Who quarreled Poklonskaya with Ksesinka. In the "royal cross" consider the film "Matilda" by the threat of national security Movement of the Tsarskie Cross in contact is dangerous

Who quarreled Poklonskaya with Ksesinka. IN
Who quarreled Poklonskaya with Ksesinka. In the "royal cross" consider the film "Matilda" by the threat of national security Movement of the Tsarskie Cross in contact is dangerous

Becoming a deputy of the State Duma of Russia, promised to keep his prosecutor's cite. She fulfilled the promise. On November 2, the deputy Natalia Poklonskaya appealed to his former boss, to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Yuri Seak, with a number of initiatives. Among them are requests to test the legality of the Ferris Wheel in Evpatoria and figure out why the residents of Simferopol did not explain the reason for the decision to cut the trees. But the most sensational request was a request for checking the film "Matilda" director Alexei Teacher. For several hours, the news about this provocation seized the information space of Russia. The event commented on the director of the film and representatives of the Orthodox Church. I had to give a comment and press secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov. What is behind this racing provocation?

Initially about the formal side of the question. What are the legal reasons for verification? Dmitry Peskov refused to comment not yet to the end of the film. The director of the film Alexey Teacher stated that the prosecutor's office had already checked the materials of Matilda films and did not reveal any violations. The Ministry of Culture did not find the grounds for banning the film. Colleague Poklonskaya, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture, Deputy and Director Vladimir Bortko On the Initiative of the Checking Damage Pressed much had: « This is a stupid idea. She has nothing to do with the serious needs of the country and has nothing to do with art. In the Committee on Culture, such initiatives will not pass" Even Ivan Arzyshevsky, the representative of the house of Romanov in Russia stated that the connection of Nicholas with Matilda is a historical fact, and he does not insult any feelings.
The articles of the Criminal Code on which the request was served - 146 (violation of copyright and related rights) and 144 (preventing the legitimate related activities of journalists). So the solidarization of the great-grandfather of the king of Multatuli ( head of the rice sector) On the issue of protecting the feelings of believers from Poklonskoye. Poklonskaya protects not Christians, but the copyright and the right of journalists.
According to the statements of the Poklonskaya, the request for checking the film She wrote because to her " people turned, and the decent number of citizens - over hundreds of signatures collected. This film insults their religious feelings. The reaction of people already gives a call that something is wrong there. ... Sovereign Nikolay Aleksandrovich is holy».

What is the insult of feelings I, Orthodox person, I do not understand. Augustine Blessed, by the way one of the fathers of the Church, also, like Nicholas II, was subject to the action of a prodigal passion. Augustine Blessed was written by the autobiographical book "Confession", which is considered one of the peaks of Patristics. In her, he, among other things, tells enough in detail about his extramarital relationships. And to prohibit it because of these descriptions, no one came to mind over a year and a half years. It makes it think that the ban on the film requires not Christian religious feelings.
At all, it is not clear what is the violation of copyright, if the prohibition supporters argue that the film is fake. But the application for verification under Article 144 of the Criminal Code makes more carefully look at the news. What journalists are violated?
Poklonskaya declares that the initiative of her appeal to the Prosecutor General proceeded from the public association the "Tsarist Cross". In addition to the group in the social network VKontakte - https://vk.com/tsarskiy_krest There are no other representative offices. The first entry in the group was made on October 6, 2016, that is, the movement is less than a month. Number of subscribers for November 2, 458 people, on November 3 - 513 people. On the morning, on November 2, only one contact was in the group - the coordinator of the movement Alexander Vozpozhanikov. By evening, the information was updated, Nikolay Mishoustin appeared. On the morning of November 3, Mishoustin was appointed a contact person, and Vozpozhanokov - head of movement. We are watching the constructively conducted organizational political work.
The political leader of the Movement "Tsarskiy Cross", who slept him from non-existence, is Natalia Poklonskaya politician. We look at the formal leader of this political movement - Alexander Vozozhunyakov. I will go to his public page of the social network Vkontakte. Studying the page will begin with winter 2011-2012. Let's look at these screenshots.

The political position of the Vozportakov is clear, this is his legal right to occupy such a position. But to the deputy of the State Duma of Russia, Natalia Poklonsky issues arises a lot. Maybe in Ukraine and is considered normal for politics to play with Maidan. But in Russia for the federal level policy, the member of the United Russia party is impossible. Will there be any organizational conclusions in the party? Or party "United Russia" decided to become the second "part of the regions"?
Questions to Prothege Natalia Poklonskaya Alexander Vozozhnyakov I want to ask in the ideological sphere. The following entries are posted on its page.

