Mass practice of rape of fortress children and women by landowners at a tsarism. In Russia, brides were given from the bath

Mass practice of rape of fortress children and women by landowners at a tsarism. In Russia, brides were given from the bath
Mass practice of rape of fortress children and women by landowners at a tsarism. In Russia, brides were given from the bath

There were a lot of reasons that forced the peasants to become "plungy girls", while most researchers were unanimous - there was no professional prostitution.

From longing or envy

According to the ethnographers of the Bureau of Prince Tatishchev, if there were fallen women in the village, then mostly a soldier. Issued married at 14-18 years and plenty of not saturated by male attention, they soon remained alone. Many sooner or later dreamed of all grave.

Tatischev Correspondents justified the behavior of widows and the soldier envy. The passion of them flared up "not from the singing of the nightingale", and because every day they saw in their house the carnal joy of older daughter-in-law, sisters, mother-in-law.

They talked about such in the villages - "the pillowcase erases the backstage." At the same time, the behavior of "widows with living husbands" did not condemn. In the Yaroslavl province, the blame was completely imposed on a man: no matter how she would not marry the soldiers, he would not forced Babu Babu. And in the Voronezh province, even those who came on the side of children were considered quite legal, equalizing them with rights with born of legitimate husband.

From powerlessness

A frequent cause of the female breakfast was the impotence of her husband. A man with "non-stoyed" (impotence) and regret something really can not, spoke in the village. What to lie with the patient? Just tormented! And therefore hiking to the left of the disease and unable to fulfill the matrimonial duties of the husband, if not justified, they were not considered a crime worthy of censure.

No, it was possible, of course, try to get a husband daily in a bath, pouring a conspiraced water, or rub his causal to goose bass, but it is clear that folk recipes It turned out to be ineffective.

From temptation

In the monograph doctor historical sciences Vladimir Strangue, it is that one of the reasons for Blud became the "experience of the crafts". Morodohai S. early spring Worked in the landlord estates, where the debauchery often did often.

The testimonies of Pskov peasants were preserved, who assured their landowners kept "whole harem". In addition, many inexperienced young girls could not resist the spears of the lacker's ear or the Master's Couter. How not to remember the phrase of one of the heroes of the film "Formula of Love": "Want to big, but clean love? Then come in the evening at the Senov ... "

From thirst for light money

In the study of Ilya Konkarovich about 40% of the fallen women in St. Petersburg the end of the XIX century were peasants. And in just a few decades, their number has grown to 70%. Someone decided to change the profession of the maid or factory workers for more profitable, because he believed that the honor was easily removed on good gift new lover.

Others were served at the houses of tolerance due to the inability to survive in the village, when attempts to find a decent job in the city ended in failure. In one Tambov province in 1899, 215 fallen women were registered, about half of them worked in brothels and baths, and the rest were "stood on the panel."

Thirds were sold by their parents due to the need to travel to traders who "trembled yes threw". According to the observations of the ethnographers of Tatishchev, to eND XIX. There were a lot of girls who "urban fishery" contained a rustic nurse.

By simplicity

The Russian publicist-population Alexander Engelhardt paid attention to the "simplicity of morals" of the village women, who for "some scarf" were ready to be for the pastry and debauchery.

In general, the aristocrats believed that peasant girls were available. Yes, and many enlightened people agreed with this. So, the ethnographer O. Semenova-Tien-Shanskaya claimed that anybank could be bought and referred to the recognition of a certain peasant, which "came the Son" "for trifle - dozen apples."

Due to savings

The practicality of Russian women and a rational view of life sometimes went beyond the fraction of decency. Some were additionally substructed by their own body "on the occasion", going to the fair to sell the harvest. Such an act was considered economically appropriate, because the trip helped get a double income.

Customers usually searched for the nearest restaurant, and the "Life of Love" became the surrounding forest. For example, in the Vologda Provider of the Forest, adjacent to settlements Near the fair, literally "injected with love couples."

