Literary leisure evenings and their meaning. Scenario of the literary evening "Poets for Children" (preparatory group)

Literary leisure evenings and their meaning.  Scenario of the literary evening
Literary leisure evenings and their meaning. Scenario of the literary evening "Poets for Children" (preparatory group)


Scenario of literary entertainment in the senior group "What a delight these fairy tales are!"

Target: preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children through the generalization of children's knowledge about fairy tales, the Year of Literature.


Continue to develop an interest in the greatest wealth of the Russian folk culture- fairy tales; improve the ability of children to recognize individual fairy tales by characteristic features.
To develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify their judgments.

Form the skills of mental operations.

Promote the development of thinking, visual and auditory attention total fine motor skills, the ability to listen carefully to the speaker, not to interrupt, to listen to the end.
Improve the motor skills and abilities of children.
Bring up positive traits personality: self-confidence, the ability to help each other, work in a team.
To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales and each other, a sense of humor.

Preliminary work:

Reading and discussing fairy tales, preparing a costume, selecting necessary equipment and attributes

Didactic games: “Guess which fairy tale is from”, “Miracle tree”, “Fairy salad”;
The image of the heroes of fairy tales in modeling, applications, origami, drawing;
Exhibition of drawings on the theme: My favorite fairy tale ";
Russian craft contest folk tales“Visiting a Fairy Tale”;
Dramatization of the fairy tales "Turnip", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear", "Kolobok";
To the soundtrack of N. Koroleva's song "Confetti", the Fairy Tale enters the hall.

Equipment: multimedia installation, snowflakes, book, Fairy Tale costume, broom, 2 fish on sticks, 2 horses on a stick, Baba Yaga mask.

Fairy Song Fairy Tale:
A fairy tale fairy came to visit you, and you recognized me
The fairy tale is loved by children, you have always been waiting for me.
I will wave my magic wand, and the doors will dissolve,
Once again you find yourself in a fairy tale and immediately believe in a miracle.
Fairy Fairy tales - sorceress and a sorcerer.
Fairy of a fairy tale always surrounds children.
We have been in different fairy tales, and we distinguished good from evil.
Miracles happen only in fairy tales!

Fairy Tales... Hello guys! I am a Fairy of a Fairy Tale. It's so good that we met again. Do you know why we have gathered? The Year of Literature is coming to an end. The Year of Literature was announced in our country at the beginning of 2015. Let's see the emblem of the Year of Literature.

The official emblem of the Year of Literature depicts the profiles of great Russian writers and poets:
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. They are painted in colors Russian flag: white, blue, red.
I know that throughout this year you have studied poetry, read different fairy tales, met interesting fairytale heroes... And today I invite you to make a journey along the roads of fairy tales known to you. Do you like fairy tales? Now let's check if you know them well.

1 task. "Guess the fairy tale"

Fairy Tales
... Guess which fairy tales the following lines are from:
The owners came to the house - they found a mess there. (Three Bears)
The mouse came to their aid - together they pulled out a vegetable. (Turnip)
Heals different babies, heals birds and animals. (Dr. Aibolit)
The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us. (Swan geese)
We are not afraid Gray wolf... (Three pigs)
Don't sit on a tree stump - don't eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)
Come, cockroaches, I will treat you to tea. (Fly Tsokotukha)
DO NOT drink from a hoof - you will become a kid. (Sister-Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow, like a frog, galloped away from me. (Moidodyr)
I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother. (Gingerbread man)
What was the name of the sister of the seven dwarf brothers? (Snow White)
And the dishes answered:
“It was bad for us with a woman,
She did not love us,
She beat us, she beat us,
Dust, smoked,
She ruined us! "(Fedorino grief)

Game "Broom"

Players stand in a circle. In the middle is a fairy tale with a broom. She begins to spin, driving her broom in a circle above the floor, trying to hit the players' legs, and says:
And the broom, and the broom is fun,
Danced, played, swept over.
She did not leave a speck of dust with Fedora.
The players' task is to jump over the broom. Whoever gets hit by the broom is out of the game.