Why did Alexander Vozozhannyakov, I would be struggling against insults on religious soil, do not cause rejection of insult on national soil? According to the second screen, I will remind you that the Cossacks who were issued in Lienz were members of the SS organization. The Adolf Hitler personally included them in this organization (see Article: A. Hitler. "Cossacks. German traces in the East." SS-Leitheft Official Print Body No. 1, 1944). And after the inclusion in the CC, the Cossacks swore Hitler as a new Messiah. Is this the position of the Orthodox Christian - to glorify the apostates? In the last screen, we see the symbol of esoteric fascism - "Black Sun". I would like to know why these people supporting the Swamp area and spreading fascist symbols are trying to speak from the face of all Orthodox Russia.
Let's turn to the heresy order. The head of the Tsarsky Cross movement actively spreads the ideas of this heresy. The same makes his movement.

You can get acquainted with the political program of Yersi Tsakely. Religious, spiritual assessment of the heresy of the order, the Russian Orthodox Church gave many times. I will give only the words of Patriarch Kirill and Ieria Daniel Sysoeva.

Patriarch Kirill:
Appeal to each person with a call to repentance is the most important mission of the church, from which it will never retreat. But calls for universal repentance for not committed by the current generation - there are seemingly seekers, because God himself, returning our shrines to us, showed that he forgave our people.

Ieria Daniel Sysoev:
This blasphemy doctrine about the "Queen Redeemer" in the root contradicts the new covenant and the teachings of the Universal Church, on the V Ecumenical Cathedral of the condemned heresy Origen, who spoke about the possibility of re-redemption (although this heretic did not go so far as modern monarchists, for he attributed the second Crucifixion is not a man, but the very Lord Jesus). We note, by the way, that the concept of "Tsar-Redeemer" fully contradicts the teachings of the "not redeemed by the Russian people of the sin of zarubia." The doctrine of "Queen Redeemer" is not just a whip heresy, but also frankly fucking on the Lord of our Jesus Christ - the only redeem of the human race, including the Russian people. This teaching falls under the anathematization of the Orthodoxy Week, condemning those who do not recognize the blood of Christ the only means of justification.
It is clear that the "Tsarsky Cross" movement does not like such a position of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Since Alexander Vozpozhanikov and the Tsaric Cross movement position themselves as Orthodox, it can be assumed that they are members of the non-canonic solve so-called "Tsarist Orthodox Church (the Brotherhood of the Tsar Redeemer)", aggressively tuned towards the Russian Orthodox Church.
Taking into account all this is quite understandable reaction Representatives of the ROC: "Prododiankon Kuraev took the Teacher's side in a dispute with Poklonskaya."
Alexander Vozpozhanikov is interesting exclusively as Protege Natalia Poklonskaya. By his statement about checking the film, made at the request of the "Tsarsky Cross" movement, Natalia Poklonskaya politically connected herself to heresy.
Does she believe in this heretical teaching? Direct answer to this question she never gave. But the Poklonskaya made a few times the acts put it in dangerous proximity to the shipying. The most famous - provocation made on the shares of the "immortal regiment" (see here: http://ruskom.livejournal.com/825236.html). The last is political statement On the "once" of the miracle, performed by the Icon of Nicholas II.

Summating, Natalia Poklonskaya publicly connected his political destiny with Ereshi Essay. This heresy is repeatedly condemned by the Russian Orthodox Church as a blasphemous teaching, in the root contrary to the New Testament.
Protege of the Deputy Natalia Poklonskaya (from the party "United Russia") - a participant in protests in the Bolotnaya Square in the winter of 2011-2012.
ROC reaction We. saw. We are waiting for the reaction of United Russia.

Politician Poklonskaya and heresy order.

Politician Natalia Poklonskaya, becoming a deputy of the State Duma of Russia, promised to keep his prosecutor's clerk. She fulfilled the promise, and even how! For several days, two provocative statements of the deputy of the Poklonskaya, seized the information space of Russia.

The outrage of Russians, especially two! Generations of grew up in the USSR, caused a scandalous publication of the Poklonskaya, where the former prosecutor of the Crimea called the leader of the "Monster", in which Vladimir Lenin compared with Adolf Hitler - "paradoxically, but the twentieth century monsters (Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler, Mao Zedong), sheds Human blood, did not cause such rejection as killed with his family, kind and gracious sovereign, "she claims.

