The history of the Russian wrestler Grigory Koshcheeva. A wrestler and a giant of the Slobodsk peasants

The history of the Russian wrestler Grigory Koshcheeva. A wrestler and a giant of the Slobodsk peasants
The history of the Russian wrestler Grigory Koshcheeva. A wrestler and a giant of the Slobodsk peasants

For an hour, forgotten about everything in the book bonds at the stalls of Paris buquins. Saw Russian magazines for 1915. Pipped. The title of the article rushed into the eyes: "The death of the Russian champion." The author, a certain M. Zhuve, tells about the Russian warrior of Gregory Koshcheyev: Once he received an invitation to come to Moscow to a meeting of circus wrestlers. In the capital, he was met, staged at the hotel, then treated dinner in the restaurant. At the table, Gregory saw his former rivals, Russians and foreign, whom he at the time in tournaments was laid on the blades.
Soon Koscheyev went home to the village of Saltyki Vyatka province, and a day after the arrival of his home died suddenly.
- What happened? Was he poisoned from envy, from the desire to take revenge on a fortunate opponent? - I thought. - Then, it means to blame for his death those who were with him in a restaurant. And were there ...
I, worrying, hurriedly overflow the page of the magazine ... What a pity! The following page, where, may have been named the names of people who were with Gregory on that day, doring ...

First victory

In 1904, the Circus Artist and Forerski Fedor Baszi arrived in the town of Slobodskaya, he spoke to the local public: juggled with two-domained eyes, ripped the chain, broke the brake of the card, bent the copper pines, flex a metal beam on his mighty shoulders. Sloblasts were delighted with the force of the artist!
At the end of the speech, Fyodor appealed to the audience:
- Maybe someone wishes to compete with me?
Hall failed. Fight? With such stronghold? ..
And suddenly someone's bass propheted:
- Let's try!
In the arena, a huge growth of a bearded man in herpties and a canvas shirt was released.
- Yes, this is Grigory! Well, yes, he is the most, our countryman from Saltykov comes, "spectators spoke.
The fight began. And what do you think? Saltykovsky man overwhelmed eminent well done. It was the first victory of Grigory in the arena.

His silicon was extraordinary!

Could, tied twelve two-domain, stick them on the shoulders and boost on the village. One day, put in the Sani contractor, deceiving and coming up workers, a forty-dipandom "Baba" to drive piles. The contractor had to ask a dozen two men to make the "piece of iron" with a sled.
Somehow, Gregory looked at the holiday in the holiday, looked at them, "looked at them, then a crown of them all with his long hands and drove into the stream. Speak with about judgment:
- Hey you, flies! Half-ka.
It happened, helped the neighbors plow on their sites, pulled out of the snow heavy burned sleighs. For the fact that everyone helped with his silhuk, love and respected Grigory in the village.

Path to glory

I would live yes, I would have worked, I worked for Grigory in my native village, if not meeting with Fedor Basov. He began to persuade him to speak to the people, "to show a silicon", fight in the arena: they say, it is waiting for you a big future and glory!
And Grigory agreed. So began his life of a circus artist and a fighter. Of course, not immediately came to him fame, fame, money. Gregory had a lot to practice, acquiring the experience of performances in the arena, studying the adhesions of the French struggle. Chaeling on the province, often fought for pennies in the cold, thoroughly through the premises. Even he was thinking: not to go away from the circus home to plow the earth ...
Meanwhile, there was already a rumor across Russia, which appeared in the Arena athlete of an unprecedented power, equal to Ivan his poddubny! Gregory with great success performed at the championships of struggle in Moscow, Odessa, Kharkov. At the World Championship in Paris, in 1908, the French were amazed by the power of Russian Bogatiyev Koshcheev and Poddubnoye: they never seen such!
They returned to the victory home.

"From the old notebook"

"I had to see a lot of original people for my life director of the struggle, but still the most interesting in the character's warehouse I should consider the giant Grisch Koshcheyev, - writes in his memoirs" from the old notebook "entrepreneur I.V. Lebedev. "This person was tremendous, this man was, did not inferior to foreign gloys, but was much stronger and distinguished by a high excerpt in the fight. Infinitely loved one in the world - his native village, pulled him to the ground ... A person, for three or four years, who made himself almost the European name, voluntarily left the Arena to his village - again he took him to hust and the harrow, arranged himself in the village A good house, he emerged, married him was born his daughter ...