2. "Get to know the hero of the fairy tale"

Everything lies on the stove
And so stubbornly repeats:
"By pike dictates,
At my will ... "
Grandma loved the girl very much,
I gave her a red hat.
The girl forgot her name
And, well, tell me her name.
Father had a strange boy
Unusual - wooden.
But dad loved his son.
What a weird
Wooden man?
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key.
Everywhere he sticks his nose long.
Who is this?

The hero lives in a fairy tale:
He is not a hedgehog or a cat,
It is from the grandmother from the window
Jumped right onto the track
Rolled, ran,
I hit the fox's tongue! Who is this? Gingerbread man

The red girl is sad
She doesn't like spring.
It's hard for her in the sun
The poor thing is pouring tears.
Snow Maiden

At Alyonushka's sister
The little brother was carried away by the birds.
They fly high
Far away they look
Swan geese

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,
And in this swamp, someone caught her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin.
Have you become cute, beautiful, handsome?
Princess Frog
Her grandfather planted her in a field
The whole summer grew.
The whole family pulled her
It was very large.
Grinds his teeth, leads his nose
And the Russian spirit cannot stand it.
Old woman with bone leg
It is called .... Boy-Yaga.

Playing with Baba Yaga.
Children stand in a circle. In the middle, the driver Baba Yaga with blindfolds The children say the words:
Grandma - Hedgehog - bone leg,
I fell off the stove and broke my leg.
I went to the garden, frightened the people,
She ran to the bathhouse, frightened Vanka.
Baba Yaga catches children.

3 task "Who sent the message?"

1) “Save us, the gray wolf ate us” (kids)
2) “Very upset. Accidentally broke a testicle "(mouse)
3) “Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole” (wolf)
4) “Help, our house is broken, but they themselves are safe” (animals)
5) “Dear Grandma and Grandpa, don’t worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I'll be home soon ”(Masha)
6) "Help, my brother turned into a kid" (Alyonushka)
7) “Disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair” (bear cub)
8) “Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. I'm marrying a frog "(Ivan Tsarevich)
9) Let you go, old man, into the sea!
Dear I will give a ransom for myself:
I will pay off with whatever you want. "

Game "catch the goldfish"
2 participants are invited. Each is holding a stick with a ribbon. At the end of the tape- gold fish... At the signal, the participant winds the tape on a stick, thereby bringing the silhouette of the fish closer to him. whoever picks up the fish faster wins.

4 task "Learn a fairy tale from a picture."
On the slides there are illustrations for fairy tales: "" A Tale of a Stupid Mouse "," Three Bears "," Teremok "," Sivka-Burka "," Cockerel-Golden Comb "," Fox with a Rolling Pin ".
outdoor game "Who is faster on the Sivka-burka"

5 task "fix the mistake"
1) princess - turkey
2) at the behest of a dog
3) Ivan Tsarevich and the green wolf
4) sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka
5) Cockerel - Golden Shepherd
6) Boy - with a cam
7) fear has big ears
8) ax noodles

6 task "4th extra"

Fairy tale.
Look, children, at the screen. Guess which fairy tale is superfluous here.
On the slide there are 3 pictures from one fairy tale, and the 4th from another.

Fairy tale. Well done, guys, they coped with all the tasks. And now I will tell you a story.
‘Fairy Tale of Good
Many, many years ago, once a year, in winter, the Good Fairy flew to earth. She was always with a bag over her shoulders, in which she carried magic snowflakes. The Fairy of Goodness was so tiny and inconspicuous that many did not pay any attention to her. But she did not take offense at anyone and everyone, even the most wicked people, gave magic snowflakes.
When there was not a single snowflake left in her bag, spring came, and the Fairy of Good quietly disappeared, so that in a year in winter she would fly again.
Everyone who received a magic snowflake as a gift became a sawe Ma happy person on earth, because he became cheerful, caring, sympathetic. People became kind, they had good thoughts, they learned to speak good words and do good.

Fairy Tales. Today I will give you magic snowflakes so that you become the happiest and kindest.
Fairy Tales gives children and guests snowflakes.

Fairy Tales
... There are many funny and sad fairy tales in the world.
And we cannot live in the world without them.
Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.
Crystal slipper help on the way.
Cipollino boy, Winnie the Pooh bear ... ..
Each of us is a true friend on our way.
May the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth
May good conquer evil forever!