Internet users are wondering why provoke people and humiliate the feelings of whole generations, she reminds her that it was from such slogans to demolish the monuments to Lenin in Ukraine and are surprised that such applications are strange to hear from people sitting in the State Duma. And also asked why the Poklonskaya is facing Russia and China's foreheads calling Mao Zedong "Blood Monster", in China, he is very reading and respect.

But the other day, the same Poklonskaya, demanded from the prosecutor's office to check "in accordance with Article 144, 146 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which created the film" Matilda "director Alexei Teacher. And if there will be signs of insults of the religious feelings of Orthodox, the film is forbidden. "And, accordingly, everyone who had a relationship is to send to Mordovian camps. Head with the director of the teacher, by the way, asked for the contribution to the cinema of the Order of Honor from President Putin.

Let's figure out where the Poklonskaya saw the "signs of insults of the religious feelings of Orthodox." Let me remind two exciting moments. First, the historical film "Matilda" talks about the love of the heir to the throne, future Emperor Nicholas Second to the Great Ballerina Matilde Kshesinskaya. And secondly, the deputy of the Poklonskaya and her colleagues, as the film turned out, did not see and have seen (no one has seen him, since it is in production to next year), and they require their prohibitions to apply only on the basis of viewing the advertising trailer. That is, this lady and some kind of mysterious movement "Tsarsky Cross", looking at the minute advertising cutting, managed to fold the opinion about the need to ban a full-scale film.

But now I would like to talk about the main thing in my post, what is this "some kind of mysterious movement" Tsarsky Cross "and what connects Poklonskaya with this movement. What is behind this racing provocation?

Initially about the formal side of the question. What are the legal reasons for verification? Dmitry Peskov refused to comment not yet to the end of the film. The director of the film Alexey Teacher stated that the prosecutor's office had already checked the materials of Matilda films and did not reveal any violations. The Ministry of Culture did not find the grounds for banning the film. Colleague Poklonskaya, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture, Deputy and Director Vladimir Bortko On the Initiative of the Checking Films spoken much more: "This is a stupid idea. She has nothing to do with the serious needs of the country and has nothing to do with the art. In the Committee on Culture Such Initiatives Will not pass. Even Ivan Arzyshevsky, the representative of the house of Romanov in Russia stated that the connection of Nicholas with Matilda is a historical fact, and he does not insult any feelings.

The articles of the Criminal Code on which the request was served - 146 (violation of copyright and related rights) and 144 (preventing the legitimate related activities of journalists). So the solidarization of the great-grandfather of the king of the king of Multatuli (Head of the RISI sector) in the conference of the feelings of believers from Poklonsky is bullied. Poklonskaya protects not Christians, but the copyright and the right of journalists. According to the statements of Poklonskaya, she wrote a request for testing the film because people turned to her, and a decent number of citizens - over hundreds of signatures collected. This film is insulting their religious feelings. The reaction of people already gives a call that something is wrong there. ... Sovereign Nikolai Aleksandrovich is holy. "

What is the insult of feelings I, Orthodox person, I do not understand. Augustine Blessed, by the way one of the fathers of the Church, also, like Nicholas II, was subject to the action of a prodigal passion. Augustine Blessed was written by the autobiographical book "Confession", which is considered one of the peaks of Patristics. In her, he, among other things, tells enough in detail about his extramarital relationships. And to prohibit it because of these descriptions, no one came to mind over a year and a half years. It makes it think that the ban on the film requires not Christian religious feelings.

At all, it is not clear what is the violation of copyright, if the prohibition supporters argue that the film is fake. But the application for verification under Article 144 of the Criminal Code makes more carefully look at the news. What journalists are violated?

Poklonskaya declares that the initiative of her appeal to the Prosecutor General proceeded from the Public Association "Tsarsky Cross". In addition to the group in the social network VKontakte - https://vk.com/tsarskiy_krest There are no other representative offices.

The first entry in the group was made on October 6, 2016, that is, movement for less than a month !!!. Number of subscribers for November 2, 458 people, on November 3 - 513 people. On the morning on November 2, only one contact was in the group - movement coordinator Alexander Vozozhannyakov. By evening, the information was updated, Nikolay Mishoustin appeared. On the morning of November 3, Mishoustin was appointed a contact person, and Vozpozhanokov - head of movement. We are watching the constructively conducted organizational political work.

And now attention !!! - The political leader of the Movement "The Tsarsky Cross", who slept him from non-existence, is politician Natalia Poklonskaya.

