Polina have the opportunity not just. What does the name for the girl mean? Folk signs, customs

Polina have the opportunity not just. What does the name for the girl mean? Folk signs, customs
Polina have the opportunity not just. What does the name for the girl mean? Folk signs, customs

Selecting a name for a child is a very important and responsible step. The name given at birth gives its carrier with certain qualities and character traits. And even if everything is adjusted to the upbringing and the environment in which the child grows, the influence of the name is very strong. In this article we will tell you about the name of Polina, and also learn about its origin and meaning.

What does the name indicate?

Ancient Greek translation names "owned by the Sun" or "Sunny", and the French version is translated as "baby", "small."

Origin of name

According to numerous studies, scientists, this name has French or ancient Greek roots. The French version says that this name happened from the male "Paul", and if you believe the ancient Greek sources, then Polina is a derivative of Apollo: this is the God of Sun and Art in ancient Greece.

Reliable facts in history about where the name of Polina comes from, no. It is also believed that this is an abbreviated form of the name of the Latin origin of Apollinaria.

Did you know? There is a real science, exploring the information that the person's name carries in itself is anthroponymik. But its scientists are not associated with horoscopes and astrology, this science studies the philosophy of origin and the evolution of names and their components.

When name day

Brief and diminishing

There are many variants of diminutive snapshots to polins: fields, Lina, Panya, Pulley, Loli, Fuck, Pow, Puff, Polinka.

Name in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world

In whatever part of the globe you are not - this name in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world sounds almost unchanged:

  • french: Pauline - Pauline;
  • english: Pauline - Pauline;
  • italian: Paulin - Paulina;
  • belarusian language: Palin - Polina;
  • german: Pauline - Paulina.

Character features, temperament and behavior

For Polina, the decoding characteristics of the name will help better know that it is very relevant for them - a tendency to self-digging and repeated analysis often prevents a full-fledged life.

By type of character, this name is closer to cholerics. Emotions are often torn, but some detachment helps not go beyond the fractions of decency. Polina - Passionate Nature: The success of each case depends on personal interest.

Enthusiasm and a serious approach to started does not allow them to quit the case halfway. Self-confidence and conviction in the correctness of their words or actions often become reasons for disputes with others.

Easy character and friendship helps to start a new acquaintance field. Many want to be friends with her, but the list of close friends is not easy to get. By itself, she is the faithful, disinterested, honest and reliable friend, and from those who surround themselves require the same.

Its honesty and straightness sometimes repel, but thereby eliminating unworthy people. The feeling of tact and good nature helps to smooth out possible conflicts and quarrels.
Many can call her character unbalanced - a mood change very quickly from cold retirement to a welcome and cheerfulness.

Let's note the basic positive traits of this name:

  • friendliness;
  • kindness and empathy;
  • honesty;
  • openness;
  • dedication.

Among the negative features of the name, we allocate the following negative sides by Pauline:

  • tendency to self-digging;
  • indifference;
  • belly;
  • template to self-sacrifice.

Study, profession and career

Suitability in training and the desire to obtain new knowledge help polins easily assimilate new subjects at school and institute. Moreover, both accurate sciences and creative classes are equally well.

Often seeking to become an old-fashioned class or group. Easy character, active position and desire to help make them lovers in the team.

Career growth is not in priority by Pauline, most importantly, what they care about, these are comfortable conditions and wages. They are sharply experienced if their knowledge or skills were not sufficiently appreciated by the leadership.

For long distance business tribes are negative, as they are very tied to home and family. Can master any profession, the main thing is to experience interest in this. Responsiveness and empathy to others will help in the profession of a doctor, teacher, teacher.

The desire for self-realization and the embodiment of its own fantasies and business ideas makes it possible to open your own business. Most often it is a hobby that has grown into something more than just a hobby.

Health and hobbies

Polina always carefully follow the appearance and condition. Most often, girls with the same name suffer the nervous system - the tendency to excessive experiences and melancholy may cause a prolonged depression.

The respiratory system is also vulnerable. A live mind and knowledge of knowledge cause quick fatigue, so in the routine of the day there should always be a healthy sleep and a full-fledged rest.

Among the hobbies, those who are called "Male" are dominated. However, the passion for technology, fishing and collecting various baubles does not prevent the fields of deftly to cope with women's duties: cooking, canning, mastering various knitting techniques.

Did you know? In Orthodoxy, there is no name of Polina, so when baptized parents most often choose Pelagia or Appolinaria as an Orthodox name for their child.