Name: Scenario literary entertainment v senior group"What a delight these fairy tales are!"
Nominated: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, themed holidays

Position: educator of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten number 2 "Firefly"
Location: Zherdevka, Tambov region

Scenario literary holiday
in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

"Visiting Yesenin"

Target: Acquaintance with the life and work of S.A. Yesenin


Continue to acquaint children with their native land, to form knowledge about the sights hometown.

Develop attention in children, stimulate the manifestation of curiosity, develop thinking, emotional responsiveness to poetry; improve the grammatical structure of speech; develop coherent speech; develop endurance and orientation in space; exercise in a fast run.

To nurture love for small homeland, respect to the legacy native land, their people, a sense of pride in the poet-countryman; foster the desire to preserve national values.

Materials and equipment:

Zone in music hall decorated in the style of an old Russian hut (stove, wooden table, benches, bed, samovar, chest), gramophone (imitation craft), an album with photographs from Yesenin's life, reproductions of paintings by Russian artists; a book of poems by Yesenin; musical audio recordings of songs on the verses of Yesenin

Preliminary work: a conversation about the great Russian poet; watching a film strip about S.A. Yesenin; excursions to Konstantinovo; vocabulary work: a flywheel of time, a chest, a fellow countryman, a hinterland, a symbol of Russia, a cradle, a record, a gramophone, a repertoire, a samovar, a stove.

Course of the lesson

Educator. Dear Guys! I am very glad to see you all in a great mood today! Outside the window, golden autumn. We love her for her generosity, clear days, for the beauty of forests painted with gold and crimson colors. How many of you like this time of year and why? (children's answers)

Child 1... There is in the autumn of the initial

A short but wondrous time -

The whole day is like crystal

And the evenings are radiant ...

Child 2. Autumn again came to us in September,

Rain often interferes with play in the yard.

But then, what colors, look,

On the bushes, on all the trees by the foliage ...

Educator. And let's go on a journey with you on such a wonderful day! Let our flywheel of time help us in this. I wonder where he will send us with you this time? I'm sure the trip will be fun. Only we will need to take this key with us. I do not know what it is from, but I think it will be useful to us. Let's join hands, close our eyes and ... Let's go!

(music sounds, the curtain opens, behind which the room of the Russian hut is equipped: a stove, a wooden table, a samovar, a window with curtains, a wooden table, a chair, a bed, a bookcase, on the floor there is a path, a chest. Children open their eyes)

Educator. Guys, I wonder where we are? Let's take a look around. Do you think we are in the past or the future with you? (children's answers) And what household items indicate that we are in the past? (children's answers) I wonder whose house is this? Who lived in it? Guys, we have a key with you! It seems to me that he will help us to give answers to all questions. But just what is this key from? Let's take another look around and think (children look around, give answers and point to the chest). Let's try to open this chest. (opens a chest, in which there are many different objects. Invites the child to get something. The child takes out a calendar sheet). Guys, does the date October 3 say anything to you? (children's answers) Today is also October 3! Let's see what else lies in the chest. (the second child takes out a book, gives it to the teacher). This is very Old book, over time the pages turned yellow, not everything can be read, but I will try, and you will help me.

White birch under my window

Covered with snow, exactly ... (children: silver)

The fields are squeezed, the groves are bare,

The water is foggy and damp.

The wheel behind the blue mountains

The sun is quiet ... (children: rolled down)

Bird cherry

Bloomed with spring

And the branches are golden

What curls ... (children: curled)

If the holy army clicks:

"Throw you Rus, live in paradise!"

I will say: “There is no need for paradise.

Give ... (children: my homeland)

Educator. Guys, do any of you remember who the author of these wonderful lines?

Children. These poems were written by S.A. Yesenin.

