Rosary and their meaning. rosary made of natural stone

Rosary and their meaning.  rosary made of natural stone
Rosary and their meaning. rosary made of natural stone

Buddhist rosary. "Golden abode of Buddha Shakyamuni"

Buddhist rosary - a necklace with grains strung on it, used for counting prayers. The most common Buddhist rosary has 108 grains (the sacredness of this number goes back to ancient Indian magic practice).

A rosary with a red thread and a tassel is intended for the practice of Tantra.

Rosary beads have special names and contain a hidden esoteric meaning, revealed only to those initiated into the Teaching. Rosary beads can be made of precious stones - lapis lazuli, coral, opal; wood - red, black, yellow sandalwood and fruit seeds; from the bones of a person, an elephant or a camel, as well as from glass.

White rosary were dedicated to the deity of mercy and compassion Avalokiteshvara, red - to Idam Hayagriva, Padmasambhava, yellow - to Guru Tszonhava.

Top(the beginning of the rosary) consists of grains of three sizes (large, medium, small), which symbolize the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddha. When counting mantras, you cannot step over them, you need to start counting in the opposite direction.

It is necessary to store the rosary in a clean place. The tantric rosary is kept away from the eyes, used only in the practice of the deity-idam.

Dzogchen Kenpo Choga Rinpoche, a follower of the Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, was born in Eastern Tibet in 1966 and attended the Dzogchen Shri Singha University, one of the most famous monastic educational institutions in Tibet. Currently he lives in Nepal, in the Kanying Shedrab Ling monastery, travels a lot, is known for his lively and direct manner of transmitting Buddhist teachings.

Based on the materials of the journal "Path to Me". Conversation with Lama Kenpo Choga Rinpoche. The moderator was Lidia Bogdanova.

Rosary from good hands

Lydia Bogdanova: Kenpola, as you know, in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, various ritual accessories are actively used. What is their purpose?

Lama Kenpo: I can ask an answer question: why, from your point of view, does a person need clothes? Or, for that matter, the body itself? A person cannot imagine himself without a physical body. We have eyes, which means we must see, there are ears, which means we must hear. We have been given hands, which means that there will be something to which we will touch and feel the touch. This is how it works. From this we can conclude that since we need teaching, we need such things related to teaching. It's like pen and paper. Both are necessary. If there is no paper, we will write with a pen in the air (laughs). Ritual accessories play a similar role in the Buddhist tradition. It is difficult for me to answer our question in a different way. Think of what I said yourself. Simply put, ritual accessories are associated with the tasks and goals of Buddhism, its symbolism, and are used to perform various spiritual practices.

LB: Should ritual accessories be considered as sacred? How should they be treated?

Lama Kenpo: What is the place of spiritual practice in your life? Imagine a photograph of your beloved child lying on the floor and being trampled underfoot, how will you feel?

LB: It will be very unpleasant for me.

Lama Kenpo: So you yourself have answered your own question. If something matters to you, then the attitude will be appropriate. For example, you will probably keep a photo of your child in an appropriate place, but a newspaper clipping with a photo of a stranger can be thrown away. On a large scale, there are no special laws or regulations about where to store this or that item. This kind of decision can only depend on you. If you have faith in the teaching, if you are sincerely devoted to it, then you will definitely strive to ensure that images of lamas and deities, sacred texts and rosary beads are kept in a "clean" place (for example, on an altar or in a place that you yourself consider "clean"), as well as to ensure that they are not stepped on or touched.

The specific nature of the rosary depends on the goals and characteristics of the practice being performed.... There is a division of the rosary by color. For example, white rosary(sandalwood, crystal) are used in the practices of peaceful deities, as well as for cleansing, getting rid of diseases and removing obstacles.
To accumulate merit, are used yellow rosary(for example, amber) as well as for performing the practice of Dtsambala (deities helping to increase wealth).
During initiations, they apply rosary red(coral, sandalwood). They are considered "secret", and their meaning, as a rule, is not fully disclosed to the uninitiated.
Green rosary(for example, from jadeite) are intended for invoking the Protectors of the Dharma, as well as for performing the practices of wrathful deities.
In the practices of wrathful deities, they also use black rosary(sandalwood, coral) and with thorns (from rudraksha).
As for the materials themselves, they are again determined by the tasks of a specific practice. For example, crystal and gold rosary very favorable for the practice of making offerings, but only if the person is not attached to things. Bodhi tree seed beads used for taking bodhisattva vows, developing bodhicitta, compassion. Coral rosary- when performing the practice of increasing activity (the practice of such deities as Kurukulla and Chenrezik). Many people like rosary made of bone yak. I think this is only due to the fact that people consider bone to be a valuable material.

LB: What can you say about the number of bones on a rosary? Should there be a certain number of them?

Lama Kenpo: Traditionally, there should be 100 seeds, because many mantras (for example, mantras for removing obstacles) are recited a hundred times. But since we can be wrong, capturing two bones instead of one, we added 8 more (laughs). In fact, the number 108 is associated with astrology, a tradition that came to Tibet from China. In general, the number 8 is of great importance in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism (Eightfold path, eight bodhisattvas, eight good emblems). There are rosary beads of other sizes, for example, for reciting the mantra of Avalokiteshvara (OM MANI PADME HUM) it is good to have a rosary of 6 seeds, for the practice of the goddess Singhamukhi - from 14 seeds. As for the small rosary used in prostrations, there can be any number of bones, as long as it is convenient for you.

LB: How should a rosary be worn?

Lama Kenpo: There are no special rules here. Usually practitioners wear them under their clothes. But if your rosary is richly decorated and you want to show it to others, you can wear it over your dress or on your wrist (laughs).

LB: Why is the rosary being consecrated?

Lama Kenpo: You are probably aware of the existence of good and bad energies. All phenomena and objects have their own vibrations. Certain waves also emanate from human thought. Most people know this from their own experience. It happens that you meet a stranger, and a pleasant feeling arises. It may be because you feel a joyful mood in his mind. Or, if we wear the clothes of a bad person, we will most likely get sick. All this is related to subtle energies. Why are rosary beads blessed by lamas? If a lama has reached a high stage of development and is in a state of awakening, then touching the rosary, blowing on them, he transfers his good energy to them. At the same time, it is important to recite auspicious mantras by them (I want to highlight the word “favorable” here, because not everyone knows that there are also bad mantras used, for example, to kill a person). At the same time, if the bad person touches the rosary or you put it in the wrong place, then the blessing energy will go away. True, if the master who conducted the consecration reached the state of primordial wisdom, then his blessing will never leave the rosary.

LB: How should you get a rosary? Can I accept them as a gift?

Lama Kenpo: It depends on you. The main thing is that they come to you from good hands.

Lama Kenpo Choga Rinpoche. Rosary from good hands.

[Interview with Lama Kenpo Choga Rinpoche / Vela L. Bogdanova] // Path to yourself. - 2006. - No. 6. - P.10-11.

The rosary is used by followers of almost all religious systems to count the number of prayers and mantras recited, rituals and bows performed. However, in Buddhism, the rosary also plays the role of an object in which information related to the main philosophical and practical aspects of the Buddha's Teachings is codified.

Buddhist rosary (in Sanskrit: mala; in Tibetan: prenwa) is made of wood, bone, stone or metal. In this case, the material is often chosen in connection with one or another of its energetic or mystical influence on a person or the environment.

For example, juniper rosary have the ability to scare away evil spirits and eliminate harmful influences; rosary beads made of red coral and dark blue lapis lazuli have the same properties.

Rosary of sandalwood, rock crystal in pearls serve to calm down, remove obstacles and diseases.