On a man's mall

Interestingly, in some areas, the husbands themselves pushed wives in the Smoothie. The journalist Shashkov wrote that in some northern provinces, the owner who had an apartment offered an apartment for additional services from his own wife or daughter (accommodation fee, of course, increased).

In some villages of the Orlovskaya province, the head of the house came to the guests who came together with the charm of vodka and the treat with his wife or daughter, if her husbands were not at home. And in the Oryol villages, drought and bagging were also easier: they sent a wife for bread or tobacco, and as payment was ordered to use their own body.


We used the limitless power and landowners, to refuse which Moroda did not have the right. So, one of the peasants of the Yaroslavl province told that the Barin arriving on the hunt began the tradition - every visit to "deliver" the best girls from the village. In the villages adjacent to his estate, by the way, the illegitimate children were twice as much.

Such a "genuine service", as the anthropologist Natalia Pushkareva writes in his monograph, the peasants were perceived indifferent: "On that he and Barin: whom she wants - he loves."

Many foreign travelersThe XIX century visited Moscow, wrote that women did not inferior to men in shamelessness: they got drunk, "they began to be too ugly," but the Russian ethnographic notes of that time confirm that these cases were still single.

I. Bondar

Larshs and peasants

In his village at the same time

The landowner has a new row

Alexander Pavlovich Irteniev arrived in a state of deep melancholy. The village was not at all such a romantic place as it seemed from the capital. He entered the smolod military serviceYes, but not anyway, but in the Semenov regiment of the old guard. Participated in the Turkish company, where he received the third degree and Ochakov medal. However, being on the injury in Kiev, hit the story - Remove the mood of the quarterly warder. The case came to the sovereign Pavel Petrovich. And our heroic ensign was highest indicated: "We live in his estate in the Tambov province, by no means leaving your county."

And now, at the twenty-two years, Alexander Pavlovich was in the wilderness, surrounded by a thousand shower of the serfs, the numerous courtyard and the old Deadov library. However, he did not like reading.

From the neighbors literally no one did not have decent attention. An extensive estate on a lot of miles surrounded the land of the poor Nobility of the Odnodvords, each of which had a barely and a half dozen fortress. Friendship with them will undoubtedly mesaliance. Because our landower lived by the recovery and only occasionally visited the long neighbor of General Evgraph Arsenyev. However, the general was a very boring person who was able to speak only about the glory of hussars, to which he once belonged.

The nearby environment of Alexander Pavlovich was a valer, former with Barine in a hike on the Turk, Chercher Mintai and a broken small step - on all the hands the master - which Barin called to do come, although Psarnney did not hold. You need to remember the retired soldier, selected along the way to the estate. Being in the past military, Mr. Hirtienev experienced sympathy to all "dismissed in pure" from the army.

Any soldier from Suvorov's miracle warriors was dismissed indefinitely with the prescription of the "beard shave and the world did not bother in the world." Many retired soldiers found themselves food becoming booths in urban districts or janitor. But our serunen, being chrome on the injury, was indignant to such a service and therefore, with joy, accepted the offer of our landowner.

Finding agriculture is a boring business, the new landowner translated the peasants on the lifts.

As our poet later said:

Jar he is an old bar The lifestyle is light replaced And the slave fate blessed.

For this reason, I love serfs that did not oppose the interest of Mr. to the delights of numerous rustic girls, very juicy televisions. Freed from the affairs of the business of our hero came closely took up the palace. The kitchens with assistants did not cause complaints, as Barin was not gourmet. There were no complaints about the janitor and the lacker, but his maiden was upset. A half dozen yard girls indulged out idleness and all disgraces. For this regrettable reason, the new Barin decided to deter regularly.

Before those who guessed sequels in the yard, but a possible bad weather or winter cold was very prevented by regularity. Being brought up by strict orders Emperor Pavel Petrovich, a young barin harvested to fix everything related to the defect of the courtyard people. First of all, it was indicated by the key to have constantly in a sufficient number of uroin rods - salty and not salted. Strostright was ordered to raise the walls of the bath on five crowns, without which the low ceiling interfered with Rygoy. A new, very spacious prebator ripped to the bath and at Tom Alexander Pavlovich considered the preparation of completed.

