Dmitry Olenin leaves work through a black move. Dmitry Olenin: Biography and personal life (PHOTO) Dmitry Olenin Instagram in contact

Dmitry Olenin leaves work through a black move. Dmitry Olenin: Biography and personal life (PHOTO) Dmitry Olenin Instagram in contact

Dmitry was born in Cherepovets in 1979. And already in the younger years, he began to show incredible artistry than attracted the attention of others. A charming child with expressive eyes was able to hit everyone. However, childhood was for Dmitry not that completely safely. The thing is that his parents died early enough. So the older sister of Dmitry took up the child's education.

She then noticed the talent of his brother, as a result, giving him to the dance section. There he got the opportunity to develop his creative potential. Some teachers were confident that in the end, Dmitry would be able to achieve serious success in the art. That's just once the hero of our article unexpectedly left this institution, as I decided to associate my life with programming that was becoming increasingly popular in those years.


After graduating from school, Dmitry went to the local higher education institution, in which he began to develop programming that the teenager then considered his vocation in life. That's just enthusiastic Dmitry was enough for a year. It was later that one course, the young man noticed the announcement, forever changed his fate. We are talking about Casting, held by the Russian Radio Radio Station. They were looking for a new lead. So, for a short time, thinking Dmitry Olenin went on audition, in the hope of impressing station workers.


As a result, Dmitry without much difficulties was able to get a position. Almost immediately a newly new radio meeting without any experience manages to win the army of fans. The listeners fell in love with a talented guy, overnight than the star. Initially, Olenin honed his skill in his hometown, after which he got a chance to move to the capital. There they were waiting for much more serious prospects on the same radio station.

For a couple of years about Dmitry, Olenine found out the whole thousand audience of students of the Russian Radio. And every day the popularity continued to grow, attracting all new connoisseurs of music. After his deafening success, the radio officers began to receive one sentence after another. However, the guy did not change their native station.

Personal life

Despite its incredible charm and a successful career, during the years of his life, Dmitry Olenin could not find the girl of his dreams, which would wanted to take into his wife. Reporters are often asked by leading when he finally heads the family. But all questions associated with this topic Dmitry prefers to hump. All this gives rise to numerous rumors among fans who have not yet made suggestions about the relationship of the hero of our article with other representatives of the Russian show business. However, none of the rumors were confirmed.

  1. It is also leading on all sorts of parties and corporate parties.
  2. Engaged in the organization and holding on large events, one way or another related to show business.
  3. Dmitry is also often called beauty contests, concerts and other prominent events.
  4. There are serious work experience as a DJ.

And how do you feel about Dmitry? We are waiting for your comments.

"Curiosity I prevails over the feeling of fear"

Photo: Stanislav Solders

We talk in a small negotiation in the office of "Russian Radio". Dmitry glances at the clock - he will soon go on the air - and talks about how life led him to the radio, where he worked already thirteen years: "I studied at the institute, and I got a job on the regional" Russian Radio "in Cherepovets. A year later, I threw my studies and went to Moscow. Now I will prove, get education. "

How did you get colleagues in the capital?
The team of "Russian Radio" is one big family. In Moscow, first time I had to tightly, and colleagues with a shy view put money for me or invited to visit and said: "Well, you will stay on the day or different." They knew that I had nowhere to live. ( Smiles.)

Remember whether you were worried when the microphone was first?
Sure. My mentor Alexander Karlov, who took me to work, five seconds came to the first ether and said: "Remove the headphones. All you say now will hear the whole country. Do you understand that? " It is necessary to say that the already shaking hands and legs simply jerked! Cooking something into the microphone as a frog. Then, of course, everything became good. Everything needs experience.

Your relatives stayed in Cherepovets?
Yes, my closest people are older sister and her two children, my nephews, "live there. I don't have parents, I am an orphan. The rest of the relatives are aunt, cousins \u200b\u200band sisters, their children - in different cities. At the beginning of this year, in January, I removed the house in Kharkov, and all twenty-five relatives gathered there to spend time together. In winter, we will gather again. I hope that now it will be our family tradition.

What about to start your family?
I am in the youngest family, and I still do not leave the feeling that I am still a Pazanenok who needs to grow. I think you should not go against your church, you need to do something, if only hesitated. Recently there was such a period: I terribly wanted my children were born now. My friends were excited: "Do not hurry, listen to us, have time!" - And they began to come to me with their young children. I realized that I am withstanding them for two to three days, and then ... ( Laughs.)

Well, it is still someone else's children.
You know when I tried to do something contrary to my feelings and intuition, I was punished. I did not make up my relationship, everything ended in unpleasant. I concluded: Do not live in favor of society - subscribers in social networks, grandmother next door. Everything should be only at will and love. I have no such thing yet.