Gold, silver, copper, amber, made from lotus seeds or bodhi tree- increase life expectancy, contribute to the development of wisdom and increase in spiritual merit.

Prayer beads made of crystal, sandalwood, lotus seeds or bodhi seeds are also recommended when carrying out the practice of offering-puja to all benign (peaceful) yidam (aspects of Enlightenment) and Guru-yoga.

For mystical practices, especially those associated with angry yidams, they use a rosary made of juniper, ebony or mahogany, bone, black crystal, agate, black coral.

In the past, warrior monks often wore metal (bronze, iron or silver) rosary, using them, if necessary, as an improvised weapon.

There are also rosaries made of knots tied in a special way. Moreover, each knot is tied with the recitation of certain mantras, prayers and the performance of special contemplations.

Especially appreciated by the followers of the Buddhist tradition of Vajrayana ("Diamond" or Secret Chariot) rosary made from the bone of the frontal part of the human skull. 108 skulls are used to make such beads, which is possible only in Tibet, where traditionally the corpses of the dead are not buried in the ground (due to the lack of such in the mountains) and are not burned (due to the absence of a tree), but are left in special places where the corpses are quickly pecked open by the mountains. vultures, after which only the skull and bones remain of the corpse. Since such beads are very rare, it is more common to find simply bone rosaries (made of human or animal bones), each bead of which is made in the form of a miniature skull.

The classical number of beads in a Buddhist rosary is 108. However, there are also rosaries with a different number of beads. In any case, the number of beads codifies certain provisions of the Teaching. So, for example, 108 classic rosary beads symbolizes 108 kinds of desires (Skt .: tanha) that darken the human spirit:

A) desires associated with the six senses: sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing and mind (6);
b) in relation to objects of the past, present and future (3);
c) to internal and external objects (2);
d) three ways of manifestation: in thoughts, in words and in actions (3).

Hence - the canonical numbers of Buddhism:
- 6x3 = 18;
- 18x2 = 36;
- 36x3 = 108.

There are other decryptions of the number 108, however, this is the most common. The rosary is divided by an additional larger bead (109th), which is crowned with a cone-shaped or cylindrical bead. The large bead symbolizes the Prajna Wisdom, and the cone the Upaya Method. Most often, the 36th and 72nd beads are also made in a slightly larger size or in a different shape. From a cylindrical bead comes a "tail" of threads, the color of which is often associated with the vows taken in the tradition of one or another Buddhist School. So, for example, black can mean taking worldly vows ( Skt .: upasaka, tab .: genen), red - initial monastic vows, hearing ( Skt .: shramanera, Tib .: getzul), yellow - full vows of monasticism ( Skt .: bhikshu, Tib .: gelong). The "tail" can be double - in this case one of its parts symbolizes the Practice of Merit, and the other - the Practice of Wisdom; or they can symbolize, respectively, the state of Clarity - shamatha and Insight - vipashyana. The fact that both parts come out of one bead symbolizes their unity-non-duality.

The rosary used by the Vajrayana adepts is often much more complex both in its symbolism and in the manufacturing process. Often, such rosary beads also play the role of a kind of identification mark for initiates, indicating the level and type of spiritual practice of the rosary owner.

In addition to the general symbolism of the classical rosary, the Vajrayan rosary, especially among those initiated into the practice of angry yidams, are often performed in the form of skulls, which symbolizes the transience of this world or the Practice of transience. All beads and only dividing beads - 36th, 72nd and 109th - can be in the shape of skulls. It can be made in the shape of a triple skull and only one large, 109th, bead. In these cases, the three skulls also denote three main obscurations - "poison" of consciousness: passion, anger and ignorance.

The base of the rosary (in the area of ​​the "tail" or instead of it) is often decorated with one of the tantric symbols of iron, bronze, silver or gold. By this symbol, you can roughly determine the type of tantras that the bead owner practices. Vajra is most often found as such a symbol, as a general symbol of Vajrayana or dharmachakra - as a symbol of the Buddha's Teachings in general. Gridug is often worn by lamas (as a symbol of cutting off any defilement) and initiated into the practice of angry yidams; metal mirror - practices of the Dzogchen system; purbu - initiates into the practice of Vajrakilaya yidam, etc.

Vajrayan rosary is strung on a cord woven of 5 multi-colored threads: white, blue, yellow, red and green. These threads symbolize the five aspects of Enlightenment, expressed by the figures of the five Enlightened Tathagatas: Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha and Amoghasiddha. During the weaving of the cord, biji syllables are read and a special visualization of these Tathagatas is performed. Thus, the cord is, as it were, charged with their energy. Five threads can be connected with the practice-mandala of one or another yidam - in this case, accordingly, mantras and visualizations change. Sometimes the cord consists of 9 threads - in this case, they symbolize the Yidam Vajradhara and the eight main bodhisattvas.

In addition to the central "tail", the Vajrayan rosary has two more - after the 36th and 72nd beads (in this case, these beads do not differ from others either in shape or size). Each of these "tails" is threaded through five small beads or discs. The two "tails" symbolize the Practice of Merit and the Practice of Wisdom, and the small beads symbolize the ten Perfections-paramitas, the first five of which refer to Merits, and the next five to Wisdom. Another option is often found, when all ten small beads are strung on the main "tail".

After making the rosary, it is consecrated by the Teacher-Lama or by the adept himself by conducting a special ceremony. Such beads acquire special magical and energetic properties that protect their owner and contribute to his tantric practices. These rosary beads must not be passed on to strangers, treated with negligence or disrespect. If the rosary becomes unusable (beads or a cord are erased), then they are re-consecrated during repairs, or they are burned with the recitation of mantras. Often, pilgrims leave their rosary on which they recite 108,000 or more mantras in holy places. It is believed that in this case the fruits of the performed practices increase, which is understandable, given the connection that is established between the rosary and their owner as a result of systematic practices.

The rosary beads of the great Teacher-lamas, famous for their holiness and spiritual powers, are walled up in stupas or foundations of temples during their construction, put into statues of Buddha and yidams, placed on altars as relics. Prayer beads are often passed from teacher to student from generation to generation as a sign of spiritual continuity.

Supplement from the site of Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche sangha (

Guru Rinpoche said:
“The best type of mala is considered to be a mala made of jewelry (rinchen).
The mediocre type of mala is made from the seeds of a tree or fruit, and the inferior type is made from wood, earth, stone or medicine. "
A mala made from shells, earth, wood, tree seeds or fruit is used to perform peaceful sadhanas.
A mala made from bodhi seeds completes all dharmas.
Bodhi tree mala carries out pacifying activity
A mulberry mala carries out a subduing activity.
Mahogany mala is used for wrathful practices.
The elephant tusk malas will carry out any caring activity.
Small beads made of stone are good for enhancing practices.
Beads made from medicine are good for wrathful practices.
White color is associated with the eastern direction (?), Which in turn has a calming effect.
The yellow color is small, for example made from prunus seeds, gold, apricot seeds - it increases energy, is used to increase wealth, success and consciousness.
Keep on the middle finger at the level of the navel while sitting facing south.
Amber mala is very good for treating eyes.

Mala can be red, for example from coral or red sandalwood - red is the color of control over others. We hold at the level of the genitals on the ring finger while sitting facing west.

Black, metallic, turquoise- are used when it is necessary to apply destructive activity (I think that the conversation is mostly about the iron mala). We sit facing north, holding the mala on the little finger in our right hand, the brush rests on the knee.
There is an option that a steel mala increases virtue.

Bone mala- very powerful and requires a high level of ability from the practitioner.
Blue mala associated with space.
It is best to use small gemstones. They are used when performing any karmic activities that you perform.