In the tie installed the chair for the Barin, and then the key ordered the same day to take all the girls to the village in the bath, because the barin does not like the smell of a peasant sweat. In the morning, all fifteen girls were ready for an execution. According to a new regular rule, one girl should lie under the rogue, two next sitting on a bench near the Barskaya bath, and the rest of the expects to expect punishment in the girl. The executor was assigned a retired soldier.

The first key sent a tank to the bathhouse, the daughter of a large blacksmith. Tanka crossed and entered the pre-banker, in the middle of which there was a wide blackened bench, and in the corner two heels with rugs. Tanka, trembling from fear, bowed Barina and froze at the threshold.

"Come on, Krasno Maiden, Sandays Sarafan and Pillar on the bench - Military soldiers. The fright tank took his hands for the hem of Sarafan, pulled him through his head and remained in natural form . She tried to cover his hands from shame, but Alexander Pavlovich cane took her hands and continued to contemplate the girls. Good was a tank with large tits, flat belly And tight chains. For a complete ferris, the Barin turned the girl with his back to the same cane and examined her full ass.

- Lit girls. Time runs, and you have a lot of soldiers.

Tanka, which in childhood there is a lot of stroke, immediately lay down right - the legs stretched smoothly, tightly squeezed the flats to punznitsa I did not fall, and the elbows pressed to the sides, in order not to take out the flexible Lomin. The soldier did not bind the girl to the bench. In Russian Porkka, there is a kind of aesthetic moment when the girl lies on the bench freely, fears his legs and the back plays under the rogging, but does not jump off his shop and does not cover his hands.

- How much do order? - asked the soldier at Barin.

Alexander Pavlovich has already assessed the beauty of the Great Body and had species on him. Therefore was merciful.

- Chetverish unsalted, three rods.

Such a soft punishment was appointed, because Alexander Pavlovich wanted to see this girl today in his flutter. Despite the gracious punishment, Tanka immediately "played": she filed a voice, began to pull his legs and throw up a round ass towards Rogge. It will be better to say that this time the tank under the rogging did not suffer, and played. Being carved, she got up, bowed Barina and, picking up Sarafan, Golay came out of the bath, showing the silhouette of his seductive body in the doorway.

The second girl, hurriedly peeling, bowed to Barina, dried out Sarafan and, without waiting for invitations, lay down at rose. Since her body has not yet gained all the delights of maiden articles, she was severely appointed two fourthics salted.

The soldier was infected with a mustache, threw a hand with a wet ligament of long rods to the ceiling, and with a thick whistle lowered them down.

- U-U-y !!! - The girl threw out, choking the tears and stupidly squeezing the nearest ass.

Y-U-y !!! - The girl rushed down, choking tears.

"So, she, so - said Barin - and now once again, and now on top of the ass. Blood droplets performed at the ends of the red stripes left by the rods. Salted bars burly white skin. With each blow, the girl highly threw back and tamed his feet. Soldier Polar "WITH CLEAR", after each strike gave the girl time to sneak and sigh, and only after that he collapsed on her back a new whistling blow.

- Batyushka Barin, forgive me by the punk! - the girl shouted into the voice.

Spanking of thirds of the girl surprised and wise key and the Cameryman of the past, which was spoiled nearby, in order to contemplate the girls afhedron. Barin wished to post a third girl of own hands And it cost her very severely - she brought her the same two fourthics of Solonushki in the ass, but one burning twist. And when the sparkling girl got up, she was presented to urban honey gingerbread. Powered and not porous girls with surprise and envy looked at the Barsky Gift. In the future, such a gingerbread became the desired gift, for the sake of which the girls themselves failed to row from their own hands of the Barin, but he did not potak.

