The most beautiful pations of spring pencil. We draw spring with children in phasten paints

The most beautiful pations of spring pencil. We draw spring with children in phasten paints
The most beautiful pations of spring pencil. We draw spring with children in phasten paints

Spring awakening nature does not leave anyone indifferent. The first timid blades, gentle spring sunshine, chirping birds, the sky, who has seen the color after winter gray - all this is asking for it to capture it. And our children who go to kindergarten or primary school classes give a task to portray spring on paper in pencil or paints. Unfortunately, not all skills allow you to do this without any problems. With which we associate spring: Green grass, the first spring: snowdrops, daffodils, tulips, first sticky leaflets and flowering trees singing birds. Let's try learning how to draw these items, and then find out how to draw spring in gradually.

How to draw spring to children.

The smallest if they independently draw the composition is still difficult, you can first propose to paint the printed drawings. You can paint anything: pencils, markers, and if drawing with rather large clear details, then plasticine. Non-traditional techniques will be appropriate: you can fill the pattern and fingerprints, your paint in paint. Coloring will help the kids confidently keep a pencil in hand and will give an idea about how easy you can portray, birds, insects.

And to make it easier to understand how to draw spring, photo Phased image of flowers and birds, crowns of trees will help the child easy to cope with it. In the drawings, we see how easily and just depict a snowdrop, daffodil and tulip. Drawing technique with paints is more complex, and not always in a child, everything immediately works as it should. So that there are no fear in front of the colors, there are a few simple techniques that will help the child to get comfortable, but they are still available to the smallest, because his own palms or fingers serve in this case.

Another simple option for kids is drawing using a stamp. The tool for this will need a very simple - plastic bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters quite fit. Makes in the paint of her donyshko and making prints on paper, the kid will get beautiful flowers. The branch can be helped to draw him immediately or after, adapting to the writing made. As a stamp, you can accommodate a variety of items: fingers, potato cutting, crumpled paper, and also independently make stamps, such as plasticine. The latter are good as the form that they are very easy to change. Excellent stamps for the image are obtained from leaves, and you can use not only the leaves of trees, but also the leaflets of houseplants. Do not save on the colors, let them be clean, bright, joyful tones. Then even the very first imperfect pictures will look beautiful and attractive.

How to draw spring paints And tassels, it will become clear from the following material. This is not at all as difficult as it may seem at first glance. To portray the flowering branch, we will need a blue cardboard. If you do not have it - nothing terrible. It is very easy to make the background of the desired color on the usual white paper for drawing using a small painting roller, which are sold in construction stores. With it, the process will take quite a bit of time, and the background will turn out as you need: either smooth with uniform painting, or textured if the roller wet the paint is not too much so that it is semi-dry. Paints can be used acrylic or gouache. If you paint the background manually, let him dry after staining.

For the image of the branch, we will need a brush of two different numbers: thicker - for the twig itself and more thin for the image of shoots and leaves. The next stage - draw the branch, mixing white, yellow and brown paint. With the help of darker brown paint, give a branch volume, causing a paint in some places from the bottom of the branch itself. I draw some thin young twigs in the same paint. Next, thin strokes of yellow-green paint draw young shoots, and then leaves.

For the image of the petals, choose white paint. You can mix it with a small amount of red and give petals pinkish shade. Draw a convenient to the face of the brush. Leaf and flower petals can be drawn not only with a brush, but also with fingers. Next, choose yellow paint and light touches of the brush draw the marrow of colors. It remains white or pinkish paint to draw petals, and the blooming branch is ready. The last touch can make a light spray of white paint, depicting falling petals.

How to draw spring scenery

The technique for the image of the spring landscape can be chosen the most different. And the drawing in the pencil may look no less expressive than a watercolor or a picture made by a gouache. How to draw spring pencil stages: First, we divide the sheet vertically about 3 parts, we separate the mentally the upper third and draw a horizontal - this is the horizon line. Then at the bottom we draw two converging wavy lines - it will be a river. On the banks of the river we plan vertical trunks of trees. Those that closer to us are drawing larger, and as trunks are removed thinner. In the river river, the strokes we plan to roll. Further on the trunks we plan the crowns of trees and add one more river in the river bed. When all the main details of the drawing are applied, we make hatching and rubber band clean up.