They have a special location for creative classes, since childhood they go to musical circles and sports sections, but they do not stop for a long time.

Love and marriage

When Polina learns the right interpretation of his own behalf, it will be able to respond to the selection of a partner. In addition to the appearance and nature of the future spouse, an important role is played by astrological compatibility between partners.

Polina possess an attractive appearance, so men always attract. Congenital tact and openness allows them to delicately reject the courtship, without causing pain in their own words.

Fields - in love with a girl, but by choosing a partner, there will be a loyal wife. In marriage patientity and moveability, Pauline helps to avoid quarrels and conflicts with her husband. They are not trying to change the nature of the partner and try to adjust it under themselves.

Girls with the same name are beautiful housewives, in their house they seek to create the maximum feeling of comfort and comfort. The family will always come first.

Polina are wonderful and caring mothers. Best of all, they will have relationships with daughters. A light character will help to be not only a loving mother for her daughter, but also the faithful girlfriend, which can be entrusted with his secrets.
Sons either will not be deprived of love and care, but in their upbringing the dominant role will be given to her husband. Such a hostess has a house - a complete bowl, it is always happy to receive guests.

The girl named Polina is waiting for ideal compatibility with such male names:, Konstantin and Yuri. But Igor, Vladimir, Vadim, Ruslana, Vasily, Stanislav and Gregory, will not be a love relationship.

Important! In Pauline, intuition is well developed, but making decisions, they are based on common sense and facts.

Astrological secrets

Planet: Saturn is patronized by this name. The sign of the zodiac is able to make some adjustments in the nature and behavior of Pauline:

Totem animals: Swan and whale.
  • ruby - gives his owner strength of the Spirit, self-esteem and the ability to dust loving;
  • topaz - gives hope, purity of spirit and thoughts, strengthens friendship;
  • selenite - marks the modesty and purity of the soul.
  • Number: 9.
  • Element: Water.
  • Plants: Mac and Lotus.
  • Tree: poplar.
  • Days of the week: Saturday and Thursday - it is desirable for these days to plan important things, as they are considered favorable.
  • Time of year: Winter.

Famous women with the name "Polina"

There are many famous people in the world with the name Polina:

After reading this article, the Mystery named after Polina for the girl is revealed for you, and you know all weak and strong qualities that it gives out its support. This name has a centuries-old history, as well as a pleasant and melodic one.

d.R: 1907-10-08

soviet pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union

Version 1. What does the name of Polina mean

Polina-"Girlfriend" (Greek)

This is an image of a crystal clear woman
In the dark cherry shawl. Field flower - province's beauty. It saves Russian
spirit. Softness, piety adorn her, make it more feminine.

Her life takes place in the troubles.
Her cariousness is enough for two generations. Over the years I do not lose your boyfoot. IN
Love prefers young men.

Sometimes it seems that
She is weak and indecisive, but it is not. She is from those who are talking about: in a quiet
Omate devils are found.

She has a lot of power
Will and enviable resorts that are usually manifested in extreme
Situations. In actions and decisions are independent. Does not be someone else's influence. but
It does not have any self-confidence. Acts deliberately, according to plan, can listen
Tips of people who trust, but choose their way. She has an analytical warehouse
Mind. Impressed, the walk in the manifestation of the feelings of a scoop. It is hard to experience failures
Sometimes he reacts to the trouble by an explosion of anger. Does not forget the offense, can take revenge.
It has developed intuition. Prefers up to the upcoming events. Happens to visit it
Amazing visions that she, unfortunately, does not always know how to evaluate and decipher.
But in the choice of sincere, faithful friends, she is not mistaken.

She likes difficult
and dangerous professions requiring risk. Maybe, for example, become a pilot, go serve
to Army. Polina is very active and purposeful. Employees, because of which something
stops, breaking, cause her annoyance, and she not thinking about the truth-uterus
In the eye, despite the face. Strictly adheres to all moral norms and rules, right

Often created
the impression that public duties and professional activities do not leave
Polina time for personal life. It is only visibility. Polina Extremely
Sexual, but this is manifested only with full confidence in the partner. She is very afraid
His betrayals. And do not try to lie to her: she perfectly feels your intentions. Not
Require it impossible: she will not quit work for the sake of a family hearth, but if
You will support it, it will be combined by both, one God knows how.

Her house always
- Full bowl. She is a good mistress, stuck and calculating, makes a lot of blanks.
Excellent culinary car. In the apartment she has comfort and comfort. Children and husband are well maintained. Loves to collect
At the table of friends, but should not come to visit it without warning.