After completing the execution and, along the course, installing priority of attractiveness Girls, Alexander Pavlovich punished the teaser, so that in the evening they sent a tank to beatenly to beat the Barskit. Tanka entered when Alexander Pavlovich was already changed into a new-fashioned night shirt and smoked the last tube. Thistle girl began to beat the period in bed, so wide that the five Guards of the Semenov Regiment could be born on it. When Tanka leaned the bed very much to get to the opposite edge of the bed, Alexander Pavlovich came up to her from behind and threw a sarafan and shirt on his head. Tanka froze in this spread pose, with his head and hands by drowned in the sranfane handle. This provided Barina the opportunity to overlook her tel from heels to the very shoulders.

For the first time about the Russian bath is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years". This is the century. But some historians believe that the bath in Russia appeared much earlier, in the V-VI centuries.

Since ancient times, she was considered a sacred place where four elements are dominated at the same time: water, fire, earth and air. They purify a person not only physically, but also spiritually.

The Russian bath is radically different from European and Asian-high heat temperatures and such an integral attribute - like a birch broom. The Russian bath ritual led to a shock of arriving foreigners who called what is happening to torture and self-tract.

When the British got on Rus north, they noted that these barbarians are drowned by the "black" huts, then their families are bathed in them, stretching each other with twigs, and then with a gicana rush into a river or pond.

The first Russian baths were vagina in black. The furnace there was without a pipe. Smoke and soot arrived directly into the steam room. Walls and ceiling instantly became worsted, black - which gave the name to such baths.

They were batted in them only after they are well ventilated. Opened all windows and doors so that the smoke leaves out. Later began to put ovens with chimney. And such baths were called white. Pariped in Russia and in ordinary home furnaces. They had spacious mouths - almost one and a half meters of depth and about half a meter height. After cooking food, the ash was removed from the warm oven, washped the soot, we were saturated with straw. Put a cadku s hot waterTo sprinkle the stove arch, climbed inside, lay and steamed.

All: and princes, and noble people, and a simple people used in Russia.

Without a bath, no celebration was done. So, after the birth of a child, this event must necessarily need to "wash" in the bath. Without it did not affect wedding ritual. On the eve of the marriage of the bride with girlfriends went to the bath. Accordingly, and the bride and friends visited the steam room. The day after the wedding, the newlyweds also walked into the bath. Upon leaving it, they met Swaha and treated roasted bird and "jannik" - bread, which the mother of the bride blessed to the wint of the young.

Foreigners struggled that Russians prefer a bath as a place of communication. As Kurlyandets wrote Yakov Ratettfels, "Russians consider it impossible to conclude friendship, without inviting the bath and without having fallen off after one table."

In almost every house in Russia there was their bath, which was token once a week. Saturday was considered a banal day. Even the pretrial places did not work. Built the bath was allowed to everyone who had enough land. Decree of 1649 ordered the 'soaps to build on the gardens and on hollow places is not close to the choir' to avoid fires. In domestic baths werehed the whole family.
Olery (German scientist 1603-1671), who traveled to Muscovy and Persia in 1633-1639, wrote that "Russians can endure a strong heat, from which they are made red and extend to that; that is no longer able to stay in the bath, they run out naked to the street, both men and women, and pour cold waterIn winter, ranping out of -baby on the courtyard, lying around in the snow, the body worn them, as if soap, and then go to the bath again. "

However, nobles and rich people preferent preferences are not homemade, but large public baths, where people of every age and sex also batted and muttered together. Many "enlighteners" and "moralists" of that time called common baths by the main center of debauchery. Although in Europe at that time, the joint disaggement of men and women was the usual.

But the freedom of morals and relations that reigned in Russian baths led foreigners surprisingly. In their opinion, the Russians were completely deprived of a false way inherent - as they said - to each civilized (that is, the European) person. In Bani came families, with small children. Here, in the general hall, worked girls, called rubyrs. For wealthy customers of all classes, individual cabinets and surcharges specially had.

Only after the declaration of Catherine the Great Joint "Washing" was banned. In 1743, the baths were divided into women's and men. By the XIX century in major cities Dear, richly furnished baths with good service and beautiful buffets appeared.