Educator. That's right guys! And I seem to understand where you and I are. It is no coincidence that the flywheel of time sent us here. Because on October 3, in the small village of Konstantinovo, on the Oka, not far from Ryazan, our poet-countryman S.A. Yesenin was born. How do you guys understand the meaning of the word "fellow countryman"? (children's answers. The teacher summarizes: “a fellow countryman is born with someone in the same locality). And today we are with you in the house where Sergei Yesenin was born. Let's see what else lies in the chest (the 3rd child takes out an album with scattered photographs, gives it to the caregiver). Guys, look - this is an album with photographs from the life of the poet. Only they all crumbled. Let's try to arrange them in order. So, we already guessed with you that today we will talk about S.A. Yesenin. And his portrait is the first photograph in the album. This is a poet known not only in our country, but throughout the world. His poems are imbued with special warmth, cordiality and emotionality. Many of you know his poems by heart. Who wants to read?

1st child:"Low house with blue shutters ..."

2nd child:"Goy you, my dear Russia ..."

Educator. Guys, what do you think the poet wrote about in these poems? (children's answers, the main correct one is about the Motherland). Quite right! Sergei Yesenin was born in the very center of Russia, in the outback, where the beautiful nature, free meadows, clean air. The village of Konstantinovo stretches along the high bank of the Oka. From the cliff, endless distances beyond the river, flooded meadows, forest open spaces open to the eye. Yesenin grew up among the expanse of nature, and nature taught him "to love in this world everything that clothe the soul in flesh." He fell in love with this discreet beauty and sang it in his works. “The feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in my work,” said Yesenin (the story is accompanied by a display of photographs). And I think we can put these photographs in the album with the image of the native land where the poet was born. I suggest taking another look into the chest. (4th child takes out a handkerchief). Guys, what do you think is a scarf for, except for hygiene? (children's answers, including: you can play with him). Right! As a child, Sergei Yesenin was inexhaustible for inventions, games, breathed the atmosphere folk life... He grew up a bully, a bully, an initiator of children's games.

Lean and short

There is always a hero among the boys.

Often, often with a broken nose

I came to my home.

Educator. Guys, which one folk game with a handkerchief do you know? (children: "Burn, burn clearly"). And Seryozha Yesenin, as a child, disappeared for a long time on fishing... I visited hayfields with adults, knew peasant work from childhood. In the evenings, songs and dances did not subside in the meadows, jokes and laughter were heard all around.

I love over the mowing area

Listen to the mosquito buzz in the evening.

And how the guys bark with a talisman,

The girls will come out to dance by the fires.

Educator. Guys, a talian is a kind of accordion. The poet has forever preserved the memories of the days spent under his stepfather's roof. Let's look again into the chest (the 5th child takes out a birch leaf). What tree do you think this leaf is from? (children's answers, correct: birch). And what tree does Sergei Yesenin speak about in his poems especially warmly and tenderly? (answers: birch). The poet considered the birch to be the symbol of Russia. We know well the poem dedicated to the winter birch. Who wants to read? (the child reads the poem "White Birch" by heart). Let's add a photo of a birch tree to the album. WITH early childhood the poet fell in love with Russian nature, he felt like a part of it, that is why his poems about nature are so light and tender. Many artists, admired and inspired by Yesenin's poems, painted their pictures. I suggest you look at some of them (which are hanging on the walls) and think about what Yesenin's poems they could correspond to. (A.I.Kuindzhi " Birch Grove"-" The golden grove dissuaded ... "IE Grabar" February azure "-" A month above the window ... "I. Levitan" Golden autumn"-" Golden foliage began to spin ... "). I suggest you supplement our album with photographs and once again look into the chest (in the background sounds "Lullaby" to Yesenin's verses "Evening is like soot ..." downy shawl and a toy cradle). Guys, who do you think we're talking about now? (children's answers, correct: about mom). Right. A huge impact on the future poet in early years provided by his mother - Tatyana Fedorovna Yesenina (shows a photo). Yesenin kept his love for his mother and carried it through his whole life. In the most difficult minutes loneliness, he refers to his mother as to himself true friend(reads "Letter to Mother"). Let's add a photo to the album. The poet was also greatly influenced by his grandmother, Tatyana Evteevna Titova (shows a photo). Yesenin began to write poetry early. Having learned to read at the age of 5, having a good memory, young poet began to fantasize, remake fairy tales with bad ends told by the grandmother (the child reads the verse. "Grandma's Tales"). Let's add the grandmother's photo to the album. I propose to see what else is left in our chest (the 7th child takes out a record). How many knows what it is? (children's answers) This is a record. It looks like a modern CD-ROM that you can listen to on your player. And now I will start the gramophone, and we will listen to what is recorded on the disc (the song "The golden grove dissuaded ..."). Will you agree with me that Yesenin's poems captivate with their lightness, clarity, the melody is well heard in them? That is why many of Yesenin's poems are set to music. Our Ryazan Philharmonic Society often hosts performances of the State Academic Ryazan Russian popular name E. Popov choir, performing songs on the verses of Sergei Yesenin. The choir is a pearl of Russian culture; be sure to visit its concerts with your parents. I propose to find a photo of the choir for our album (put the photo into the album). Guys, many years have passed since S.A. Yesenin wrote poetry. But the grateful residents of Ryazan do not forget their great countryman. Yesenin's name is still closely connected with our city. There are many places in Ryazan that bear his name. I suggest that you find such places in Ryazan among the photographs and add them to the album (photo of Yesenin Street, Yesenin monument in the Kremlin, Sergei Yesenin Russian State University, library named after Sergei Yesenin).