We look at the formal leader of this political movement - Alexander Vozozhunyakov. I will go to his public page of the social network Vkontakte. Studying the page will begin with winter 2011-2012.

Let's look at these screenshots.

The political position of the Vozportakov is clear, this is his legal right to occupy such a position. But to the deputy of the State Duma of Russia, Natalia Poklonsky issues arises a lot. Maybe in Ukraine and is considered normal for politics to play with Maidan. But in Russia for the federal level policy, a member of the Party "United Russia" is impossible.
Natalia Poklonskaya Protege, Alexander Vozpozhankov, on its page placed on the records:

Please note how "silence" supporters of the "royal cross"

According to the second screen - remind you that the Cossacks who were issued in Liena were members of the SS organization. In this organization, they were involved personally Adolf Hitler(See Article: A. Hitler. "Cossacks. German traces in the East." SS-Leitheft Official Print Body No. 1, 1944). And after the inclusion in the CC, the Cossacks swore Hitler as a new Messiah. Is this the position of the Orthodox Christian - to glorify the apostates? I would like to know why these people supporting the Swamp area and spreading fascist symbols are trying to speak from the face of all Orthodox Russia.

Let's turn to the heresy order. The head of the Tsarsky Cross movement actively spreads the ideas of this heresy. The same makes his movement.

Religious, spiritual assessment of the heresy of the order, the Russian Orthodox Church gave many times. I will give only the words of Patriarch Kirill and Ieria Daniel Sysoeva.

Patriarch Kirill:

Appeal to each person with a call to repentance is the most important mission of the church, from which it will never retreat. But calls for universal repentance for not committed by the current generation - there are seemingly seekers, because God himself, returning our shrines to us, showed that he forgave our people.

Ieria Daniel Sysoev:

"This is a blasphemous teaching about the" Queen Redeemer "in the root contradicts the new Testament and the teachings of the Ecumenical Church, on the V Ecumenical Cathedral of the condemned heresy Origen, who spoke about the possibility of re-redemption (although this heretic did not go so far as modern monarchists, for he attributed The second crucifixion is not a man, but to the very Lord Jesus).

We note, by the way, that the concept of "Tsar-Redeemer" fully contradicts the teachings of the "not redeemed by the Russian people of the zarubiyism". The doctrine of the "Queen Redeemer" is not just a whip heresy, but also frankly fucking on the Lord of our Jesus Christ - the only redemputor of the human race, including the Russian people. This doctrine falls under the anathematization of the Orthodoxy Week, condemning those who do not recognize the blood of Christ the only means of justification "

It is clear that the "Tsarsky Cross" movement does not like this position of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Since Alexander Vozpozhanikov and the Motion "Tsarist Cross" are members of the non-canonic solve so-called "Tsarist Orthodox Church (the Brotherhood of the Tsar Redeemer)", aggressively tuned towards the Russian Orthodox Church. Taking into account all this, the reaction of representatives of the ROC

And what about Alexander Vozpozhanikov? It is interesting exclusively as Protege Natalia Poklonskaya - a member of the protests in the Bolotnaya Square in the winter of 2011-2012.

By his statement about checking the film, made at the request of the Motion "Tsarsky Cross", Natalia Poklonskaya politically connected herself with heresy of the order.

Poklonskaya many times made actions that put it in dangerous proximity to the shipping. The most famous - provocation made on the shares of the "immortal regiment". Summating, Natalia Poklonskaya publicly connected his political destiny with Ereshi Essay.


PS. A lawyer Poklonskaya, please explain to a legally illiterate public, where in the foregoing you saw "vicious communication" and "insulting the religious feelings of Orthodox". Not? Does not work? Well, then you make sense to focus on the legislative work in the walls of the State Duma. And no longer distracted by necrophile activities. You should not repaint the uniform of the prosecutor on the dress of the Empress and maintain the fascizing movement "Tsarsky Cross". Or is it all years spent in Ukraine infected with Maidan virus?

At the very beginning of August, there was standing against the nasty slandery film Matilda, but recently on the social network recently on the social network page in contact with One of the organizers - the Movement "Tsarskiy Cross" (Head Alexander Vozpozhanikov) found materials about the "Tsar-Redeemer", "the redemptive sacrifice of the Holy Tsar Nicholas II" and other things that are incompatible with Orthodox teaching (the photo is applied below). Attempts to enhance Alexander on the part of Orthodox Christians did not have any success.