If you have more paint soul, then look, how to draw a scenery spring gradually watercolor. First, take paper for watercolor, prepare paints, pencil, rubber band, glass with water and brushes. Making the sketch of our future landscape with a pencil. Show forest, river, separate trees. Finished sketches with a rubber band so that the contours are just a little noticeable. Then gradually begin to draw paint from the brightest tones to darker. Blue paint a spring sky and a smooth river. A part of the forest away is depicting blurred stains of gentle pastel shades. Then we apply a dark stain of the forest massif. Next, draw crowns of separate trees, reflections in river water and color spots Protalin. Change the water in the cup more often so that the watercolor saves the purity of the shades and did not look dirty.

Classic watercolor technique is quite complex. You can draw spring landscape in color and with color pencils or gouache. In any case, a pencil sketch is first made. If we draw a forest landscape, then we apply the horizon line, the wavy line depict the edge of the forest. And also applied the line of relief and river bed. As a separate detail, we depict a pair of ice floes in the river and several separate trees at different removal from the viewer. In the foreground under one of the trees, we draw a bustard of snowdrops.

When the pencil drawing is ready, we start filling the background. The massif of the forests stain with short strokes with various shades of purple and purple. Different shades of blue and blue paint water, depicting ripples with lighter strokes. The sky is brighter shades than water. Snow draws very light shades of beige and grayish, because it has already been sucking, lining and slightly dirty, unlike cold cleanliness of winter. The same shades are staining the ice floes in the river bed, adding where it is necessary, the shadows of darker shades. Protanes stain in various shades of brown. When all major items are painted, proceed to the detail. Draw the trunks and crowns of trees, and at the very end paint the flowers of the snowdrop.

How to draw spring pencilIf your child has difficulty: increase the drawing and either print it in neuro, reducing the intensity of the black color, or redraw a simple pencil, applying a sheet of paper to the monitor. The resulting picture can then be painted with colored pencils or paints. Perhaps the child will be enough to have a picture in front of him to try simply to redraw her. But usually children fatasia is well developed.

You can search for suitable pictures on the Internet, let's say, Levitan has wonderful spring landscapes. Read the poems with the child about the spring and pay attention to signs of spring. And, of course, great, if you can organize a departure to nature, in order to see the surviving nature yourself, setting up the snow, the first spring flowers and reflection of trees in the river. But it is not necessary to finite only early spring. Blooming gardens, the first butterflies, blooming on the leaf trees and singing birds - quite suitable material for the image.

Very often, the seasons are associated with a woman at different stages of life. Summer is a bright blooming beauty in the smole of forces, autumn - a mature woman with rich fruits of a crop in her hands, winter is an evil old woman, and spring is a young girl decorated with a wreath of gentle spring colors. How to draw a girl spring? Variants are set. You can only portray the face of the girl. Decorate her hair loose wreath from bright spring colors. But more often the beauty of spring is depicted in full growth in a long dress, and the drawing is divided into two halves: on one winter landscape with snow and bare trees, and on the second - revived nature.

I hope that the material set out here, how to draw spring, photo Stepped image of landscapes and drawings will help you. If you still feel difficulties, then how to draw spring video You will find on the Internet in a fairly large quantity.

    Draw spring is not easy. If only because the spring landscape does not exist as such, because spring - there is nothing more than the transition from the winter landscape to the summer. Nevertheless, there are different ways to pass spirit of spring - in spring colors, or clouds. After all, there is neither one or the other, and the earth and the sky in the spring are transformed by lightning. Let's see the sketch of spring clouds.

    In order to draw spring with the help of pencils in stages, we need - pencils, white paper, skillful handles and that the most important scheme for a picture we want to draw.

    Below, I will attach the photo - a scheme where you can draw tree leaves.

    For the beginning we will start the drawing with sketches of leaves

    Then draw the leaves of the tree.

    As a result, we get this beautiful picture that reminds us that already spring and you need to rejoice.

    What would draw spring Pencil, and then paint the drawing with colored pencils, I propose to look at the following photos.

    Start off draw spring We will be with the markup of the horizon line and the rim. Dada draw small details of the drawing of a house, birds. Trees.

