go with children to a wonderful tour of Chukovsky's Museum, to re-read your favorite fairy tales that Ivanovich's roots wrote, or read the new ones that your child still does not know.

The name of the root of Ivanovich is known not only in Russia, but far from its limits. Many of his books are translated into different languages \u200b\u200bof the world. There is a very interesting fact in the biography of the writer: In 1962, the Oxford University of Writer was awarded a scientific degree, the title of Literature. Another no less interesting fact: the real name and surname of the writer - Kornechukov Nikolay Vasilyevich. Chukovsky roots Ivanovich is a writer's pseudonym. And it is under this name that all children know.

Excursion to the House-Museum Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky

Chukovsky's rooting museum is located quite close to Moscow, in the town of writers, in the subwarkino near Moscow. You can get in public transport, and on your car. In a picturesque town, surrounded by pines and birches, there is a house-museum of a beloved children's writer.

Before entering the territory of the museum, consider with children a brick masonry-hedge, which is located opposite the gate of the museum, across the road. There are scene pictures on the fairy tales of the root of Ivanovich Chukovsky. True, it is clear that they have been drawn for a long time ago and, apparently, have not been updated for a long time: the paint passed away, the paint survived and shuffled. But it is quite possible to consider episodes from fairy tales. This is some preparation for the excursion. Because, even without entering the museum, already here, at the gate, you can plunge into the work of the writer and play with the children in the game: "Guess what the artist drew?". Children in vain will begin to tell you by heart the poems from the works of Kornea Ivanovich. Ask what the word was told by Aibolit, when he was in a hurry to Africa. Who put out the sea in the fairy tale "confusion"? What are the favorite delicacy of crocodiles from the fairy tale "Phone"? What did the flock of the casual butterfly treat? Wonderful! Everyone is ready for excursions!

We go! Immediately, in the yard there is a big tree, on which the shoes, sandals and boots have already grown. Do not forget to tell the children before the excursion that the root of Ivanovich has a wonderful, cheerful, very positive poem "miracle tree". You can read the lines from the poem from an improvised miracle-tree, which is located in the courtyard of the House Museum:

Like our gate
Miracle tree grows.
Miracle, Miracle, Miracle, Miracle
Not leaflets on it,
Not flower on it,
And stockings and shoes,
Like apples!

A wonder-tree is a "magic tree" on which it grows instead of fruits sandals and shoes, boots and shoes that can be seen right near the writer's house!

The poem was written by Chukovsky in 1926 for his daughter Murochka.

And if you are lucky, and your excursion will hold uncle Volodya, then certainly she will be remembered for children for many years. The guide is just wonderful!

Until the excursion you read fairy tales, got acquainted with the new works of Chukovsky, and what to do after the excursion?
Of course, enjoy the memories, make interesting crafts, to teach the excerpts from the loved works and, of course, to carry out the works of the children's writer.

Crafts based on the works of the rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky

Crafts "Wonder Tree"

From the usual paper package it turns out the original handicraft.

What do you need?

  • Paper bag,
  • scissors,
  • threads
  • paper,
  • the pencils.

How to do?

Paper package cut from above to stripes up to the middle. Then it needs to be twisted in such a way as if you squeeze the lingerie.

From scattered and twisted strips, branches are obtained. Tree is ready! It is very stable.

Now you need to print on the printer of shoes, or draw boots, shoes, sandals, shoes yourself. Coloring and hang on the threads on the branches. Miracle tree is ready! It can serve the decoration of the children's room!

The second version of the "wonder-tree" - from paper cylinders

What do you need?

  • One paper cylinder (it can be done from thick paper yourself or take ready-to-tapping paper),
  • colored paper
  • drawn or printed shoes,
  • scissors,
  • glue.

How to do?

From the colored paper to make a crown of wood and glue shoes to it (or better draw and paint). Glue the crown to the cylinder. Wonderful tree for 5-10 minutes ready!

Everything is very simple, quickly and beautiful! After a beautiful craft is made, you can play!

Play the game "Fabulous Names. Who is it?". Prepare pictures on which Aibolit, Fedor, Shark, Barmalei and other characters from the works of Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky.

You ask the question: "Who is such aibolit?" The child is looking for a card with the image of Aibolit, shows it and says: "Doctor".

"Barmalei?" - "Robber".
"Fedor?" - "Grandmother".
"Capotuha?" - "Muha".

Clearing-toy "Crocodile, Crocodile, Crocodalovich"

What fairy tales of Chukovsky is a crocodile? "Crocodile", "Tarakanische", "Stolen Sun", "Confusion", "Barmalei", Moydodyr, "Phone".

They say that before becoming a children's writer, Chukovsky engaged in translation a lot, wrote articles, was a literary critic. Once his little son got sick. At this time they were driving on the train. The boy is capricious and cried. Then the roots of Ivanovich began to tell him a fairy tale. "There was a crocodile, he went through the streets." The boy calmed down, and the next day he asked her father again told him the same fairy tale ....

So the fairy tale of "Crocodile" appeared, with its main character - crocodilovich!

He lived yes was a crocodile.
He went through the streets,
Turkish spoke -
Crocodile, crocodile, crocodalovich!

Let's make a crocodalovich who defeated Vanya Vasilchikov?

What do you need?

  • Picture or drawing with a crocodile image,
  • scissors,
  • glue,
  • 2 Wooden spanks or tubes from juice.

How to do?