She should be fear
Accidents, as being susceptible to injury, infectious diseases. We need
Bear liver.

"Winter" Polina Strict in judgment, serious, calm.

"Autumn" - to all the well-talked and economical, but not stingy. May be an accountant, cashier,
seller. The name is well suited to the patrons: Andreevna, Anatolyevna, Makarovna, Fedorovna,
Vladimirovna, Arkadyevna, Arsentievna.

"Summer" - having fun, loves to make fun of familiar, good-natured and smart,
Able to get along with people.

Polina is witty, sociable, a little proud.
He knows its price and with the case demonstrates its superiority. May be a teacher
tutor. The name comes to pattty: Alekseevna, Efimovna, Emmanuilovna, Sergeevna,
Semenovna, Adamovna, Bogdanovna, Glebovna.

d.R: 1821-07-18

french opera singer, teacher

Version 2. What does the name of Polina mean

Spoken form
name Apollinaria. Comes from the word Apollo - in ancient Greek
Mythology of the God of the Sun, the patron of art, the God of Predictions. Puff, Polina
- Today rarely who will call as a daughter. Is it not so little today and people so
same disinterested and sacrificial, how is she?

Polina among children - How dear
Bead: Responsive, Pokyady, Friendly. Where is the grief - there is freak. She is
Always comforted, will calm down, it will sympathize. In joy - never envies, will be happy
together with you.

Sometimes it is created
the impression that Polina is overwhelmed with love for people, to animals, to everything
Living that surrounds us. At school, she is the first teacher's assistant, tactful in relationships
With classmates, never offended anyone. Unusually chopped.

Adult Polina.
loves to dress beautifully, has an excellent taste, but economical, not a transcription, rather
herself saves her outfit, rather than spend on the store. In cases, thorough
Reliable, and this sometimes uses, dumping all the concerns on it.

Disinterested and maybe like a child, rejoice
trifle bass. She is extremely harmless, and even seeing that her husband flirts
With her best girlfriend, will try to find him justification. But, of course, not infinitely,
And exploit the long-terrible nature of Polina is still not worth it. Interests
Families always puts above their own. Career, professional progress, business
ambition - all this is almost not interested in Polina, she seeks to find such
Work that would give her the opportunity to be more at home. She is alien to the extramarital
novels, lovers and treason.

Polina - good
Moms. They love to visit parental meetings, take an active part in
Parent Committees.

In marriage, especially
First, Polina is not always lucky. Reliable will be marriage with Efim, Alexander,
Yuri, Vitaly, Konstantin, Denis. With Vadim, Anatoly or Igor
He most likely will be fragile.

3 version of the name Polina

4 version of the interpretation of the name of Polina

Personality. Mysterious blood.

Character. 90%.

Radiation. 88%.

Vibration. 103,000 speakers / s.

Color. Red.

Main features. Intellect - excitability
- Activity.

Totem plant. Strawberry.

Toten animal. Swan.

Sign. A lion.

10. Type. Easy-robbed nerve cholerics. Fast
Go out of yourself. Certain the impression of women "with a claim". As with their totem - swan, seem proud and impregnable,
Although in fact it is fierce and not confident people.

11. Psychic. Intelligent and give to feel
This is surrounding. Tell everyone to take on themselves, are unnecessarily subjective. They are enough
Difficult character, but they live as interesting and rich life.

12. Will. Rather, strong, although it is sometimes not enough,
To bring the case to the end. Often occupy the position of "offended virtue."

13. Ecavitability. Too strong to stay
Time to reflect.

14. Reaction rate. Capable of attacks anger
which just shock people.

15. Field of activity.
Do not experience
A special need for work, although they impress active people. Them
Lack of excerpts, often they try to catch two hares at once. From women
It turns out good journalists and advertising agents.

16. Intuition. Completely plugged by the mental aspect of them

17. Intellect. Self-satisfied, consider themselves very smart, all
The same surrounding, in their opinion, are round fools. Despite the fact that they have
To tolerate great defeats, never lose faith in yourself.

18. susceptibility.
Very nervous and impulsive. Blindly trust their mind, although he sometimes fails

19. Morality.
Depends on the environment and circumstances.

20. Health. Shalying, too much depends on the psyche.
The nervous system is unstable. Quickly tires. They need a long sleep
and rest.