Mala from rudraksha seeds- common among Hindu sadhus. Such a small is considered dangerous because it has tremendous strength and the practitioner who uses it must have high abilities. For comparison - to use such a small horse is all the same - that to go around a wild stallion ... In order to appreciate the qualities of a wild horse, you have to be a good rider.

The head is small or stupa - consists of three beads. The symbol of the union of the three Kai.
The smallest, the top one, is considered the sound source. She is blue - a symbol of the unchanging mind of absolute truth.
The two final ones (the size ascending to the lower bead) represent two types of energy - male and female, thus. it is a symbol of the union of the masculine and feminine principle. They are very important in small things, without them the small will not work.
There is another version of the interpretation of the stupa beads - the middle bead - red - also a symbol of vajar speech.
The last bead is white, it is considered sacred, as it symbolizes the vajar body.
There should be three, five or nine strings in a mala. Three threads symbolize - three Kayas, five threads symbolize - five Buddhas, nine threads - nine chariots.

For White Tara Practice and the White Mahakala needs a pearl mala.
For the practice of Green Tara- Jadeite.
For the practice of Medicine Buddha- Lapis Lapis or Turquoise.
For the practice of Amitabha- red Jasper.
For Shakyamuni practice- Amber.
Guru Rinpoche's practice in the form of Padmasambhava - animal bones or beads in the shape of skulls.
Practice of Vajrasattva and Chenrezig- Rock crystal.

When reciting mantras, use the right hand, but in practices with visualization, only the left.
When reciting mantras, the correct position of the fingers is important. Most of the mantras are chanted with the left hand, holding the mala between the thumb and forefinger, fingering the beads “inside the palm”. The thumb collects the beads inward, and the other direction dissipates the energy. Having reached the "small head", the direction is changed so as not to dissipate the energy.

one). Peaceful mantras are recited at the level of the heart.
2). Mantras for multiplying strength, mind and wealth - the rosary is fingered at the level of the navel through the middle finger. These are the mantras of Manjushri, Dzambala, Amitayus, etc.
3). The wrathful mantras of subduing activity are through the ring finger at the level of the genital center. These are mantras - Garuda, Hayagriva, Guru Dragpo, etc.
four). Intimidating mantras - through the little finger at the level of the left knee. These are the mantras of Vajrakilaya, Vajrakumara, Lionhead Dakini. Right there - you can touch it with your right hand through the ring finger at the level of the right knee.

Or else like this:
From the book “Explanations of the Generation Stage according to the Sadhana Practice Called“ The Core of Nondual Clarity, ”by Giltrula Rinpoche:

Further, the text discusses the counting of mantras using the mala. Another quote from the second Buddha, Padmasambhava, says: “The best type of mala used to increase the number of repetitions is a mala made from some kind of jewelery (Tib. Rinpoche). An intermediate type of mala is made from tree seeds or fruits, and the lower type of mala is made from tree, earth, stone or medicine. "

Mala made from sea shells, earth, tree or tree seed or fruit used to perform peaceful sadhanas and peaceful actions.
Mala made of gold- to perform extensive actions.
Mala of the Red Coral- is best for performing strong sadhanas.
Steel or turquoise small- good for angry activity.
Mala made of "zi" stone or other precious stones, can be used when performing any karmic activities performed by you.
Mala made from apricot seeds, will perform extensive activities.
Mala made of "lot tone"(the tiny, round black seed of the fruit) is very active.
Mala made from Raksha beads, used in angry practices.
Mala made from bodhi seeds, fulfills all dharmas.
Mala made of wood of the bodhi tree, fulfills peaceful karmas.
Mulberry bead mala performs power karmas.
Wood mala mahogany used in wrathful practices.
Malas made from elephant bones and, especially his tusks, will perform all caring activities.

Beads made of stone- good for general practices. Beads made from medicine- good for wrathful practices. Malas with many different types of precious values good for any practice. However, I advise that you do not try to make smalls with a lot of different beads on them, because if you do not know which combinations are effective, you can get non-positive results.

Further, the text mentions the different types of benefits that are derived from the use of different types of malas.
Iron or steel are small multiply the virtue that accumulates with each repetition in the usual way. Copper Mala multiplies each repetition by four times. Mala Raksha multiplies each repetition by 20 million, and pearl mala multiplies 100 million times. Silver mala multiplies by 100000, and ruby mala 100 million times. Bodhi Seed Mala manifests limitless benefits for any form of practice, be it peaceful, extensive, strong, or angry.
You should be aware of the meaning of the small and the best way to link them. There can be three, five or nine strings in your mala, no other number. Three strings symbolize three kayas, five strings symbolize five Buddhas, and nine strings symbolize nine chariots.

Main guru bead may consist of three beads, symbolizing three vajra states of the being, three kaya. The smallest bead at the top should be blue, possibly lapis lazuli. The color blue symbolizes the unchanging mind of absolute truth. The middle bead should be red, which symbolizes the vajra speech, and the innermost bead should be white, which symbolizes the vajra body.

Your mala must be blessed by a lama, and you must constantly bless your mala yourself by saturating it with energy. You must put energy into your mala before counting mantras for real benefit.
You must cleanse your mouth and hands and then your mala before using it. You can also soak it in sandalwood oil.
Then generate yourself as a deity by taking the mala in your left hand and placing the guru bead vertically in the center. Repeat the mantra that transforms all dharmas into awareness of their true nature: "OM SWABAWA SHUDDO SARVA DHARMA SWABAWA SHUDDO HAM". This mantra purifies and transforms impure perception into awareness of voidness.

From the void, the guru bead appears as the central deity in the mandala, and other beads appear as his retinue. This part of the practice is samasattva meditation. Next, invoke jnanasattva. Invite the being of primordial wisdom to come, being attracted, they dissolve into samasattva, as it happens in sadhana. Invite beings of wisdom to come from their pure lands into the space in front of you. Then they dissolve in your mala and stay there. In this way, every part of your mala is a complete mandala. This includes the central deity, retinue, lotus seat, ornaments, hand attributes, colors, and more. Your blessed mala thus multiplies each syllable of the mantra, which you then repeat 100,000 times, and it also creates good karma. Therefore, it is very important to do just that.

Your mala represents not only the form of the deity, but the speech of the deity as well. For example, if you are chanting the Hundred-syllable mantra, the guru bead represents the syllable "OM" and the other beads represent the rest of the syllables.

Guru Padmasambhava said, "Whenever you are chanting peace mantras, use the tip of your thumb to rotate the mala. When chanting broad mantras, use your middle finger. Use your ring and thumb when chanting strong mantras, and use the ring when chanting. angry mantras. " Use only your left hand to count mantras. The right hand is used very rarely; for example, in some angry practices. Some books teach you to use both hands, but don't use only the right hand.
Whatever type of practice you do, whether it is peaceful, angry, strong or extensive, always be aware that the thumb is a vajra hook that hooks on spiritual forces, deities, and other blessings. It is also very easy to move the beads with your thumb.

The text does not explain in detail, but there are some broad teachings on how to move small beads when certain practices are performed. In some angry practices, you pull the beads with both hands, etc.
The following teachings, which explain how to take care of your mala when you are not using it, came directly from the mouth of Guru Padmasambhava. If your mala has been repeatedly blessed by great lamas, your own teacher, and yourself during your deity practice, it should accompany you like a shadow. You keep the vajra mala root samaya never letting it come off your body.