In the memory of people

Living in the people the memory of Grisha Koscheyev, about his legendary strength. They remember the people and his kindness, responsiveness, friendliness: and the money helped the neighbors, and in the economy, and at the arrival will meet a fellow villagers - the first hat will decide, say hello, asking how to live ... and never bragged that in Moscow was the first wrestler and what abroad is known. That was he man. Therefore, they called him in Saltyki, in Kosino respectfully - Gregory Ilyich, they were brought as native close.
His essay about Gregory Koscheyev I.V. Lebedev ends such words: "The life played with this good man one of his evil and offensive jokes: only the bright days came for him - and the filaments of life came for him ... smile with good cards, always sad eyes of this black earth hero, who came out of the ground and back went to her. "

Grigory Ilich Koscheyev was born 12 (24) November 1873 in the repair of the Saltykovsky Vyatka province in the peasant family.

I hit everyone with a huge force - height 2m.08cm., Weight 160 kg.

In 15 years, Grisha was higher than all men in the village. Father, satisfied with such a son said: "You will be a good assistant

in family." In the peasant work, he did not regret himself, loved the Earth and so attached to her that he could not imagine life without a barking.

In 1896, Perm was laid - the Kotlas Railway. Grisha went to the construction of the railway in Zuevka. She worked more than two: one raised the rail, wore huge logs, coped with a coprom who served six.

Grisha in Zuevka did not suffer, seeing how the contractor makes the workers. Previously, the term went away from work, and in the fall again decided to go to the remuneration.

In the winter, when field work, Grigory engaged in the surveillance in the Sokolovsky distinguished factory, performed different heavy work: weighing the barrels with alcohol on the rock scales, one plunged on the balance of the Surigood barrel. Towes with barrels walked into the county town of Slobodskaya to the local wine plant.

In the late 19th day of the 20th century, all European countries overwhelmed the wave of enthusiastic struggle. Circus was broken from the public. The hosts of Russian circuses were discharged on tour of the famous foreigners: Miller, Diriks Pons, Olaf Anderson and others. Russia gave birth to his heroes: Ivan Poddubny, Vasily Babushkin, Grigory Koshcheev.

The wave of hobbies was struggled to Vyatka province, to the county town of Slobodsky. In November 1905, posters appeared on his streets about the tour of the Russian Silly Fedor Besov. Silkodsky's quiet life was broken. The crowds of people from the nearest villages flowed to the city. Everyone wanted to look at the famous strongman. The demons showed his strength - the horseshoes were shown, the chain ripped, the nails knocked into the tree. In conclusion, demons caused those who wish to fight, promising the winner of 25 rubles.

Grigory Koshcheeva persuaded to compete with demon. Imagining the moment, Koscheyev raised the Besov in the air, he turned his head several times over his head and threw on his back.

Saltykovsky man overwhelmed an eminent fighter. It was the first victory of Grigory in the arena.

Of course, Besnow was insulting, but the dealers spoke in him, and he realized that he could make money on this nugget.

He persuaded Grisha to leave the realcy and go with him to the circus. The prospect was a temptation, and Grisha agreed.

It is difficult to imagine that a person has made an almost European name for 3-4 years. Koshcheyev, be it a foreigner, earning the same money as Ponns or Antonic.

But Grisha was infinitely loved one in the world - his native village.

He visited only in Paris in 1908, made there huge fees, made a sensation with his figure and a bearishway and ... more abroad - never for anything.

A lot of legends of various kinds went on the adventures of the Saltykovsky hero. It was said that he took off the hat from the storekeeper, raised his shoulder angle of the warehouse and put a hat there, then the Giri suspected, and such that they could not remove them, squeezed their logs. But it is reliably known that Grigory Koscheyev, grabbed by the wheel, stopped the top three horses in full ...