21. Sexuality.
Wear a mask of indifference, they are difficult to place. Your future partner is so
Idealize that it becomes problematic to meet this.

22. Activity. Borders with aggressiveness. These women in
Life requires success.

23. Sociability.
Loves surround
Yourself pleasant and at the same time useful. Their living room often resembles a densely populated

24. Conclusion. Similar women look like their totem
- Swan, they are beautiful, graceful and at the same time worm and intolerant to people, always
Ready to enter with them in confrontation.

5 version of the name Polina

- From Greek. meaningful; from lat. small; . the form
The name of Apollinaria - from Greek. belonging to Apollo.

Derivatives: Polink, fields. Shelf
Fuck, Pulia, Polyuha, Pole, Polyaha, Polyasha, Pan, Panulya, Pasha, Lina.

Folk signs.

Apollinary day
Coincides with the banner of baptism - the main day of the sinic fortunes. Say this
The evening will clarify fate.


In Polina Cupped
mysterious charm, around her always swarm fans, for each of them
She will find a kind word, although she tries to seem to be an impregnable rock. But success
gives her strength, he paints it. To myself, Polina laughs over the surrounding,
Considering yourself and smarter, and more attractive than many. Arguing with the police meaninglessly
she just does not know how to do it, begins to be annoyed, offended, if they contradict
And do not agree with its opinion. Polina in female wise: if a person is really
Interesting, she is able to appreciate it quite objectively, especially since the mind in it
prevails over intuition. Almost indifferent, cold to beauty - whether it is a work
Art or sunset over the lake. Polina's friends are predicted, ready and listen,
and sympathize, and help, and just treat a delicious home dinner, although life
And the care of the house is not her element.

7 version of the name of Polina

Polina - Rare
Now the name. Is it because so little today and people are just as disinterested, sacrificial
And stopped like she? Even the mouse is not able to offend, and the feeling of tact is not
Changes it in any situations.

Even their own
Children with whom she devoted infinitely, Polina will never read morals,
Fearing to hurt their dignity. This is a surprisingly caring mother and wife. It's often untap
But her husband in the morning will necessarily put on a freshly-headed and starchy shirt. Interests
Spouse and children for her more important than their own desires and needs. For the convenience of home
and calm in the family of Polina will refuse career, will leave the scene, will change
A prestigious home job position is a family and a house for it above all.

Wonderful mistress
Embossing, not transigital, it is distinguished by almost fanatical cleanness. Imagine
Polina is impossible without affairs. Even television transfer she will watch
With knitting or sewing in hand. This is a great worker who finds a job
from morning till night. For idleness and chatter, she does not have time. And yet
Polina Contact person who can take care of friends. Surrounding, as
The rule belongs to polyna with great respect. Rudeness or sharpness like
melting, bumping into her unchanged goodwill, friendly, smooth and quiet
vote. This fragile woman is able to tie the tiger.

8 version of the name of Polina

Polina - 1) meaningful (Greek); 2) French version
The name of Apollinaria - owned by Apollon; 3) small (lat.)

Zodiac sign
- Capricorn.

Planet - Saturn.

Color - light blue.

Favorable tree - poplar.

Covenate plant - lotus.

Patron name - Swan.

Stone-talisman - selenite.


Polina charming, charming and
Very contact. The conversation will support any topic, perfectly keeps in every
society. Seems proud and impregnable, although it often has to overcome
Himself to take for some reason or communicate with someone. Polina nervous,
Easily comes out of himself - especially defending its opinion, or rather, imposing it around:
Arriving Polina does not know how to argue. She is very self-confident in the shower, quite
Low opinion about the mind and the ability of others. If Polina gives someone
objective, good assessment, it means that this person is really the road and deserves
Her respect. More trusts reason than intuition. Loves to wear a mask of indifference,
Yes, they really do not call the sentimental Polina. Beauty nature and fineness of feelings
- Not for her. However, behind this firework contradictions of Polina - a true friend,
Who is very pleasant to trust his secrets, which will always sympathize and will help.
The household of Polina is cold, but nevertheless in the hands of
She burns everything.

10 version of the name of Polina

Named named after Polina.

January 18,

Named person only alone is either a birthday party, or the first after a birthday

The value of letters in the name of Polina

P - scrupulousness and accuracy in everything, starting from the appearance and ending with the house. Constantly worry about what other people will say. Different with special azart. On their offensors are able to hang labels. Have excellent memory.

ABOUT - Open, fun and cheerful nature. Those who are present in the name of the letter "O", hardworking and possess creative abilities. Professions associated with strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people who are trusted.