Many different recommendations pertain to proper care and use are small, but only a few are mentioned here. Never let it cool off from your body heat. Never show your secret vajra mala to other people. Never give your mala into the hands of other people. Do not send it anywhere and do not entrust the care of it to others. And never give your mala in the hands of those who have broken their vows, or those whose spiritual views are sharply different from your own.
Only hold your mala in your hands when you are repeating the mantra. Do not play or fiddle with her in vain. Do not guess on it and do not use it as an abacus.

Keep your mala hidden and have respect for her. Don't try to make everyone pay attention to her. Never lay it down in low places, and certainly not on the ground. Do not string beads on your mala if it makes no sense and do not use it as a decoration. If you stick to these words in relation to your mala, you will achieve everything you desire.

What is a rosary? How to twist this item? What are they needed for? There are many questions. Let's figure it out.

So, what is a rosary for and what is it all about? It is a special instrument, known in various religious and spiritual practices, that is used to concentrate the spiritual energy of its wearer. With such a deep mystical meaning, this item looks modest: beads strung on a silk thread or string.

What should you focus on when buying yourself a rosary? The types of this subject are exactly what you need to pay attention to when choosing them for yourself. The number of beads and their sizes depend on which religious tradition the owner of the item belongs to.

The history of the rosary

Now we know what a rosary is. How to twist correctly, we will figure it out a little later. Now let's talk about their history. This subject came to us from the East. The first mentions of rosary are found in Indian legends of the second millennium BC. Even then, they were used to help focus on the reading of sacred verses or other sacred texts.

The first rosary was made of a leather cord, on which knots were tied at an equal distance from each other, most often it was the width of a finger, so that it was convenient to sort out such a cord with one hand.

A little later, they began to string berry seeds, wooden blocks, and grains on a cord. Finally, the main material for creating steel beads, and the shape was chosen spherical, since it is precisely such a rosary that is most convenient to twist. Beads were made from various types of wood or turned from stone, semi-precious minerals.

This name itself in Russian comes from the root "even", as in the words "read" and "count". The tradition of using this item came to Russia at the end of the Middle Ages through the monastic Orthodox tradition.

Hindu rosary

This rosary contains 108 beads. But their composition is heterogeneous. So, after 36 beads in a row, a knot can be tied, which plays the role of a separator, or the 36th bead will differ from others in size. The "grains" of the rosary in the row after the 72nd bead are also separated. The last bead is also different from the others. It closes the circle and small tassels of lace are released from it.

What is a rosary for? This subject of spiritual practice in India is an attribute of several deities, and above all Brahma and Shiva. The main material for making beads is different types of wood. They wear these long rosary beads around their neck, connecting them in a ring, and, if possible, try to wrap the string with beads around the neck three times.

Buddhist rosary

In the classical version, these rosary beads are again 108 beads, according to the number of mantras required for reading. The main difference from the Hindu:

  • the last bead is gold, personifies Buddha;
  • brushes made of cord threads are not available;
  • the cord itself consists of five types of thread, which symbolize the 5 elements, as is customary in Eastern mysticism.

Also in Buddhism it is allowed to wear a rosary with fewer "grains". They can contain 54, 27 or 21 beads. Extremely rare - 18 beads. Also in Buddhism, it is customary to wear long jewelry in a special bag, and short ones on the wrist. They are called metacarpals. In Buddhism, rosary can be made of wood, bone, or carved from semi-precious stones.

Christian version of the rosary

The rosary got into this religious tradition much later than into the Eastern religions. They appeared in the fourth century AD. The number of "seeds" and the meaning of their use differ depending on which church tradition the owner of the rosary belongs to. What is the difference between Catholic and How many beads are there in both? Now we will talk about this.

Orthodox rosary

How many beads are there in an Orthodox rosary? They have a different number of them. The classic version is 33 pieces, this is the number of years Christ lived on Earth. But there may be a different number of grains, divisible by 12. So, there are beads in 24 or 36 parts. Every 12 grains are separated by a border in the form of a knot. However, in the initial version of the rosary, which was called a rope and consisted only of nodes, there should have been 103 elements.

Later, it became a tradition to decorate the junction with a cross or a small icon of a saint who patronizes a person. Such beads are needed for counting prayers read.

Catholic option

The Catholics call the rosary a "rosary", it contains 50 beads, divided by ten pieces. The monks wore them at the waist. The item was also decorated with a cross or a tassel. There are other options for the number of beads in the Catholic tradition. The main thing is that it must be a multiple of ten. The smallest are rosary beads. There are only 10 beads connected in a ring that you can put on your finger.

Rosary beads in Islam

In this tradition, the number of grains should be a multiple of 11, since it is from this number of parts that Muslim prayer consists. The rosary is closed in a ring, at the junction there is an oblong bead, often with a tassel. If there are 33 or 99 beads in them, and this is the maximum allowed amount, since Allah has the same number of names, then every 11 beads are separated, for example, by smaller grains.

Secular rosary

In the past two centuries, rosary beads have begun to be used not only for prayers and the repetition of sacred texts. Today it is:

  • stylish decoration;
  • help in meditation;
  • a tool in the treatment of traditional medicine methods;
  • a way to focus on an important issue.

In fact, having come into the world, the rosary has not lost its original meaning - they are still needed to help their owner focus on something: on business, rest or treatment.

Greek rosary

This is a very special kind of rosary. They are used exclusively for throwing in the hands and are called "komboloi". These are 20 beads that are connected in a circle, but they can have any decorations. Sometimes komboloi are connected by a chain or their string is much longer than a row of beads. How to twist a Greek rosary is not easy to explain, because there are many different practices for throwing the comboloi. It is important to toss the beads over the free part of the string in a variety of intricate ways.

Kamboloi give their owner status, and therefore they tend to be made from expensive materials, most often from semi-precious stones, pearls or amber.

Some interesting facts

Any rosary beads differ from ordinary beads precisely in that the "grains" are located freely along the cord, so that it is more convenient to sort them out.

Have you got yourself this set of beads? In the world, rosary beads are usually fingered with one hand. To do this, put on a string with beads on the edge of the palm, and throw the "grains" with the thumb, slightly resting each of them on the side of the index finger. And when reading prayers, the rosary is twisted with two hands, focusing attention on each bead for a long time, while the sacred text is recited.

In the Middle Ages, a priest who had just undergone the tonsure ceremony was given a rosary as a symbolic weapon of faith. And in the general Christian tradition, the rosary was taken away from the uncut monk, that is, from the clergyman who refused to serve, along with the cross.

Now you know what a rosary is. How to twist, or rather, sort out and what they are for, we also tried to tell in detail. Now you can go shopping!

religious rosary


This group includes rosary beads of different religions: Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu. This also includes the rosary of the new Baha'i doctrine and some others.

1. Christian prayer accessories subdivided into Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran.

Orthodox rosary

Old Believer Ladder

Ladder (ladder)- rosary beads of the Old Believers, of the same faith. A very unusual kind of a picturesque little thing. It is a wide tape consisting of tubules (steps). Each bob contains a rolled-up paper strip with the Jesus Prayer. The ribbon closes into a circle and the structure ends with painted triangles (laposts). The steps are usually made of leather. Fabric or leather is sewn onto the paws and embroidered with gold, beads, sequins. The stairs are supposed to have one hundred (small) and three (larger) steps.

Vervitsa(rope) - traditional nodular rosary. It is woven from a coarse solid thread, cord. There are no beads here, knots (the so-called "diamond knots") act as counting units. A cross is woven at the end, followed by a tassel (not always). The number of vervica nodes ranges from fifty to a thousand. After ten or twenty-five knots, there is a separator - a bead or a large knot. There are also 33 nodular rosaries that are worn on the wrist. There is also a 10-knot ring-shaped variation (rosary beads).