But the most famous and luxurious were Sandunovsky baths in Moscow. In this bath, the palace has been the whole color of the Russian nobility and there was a pleasure to go foreigners.

In 1992, Sanduns were announced by the architectural monument and were taken under the protection of the state. Russian pair baths abroad did not fit. But sometimes in Europe you can see a pointer with the name of the place of Banya in yourself.

The concept of harem, traditional for the eastern mentality, is somehow not associated with slavic culture. Although in favor of what in the landlord estates created the similarity of the eastern harem, Specifies quite a few facts. The right of the first night, common in feudal Europe, in Russia did not have legal grounds for himself - the law banned the sexual exploitation of serf peasants. But the cases of his violation were still very frequent - the landowners were not involved in judicial responsibility. About it this is speech In the study B. Tarasova "Russia fortress. History of folk slavery ". Next - the most interesting fragments.

Peasant girls and women were completely defenseless before the arbitrarian. A.P. Zablotsky-tenth, who collected detailed information about the position of the fortress peasants, noted in his report: "In general, the replies of landowners with their peasants are not at all uncommon. The essence of all these cases is the same: debauchery, connected with large or smaller violence. Another landowner makes satisfying his Skotist prompting just power and, without seeing the limit, comes to frenzy, raping young children ... Another comes to the village temporarily to have fun with buddies and will prenate the peasants and then makes satisfying their own Skotan passions, and their friends. "

The principle, which justified the Lord's violence over fortress women, sounded like this: "Must go, if slave!" Encouragement to debauchery was so common in the landlord estates that some researchers were inclined to allocate separate ancestrality from other peasant duties - a kind of "Barshina for women."

One memoist told about his familiar landowner, that in his estate he was "a real cock, but all female Half - From the Mlada to Stara - his Kuras. It will happen, it happened late in the evening in the village, stops against some hut, looks out the window and lightly knock on the glass with a finger - and this minute is beautiful from the family goes to him. "

V. I. Sevvsky wrote that it was often all the female population of any estate forcibly crushed to satisfy the Lord of Lust. Some landowners who did not live in their estates, but held life abroad or in the capital, specially arrived in their possessions on a short time For vile purposes. On the day of arrival, the manager had to provide landowner full list All those who have grown up during the lack of Mr. Peasant girls, and he took himself every one of them for a few days: "... when the list was exhausted, he leaving to other villages and came again next year."

State power and landowners came and felt themselves as conquerors in a conquered country. Any attempts of the peasants complain to unbearable oppressions from the owners in accordance with the laws Russian Empire They were punished, like a riot, and with "rioters" came according to legal regulations.

Harem from serfs "girls" in noble assist The XVIII-XIX centuries is the same integral sign of the "noble" life, like a psovy hunting or club. The moral of the wedding of Russian landowners reached an extreme extent. In the manor house among the courtyards, no different from the servants, the owner or his guests and relatives lived. Nobles did not find anything strange in the fact that their own, although illegitimate, nephews and nieces, cousins and the sisters are on the position of slaves, perform the most black workare subjected to cruel sentences, and on the occasion of them and sold to the side.

Often, the peasants were subjected to cruel corporal punishments and torture.

The landowners were embarked in the peasant to trade their children, and for the reversed money to ride around

155 years ago, Emperor Alexander II, who received the liberator nickname from the grateful people, issued a manifesto on the abolition of serfdom. This ended the "country of slaves, the country of the Lord" and began "Russia, which we lost." Thousands of crowded, late reform opened the road to the development of capitalism. It happened a little earlier, we would not have a revolution in 1917. And so former peasants I also remembered that the landowners were highlighted with their mothers, and forgive the bars like that were above their strength.