L. - Artistic and inventive individuals. In actions prefer to be guided by logical thinking. Could be located to yourself. In rare cases, narcissists and neglect belong to other people. It is extremely difficult to partition with close people. There are unnecessary capricious and require increased attention to their person.

AND - A subtle mental organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex is paying a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on internal qualities. Lost success, they manage to achieve in science and work with people. Very economic and calculating.

N. - Strong, volitional and decisive individuals.

It is quite hardworking, but do not tolerate monotonous and boring work. Small, attractive, present critical thinking. A person chooses the chosen one for a long time, with whom he can live until the end of the days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

BUT - Alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person in the name has this letter, he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual equilibrium. People whose name begins on "A", quite hard work. They love to show in all initiative and do not like Routine.

Name as phrase

  • P - peace
  • ABOUT - He (oh, about)
  • L. - People
  • AND - and (association, combine, union, unity, one, together, "together with")
  • N. - our (our, yours)
  • BUT - Az (I, I, myself, myself)

Polina Name in English (Latin)


Filling the document in English, you should write the name first, then the middle name of Latin letters and then last name. Writing the name of Polina in English can be needed by applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an online online store and so on

Useful video

Girl with the name of Polina, is always affectionate, kind and responsive. She will always come to help weak. Often, polyns are very attractive, first of all, at the expense of their mental qualities.

Translated from the ancient Greek Name of Polina means "solar", and translated from Latin - "Small".

The origin of the name Polina:

There are two versions of the origin of the name of Polina.

The first version of the origin of the name of Polina, claims that it comes from the French male name - Paul, which, in turn, occurred from the Latin word "Paulus", meaning to the translation of the baby, small.

The second version says that Polina's name is derived from the name of the apolinarian, which has a Greek root and happened on behalf of the ancient God of the Sun Appolon.

Character and interpretation of the name Polina:

Polina is always very friendly and friendly. Her main features are openness and responsiveness. She is ready to disinterestedly take care of defenseless animals, babies, old neighbors. She is not familiar with the feeling of envy - she will be sincerely rejoice in the success of his comrades along with them. In this girl lives love for all living things.

In School, Polina is not very good, although it tries. More prone to natural sciences. She always performs all instructions of teachers, always ready to help them. Odnoklassniki respect and love Polina for responsiveness and willingness to help at any time. She will always stand up for younger comrades, will not be offended by a homeless kitten or a puppy.

Having matured, Polina continues to protect the weak, seek justice and help close. Any job to her shoulder. The leadership, not doubtful, trusts her complex tasks, because Polina will always bring to the end to the end and issued a qualitative result. Colleagues appreciate her for the circumstance and reliability in any situations. It is not very strive to highly climb the career ladder, it does not matter how prestigious, obtained by it, specialty. Professions choose, usually requiring great care and thoughtfulness. It will be an excellent accountant, economist, document, librarian, translator, turner or seamstress.

Polina loves to care for himself, knows how to sew and knit, beautifully, with charm dress, knows how to choose the decorations and accessories to their outfits. It is always observed openly, flattering and deceiving can not be deceived.

Family for Polina is the most important thing in life. She will never restrict her husband in his desires, will always let go to the gatherings with friends. She herself is a domestic, and if it works, it will try to find such a job that will be as close as possible to her house. In treason, her husband, often, does not believe, trying to justify his spouse every way. She himself does not seduce novels, treason and lovers on the side. For her, above all the world and peace in her family. Come from work immediately begins to do homemade. In her house always reigns order and comfort. She cooks wonderful, loves to receive guests.

Having become a mother, Polina is trying to pay most of his time to children, she is always interested in their lives and successes, always tells the right way out of the difficult situation. In her family, it is customary to go to the parent meetings, consult and closely communicate with teachers of children, be aware of all the events taking place with relatives. When Polina's children grow up, she continues to help them and take care of them.

A few centuries ago, this name received a large number of both peasant and noble children. Recently, Polina's name has lost its former popularity and meets more and less.

Polina's name has two options for origin. Some argue that it comes from France and is a derivative from the male name Paul, which is translated as "small." Others believe that Polina is a derivative on behalf of Apollinaria. Translated it means "solar". Europeans found such a name too long and difficult in pronunciation, so they cut it to Polina.

This name quickly spread throughout the light. However, in Russia, the girls were infrequently called the girls, while fashion was not coming to all French. Since then, one of 20 girls was called Polina.