    I have spring, associated with blooming trees, when they smell, and the mood rises from this smell. It is already spring, and there will be no cold weather, you can already calmly wear bad clothes and not be afraid to catch cold. You can draw, such a flowering garden

    To begin with, you need to draw a simple pencil trees, and then apply flowering trees with paints

    now, start drawing the paints of the sky

    start with pink color, drawing flowers

    add a stilt color

    brown, draw trees trunks

    add the TMMO color to flowers

    draw shadow from trees and grass green

    add colors and on the grass

    I really like when spring is painted in the image of a girl in a green dress. Her dress concerns snow and he is inferior to the place of greenery and flowers:

    You can still draw a blooming branch:

    Phased to draw a blooming spring tree according to this scheme:

    Spring is it's time when everything wakes up after the winter hibernation. And the first colors are snowdrops. I think they are spiritually evolving the image of spring. And I suggest you paint the symbol of spring is a snowdrop. He is so fragile and beautiful. And the field with snowdrops will look very beautiful.

    Spring is a new life. All nature wakes up, comes to life. It is not difficult to pass in the picture in the picture, especially if it is a children's job.

    First option: We draw naked trees, streams, children, triggering ships. In the stream floats melting snow.

    The second option: swelling buds on the bush, the first leaflets on the tree, who returned from the distant countries of the birds, and near the lake and somewhere far - trees and bushes.

    With the child you can repeat the drawing of Alexndra:

    a bright huge sun warms the wide rays of the land, on which the snow melts and the primrose appears.

    Children's drawing spring is coming; Tychenko Alexander 10 years

Nature is the best artist. When you look at the spring landscape, surprise the juits of its paints, the subtleties of combinations of colors and a huge variety of shades. Many people have a desire to reflect the paper seen on a snow-white sheet.

The easiest option is to draw spring in the spring.

For beginners, this is the best way to create a full-fledged spring landscape, is not much different from the work of the brush of real masters. Even children will be able to draw a drawing on the topic "Spring", if they follow the sequential instructions of an adult.

First you need to draw spring with a pencil. We make a simple sketch in the form of a lawn, which grows a couple of high trees, shrub, and the forest is seen on the horizon. Connects the picture a narrow river, which proceeds through the entire space of a paper sheet, from one corner to another. Most of the leaf leave free to show the bottomless spring sky.

Figure "Spring" pencil

Now armed with a wide flat brush and wet all the sheet with clean water.

Cover the sky with a gentle shade of blue.

The lawn is painting a pale green-brown color, a river - dark blue.

To convey the game of river water, separate areas darkened, others - flashing. The displacement places should coincide with the location of the trees - so we will reflect their shadow.

Forest on the horizon paint dark green.

We make it contours vaguely, but in places he hardly darke them. Lighter shade of green paint shrub in the foreground.

Trees trunks cover the pale gray paint, thickening it from one side.

Draw a different shades of the green foreground of the forest.

At the edges of the trees are making larger than in the center. We have the effect of perspective.

Turn the trees in the birch, drawing on the trunks of black lentils.

Branches make dark gray. At the foot of the trees landing gently blue forest flowers. Gradually, our landscape becomes recognizable.

The same flowers are sitting on the other bank of the river. And the bush, which was in the foreground, turn in the ohana of snowdrops.

We help dismiss leaflets on the branches of trees.

And draw all small details with a pencil.

Well, we learned how you can draw!

Figure on the topic "Spring"

For children, the process of creating such a landscape will be interesting to the fact that another task comes to replace one task, the work does not look very monotonous and boring. And adults will surely interest the result achieved - you can safely weigh the wall on the wall, it will decorate any home.

By changing the details and shades of colors, you can change the drawing, revealing different looks of spring.

Figure Spring (photo from the Internet)

Figure gouache "Early Spring". This figure shows the spring forest of early spring, the melting of snow, the first streams and the first snowdrops.

Figure Gouache "Early Spring"

Figure "Melting of Snow"

Figure "Early Spring in the Forest"

Figure "Spring, drops, willow and flowers"

Figure "Sun, Creek and Pink Bushes"

Spring Figure "Easter Egg"

Figure "Spring" video master classes

See how to draw spring gouache on video:

Drawing tender spring with a bird on a branch (video):

Figure "Spring" with a sun and a dressing:

How to draw a spring landscape for children from 5 years step by step with a photo

Drawing a scenery "Spring mood" for children from 5 years. Master class with step-by-step photo

Fairy tales of the queen Rainbow: how spring is winning. Pastel colors

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Great Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The master class is designed for children from 5 years and their parents, educators, teachers of additional education.
Purpose: Interior decoration, participation in creative exhibitions, gift.
Purpose: Creating a spring landscape in the technique of gouache.
- to know the children with the Slavic fairy tale "like spring winter is overgrown," continue to get acquainted with the spring holidays of the people's calendar;
-The acquaintance with color, give the concept of "color palette", "pastel tones", "bleached color";
- to draw a spring natural landscape using pastel colors, without prior sketch with a simple pencil;
- Women in children spatial thinking, ability to work with color;
-Ship interest in the holidays of the people's calendar and Slavic culture.