Most bright example Fastener is the famous Saltychikha. Complaints on the cruel landowner in many walked at Elizabeth Petrovna, and Peter IIIbut Daria Saltykov belonged to the rich noble family, Therefore, the peasant maiden moves did not give, and the basemen returned the landowner for approximate punishment.
Entry violated Catherine II, just that joined the throne. She regretted two peasants - Martynov Savelia and Yermolai Ilina, whose wives Saltychikha killed in 1762. The investigator sent to the estate was concluded that Daria Nikolaevna "Undoubtedly Main" in death 38 people and "left in suspicion" regarding guilt in death 26 more.
The case was widely publicized, and Saltykov were forced to plant in Ostrog. Everything is just like modern tackes. While the crime did not acquire a completely wicked character, the authorities preferred to close his eyes on influential gentlemen.

"There is no house in which there would be no iron collars, chains and different tools for torture ..." - wrote later in the diary of Catherine II. The conclusion from all this story she made a kind - issued a decree on the prohibition of peasants to complain about their Lords.
Any attempts of peasants to seek justice were regarded, according to the laws of the Russian Empire, like a riot. It gave no "the opportunity to act and feel the conquerors in the conquered country given to them" on flow and looting ".
In XVIII - XIX centuries People in Russia were sold in wholesale and retail, with division of families, children from parents and husbands from wives. Sell \u200b\u200b"On the Svoz" without land, laid in the bank or lost in the cards. In many major cities, slave markets were legally worked, and the eyewitness wrote that "in St. Petersburg, they brought people to whole barks for sale."
Through some hundred years, such an approach began to threaten national Security countries. Russia lost to the Crimean campaign of 1853 - 1856 of England, France and Turkey.
"Russia lost because he fell behind and economically, and technologically from Europe, where the industrial revolution was followed: the steam locomotive, a steamer, modern industry," explains Academician Yuri Breivovarov. "This is an offensive, an offensive defeat in the war fought the Russian elite on reforms.
It was necessary to urgently catch up and distinguish to Europe, and this could be done, only replacing the socio-economic structure in the country.

Orgy after performance

One of the most common entertainment noble society There was a theater. Special chic was considered to have, in all the senses of this word, its own. So, about the director of the imperial theaters and the Hermitage Prince Nicolae Yusupov, with delight, they told that in the Moscow mansion he held the theater and the group of dancers - the twenty most beautiful girls, selected from among the actresses of the home theater, the lessons who gave the famous Dance Makester Iogel for the huge money. Preparing these slave in the princely mansion for the purposes that are far from pure art. The publisher Ilya Arsenyev wrote about it in his "Living Word of Non-residents": "The Grand Watch, when the submission was stopped on imperial theater, Yusupov invited a replicate friends and buddies to represent her serfs. The dancers, when Yusupov gave a famous sign, descended their costumes instantly and were in nature in natural form, which led to the delight of old people, lovers of all elegant. "
Fortress actresses are the subject of the special pride of the owner. In the house where it works home Theater.The performance often ends with a beer, and the feast is an orgia. Prince Shalikov enthusiastically describes the estate of "Buda" in Malorossy: "The owner of the estate seems to be really not used to buying up and understood a sense in entertainment: music concerts, theatrical ideas, fireworks, gypsy dances, dancers in the light of Bengal lights - all this abundance of entertainment completely disinterestedly offered to welcome guests. "
In addition, a cunning labyrinth was arranged in the manor, who heavily in the depths of the garden, where the "Island of Love", inhabited by the Nifami and Nayads, was attached, the road to which charming Amuras indicated. All these were actresses, which shortly before the guests have entertained the guests of the landowner by performances and dancing. "Amururas" were their children from the Barin himself and his guests.
A huge number of bastards is one of the most characteristic era. Particularly impressive is almost the Gogol history about a certain brave Guardian, given in the study "Russia fortified. The history of popular slavery "Boris Tarasova:
"Everybody decided that the glorious Guardsman decided to turn into provincial landlord and do agriculture. However, it soon became known that K. soldered all the men's population of the manor. In the village there were only women, and to the friends of K. was completely incomprehensible, as with such forces he is going to lead the economy. They did not give him passages with questions and finally forced them to tell them their own plan. Guardsman told the buddies: "As you know, I sold the men from my village, there were only women and pretty girls. I am only 25 years old, I am very strong, I go there, as in a harem, and I'll get on the settlement of the Earth. Through some ten years I will be a true father of several hundred of my fortress, and after fifteen ways to sell them. No contemporary will give such accurate and right profits. "