But, judging by the photos in social networks, you have a lot of girlfriends. With girls you are easier to be friends?
Now I am friends with everyone, it's in childhood only with girls. My mom's girlfriends were mostly daughters, and I myself have been dancing for many years and in the evenings, when everyone walked and played, went to the rehearsal. In the courtyard, because of this, I was a little outcast, the boys even beat me at school. After the graduation, they admitted that they did because I was friends with the girls and liked it - it was just a shame! When we walked home together with some girlfriend, I asked her to go along the other side of the street. ( Smiles.)

Dancing, speak, did?
Yes, from five to twenty years. I was propheted that I would become a ballet artist. But the fat point in the dance career put my departure to Moscow for the sake of work on the radio.

Now could you dance?
(Smiles.) Sure. True, no longer as before ... there was one case here. We sat in a restaurant, the company was different, and it was about the ballet. I stated: they say, see how it is done! And began to show. The guys nodded, laughed. I asked: "What are you laughing? Exit and try yourself! " They say: "Yes, we will not even try, but these four are soloists of the Bolshoi Theater." It's me, it turns out, taught ballet stars to dance!

Dmitry, you are such a cheerful person, did Moscow really have influenced you with her aggression?
There is such. If before I tried to live for everyone and everything, now I understand that this is not worth doing this, because everyone does not care for you. People for some reason believe that they have the right to demand something, and when you give it, do not express gratitude. Conditionally speaking, they can replace a person with a thing, can confess in love, and then just do not come for a birthday and so on. And they absolutely do not think about the fact that the sense of man rushed into his act. At some point, I realized this and thought: Well, okay, I will not smile twenty-four hours a day.

It does not seem that now you have become evil and intense.
I have a presumption of good in people. This prettier can be easily stretched out. In Moscow, people at first meet aggression, and if you smile to a person, you will make him a few sincere compliments, oh and he will bloom! And everything, you already have a different attitude. So, in fact, a good man, good, just for some reason it puts on a shell and produces spikes.

You brought up very well.
Once, when I was twelve for years, I had a serious swelling with my mother. It seems that she did not let me go for a walk, and I said to her: "Well, the fool!" And got a savory slap. It was explained in detail that in no case under no circumstances would the woman call a fool and shout at her. It so memorifies it that further all communication with people began to be based on the principle "no matter how a person did not insult, but draw conclusions." ( Dmitry looks at the clock and reports that he is time to ether. We move to the studio, he welcomes the listeners, launches music and returns to our conversation.)

Dima, do you always speak expression?
You see, I have no pieces. ( Smiles.) The microphone is included - and I am flying on the air, as in the ocean!

Have you ever worked in another sphere?
Only in adjacent areas. Now I am the leading charter "Super 10" on the music channel RU.TV, DJ, leading events. If we talk about the first earnings, then it was in the fourth grade. At the lesson, we made iron scoops, sold them and received four rubles. I still keep them like Scrooge McDak. Then I began to pay for the dancing - I performed with a professional team. I am generally a workaholic, I love to work and buzz when I come home and cut down from fatigue. I like to obey the creative process of a common cause. I am an excellent team player. Now I want to use this quality in another area - in the movies.

Want to famous even more?
I never asked to become famous. Until now, coming to the event, I am surprised: you really want to take a picture of me, did not confuse anything? (Smiles.) People sometimes emerges dissonance, because I feel shy in life, and the constraint is often mistakenly taken for Ponte. I come somewhere where I do not know anyone, waiting for friends. And then people are told: "Olenin came, stood aside, not communicating with us."

And how are you going to shoot in the movies then? There is a bunch of people, operators, cameras.
This is an experience. I can go on stage and say: "Hi, Kremlin!" And once it was scary. I have a switch between me-artist - let's call it so - and by me - an ordinary person.

Now the feeling of fear you are unknown?
My curiosity prevails over the feelings of fear and self-preservation. I'm bungless. Relatives say, this is because my mother, when was in the last weeks of pregnancy, considering the ring on an elongated hand, lost the balance and fell ... right on me. ( Laughs.) Somehow we shot the program about extreme sports. For the plot, it was necessary to jump onto the rope from the operating railway bridge, along which there were trains every ten minutes. The height of thirty meters, the rope does not stretch, and it is necessary to jump not down, but aside - like a pendulum, otherwise you can break your back. The guys said: "Yes, he will not jump." Jumped. With obscene cries. I would like to jump with a parachute, fly into space or plunge into the ocean. In general, if I leave the media, then only in Extreme. ( Smiles.)

Dmitry Olenin - Personal Life of the leading "Russian Radio"

Born on November 13, 1079 in Cherepovets, the popular leading "Russian Radio" and DJ Dmitry Olenin remained early without parents. The most close relatives of Showman are his older sister and nephews who live in Cherepovets. There are also cousins \u200b\u200band sisters living in different cities, so relatives can not often meet and spend time together. Although Dmitry hopes that the meetings of his relatives became a good family tradition. Dmitry Olenin is currently not married and his children has no, the girls seem to be either. The TV presenter is trying to not advertise his personal life, although it is often seen in along with representatives of the Russian show business, sometimes attribute novels, but Olenin himself is usually chosen about this.