In the depths of the soul Grisha Koscheev was very kind, even a shy man. He loved Russian land, her browning fields, birch, to the native village, horses, harrow. Taking advantage of great success, he increasingly repeatedly repeated: "No, I leave the circus. I'll be back home, I will plow the earth. " And so, quite unexpectedly for everyone, he left the circus on his glory, and preferred the peaceful work of Pahar Thunder of the applause ...

Antreplener I. V. Lebedev said so about him: "The life played with this good man one of his evil and offensive jokes: only the bright days came for him - and cut the filaments of life ... smile with good cards, always sad eyes of this chernozem bogatyr, came out of the ground and back went to her "

Gregory Ilyich Koscheyev is buried in the village of Spit. The grave has not yet been preserved.

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Gregory Kosinsky - Russian Bogatyr from Vyatka Forests

In the town of Slobodskaya, which the famous strongman Fedor Bezov arrived in the Vyatka province, arrived. He demonstrated the breathtaking tricks: the chain ripped, juggled with the tried eyes with three-domed weights, ruined the deck of cards, shouted with his fingers with his fingers, the metal beam was fucked on his shoulders, broke a cobblestone fist ... and in general, it was in an indescribable delight of local residents. At the end of the performance of demons, as he always practiced, he turned to the audience: can anyone want to fight with me on the belts? Hall fell silent.

And suddenly, from somewhere with the gallery, whose bass prophetle: - It can ...

From the upper rows to the arena, a cosmatic monster, leached from Russian fairy tales. Bearded giant, clumsy, in a unbutton bicker, in cubic domain ports. Wrapped on onuchi, in the laps.

The battle was short. Only Fyodor demons tried to make a seizure, as he felt that the legs were broken away from the ground, the earth and the sky changed in places, and then it became dark.

The giant was the name of Gregory Kosinsky, and he was a peasant of the Vyatka province, and he was accurate than 33, as a legendary Ilya Muromtsu, who at this age from the furnace tears. Grigory did not lie on the furnace, all fellow villagers knew about his incredible silica ...

Grisha was nothing worth raising a log with men and, rotating above his head, arrange a fun carousel. One day the horse was stuck in the hedge, trying to jumble through the fence. Grisha took her for the front legs and threw through the garden, cheating: "Where did the hell caused you?"

Power beat through the edge. Hearing somehow washing a cow, saw that she fell into the cellar. Grabbed her for the horns, pulled out, but at the same time she turned her neck.

Once the mother heard the cry of the boys and looked out into the window. Her son rolled the cart without a horse, loaded with grain bags. On the carts twenty and even neighbor guys on the bags.

Where is the horse?

And what is it for nothing to drive? Let relax. I left the gum.

Grisha could, for example, tied twelve two-domed Giri, stick them on his shoulders and caress with this colossal cargo. It is said that one day he put in Sani, in which a contractor traveled, examining the workers, a forty-diplomance woman to drive piles.

The demons realized that he met a nugget. After the speech, he led Grisha for the scenes and persuaded a long time to go with him - to show power. He was enthusiastically told the demons about the future career of Grisha, about what a fame awaits him. He finally agreed.

They began to protrude together, showed power tricks, stayed the public to face a silhuk.

In 1906, at the Kazan Fair, the happy case was a happy case of Cosinsky (pseudonym Gregory Kosinsky) with a real wrestler - European Champion Ivan Zaicin, who headed the championship of the fight against the circus Nikitin. This meeting finally decided the further fate of Gregory. Zaicin helped to master the wrestling technique, brought to a large arena. Soon the Vyatsky man became a thunderstorm of mastted fighters, calmly put on the blades of the famous champions.

In 1908, together with Great Ivan Poddubny and Ivan Zaicin, Grigory Katcheev goes to Paris to the World Championship in the "Casino de Pare", where the fighters were gathered at that time - Hungarian Janos, Greek Karaman, Turk of Pengal, German Schneider, Japanese Okitaro, French Eugene and Embal Calmett, Italian Rutsech. They were all defeated by Russian heroes. And on a personal account, Gregory Kascheyev was five broken Ryubers and three rims of the hands of overseas power.