First night right is holy

Such stories were not something out of a series of outgoing. The phenomenon was ordinary character, not at all condemned in the noble environment. Famous Slavophil, Publicist Alexander Koshelev wrote about his neighbor: "Settled in the village of Smyk, a young landowner S., a passionate hunter to female and especially to fresh girls. He otherwise did not allow the wedding, as for the personal actual test of the advantages of the bride. Parents of one girl did not agree on this condition. He ordered to bring to himself and the girl and her parents; Chained the latter to the wall and with them raped their daughter. They talked a lot about this in the county, but the leader of the nobility did not come out of his Olympic tranquility, and it came out of the hands of the hand. "
The historian Vasily Sevvsky wrote in the magazine "Voice of the last one", that some landowners who did not live in their estates, but conducted life abroad, specially came to their possessions for a short time for vile purposes. On the day of arrival, the manager was supposed to provide a landowner with a full list of all those who have grown up in the absence of Mr. Peasant girls, and he took himself every one of them for a few days: "When the list was exhausted, he leaving on a journey and hung out there again returned the next year."
Official Andrei Zablotsky-tenth, who collected on behalf of the Minister of State Protection, detailed information on the position of serf peasants, noted in his report: "In general, the replies of landowners with their peasants are not at all uncommon. The essence of all these cases is the same: debauchery connected to large or less violence. Details are extremely diverse. Another landowner makes satisfying his Skotian motivations simply by power and, without seeing the limit, comes to frenzy, raining young children ... "
Coercion to the debauchery was so common in the landlord estates that researchers were inclined to allocate a kind of "Barshina for women" from other peasant duties.
After the end of work in the field, the Lord's servant, from the proxies, go to the court of one or another peasant, depending on the "queue", and leads the girl - daughter or sneak, to Barina for the night. And on the road, it comes to the neighboring hut and announces the owner there: "Tomorrow we have to do wheat, and Arina (wife) send to Barina."
Is it worth noting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Bolsheviks about general Wives and other sexual liberties of the first years soviet power? This is only an attempt to make boric privileges available to everyone.
The most commonly patriarchal life officer was arranged according to the direction of Peter Alekseevich Koshkarov. The writer Janurian Neversov described in detail the life of this is a sufficiently wealthy barin, seventy years: "About 15 young girls made up a homemade garam of Kat. They served him at the table, accompanied into bed, duty at night at the head of the head. Duty it was peculiar: after dinner, one of the girls was loudly announced on the whole house that "Barina would like to rest." It was a signal for his wife and children to disperse in their rooms, and the living room turned into a bedroom of Koshkarov. There was a wooden bed for a barin and mattress for his "Odalisok", having them around the Lord's bed. Barin himself at that time worked evening prayer. The girl whose queue then had, stripped the old man and laid into bed. "