There were previously circulated rumors that Dmitry Olenin married that he had children. However, this is not the case, and the reason for the rumors was the comic wedding with the singer Dakota in 2010, many then seriously decided that the singer Dakota is the wife of Dmitry Olinin. Now Dakota is married to Vlad Sokolovsky.

Dmitry Olenin loves to travel very much, while curiosity, the desire to try something new often prevails over the feeling of fear.

Dmitry fearlessly climbs on the bridge railing to make several spectacular pictures for the Starhita photo shoot. That's how stereotypes are crumbling! Who would have thought that this smiling brunette with a charming voice was extremal. Meanwhile, he is fond of treated diving, going
jump with a parachute ... To surprise Dmitry Olenin knows how - the profession is so. All 12 years old on the "Russian Radio" it remains one of the most rating and beloved leaders.

I carry nonsense without a stick

Dima, the passion for extreme people from you?

From childhood. At home, I was Painka, but on the street ran around the roof, clinging to the tram, clinging behind the tram to ride ... the older I get, the more dangerous experimenting. Once on the shooting of the TV program I had to jump from the railway bridge. With insurance, of course. The most difficult turned out to persuade yourself to climb on the railing. You throw one leg, and how to throw another and rise to growth, when are the gone under you?

Surely no less severe sensations - the first broadcast on the radio ...

Oh yeah! Shaking everything absolutely. And in five seconds before starting my friend and teacher Sasha Karlov said: "Remember: All you say on the air will hear the whole country!" Mocked! But his "Pendel" suddenly helped me. I guess I carried some nonsense, but I spent the ether without a stick. But it turned out once - and no longer afraid. Since then, a lot of different things were. Curishes have been listed. I remember, worked together with Roma Trakhtenberg, went a call. The person, apparently, included the auto notch, did not understand that he was already on the air, "and clearly sent someone's mat ... We looked around, Roma turned off and says:" Let's listen to a song ... "

And fans with confessions often break on the ether?

It happens. But more often through the "table of orders" ask to give me the words of love. (Laughs.) Recently I call: "Dima, then the girl is at the entrance, everyone asks your phone and address." She stood all day, first said: "I have a business meeting with him appointed." Then it became for everyone to rush: "I have nowhere to spend the night. I came to him ... "And the truth was stood with things, I was sure that I would live with me. I had to get out of work through a black move.

Here it is, the reverse side of folk love ...

Yes, but more is still pleasant. I have repeatedly received messages on my page "Vkontakte" from people who thanks to me refused to endorse the life of suicide. Wrote: "Thank you for saved me," and I can't imagine what I spoke at that moment.

What can you not afford on the air?

Poor mood. But if I got sick, I confess to the listeners. During the finals of the euro, my friends and I were in Spain - they were hurting for the Spanish national team, shouted so that I was hoarse. And every other day I have the ether. I said so: "Sorry, friends, there are no voices ..." But I can afford to come to work in a mint T-shirt or slightly unshaven. This is such a bonus of the radio - to be "for the scenes". It is a pity, I can not get rid of Kudrey, which I'm tired to death. I arrived in Moscow from Cherepovets briefly condensed. But once my stylist advised to grow hair, friends and guidance supported. Since then I start a conversation about what I want to take a hazard, they dissuade: "It goes so!" I have to endure ... (laughs.)

What else other than hairstyles changed in you Moscow?

Friends from Cherepovets say that I had a Moscow accent, and so I stayed with the same glorious guy. (Smiles.) It was a good school survival in the capital. The year worked as an intern on the "Russian Radio", not receiving a salary. And there was no place to live, and there is nothing. Worked mainly from acquaintances - did repair. And this is not me. I was sure that everything would change.

So it happened: you became your among the stars. They say Philip Kirkorov himself expressed a desire to meet you ...

Yes, it was a funny story. At one time, I organized thematic home parties for friends: with DJ, costumes, animation. "Radel" the whole Tverskaya Street, on which I then lived. But I could not imagine that Philip knows about them too. And now he comes to me on the air, puts hands on the chest and from the height of his two meters it promises: "Well, I have heard about your parties. Why don't you invite me? " Since then, we are friends.

Psychics promise two daughters

Have you already achieved everything you wanted?

Of course not. Moscow is for me - only a transit point between the house, where he was born and rose, and the place where I would live. I recently bought an apartment in Spain. True, I finally move to there I plan in 20 years ... For several years I have been developing television. Ultimately, it is necessary to reach a new level, to ensure that with the name Dmitry Olenin, a steady Association "Presenter" arose: both television and radio programs and concerts. I know what I do what it should. When I get into the hands of psychics and fortune-telling, all in one voice confirm it.

Is it true that the fortune teller predicted two daughters in the future?