Hello, dear guests! Today I want to introduce you to the world of Slavic fairy tales, it is possible to solve you, only here the old people said so ...
He lived, was in one village of Masha. She sat under the window with birch spindles, nailed White Lenok and sentenced:

- When spring comes when the Talitsa hit and the snow from the mountains will be tamed, and water will overcome the meadows, then I will overcome the meadow, in the Russian Mother Furnace,

Kulikov yes larks.

And with girlfriends in the spring I will go to meet, in the village to watch the clog-call.

It is waiting for Masha spring warm, good, and that does not see, do not hear. Winter does not go out, all frosts are a bunch; She appropried everything, cold, jetty, hands, legs called, cold-stubs wriggled. What to do here? Bed!

Thought up Masha to go spring to look. Gathered and went. She came in the field, sat down on the brightness and calling the sun:
Sun, sunshine,
Red Vödryshko,
Looks from behind the mountain
Looking up to ramp pores!
The sun looked out because of the mountain, Masha and asks:
Did you see the sun, the Red Spring, did you meet your sister?

- I did not meet the spring, but I saw the old winter. She saw her, whipped, from spring, left, flew from red, rushed in the bag, the cold was shaking on the ground. Herself stumbled, rolled under the mountain. Yes, here in your edges, I do not want to leave. And spring does not know the spring. Go, the Red Maiden, for me, how to see the forest in front of him, the green is all, there are also looking for spring. Call it in their edges.

Masha went to look for spring. Where the sun rolls on blue sky, there and she goes. Long walked. Suddenly the forest appeared in front of it - the whole world. Walked-walked Masha in the forest, completely lost. Forest marshoes her shoulders were sophisticated, sides of the sides of the sides of the sides, the nightingale ears were sang, the rain droplets were shaped their heads.

Only sat Masha on Penets to relax, as sees - the white swan flies, taking the silver wings below, on top of the gilded. Flies and dismisses down the fluff and feathers for all potions. That swan was - Spring.
Releases spring in the meadows grass Shelkovaya, spreads dew pearl, merges small streams into fast rivers.

It became here Masha spring Click-call, tell:
- Oh, Spring-Spring, Good Mother! You go to our edges, go for the winter of Lutuy. The old winter does not go away, all frosts are a bunch, coldly kicks.
Has heard spring cars voice. I took the golden keys and went to climb the winter.
And winter does not go out, frosts are a whirlpool yes send them in the spring of spring brazers to be led, the driflesties to make. And spring is flying, where the wing is silver waving - there and the barrier will meet, another wave - and drifts melt.

Frosts - from spring and run. Winter called, sends a blizzard yes blizzard to rebuild the spring. And spring waved the golden wing, here and the sun looked out, prigid. A blizzard with a blizzard from heat and light water powder was energized. It was out of the strength of the old winter, ran far and far behind the high mountains, hidden in ice holes. There it is spring and closed the key.
So spring winning winter!

Slavic fairy tales are simplified Vedas (lead, know). These are centuries-old knowledge and the history of the kind, which remained and multiplied by the Stara to the Mlada, from generation to generation. And this fairy tale has its roots and real for the Slavs of the character, the Goddess of Spring, the daughter of Goddess Lada. According to myths, it was inextricably linked with the spring revival of nature, the beginning of field work.
March 30, when nature wakes up after the hibernation, the folk calendar marks the holiday and dedicated to the Goddess of Lada. Lada-goddess of love, patroness of marriages, homemade hearth, goddess of youth, beauty, fertility. Rusakosaya, feminine, in white clothes, she and young in love will help, and in the old families the heart will save, warmly touches the hearts of unreasonable and again in the family. Lada, one of the most respected by the Slavs of the Bogias- Lada was considered a female hypostasia of the kind, which was the navigator and the parent of the world. People appealed to the Lade for help in search of love and for the blessing of marriage, they asked her fertility for her land and facilitate childbirth for their women. In the old man's favorite husbands called "Lado", and the husband of his "ladies".
We have a century - no barrier,
And I want to again
Forgotten the word "Lada"
All your favorite began to call!