The speeches of Cascoev used tremendous success, but more and more often he said: no, I will leave the circus. I'll be back home, I will plow the earth.

With the victory they returned our warriors to their homeland. It would seem that now the real wrestling career of Cascoeva began, but he still threw everything and went to the village to steal the Earth. The best characteristic of the Russian hertie - Giant Gregory Kascheev serve the words of the famous organizer of the French wrestling championships, the editor-in-chief of the Sports magazine "Hercules" Ivan Vladimirovich Lebedev: I had a lot to see the original people in my life director, but still the most interesting in the character warehouse I should consider Giant Grigory Cascoeva. In fact, it is difficult to imagine a person to make a European name for 3 to 4 years old, voluntarily left the Arena back to his village, again took the hust and harrow.

Huge strength was this man. Almost in the soot of growth (218 cm), idols, whether he is a foreigner, earning a lot of money, because he was superior to all foreign giants. (Magazine "Hercules", № 2, 1915).

Died Kashev in 1914. Many legends went about his death, but here's reported in the necrologist placed in the June issue of Hercules magazine for 1914: on May 25, the famous wanderers-Giant Gregory Katchev, who threw the circus arena and an agriculture, who had thrown the circus arena and engaged in agriculture in the fifth decade His native village Saltyki. The name of Cascoeva not so long ago, not only in Russia, but also abroad. If in his place was another, more greedy to money and glory man, he could make himself a world career. But Grisha was a Russian farmpashetz peasant in the soul, and his uncontrollably pulled from the most profitable surgers - home, to Earth. Great was a bogatyr. But do many of them know about him?

Nikolai Polikarpova, Alexander Veprykov and Dmitry Sennikova unites
much. They were all born, lived, worked to this day work on Vyatka Earth,
Deed her creativity, became experienced professionals, received the title "Honored Artist of Russia" and transmit the secrets of their skill with young.

All three recently exceeded sixty-five, and, apparently, binds them not only the workshop partnership, but also a simple human friendship. 25 years ago they had a common exhibition. And now, after a quarter of a century, they show the audience their works created over the past ten years.

First, I must say that all three are excellent landscape players.

Nikolai Polycarpov is faithful to the topic of the Russian village with her difficult fate, he loves to paint the work and life of ordinary people, writes their portraits. For the past five years he worked on his small homeland, in the Vyatka depth - the village of Vyaganov, the Oryolsky district and created a lot of new works there. Many of his work ("My Motherland", "Eastrobensk", "The village of Paul on Vyatka") can be called monumental epic canvases, although it is no less interesting and exciting for his etudes.

Alexander Vepricov also gave tribute to his small homeland - the city of Urzhum. Vepricov - master of lyrical landscape, romantic in the soul, often he creates landscapes paintings, whether it is a city or village. In his work, the same as in the works of Sennikov, the Vasnetsovsky places occupy a special place. Both of them are the winners of the Government Prize of the BR. Vasnetsovsky. By the way, the Cannikov is a participant in all Vasnetsovsky plenier, since 2006.

Dmitry Sennikov, as you know, has already entered the history of Vyatka painting as an artist who created the holistic image of an old Vyatka, first of all, he is a master of city landscape. It has long been not in the reality of those houses, streets and alleys, which he forever captured his brush.

But it is natural that each of them has other favorite themes. So sennikov can be called an animal artist: he likes to depict animals, birds and other living creatures. At the same time, it manifests not only observation, but also humor, and sometimes I think animals. The world of animals was not devoted to his personal exhibition.

Alexander Veprikov can surprise the audience "nidget", performed very tactfully and exquisitely, or an original female portrait. It is remembered by the still lifes, in which the love of life and the joy of being felt. His still lifes can exist not only in the house on the table, but also in the garden, on the clearing or on the edge of the forest.

All three artists work in traditional art, but they are trying to master new techniques. So Alexander Veprikov, for example, introduced a picture-collage of "memory of relatives" to the exhibition, where small picturesque landscapes, photographs, poems, real household items and natural materials were used.

In the photo from left to right: N. Polycapov, D. Sennikov, A.Veprikov.