Character name Polina

A great influence on the character of a person has the time of year to which he was born. Polina, born in winter, is very strict not only to others, but even to itself. She always looks calm and calm, but inside it is very wounded. Spring Polina is very cheerful, smart, sociable and self-breathable. It always looks great and never allows themselves to go out in an inappropriate form. At the same time, it follows not only for his appearance, but also supports ideally the external and inner view of their housing. Polina, born in summer, very pleasant and positive. She is kind and responsive, loves to chat, but at the same time knows how and listen. The surrounding simply adore summer Polina. If she appeared on the light in the fall, then it is inherent in stiffness and economy. It will never help breastruptting financially, but ready to teach them to achieve something in life. Autumn Polina often organizes free courses on self-development.

Polina is always very sociable and charming. She is able to support the conversation on any topic and easily poured into all companies. Polina is very emotional and easy to call it. She always defends her mind and argues to the last, even if he knows that it is not right. The people of Polina are biased, considers them stupid compared to it. The compliment from her will not wait. If she praised someone, then this praise sincere and most likely a person is very expensive. Rely primarily to the mind, and not for intuition, and in vain. She is very well developed at polyna.

Polina often shows indifference to the situation and it is difficult to call sentimental. Despite all these contradictions, she is a good friend who knows how to listen and store secrets, manifests sympathy and supports. Polina can not be angry and quickly forgets all the insults, even if they are pretty strong. She can easily justify any act. However, even her patience may come the limit.

Polina is quite self-critical. She often cheapes himself, which can lead to a nervous breakdown.
Polina does not happen any work. She, most importantly, get good profits. However, it is also not needed millions. It would prefer the average wage, which will be enough for the comfortable life of her family. But, thanks to the ability to save and organize work, a wonderful businesswoman can get out of it. In his free time, Polina is fond of male classes, such as the study of technology, collectibles of brands and sports. Polina not only deals with itself, but also is an active foller.

Polina Name for Girl

As a child, Polina is energetic and immediately, it often shows responsiveness and stagnation. On a young age, she tries to follow the trends of fashion and look stylish. Polina is a very creative personality, knows how to sing, write poems and draw. For foreign lawsight often hides insecurity. She is indifferent to all situations to which it has no relationship. Polina is very critical to himself and others, always tells the truth in the eyes, even if the interlocutor may be unpleasant.

Girl with this name is very good than others often use. Polina never envies anyone. If her girlfriends buy a new toy, then she just sincerely rejoices with her. Polina was never a greedy child, but sometimes she harmful and makes parents worry.

In adolescence, Polina has many friends and she walks in large companies. Almost all the views are usually chained to her, because it has a wonderful sense of humor. Polina is very economical and does not like long shopping. She prefers to spend his time with benefit. At the school of Polina gets good marks, often comes to the aid to teachers and even becomes an old-age. It feeds weakness to accurate sciences, so it becomes most often an economist.

Health Polina is not very lucky. First of all, this concerns its psychological state. Since childhood, it is prone to hysterics, especially if it does not get the desired.

Polina Marriage and Compatibility

Polyna's attitude towards men completely depends on its upbringing. If parents laid her right spiritual principles, then she will marry love. In the opposite situation, it would prefer the feelings of material well-being and will be happy to be the content. In this case, the desire to be financially provided prevails over emotions.

Externally, Polina looks very indifferent, despite its sexuality and sensitivity. Thanks to its attractiveness and beauty of Polina attracts the opposite sex, but its coldness and the absence of emotions scares them. In fact, she just does not know how to show their feelings. Polina has its own concept of an ideal man, which is rather difficult for her. She does not like short novels and only makes serious, long relationship. Polina tends to idealize her man and love this invented image. But over time, she removes "pink glasses" and, finally, recognizes the true face of a man, which leads to their parting.

Sooner or later, Polina will meet his fate, which will be an excellent wife and a wonderful mother of his children. In everyday life, she has one significant drawback. Polina does not like to do business on housework. Despite this, the house is always comfortable and cozy. She prepares perfectly and loves guests if they were invited by her. All friends know that coming to Polina without invitation is not worth it. She easily finds a common language with his spouse's friends and can support the conversation on any topic. The reason for the love of the girl to read. However, Polina is very self-free and does not try to hide what he considers itself better than others.