Summing up and surprise moment

Educator. Well done! How many photos were added to the album at once! However, there are empty spaces left on the pages of the album. The older you get, the large quantity photos from the life of our great countryman, it will be replenished. We should be proud and remember that we live in Ryazan, the homeland of the great poet Sergei Yesenin. And this photo album will help us remember today's journey into the past. Did you enjoy the trip? And now you can smell this amazing smell? This is the smell of pies from the Russian stove! I invite you to a tea party - the samovar and pies are ready!


Esenin S.A. Collected works in 2 volumes. - M .: Contemporary, 1990.

Voronova O. E. Sergei Yesenin and Russian Spiritual Culture. - Ryazan: Pattern, 2002.

Kunyaev St. Yu., Kunyaev S.S. Sergey Yesenin. - M .: Mol. guard, 2005.

Lekmanov O., Sverdlov M. Sergei Yesenin: Biography. - M .: Astrel, Corpus, 2011.

Skorokhodov M.V. Sergei Yesenin: the origins of creativity (questions scientific biography) / Resp. ed. T.K.Savchenko. - M .: IMLI RAN, 2014.

Yusov N.G. The famous and unknown Yesenin. - M .: New index, 2012.

Software content: to enrich families' knowledge of musical culture, instill a love for musical and literary works Russians and foreign classics, develop aesthetic taste, fill the lives of children and parents with joy and beauty.

Hall decoration: the curtain is decorated with snowflakes, on the tables for guests there are candles in candlesticks, Christmas trees are placed around the hall.

The musical piece "Sweet Dream" by PI Tchaikovsky is played.

Musical director (M.R.).

Quiet, quiet, let's stand next, music enters our house

In an amazing outfit - colorful, painted.

And suddenly the walls will move apart, all the earth is visible around:

The waves of the foamy river are splashing, the forest and meadow are lightly dozing.

Steppe paths run in the distance, melt in a blue haze -

This music hurries and calls us to follow it.

Hear, this is "Sweet Dream". And with the sounds of this beautiful, like a sweet dream, music we will be transported to a magical, fairytale forest, to winter forest Fairies of Music.

The lights are dimmed, the music sounds louder, the Fairy of Music enters the hall:

Good afternoon dear friends! Welcome to my domain.

The light comes on.

Fairy of Music. I have prepared a surprise for today's meeting. I ask you all to close your eyes so that the winter miracle happens.

The light turns off, garlands are lit on the Christmas trees, candles are lit on the tables, I. Haydn's "Serenade" sounds.

Fairy of Music. Snowdrifts fell at dusk, brocade was woven on the windows,

Drawing shadows on the piano, a candle plays with a flame.

In a cozy room we are all together at this small fire

We will all listen to poetry, music and songs in silence.

The music fairy takes out 4 balls of thread: white, green, red, yellow.

Asks the children: - What kind of ball should we choose for this time of year?

Children. White.

Fairy of Music. Yes, here it is, a white ball, I will now roll it on a magic saucer, and together we will find ourselves in a winter fairy tale.

Tchaikovsky's "Waltz" sounds.