November 24, 2013 will be 140 years since the birth of our countryman, the legendary strongman with world names of Grigoria Ilyich Kashcheev, and in the spring of 2014 - 100 years from the date of his death. In the necrologist of the oldest possibleness of the June number of the illustrated sports magazine "Hercules" it was written: "On May 25, 1914, the famous wanderers-Giant Gregory Katchev, who threw the circus arena and who was engaged in agriculture in his native village of Saltyki. The name of Cascoeva not so long ago Not only in Russia, but also abroad. If in his place there was another, more greedy to money and glory man, he could make himself a world career. But Grisha was a Russian farmer-landpashetz in the shower, and his uncontrollably pulled home , To the ground. "

Editor-in-Chief of "Hercules", the famous organizer of the French struggle I.V. Lebedev wrote: "I had a lot to see the original people into my life director of the struggle, but still the most interesting in the warehouse of character I should consider the giant Grigory Kaskcheyev. In fact, it is difficult to imagine a person who has made himself European for 3-4 years. The name, voluntarily left the Arena back to the village, again took the hust and the harrow. The huge force was this man. Almost so-soared, idols, whether he is a foreigner, earning a lot of money, because he was superior to all foreign giants. "
Skills of the older generation remember the widely existing saying, heard as them as a child: "strong as Grisha Kosinsky." So the people called this giant. But none of his contemporaries seriously and did not think that
Gregory is associated with Slobodsky. Today in the biographies of this person it is that he was born in the village of Saltyki Slobodsky County. It is if he is our countryman, we found out from the local historian from the village of Saltyki, teachers with a 37-year-old experience of pedagogical work G.A. Prokhorenko. Georgy Andreevich stressed: "Many people think that Grisha Kosinsky is a native of our village. However, this is not. His nickname gives a direct hint of the place of birth - the factors of the Saltykovsky Kosinsky parish of Slobodsky county. Later, during post-revolutionary perturbations, the Kosinsky parish moved to Zuevsky district . I understood in these toponymic subtleties in the spring of 1976, when, together with the guys from the Saltykov school, I went hiking on the Koshu River in Cordama on paper factories. On the shore of that river, I was fixed Saltykovsky. The village with the name Saltyki and Ponyna can be found on the Zuyevsky map The area. But already in the 70s of the last century, the family house and the grave Grisha Kosinsky were not preserved there. Then nothing was written about him, but he lived in the people. "
Today, detailed information about GI. Kashchev can be found on the Internet. Some interesting facts about this man of untrustful strength We decided to set out our readers. Grisha was born in the peasant family and already at 12 years old was not in the age of healthy and worked on a par with men, but to 15 conversion of all adult guys. He was so hordored that he could not pick up his flashes, and therefore they knew them himself, and the boots rolled him out of 10 pounds of wool, whereas half had enough. Grisha could easily raise a log with men and arrange a cheerful carousel, rotating all this above his head. His strength beat through the edge. Once the mother heard the cries of the boys and looked out in the window. Her son rolled the telega without a horse, loaded with grain. On the cart lay down twenty and even the guys sat on the bags. "Where is the horse?" - asked Mother. "But what to drive it in vain? Let him take a rest, left the gum," the answer was followed. Gregory grew by workers, tightly tied to the ground, did not trust it with anyone. When the household of sobriches rumbled - brothers and sisters have acquired families, - he smelled all the field.
Winter rustic was engaged in wrap, we went to the next sinth on a distillery plant. The manager immediately liked the young strongman, offered him a job in a warehouse. The barrels with alcohol weighed on rock scales, while 3-4 peasants loaded the barrel and put 25-30 poods. Gregory coped with this work alone, and even on the envy of handover, dozens times without a break was baptized by a two-chain gyr.
Once, a rope of 12 dvoshkov tied up with a rope with a rope with a storekeeper, added one pudding weight and acquired this 400 kilogram bundle around the warehouse. Passing around, threw Giri to Earth: "drive money." When the storekeeper regretted to give the surprised five-member, Grigory became angry and, squeezing his fists, Grozny went to the offender. So I had to give money. The people laughed at a deceiver, admired with a strongman. The evil storageman did not forgive this, and Grigory was forced to quit the warehouse. After worked on the railway in Zuevka, then I was engaged in Izvoz from Sokolovka to Slobodsky and back.
In November 1905, Circus-Shapito arrived in Slobodskoy, where Silacha Fedor Devs ripped the chain, he shoved the copper five and offered a revel over the award and put it on the blades. However, it was not possible to do this one coup. Then I remembered Gregory and asked him to support the honor of the city. The next day he came to the crowded Circus and responded to a call for a strongman who offered the winner of 25 rubles. And with the second attempt, having mastered on the carpet, raised the circus, turned around and, throwing, pressed to the floor. And the next morning Grisha gave his horse fellow countrymen and left with a circus from Slobodsky.
The happy case was brought it in 1906 at the Kazan Fair with a real wrestler - European champion Ivan Zaicin, who headed the championship of the fight in the circus Nikitin. Zaicin took Kascheva to himself, began to train hardly, helped to master the wrestling technique and brought to a large arena. Soon the Vyatsky guy became a thunderstorm of the masted wrestlers. He calmly put on the blades of the famous champions. Systematic victories of Cascoev, huge dimensions - growth 215 cm and weight of 160 kg, simple clothes and manners impressed the working people and contributed to the triumphal march of the Vyatka hero of the Russian cities.