Unfortunately, in relation to the movie "Matilda" we see people who promote a film that destroys the spiritual foundations of our country, but in addition, the danger came on the other side - the struggle around Matilda gives the opportunity to rise "upstairs" to people infected with marginal heresy The once solicible lzheopscop rooted. I post screenshots from the Personal Page Alexander and the Tsarist Cross Group, as well as the opinions of the Orthodox clergy on the designated issues.

"We have acquainted the clergymen of the Orthodox Church with materials on the movement" Tsarskiy Cross "(head of Alexander Yurosekhanov) and asked a number of questions on the heresy of the order and the right attitude towards the issues raised by Orthodox Christians.

A list of questions:

1. Is it possible to call the saint king Nicholas - the Redeemer in any sense?

2. Is it permissible to use the concept of "redemptive sacrifice" in any sense?

3. How to correctly call people who consider king the Redeemer, etc.?

4. Did they fall under anaphraem of the week of the celebration of Orthodoxy: "Non-acceptable grace of redemption by the Gospel of the preaching, the only one of our justification before God means: Anathema." ?

5. It is possible to interact with the "Tsarist Cross" movement and similar organizations on the Niva organization of measures to counter the show of the film "Matilda", give them to perform on the body and radio broadcasts, collect signatures for them, help lead groups in social networks, to repress their posts and posts and Other? After all, in fact it turns out that Orthodox often does not suspect that they work on those who are engaged in promoting distortions regarding the Holy Tsar.

Priest Andrei Barabash:

(1) "Not allowed by the Holy Tsar Nicholas to be called the Redeemer in any sense. We do not know the examples so that any of the saints would call themselves the Redeemer, just do not know the examples so that any saint called some holy redeemer, except for the Board of Jesus Jesus Christ, as they understood that this is a blasphemy.

(2) The Redeemer we have one, this is Christ, who redeemed the sins of mankind, and King Nikolai is a person who he himself needed atonement and received an atonement in the sacrament of baptism.

(3) A person who distorts the Orthodox fault is called a heretic or lost

Priest David Mindorashvili:

"Saints do not take such worship of people who can not please God. Atonement is the greatest reality that spreads over the entire set of space, both visible and not visible "Court of Judge" (PRP. Maxim Confessor), reconciles the fallen space with God. On the cross That extends to mankind and, as St. Gregory Theologian, "a few drops of blood restore the whole universe." This means that the atonement of mankind and Russia, including already committed by Bogochlovecom Jesus Christ. He is the true king of the Redeemer. "Unacceptable grace of the atonements of the gospel preached, as the only means to our justification before God: Anathema." Predicts a week Orthodoxy. I want to bring the words of Blessed St. St. John (Maksimovich), "St. Andrei Bogolyubsky was consecrated by his bodily consecrated Russia, who was already significantly later than his martyrdom. All-Russian reverence of St. Mikhail Tver healed wounds on the body of Russia, causing the struggle of Moscow and Tver. The glorification of St. Tsarevich Dimitri clarified the consciousness of Russian people, inhaled moral forces in them and, after grave shocks, led to the revival of Russia. Tsar-Martyr Nikolai II with his long-suffering family is now included in the face of those passion recorders ... Tsar-Martyrs and his compassion holders will become new heavenly defenders of Saint Rus "1 (sin of zarubiyism). Only in this sense can only talk about the martyr Tsar Nicolae. In no case should not talk about him as about the King Redeemer of Russia. This is a heresy. Interact with the movement "Tsarsky Cross" will be incorrect.

Priest Vladimir Stepanenko:

"Christ in the midst of us! In the correct questions you have settled, the answers are already traced. The saint king of Nicholas can not be called the Redeemer in any sense. For the Redeemer is only Christ. And the king, though holy, but not sickless. And the Redeemer why Christ is, because he brought himself sacrificing for all human genus. And he endured flour without having any guilt. The King Nicholas cannot be called the atoning victim. People who consider king the Redeemer, need to call heretics, no matter how terribly and roughly did not sound, but in this truth! "

The situation where Orthodox people collect signatures, make the repairs and invite the movement in the organizers of the events infected with heresy, looks frightening. I really ask everyone to carefully treat the royal cross, His leader Alexander Vozozhnyakov and those who have similar misconceptions. Not to pray with them, not to collect them and for them signatures on their sheets (signatures and letters can be directly sent to the authorities), not to make repographs, not to provide other assistance in the development of their groups, do not invite them to radio, TV and in organizing committeens held events.