M.R. It is so good to dream with this waltz, to think of something pleasant! It's winter outside, the air is cold and frosty. And here it is so warm and cozy here, and it is so pleasant to be with friends. Winter is a great time of the year! Sugar crunch underfoot Frost patterns on the windows, a magic carpet that covered the entire field to the very horizon. Winter was imagined by many poets and composers fabulous sorceress, which wrapped up the whole nature with its snow blanket until warm times. But she, spellbound by the frost, is full hidden life and its charm. Therefore, many lines of great poets and sounds famous composers imbued with a sense of admiration for the beautiful winter.

Parents read a poem by Alexander Pushkin "Winter Morning".

Fairy of Music. Dear friends! Let's listen to a wonderful piece of the great Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi "Winter" from the cycle "The Seasons" and let us fantasize what the composer saw, what he thought when he composed this music. After listening, children and parents exchange their views.

M.R. Do you remember how Yesenin wrote: "Winter sings - hunts ..."?

Children come out, read a poem by A.S. Yesenin “Winter sings - auket, a shaggy forest lulls a pine forest with a hundred-ringing… ..” Then they perform the song “Winter has come” by T. Kireeva.

Fairy of Music. And I want to invite you to listen to one more musical composition, which is called "Blizzard. Troika ", and was written by the famous Soviet composer Georgy Sviridov (hearing).

Fairy of Music. Now let's try to describe the mood with which the composer rode in the troika (all participants in the evening are involved in the conversation).

M.R. Well, we listened to a lot of good music, and now I invite everyone to play together. Children with their parents play the game "Blizzard".

Fairy of Music. Friends, it's time to say goodbye to you. You are wonderful listeners, empathetic and active. I hope that we will see you again very soon. See you soon!

Candles, garlands go out, lights go out.

M.R. Our musical and literary meeting is coming to an end. And on this frosty evening here, in a cozy music salon, without changing traditions, we will end it with a cup of delicious aromatic tea.

Literary and musical evening prepared by I. Brileva

State budgetary educational institution secondary school № 1423 in Moscow Preschool department

Integration educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Purpose: instilling in children a sense of love for loved ones, the desire to take care of each other, to be attentive and responsive.



  • Introduce children to elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults
  • Form moral values ​​in children
  • Continue to acquaint children with such qualities as nobility, kindness, care, mercy, benevolence.


  • Foster a friendly relationship between children
  • To educate children morally - moral qualities- kindness, responsiveness, honesty, politeness, mutual assistance, empathy, respect for the older generation


  • Develop expressiveness of speech, harmonious hearing
  • Develop with aunts logical thinking, imagination, memory

Host: Hello dear guests. We are delighted to welcome you to our literary evening on the topic "Very important conversation» ... We dedicate our little concert important topics, about which it is difficult to speak, but it is easy to catch and understand in the works of such authors as Valentina Oseeva, Elena Blagina, Lev Tolstoy and others ... We will tell you about honesty and lies, care and selfishness, about the importance of "Magic" - polite words and much more ...

Children enter the hall to a song "33 cows" words by N. Olev, music by M. Dunaevsky. They disperse on two sides and sit on chairs.

There is a table on the stage, chairs around it, cups and a samovar on the table. Grandma, mom are sitting at the table (two girls) and two sons (two boys).


Elena Blaginina

A friend came to me
And we played with her.
And here is one toy
Suddenly she liked:
Clockwork frog
Cheerful, funny.
I'm bored without a toy -
My favorite was -
But still a friend
I gave the frog.

Scene "Cookies"

Valentina Oseeva

Mom poured cookies onto a plate. Grandmother clinked the cups merrily. Vova and Misha sat down at the table.

Delhi one at a time, ”Misha said sternly.

The boys scooped out all the cookies on the table and arranged them in two piles.

Smooth? - asked Vova.

Misha measured the group with his eyes.

Smooth. Grandma, pour us some tea!

Grandma served tea. The table was quiet. The cookie piles diminished rapidly.

Loose! Sweet! - Misha said.

Yes! - Vova responded with a full mouth.

Mom and grandmother were silent. When all the cookies had been eaten, Vova took a deep breath, patted himself on the stomach and climbed out from the table.