There is also a special maiden holiday (April 22), in honor of the daughter of the Lada, the goddess of spring and youth. Also, this holiday was called a red slide, because the place of action was becoming a hill located near the village. There was installed a small wooden or squeezing bench. It was put on her the most beautiful girl who performed the role of Lyali (Leli). To the right and to the left of the girl on the hill on the bench were launched offering. On one side, a loaf of bread was located, and on the other hand there was a jug with milk, cheese, butter, egg and sour cream. Around the bench laid out woven wreaths. The girls drove a dance around the bench and sang ritual songs in which the deity was sorry as a crumline and a response of the future harvest. In the course of the dance and singing, the girl was sitting on a bench put on his friends wreaths. Sometimes after the holiday, the bonfire (Olya) was burned on the hill, around which dance drove and sang songs.

Spring perhaps the most favorite season for many, it gives a sense of joy, future change, especially joyful and spring mood. Spring sunpitches everything with its warmth and light, as if she screams that there was a long and cold winter, there was a new amazing and joyful time.

Nature sniffs and sings, pleases us with a riot and tenderness of the paints, charming and relaxed flowers and shades, awakened from the Winter Sleep Earth-Mother.

Gentle colors of flowering trees, yellow-green shade barely pierced herbs, mlude spring colors, clear blue sky blue eyes perfectly emphasize the spring charm.

A little more and their paints and flavors will be fascinated by lilac.

All this variety of colors and shades are called the palette of spring colors. In our case, this is a selection of a certain range of colors and their shades for transmission in the painting of the spring season.
The spring palette is often associated with freshness and air industry, and this in painting is transmitted using pastel tones. These are soft shades, like lilac, light blue, pale yellow, peach, mint, pale pink ... They are obtained by diluting with white color of any pure tone. The gamma of these shades is very wide: from almost transparent to saturated.

The pastels are considered to be all without exception 12 colors of the color scheme, which is added white, and they can be both warm and cold. Often artists use such a term for them as "bleached color." For example, gentle gray is bleached (pastel) black.

Bright paints, our world sparkles,
Like an artist, drawing a day for us,
Brush magical life decorates
It uses a slightly gray shadow.
Blue sky and blue Dali,
Blue sea, lakes blue
Russian hearts sealed
Blue shades and paints words.
Red Sun, Red Banner,
Purpur Kalina and the Scarlet East,
Red girls, bright flame
Green sprout punched to the heart.
How much green, forest and edges,
Groves, emerald fields full,
Listen Come we are fortunate cuckoo
With the first arrival of green spring.
Yellow buttercups in gentle mane,
Bright spring bouquet field,
Please the paints of the soul caress,
Yellow leaves autumn sometimes.
Happy white color color purity
White expanses of Russian snow,
Color only black - threatens to us
In black, rarely we paint the words.
(Paints of life. March 26, 2012 - Valentina Solovyova)
I invite you, my friends, on a master class on creating a spring mood, welcome to our creative workshop!

Materials and tools:
Still paper A3.
-Kista (enough two №10 and №3)
Strip for brushes
-palitra (I use a plastic laying board)

Master class move:

Today, our work is very simple, you just need to be attentive and repeat after me. Let's start with the background of our landscape, the sheet is vertically. Large brush with yellow color we tonside the entire sheet. Our movements will be rapid, go in the same horizontal direction, therefore we need to follow sufficient moisture and paints on the brush. Movements should be lightweight and with each new movement of the brush should be colored a certain part of the sheet, if necessary, you can return to the already colored places to align the color.

With proper regulation of moisture on the brush gouache dries very quickly. And so immediately after staining the sheet in yellow, we start working with white. A large brush is applied horizontal strokes in the lower and upper part of the work, but the yellow color is completely not overlapping ("by the quantic" with a brush).

Next, on the tight brush, pick up a little black and make large horizontal smears at the bottom of the work.

Colors are mixed in the process and we get different shades of gray.

Very important rule, always wash your brush before a set of other color. Now also type a little blue on the brush and put the smears on the top of the work.

Between the blue tones of the sky we introduce violet (or lilac, pink) colors.

Between gray strokes add strokes of emerald tones (cold green color).