I believe that the Orthodox should actively take part in public life within the law, but the point is not how many signatures collected and the standing was held - the Lord can forbid "Matilda" overnight, as in the case of the lives of St. Nicholas, when Foured in a dream of the king and commanded to let go of innocent governors. But the Lord is waiting for a clean faith from us according to the Scriptures and the legend of the Church, waiting for our life in Christ according to the rules of the Ecumenical Cathedrals and the consent of the Holy Fathers. What ends of communication with those who are infected with heresy, for the Orthodox it is well known on the example of the signature of the Unce of Byzantium with Catholics ...

I also ask to be careful with the "miraculous" icons of the rains, as these are not icons, but non-canonic images, the hulad Christ and his saints (the screen has such an icon in the appendix to the post).

A good article on the topic is on the site of the Center for Religious Research In the name of the Sacred Martyr Iriney Lyon, which is engaged in the problems of new religious movements, sects and cults. I will give a reduced passage from it:

« The rains were written by the icons of all Russian kings, as well as Rasputin ... Canonical icons often rewrite according to their "theology", instead of Christ, depicting the king of Nicholas II (for example, instead of the Baby of Christ in the Eucharistic Bow in the hands of John the Forerunner). In general, their iconography is very developed, there are many icons of the Virgin Mary, written in dreams and "visions" of followers (more often than sequences) of the heresy. For example, a blasphemous "icon" "Rus Rising" - where the Virgin in white clothes holds his cover over Rus, the eight-pointed crosses fall from the cover: those who catch them - brighten, and those who run away and catches, - black and turn In the "bugs of shit" (along with the icon of the rains distribute booklets with a description of its iconography). The many of their Miotochat icons (from an Orthodox point of view, the peacefulness is not the undisputed criterion of truth; not all miracles - from God), the saints on them open and close their eyes. Even the books with the presentation of their "miracles", and the authors recommend putting their works to the patient places. As for many sectarians, for the rains of wonders, peaceful, healing is an unconditional proof and the sign of truth.»

And it is still written:

"Not everyone who speaks to me:" Lord! Lord! ", Will be in the kingdom of heaven, but the will of my Heavenly Father performing the will of my heavenly. Many will tell me that day: Lord! Lord! Isn't your name from yours prophesied? And if the name of the demons was expelled? And if many wonders did not know? And then I will announce them: I never knew you; Get away from me making lawlessness. "(Matthew.7: 21-23).

Representative of the Movement "Tsarskiy Cross": "Above the holy, canonized ROC"

Deputy request to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to check not the finished film "Matilda" Alexey Teachers for the appeal of the Movement "Tsarsky Cross". His representatives considered that they deal with the "anti-Russian and antireligious provocation in the field of culture." What exactly outrageed the movement, we asked his representative - the "public figure in the State Duma", as it appears, Nikolai Mishoustina.

Frame from the film.

Another nebanal title Mr. Mishoustina is the coordinator of the Public Committee for the Protection of Citizens' Rights from "Automated Processing of Personal Data and Electronic Identification".

Nikolay Mishoustin explained that the film "was abused over the holy, the canonized Russian Orthodox Church" (I mean Nicholas II, - MK). Recall that the canonization was given to the ROC was not easy: in 200th, when the relevant decision was taken at the Archiree Cathedral, Metropolitan Nizhny Novgorod Nikolai refused to sign the item about Nicolae II, because he considers it to the Government, who authorized the collapse of Russia.

In addition, Mishoustin said, the picture is "anti-Russian propaganda", because "mocks the powers of the symbols, and this is actually undermining national security." An abuse of holy, according to Mishoustina, are "bed scenes with incomprehensible diva, absolutely not having historical confirmations." He confirmed that he did not see the picture Alexei Teacher completely, but everything mentioned above is contained in the trailer.

The trailer lasts 2 minutes, the only scene, which can be called erotic lasts less than a second. It is sealing nude man and a woman, however, they enter the frame only on the shoulders.

"The director embodies his Eotoman fantasies, they no longer know where this pornography is sung," Mishoustin added. "More damage than fascists, our culture nobody inflicted," he continued. - And when they use the German porn actor for the role of our king - this is defilement, the abnormalism is. This is not climbing in any framework. "

Nicholas II in the film Teacher plays German actor Lars Aidinger. The "pornographic" work is likely to be called the picture of the Greenway Greenway Greenway and Pelicanya Company, which tells about the series of works of the Dutch artist of the XVI-XVII century Handrik Goltsius on biblical and antique plots.

Greenway films have repeatedly received the Golden Palm Branch at the Cannes Film Festival. Also, the work of the director received awards at the Venetian and Berdin film festivals.