New believers' rosary and an Orthodox rosary. This is a more modern version. The seeds of such a rosary can be carved from different types of trees or gemstones. The number of beads is from ten to one hundred and sixty, where every ten is separated from each other. Orthodox rosary often contains 33 grains. This number captures the age of the crucified Jesus Christ. There are also often 30-grain rosaries. Separating beads are sometimes present, sometimes not. The rosary is crowned with the cross of Jesus and / or a tassel. Sometimes the name "Orthodox rosary" is found. Usually it is a rosary with 50 grains and a crucifix at the end. Do not confuse them with the Catholic Rosary, which will be discussed below. Orthodox rosary beads can be distinguished from Catholic by examining the cross. In the Western version, the legs of Christ are always crossed, and the crucifix is ​​most often quadrangular (not always). While the Orthodox cross can have additional crossbeams and also be hex or octagonal. The concept of a rosary in Orthodoxy is associated with Seraphim of Sarov, who introduced the so-called. "Theotokos rule" of reading prayers using a rosary of 50 grains. The holy elder is depicted on icons with similar rosary beads.

Broianitsa- this is the name of the rosary in the Balkan countries. And again - weaving. It is very similar to a cord, only of a smaller size. Thirty-three knot elements connected by a quadrangular cross form a bracelet. The material, popular among the peoples, - sheep wool - serves as the basis for the Balkan rosary. But there are both synthetic and leather versions of the bracelet. Laconicism, beauty, style - such is the character of the brody.

Catholic rose garden

Catholic rose garden

Traditionally, the rosary in Catholicism is called the rosary, which means "a wreath of roses", but means a wreath of prayers. Because the rosary is both the name of the necklace and the specific order, the system for pronouncing prayers. In terms of structure, these are five dozen grains, delimited by a chain or a large bead. Every ten is meant for reading one of the five mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. The ring closes, followed by a medallion with holy images or sacraments. Next comes five more beads (three small and two large). These beads are for opening prayers. Each large bead corresponds to one separate prayer. Small ones serve for three repetitions of one chant. The construction is crowned with a Catholic volumetric crucifix. Wear a rosary on the hand, wrapped around the wrist; on the neck, as well as tucked away behind a belt, belt, or simply hidden in a pocket.
There is an interesting version of the rosary, which is literally collected from roses. This is a very limited edition released at the Vatican in memory of Pope John Paul II. Instead of beads, there are dried buds of the queen of flowers, exuding a wonderful aroma. They are called “ever-smelling rosary”.
The seraphic (angelic) rosary is another type of Catholic church affiliation. This is the name of the rosary of the Franciscan monks. They consist of seventy beads (seven-decade rosary) and symbolize the seven joys of the Blessed Virgin.

Irish one-decade rose garden or St. Patrick's rose garden - a "truncated" version of the Catholic rosary. It consists of ten grains, crowned with a cross on one side and a ring on the other. Initially, these beads were always not circular, but linear. It so happened historically that the rose garden was a secret attribute of the Irish Catholics. In order to be invisible to prying eyes, it is awarded with such a compact design. Now, in our modern time, there is another kind of one-decade rosary, which is not worn on the finger, but is made with a clasp to be worn on the hand like a bracelet. It should be noted that over time, the appearance of the one-decade rosary is constantly changing, each time more and more interesting variations appear. And this is not always a linear rosary. Bracelet options can be circular.

Look even smaller Basque rosary... They also have ten beads and a cross. Only this is already a one-decade rose garden ring. It is also called the "soldier's rose garden" for its convenience and brevity, so necessary in military field conditions.
There is an improved analogue, consisting of an internal fixed ring and an external sliding one with protruding tubercles on the surface.

Anglican rosary- the "youngest" among Christian religious attributes. Their other name is ecumenistic (ecumenism is all Christian unity). They appeared in the 80s of the twentieth century. The rosary bears some resemblance to the rosary of Catholics and the rosary of the Orthodox. These are short beads with 33 grains. The main beads are called "weekly" beads because they are grouped in 7 pieces. Cross-shaped spacer balls are located between the "weeks". The circle is completed by an "invitation" bead and a cross (Celtic or San Damian). Such beads are used by Lutherans, Protestant Baptists, Presbyterians, Evangelicals, and other non-sectarian Christians.
At the end of the twentieth century, Swedish Lutherans distinguished themselves by their personal invention - “pearls of life”. Swedish rosary expressive and effective. They contain eighteen grains of various shapes and materials. Each bead is rewarded with its own meaning and name: silence, night, love, God, etc. The "Pearls of Life" are intended not so much for prayers as for philosophical meditations on the high.

muslim rosary - tasbih

2. Muslim (Islamic) rosary. In form and structure, these beads are similar to a rosary, but they are not. An Islamic attribute can have 99, 33 or 11 beads. But the number of elements will always be a multiple of eleven. A special elongated bead-pendant (imam) closes the circle. There is a tassel at the end of the rosary. Sometimes every 33 grains are separated by a flat rondel (nisan). Muslim rosary has several synonymous names:
- subha (pure, early morning);
- tasbih (repeat, remember, "whip for the shaitan");
- misbaha (emitting light).

Buddhist rosary

3. Buddhist rosary have their own specific name, "mala" in Sanskrit and "trenba" in the Tibetan dialect. That is, a "garland". The traditional number in Buddhism - 108 - is reflected in the rosary. But there are options from 32, 21 and 18 grains, as well as 54 and 27 (half and a quarter of 108). They end with a small tassel of two strands, on each of which a certain number of beads is strung - two by six or two by eleven. Buddhists are the most intricate in the choice of materials for their malas. These are wood, fruits, seeds, gems, shells, bones, ceramics, glass, non-ferrous metals. Representatives of different practices add their characteristic symbols to the rosary - mirrors, daggers, sickles, figures, dZi beads.
The most "severe" in appearance - tantric rosary... They are made from animal or human bones. The grains are carved in the form of discs or skulls. Sometimes the skulls are carved from wood. The base thread and tassel in the tantric rosary are red. Such rosary beads should not be displayed, they must be stored in a secluded place.
The most "peaceful" - krishna prayer beads japa-mala... Wooden beads did not harm any tree. They are made from fallen wood. The rosary is always in the neck bag. The rosary grains are "blindly" moved with the hand inside the bag.
The most impressive sizes are the Chinese ("prayer balls") and Japanese ("memory balls") rosary. Mostly made from semi-precious stones. Sometimes they differ in the structure of the tassels, when one end of the string contains 22, 13, 12 grains, and the other is completely free. It is noteworthy that among the fighting monks, such malas served not only counting, but also defensive purposes.

4. Hindu or brahmana rosary.
These are the progenitors of all rosary beads in the world. Japa-mala, as they are called, are collected from Rudraksha grains in an amount of 32 or 64 pieces. There is a variety with 108 Tulasi wood beads. At the end of the rosary, there is a knot and two identical orange brushes. The brahmins' rosary is a cult thing, reflecting the ideas of sun worship.

5. Baha'i rosary are found in two versions:
- a circular necklace of 95 beads, 19 of which differ in shape, size, or separate low;
- linear (not circular) rosary. They begin with five large beads, then - a beaded transition to 19 small beads. They end with a tassel (sayyid) with a nine-pointed star - the emblem of the Bahá'í doctrine.
Used for 95 repetitions of God's name.

It is worth noting at the present time in the East there is also some mixing of the types of rosary, when japa-mala is performed in the Tibetan style or Buddhist beads borrow elements of japa. But, this is not so important anymore. More important is the energy that the Master put into his product and that will subsequently be transferred along with the magic rosary to their future owner.