All further work will be performed by Brush No. 3. We work with a palette, we need a more rich gray color than that we used for the landscape background. To do this, on the palette first we apply white paint, and then add black to it. We mix the colors to the homogeneous mass of the shade of gray. The resulting color is drawing the trunk of the Christmas tree. So that the trunk line is smoothly drawing starting from the top. We apply a brush to the drawing and without pulling it off from the leaf pull to yourself (rush to the tassel on the leaflet).

Now branches, you need to remember that the Christmas tree has a triangular form, that every twig is leaning towards the ground under the weight of small branches and needles, at the top of the twigs are short, and to the bottom become longer (usually I depict the tree showing the branches of the branches of fir legs).
So, with thin strokes draw the lines of future branches.

Little branches and needles draw vertical strokes, apply brush to branches guide lines. Then in the foreground of the work, I draw the gray last year's edging.

We continue to work on the Christmas tree, the green color draw branches between the gray.

On the palette we mix the green with white and still ascend extra branches and needles on our forest beauty. Trees, like other trees, update outfit in the spring, young light green needles.

In the foreground of the work, we have a herb of different green shades. The grass is not the soldiers standing in a row, she is live, pegs under the breath of the spring breeze, looks in one direction, to another.
And again we work with the palette. We will draw a tree, for its barrel mix brown and white colors. Draw the trunk also from the top, and at the bottom we draw an additionally the second line next to the first thickening barrel to the bottom. Lines at the bottom of the trunk are a bit curved-depicting roots.

We draw branches that will be a "mirror reflection of the branches of the Christmas tree", and stretch not to the ground, but to the sun (sample of the image of a tree can be shifted on myself, depicting your hands stretching at the top of the branch). Further, the work "not scattered" brown, we supply the silhouette of the tree and branches with one of the sides.

Drawing elements of spring pencil.

Spring is the most beautiful time of year. In the spring, nature wakes up, birds arrive with warm edges, the sun shines brightly and gives everything warm to us. During this period, each person changes slightly, shakes from winter frosty weather. Often, I want to portray the spring on canvas, and together in it and all the beauty.

If you have never been seriously fond of drawing - it is not scary. We offer you and your kids several methods, thanks to which you already in a few workouts will be able to draw a landscape, and even the image of a person.

How to draw spring pencil stages for beginners and children?

To begin with, you need to stock special accessories that will use you during drawing, namely:

  • Paper. Prefer the A3 format. But as for the beginner, the A4 sheet is also suitable for you.
  • Tablet. To do this, take an ordinary wooden board either the middle thickness of Phaneur. On this tablet you will mount a piece of paper.
  • Clips and buttons.
  • A variety of pencils. For the initial stage you will need a solid pencil, and for final design - softer.
  • Stationery knife. They will point out their pencils.
  • Eraser. But do not abuse them. Estiqué you can portray glare.

Spring landscape is the perfect drawing that you can give mom, grandmother, sister. What kind of spring image you did not decide to draw, whether spring drops, flowers or trees, these all elements involve a combination of individual parts (lines, figures, strokes).

It is these details that allow you to create the integrity of the whole picture. So, we begin to work wonders.

The first version of the spring landscape:

  • Picture a skyline and road on a sheet of paper. Skyline Draw not in the center of the picture, but a little higher. Add two elongated and curved rules that must be connected away away. Draw on paper a few big ovals - it will be stones, and place them along the edges of the road where you wish. Draw three bustle in the picture by depicting them with wavy lines. So you will define the driving part.
  • Draw the trees on the picture. Picture a tree and twigs in the left side of the drawing, plus a bark (it should have elongated vertical stripes). For the image of a birch on the right side, you need to draw small lines horizontally, but at the same time its barrel should be slightly less than the first tree trunk.
  • When you fill in the birch birch you need to know that the strips on the trunk should only be horizontal, but not vertical. The resulting trees will look naked, accordingly add them leaves. How to draw them to you will learn in the next stage.

  • Add leaves. Draw along the paper a wavy ruler so that it is slightly above the horizon. So you specify the vertices of all trees that are located away. Draw twigs on the trees - make them some curves. Draw a lot of leaflets and place them anywhere in branches where you want. Here should work your fantasy. Place one tree in the picture in the picture, and another bush near the road. Draw oblong figures on the roadway, resembling large blocks of stones.

  • Picture the road, given every detail. Draw the lines so that they are a bit parallel - you will have a rinse on the road. Add a bit of grass near the edge of the carriageway, around it and near each bustle. The grass should be done vertical or with a minimal inclination.

