Birch Grove. "Description of the birch grove" essay

Birch Grove.
Birch Grove. "Description of the birch grove" essay

Birch Grove

In a birch forest,
where birds hits,
Where in silk grass
through the shadow of the rays are burning ...

Good and careless to me
On the grass, among the birch of green,
In a quiet and obsessive side!
"Forest is noise with a vague, even noise"

Such a masterpiece of Levitan, as the birch of grove (1885-1889) was launched in Babkin and completed several years later in the Plesa on the Volga. In this image of a gracious corner birch forest Everything shines, radiating a feeling of cheerfulness, the involvement of light energy of a living life. Skillfully using the expressive opportunities of the invoice, the artist transmits the game of sunlight on white trunks, overflows green color Foliage birrors and solar grass, among which the blue sparks are seen. Beres are in the painting of Levitan the most fun and light-loving from trees, smiling towards the sun and living, like everyone around them, their lives, soulfully close artist.

Vladimir Petrov

"Birch Grove", started in Babkin in 1885, was finished, only in the summer of 1889. In this image of a birch grove, with the shadows from the Kolya-smoking foliage of Dereyev, Levitan again builds a picture on the movement, on the lighting game. And here this game of light, this movement of shadows serve as the basis and means of expression "mood. Spots of light and shadow name is the viewer to deepen in the image where the clarity of the outlines of objects and the birch grove merges in common green spots. The game of light on the trunks of Berez makes them not only trembling and alive, but as if transparent. This transparency and tenderness gives them a rich color, which is transferred by the game of light and shadows on the trunks. We see here along with white, pastous stained stains smaller pink, brown and additional bluish-green colors. They find themselves support in the image of small lilac flowers and yellow glare light in the grass and upstairs in foliage.

The shadows were interpreted there as bluish, as pearls. In the penetrated by the sun, shining, like radiating the emerald light, the film "Birch Grove" The color transfer of the scene of the light and dark acquired wonderful purity and immediacy. From the picture like the freshness and smells of summer sunny day in the forest.

Nowhere, Levitan did not fit so close in his painting to impressionism, approached independently, not knowing more french artists And without seeing other manifestations of Impres-Zionism, except for the etudes of his peer and companion K. Korovina. In fact, Impresso-desiccine, the composition with its cut barracks and their tops of the edge of the paintings, the composition, as if immediately introducing us into the depths of the image, on this grass under the village birches, immersing us in the fragrance heated by the sun, penetrated by light air . Impres-sionistic and dynamics of the image manifested in the apparent "chance" of choosing the point of view and location of the trunks and in tom light The rhythm of movement that is imbued with everything in Kar-Tine. This is a movement that does not have a certain orientation, but as if "fluttering".

Polenov himself in a response letter for this painting expressed joy, "that Levitan stepped forward." Perhaps the paintings created as a result of the third trip to the Volga include the feedback ascribed by Kuvshtinikova Chekhov: "You know," he noticed Levitan - even a smile appeared on your paintings. " She really was in them - both in the "birch grove" in particular.

A.A. Fedorov-Davydov

Essay in the picture of the student 6b Sergeev Oleg

Today I will introduce you to the picture of the Russian painter of the XIX century Isaac Ilyich Levitan "Birch Grove", carrying us into warm summer days. She was launched in Babkin and finished several years later in the Plesa.

On this canvas, the birch is shown unusually bright, saturated, alive and warm flowers. On the birch birch falls the sun rays. And due to this, the contrast of the illuminated corners of trees and dark-green leaves are created. Dark pieces of berers also emphasize it. Birchs with leaves are portrayed very naturally, Levitan as it may give us to hear their moves.

Even on this picturesque canvas Visible radiant grass. It promotes the selection of birrors. Among her, different wildflowers grow. This meadow is full of freshness. It seems to expand, increases the sizes of the grove shown here.

This grass is extremely smoothly spreading to the canvas. Looking at her, so I want to run through her, lie down, think about something high and watch through the rustling leaves on the azure sky.

This picture raises the mood, makes cheerfulness and reminds that winter is not eternal.

The painting "Birch Grove" was launched by I. Levitan in 1885 in Babkin, and finished in 1889 in the film on the Volga.

In this room, the great ability of Levitan was fully reflected in the simple natural landscape The richest gamma human feelings and experiences.

Before us - an image of a birch forest corner in a bright sunny day. The artist perfectly transfers the movement of sun glare on white barracks, overflows of shades of green grass and trees leaves, shine sparkling of white and purulent blue colors in the grass. The game of light and shadows in the picture makes her alive, trembling, creates a "mood".

Birches are infinitely happy about life, and it even seems to us that they are having fun smiling the sun and grass. Everything around blooms, radiating the feeling of joy, involvement in the energy of life. The viewer as if it turns out to be among the well-heated sun, the forest, under the shadow of the noisy greens birches.

In the painting "Birch Grove", Levitan, more than ever, closely approached impressionism. Impressionistic composition of the canvas, as if leading us deep into the groves, and the dynamics of the image, and the "technical solution", and the manner of the letter. With the help of a rich color palette, the imposition of spots of light and shadow Levitan seeks perfection in the transmission of the light-air environment. The painting is like the sun, it seems to radiate magic emerald light.

The painting "Birch Grove" is distinguished by the immediacy, freshness of feelings. It was about this picture that A. P. Chekhov said that she had a smile. The Birch Grove canvas is loved by many generations of people and perceived by us as national Image native nature.