A rosary is a certain number of knots or beads tied on a thread, more often of a round shape, strung on a thread, the ends of which are tied. The use of rosaries for counting when reading prayers is well known in Islam, Buddhism, Christianity. In Islam, a rosary of 99 beads is used according to the number of epithets of Allah found in the Qur'an (now there are usually 33 beads), among Buddhists - from 108 beads, according to the number of mantras pronounced during prayer, in Christianity - from 33 beads, according to the number of earthly years lived by Jesus Christ ...

Rosary beads were usually made from seeds of fruits, wood, fossils, animal bones and various stones (in Christianity, unlike in Islam, serpentine is not used to make rosary - "the stone of the snake tempter". ...

A simple fingering of the rosary allows you to put in order the nervous system, get rid of insomnia, depression, relieve anxiety; develop the sensitivity and accuracy of finger movements; when sorting out the rosary, information is better absorbed and "fits"; as a therapeutic massage of the fingers, it activates points associated with various organs and systems of the body.

The magical aspect of using the rosary is that the rosary accumulates the energy of prayers, mantras, certain texts, symbols, mental states, gains verbal, mental and other energy, eventually becomes an object of power and, entering into resonance with the field of the "owner", positively change its field structure.
In esotericism, beads, without losing their original meaning, are used to fix complex magical programs and corrections. Any talisman you make is a monad that can be broken. The rosary, on the other hand, consists of many, but they make up the whole. This is something that constantly cleans, constantly pumps up energy, constantly keeps the flow, it is a talisman that is in constant motion.
By choosing the right stones for beads, it is possible to very effectively carry out not only energetic cleansing of the body, individual organs and chakras, but also their energetic pumping, which allows the beads to be widely used in lithotherapy and biocorrection. For example, in India everyone knows that the rosary on which a certain mantra is chanted for a long time has magical powers, heals wounds and heals diseases.

The number of beads is compiled either by the number of words in prayer, conspiracy, program (bead = word), there can be universal, mystical - 11, 22, 33, 40 beads. A hieroglyphic structure can be built on the rosary, for example, a lasso symbol (Power, for example) is drawn (engraved) on each bead - and pumped up.
There can be beads on the beads of the name - you and your beloved, if it is not there - you, love, a couple - any thought form.
You can fix the name of the company and its income, for example, for a year.
The rosary can be mono-structure, and can be collected from various stones.
Magic rosary must be thematic.
Astrological: selected individually in accordance with the task (for example, pumping the energy of weak planets, weakening the negative influence of planets or tense aspects, etc.).
Cash: Green stones - malachite, jasper, maybe green garnet - uvarovite, grossular; onyx, chalcedony.
Love: Rose quartz, strawberry quartz, rhodochrosite, pure rhodonite, pink tourmaline - rubellite (Yang color energy is priority); pomegranate, pink ruby.
Marriage and family: Mix pink stones with green ones; for example, rhodochrosite with malachite for well-being in love.
Career, society: Blue - lapis lazuli, turquoise, sapphire, sodalite. Society, the achievement of power - maybe dark amethyst, dark purple fluorite.
Health: Fluorite - green (rejuvenation), yellow, multicolor; agates, onyx, chalcedony. Yellow, green stones are very good; universal carnelian (preferably orange), for blood cleansing - carnelian.
Cacholong is used for health - women, children, old people (age problems).

Rosary - the meaning of the rosary and their structure. Use of rosary
Buddhist Mantras are sacred phrases and expressions that have specific energy and have a positive effect on human consciousness. Their power leads us to the heights of consciousness, bringing us closer to the moment of inner completeness and harmony, which we can share in the environment and enjoy true happiness. Such happiness does not depend on any external factors, and therefore cannot be destroyed by anyone or anything. The Tibetan term "mantra" roughly translates as "protection of the mind."

Use of rosary
Rosary beads are an ancient and powerful aid in prayer and spiritual work. Their use is an excellent example of how objects of the external, material world can become our guide to the internal, spiritual world. They are used in most modern religions and spiritual movements, and this simple and ingenious invention is rightfully considered one of the symbols of spiritual wisdom.
There are several main traditions of rosary making, among which the most famous are Hindu Buddhist, Muslim and Christian. It can be assumed that Eastern traditions (Hindu, Tantric and Buddhist) traveled to the West, where they were assimilated and became part of Christian traditions. The classic Indian rosary is called mala and consists of 108 beads and one more - Sumeru. The latter is a symbol of the spiritual summit of the world, Mount Meru, and at the same time a reference point when repeating prayers on a rosary. Hindu and Buddhist mantras are also repeated using sumirni - a rosary with fewer beads. This number is most often a multiple of 108 (that is, 54 or 27 beads).
The most common Christian rosary also consists of 54 beads - five decades, separated by four large beads, and another 5 beads preceding the crucifixion or medallion. This form of rosary is due to the structure of the Catholic Rosary, which still remains the main form of prayer for Catholics.
Of course, other types of rosary are used in Christianity, but they are all built according to the general principle: a separate branch for a crucifix or a medallion and a decade (dozens) of beads (they are mainly used for reading "Theotokos"), separated by larger or different from the main beads (for "Our Father" and litanies). There are large rosary beads for 15 decades, designed to read all the Sacraments of the Rosary at once. There are also very small rosary beads for ten beads, intended for one dozen "Mother of God".
In some rosary beads, the decades are separated by medallions depicting the corresponding Sacraments of the Rosary, making it easier for the devotee to meditate. Good, well-crafted and decorated with a beautiful crucifix or medallion (they often depict patron saints), the rosary becomes a reliable aid in spiritual practice.
The bead materials are varied. The most common are rosary beads made from different types of wood, from semiprecious minerals or crystal. For Hindus, the most valuable are rosaries with beads of sandalwood and rudraksha (sacred grains, according to legend, endowed with the blessing of Shiva). Rosary rosary made of specially processed rose petals and decorated with the image of the Virgin Mary seem to be very sophisticated. The material of the beads is important insofar as it is able to accumulate spiritual energy, which we invariably transfer to the rosary when we read prayers or mantras, unconsciously sanctifying them as a symbol of our faith. No wonder a large number of miracles are associated with the beads of great saints, touching which can heal even the most terrible diseases.
The rosary is not just a means of counting repeated prayers. They help us in concentration of the mind, occupying our hands while our consciousness is occupied with thoughts of God. It is not for nothing that in many phenomena the image of the Virgin Mary held a rosary in his hands, calling on people with the help of this simple object and prayer to defeat the forces of death and hell.
The rosary is easy enough to use when reading any of the Miraculous Rosaries of Freedom. Thus, while reading the Miraculous Rosary, you can repeat the "Mother of God" on nine beads of the decade, and "Confirmation of the Inner Christ" on the tenth. When reading other rosaries, in which "Theotokos" alternates with affirmations, just give affirmations and "Theotokos" on one bead and skip the tenth, reading a large statement on the large bead. It's simple enough. It takes a couple of minutes to come up with a way to read Rosaries over the rosary.
If during the day you need spiritual help, but it is not possible to read the Rosary, simply repeat the required version of the "Mother of God" on the rosary, which you will effortlessly remember after reading the Rosary several times. This repetition will allow you to remain in the spirit of the Rosary throughout the day, never for a moment stopping your spiritual practice and spiritual growth.