All his free time, Polina tries to spend on the family. She is very actively involved in the life of their children and even tries to choose such a job that will allow them to spend more time together. Her husband is also not deprived of attention. In the desire to please their loved ones, Polina often forgets himself. However, the desire for her family is perfect, a man often takes for lack of character, which often leads to the divorce. Another reason for his reason can be treason, which Polina will never forgive. She herself will always keep loyal to his chosen one. It is best for her to suit Vladimir, Vitaly, Alexander, Denis, Yuri or Konstantin. Union with such a man will be strong and they will be happy for many years in marriage.

Famous personalities

Polina's name was distributed at all times throughout Europe. In this regard, he has many famous personalities.

  • Polina Bonaparte - Sister of the famous emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and Princess France. She was unusually beautiful, thanks to which he was successful with Parisian men.
  • Polina Viardo - The famous singer and actress from France and an equally famous composer. She was a close friend of Ivan Turgenev and devoted him to works by several of his creations. He helped her spouse that translated texts from Russian to French.
  • Polina Astakhova - Titled Ukrainian gymnast, which took gold 5 times at the Olympic Games. From 1972 he threw a gymnast career and became a coach.
  • Polina Pearl - Active politician and the first Lady of the USSR in the period from 1930 to 1936. He was the wife of the scandalous revolutionary Vyacheslav Molotov. In 1949, Joseph Stalin accused her to treasure his homeland and Soskan to Kazakhstan.
  • Polina Gagarin - Popular Russian singer and actress. It is the winner of the 2 Seasons of the Star Factory, as well as the author of songs and music.
  • Polina Maksimova - The famous Russian actress theater and cinema. Popularity has gained a major role in the popular TV series "Deffchonki" in 2012. Currently takes part in many television projects and even the TV presenter.

Polina's name is a "cut" form on behalf of Women Greece - Apollinarium, which is a consequence of the male title of Apollinaria. Polina's name with his name characterizes the approach of sunny God from the mythology of ancient Greece Apollon, which is translated as "dedicated to Apollon", "Sunny". Today we will consider the meaning of Polina in every aspect of life.

We got a wide distribution that exactly the name of Polina, and not Apollinaria, which is explained by the simplicity of pronunciation, and in addition to this also the most complete, beautiful pronunciation. True, there is another 1 opinion of the appearance of this name, French theory. At the border of the XVIII-XIX centuries, the domestic words to pronounce the French pronunciation, for this reason, the female name of France Paulina over time acquired Polina pronunciation, which is much harder for the native language.

Over time, the name of Polina passed on Rus, acquired an independent, separate form. Today, the name of the field is one of the most widely used names for girls born.

And this is not surprising, since these names were called famous women, among which you can separately allocate: Singer Viaro Polina, Gagarina Polina, Writer Dashkova Polina, Woman Poet Barshova Polina, Cinema Actresses Lunegov Polina, Kutpova Polina, Gymnast of the USSR Astakhova Polina and many others . Now consider the value of the name Polina in more detail.

Characteristic named

Woman wearing a field name sufficiently pleasant, sociable, charming in communication. The fields in absolutely any society keeps himself perfectly, can support a conversation for all sorts of topics. Communicating with a woman who is the name of Polina, immediately notice in her eyes hardness, balance, sometimes there is even a feeling that it is indifferent.

However, the fields are completely unmatched, but the vulnerable woman, nor in what situation does not exceeding his own "I". The nature of the poly is characterized by the presence of such a feature as selflessness, for this reason, she is like a small child, can rejoice at a simple trinket. Attention is the most important for poly. It is the meaning of the name of Polina that makes her character universal.

Polina with a real finance is competing, sympathizes to someone else's grief. Such women almost always find an excuse even the most impartial actions of other people. The only minus poly, who largely complicates her life - its straightness. The fields can say the whole truth in the eyes, sometimes not softening expressions.

A woman who bears the name of the field in communication prefers intelligent people by counting themselves to them. On people illiterate, non-urgent looks down. Women with the name of Polina are distinguished by fiery temperament, which are not able to keep offenses. The fields are an unimportant, since it is always striving to impose your own opinion without sufficient to the argument.

Such women apply to themselves with a certain criticality, only occasionally putting on the mask of indifference, even in charge. The fields are periodically subjected to a row of melancholy, sometimes amenable to unfortunate alarm, fear. Polin has no sentimentality at all, the surrounding life looks like a realist look. When choosing between love or wealth, most often prefers financial well-being.