Draw or print a crocodile picture. Color together with the child bright colors.

Let your crocodalovich be cheerful, kind and perky! Cut it along the contour. Cut the picture on 2 parts. Next, the colored sheet of paper must be bent the harmonica and glue two wooden sticks on it (spitting or tubes for juice). It turned out a harmonica.

For the harmonic, you need to take a tight paper so that it retains it well and easily stretched. Now you need to glue the harmonica to the halves of the crocodile pictures. What a fun toy turned out!

And now I want to run and have fun!

Play in the moving game "Crocodile and Turtle". The crocodile is selected - driven. The rest are turtles. The turtles slowly walk around the crocodile house and say teasers:

- The sight of the sands threw Nile,
The crocodile burned in IL.
Crocodile is not afraid of us:
He is very nice today!

Hearing the words "very mil", the crocodile will run away from his home and is trying to catch up and rally the runaway turtles. Whom crocodile caught, he becomes a crocodile and the game is repeated again.

For the game of catching can be learned to read.

- Somehow crumb crocodile
From parents sailed.
He threw up, lost
And the fear was confused!
We will help, so be,
Go out - drive you!

Crafts "Washbasins Head and Washing Commander!"

Many, many decades ago, washbasins were almost every family. If not in the house, then in the country. In our time, the word Washbasin, in general, came out of everybody, it is practically not used in speech. And our kids can learn about the washbasin from the fairy tale of Chukovsky's rooting Ivanovich "Moydodyr".

After reading the fairy tale, make a very easy, unusual and beautiful cracker. Your baby will be pleased!

What do you need?

  • 2 cardboard boxes,
  • table paper on an adhesive basis,
  • scissors,
  • glue and a little fantasy.

How to do?

Find houses Two cardboard boxes are not at all difficult. For crafts, you need to push the boxes of the box or just paint them with a gouache. It will be a washbasin case.

To the body glove two cylinders from toilet paper. Decorate on your taste. Glit or draw a washbasin of eyes, make a crane from juice from juice, from a cup of yogurt make a sink.

Complete details: Hair, hat. Hands - a towel from a paper strip.

Wonderful washbasins the boss turned out to be! And, of course, your baby will now know why we are so often saying: "... always and everywhere eternal glory of water!".

You worked, glued, cut out, painted. So that the fingers rested, play the massage-finger game "Shower":

More blue flats (squeeze and break cams)
Waving a wheel handle, (sway hands)
Holders and Lococcories, (Sleep Holders and Lococcus)
Fingers and marigolds, (thip fingers and marigolds)
And population, and temples, (rub the head and whiskey)
Chin and cheeks, (rub chin and cheeks)
Three baby washbasin, (sang the knees)
Three threaten threesome, (ride the knees)
Clear a good girl / boy, (name). (to lose the whole body)

Poems and fairy tales Rooting Ivanovich bring many joy for children. Today, we simply cannot imagine childhood without his fairy tales: without "Aibolit" and "Fly Costs", "confusion" and "phone", "Moydodyra" and "Fedorina Grief". Although, today Chukovsky Kornea Ivanovich consider a controversial writer. The attitude of adults to his work is ambiguous. Children like his heroes, his poems, and adults saw in his works, then cruelty ("I am cut down now like beef. I have nothing to regret"), then violence ("And on everything he scars his head"). And the children just laugh fun. Because they perceive the "adult cruelty and violence," as the victory of good evil - what children are taught all the fairy tales.

I remember when I first read my little son a fairy tale "Barmalei", she made a huge impression on him. He asked to read it every day, and we read it, happened and 2 times a day. She really liked him very much. When he grew, he knew her by heart!

Crafts on the topic "Tales": Mastery with children from natural materials of the panel and composition.

Crafts on the topic "Tales"

Today we continue with you our autumn workshop of children's crafts. We have already done with you crafts for children's fairy tales - detailed master classes in step-by-step photos with step-by-step descriptions you will find in the articles:

And today in this article - more ideas for crafts on the topic of "fairy tales" with children of preschool age. They sent them to the "native path" Petushkova Lyubov Anatolyevna, a teacher of the Central Group No. 11 of "Star." Star "from the city of Yugorsk Tyumen region (MBOU SOSH No. 5). In the "Star group" held a family contest of crafts from natural materials on the topic "Fairy Tales". Here are some crafts on the topic of fairy tales created parents along with children.

We will be glad if these ideas and photographs of the works of children and parents will help you make your interesting crafts on the plots of different fairy tales with children.

Crafts on the topic of fairy tales about Baba - Yaga

Baba Yaga

Baba - Yaga with broom

Crafts on the topic of the tales about the kolobka

Crafts on the topic of the fairy tale "Three Piglets"

Crafts on the topic of fairy tales: Masha and Bear

This workman is made in the technique of appliqués from natural material.

Crafts on the topic "Tales of Golden Fish"

Crafts - Goldfish - also performed in the applique technique. Make it very simple. On the cardboard sheet, draw a sketch of the future craft. Introducing PVA glue one of the details of the sketch and fill out the contour with natural material. Next, fill out other details until it turns out the picture.

You can upload all the image only from natural materials, and it is possible - only a part by adding a story-drawn marker or paints with details or appliques from colored paper.

Crafts: Fabulous Hut on Courish Legs

Crafts for a fairy tale: miracle

You can learn from the detailed step-by-step master classes from the detailed step-by-step workshops in the Children.