In addition to the description of the painting I. I. Levitan "Birch Grove", there are many and other descriptions of paintings of various artists, which can be used as in the preparation for writing an essay in the picture, and simply for more complete acquaintance with the work of the famous masters of the past.


Weaving from bead

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Essay in the picture "Birch Grove" - \u200b\u200ba standard topic for a student. Each such essay should begin with the words about the artist. Description of the painting "Birch Grove" - \u200b\u200ban essay with details that accurately transmit the image.

Domestic master landscape

Isaac Ilich Levitan is an outstanding talented Russian-landscape artist of the late nineteenth century. Among the experts visual arts His name is always on the hearing. As an artist, he could be surprising to accurately transfer the pictures of nature, from which the look is simply impossible. His landscapes Many lovers want to see at home in the living room. Such pictures raise the mood, charge the energy, and also instill love for it is very interesting to write on the writing of the "birch grove". Grade 5 - suitable period.

Picture history

The painting "Birch Grove" Isaac Levitan wrote for several years. Today she is in the State Collection Tretyakov Gallery. Four years have passed from the idea to completion of the painting. Inspired by the artist near Moscow Opens of the estate of Kiselev in "Babkino". But Levitan graduated from his "grove" already in the Plesa, which is on the right bank of the Volga. It turns out that Levitan wrote many of his masterpieces in this place. The Pleda Birch Grove was located on the outskirts of the city, the church was built near it called the desert, to which a small cemetery was lightened. It is in this place that the artist completed his creation.

Picture analysis

The main object of the picture is birch. Juicy greens are pleasant to our eyes. Such tones of green reassure the audience. Levitan skillfully joined the dark and light shades of green. The artist depicted on the canvas sunny day. Many white and thin-vent birches fill the canvas. Often poets compare their trunk with a new young and slim Russian beauty. It would be nice to find in such a place like a birch grove. The writing continue and go to the sounds. Representing yourself in such a grove, you can hear the chirping of birds, the movement of representatives of the fauna. Having made a sip fresh airFeeling how it is filled with flavors of meadow flowers and herbs. It seems that the flower on the flower flew a butterfly with velvet wings. Among such a thick grass, the sour-sweet strawberry loves to grow.

Art historians rated the game of the artist with light and shadow, as well as the juiciness and brightness of the paints. The radiance of the shades of green, as well as the features of the canvas text, create the impression that it emits the energy of good and optimity. To portray the artist applied techniques inherent in impressionists.

In general, Birch is one of the main trees of the pagan religion of Slavs. Maybe therefore the artist so carefully and diligently portrayed the National Tree of our people.

The canvas "Birch Grove" was created for four years. Levitan always knew how to see something solemn in the most ordinary things. Landscapes, whose witnesses we become every day, the artist fills the new meaning. He makes rope natural objectsthat seem to be ordinary and no longer capable of surprising. It is necessary to be unusually talented to invest in canvas with a limitless flow of emotions, putting the plot of the penetration and the ability to reach the heart not only the genuine connoisseur of painting, but also a simple alone. The painting opens the eye of the birch forest shrouded bright sunlight. Slender trees literally bathe in radiance. The glare emphasize the whiteness of the state trunks and stood the game with fresh greens.

Gentle flowers are shown among herbal carpet. Levitan endowed them with bluish-lilac and snow-white tones. The intricate interweaving of the flow of light and shadows gives the canvas of amazing realism. The life-affirming canvas brings the dreams of an endless summer, long walks in nature, enjoying the fragrance of wildflowers and a dullness of affectionate, barely catchy, breeze. Birch, a symbol of Russian nationality, emit energy. It seems that the trees are struggling to the sun, try to eat warmth from all of their parties. The grove is enveloped by a festive atmosphere, generously shares his playful mood and instills a positive attitude. A desire to expand the boundaries of the plot seen, mentally move to the endless expanses. Creativity Isaac Levitan as close as possible to the style of impressionism. The painter canvas are forced to detain their breath, dying, plunging into a rapid shovel of feelings.

Isaac Levitan

Birch Grove. 1885-1889.

Paper on canvas, oil. 28.5? 50 cm

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

"Birch grove" - \u200b\u200ba picture of the Russian artist Isaac Levitan (1860-1900), written in 1885-1889. The picture is part of the meeting of the State Tretyakov Gallery (Inv. 15511). Picture size - 28.5? 50 cm

History and description

From the beginning of work on the picture before its completion passed four years. Levitan conceived this picture and began working on it in the Moscow region when he spent the summer of 1885 on the estate of Kiselev "Babkino" located on the Istra River, not far from the new Jerusalem. And ended the Levitan this picture in 1889, being in the film - small townlocated on the right bank of the Volga, where the artist came during three years, from 1888 to 1890, and where he created many famous paintings. In the XIX century, the film belonged to the Kostroma province, and in the 20th century he entered the Volga district of the Ivanovo region. Flessian birch GroveChosen Levitan was located on the outskirts of the city, not far from the cemetery church called the desert. The artist came there with a picture started in the suburbs, and eventually completed it.

The picture is built on the game of light and shadow on birch trunks, as well as in fresh green grass and trees foliage. This is achieved using a wide range of shades of green color as well expressive opportunities textures, so the impression of the radiance and radiation of optimistic energy is created. Depicting solar glare on trees, transitions and color vibration, the artist partly uses the techniques of impressionistic painting.