Misha finished the last bite and looked at his mother - she was stirring the tea with a spoon. He looked at his grandmother - she was chewing a crust of bread ...

"I'm not crying"

Georgy Ladonshchikov.

Mom was very angry
She went to the cinema without me.
I'm sorry that it happened
But I don’t cry anyway.
I'm punished for pranks
Is it fair maybe
I just forgive right away
Didn't dare to ask.
And now I would tell my mother:
"Well, I'm sorry for the last time ...!"
I don't cry, the tears are on their own
Themselves roll out of the eyes.

"Precious vase"

Nikolay Yusupov.

Dad broke a precious vase.
Grandma and Mom frowned at once.
But dad was found, looked them in the eyes
And timidly and quietly "Sorry" said.
And mom is silent, even smiles:
"We will buy another, there is better on sale."
"Excuse me" - it would seem, what is it about him?
But what a wonderful word!

Stage "BONE" (true)


Mother bought plums and wanted to give them to the children after dinner. They were on a plate. Vanya never ate plums and smelled them all the time. And he liked them very much. I really wanted to eat. He kept walking past the sinks. When no one was in the upper room, he could not resist, grabbed one plum and ate it. Before dinner, the mother counted the plums and sees that one is missing. She told her father.

At dinner, the father says: "Why, children, has anyone eaten one plum?"

Everyone said no.

Vanya blushed like a cancer and said, "No, I didn't eat."

Then the father said: “What one of you ate is not good; but that’s not the trouble. The trouble is that there are seeds in the plums, and if someone doesn’t know how to eat them and swallows a bone, then he will die in a day. afraid".

Vanya turned pale and said: "No, I threw the bone out the window."

And everyone laughed, and Vanya began to cry.


Lev Tolstoy


Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them. One rushed to run, climbed a tree and hid, while the other remained on the road. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear came up to him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.

The bear sniffed his face, thought he was dead, and walked away.

When the bear left, he got down from the tree and laughs: “Well,” he says, “did the bear say in your ear?”

“And he told me that - bad people those who run away from their comrades in danger " .

"I'm superfluous"

Agniya Barto.

We dug in cherries.
Sergei said: - I'm superfluous.
Five trees, five guys -
I went out into the garden in vain.
And how the cherries ripened
Sergei goes out into the garden.
- Well, no, now you are superfluous!
The guys are talking.


Grigore Vieru

Why on your head
Is one hair whiter than the other?
- From worries, love and anxiety:
You are the only one I have, son.
- But grandma is whiter than you.
Does grandma love me more?
- She just has more children,
So my grandmother became whiter.
- Well, auntie is even whiter.
But the aunt has no children at all?
- Yes, son, she is even whiter:
Spends the century all alone.

Stage « old grandfather and granddaughters " (fable).

Lev Tolstoy

My grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it didn’t come out very neatly. The son and daughter-in-law stopped seating him at the table, and gave him dinner at the stove.

They took him to dinner once in a cup. He wanted to move her, but dropped and smashed. The daughter-in-law began scolding the old man for ruining everything in the house with them and beating the cups, and said that now she would give him lunch in the tub. The old man only sighed and said nothing.

Once a husband and wife are sitting at home and watching - their little son is playing with boards on the floor - he is working on something. The father asked: "What are you doing this, Misha?"

And Misha says: “This is me, father, doing the pelvis. When you and your mother are old enough to feed you from this pelvis " .

The husband and wife looked at each other and wept. They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to put him at the table and look after him.

"Where was the thank you?"

Radif Timershin

Snowdrifts grew over the night
In the park, in the yard, in the garden,
Making my way just barely
I'm walking down the street.
And I will look to the left,
And I will look to the right:
- Who is that shoveling snow there? -
I'll ask myself.
This grandmother is a neighbor.
I need to help my grandmother!
I take a shovel from her
I am always willing to help!
Have you cleaned everything up?
From work
My face is on fire.
The old woman smiled at me
AND "Thank you" is talking.
I'm glad to hear that
After all, I'm pretty tired ...
So it turned out that "Thank you"
I found it under the snow.

"Good words"

Ovsey Driz.