In 1908, unbeatable G.I. Kashchev was a participant in the World Championship in Paris, which was held in the "Casino de Pare" and attracted the strongest fighters of the planet. Among them were the "Champion of Champions" Ivan Poddubny, World Champion Ivan Zaicin, Hungarian Janos, Greek Karaman, Turk of Pengal, German Schneider, Japanese It Okitario, Brothers-French Aegene and Embal Calmett, Italian Retsech. At the Championship, Zaicin himself hardly coped with his student.
Even the poddubal was not easy to put the Vyatka giant of Cascoeva. Their battle in Paris lasted for almost 6 hours, and only sports experience allowed the imaginary to achieve victory.
In the same year, Kashchev was set a record for carrying a live shopping on the back.
Portraits G.I. Cascoeva did not go from the pages of newspapers. Everyone was considered the honor to meet him, the audience, noble people filmed his hats before him, officers were invited to their table. However, Glory and money did not burn their head gris, he had a life in the capitals and often repeated: "Here is the right, I'll leave the circus, I will return home, I will plow the earth." And soon, despite the brilliant wrestling career, the persuasion of entrepreneurs, kept his word.
The last time Grisha Kosinsky fought in Vyatka, in a circus on Ivanovo Square, in 1911. One after another laid his opponents daily: Comberg, Dmitriev, Mkrticheva, Winter and others, - causing delight of countrymen. And after the end of the matches, unexpectedly went to the native Saltyki. Here he got married, hesitated his farm. A year later, his son was born, a couple of years later - daughter. He put a new house with her own hands, bought a horse, and a good foal of a Pegashki raised from her, for which at the agricultural exhibition in p. Spit received a prize.
In May 1914, wrestlers arrived in Saltyki to persuade Gregory to go with them on tour. He happily met old friends, but he categorically refused to be categorically refused: "Children are small, how will you leave them?" Guests left, and Grisha, remembering the moments of glory, nervous, worried - it came to a heart attack. Feldscher did not have time to come, as Gregory Ilyich died. The fellow villagers were accused of the death of a 41-year-old healthy of the arrivals of the wrestlers, they say, they poisoned him because of competition. But the autopsy showed that the cause of death was the gap of the heart.

Unfortunately, today the name of this outstanding Russian superbacing of the beginning of the twentieth century in Slobodsky is not heard, they do not know about it and young sports fans. But only our city gave a ticket to the wrestling life of the future celebrity. Grisha Kosinsky is directly related to the Slobodskaya Earth, and we, Sloblast, with full right we can call Athlete with their countryman and Slobodsky sports idol with world fame. During the years of anniversary dates, G.I. Cascoeva is the time to think about it.

Nadezhda Mokerov.