The concubine is a neighbor's wife

The departure of the landowner on the hunt often ended with a robbery of passersby on the roads or the pogrom of the estate of the dismissal neighbors, accompanied by violence over their wives. Ethnographer Pavel Melnikov-Pechersky in his essay "The Old Years" leads the story of the courtyard of one prince: "The versts are twenty from the fence, there, behind the Undolsk Borok, the village of Kratychino is. It was in those posters of the retired Capral of Solonitsyn. Behind the injury and wounds was the corporal from service was fired and lived in his Kratychina with a young wife, and he took it from Lithuania ... Bastechikha was attracted by Alexey Yuryich, said that he would not regret anything for such a chantech ...
... I gicked up in Kratykhino. And there the lame on the garden in Malinich sticks, the berries is amused. I grabbed the beauty across the abdomen, shouted for the saddle yes ago. Started by the prince Alexey Yuryich to the legs of a chanterelle and put. "Walk, they say, your shyness." We look, jumping a corporal; A little bit on the prince himself did not start ... I can not report to you, as it was, but only the Capral did not become, and Litvianochka began to live in a fence. "
The reason for the possibility of such a state of affairs was explained by the famous memoirristian Elizabeth Waterozov. According to her, in Russia the main thing and almost the only meaning had money - "everything was rich in everything".
Each Russian landowner dreamed of close by Edakim Kirill Petrovich Troekhurov. It is noteworthy that in the original version of "Dubrovsky", not missed by the imperial censorship, Pushkin wrote about the habits of his hero: " Rare girl From the courtyards avoided the considerable attempts of the fifty-year old old man. Moreover, sixteen maid lived in one of the outglows of his houses ... The windows in the outhouse were fell apart with a lattice, the doors were locked with locks, from which Kirill Petrovich was stored. Young pickles in the laid watches went to the garden and walked under the supervision of the two old women. From time to time, Kirill Petrovich issued some of them to marry, and the new ones arrived in their place ... "
In the estates for a decade, after the manifest, Alexander II, in a great set, there were cases of rapes, traveled to dogs, deaths from the section and miscarriages as a result of beating pregnant peasants.
The bar refused to understand the changed legislation and continued to live with the usual patriarchal way. However, it was no longer possible to hide crimes, although the punishments that were used to landowners were very conditional for a long time.


Valery Zorkin, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation:
"With all the costs of serfdom, it was the main fastening that holds internal unity nation ... "

Like a stone wall

Having learned about the cancellation of serfdom, many peasants experienced real shock. If from 1855 to 1860, 474 folk uprisings were recorded in Russia, then only in 1861 - 1176. According to the evidence of contemporaries, for a long time after the liberation there were those who wandered on "old good times" Why?

* On the landowner lay duties on the content of serfs. So, if there were cripples, it was the owner who was obliged to buy bread and feed the peasants. For example, Alexander Pushkin believed that the fastener peasant is not so bad: "Means are not at all pain. The pillow is paid by the world; Born is determined by law; The lifts are not destroyed ... have a cow everywhere in Europe there is a luxury sign; We have no cow have a poverty sign. "
* Mr. had the right to judge the horses for most of the offenses, except for particularly serious. Punishment usually boiled down to the strain. But government officials sent those perpetrators to the cautious. As a result, not to lose workers, the landowners often hid the murders, robbery and large thefts committed by serfs.
* Since 1848, serfs were allowed to acquire (though, in the name of the landowner) real estate. Among the peasants there were shop owners, manuffs and even plants. But such serfs "oligarchs" did not seek to redeem on the will. After all, their property was considered the property of the landowner, and they did not need to pay income tax. Just give Mr. Fixed summary summary. Under such conditions, business has developed rapidly.
* After 1861, the liberated peasant remained tied to Earth, only now he kept him a landowner, but a community. Everyone was shaved by one goal - to buy out the Barin community put on. The land that was intended to be repaid twice, and the percentage for the use of loans was 6, while the "ordinary" rate on such loans was 4. The burden of freedom turned out to be for many inexperination. Especially for accustomed to eat crumbs from the born table of the courtyard.

Russian was worse than all
For most of the territory of Russia, the serfdom was not: in all Siberian, Asian and Far Eastern provinces and regions, in the North Caucasus and in the Transcaucasia, in the Russian north, in Finland and in Alaska, the peasants were free. There was no fortress and in the Cossack regions. In 1816 - 1819 serfdom It was canceled in the Baltic provinces of the Russian Empire.
In 1840, the chief of the Gencarm Count Count Alexander Benkendorf reported in the secret report to Nikolai I: "In all of Russia, only the people winner, Russian peasants are in a state of slavery; All others: Finns, Tatars, Estaurants, Latvians, Mordva, Chuvashi, etc. - free ... "

Eye for an eye
Messages about the violent death of the noble landowners killed for cruel treatment With serfs, Sttit A whole range of family chronicles noble childbirth. In this list, Uncle Poet Mikhail Lermontov and the Father of the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. ABOUT the last peasant They said: "The beast was a man. He had a dark soul. "