  • Draw some pictures. Let the area, which is located between the horizon line and the top area of \u200b\u200bthe trees image. Use the same way to shake the bushes along the road. Draw on the road some short stripes resembling herb.

Spring landscape ready!

Second version of the spring landscape:

  • To begin with, mark the framework of your picture. Return from the edges of the sheet, make the frame using the ruler (from the edge there should be a distance approximately 5 mm). Then draw on paper the curve line located at the bottom of the picture. A little to the right to draw two curved lines - short and small. These rules will denote the land where the entire landscape will be located.

Frames Painting, Earth
  • Draw trees. With the help of lush waves, show the trees in the figure, place them on the left side. Add runaway distance trails and paths.
  • Draw near the trees houses with roofs and windows.

  • Near the houses themselves, with the help of special ornaments, depict thick Christmas trees facing both sides of the houses. In the sky, draw the clouds - for this use wavy lines.
  • Draw a close-up herb in front. Picture them sharp so that they grow into different sides. Way Draw detached bushes and trees. Maybe you want to show on the painting of the poplar, then add the trees a high and fairly lush crown.

  • From the front of the landscape in the grass. Draw a variety of flowers, but only those that bloom precisely with the arrival of spring.

  • The picture is already practically ready, but it has no bright colors. If you want the drawing to please you and your loved ones, it definorates it. Make trees with bright red foliage, blue sky, brown houses. In general, manifest your fantasy and you will have a perfect gift.

How to draw a girl-spring pencil for children in stages?

The frosty winter is over, a warm spring came to replace her. Bright sunshine, singing birds, flowers - all this sometimes inspires to draw a spring girl.

You decided to draw a beautiful spring girl, but you do not know how to portray it in the picture, then use our tips: one girl Draw in a beautiful dress in full growth, and the second shows in the form of a cute pet and decorate it to your liking.

First option:

  • Draw your spring scheme, more precisely, the pose in which you want it to be. At the same time, you must take into account the anatomy of the human body. Remember, the head of a person should be 1/7 part of the body, elbows and knees should be in the center of the hands and legs. The ridge must bend into the front side.
  • Distribute body volume. The figure of a woman is very similar to the hourglass, consider this when drawing the body of a spring girl. In order for your drawing to be more realistic, keep in mind many anatomical indicators of the body. If you decide to draw a girl with hand in hand, palm hands and the beginning of the legs are required to be on the same level. Ensure that the elbows are located on the waist line.
  • Draw a female body with smooth lines, with streamlined forms. As a rule, the shoulders are 1/2 head. Draw from the neck smooth lines, turning into the shoulders, and then in your hands. Women's hips are wider than in the silhouette of a man, but the caviar of the legs is more elegant. The foot has the facial size.
  • The most important and important point is the drawing of the top of the girl, or rather her head. There are some small details and strokes that you must carefully draw. Facial contours Picture with a pencil at number H3. From the very beginning, draw your eyes, nose and lips, and then you can portray small elements. The distance between the right and left eyes should be the size of one eye. The extreme points of the mouth are located in the middle of both eyes. During the drawing of the nose, special attention is paid to lighting and decisive. Apply them when you draw cheekbones, sneakers, chin.

  • Girl hair draw with a pencil B6. You will have natural and softer lines.
  • Now you have to think about the clothes of the girl. Use drawing. Here you must designate the folding of clothing formed from the figure or the poses of the model. If your spring will stand in the bridge, then folds on the waist line will appear on the alongside. Depicting a dress, you must imagine how the outfit will slowly drop from the girl - you should pass on paper.
  • Very often, many new artists do not know how to draw palms and fingers. Yes, portray on paper the correct arrangement of the hands and fingers is very difficult. Take advantage of your own hands, let them become a sample for you and feel free to draw.
  • Complete drawing with background. Since we draw a spring girl with you, then depicting it on the background of nature. For this you can apply the first two drawings with spring scenery.

Second option:

  • Draw a head circumference. Just follow the fact that you have not a flat circle, and the circumference, elongated a bit down, and a little up. Draw curves in the resulting circle. Make sure that the proportions are preserved and the perfect result turned out.
  • Add auxiliary additional elements (a pair of lines located diagonally as well as points).
  • Now you can draw the face of the girl-spring. First, apply facial contours and neck model.
  • Using additional lines and suitable points, draw the eyes of the girl.
  • Add long cilia to your eyes. Now the look at the girl looks expressive.
  • With the help of additional lines located diagonally, draw eyebrows.