Consider a rosary device.
The rosary is only a "complete" construction when the ends of the warp (thread or rope) with beads, pebbles, dice strung on it (or other attachment objects, for convenience, I will call them grains) are linked together, thereby forming ring (circle). In previous lessons, we have already discussed that in magic, the ring is a strong enough element that allows you to accumulate power in an object. The allegorical meaning of the ring is the crown of faith.
In addition, the rosary personifies the cyclical nature of time, endless repetition, asceticism. They are associated with both continuity and the staircase to heaven.
But in order. Rosary beads have found their application in Christianity (both in Orthodoxy and in Catholicism), Old Believers, Islam, Buddhism, among shamans, etc. And each religion had beads of strictly specified parameters. Looking at specific rosary beads, you can always tell who exactly they belong to, a Buddhist or, for example, a Christian. In addition, by the type of rosary, one can determine both the degree of preparation of the owner, and his belonging to one or another branch of the teaching (if a novice is satisfied with a small number of beads in the rosary, then at further stages this amount will be already small).

The variety of rosary beads can be judged by the exhibition "Rosary", which was held in St. Petersburg, in the Russian Ethnographic Museum (REM). In the collection of Natalia Zhukova one could get acquainted with 470 versions of rosary beads of different religious denominations, peoples and eras.

What are the characteristic features?

Item at the end of the rosary string:
An object is usually attached to the place where the threads are tied into a knot.
Orthodoxy: a cross and a tassel (a tassel and three grains, a cross and three grains).
Catholicism: cross.
Buddhism: two tassels or several beads. A rosary with a red thread and a tassel is intended for tantra practice. In some Buddhist rosary, one larger and often, unlike the others, a golden pearl is a sign of Buddha. Brahman rosary ends in two equivalent orange tassels at the junction of the ends of the thread, that is, they emanate from a single knot.

Hinduism: two equal tassels.
Old Belief: a leather strip consisting of four triangular leather blades. Such a triangle of the blade symbolizes the Holy Trinity, the sheathing of the blade is the Gospel teaching.
Islam: end with an oblong bone or pebble (in front of the tassel), which symbolizes faith in one God.

Rosary symbolism:
Buddhism: the wheel of the Law, as well as the wheel of Samsara, on which phenomenon beads are strung.
Christianity: the mystical rose garden of the Virgin
Hinduism: the thread symbolizes the unmanifest, the ring - the cyclical nature of time.

Recall that the first rosary arose in India and exists there precisely as a cult accessory. The rosary is a visual depiction of the doctrine of the cycle of life, consisting of an innumerable number of rebirths, which is quite consonant with Buddhist teachings. However, Buddhism emerged from Brahmanism. And the brahmana beads are quite different from all the other varieties that came later.
Many centuries ago (approximately 15,000 years), the brahmanas created a rosary, which was a symbol of the worship of the Sun. Moreover, if the gods could wear the symbol of the Sun on their chests, then the brahmanas, realizing that one should not equalize the gods and themselves, preferred to wear this symbol on their hands. The brahmanas' rosary was black and was called "Rudrakshas", that is, "Eyes of Rudra."
Accordingly, the subordinates could not equate themselves with the priests and wore this symbol in other places (or maybe they did not wear it at all). The brahmins' rosary reflects the model of the Sun and its rotation in the Cosmos, and is a religious symbol of worship. The teachers passed their rosary to the students as a special sign of reaching a high level in the Teaching.

Old Belief: a ring is a sign of unceasing prayer, a ladder of spiritual ascent to heaven.
From what they just did not make a rosary. They were made from wood, from seeds or fruit seeds, corals and pearls, metals and minerals, even from the horns or vertebrae of animals.
Hinduism: as mentioned above - berries of the Rudraksha tree, Tulasi wood.
Islam: at one of the exhibitions dedicated to the rosary, an exhibit was demonstrated - the rosary of the mullah from Kabarda, made of growths on the roots of a tree, in these rosaries each grain was unique, non-repeating.
Buddhism: corals, trees, minerals, metals, bone. Followers of the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition ("Diamond" or Secret Chariot) especially appreciate the rosary made from the bone of the frontal part of the human skull. In Tibet, the dead are not buried in the ground, it is almost impossible there, and they are not burned (the lack of firewood affects), but are left in special places where mountain vultures are actively engaged in corpses, and after them only the skull and bones remain. It is clear that such a rosary is a rarity, and more often you can see just an imitation - a rosary made from the bones of animals or humans, in the form of a miniature skull.
The thread, pommel, tassel and dividers in Buddhism have special names and meanings. The material and color depended on which gods they were going to pray to with the help of these beads: "the whites were dedicated to Avalokiteshvara, the red ones to Hayagriva or Padmasambhava, the yellow ones were preferred by the followers of the Gelugpa school, etc." (N. L. Zhukovskaya)

The material is selected based on the tasks set by the owner. Juniper, dark blue lapis lazuli, red coral are best suited to scare away evil spirits, to eliminate the harmful effect on the owner of the rosary. Prayer beads are best made from sandalwood, pearls, or rock crystal to remove obstacles, soothe and improve disease resistance.
To increase longevity, promote the development of wisdom and increase spiritual development, beads are selected from lotus seeds, amber, bodhi tree seeds, as well as from gold, copper or silver.
For mystical practices, beads are used from juniper, ebony or mahogany, bone, black crystal, agate, black coral.
Cedar rosary will help relieve headaches (tension in the brain), reduce blood pressure, improve sleep and dreams. And besides that, they will protect you from evil people, sorcerers, nightmares. In addition to fiddling with hands, such rosary should be regularly applied to the head and sore spots before going to bed, and put them under the pillow at night.
By the way, apart from the "spiritual weapon" against the dark forces, the rosary could be used as a real weapon. Among the exotic varieties of oriental weapons, there are beads with grains of metal (usually iron), which are flexible cold weapons of shock-crushing action, similar in their application technique to combat chains.
It is known that nerve endings are concentrated in the fingertips, which are directly connected with the brain centers. Look at the little ones: by developing fine motor skills of the hands, giving them peas, beans, we develop not only the hands, we also develop brain activity. Smart Chinese used walnuts to relieve stress and fatigue in ancient times. Rolling them, you act through the endings on the fingers directly on the brain. The rosary works by the same principle. Flipping them with different fingers, you can influence the most varied aspects of the life of your body, and, first of all, your emotional state.
No less intelligent Japanese tell us about the influence of the rosary on our body in the famous work of the scientist Toku-hiro Namikoshi "Shiatsu - Japanese finger pressure therapy." It says that even simple pressure and rubbing of the fingers helps to calm down and relax.
For example, engaging your thumb and forefinger can help relieve headaches and shortness of breath. By engaging your middle finger, you can relieve anger, affect depression. The ring finger will help increase the body's resistance to pressure drops and magnetic storms.
If you use your palm (crumple the rosary, holding them in your fist), the work of all internal organs is normalized.
In addition, this work with beads also affects sore joints, developing them and relieving pain, for example, with arthritis.
This is recommended not only for those who are already sick, but also for those who may be at risk of the disease due to a tendency towards it (occupational disease). And to us, sitting at the keyboard and tapping on it with our fingers, this applies first of all. By practicing with a rosary, you force the rudimentary muscles of the fingers to work and exercise, which atrophy in the process of life.
And one of the sides of the influence of the rosary on our body is their help in concentration. If you need to memorize any important information in a large volume (texts, poems, words of a foreign language), you need to consistently sort out the beads of the rosary, each time you transfer one grain, repeating one or another information unit.
The influence of the material will also be added to the effect of the grains directly on the nerve endings.
Shungite rosary helps with diseases of the thyroid gland, returning its functioning to normal; vegetative-vascular dystonia, decreased vitality. Carnelian rosary will help with headaches.
Rosary beads can be a very good charm gift that you can give to your friends.