Kind words are not lazy
Repeat for me three times a day.
Everyone going to work
To the blacksmith, to the weaver, to the doctor,
WITH Good morning! - I scream.
Good day! - I shout after
Everyone going to lunch!
"Good evening! "- this is how I meet
Everyone hurrying home for tea.

Stage "Magic word"

Valentina Oseeva

A little old man with a long gray beard was sitting on a bench and was drawing something on the sand with an umbrella.

Move over, - Pavlik told him and sat down on the edge.

The old man moved over and, looking at the boy's red, angry face, said:

Has something happened to you?

Well, okay! What is it to you? - Pavlik looked sideways at him.

Nothing for me. But now you were shouting, crying, quarreling with someone ...

Still would! the boy grunted angrily. “I’ll soon run away from home altogether.

Will you run away?

I'll run away! I’ll run away because of one Lenka. Pavlik clenched his fists. - I almost gave it to her now! Doesn't give a single paint! And the most!

Does not give? Well, it's not worth running away because of this.

Not only because of this. Grandma drove me out of the kitchen for one carrot ... right with a rag, a rag ...

Pavlik gasped with resentment.

Trivia! - said the old man. - One will scold, the other will regret.

Nobody pity me! - Pavlik shouted. -Brother goes for a ride on a boat, but he doesn't take me. I say to him: “Take it better, anyway I will not leave you alone, I’ll take the oars away, I’ll climb into the boat myself! "

Pavlik slammed his fist on the bench. And suddenly he fell silent.

Well, doesn't your brother take you?

Why do you keep asking?

The old man smoothed his long beard.

I want to help you. There is such Magic word...

Pavlik opened his mouth.

I'll tell you this word. But remember: you must say it in a low voice, looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to. Remember - in a low voice, looking straight into the eyes ...

What is the word?

This is the magic word. But do not forget how to speak it.

I'll try, - Pavlik chuckled, - I'll try right now. - He jumped up and ran home.

Lena was sitting at the table and drawing. Paints - green, blue, red - lay in front of her. Seeing Pavlik, she immediately raked them into a heap and covered them with her hand.

“The old man cheated! - thought the boy with annoyance. - Does such a person understand the magic word! .. "

Pavlik walked sideways to his sister and pulled her sleeve. The sister looked around. Then, looking into her eyes, the boy said in a low voice:

Lena, give me one paint ... please ...

Lena opened her eyes wide. Her fingers unclenched, and, removing her hand from the table, she muttered in embarrassment:

What do you want?

I'm blue, ”Pavlik said timidly. He took the paint, held it in his hands, walked with it around the room and gave it to his sister. He didn't need paint. He thought now only of the magic word.

“I'll go to my grandmother. She's just cooking. Will he drive it away or not? "

Pavlik opened the kitchen door. The old woman was removing hot cakes from a baking sheet.

The grandson ran up to her, turned his wrinkled red face with both hands, looked into her eyes and whispered:

Give me a piece of pie ... please.

Grandma straightened up.

The magic word shone in every wrinkle, in his eyes, in a smile.

Hot ... I wanted hot, my dear! - she said, choosing the best, ruddy pie.

Pavlik jumped up with joy and kissed her on both cheeks.

"Wizard! Wizard! ”- he repeated to himself, remembering the old man.

At dinner Pavlik sat quiet and listened to every word of his brother. When his brother said that he would go for a boat ride, Pavlik put his hand on his shoulder and quietly asked:

Take me please.

Everyone at the table fell silent at once. The brother raised his eyebrows and grinned.

Take it, ”the sister said suddenly. - What do you need!

Well, why not take it? - smiled grandmother. - Of course, take it.

Please, - Pavlik repeated.

The brother laughed loudly, patted the boy on the shoulder, ruffled his hair:

Oh, you traveler! Okay, get ready!

“It helped! It helped again! "

Pavlik jumped out from the table and ran into the street. But the old man was no longer in the park. The bench was empty, and only on the sand were incomprehensible signs drawn by an umbrella.

Presenter: our evening is over. We have told you a lot of what we consider important. We hope that our performance dissipated a little kindness and warmth in our hall and in your hearts ... Well, we say goodbye to you.

All children: "All the best!"