  • Start from the top point, which is located on a vertical line, and draw the nose, bringing the line to the near point.
  • At this stage, you will depict the lips of the girl. At the same time you can navigate the additional line, which is located horizontally, and four points.
  • The face of the girl is ready for you. You will only have to add some elements and remove additional rules using an eraser. Do it very carefully, do not hind the main lines.
  • Draw a girl hair. You will need approximate lines. It is for them that you will have to bring the whole hairstyle of your beauty. In the hair, draw small flowers, leaves and other items that are associated with the spring.

Video: The process of drawing "Spring girls"

Pictures with pencils on the topic: Spring has come

Many parents break their heads and try to find spring drawing methods. In our material you can find some good options on the topic "Spring has come" and embody the ideas with a child on a piece of paper.

The first option is "Sakura blossom":

Draw with you drawing with pencils, which will show the Sakura branch and tree. Sakura is a symbol of spring. When this plant blooms, it gives us their beauty and magic. So, proceed to work:

  • You can proceed to drawing the flowering branch of Sakura. Picture on it a lot of small flowers and several blooming inflorescences.
  • To begin with, draw the petals, inside there will be a circle with stamens.
  • Next over the drawn flower, draw several drop-down buds.
  • Next came a turn of the following colors.
  • The latter will be the branch, do not forget to draw unacceptable buds at the end.
  • On the edge of the branch, draw already blossomed flowers.

Also let's try to draw a whole tree of the Sakura, because it will be much better:

  • Draw a tree is not at all difficult - it is only necessary to draw a circle and barrel with branches for a start. The circle will help us outline the borders of future branches.

  • Now, from the main branches, draw extra until the tree gets lush and beautiful. That's how in the picture.

  • Continue to draw branches that now have to go from the stem itself and intertwined with already drawn branches. Do not draw branches smooth - they must be winding, lines - from thick to thin.

  • The drawing is almost ready, you only need to remove the auxiliary lines and bring the main.

  • The drawing can be left black and white, but in the spring so you want bright colors and joy. Let's decoke it. We remind you that Sakura flowers pink.

Video: Figure Sakura Pencil Phased

How to draw spring snowdrop with a pencil?

  • First, make an outline of your snowdrop - the outlines of the stalk and bud.
  • Next, carefully draw each item: Draw the petals on the booton, on the leaf stem.
  • As soon as you finish draw strokes, erase extra lines with an elasty.
  • Strike separate floral places, let it off and give the volume of the volume.

Everything. Your flower is ready.

Video: Drawing snowdrops with pencil stages

How to draw spring flower tulip?

  • To begin with, draw a vertical ruler, you can be a little curved. In the future, you will have a tulip stem. Top add oval bud. Make all lines thin, almost imperceptible, then you could easily erase them.

  • Make outline of leaves: Apply a thin strip the silhouette of the tulip of the wrong shape. One piece of paper is curved slightly downstairs.
  • Very gently and smoothly draw the stem.

  • Start drawing flower petals, however, you need to keep the form of bud.

  • Take color pencils. For bud, select a bright red pencil, for leaves and stem - bright green. Spread all the sections with your selected shades.
  • First stitch the plots with pencils, lightly smooth shades, not leaving spaces. Stroke along the elements, but not across. You must have uniform and light colors.

  • Some elements of petals, impose a pencil color with several layers.
  • Give off the stem and sheet in the inside. You can apply the same pencil.
  • In order for your flower to get more realistic, impose darkened strokes in some places so that the tulip looks in bulk.

Video: Figure Tulips Pencil Phased

How to draw spring daffidss flower?

  • Make sketch. Draw a circle from hand, the diameter of which should be approximately 8 cm. At the top on the right side, place three small circles on the right side - it will be places of daffodils.
  • Next, place the flowchal buds. In the middle of small circles, make the petals, but do not draw them, only sketch the shape. Draw the curl thin lines in any order.
  • Take flowers, highlight each item. Mouse over the curls and wreath itself.
  • Dorisite around the circumference of your wreath. Small flowers.
  • Decorate the petals with streaks, like in living daffodils. Everything. You will still have a drawing only to paint.

  • Finally, we draw another Narcissus, which turned the barrel.

Video: Pattern of Narcissus Pencil Phasedno