And finally, rosary in dreams.
If someone just touches the rosary - this is to joy or your satisfaction. But if a priest picks them up, it's unfortunate. If you are fingering the rosary yourself, this is a signal that you are afraid to take risks without full confidence in the successful completion of your plan.
Putting on a rosary or beads on a thread - to help from the rich. Scatter - to the loss of your position among friends and acquaintances. Buying a rosary signals that in reality you need someone's help to complete your plan.

The rosary is a universal "tool" for immersion in various states. Without resorting to any verbal formulas, the rosary can plunge you into your thoughts, if you have killed all the "larvae" in yourself, your decisions will be very productive. It is better to “touch” the rosary with the left hand. If you want to go to the Astral, touch the rosary with your left hand, and with your right hand draw the “Z” sign - zet (the ring finger touches the tip of the thumb, the little finger rests on the ring finger, the index finger bends around the middle one). And if you are a beginner in going out to the Astral, then such "folding" is simply necessary for you. Now let's talk about "VERBAL FORMULAS". Each verbal formula needs its own rosary (that is, you should not go out into the Astral with the help of the same rosary and concentrate on the book ...). This is due to the fact that over time (after the completion of many cycles) the rosary absorb (write) the formula into its matrix and enhance only the action for which the formula was drawn up. The ideal formula is considered to be a "three-part formula", i.e. the sentence (formula) is divided into three parts (not necessarily equal), for example:

1. "Soon"
2. "I will go out"
3. "Into the Astral"

The ideal rosary is considered to be a rosary of "99" bones without marks (if there are any, it is better to remove them, otherwise you will get lost, or you will have to allocate time for training). Training in one case or another is necessary, you must get used to the rosary and at the same time do not forget about the "VERBAL FORMULAS". Training is considered "mobile meditation", i.e. you have to walk and read. In the first couples, you still need “mark bones”, they will show if you have lost or missed the bones (at the moment you may not understand me, but when you start, you will definitely understand). In general, go for it.

NOTE: DO NOT USE BEADS IN THE MAGIC OF DEATH AND MEDITATIONS ON DEATH, you simply will not be able to cope with them, THEY will provide you with a quick "slope", and subsequently your death.

Putting together today's collection of poems for "Stanzas" and preparing to introduce the new guest of our column, I, of course, thought about the centuries-old tradition of church poetry, and about a special, newer phenomenon of literature, the name of which, to tell the truth, I don’t know. But more on that later.

As for the history of Christianity, here is the name of St. Ambrose of Mediolana, who baptized St. Augustine, the greatest hymnographer who wrote in verse. "Restrain our incontinent / Language and eyes, so that we / They do not eagerly abandon them / Into the vanity of life ..." And here is the poetry of the great Cappadocian Gregory Nazianzin - an associate and friend of Basil the Great. Here is Saint Basil himself. And further - closer to the Middle Ages - from memory come the names of the English preacher and poet John Donne and our verse-lager and theologian Simeon of Polotsk.

And even closer - already modern times: Archbishop John (Shakhovskoy), who wrote even before his ordination under the name of the Wanderer. By the way, we are preparing his poems for Stanzas.

In a word, there was something to think about when the writer and scientist Valentin Kurbatov, having sent the poems of Bishop of Kaskelensky Gennady (Gogolev) from Kazakhstan, recalled that since the time of the poetic answer of the Moscow saint Philaret to Pushkin's "A vain gift, a random gift ..." poetry hardly knew any examples of the poetry of our bishops. Fathers wrote and write, like Father Sergiy Kruglov, a priest from Minusinsk, - there are examples. "But so that the lords ..."

Both before and after Vladyka Gennady sent us his poems to choose from for publication, we all corresponded with V. Kurbatov, discussing this unusual story. “Time is noisy over the Church in vain, it keeps the childhood of the world outlook for future times unharmed. See for yourself, ”Valentin Yakovlevich wrote in his very first letter, attaching to it several of the Vladyka's poems. And already quite recently: “Do you not remember that Gregory the Theologian glorified the“ swan swirling wings of poetry ”. What can be higher than the union of the canon and freedom and what more truly raises the word to the Lord's purity than the light of the Holy Spirit ... "

And here because of the Alatau mountains

The golden moon comes out

And the cherry wilted wearily

Drunk from overflowing berries.

What do we need clouds and storms in Presnya,

Your streets, boulevards, streams?

And we don't run out of songs

In a dazzling mountain night.

And here it is so easy and cool.

And when the east lights up

Will play with the vine

A breeze coming from the peaks.

Parent's Saturday

A veil of incense, a hot crackle of candles

And the temple is packed with people to the eyeballs.

In the corner is a mountain of loaves, rolls

Here tears are shed and a fairy tale is felt.

In the trembling air, everyone here dreams,

Beloved faces noticing outlines.

Here, the dead are so friendly with the living

Commemoration on an autumn Saturday.

Frost suddenly hit the squares,

The foliage is carpeted for a walk

And the white temple seemed to have grown into the ground,

In a cold lurking alley.

They forgot to break it, knock it off

And the Komsomol members bypassed explosives.

Old women are slowly wandering towards him

And the widows sneak in.

The godless country choked you

The lie crushed, the work took the trap,

And there was only one road to my heart

Parental light Saturday.


Your photographs are beautiful,

And all your watercolors are wonderful

And again the cool, scarlet light of dawn

An angel meets and trumpets over the forest.

Simple, easy to fly, high,

The bell tower gleams under the early sun.

Who said that God's river

Is it at your walls at ease?

The first bell rang out

And the drops grew, trembling, and fell under him.

The cells opened, letting off steam,

Here they do not walk around the yard, but fly.

More and more young bells

They enthusiastically entered the matins,

And the hum hangs over the river like a cover,

That the monks weaved with prayers.

What a joy to hear this hum!

To the entrance to the temple, wake up, make your way

And the old man hinted to me, a boy:

It would be good for you to stay in Optina!

Forgiveness Sunday

In the cathedral there is a hustle and bustle.

I hurry home without delay

So that your beloved cat

Humbly ask for forgiveness.

Purring, the cat answered me,

And sour cream flowed down the mustache:

I'm sorry that I considered you

For tyrant and tyrant!

From the cycle "Ascetics of Alexandria"

Pavel of Thebes

Anthony stood sadly over the body of the ascetic,

Thin feet were buried in the hot sand.

And the gray hair shone in the midday sun,

Falling in waves from the head lowered low.

Oh, Pavel, teacher, how late I got to know you!

I did not dare to disturb your joyful quiet peace.

In a deep cave, not knowing night and day,

You contemplated the light of the Divine with a weary soul.

Teacher, here is your body turning to dust.

And the old rags will not cover everyone's bones,

Teacher, I'm old and I don't have the strength to dig

A desert grave in the heat of the scorching rays.

But what is it? You have gathered animals for burial!

God smiles joyfully over your body.

With drooping manes, two enchanted lions

They dig grave sand with heavy paws.


In the land of a sad roadless

The cries of the cranes fell silent.

There the beast steps cautiously

On the frost of frozen fields.

There, as if in sorrowful meditation

Bushes lean to the water.

And steam from the river on the new moon

Warm the shabby sheets.

There the stars fade in gray clouds,

There at the end of September

Trembles on stunned logs

An obscure light from a lantern

There are sonorous bird songs

In the forest the depths will be silent.

And they say that Virgo walks

Through a dying country.

There the night will cover with ashes of snow

Chopped slab in moss.

Only there is it given to a monk to love

And knit red rosary.

Drawing by Natalia Kondratova.