Describing the value of the name of the Polina should be noted that it is subject to a subjective life look, everything will try to strive for themselves. It is sometimes capable of severely captivated in itself, which becomes the reason for the appearance of depression. Fields are characterized by poor intuition, so it does not trust it. A woman who is the name of Polina is characterized by a character that is able to sharply move from a considerable serious seriousness.

Nevertheless, these women absolutely always believe their own abilities, without trusting with the surrounding people. Polina prefer comfort, comfort, and also look great. Communication time, activity is replaced by the desire of a simple rest alone. The fields are able for a long time to exorcate the surrounding forces to replenish the soul forces. In general, polyna is distinguished by a problematic character, but they live full, exciting life.

Polina child

Consider now the meaning of Polina for the girl in orphanage. The child, the fields are characterized by excellent accurateness, as well as charm, only occasionally quarring with his parents. The girl prefers cheerful games, active, with great interest helps her mother. In school years, the fields are an activist of the whole class, a diligent student.

Many people are friends with her, and she likes the teachers for the willingness to always assist, take the initiative. The field is characteristic of such distinctive features, as responsiveness, kindness, however, parents will need to make all the forces that the listed qualities in the process of exploring Polina did not lose.

On the girl affects a large extent, the influence of the mother, which follows it throughout life. All poly are endowed with some talent that needs to be noted during, and also properly develop. In general, the name of Polina The meaning of the name and fate of which is described, is a fateful for a child.

Polina health

As a child, the field is often sick of colds, for this reason it is advisable to give a girl to enjoy sports in any sports section. A woman who bears the name of the field gets tired, tired very quickly, as a result of which she needs considerable time to relax, sleep.

For such women, a healthy, strong sleep plays a major role, otherwise the field will not feel bad. It should be noted that the fields are not distinguished by strong health, for this reason it is necessary to take it since childhood. Periodically emerging attacks of self-criticism, as well as melancholys are able to cause a prolonged depression.

Sexuality poly.

Polina Woman The meaning of the character of which is described can be a little idealize a man who made the impression on it, which sometimes ends with disappointment. Poly give preference to a trustful, respectful relationship from a partner, which is the cause of the absence from its side of the vehicle novels.

This woman has the best qualities of the representatives of the weak floor, which contributes to the constant attention of the mass of fans. However, the feelings are smoothed, this woman's sympathy will not roll out, and sometimes seems impregnable, cold. In bed, this woman prefers pose of humility, giving the whole initiative a man.

She, no doubt, is not an ideal partner in sex, which explains the complexity in provoking to passion. Such a trait in some way contributes to the removal of men from it or is the reason for treason. Nevertheless, her spouse may be firmly confident that the fields under no circumstances will lead a man on the side.

Compatibility, family, marriage

A woman with this name is his wife's wife. The most important thing for her is the family for which the field will sacrifice a successful career. She has no desire to dominate the spouse, and quite the opposite, it keeps loyalty to him, listens in everything.

Contrary to humility, the field is a support, a heart for all relatives, she is loved, listen to it. The spouse shows condescension, forgiving his weakness. The fields are a shopping spouse that prepares perfectly, with great joy awaits guests.

Polina does not disconnect the concepts of marriage and children, because it does not think of happiness without a child. Its children pays most of his personal time, sometimes forgetting about their needs. When looking for work, staying on the spot, which will be near the house so that you can rush at any moment to the child. Today Polina is the meaning of the character and the fate of which describe, picking up in men.

A woman who is the name of Polina can count on a happy marriage with Anatoly, Gleb, Dmitry, Egor, Rodion, Robert, Nikolai, Boris, Arkady. Neikita, George, Oleg, Stanislav, Fedor, Andrei, Anton, Alexander, must be avoided.

Career, business

All women with the same name are active people, one more than them are interested in family, and not success in their career. Poly has no business ambition, but there is diligence, hard work. It is sometimes subjected to ruthless operation, and its advantages are not evaluated enough.

A woman who is wearing such a name is needed intensive work, monotonous, painstaking work is not her. Fields can be an excellent journalist, teacher, lawyer, seller, manager, or advertising agent. For such a woman, an excellent option is a fashion designer, a stylist, an artist, or an actress.


Summing up this article, it should be noted that the girls should be called the fields only when you want for your girl a good family life. Woman with the same name is a wonderful mother, faithful wife. In childhood, the girl is very mobile, as a result he likes to play rolling games.

Having become an adult woman, an excellent creative nature may turn out of poly, if the parents still developed her talents in childhood. Today, the name of Polina origin and the value of which we described in detail, is becoming increasingly popular.